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Dr. L. Gordon GoldsboroughAssociate Professor |
Open Letter to the People and Government of Manitoba:
Manitoba’s Lakes Need Our Help - Protecting Wetlands and Shorelines is Essential for Maintaining Healthy Lakes (PDF)I am a water quality specialist concerned with the impacts of humans on lakes and wetlands.
Born and raised in Winnipeg, I wrote my doctoral dissertation on the effects of agricultural herbicides on the productivity and community structure of benthic algae in Delta Marsh. I then worked as a research scientist for the Manitoba Department of Environment (now Manitoba Water Stewardship), conducting an environmental assessment of the forestry use of herbicides on the ecology of boreal forest ponds. From 1986 to 1989, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Botany (now Department of Biological Sciences) at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. I then accepted a faculty position in the Department of Botany (now Department of Biology) at Brandon University, where I stayed until 1996 when I was hired as the first faculty member affiliated with the Environmental Sciences Program at the University of Manitoba. I also held an appointment in the Department of Botany (now the Department of Biological Sciences), and I served as the Director of the now-closed Delta Marsh Field Station, from 1996 to 2010.
I am also involved in the Manitoba heritage community, being a Past-President of the Manitoba Historical Society and its Webmaster and an Editor of Manitoba History journal. See information on my historical interests here.
Bortoluzzi, T. L. and Goldsborough, L. G. Inorganic nitrogen limits periphyton growth in three large prairie wetlands of south-central Canada. In preparation. Hille, K. A., M. A. Turner, R. R. Hesslein, D. L. Findlay, and L. G. Goldsborough. 2010. Does aquaculture impact benthic algal ecology? Exploring the potential for effects of an experimental aquaculture operation on benthic algal biofilms. In preparation.
Hille, K. A., Kotak, B. G., Turner, M. A., Findlay, D. L. and Goldsborough, L. G. 2010. What lies beneath? High cyanotoxin concentrations in the benthic algae of boreal oligotrophic lakes. In preparation.
Badiou, P. H. and Goldsborough, L. G. Ecological impacts of an exotic benthivorous fish, the Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and nutrient additions in small experimental mesocosms. II. Planktonic and benthic communities. In preparation.
Badiou, P. H., Goldsborough, L. G. and Malley, D. F. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in wetlands of central North America using scanning UV spectroscopy and multivariate statistics. In preparation.
Parks, C. R., Wrubleski, D. A. and Goldsborough, L. G.. Pond connectivity affects the small fish community of a large coastal wetland in south-central Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Great Lakes Research (submitted).
Suggett, G. and Goldsborough, L. G. The Fourth Station: The Wax and Wane of a Prairie Marsh. In preparation.
Badiou, P. H. and Goldsborough, L. G. Ecological impacts of an exotic benthivorous fish, the Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), on water quality, sedimentation rates and submerged macrophyte biomass in small wetland mesocosms. Wetlands (submitted)
Goldsborough, L. G. 2013. Manitoba’s Historic Bridges. Manitoba History, Number 73, Fall 2013.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2013. Historic Sites of Manitoba: Manitoba’s Concrete Block Buildings. Manitoba History, Number 72, Spring-Summer 2013.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2013. Book review: Bruce D. J. Batt: The Marsh Keepers Journey: The Story of Ducks Unlimited Canada. Wetlands DOI 10.1007/s13157-013-0427-8.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2013. Book review: Stunden-Bower, S: Wet Prairie: People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba. Wetlands 33(3):573-574. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13157-013-0426-9
Gerard, G., D. Applin, E. Cloutis, J. Stromberg, R. Sharma, P. Mann, S. Grasby, R. Bezys, B. Horgan, K. Londry, M. Rice, B. Last, F. Last, P. Badiou, G. Goldsborough and J. Bell. 2013. A hypersaline spring analogue in Manitoba, Canada for potential ancient spring deposits on Mars. Icarus 224:399-412.
Hobson, K. A., Norris, D. R., Goldsborough, G. and Sealy, S. G. 2012. Requiem for a field station: The loss of a Canadian ornithological treasure. Avian Conservation and Ecology 7(2):7. http://dx.doi.org/10.5751/ACE-00553-070207
Goldsborough, L. G. 2012. Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee in Manitoba. Manitoba History, Number 69, Summer 2012.
Baschuk, M. S., Ervin, M. D., Clark, W. R., Armstrong, L. M., Wrubleski, D. A. and Goldsborough, L. G. 2012. Using satellite imagery to assess macrophyte response to water-level manipulations in the Saskatchewan River Delta, Manitoba. Wetlands DOI 10.1007/s13157-012-0339-z.
