Cellular Energetics I - Cellular Respiration
& Fermentation
LABORATORY 4: Exercise 3 Answers
- Is the reducing sugar present before or after yeast fermentation?
- The sugar (glucose) was present before fermentation (see
strong positive of tube 4). Some sugar is still present after fermentation
as indicated by the week positive of tube 5.
- What happened to the sugar?
- The yeast consumed the glucose in fermentation to produce alcohol, carbon
dioxide and ATP (see
overview of fermentation)
- What is the purpose of each tube?
- Tube 1 - 3 ml Benedicts and 1 ml Water - Control
- Tube 2 - 3 ml Benedicts and 1 ml 1% Glucose- Positive Control
- Tube 3 - 3 ml Benedicts and 1 ml 1% Sucrose- Negative control
- Tube 4 - 3 ml Benedicts and 1 ml Yeast Culture Before Fermentation -
- Tube 5 - 3 ml Benedicts and 1 ml Yeast Culture After Fermentation- Experimental
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First published Sept 95: Modified June 2019
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