#! /bin/csh # run_post_batch.csh S.J. Ormiston 2013-03-18 #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # This script runs cfx post in batch to extract data using a cse file # that the user has recorded to create a number of csv files. The script # operates on a number of results files that are contained in a text # file that is given on the command line. # # The results files list is created using: # % ls -1 *.res > resfiles.lst #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Arguments: $1 filename of list of results files to process # i.e. usage: % ./run_post_batch.csh resfiles.lst # # The usage above assumes one has done: # % chmod u+x run_post_batch.csh #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Requirement: The following script must be in the same directory: # cnvrt_cfx_csv_to_gp.csh # This second script must be made executable by doing: # % chmod u+x cnvrt_cfx_csv_to_gp.csh #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # This script does the following: # 1. renames the processed csv files that the state files created with # a fixed generic name to have names that match the results file # that they came from # 2. Converts those renamed csv files to be compatible with gnuplot # using cnvrt_cfx_csv_to_gp.csh #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # IMPORTANT *** # The names of the files that are renamed and converted below # must be the same as the names of the files that are created # by the .cse file used. #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # name of state file to use setenv STATE_FILE "general-process.cst" # name of session file to use setenv CSE_FILE "save-files.cse" # # list of csv files to rename after processing # (if there are a lot of files to process, create more LISTx_csv # variables and add them to the list after LIST1_csv below) setenv LIST1_csv "tstar-horiz-profile.csv vstar-horiz-profile.csv" # list of text files from table exports to rename after processing setenv LIST1_txt "sumtable.txt" # if ( $1 == "") then echo " Must give an argument: filename of list of files" else # if ( -e $1) then #--------use an external file with list of filenames to process to create the list setenv LIST_res "`cat $1`" #--------loop through all results files in the list foreach resfile ( $LIST_res ) if ( -e $resfile) then #--------------process the results file to create csv files echo " *** About to use cfx5post to process: $resfile" # cfx5post -batch $CSE_FILE -res $resfile -state $STATE_FILE # #--------------loop to convert and rename csv files # (add other list variables in the next line if needed) foreach csvfile ( $LIST1_csv) if ( -e $csvfile) then #--------------------rename original csv file to have run name prefix /bin/mv $csvfile $resfile:r-$csvfile #--------------------convert to gnuplot format (creates filename-gr.dat file) ./cnvrt_cfx_csv_to_gp.csh $resfile:r-$csvfile else echo "Couldn't find $csvfile" endif end #--------------loop to rename table txt files foreach txtfile ( $LIST1_txt) if ( -e $txtfile) then #--------------------rename original csv file to have run name prefix and csv filetype /bin/mv $txtfile $resfile:r-$txtfile:r.csv else echo "Couldn't find $txtfile" endif end else echo "Couldn't find $resfile" endif end else echo " Cannot find file: $1" endif # endif #