Baschuk, M. S., Koper, N., Wrubleski, D. A., and Goldsborough, L. G. 2012. Effects of water depth, cover, and food resources on marsh birds and waterfowl in boreal wetlands of Manitoba, Canada. Waterbirds 35(1): 44-55.
Watchorn, K. E., Goldsborough, L. G., Wrubleski, D. A., and Mooney, B. G. 2012. A hydrogeomorphic inventory of coastal wetlands of the Manitoba Great Lakes: Lakes Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Winnipegosis. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38: 115-122.
Burns, J. A. and Goldsborough, L. G. 2012. Roblin City: A gleaming metropolis on the bay. Manitoba History 68: 40-43.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2012. Queen Elizabeth’s diamond jubilee in Manitoba. Manitoba History 69: 43-45.
Badiou, P., Goldsborough, L. G. and Wrubleski, D. 2011. Impacts of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) on freshwater ecosystems: a review. Chapter 4 in Carp: Habitat, Management and Diseases, edited by J. D. Sanders and S. B. Peterson, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 978-1-61324-525-5.
Burns, J. A. and Goldsborough, L. G. 2011. “Fresh Air for Kiddies”: The fresh air camps of Lake Winnipeg. Manitoba History, 66: 31-38.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2011. A remedy for wooden legs and dead hands: The early years of the Winnipeg Foundation. Manitoba History 66: 39-45.Badiou, P. H. and Goldsborough, L. G. 2010. Ecological impacts of an exotic benthivorous fish in large experimental wetlands. Wetlands 30(4):657-667.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2010. Manitobans As They Saw ’Em - 1909. Manitoba History, 64: 33-36.
Ross, L. C. M., D. A. Lobb, D. J. Pennock, L. G. Goldsborough and L. A. Armstrong. 2009. The vegetation of prairie wetlands in native and agricultural landscapes: implications for wetland health and restoration. Biodiversity, in press (July 2009).Goldsborough, L. G. 2008. Manitoba’s war on wildlife. Manitoba History 59:40-46.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2008. With One Voice: A History of Municipal Governance in Manitoba. Association of Manitoba Municipalities, 176 pages.
Goldsborough, L. G., R. Gourluck, R. McInnes, G. Bugailiskis, and R. Rostecki. 2007. Greetings from Winnipeg: Views of a changing city. Manitoba History 55:30-39.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2007. Victorian virtual reality. Manitoba History 54:30-38.
Badiou, P. H. J. and L. G. Goldsborough. 2006. Northern range extension and invasion by the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) of the Churchill River system in Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 120(1):83-86.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2006. Greening the treeless plain. Manitoba History 53:27-28.
Goldsborough, L. G., R. L. McDougal and A. K. North. 2005. Periphyton in freshwater lakes and wetlands, Chapter 5, pages 71 to 89 in Periphyton: Ecology, Exploitation and Management. Azim, M. E. et al. (editors), CABI Publishing, UK.
Weidman, P., M. A. Turner and L. G. Goldsborough. 2005. Limitations on the effects of ultraviolet radiation on benthic algae in a clear boreal forest lake. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24:820-831.
Grosshans, R. E., D. A. Wrubleski and L. G. Goldsborough 2004. Changes in the Emergent Plant Community of Netley-Libau Marsh Between 1979 and 2001. Delta Marsh Field Station (University of Manitoba) Occasional Publication No. 4, Winnipeg, Canada. 52 pp.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2004. Reginald Buller: The poet-scientist of mushroom city. Manitoba History 47:17-41.
Duckworth, H. W. and L. G. Goldsborough, 2004. Sciences comes to Manitoba. Manitoba History 47:2-16.
Friesen-Pankratz, B., Doebel, C., Farenhorst, A. and L. G. Goldsborough, 2003. Interactions between algae (Selenastrum capricornutum) and pesticides: Implications for managing constructed wetlands for pesticide removal. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B. Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. B38(2):147-155.
Zrum, L., B. J. Hann and L. G. Goldsborough. 2002. Invertebrates associated with submersed macrophytes in a prairie wetland: Effects of organophosphorus insecticide and inorganic nutrients. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 154:413-445.
Mundy, C. J., Hann, B. J. and Goldsborough, L. G. 2001. Snail-periphyton interactions in a prairie lacustrine wetland. Hydrobiologia 457:167-175.
Goldsborough, L. G. 2001. Sampling algae in wetlands. pp. 263-295. R. B. Rader, D. P. Batzer, and S. Wissinger (eds.) Biomonitoring and Management of North American Freshwater Wetlands. Academic Press.
