update July 18, 2020
ncbiquery.py - Send an Entrez query
to NCBI and return the result
--db database [--qfile qfile_name] --query
entrez_query_statement [--filter entrez_filter_statement]
[--maxcount integer] --format sequence_format
--out outfile
--qfile qfile_name --related [--maxcount
integer] --format sequence_format --out
--qfile qfile_name --target database
[-maxcount integer] --format sequence_format
--out outfile
ncbiquery sends
a query to an NCBI database using the Entrez query syntax. Results
are returned to outfile in the specified format.The -qfile option
makes it possible to use the document summary from a previous
search to further refine the search with a new query term.
ncbiquery.py is a wrapper that hides the individual BioPython
Bio::Entrez functions behind a single command line. It is
specifically intended to simplify running the Entrez Eutilities
from BioLegato.
If the environment variables $BL_EMAIL and $NCBI_ENTREZ_KEY are
set, all requests to the Entrez Eutils will be processed using the
user's Entrez API key.
--qfile qfile_name - output from
a previous ncbiquery.py run. This run will refine the previous
--query entrez_query_statement - search
--filter entrez_filter_statement - limit
search based on other parameters
--related - call elink to look up neighbors in
current database
--target database - call elink to find
links in a different database
--maxcount integer - (default=500) If the
number of hits exceeds maxcount, do not retrieve entries, but just
display the search metadata.
--format sequence_format - (default=
docsum) format as defined by NCBI EUtilities.
--db database - NCBI database as defined
for EUtilities
--out output_file
1. Search for entries in the NCBI core nucleotide database in which
the author is Fristensky and the organism contains the word Pisum.
Write output to a file in the docsum XML format.
Note: ncbiquery is a bash shell script that runs ncbiquery.py. It
sets PYTHONPATH, as described below.
ncbiquery --db nuccore
--query 'Fristensky [AUTH] AND Pisum [ORGN]' --format docsum --out
2. In the core nucleotide database, find sequences related to those
found in example 1.
ncbiquery --qfile
FristenskyPisum.ncbiquery --related --format docsum --out
3. From the sequences found in example 1, find linked sequences in
the protein database
ncbiquery --qfile
FristenskyPisum.ncbiquery --target protein --format docsum --out
PYTHONPATH (required) - Path to BioPython. ncbiquery
sets PYTHONPATH to a platform specific directory containing
BioPython, and then runs ncbiquery.py. If you run ncbiquery.py
directly, you need to set PYTHONPATH manually.
BL_EMAIL (required) - Email address to accompany requests to NCBI
Entrez. Required by NCBI
NCBI_ENTREZ_KEY (optional) - Unique identifier for requests to
NCBI Entrez. If no key is supplied, you may get slower retrieval
times. If you do a large number of requests (eg. more than 3 per
minute) you must supply a key, or NCBI will ramp down your future
requests. See NCBI
Eutil API keys.
New API Keys for the E-utilities
NCBI Entrez Help Manual at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK3837/#EntrezHelp.Entrez_Searching_Options.
NCBI E-utilities Quick Start http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25500
BioPython Bio::Entrez at http://biopython.org/DIST/docs/api/Bio.Entrez-module.html
The ncbiquery.py script expects that xtract from the
NCBI EDirect Package (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK179288/)
is present in the execution PATH. In BIRCH, this script is found
in $BIRCH/script. xtract is called by ncbiquery.py to extract
specific fields from DocumentSummary output generated by NCBI
Entrez tools.
Dr. Brian Fristensky
Department of Plant Science
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 2N2