My resume:



Greg McCullough



Currently a Ph.D. student with the

Centre for Earth Observation Science,

Department of Geography, University of Manitoba


You can contact me at







·        Ph.D.  2003 (underway).  Department of Geography, University of Manitoba,

with support from the World Bank and CIDA.


Beginning with field programs in the rainy seasons of 1998 and 1999 (January-April) I have mapped and will model the dispersion of suspended sediments from the Linthipe River into the African rift valley Lake Malawi as a part of the World Bank/CIDA Lake Malawi Biodiversity Conservation Project. The plume has been mapped during two rainy seasons using NOAA AVHRR imagery and by conductivity-temperature-depth-optical backscatter profiles along transects off the river mouth.  These data will be used to validate a hydrodyamic model of the dispersal of sediment discharged by the Linthipe River.


·        M.A.  1999.  Department of Geography, University of Manitoba.


Thesis title:  Determining Precision of Aquatic Turbidity Measurement by NOAA-N Series AVHRR.  I investigated the long term stability of the relationship between albedo measured by NOAA-AVHRR satellites and in-lake measures of turbidity.  Data recorded from 1985-1998 by NOAA –9, -10, -11, -12 and –14 satellites was compared with Secchi transparency and beam transmission data from Environment Canada cruises on Lake Erie. 


·        B.Sc.  1971.  Department of Earth Sciences, University of Manitoba.



Employment history


1976-1996:      Geomorphologist and hydrologist

                        Government of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans


·                    1994-1996:  Studying affect of forestry cutting practises on the input of nutrients to lakes.  Through comparison of sedimentation rates with input measurements via stream and precipitation load I have shown that phosphorous inputs to headwater lakes are currently greatly underestimated.  My recent work showed that a significant portion of this deficit may be accounted for by direct fall of litter and insects from the forest edge.  I developed methods and instituted a program to investigate this process as part of a larger forestry cutting experiment in Northwestern Ontario.


·                    1992-1994:   Determined, by use of natural and introduced tracers, the rate and degree of mixing of mercury laden waters in flooded bays with the riverine main region, and outflow of an experimental reservoir.


·                    1990-1993:  Studied mixing and circulation of terrestrial runoff in small Precambrian Shield lakes.  I used natural stream water fluorescence and ion concentrations as tracers to calculate the rate and degree of mixing of near-freezing snowmelt runoff plumes which form between the late winter ice cover and the slightly warmer lake water beneath.


·                    1986-1991:  Studied sediment and water chemistry effects of Churchill River Diversion as part of Federal Ecological Monitoring Project.  I determined water, sediment and dissolved chemistry balances for major reaches of the Churchill and Nelson Rivers in northern Manitoba, and supervised a study of Landsat sediment monitoring potential.


·                    1978-1986:  Studied permafrost-related hydrology and stream water chemistry of several small catchments near Southern Indian Lake, northern Manitoba.


·                    1976-1989:  Studied erosion and sedimentation on Southern Indian Lake, as part of a physical/biological impoundment impact study.  I helped develop a model of shoreline erosion as a function of wave energy and studied the transport pathways of eroded sediment (nearshore shoal deposition, profundal sedimentation, riverine export). 


1973-1976:      Resource Analyst

                        Garry Hilderman and Associates, Landscape Architects and Planners


·                    Inventoried and mapped physical (geology, soils, slopes and drainage, susceptibility to erosion, flooding), biological (plant communities, endangered species) and cultural (land use history, recreational use and potential) parameters for planning projects ranging from city parks to cottage developments, northern communities, and  provincial park land use allocation.


1972-1973:      Geomorphologist

                        Lake Winnipeg and Churchill and Nelson Rivers Impact Study


·                    University of Manitoba contract for the Physical Impact Study of planned hydroelectric projects in northern Manitoba.  I conducted geomorphological surveys, and supervised vegetation surveys of sites along the shorelines of the major lakes of the Churchill and Nelson Rivers, and did airphoto analysis to create a map inventory of shoreline characteristics.





·        Thesis


McCullough, G.K.  1999.  Determining Precision of Aquatic Turbidity Measurement by NOAA-N Series AVHRR.  M.A. Thesis. Department of Geography, University of Manitoba.  viii + 124 p.+ appendices.


·        Refereed journals


Greg McCullough G.K. and David Barber, D.G.  1999.  Precision of the NOAA-9 to -14 satellite-borne AVHRRs for long term aquatic turbidity measurement.  Submitted to the Journal for Great Lakes Research.


Paterson, M.J., D. Findlay, K. Beaty, W. Findlay, E.U. Schindler, M. Stainton, G. McCullough.  1997.  Changes in the planktonic food web of a new experimental reservoir.  Canadian J. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. Vol. 54, pp. 1088-1102.


Mouchot, M.-C., T. Alfoldi, D. de Lisle, G. McCullough.  1991.  Monitoring the water bodies of the Mackenzie Delta by remote sensing methods.  Arctic.  Vol. 44, Supp. 1, pp. 21-28.


