Chemistry 1162, Honors General Chemistry II

Course Syllabus, Spring 2011 (01/18/2011-05/06/2011)



Instructor : Victor Nemykin, 329 Chemistry, 726-6729,

Office Hours: MTuW, 1-2 pm and by appointment.


General Course Information and Meeting Times

Lecture 12:00-12:50 pm MTuWF in Chem 150

Laboratory 3 hours per week as registered.

Discussion: One hour per week, as registered.


Required text and materials

1. "Chemistry” by Olmsted and Williams, 4 th edition, Wiley, 2006.

• Student Solutions Manual

2. Chemistry 1162 Lab Experiments Package

3. A calculator capable of handling logarithms and exponential notation.

4. A bound laboratory notebook, such as National CompBook 43-000 series or Ampad Composition Book 26-000 series.

5. Access to the Internet. General course information will be posted on the Course Website.


Description and Goals

This course is designed to be the introductory college chemistry course for high-ability students with a strong high school background in the sciences, and who are interested in pursuing a major in chemistry or biochemistry and molecular biology, or a related field, or who simply wish to get the most out of a general chemistry course. This course will provide the student with an understanding of Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium and some chemistry of the elements. Problem solving will be emphasized. Chemical principles will be applied to real systems in the laboratory. The material presented will provide the student with the ability to apply chemical principles in analyzing complex problems, both numerical and non-numerical.


Using chemical principles rather than simply memorizing principles will be emphasized.


Lecture Topics

Most of the second half of the book starting with Chapter 14 and some additional topics within or without the book will be covered.



High school chemistry and high school algebra, Chem 1161 or Chem 1151.


Course Requirements

Minimum requirements for successful completion of this course include satisfactory completion of all examinations and laboratory experiments. The lectures and textbook are your primary sources of information. Attendance at all lecture and discussion meetings is expected, and is required insofar as the quizzes and other in-class work at those sessions count toward your grade in the course.






(a) Exams: There will be three midterm exams and one final exam. All exam scores will be counted toward your grade. It is extremely important to attend all exams. Please note that the midterm exams schedule is tentative , while an actual date for each midterm exam will be announced in a class and depends on class performance. Each midterm exam covers specific part of Chem. 1162 curriculum. The final exam counts for 200 points and will be ACS second-term General Chemistry exam. Make up exams are only given in cases of illness or other extraordinary circumstances; please contact me in advance if possible.


(b) Extra credit assignments can be provided by instructor depending on class performance


(c) Quizzes:

• Overall, nine quizzes will be given.

• No make-up quizzes will be given except in cases of illness or other extraordinary circumstances; please contact me in advance if possible.

• The best seven quizzes are included in the total score.

• If a student misses a quiz, the score of this quiz will be considered zero.


The grade assignment is as follows. A curve will be applied at the end based on the total scores if necessary.

A 93-100% A– 90-93%

B+ 87-90% B 83-87% B– 80-83%

C+ 77-80% C 73-77% C– 70-73%

D+ 67-70% D 63-67% D- 60-63%

Below = F

Students need to receive a passing grade in the lecture and laboratory portion.

Three Midterm Exams (100 points each) 300

Final Exam (Cumulative) 200

Laboratory 125

7 Quizzes (25 points each) 175


For University Policy on Student Academic Integrity see:

Access for Students with Disabilities: Individuals who have any disability or physical condition (such as pregnancy, allergy, etc.), either permanent or temporary, which might affect their ability to perform in this class, are encouraged to inform the instructor at the start of the semester.  It is University policy to provide, on a flexible and individualized basis, reasonable accommodations to students who have disabilities that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or to meet course requirements.  Adaptations of methods, materials or testing may be made as required to provide for equitable participation.  This publication/material is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities upon request. Please contact Penny Cragun, Disability Services and Resources, 726-8727


Tentative Schedule:


Unit 1

Chapter 12 Properties of Solutions

Chapter 14 Spontaneity of Chemical Processes

Chapter 15 Kinetics: Mechanisms and Rates of Reactions

Exam 1: Monday, February 14, 2011


Unit 2

Chapter 16 Principles of Chemical Equilibrium

Chapter 17 Aqueous Acid-Base Equilibria

Exam 2: Monday, March 21, 2011


Unit 3

Chapter 18 Applications of Aqueous Equilibria

Chapter 19 Electron Transfer Reactions

Exam 3: Monday, April 18, 2011


Unit 4

Chapter 20 The Transition Metals

Chapter 21 The Main Group Elements

Chapter 22 Nuclear Chemistry & Radiochemistry


Final Exam (preliminary): Monday, May 9, 2011 10:00 - 11:55 am in Chem 150


Tentative schedule for quizzes: Quiz 1 (Jan 31); Quiz 2 (Feb 11); Quiz 3 (Feb 28); Quiz 4 (Mar 11); Quiz 5 (Apr 4); Quiz 6 (Apr 15), Quiz 7 (Apr 22); Quiz 8 (April 29); Quiz 9 (May 3)


