blastdbkit.py -
Technical Description
update June 25, 2022
blastdbkit.py -
manual page
- pydoc documentation
blastdbkit.py is a Python script that performs the
tasks necessary to install and update a local copy of NCBI
Blast-formatted databases. As described in the manual page,
blastdbkit.py can
- add new
database files from an FTP mirror
- delete
local database files
- update
local database files by downloading from an FTP mirror
- generate
spreadsheet reports of disk usage and file dates in both
local and FTP databases, as a guide to management of a
local copy of NCBI databases
information regarding local copies of databases is found in
two BLASTDB.list files, the master copy in
$BIRCH/admin/BLAST, and the local copy in
$BIRCH/local/admin/BLAST. The local copy in generated from
the master copy, but the local copy lists in field 4 a '1'
for databases locally-installed, or '0' for those not
installed. This file is used to add a '+' or '-' to the
menus in birchadmin that perform Add, Delete or Update
After each
Add, Delete or Update operation, the following operations
are performed:
- the
local database is scanned to verify which databases are
actually installed, and the results written to
and FASTA menus for bldna and blprotein are updated to
reflect the local copies of the BLAST databases. For each
database, a .nam file is written to $BIRCH/dat/fasta,
listing the database files for each database. For example,
nt.nam contains the names of the nt database files nt.00,
nt.01, nt.02 etc.
- An email
message is sent, including the contents of
$BLASTDB/blastdbkit.log, which lists the files installed
or deleted, or whether an database was not installed
because it was already up to date.
--reportlocal writes a spreadsheet report on the
locally-installed databases to $BLASTDB/localreport.tsv. This
file, which can be imported by any spreadsheet, lists the sum
of all files in a database, and the dates of the last update.
blastdbkit.py --reportftp writes a
spreadsheet report on database files at a remote FTP server
(eg. ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) to $BLASTDB/ftpreport.tsv. This
file, which can be imported by any spreadsheet, lists the sum
of all compressed files in a database, an estimate of total
uncompressed sizes, and the dates of the files on the FTP
Please send suggestions of comments
regarding this page to psgendb@cc.umanitoba.ca