Sorting out Grass Like Plants
Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes
More than any other group of flowering plants I find that people
get quickly confused trying to distinguish Grasses, Sedges and Rushes.
Using the rhyme 'Sedges have edges; rushes are round; grasses are
hollow; what have you found?' helps sort out most of the
differences but there can still be some confusion.
There are a small number of other families with only one or two
representative species that can also be
confused; it is helpful to be able to recognize these three
additional groups: Typhaceae - cattail, Sparganiaceae -
bur-reed, Acoraceae - sweet
flag. These are aquatic plants with a compact flowering head at
the end of a stem (like a corn-dog in Typha, and a mace in
Sparganium), or off to one side in Acorus. Typha and Sparganium have
two ranked leaves from the base.
All of these groups broadly resemble grasses having long, narrow,
parallel-veined leaves and inconspicuous flowers. Looking at the stem
structure will generally allow you to separate out each of the groups.
Poaceae (Grasses)
Stem almost all hollow, round or sometimes
flattened, with joints. Joints or nodes are solid and typically
swollen. Single seed in each flowering scale. Margins (edges)
of the leaf sheath are open, but may overlap. Usually a ligule
(membrane or tuft) where the leaf meets the stem.

Adapted from Ontario Weeds, 2010, ON Gov.
- Cyperacea (Sedges)
Stem solid and mostly triangular but some
round or square, no joints. Pith of stem may be loose and
appear hollow if not carefully cut. Single seed in each
flowering scale. Leaf sheath is closed or fused. Often a
ligule (membrane or tuft) where the leaf meets the stem in a U
or V shape. Leaf often has a W shape or is apparently lacking
(e.g. Eleocharis or Schoenoplectus). Genera included: Carex, Eleocharis, Schoenoplectus, Scirpus, Eriophorum, Cyperus

Adapted from Ontario Weeds, 2010, ON Gov.
- Juncaceae (Rushes)
Stem solid and mostly round. Several seeds
in each pouch. Regular flower made up of 3 outer and 3 inner scales
and 1 pouch. No ligule. Margin of leaf sheath is closed. Generally
leaf is inrolled. Genera included: Juncus, Luzula.
(Adapted from: Budd's Flora of the Canadian Prairie Provinces, Looman and Best, 1979)
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Last modified: Sat Oct 23 07:12:33 2010