Week Lab

1 Check in

2 Roberts, Exp. 43, Chemistry of Vitamin C

3 Vernier, Exp. 10, Vapor Pressure

4 Roberts, Exp. 22, Freezing Point Depression

5 Vernier, Exp. 30, Rate Law, Crystal Violet

6 Vernier, Spectrophotometric Determination of the

Formation Constant of the

Ferricthiocyanate Ion

7 Vernier, Exp. 24, Acid/Base Titration Curve

8 Roberts, Exp. 28, Determination of the Dissociation

Constant of a Weak Acid


10 Qualitative Analysis of Cations

11 Qualitative Analysis of Cations

12 Qualitative Analysis of Cations

13 Qualitative Analysis of Cations

14 Qualitative Analysis of Cations

15 Check out



Successful completion of the laboratory component includes performing the experimental work and submitting written report for each of the experiments listed. Additional details can be found in the laboratory manual. Each student is issued a lab drawer, though some experiments are done with a partner. Every student registering for this course should maintain a minimum of $25 on their UCards to cover check-in and laboratory expenses. This will cover your purchase of goggles and any breakage that occurs during the semester. If your UCard does not have sufficient funds for a necessary expenditure at either check-in or check-out, you must immediately add funds to cover the cost. You will not be allowed to work in lab unless you are registered for the course and have checked into lab. You will check out of lab at end of semester during your lab section. Check out includes cleaning and accounting for the equipment in your drawer when you checked in. You must pay for any missing or broken equipment and turn in key. Failure to check out results in $45 charge which includes $20 for key. (The charge for a lost key is $20 and the charge for failure to check-out is $25.)

1. Sandals, shorts and short skirts are prohibited from being worn in the laboratory. Students may wear shorts or short skirts if they are wearing a long lab coat which covers the bare legs. Safety glasses must be worn at all times and must be purchased in the Chemistry Stockroom.

2. You are responsible for knowing and obeying all safety rules.

3. All accidents and medical problems (e.g. epilepsy, fainting spells) must be reported to the Teaching Assistant.

4. Unauthorized work in the lab may be cause for dismissal from this course.

5. You will be issued a lab drawer containing an inventory of equipment needed to complete the laboratory

portion of this course. You are responsible for this equipment and the drawer key. During the last lab period you will check out of lab, verifying that you have all of the original equipment checked out to you, and return the key. Lost and broken items must be replaced.

6. Food and drink are not allowed in lab.

7. Makeup: You must attend only the lab section for which you are registered. If a serious conflict arises,

permission may be granted by the instructor to attend a different section during the same week or possibly

during the following week to makeup the experiment. See below.


Lab Grading:

The lab grade is based on lab reports and the lab notebook. Lab reports are due at the beginning of the lab period one week after the experiment is completed. Lab reports are penalized ½ point for each late school day. You must complete the lab report to receive a grade for the experiment. In general labs are worth 9 points. In addition, up to 10 points are given for the notebook for the first seven experiments. For the cation analysis the following scheme applies:

First seven Experiments 9 points each for the report = 63 points

Notebook after first seven experiments 10 points

Correct assignment of Unknowns :

1. 6 pts.

2. 8 pts.

3. 10 pts.

4. 10 pts

Subtotal 34 pts

The following must be in your notebook, and will be graded

as given:

Separation tests: scheme, reasoning and equations: 2 pts

Preliminary Observations 4 pts

Equations for all reactions 8 pts

Discussion of unknowns: 2 pts

Neatness and organization 2 pts

Subtotal points for notebook 18 pts

The Lab Notebook:

The lab notebook is an authentic and complete record of your work in lab. It must be a bound notebook , and all entries must be written in ink. If a mistake is made in writing, draw a line through the error and continue writing. The notebook must have a table of contents and it must be signed by your TA at the end of each lab period. For each experiment the notebook must contain the:

• Title and Purpose of Experiment.

• Raw Data and/or Observations.

• Comments and Questions you may have about the experiment.

• Conclusion and Interpretation of Result (why your results may be different from expected results).