category: Database
acedemo - Demonstration laboratory database - Given output from NCBI Blast+ using the -remote option , create a file containing GI numbers of hits listed in the output
blast_formatter - convert blast output to a differrent format
blastdbcmd - Client for local BLAST databases - Install and update local BLAST databases
blncbi - Graphical query program for NCBI databases
blnfetch - BioLegato interface for retrieving DNA or RNA sequences from NCBI
blpfetch - BioLegato interface for retrieving amino acid sequences from NCBI - Sort a BioLegato table
dGDE - GDE interface for leash
fasta - Sequence database similarity
fastf - compare mixed peptides to a protein database
fastm - compare ordered peptides (or short DNA sequences) to a protein or DNA database
fasts - compare unordered peptides to a protein database
fastx - Database similarity - allow frameshifts between codons
fasty - Database similarity - Allow frameshifts within codons
features - extract features from GenBank flatfile entries
fetch - retrieve entries from local flatfile database by name or accession number
findkey - Keyword search on local flatfile database
getloc - retrieve entries from a local flatfile database
getob - Parse features from GenBank flatfiles - Send an Entrez query to NCBI and return the result
randseq - Randomize a set of sequences - Given a set of GI (UID) or ACCESSION numbers , create a file containing the corresponding sequence entries
splitdb - split a GenBank flatfile into a database containing annotation, sequence and index
ssearch - Rigorous Smith-Waterman database similarity search
tace - text interface to ACeDB
tfastf - compare mixed peptides to a translated DNA database
tfasts - compare unordered peptides to a translated DNA database
tfastx - compare a protein to a DNA database, calculating similarities with frameshifts
tfasty - compare a protein to a DNA database, calculating similarities with frameshifts
xace - Graphic interface to ACeDB
xtract - converts XML into a table of data values
xylem_identify - used by FINDKEY to extract LOCUS names from database hits
xylem_shuffle - randomize sequences using a sliding window