Mass: 46-78 g
Body length: 145-181 mm
Tail length: 34 mm
Colour: blackish brown
Young: 3-4 per litter
Habitat: moist, well-drained soils in riparian areas, meadows and deciduous forests
Diet: primarily earthworms; also eats snails, slugs, millipeds, centipedes and soil insects
Natural History:
Occasionally referred to as the "pacific" mole, coast moles are highly
fossorial in habit. Coast moles are primarily known for the numerous
molehills that dot their homeranges. In fact,
a single individual may constuct 200-400 of these mounds (typically 30 cm
in diameter and 15 cm in height) over the course of a winter.
Connecting these mounds are a vast array of tunnels that are generally <1 meter
in depth, but may reach depths of 2 meters. These tunnels are routinely
patrolled for earthworms, insects and slugs, although a small amount of
vegetation may also be consumed.

Coast mole |
The coast mole occurs from the Fraser Delta region of southwestern British Columbia,
south through the western portions of Washington and Oregon to coastal regions of
northwestern California. It is also known to occur in parts of eastern Washington and
Oregon and in one area of extreme west-central Idaho. |
Selected Readings: |
Glendenning, R. 1959. Scapanus orarius orarius True, in British
Columbia. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 39:34-44.
Hartman, G.D and T.L. Yates. 1985. Scapanus orarius. Mammalian
Species 253:1-5.
Sheehan, S.T. and C. Galindo-Leal. 1997. Identifying coast moles,
Scapanus orarius, and Townsend's moles, Scapanus townsendii,
from tunnel and mound size. Canadian Field Naturalist 111:463-465.