·        Anxieties of Interiority and Dissection in Early Modern Spain. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2015


o   MLA Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize 2016, co-winner ($500 award)

o   Canadian Association of Hispanists' Best Book Award 2016, co-winner

·        Pornoboscodidascalus Latinus (1624): Kaspar Barth's Neo-Latin Translation of Celestina. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2006

·        Celestina comentada. With Louise † and Peter Fothergill-Payne. Salamanca, Spain: Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca, 2002



·        Editor of A Companion to Celestina. Leiden: Brill and the Renaissance Society of America, 2017. Twenty-three hitherto unpublished contributions on the Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea. 426 pp.

·        Guest editor of the Sección especial: La cultura visual de Celestina” in the journal Celestinesca 39 (2015). Introduction and nine articles on the visual culture of Celestina.250 pages and several illustrations.

·        Guest editor of monographic issue of eHumanista, a Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies (U of California, Santa Barbara) 19 (2011) on La Celestina. 13 articles by international authors, plus introduction coauthored by Enrique Fernandez and Antonio Cortijo Ocaña

·        Guest editor of the monographic issue Medianeras y mediadoras: mujeres y mediación en las letras hispánicas. Monographic volume of the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 32.1, Fall 2007, McGill University, Montreal



·        Celestina Visual, Database of the visual culture of Celestina that contains images from illustrated editions, theatrical performances, screen adaptations, paintings, and other artistic work inspired by the celestinesca tradition.

·        Death and Gender in Early Modernity  Artistic representations of death, dead bodies, relics, anatomical specimens and burial instructions to analyze how death altered the category of gender in the early modern period.

·        Proyecto Sherezade, coeditor with José Luis Martín,, over 500 short stories by authors from all The Spanish speaking countries.



1.      Fernández, Enrique. "Celestina, a Tragic Music Comedy de Brad Bond: Creación y evolución de un musical de Broadway." Celestinesca 42 (2018): 83-142.

2.      Fernández, Enrique. "La picaresca y la celestinesca en las pantallas españolas de los sesenta a los ochenta." eHumanista 38 (2018): 873-89.

3.      Fernández Rivera, Enrique, “Introducción a la cultura visual de Celestina.” Celestinesca 39, “Sección especial: La cultura visual de Celestina” (2015): 77-78.

4.      Fernández Rivera, Enrique, “Las dos celestinas de Las galas del difunto de Valle-Inclán.” Celestinesca 39, “Sección especial: La cultura visual de Celestina” (2015): 181-96.

5.      "The Ethicality of Anatomical Dissection and the Questioning of the Conquistadors' Superiority in the Spanish Chronicles of the Indies." Endeavour 39.2 (June 2015): 85–94. doi:10.1016/j.endeavour.2015.05.003

6.      "El De secretis mulierum en La Celestina y en la biblioteca de Fernando de Rojas." Neophilologus 99.3 (2015): 407-18. DOI 10.1007/s11061-014-9427-z.

7.      “El cordón de Melibea y los remedios de amor en La Celestina.” La Corónica (The College of William & Mary, Virginia, US) 42.1 (2013): 79-99.

8.      “El pastor Quijótiz de Camón Aznar y Unamuno.” Hipogrifo, revista de literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro 1.2 (2013): 7-15.

9.      “Calisto, Leriano, Oliveros: tres dolientes y un mismo grabado.” Celestinesca 36 (2012): 119-42

10.  “La caída de Calisto en las primeras ediciones ilustradas de La Celestina.eHumanista 19 (2011): 137-156

11.  “El reloj mecánico y la mirada barroca.” Anuario de Estudios Bolivianos, Archivísticos y Bibliográficos, Sucre (Bolivia). 16 (2010): 197-213

12.  “El reloj, la hora y la economía del tiempo en La Celestina.” Celestinesca 34 (2010): 31-40

