
This site belongs to Dan Johnston, a clinical psychologist living in Macon, Georgia. He has been a counsellor (in a medical centre) and teacher (on the faculty of a medical school) for 25+ years.

Orientations for Spiritual Growth

Jesuit Fr. John Veltri's gift is the ability “to take the spiritual writings hidden in professional spirituality journals and make them available to wider audiences. He has been part of that spiritual movement which has taken the Catholic tradition of spiritual theology and helped people understand it in their hearts and practice it in their lives so as to give them some balance in our ever changing times.” (From ‘About the Webmaster” at the above Site)

Sacred Space

 Daily Prayer Online; Produced by the Irish Jesuits

(“We invite you to make a 'Sacred Space' in your day, and spend ten minutes, praying here and now, as you sit at your computer, with the help of on-screen guidance and scripture chosen specially every day.”)

The Jesuits of Upper Canada

(Jesuit) Spirituality: Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola (“Annotation 19" [See ONLINE MINISTRIES below]), Examen of Consciousness, Praying with Jesuits

Collaborative Ministry Office (Creighton University, Omaha)

“The Collaborative Ministry Office exists to provide spiritual formation opportunities that strengthen personal and communal growth.” One stated goal is “To encourage personal and group spiritual formation.” Among the ONLINE MINISTRIES is the possibility to Make “online” the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises (“Annotation 19") during a 34 week Retreat for Everyday Life (during the 2003-2004 Liturgical Year, beginning September 14, 2003).

The 12 Step Cyber Cafe

AA Alcoholics Anonymous/AA, Al-Anon and Al-a-Teen

Addictions: Drugs, Food, Gambling, Sex, Tobacco

Grief/Loss, HIV/AIDS

Emotional Issues, Family Issues, Mental Health

Abuse: Sexual, Emotional, Spiritual

In a "recovering community" the nature of spirituality is seen as unlimited in scope and breadth

David G. Creamer, S. J.