Page last updated: Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Sanchez J and Hoppa RD (in press) Is Adulthood Required? Examining the Accuracy of Pelvic Sex Estimation Throughout Pubertal Growth. Bioarchaeology International

Parker K, Larcombe LA, Stock J, Boldsen JL, Marx H and Hoppa RD. (2022) Bone Strength in Medieval Denmark: Robusticity Analysis from a Rural and Urban Sample. Bioarchaeology International 6(3): 175-89. MSpace Open Access

Spake L, Hoppa RD, Blau S and Cardoso HFV (2022) Biological Mortality Bias in Diaphyseal Growth of Contemporary Children: Implications for Paleoauxology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 178:89-107 OPEN ACCESS

Spake L, Hoppa RD, Blau S and Cardoso HFV (2021) Lack of Biological Mortality Bias in the Timing of Dental Formation in Contemporary Children: Implications for the Study of Past Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 174(4): 646-660.

Scott AB and Hoppa RD (2019) The Ice Age With Little Effect? Exploring Stress in The Danish Black Friars Cemetery Before and After the Turn of the 14th Century. International Journal of Palaeopathology 26: 157-163. MSpace Open Access

Scott AB and Hoppa RD (2018) The Subtleties of Stress: Using Skeletal Lesions to Explore the Stress Response in Bone in The Black Friars Cemetery Population (13th to 17th Centuries). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 28(6): 695-702. MSpace Open Access

Shabaga B, Gough H, Fayek M and Hoppa RD (2018) A Simplified Silver Phosphate Extraction Method for Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Bioapatite. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 32(15): 1237-1242. MSpace Open Access

Gamble JA, Boldsen JL and Hoppa RD (2017) Stressing Out in Medieval Denmark: An Investigation of Dental Enamel Defects and Age at Death in Two Medieval Danish Cemeteries. International Journal of Paleopathology 17:52-66. OPEN ACCESS

Scott AB, Choi KY, Mookherjee N, Hoppa RD and Larcombe LA (2016) The Biochemical Signatures of Stress: A Preliminary Analysis of Osteocalcin Fluctuations and Macroscopic Skeletal Changes Associated with Poor Health in the Black Friars (13th-17th Centuries) Population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159: 596-606.

Maltais Lapointe G, Lynnerup N and Hoppa RD (2016) Validation of the New Interpretation of Gerasimov’s Nasal Projection Method for Forensic Facial Approximation Using CT Data. Journal of Forensic Sciences 61(S1): S193-S200.

Scott AB and Hoppa RD (2015) A Re-evaluation of the Impact of Radiographic Orientation on the Identification and Interpretation of Harris Lines. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156(1):141–147. MSpace Open Access

Elias J, Luptin C and Hoppa RD (in press) Evidence of Trepanation in a 26th Dynasty Mummy from Akhmim, Egypt. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Mummy Studies, San Diego.

Morgan J, Lynnerup N, and Hoppa RD (2013) The Lateral Angle Revisited: A Validation Study of the Reliability of the Lateral Angle Method for Sex Determination using Computed Tomography (CT). Journal of Forensic Sciences. 58(2): 443-447.

Elias J, Luptin C and Hoppa RD (2012) Evidence of Trepanation in a 26th Dynasty Mummy from Akhmim, Egypt. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Mummy Studies, San Diego. (in press)

Gamble J, Blackburn A and Hoppa RD (2012) Congruence of Methods for Determination of Sex using Real, Virtual and 3-D Printed Specimens. In Zhou M, Romanowska I, Wu Z, Xu P and Verhagen P (eds), Revive the Past (Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology), Beijing. Pallas Press pp. 132-140.

Rosendahl W, Begerock A-M, Gill-Frerking H and Hoppa RD (2011): Think About the Children: An Extraordinary Peruvian Mummy from the Collection of the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen in Mannheim, Germany. Yearbook of Mummy Studies 1: 153-158.

Hewitt BR, Syms EL and Hoppa RD (2008) New Radiocarbon Dates for the Fidler Mounds (EaLf-3) Site, Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 32(1):77-95.

