Mass: 35.5-80 g
Body length: 108-135 mm
Tail length: 123-156 mm
Colour: dark greyish brown
Young: 1-5 per litter
Habitat: cold, flowing mountain streams
Diet: aquatic insect larvae, crustaceans and some terrestrial insects; fish may be taken opportunistically
Natural History:
Highly aquatic in nature, Iberian (Pyrenean) desmans, along with
Russian desmans, possess an extremely long tail and paddle-like hindfeet that are
wider than their forefeet. In other moles, these limb proportions are reversed.
Adept swimmers and accomplished divers, Galemys primarily
forage by sifting through stream sediments with their forefeet and long
bi-lobed snout in search of aquatic insects. While chiefly nocturnal
in habit, these amphibious mammals also exhibit short periods of activity
during the day.

Iberian desman |
Primarily restricted to the edges of swift moving mountain streams in the
Iberian Penninsula from southern France into Spain and northern Portugal. The
range of this semi-aquatic talpid has declined rapidly within the past
century, due to wide-spread water pollution inflicted mortality to their
aquatic invertebrate prey items.
Selected Readings: |
Castien E. and J. Gosalbez. 1995. Diet of Galemys pyrenaicus
(Geoffroy, 1811) in the North of the Iberian peninsula. Netherlands
Journal of Zoology 45:422-430.
Gonzalez-Esteban J., E. Castien and J. Gosalbez. 1999. Morphological and
colour variation in the Pyrenean desman Galemys pyrenaicus
(Geoffroy, 1811). Zeithschrift Fur Saugetierkunde - International
Journal of Mammalian Biology 64:1-11.
Palmeirim, J.M and R.S. Hoffman. 1983. Galemys pyrenaicus. Mammalian
Species. 207:1-5.
Richard, P.B. 1985. Preadaptation of a Talpidae, the desman of the
Pyrenees Galemys pyrenaicus, G. 1811, to semi-aquatic life.
Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Zoologie 72:11-24.