Intracranial Disorders

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  1. Care of Patient with Intracranial Disorders

  2. Lecture Outline

  3. Intracranial Pressure

  4. Mechanisms to Maintain Normal ICP

  5. Cerebral Blood Flow

  6. Intracranial Volume-Pressure Curve

  7. Factors Causing Increased ICP

  8. Manifestations of Increased ICP

  9. Management of pt with ICP

  10. Management of Pt with increased ICP

  11. Head Injuries

  12. Head Injury Types

  13. Head Injury Types

  14. Head Trauma Complications

  15. Head Trauma Management

  16. Head Trauma Discharge

  17. Intracranial Tumors

  18. Craniotomoy

Last updated:
November 09, 2001 (Friday)

Created with Corel Presentations