This script is a shortcut way of
entering information for many data files into a birchdb
database. For each file in the target directory, write a File
object to the file datfiles.ace, in the target directory. datfiles.ace can be read
in birchdb or
lbirchdb in the Edit
--> Read .ace file menu. File can then be added to Program
or Package objects.
The target directory dirname
is the name of a directory either in $BIRCH/dat or
$BIRCH/local/dat. The safest way to run this command is to
use the environment varibles, as shown in the SYNOPSIS.
EXAMPLEIf the directory $BIRCH/local/dat/fasta
contains the file 'fastalibs', the following
File object will be written to datfiles.ace:
File : "$BIRCH\/local\/dat\/fasta\/fastalibs"
Pick_me_to_call "$ACE_FILE_LAUNCHER" "$BIRCH\/local\/dat\/fasta\/fastalibs"