--- START: ArrayNorm --- 24/04/12 3:35 PM --- System information Amount of free memory in system: 299784kByte [SaveOutput::writeHeader] -> javaversion is > 1.3 Amount of memory in JVM: 307840kByte Maximum memory available (in MB) 466048kByte Java Runtime Environment version: 1.6.0_22 Java Runtime Environment vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java vendor URL: http://java.sun.com/ Java installation directory: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk- Java Virtual Machine specification version: 1.0 Java Virtual Machine specification vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Virtual Machine specification name: Java Virtual Machine Specification Java Virtual Machine implementation version: 20.0-b11 Java Virtual Machine implementation vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Virtual Machine implementation name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Java Runtime Environment specification version: 1.6 Java Runtime Environment specification vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Runtime Environment specification name: Java Platform API Specification Java 3D Title not installed Java 3D Vendor not available Java 3D Version not available Java JDOM Title null Java JDOM Vendor null Java JDOM Version null Java JAI Title not installed Java JAI Vendor not available Java JAI Version not available Java class format version number: 50.0 Java class path: /home/psgendb/BIRCHDEV/java/ArrayNorm/./mail.jar:/home/psgendb/BIRCHDEV/java/ArrayNorm/./ArrayNormGui.jar:/home/psgendb/BIRCHDEV/java/ArrayNorm/./lax.jar Java3D installed: false Operating system name: Linux Operating system architecture: amd64 Operating system version: 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5 File separator ('/' on UNIX): / Path separator (':' on UNIX): : User's account name: psgendb User's home directory: /home/psgendb User's current working directory: /home/psgendb/BIRCHDEV/java/ArrayNorm.1.7.2 Number of processors 8 IP address of this computer Name of this computer moon --- END: ArrayNorm --- 24/04/12 3:36 PM ---