Extra sound clips

A few words from Rogers' exercises (for now, only in WAV format).

Page 49, exercise 5

top with unaspirated [t]
stop with aspirated [th]
dop voiced [d]

spun with aspirated [ph]
pun with unaspirated [p]
bun voiced [b]

Page 50, exercise 5e

Unaspirated stops in Rogers' suggested "baby-talk" register:

(s)pit it out
(s)top it
go to (s)chool
(s)pit out the pit (aspirated [ph] in the last word)

Page 51, exercise 12:

gnat with the final [t]:
  1. aspirated
  2. unaspriated but released
  3. unreleased

Page 52, exercise 13:

deadpan with the second [d]:
  1. unreleased and overlapping with the following [p]
  2. released before the [p]

Page 66, exercise 8h:

Pairs illustrating diphthongal vs. monophtongal mid vowels:
  1. [nejsow] [ne:so:]
  2. [gowlej] [go:le:]
  3. [ejmow] [e:mo:]