  1. “Fragmentación corporal y exégesis política en Quevedo.” La Perinola, Revista de Investigación Quevediana del Departamento de Literatura de la Universidad de Navarra, Spain, 14 (2010): 305-19
  2. “El plebérico corazón, Erasístrato y la plétora.” Celestinesca 33 (2009): 71-85
  3. “La Celestina en la comedia de magia: Los polvos de la madre Celestina (1841) de Hartzenbusch.Theatralia (Universidad de Vigo, Spain) 10 (2008): 89-104

16.  “Tres testimonios del control y desplazamiento de las comadronas en España (siglos XIII al XVII).” Revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos (32.1) (2007): 89-104

17.  “La antítesis de la Anunciación y el reconocimiento de la Redención en La Celestina.La Corónica (The College of William & Mary, Virginia, US) 35.1 (Fall 2006): 137-50

18.  “La autoría y el género de Celestina comentada.Revista de Filología Española, 86.2 (2006): 259-76

19.  “’La patrona de huéspedes’ de Mesonero Romanos, inspiración de Tiempo de silencio.” Romance Notes 44.2 (2003): 219-23

20.  “Modernización y muerte del género chico en la 2a República.” Hispanófila, 139 (2003): 69-82

21.  “El purgatorio expurgado en la traducción neolatina de La Celestina, el Pornoboscodidascalus Latinus (1624).” eHumanista, a Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies (U of California, Santa Barbara) 3 (2003): 30-40

22.  “La grotesca interioridad de Richelieu anatomizada por Quevedo.” Bulletin Hispanique, (Université de Bordeaux III), 105 (2003): 215-29

23.  “El cuerpo torturado en los testimonios de cautivos de los corsarios berberiscos (1500-1700).” Hispanic Review 71.1 (Winter 2003): 51-66

24.  Nada de Carmen Laforet, Ricitos de Oro y el laberinto del Minotauro.” Revista Hispánica Moderna 55.1 (2002): 123-32

25.  “Bare-Bones Humour in Hamlet (5.1) and Don Quixote (1, 19).” Hamlet Studies (New Delhi) 24 (2002): 26-38

26.  “'Sola una de vuestras hermosas manos:' Desmembramiento petrarquista y disección anatómica en la venta (DQ I, 43).” Cervantes 21.2 (Fall 2001): 27-49

27.  “La disección de cadáveres y la novela picaresca como introspección en el XVI y XVII.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool), 78 (2001): 171-82

28.  “La fractura del espacio urbano: El Madrid galdosiano en Tiempo de silencio.” Anales Galdosianos, 35 (2000): 53-64

29.  Los tratos de Argel: Teatro testimonial, denuncia política y literatura terapéutica.” Cervantes 20 (2000): 7-26

30.  “El oro potable en La Dorotea: La disolución del tiempo en imágenes.” Hispanic Journal 18 (1997): 275-90

31.  “Una forma no lineal de leer La Celestina: El compendio de sententiae como mapa de lectura en Celestina comentada.” Celestinesca 21 (1997): 33-47

32.   “Huevos asados: Nota marginal.” Celestinesca 17 (1993): 57-61



1.      "Baroque Reliquaries and Automata as Representations of Eternal Life. The Iberoamerican Baroque. Edited by Beatriz de Alba Koch. U of Toronto P.  In press.

2.      "The Images of Celestina and Its Visual Culture." A Companion to Celestina. Ed. Enrique Fernández. Leiden: Brill and the Renaissance Society of America, 2017. 362-82.

3.      "Regional Images and the Struggle for Life in Madrilean Literature." A comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula. Vol. 2. Ed. César Domínguez, Anxo Abuín and Ellen Sapega. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016. 100-11.

4.      “Celestina as Closet Drama.” Companion to Early Modern Spanish Theater. Hilaire Kallendorf, ed. The Renaissance Society of America, Texts and Studies Series. Brill: Leiden (Holland), 2014. 7-17.

