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Where do I find the file I just downloaded, getbirch.jar?
Depending on the settings of your web browser, the browser may either launch getbirch.jar, or save it. In the latter case, the location where the file was saved depends on your browser settings. The most common places would be in your Downloads folder, or on the Desktop. If it was saved elsewhere, you may need to look at your Browser Preferences to see where downloaded files get saved.

If I try to launch getbirch.jar, I get an error complaining that the file can't be executed.
For security reasons, many browsers will make downloaded files un-executable.

Right click on getbirch.jar,
select properties

Under Permissions, Select "allow executing file as Program"

Command line fix:

When I click on the jar file, it gets opened in an archive manager.
On many systems, Java jar files do not have a mime type (double-clicking/ right-clicking will not launch java).  On almost all Linux systems, double clicking on a jar file will open an archive manager, try right clicking instead.


Right click on getbirch.jar, and select
"open with other application"

Use a custom command "java -jar"

BIRCH install fails due to incomplete download
This problem is almost always due to a bad Internet connection, especially using WiFi. The most reliable way to download BIRCH (or any large files) is to use a hard-wired Ethernet connection.