Undergraduate Summer Research 2006

Attention Students wanting first-hand experience in mathematical research this Spring/Summer (In the field of Orthogonal Matrices--SEE ABSTRACT)

A: 1-2 Undergraduate Research Assistant (RA) positions:
Part time, May-August or July/August. Hours and pay may depend on the number of positions filled, negotiated specifics, additional salary sources, and qualifications. Students will work independently in consultation with a small group working on related problems, which will include at least one NSERC URGP student and at least one graduate student. Students will be given the opportunity to present their work at a conference in August.

B: Seminar Series: Introduction to orthogonal matrices
A once-weekly seminar beginning in the third week of March, open to all interested students. We will cover the background to several problems to be explored by undergrad RA’s this term.

Those who end up employed as RA’s will be reimbursed for their time attending and doing the (required for them) weekly reading, in preparation for the summer. Other students may participate as they see fit.

To apply for the RA positions, provide me with the following:
--your most recent grade report (unofficial/photocopy ok) and a list of your current courses (if they don’t appear on the report)
--a 1-2 page letter explaining why you are interested in mathematical research and listing any prior experience, if any.
--mention anything that will affect your availability and any additional employment you will have during the summer.

If either the seminars or the RA positions interest you, let me know your schedule by Tuesday March 14 and it will be taken into account in planning the seminars. Students interested in the seminar and not sure whether to apply for the RA position should attend; applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

For further info:

R. Craigen
MH 320