  1. “Dreams.” Lexikon of the Hispanic Baroque: Transatlantic Exchange and Transformation. Ed. Kenneth Mills and Evonne Levy. U of Texas P, 2013. 98-101.

6.       “Influencias de la iconografía cristiana en las ilustraciones tempranas de La Celestina.” Two Spanish Masterpieces: A Celebration of the Life and Work of María Rosa Lida de Malkiel. Ed. Ivy Corfis and Pablo Ancos. New York: The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies of the Hispanic Society of America, 2013. 175-95

  1.  “El simbolismo de la menstruación en La Celestina.” “De ninguna cosa es alegre posesión sin compañía.” Estudios celestinescos y medievales en honor del profesor Joseph Thomas Snow. 2 vols. Coord. Devid Paolini. New York: The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 2010. Vol. 1 (Estudios celestinescos), 158-170

8.      “Juan Ruiz de Alarcón” and “Baltasar Gracián.” Absolutism and the Scientific Revolution, 1600-1720. Interdisciplinary Biographical Dictionaries of the Western World's Great Cultural Eras. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002. 2-3, 142-43

9.      “Calderón, Cervantes, Góngora, Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina.” Dictionary of Hispanic Biography. Ed. Joseph C. Tardiff and L. Mpho. New York: Gale Research, 1996



  1. Review of Faith S. Harden.  Military Life Writing in Early Modern Spain. University of Toronto Press. 2.020. University of Toronto Quarterly 91, no. 3, 2022. in print by September 15, 2022.
  2. Review of García Santo-Tomás, Enrique. Signos vitales, procreación e imagen en la narrativa áurea.  Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2020. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 5, no.2, 2021, pp. 480-482.]
  3. Review of Patrimonio Nacional. Ibis, Bibliographical Database of the Collection of the National Patrimony of Spain. Biblioteca Real, Madrid, Spain, 1992". Doubly published by Early Modern Digital Review, vol. 3, no. 4, 2020, Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme, vol. 43, no. 4, 2020, pp. 226-229,
  4. Review of Juárez-Almendros, “Disabled Bodies in Early Modern Spanish Literature: Prostitutes, Aging Women and Saints.” Romance Quarterly, vol. 67, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 55–56, doi:10.1080/08831157.2020.1698892.
  5. Review of book “Nicolás Fernández-Medina. Life Embodied: The Promise of Vital Force in Spanish Modernity.” Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures, vol. 74, no. 2, Routledge, Apr. 2020, pp. 121–22, doi:10.1080/00397709.2020.1745463.
  6. Review of Rachel Scott's Celestina and the Human Condition in Early Modern Spain and Italy, Tamesis, Renaissance Quarterly 71.3 (2017): 1199.
  7. Review of Susan Byrne, Ficino in Spain, University of Toronto Press, 2015."Letters in Canada 2015" of the University of Toronto Quarterly 86.3 (summer 2017): 203-06.
  8. Review of In and of the Mediterranean: Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies. Edited by Michelle M. Hamilton and Núria Silleras-Fernández. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Spanish Bulletin 91.3 (2017),
  9. Review of The Ages of Life: Living and Aging in Conflict? by Ulla Kriebernegg and Roberta Maierhofer Aging Studies Volume III. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013. In Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 34, (2015): 570-71.
  10. Review of Ryan D. Giles. The Laughter of the Saints: Parodies of Holiness in Late Medieval and Renaissance Spain. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009. Ehumanista 15 (2010) 385-88
  11. Review of Behiels, Lieve and Kathleen V. Kish. Celestina: An Annotated Edition of the First Dutch Translation (Antwerp, 1550). Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2005. Hispanófila, 155 (2009): 107-08
  12. Review of Antonio Pérez-Romero, “La Celestina and Inner Desire for Equality: The Search for Lasting Relationships as Existentialist Fulfillment.” Celestinesca 29 (2005): 259-61

