Dear Students,
Dear students,
Please note that I do not accept students without oral interview (either in person or over the phone). In case of Iranian students,as I travel to Iran often, I do interview Iranian applicants there if possible. Otherwise, and also in case of non-Iranian applicants, you may send me your best publication, in which you are its first author, for evaluation.

Two other points to be considered when you write an email expressing your interest:
1- first make sure you have the minimum requirements of our Graduate Studies;
2- Do not copy and paste some very common sentences that are written in sample cover letters on the Internet! Sentences like: "I found your research area very close to my interests", or "I searched your website and publications and I found my interest exactly matched with yours". These sentences are meaningless to me and have a negative impact. Most of people who use these sentences haven't even read one single paper of my publications. I prefer you write sincerely, and with your own style of writing even if it might have some grammatical errors.

Best wishes,
Updated on Nov. 17, 2010