package birchconfig; import*; import java.util.Date; /** *

Title: Uninstall

* *

Description: Delete BIRCH directories, and remove BIRCH access for BIRCH Administrator.


Logfile: $BIRCH/BIRCH.uninstall.log. *

To avoid accidently clobbering the master copy of BIRCH, this program will stop * and print an error message if the userid of the person runing it is 'psgendb'.

@param PermUninstall - Permanent Uninstall. If true also move admin.uninstall to admin. This directory contains scripts that remove BIRCH access for each user, the next time the user logs in. @param DelBinaries - Delete Binaries. If true, delete bin directories in $BIRCH. *

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005

* *

Company: University of Manitoba

* * @author Dr. Brian Fristensky * @version 0.1 */ public class uninstall { static uninstall uninstaller = new uninstall(); static runCommand runner = new runCommand(); //----------------------------------------------- // Write a message to the logfile. static void progressMessage(BufferedTextOutputFile logfile, String S) { logfile.PW.println(S); } //----------------------------------------------- // Run the script This script deletes // most of the BIRCH directories, except $BIRCH/local. static boolean deleteDirs(String BIRCH, boolean DelBinaries, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; String MSG = "Deleting BIRCH directories"; logfile.PW.println(MSG); logfile.PW.print("Running "); //System.out.println("Running"); screenMsg scr = new screenMsg(); scr.printSubHeading("",MSG); String COMMAND = "chmod u+x"; OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); COMMAND = "./ -Q"; if (! DelBinaries) { COMMAND = COMMAND + " -n"; } OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- // rename admin.uninstall directory to admin static boolean makeAdmin(String BIRCH, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; mv mover = new mv(); String oldname = BIRCH + "/admin.uninstall"; String newname = BIRCH + "/admin"; String MSG = "Rename " + oldname + " to " + newname; logfile.PW.print(MSG); screenMsg scr = new screenMsg(); scr.printSubHeading("",MSG); String COMMAND = "chmod u+x"; try { OKAY =,newname); } catch (Exception e) { OKAY = false; }; if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //============================= MAIN ===================================== public static void main(boolean PermUninstall, boolean DelBinaries) { BufferedTextOutputFile logfile = new BufferedTextOutputFile(); // Get the path for the BIRCH home directory, assuming it // is the parent of the current working directory, which should // be install-birch. File currentdir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); String BIRCH = currentdir.getParent(); System.out.println("BIRCH home dir: " + BIRCH); if (logfile.WriteOkay("../birchconfig.uninstall.log")) { progressMessage(logfile,"Beginning uninstall"); Date D = new Date(); String TimeStamp = D.toString(); progressMessage(logfile,TimeStamp); progressMessage(logfile,""); } // For testing purposes, we allow birchconfig to get as far as this // point. Since BIRCHDEV is the master copy of BIRDH, we don't allow // an automated uninstall! String userid = System.getProperty(""); //if (userid.equals("psgendb")) { if (BIRCH.contains("BIRCHDEV")) { progressMessage(logfile,"UNINSTALL ABORTED! - uninstall of BIRCHDEV prohibited"); System.out.println("UNINSTALL ABORTED! - uninstall of BIRCHDEV is prohibited"); } else { if (BIRCH.contains("BIRCBINHDEV")) { DelBinaries = false; } // run deleteDirs(BIRCH, DelBinaries, logfile); // move admin.uninstall to admin if (PermUninstall) { makeAdmin(BIRCH, logfile); } } logfile.PW.close(); } // MAIN }