13.  Review of Joseph T. Snow, Fernando de Rojas' bibliographical entry in Castilian Writers Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 286. Celestinesca 28 (2004): 151-52

14.  Review of Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio. Boncompagno da Signa, el tratado del amor carnal o rueda de Venus, motivos literarios en la tradición sentimental y celestinesca, siglos XIII-XV. Revista de Filología Española 84 (2004): 226-28

15.  Review of Domínguez, Frank A., y George D. Greenia, eds. Castilian Writers, 1400-1500. Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 286. La Corónica 32.2 (2004): 232-35



Curator of the exhibit "500 Years of Celestina´s Visual Culture", June 1 to 4 2016, during the Conference of the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities of Canada, U of Calgary, Galley 621, Inaugural Conference “Picasso, Prostitution, and His Favorite Procuress” by Carol Salus (Kent State University).



1.      Translation corrector of Manuel da Costa Fontes, El arte de la subversión en la España inquisitorial: Fernando de Rojas y Francisco Delicado (con dos notas sobre Cervantes), traducción corregida por Enrique Fernández, Madrid / Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2018, ISBN 978-84-16922-70-3.

2.      Interviewed by Radio Canada International on "El pasado, presente y futuro de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas", July 20, 2017

3.      "A ´Reset´… Back to the Past." Letters to the editor section, University Affairs (58.2), February 2017, pg. 5.

4.      "The role of Early Modern Spanish Literature in a Cluster on Aging Studies," Bulletin of the Dept. of French, Spanish, and Italian, vols. IV and V, ed. by Dominique Laporte and Neil Gablenz 2012-2013, published March 2014, pag. 42.

5.      "Nurturing diversity in the classroom." Path to Pedagogy (U of Manitoba Centre for the Advancement of Teaching) 23-1, 2014, pg.16.

6.      "La fata morgana de las tecnologías del entretenimiento." Cronopio 49 (April 2014) ISSN2248-5406, online magazine edited in Colombia. ?p=12453.

7.      "A Brief History of the Spanish Section," Centennial Bulletin of the Dept. of French, Spanish, and Italian, vols. II and III, ed. by Dominique Laporte and Neil Gablenz 2012-2013, published March 2014, pags. 25-28

8.      Short contribution on the use of camcorders in the teaching of language. Path to Pedagogy (U of Manitoba Centre for the Advancement of Teaching) 22-1, 2014, pg. 31.

  1. “A New Language Work, but Worth it.” Article in the daily newspaper Winnipeg Free Press, page B3, February 17, 2009

10.  “Las otras catedrales: El pasaje decimonónico y el mall.” Entorno Universitario, Universidad de Nuevo León, Mexico, 17 (December 2002): 16-17

11.  Proyecto Sherezade: Teaching Spanish Literature Interactively.” ADFL Bulletin 33.1 (Fall 2001): 26-28

12.  “El día de los muertos de Hamlet y Don Quijote.” Armas y Letras, Revista de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 33 (Nov-Dec. 2001): 9-11

13.  “Walter Benjamin y Galdós ante las ruinas de Pompeya.” Entorno Universitario, Universidad de Nuevo León, Mexico, 11 (March, 2001): 31-35

14.  “Las películas de Marisol y el cine de Almodóvar.” Entorno Universitario, Universidad de Nuevo León, Mexico, 7 (April 2000): 27-31

15.  Translator of “Séneca y la Celestina.Seneca and Celestina, Louise Fothergill-Payne (Cambridge UP, 1988). Estudios sobre la Celestina, ed. Santiago López-Ríos. Madrid, Ediciones Istmo, 2001. 128-36

16.  Translator and tester of Cervantes' Complete Works. CDRom. Edited by Gónzalez Echevarría. Primary Source Media, NY 1998

17.  Contributing writer to ¡Hablemos un poco más! niveles 1-2. Educational software, CDRom. Princeton: Berlitz Languages, Inc., 1997