Sandilands, K. A., Hann, B. J. and Goldsborough, L. G. 2000. The impact of nutrients and submersed macrophytes on invertebrates in a prairie wetland, Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 148:441-459.
Zrum, L., Hann, B. J., Goldsborough, L. G. and Stern, G. A. 2000. Effects of organophosphorus insecticide and inorganic nutrients on the plankonic microinvertebrates and algae in a prairie wetland. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 147: 373-399.
Robinson, G.G.C., Gurney, S.E. and Goldsborough, L.G. 2000. Algae in prairie wetlands. pp. 163-199 H. Murkin, A. van der Valk, and W.R. Clark (eds.), Prairie Wetland Ecology: The Contribution of the Marsh Ecology Research Program. Ames: Iowa State University Press.
Murkin, H.R., van der Valk, A.G., Clark, W.R., Wrubleski, D.A., and Goldsborough, L.G. 2000. Marsh Ecology Research Program: Management Implications for Prairie Wetlands. pp. 317-344. H. Murkin, A. van der Valk, and W.R. Clark (eds.) Prairie Wetland Ecology: The Contribution of the Marsh Ecology Research Program. Ames: Iowa State University Press.
Richmond, K-A. and Goldsborough, L.G. 1999. Late Holocene paleolimnology of Killarney Lake, Manitoba. In: D.S. Lemmen and R.E. Vance (eds), Holocene climate and environmental change in the Palliser Triangle: a geoscientific context for evaluating the impacts of climate change on the southern Canadian Prairies. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 534.
Goldsborough, L.G. and Crumpton, W.G. 1998. Distribution and environmental fate of pesticides in prairie wetlands. Great Plains Research 8:73-95.
Crumpton, W.G. and Goldsborough, L.G. 1998. Nitrogen transformation and fate in prairie wetlands. Great Plains Research 8:57-72.
Pettigrew, C.T., Hann, B.J. and Goldsborough, L.G. 1997. Waterfowl feces as a source of nutrients to a prairie wetland: responses of microinvertebrates to experimental additions. Hydrobiologia 362:55-66.
Timoney, K., Zoltai, S. and Goldsborough, L.G. 1997. Boreal diatom ponds: a rare wetland associated with nesting whooping cranes. Wetlands 17:539-551.
McDougal, R.L., Goldsborough, L.G. and Hann, B.J. 1997. Responses of a prairie wetland to press and pulse additions of nitrogen and phosphorus: production by planktonic and benthic algae. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 140:145-167.
Hann, B.J. and Goldsborough, L.G. 1997. Responses of a prairie wetland to press and pulse additions of nitrogen and phosphorus: invertebrate community structure and interactions. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 140:169-194.
Robinson, G. G. C., S. E. Gurney and L. G. Goldsborough 1997. Response of benthic and planktonic algal biomass to water level manipulation in a prairie wetland. Wetlands 17:167-181.
Robinson, G. G. C., S. E. Gurney and L. G. Goldsborough 1997. The primary productivity of benthic and planktonic algae in a prairie wetland under controlled water-level regimes. Wetlands 17:182-194.
Goldsborough, L. G. and G. G. C. Robinson 1996. Pattern in wetlands, Chapter 4. In: Algal Ecology in Freshwater Benthic Ecosystems. R.J. Stevenson, M.L. Bothwell, R.L. Lowe, eds., Academic Press, pp. 77-117.
Nola Geard (MSc)
Evaluation of management techniques for an invasive plant species in prairie wetlandsRichard Grosshans (PhD)
Nutrient sequestration and energy production from cattails in Netley-Libau MarshHeidi Peterson (MSc)
Macrophyte growth performance in Manitoba marshes as affected by hydrologyJennifer Wasko (MSc)
The identification and ecology of cattail (genus Typha) in Manitoba
Biology of Algae (BIOL 2262)
A survey of the major algal groups, considering their taxonomy and classification, cellular morphology, genetics and reproduction, physiology, and ecologyWetland Ecology (BIOL 3372)
A two-week intensive field course on the ecology of a large, prairie marshAquatic Botany (BIOL 4374)
Examines the relationships between algae, aquatic vascular plants, and fungi, and characteristics of their abiotic and biotic environment
International Society of Limnology
A scientific organization concerned with the study of lakesDelta Marsh Field Station Archive
A digital collection of documents pertaining to the former Delta Marsh Field StationManitoba Historical Society
Concerned with promotion and conservation of heritage in Manitoba, the MHS is the second-oldest historical society in Canada
Page revised: 3 December 2013