Gill-Robinson H, Elias J, Bender F, Allard TT and Hoppa RD (2006) Using Image Analysis Software to Create a Physical Skull Model for the Forensic Facial Reconstruction of an Akhmimic Mummy. Journal of Computing and Information Technology 14(1): 45-51.

Hoppa RD, Allingham L, Brownlee K, Monks G and Larcombe L (2005) An Analysis of Two Late Archaic Burials from Manitoba: The Eriksdale Site (EfLl-1). Canadian Journal of Archaeology 29(2):234-266.

Allard TT, Sitchon M, Sawatzky R and Hoppa RD (2005) Use of Hand-held Laser Scanning and 3D Printing for Creation of a Museum Exhibit. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Short and Project Papers, M. Mudge, N. Ryan, and R. Scopigno (eds.), pp. 97-101.

Torwalt CRMM and Hoppa RD (2005) A Test of Sex Determination from Measures of Chest Radiographs. Journal of Forensic Sciences 50(4): 785-790.

Sitchon M and Hoppa RD (2005) Assessing Age-Related Morphology of the Pubic Symphysis from Digital Images Versus Direct Observation. Journal of Forensic Sciences 50(4): 791-795.

Larcombe LA, Nickerson P, Hoppa RD and Matheson C (2005) Detection of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the IL-6 Promoter Region of Ancient Nuclear DNA Infection, Genetics and Evolution 5(2): 117-122.

Green C, Hoppa RD, Young TK and Blanchard JF (2003) Geographic Analysis of Diabetes Prevalence in an Urban Area. Social Science and Medicine 57(3): 551-560.

Müller H-G, Love B and Hoppa RD (2002) A Semiparametric Method for Estimating Demographic Profiles from Age Indicator Data. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 117(1): 1-14.

Hoppa RD (2001) Paleodemography: demographic aspects. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 16: 11005-11009.

Hoppa RD (2000) What to do With Long Bones: Toward a Progressive Palaeoauxology. Anthropologie (Brno)  XXXVIII/1: 23-32.

Saunders SR, Hoppa RD, Macchiarelli R and Bondioli L (2000) Investigating Variability in Human Dental Development in the Past. Anthropologie (Brno) XXXVIII/1: 101-107.

Hoppa RD (2000) Population Variation in Osteological Aging Criteria: An Example from the Pubic Symphysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 111(2): 185-191.

Hoppa RD (1999) Modeling the Effects of Selection-Bias on Palaeodemographic Analyses. Homo 50(3): 228-243.

Herring DA and Hoppa RD (1999) Endemic Tuberculosis among Nineteenth Century Cree in the Central Canadian Subarctic. Perspectives in Human Biology 4(1): 189-199.

Hoppa RD (1998) Mortality in a Northern Ontario Fur-Trade Community: Moose Factory, 1851-1964. Canadian Studies in Population 25(2): 175-198.

Hoppa RD and Garlie TN (1998) Secular Changes in the Growth of Toronto Children during the Last Century. Annals of Human Biology 25(6): 553-561.

Hoppa RD and Saunders SR (1998) The MAD Legacy: How Meaningful is Mean Age-at-Death in Skeletal Samples. Human Evolution 13: 1-14.

Hoppa RD and Saunders SR (1998) Two Quantitative Methods for Rib Seriation in Human Skeletal Remains. Journal of Forensic Sciences 43(1): 174-177.

Herring DA and Hoppa RD (1997) Changing Patterns of Mortality Seasonality among the Western James Bay Cree. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 56(4): 121-133.

Saunders SR and Hoppa RD (1997) Sex Allocation from Long Bone Measurements Using Logistic Regression. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal 30(2): 49-60.

Hoppa RD and Gruspier KL (1996) Estimating Diaphyseal Length from Fragmentary Subadult Skeletal Remains: Implications for Palaeodemographic Reconstructions of a Southern Ontario Ossuary. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 100(3): 341-354.

Hoppa RD and Saunders SR (1994) The dl Method for Examining Bone Growth in Juveniles: A Reply.  International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(3): 261-263

Saunders SR, Hoppa RD, and Southern RA (1993) Diaphyseal Growth in a 19th Century Skeletal Sample of Subadults from St. Thomas' Church, Belleville, Ontario. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3(4): 265-281.