18.  Vocabulary and Grammar for Spanish Beginners. Educational software, programmed with CALL software. PC-DOS, disk. University of Calgary, 1994



·        “La muñeca.” Punto y Aparte, Montreal, April 3 and 19 (2003), issues 3 and 4: 15 in both issues

·        “Estación imposible.” La Tempestad: Revista de Imágenes, Letras e Ideas, Monterrey, Mexico, 7 14 (Sept-Oct 2000): 26-29




 Plenary or invited speaker


  1. "Cinco siglos de imágenes de La Celestina." Closing plenary presentation.  10th Symposium  ADEISE, Asociación de Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Europa, Mendoza, Argentina, Zoom presentation. April 16, 2021.
  2. "La identidad sexual de los cuerpos muertos del XV al XVII." Workshop Defining Gender in Early Modern Iberia, organized by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton University, April 14, 2018.

3.      "Los riesgos de la auto-disección y los autómatas: El Licenciado Vidriera y Cañizares." Invited speaker at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton University, Oct. 2, 2016

4.      "Don Quixote of La Mancha and active aging in the Renaissance," lecture for Creative Retirement Manitoba, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg, February 23, 2015

5.      Guest speaker at the group Minds on Research, the University of Calgary, Dept. of French, Italian and Spanish, "Research Methodology and Inherent Problems Associated with My Celestina Woodcuts Project," October 11, 2013

6.      “Medieval Spain: Merino Sheep and Jihad.” Invited presentation at the Society for Creative Anachronism, Winnipeg, University Centre of U of Manitoba, November 12, 2005

7.      “Desire and Dissection in Don Quixote I: 43.” Guest speaker with Frederick de Armas in the Don Quixote and its Legacy: 400th Anniversary, 21st Annual Colloquium, University of Victoria, October 20, 2005

8.      SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Workshop. With Associate Dean Barry Ferguson. October 5, 2005

9.      “How to Produce a Spanish Video.” Invited guest speaker, Calgary City Teachers Convention, Telus Convention Centre, Calgary, Feb. 13, 2004

10.  “Producir videos para la clase de español.” Invited presentation at Special Area Groups (SAG) Days for School Teachers. Saint John’s Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg, October 24th, 2003

11.  “Cuentos en la internet que funcionan.” Invited presentation at Special Area Groups (SAG) Days for School Teachers. Vincent Massey Collegiate, Winnipeg, October 27, 2002

12.  “Combining Language and Literature Teaching through Short Stories on the Internet.” Language Centre, University of Manitoba, December 5, 2002




1.      "Asturias en la novela picaresca Gil Blas de Santillana," Conference SAnTINA, Society for the Analysis of Cultural Topics and Linguistic Identities N’Asturies, Oct 28, 2021. University of California Riverside, online.

