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Using CAPSI Without a Windows PC
The GeorgiaSoft telnet client will provide the smoothest possible connection to the CAPSI program, but other telnet programs may be used successfully. If for some reason you cannot use the GS client, try to connect to the host with your alternative client.

If you are using Mac OS X or any other UNIX-based operating system (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD etc.), I recommend using the command-line telnet program from a terminal window. To do this with OS X, for example, launch the Terminal application found in the Utilities folder. You should get a small text window with a prompt that looks something like:

[localhost:~] user%
At this prompt, simply type:
[localhost:~] user% telnet
And hit Enter. Upon connecting, respond to the login, password, and domain prompts as described on the Access page. You will then be presented with three additional prompts. The first looks like this:
Select terminal emulation option

0. DEC VT-100
1. DEC VT-220/320/420
2. SCO Console
3. AT386
4. WYSE 50
5. WYSE 60
6. IBM 3101
7. IBM 3151
8. Symbol 3x40 series
9. AlphaCom

Selection: (press 0...9)
Choose "0". Next you'll see:
Select graphics option

0. Replace PC Graphics characters with star characters
1. Translate PC Graphics characters
2. Pass PC Graphics characters without changes
3. Pass all characters from PC screen without changes
4. Georgia SoftWorks MS DOS Client

Selection: (press 0...4)
Choose "1". Finally you'll see:
Do you want ANSI Colors ? [Y/N]:
Choose "Y". Some more login text will scroll by, and you should then see the CAPSI program login screen.

If you are using an earlier version of Mac OS (such that there's no Terminal application), try one of these clients: dataComet, NiftyTelnet, or BetterTelnet. You will encounter the same menu options listed above.
