capture log off set more off /* OUTLINE I. File Operations 1) Merge 2 (or more) files that have different variables for the same individual (all files refer to the same year) 2) Convert a WIDE format longitudinal file to a LONG format 3) Append 2 files that data were collected from different years (periods) for the same individuals II. Preparing the data for Panel Analysis with: tsset III. Linear Panel Data Models 1) Pooled Estimator (OLS) 2) Fixed Effects Estimator 3) Random Effects Estimator IV. Specification Tests 1) Fixed Effects vs Random Effects (Hausman Test) 2) Pooled vs Fixed Effects - F-Test (Chow Test) */ /* I1. Merge 2 files We assume that you have 2 files in the folder that you store your DO-file File names are : merge_a.dta and merge_b.dta Both files have a variable that uniquely identifies each individuals in the dataset The idenfication variable is: xid */ use "",clear merge 1:1 xid using "" drop _merge save merge_ab,replace * Read STATA helpfile for merge for more general scenarios /* I2. Reshape a Wide file Assume that you have a longitudinal file that you want to convert from WIDE to LONG format File name: widepanel.dta We also assume that we have a identification variable called xid */ use "",clear reshape long age sex inc work city baplus immig health, i(xid) j(year) save longpanel.dta,replace /* I3.Append 2 files We have 2 files data1.dta and data2.dta Both files contain same information except that data1 refers to 2001 and data2 refers to 2002 Both files have the xid variable They also contain a variable called: year */ use "",clear append using "" save data_12.dta,replace /* II. Set up for Panel Data Analysis Before any panel command is executed the data should be declared as a Panel The file that we'll use, 4130macrodata.dta, contain longitudinal information about several countries The ID variable is : code Time variable is : year */ use "" *To set the data as a panel we type xtset code year /* III. Linear Panel Data Models Below we will run a simple growth regression growth=f(linitial, lsec) where linitial=log(initial GDP) and lsec = log(average years of secondary schooling in population) */ gen linitial = log(initial) gen lsec = log(sec) *POOLED REGRESSION reg growth lsec linitial *Fixed Effects Regression xtreg growth lsec linitial,fe *Random Effects Regression xtreg growth lsec linitial,re /* IV. Hausman Specification Test */ xtreg growth lsec linitial,fe est store fixed_effects xtreg growth lsec linitial,re est store random_effects hausman fixed /* BREUSH PAGAN LM TEST : RE VS POOLED OLS */ xttest0