  1. “Espacio y tiempo en las ilustraciones dobles de La Celestina,” in «Contarte he maravillas...» Congreso internacional de estudios medievales hispánicos en honor Joseph T. Snow 25-29 de October 2021, Universidad de Alcalá, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. October 27, 2021, presential and online.
  2. "Celestina Visual,” 1st Jornadas de Encuentro Virtual of Celpyc, June 4, 2021.
  3. “Re-gendered Catholic Relics as Counter-Reformation Propaganda."  Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference 2021, Virtual meeting. April 22 2021.
  4. "Performative Gender and Perfunctory Sex in the Dance Macabre and Resurrection of the Flesh". South Central Renaissance Conference. On line Zoom meeting enabled by The Pennsylvania State University, March 26, 2021.
  5. "Dos ilustraciones y un cuadro: testimonios de la recepción de La Celestina en tres épocas" I Congreso Virtual del CELPYC (Círculo de Estudios de la Literatura Picaresca y Celestinesca), June 5, 2020.
  6. "Feminización y masculinización de las reliquias en los siglos XVI y XVII: el testimonio textual." LV Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, U of British Columbia, June 6, 2019.
  7. "La Gitanilla, Constanza y la Española Inglesa de Cervantes y la Olimpia en 'Der Sandmann' de Hoffmann." Cervantes Society of North América Conference. University of Calgary, Calgary, Sept. 27 2018.
  8. "El género de la muerte en las representaciones simbólicas de los siglos XV al XVIII." LIV Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, U of Regina, May 29, 2018.
  9. “Las iluminaciones de los manuscritos terencianos en las primeras ediciones ilustradas de La Celestina”. 2017 Congreso de la Asociación Internacional del Siglo de Oro, AISO, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, July 13, 2017.
  10. "Las pícaras y celestinas como arma política en la Transición española.¨ LIII Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists, Ryerson University, Toronto, June 1, 2017.
  11. "Exhibit or Database, Literature or Art? Developing the Online Celestina Visual Project." Digital Humanities and Art History II: Network Visualizations. The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting 2017. Chicago, March 30, 2017.
  12. “El triángulo cliente, prostituta y alcahueta en la pintura de los siglo XVI y XVII,” 52 Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, U of Calgary, June 1, 2016.
  13. Organizer and participant in the roundtable "Images of Celestina,” 52 Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, U of Calgary, June 1, 2016.

15.  Organizer and presenter of the roundtable "The visual culture of Celestina," (5 speakers), 62nd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Boston, April 1, 2016.

16.  "Digital Humanities: How to Create an Online Exhibition or Database." Institute for the Humanities, University of Manitoba, Feb. 3, 2016.

17.  Participant in the round table "Celebrating 400 years of Don Quixote", IV Quixote Café, North Dakota State University, Fargo, Sept. 26, 2015.

18.  "Hacia una historia de la cultura visual de La Celestina." LI Congreso Anual de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas. Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, U of Ottawa, Ottawa, June 4, 2015.

19.  "Don Quijote y Santa Teresa como casos de vejez activa." XV Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica, Antigua, Guatemala, March 4, 2015.

20.  "La influencia del manual de sexualidad medieval De secretis mulierum en La Celestina." XII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica, Congreso de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro (AISO). Università Ca´Foscari, Venice, July 18, 2014.

21.  “Las heroínas cervantinas: el encanto de las muñecas autómatas.” XII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, March 14, 2013

22.  “El pastor Quijótiz de Camón Aznar y Unamuno.”Conference Recreaciones quijotescas y cervantinas en la narrativa. Grupo de Investigación del Siglo de Oro (GRISO). Pamplona, Universidad de Navarra, Desembre 14, 2012

  1. “Is Early Modernity the White (Wo)Man’s Sandbox?” Premodern Studies research clusters, the U of Manitoba Institute for the Humanities. December 6, 2012
  2. “Influencias de la iconografía cristiana en las ilustraciones tempranas de La Celestina.Two Spanish Masterpieces and La originalidad artística de “La Celestina,” an International Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of María Rosa Lida de Malkiel’s Work. University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 17, 2012
  3. “Celestina as Closet Theater.” Round table discussion of Celestina. Two Spanish Masterpieces and La originalidad artística de “La Celestina,” an International Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of María Rosa Lida de Malkiel’s Work. University of Wisconsin, Madison. April 15, 2012

26.   “Reliquias, máquinas y autómatas: tres tecnologías del Barroco.” Contrapontos transatlânticos, o Barroco nos mundos Lusófono e Hispânico. Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de História, Brazil, May 19, 2011

27.  “Nietzsche and Animal Rights.” Human Rites/Animal Bodies Interdisciplinary Colloquium organized by the Histories of the Body Research Group, U of Manitoba, March 3, 2011

28.  “El reloj y la economía del tiempo en La Celestina.” 17th Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (AIH), Rome, Univesità La Sapienza, July 20, 2010