Mouchot, M.-C., G. McCullough, A. Fabbri, O. Dupont, C. Kushigbor.  1989.  Application de la morphologie mathématique a l'étude des reseaux hydrologiques complexes.  Télédétection et gestion des ressources, Vol. VI, Bernier, Bonn et Gagnon [Eds.], L'Association Québécoise de Télédétection.  pp. 51-71.


Newbury, R.W. and G.K. McCullough.  1984.  Shoreline erosion and restabilization in the Southern Indian Lake reservoir.  Canadian J. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 558-566.


Hecky, R.E. and G.K. McCullough.  1984.  Effect of impoundment and diversion on the sediment budget and nearshore sedimentation of Southern Indian Lake.  Canadian J. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 567-578.


Newbury, R.W., G.K. McCullough and R.E. Hecky.  1984.  The Southern Indian Lake impoundment and Churchill River diversion.  Canadian J. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 548-557.


Newbury, R.W. and G.K. McCullough.  1983.  Shoreline erosion and restablilization in a permafrost affected impoundment.  In:  Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Permafrost.  National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.  pp. 918-922. 


Newbury, R.W. and G.K. McCullough.  1982.  Shoreline erosion and recovery in permafrost conditions on the Southern Indian Lake reservoir.  Canadian Water Resources J.  Vol. 7, pp. 447-448. (abstract only).



·        Conference proceedings, other non-refereed publications


Ribbink, A.J., Barber, D.G., Bootsma, H.A., Brook, R.G., Cooley, P.M., Hecky, R.E., Kidd, H.J., Kling, H.J., McCullough, G.K., and Mkanda, F.X.  1998. Is the Lake Malawi/Nyasa Basin Caught in a Malthusian Trap?  Proceedings of the

PARADI/FISA Conference, Spain, 1998.


Barber, D.G. and McCullough, G.K.  1997.  Cross-calibration of AVHRR with MSS data for suspended sediment mapping in large lakes.  In:  International Symposium, Geomatics in the Era of Radarsat.  Ottawa, 1997.


McCullough, G.K.  1998.  The contribution of forest litterfall to phosphorous inputs into Lake 239, Experimental Lakes Area, Northwestern Ontario.  Pages159-168.  In M.K. Brewin and D.M.A. Monita (Tech. Coord.), Land Management Practices Affecting Aquatic Ecosystems, Proceedings of the Forest-Fish conference, Calgary, Alberta, May 1-4, 1996, Can. For. Serv. North For. Cent. Inf. Rep. NOR-X-356


Barber, D.G., Flett, D.G., Hochheim, K.P., Hecky, R.E., McCullough, G.K. and LeDrew, E.F.  1990.  Measuring historical sediment concentrations with archived Landsat MSS imagery.  In:  Proceedings 13th Can. Symp. on Remote Sensing, Fredericton, NB, 16-19 July, 1990.  p.36-49.


McCullough, G.K.  1990.  A brief history of hydroelectric development in northern Manitoba with a discussion of the sedimentation regime of the Southern Indian Lake impoundment.  In:  Delisle, C.E. and M.A. Bouchard, [Eds.],  Managing the effects of hydroelectric developments.  Collection Environment et Géologie, Vol. 9.  Université de Montreal.  Canada Society of Env. Biologists.  pp. 119-142.


Newbury, R.W., K.G. Beaty, J.A. Dalton and G.K. McCullough.  1979.  A preliminary comparison of runoff relationships and water budgets in three experimental lake basins in the continental, sub-arctic and arctic climatic regions of the Precambrian Shield.  In:  Canadian Hydrological Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 1979.


Newbury, R.W., K.G. Beaty, and G.K. McCullough.  1978.  Initial shoreline erosion in a permafrost affected reservoir, Southern Indian Lake, Canada.  In:  Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Permafrost, 10-13 July 1978, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  pp. 833-839.


McCullough, G.K.  1978.  Approaches to shoreline mapping on Southern Indian Lake.  In:  Rubec, C.D.A. [Ed.], Applications of ecological (biophysical) land classification in Canada.  Environment Canada, Lands Directorate, Ecol. Lands Classif. Series 7.  pp. 325-329.


·        Conference papers presented (abstracts only published):


McCullough, G.K.  1999. Transport of fluvial sediments in Lake Malawi.  SADC/GEF Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa Biodiversity Conservation Project Senga Bay Conference.  4,5 March, 1999, Senga Bay, Malawi.


McCullough, G.K.  1998.  The Linthipe River Plume in Lake Malawi.  International Association for Great Lakes Research Conference. May 18-22, 1998.  McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.


McCullough, G.K.  1990.  Shoreline erosion and sediment deposition in Southern Indian Lake, an impoundment in north-central Canada.  5th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water (International Association for Sediment Water Science), 6-9 Aug 1990, Uppsala, Sweden.


McCullough, G.K. and R.W. Newbury.  1986.  Shoreline erosion and nearshore sedimentation of glacio-lacustrine sediments, at Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba, p.71. in Proceedings of the Canadian Coastal Conf., 13-16 Aug. 1985., St. John’s, Nfld.


