BIRCH - birchconfig for updating

From the BIRCH home directory, type

cd install-birch

(Warning: birchconfig will NOT work correctly if launched from a different directory!)

The main birchconfig window will appear:

Choose "Update an existing BIRCH Installation" :

Choose "Update BIRCH". The installer will read settings from the $BIRCH/local directory and begin the installation, generating messages similar to those seen during the initial install. Note that the next-to-last step of the install is the installation of the FASTA package. Because of licensing restrictions, the FASTA programs can not be re-distributed by a third party. As part of the install, the two FASTA packages, fasta2 and fasta3, are downloaded by FTP, unarchived, compiled, and installed into the BIRCH directories. This may take about 15 minutes, depending on the speed of the  computer doing the compilation. Finally, you will see messages similar to the following:

Setting up .login file
Setting up .cshrc file
Setting up .profile file
Setting up .bash_profile file
Setting up .bash_login file
Setting up .bashrc file
Logout and login again so that the changes can take effect.

and a message will pop up saying "BIRCH update complete". Click OK.
A summary of the installation steps can be found in the BIRCH home directory in the files birchconfig.install.log (overview of the install) and  birchconfig.screen  (messages from install scripts that are also echoed to the screen).

At this point, you should have a fully-functional BIRCH site with all of your previous settings. All programs should work as seen in the tutorials. If you had previously run to make your documentation web-accessible, it will still be web-accessible.

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