29.  “El reloj mecánico y los autómatas del barroco, símbolos de una época.” Conferencia internacional el barroco y sus expresiones religiosas. Archivo y Biblioteca Nacional de Bolivia, Sucre, Bolivia, May 3, 2010

  1. “La sabiduría del cuerpo y el cuerpo político en Quevedo.” Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ottawa, Carleton University, May 25, 2009

31.  Invited presenter at round table at The Hispanic Baroque Project: Technologies of Culture, Primera Reunión, Museo Nacional del Virreinato. Tepoztlán, Mexico, 23-26 October, 2008

32.  “Erasístrato y el 'plebérico corazón' en La Celestina.” VIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional del Siglo de Oro. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 8, 2008

33.  “Interiority as Disability in Early-Modern Spain.” At the Limits of the Body, Interdisciplinary Colloquium organized by the Histories of the Body Research Group, University of Manitoba, March 14, 2008

  1. La Celestina en la comedia de magia del XIX.Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saskatoon, May 27, 2007

35.  “La intercesión de la Virgen en La Celestina.” 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Session in Honour of Joseph. T. Snow organized by IMANA, May 6, 2006

36.  “El Quijote en la novela Fahrenheit de Ray Bradbury.” Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences. London, Ontario, May 28, 2005

37.  “The function of silence in the metaphorical cinema of Francoist Spain.” Colloque Dialogue de sourds: silence et surdité dans la littérature et les medias, February 4, 2005, U of Manitoba

38.  “Anxiety of Interiority in Early Modern Spain.” 47th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota, Winnipeg, October 24, 2004

39.  “La luna menstrua: el realismo ginecológico y su simbolismo en La Celestina,” Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of the Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences. Winnipeg, May 29, 2004

40.  “Forgetting the Civil War: Memorials and Unmarked Mass Graves in Democratic Spain.” 45th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota, Winnipeg, October 19, 2002

41.  “La insoportable corporalidad del general Franco.” Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences. Toronto, May 28, 2002

42.  “Las mil y una noches en internet.” XXI Encuentro Internacional de ALDEEU (Asociación de Licenciado y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos), Universidad de León, León (Spain), July 3, 2001

43.  “Aeroplanos, azucarillos y chulapas con conciencia de clase: zarzuelas en el Madrid de 1936.” Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Quebec City, May 26, 2001

44.  Proyecto Sherezade: Teaching Spanish Literature Interactively.” Literature through Multimedia: Ideas that Work. MLA Convention, Washington, December 29, 2000

45.  “The Explorer Explored: Desire and Dissection in Don Quixote.” Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota. Winnipeg, Octobre 20, 2000

46.  “Walter Benjamin y Galdós ante las ruinas de Pompeya.” Canadian Association of Hispanists, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Edmonton (Alberta), June 26 2000

47.  “Captives, Martyrs and Renegades in Early Modern Spanish Testimonial Literature.” Colloquium Series of the Institute for the Humanities, U of Manitoba, Winnipeg, February 7, 2000

48.  “Tortured Bodies: Negotiating Collective Individuality in Spanish Early Modern Testimonies of Captivity.” The Rhetoric of Testimony in Early Modern France, Spain, and England. MLA Convention, Chicago, December 29, 1999

49.  “Ariadna en Lesbos: Espacio e identidad en Nada.” Las Representaciones de la Mujer en la Cultura Hispánica. Universitas Castillae, Universidad de Valladolid and McGill University. Valladolid (Spain), July 9, 1999

50.  “Anatomía del pícaro: La disección de cadáveres y la novela picaresca.” XIII International Symposium on Spanish, Golden Age Spanish Literature. University of Texas Pan-American. Edinburg, TX, April 15, 1999

51.  “Los tratos de Argel: Teatro testimonial, compromiso político y literatura terapéutica.” Association of Hispanic Classical Theater, Annual Spanish Golden Age Theater Symposium. El Paso, TX, March 5, 1999

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