McCullough, G.K.  1982.  Ecological effects of hydroelectric development in northern Manitoba, Canada:  The Churchill-Nelson River Diversion.  International Symposium on the Dynamics of Boreal Forest Ecosystems:  Future Research and Management Requirements, 23-26 Aug. 1982, Thunder Bay, Ontario


McCullough, G.K.  1982.  Erosion and deposition of Lake Agassiz clays at Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba.  Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, 17-19 May 1982,  Winnipeg, Manitoba.


Shay, J.T., and G.K. McCullough.  1978.  Biomass and nutrient content of flooded vegetation on Long Bay, Southern Indian Lake.  Can. Bot. Assoc. Ann., Conf., 1978, St. John’s, Nfld.


·        Technical and data reports:


McCullough, G.K., P.M. Cooley and K. Hocheim.  2001.  Retrospective study of suspended sediment patterns on Lake Winnipeg using NOAA AVHRR satellite imagery.  Report to Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Winnipeg, Canada.  72 p.+4 appendices.


G.K. McCullough.  2001.  Organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous fluxes in rivers flowing into and out of Lake Winnipeg with an analysis of discharges and nutrient fluxes between the North and South Basins.  Report to Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Winnipeg, Canada.  46 p.+10 appendices


McCullough, G.K.  1998. Transport of Linthipe River Suspended Sediments in Lake Malawi. 14 p.  Annex 1 to River discharge and water quality, Kingdon, J.J., Bootsma, H.A., Mwita, J., Mwichande, B. and Hecky, R.E. in Bootsma, H.A. and Hecky, R.E. (Ed.), Water Quality Report of the Lake Malawi/Nyasa Biodiversity Conservation Project.


Cooley, P.M., McCullough G.K., Mkanda, F.X., Brook, R.G., Pegado, A.J. and Barber, D.G.  1999.  Interim Report on Geographical Information System Model Development (Introduction:  G.I.S. Model Development (20 p.), Vol. I: Data Report 1997/98 (97 p.), Vol II:  Data Report 1998/99 (147 p).  Appendix to SADC/GEF, Lake Malawi/Nyasa Biodiversity Conservation Project: Final Report. Ribbink, A.J. (Ed.).   (Vol. I and II also available as Data Reports 98-9-1 and 00-15-1 of the Centre for Earth Observation Science, Department of Geography, University of Manitoba.)


McCullough, G.K.  1998. Transport of Linthipe River Suspended Sediments in Lake Malawi. 14 p.  Annex 1 to River discharge and water quality, Kingdon, J.J., Bootsma, H.A., Mwita, J., Mwichande, B. and Hecky, R.E. in Bootsma, H.A. and Hecky, R.E. (Ed.), Water Quality Report of the Lake Malawi/Nyasa Biodiversity Conservation Project.


Cooley, P.M.,  McCullough, G.K., Brook, R.G.  and Barber, D.G.  1998.  CEOS Data Report in Support of the Lake Malawi Biodiversity Conservation Project, Malawi, Africa: Volume I.   97 p.


McCullough, G.K. and P. Campbell.  1993.  Lake variation and climatic change study:  ELA lakes, 1986-1990.  II. Watershed geography and lake morphology.  Canadian Tech. Rep. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. 1898:  iv+29 p.


Cruikshank, D.R., P. Campbell, S.E.M. Kasian, E.U. Schindler and G.K. McCullough.  1993.  Lake variation and climate study:  ELA Lakes, 1986-1990.  III.  Field observations, hydrological, light and temperature measurements.  Canadian Data Rep. Fish. and Aquatic Sci. 908:  iv+94 p.


Fee, E.J., R.E. Hecky, M.P. Stainton, P. Sandberg, L.L. Hendzel, S.J. Guildford, H.J. Kling, G.K. McCullough, C. Anema, and A. Salki.  1989.  Lake variabiliaty and climate research in Northwestern Ontario:  Study design and 1985-1986 data from the Red Lake district.  Canadian Tech. Rep. Fish. and Aquatic Sci. 1662: v+39 p.


McCullough, G.K.  1987.  Shoreline evolution in the Southern Indian Lake Reservoir.  Canada-Manitoba Agreement on the Study and Monitoring of Mercury in the Churchill River Diversion.  Tech. App. 11: 21 p.


Allan, C. and G.K. McCullough.  1986.  Hydrometeorological data from the Saqvaqjuac project, N.W.T., 1981.  Canadian Data Rep. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. 584:  iv+22 p.


Hecky, R.E. and G.K. McCullough.  1984.  The landsat imagery of Southern Indian Lake:  A remote perspective on impoundment and diversion.  Canadian Tech. Rep. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. 1266: iv+21 p.


McCullough, G.K.  1981.  Water budgets for Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba, before and after impoundment and diversion, 1972-79.  Canadian Manuscript Rep. Fish. and Aquatic Sci. 1620:  iv+22 p.



Greg McCullough