When grooming a curly coated Labradoodle, the Pin Brush is your most important tool. Frequent brushing, at least once a week, will ensure that your curly coated Labradoodle will not get too matted up. Another reason to keep the coat free of matts is so that when you do bathe your curly coated 'doodle, the won't turn into a giant solid piece of wool. Before bathing, you must ensure the dog is completely free of matts. Once the fur is wet it will solidify, which will mean a trip to the groomers for a very expensive fix, or shaving the fur off right to the skin.
Grooming a flat coated Labradoodle is much easier, but still not without it's challenges. Even though they will not necessarily develop matts, they will build up a layer of dead fur that needs to be brushed out on a regular basis.
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