#! /bin/csh #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # batch_run.csh S.J. Ormiston for MECH 4822 #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # Script to run a single CFX run (or a set of runs) in batch mode. # Note that the file specified after the "-def" can be a results file # (e.g. run01_001.res) if you want to restart from a previous simulation. #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # This file is called "batch_run.csh" but could be renamed. # To run this file, you can: # 1) make it executable by typing: # chmod u+x batch_run.csh # # 2) invoke the script by typing # ./batch_run.csh & # # This should put the job in the background (the "&" does this). # # If you forget the "chmod" command above, you can also run the script # interactively by typing: # csh batch_run.csh > & run.log & # #===================================================================# # Choose one of the following approaches by uncommenting # (remove the "###" at the start of the appropriate lines) # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Plan A: To do all the runs in the same directory # have all the .def files ready in one directory (folder) # ###cfx5solve -batch -def run01.def -double \ ### -part 4 -start-method "Platform MPI Local Parallel" # ###cfx5solve -batch -def run02.def -double \ ### -part 4 -start-method "Platform MPI Local Parallel" # ###cfx5solve -batch -def run03.def -double \ ### -part 4 -start-method "Platform MPI Local Parallel" # #-------------------------------# #... and so on. #===================================================================# # Plan B: To change directories to start runs with .def files in other # directories. Assumes that all runs are in subdirectories at the # same level. Each folder has its own .def file. # # start at the folder above all the run folders # ###cd run01folder ###cfx5solve -batch -def run01.def -double \ ### -part 4 -start-method "Platform MPI Local Parallel" # ###cd ../run02folder ###cfx5solve -batch -def run02.def -double \ ### -part 4 -start-method "Platform MPI Local Parallel" # ###cd ../run03folder ###cfx5solve -batch -def run03.def -double \ ### -part 4 -start-method "Platform MPI Local Parallel" # #-------------------------------# #... and so on. #-------------------------------------------------------------------# #