Saunders SR and Hoppa RD (1993) Growth Deficit in Survivors and Non-Survivors: Biological Mortality Bias in Subadult Skeletal Samples. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 36: 127-151.

Saunders SR, DeVito CA, Herring DA, Southern RA, and Hoppa RD (1993) Accuracy Tests of Tooth Formation Age Estimations for Human Skeletal Remains. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 92(2): 173-188.

Hoppa RD (1992) Evaluating Human Skeletal Growth: An Anglo-Saxon Example. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2(4): 275-288.

Mullen GJ and Hoppa RD (1992) Rogers Ossuary (AgHb-131): An Early Ontario Iroquois Burial Feature from Brantford Township. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 16: 32-47.



Ember CR, Ember M, Peregrine PN and Hoppa RD (2006, 2009) Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, Canadian Edition. 2/e, 3/e Prentice Hall: Toronto.

Hoppa RD and Vaupel JW, editors (2002) Paleodemography: Age Distributions from Skeletal Samples. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology 31. Cambridge University Press.

Ember CR, Ember M and Hoppa RD (2002) Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, Canadian Edition. 1/e. Prentice Hall: Toronto.

Hoppa RD and FitzGerald CM, editors (1999) Human Growth in the Past: Studies from Bones and Teeth. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology 25. Cambridge University Press.


Herring DA, Abonyi S and Hoppa RD (2003) Malnutrition Among Northern Peoples of Canada in the 1940s: an Ecological and Economic Disaster. In DA Herring and AC Swedlund (eds): Human Biologists in the Archives: Demography, Health, Nutrition and Genetics in Historical Populations. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology 34. pp. 289-310. Cambridge University Press.

Saunders SR, Herring DA, Sawchuk L, Boyce G, Hoppa RD and Klepp S (2002). The St. Thomas’ Anglican Church Cemetery Project. In RH Steckel and J Rose (eds): The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere. pp. 130-161. Cambridge University Press.

Hoppa RD and Vaupel JW (2002) The Rostock Manifesto for Paleodemography: the Way from Stage to Age. In Hoppa RD and Vaupel JW (eds): Paleodemography: Age Distributions from Skeletal Samples. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology 31. pp 1-8. Cambridge University Press.

Hoppa RD (2002) Paleodemography: Looking Back and Thinking Ahead. In Hoppa RD and Vaupel JW (eds): Paleodemography: Age Distributions from Skeletal Samples. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology 31. pp. 9-28. Cambridge University Press.

Hoppa RD and FitzGerald CM (1999) From Head to Toe: Integrating Studies from Bones and Teeth in Biological Anthropology. In RD Hoppa and CM FitzGerald (eds): Human Growth in the Past: Studies from Bones and Teeth. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology 25. pp. 1-31. Cambridge University Press.

Book Reviews

Hoppa RD (2008) Review of ‘The Social Archaeology of Funerary Remains’ edited by Rebecca Gowland and Christopher Knüsel. Oxford: Oxbox Books. 2006. 312 pp. ISBN 1-84217-211-7. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 136(2): 245-246.

Hoppa RD (2002) Review of ‘The Digital Atlas of The Human Skeleton’ by Larry Sawchuk, Janet Padiak and William Barek. 2000 Scarborough, Ontario: CITDPress. (CD-ROM). ISBN 0-7727-6303-8. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 119(3): 293-294.

Hoppa RD (2001) Review of ‘Human Osteology in Archaeology and Forensic Science’ edited by Margaret Cox and Simon Mays, 2000 Greenwich Medical Media: London. ISBN: 1841100463, 522 pp. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 114(4) 365-366.

Hoppa RD (2000) Review of ‘The Riddle of the Bones: Politics, Science, Race, and the Story of Kennewick Man’ by Roger Downey, 2000 Springer Verlag: New York. ISBN: 0387988777, 201 pp. Endeavour 24(3): 133

Hoppa RD (1999) Review of ‘Human Disease and Demography’ by Susan Scott and CJ Duncan, 1998, Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 052162052X, 354 pp. Journal of Political Ecology 6