/** * Close intra-scaffold gaps * Copyright 2014 Canada's Michael Smith Genome Science Centre */ #include "config.h" #include "Konnector/konnector.h" #include "Konnector/DBGBloom.h" #include "Konnector/DBGBloomAlgorithms.h" #include "Bloom/CascadingBloomFilter.h" #include "Align/alignGlobal.h" #include "Common/IOUtil.h" #include "Common/Options.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "DataLayer/FastaConcat.h" #include "DataLayer/Options.h" #include "Graph/DotIO.h" #include "Graph/Options.h" #include "Graph/GraphUtil.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if _OPENMP # include # include "Bloom/ConcurrentBloomFilter.h" #endif #undef USESEQAN #if USESEQAN #include #include #include #endif using namespace std; using Konnector::BloomFilter; #if USESEQAN using namespace seqan; #endif #define PROGRAM "abyss-sealer" static const char VERSION_MESSAGE[] = PROGRAM " (" PACKAGE_NAME ") " VERSION "\n" "Written by Shaun Jackman, Hamid Mohamadi, Anthony Raymond,\n" "Ben Vandervalk and Daniel Paulino\n" "\n" "Copyright 2014 Canada's Michael Smith Genome Science Centre\n"; static const char USAGE_MESSAGE[] = "Usage: " PROGRAM "-b -k -k ... -o -S [options]... [reads2]...\n" "i.e. abyss-sealer -b20G -k90 -k80 -k70 -k60 -k50 -k40 -k30 -o test -S scaffold.fa read1.fa read2.fa\n\n" "Close gaps by using left and right flanking sequences of gaps as 'reads' for Konnector\n" "and performing multiple runs with each of the supplied K values.\n" "\n" " Options:\n" "\n" " --print-flanks outputs flank files\n" " -S, --input-scaffold=FILE load scaffold from FILE\n" " -L, --flank-length=N length of flanks to be used as pseudoreads [100]\n" " -D, --flank-distance=N distance of flank from gap [0]\n" " -G, --max-gap-length=N max gap size to fill in bp [800]; runtime increases\n" " exponentially with respect to this parameter\n" " -j, --threads=N use N parallel threads [1]\n" " -k, --kmer=N the size of a k-mer\n" " -b, --bloom-size=N size of Bloom filter (e.g. '40G'). Required\n" " when not using pre-built Bloom filter(s)\n" " (-i option)\n" " -d, --dot-file=FILE write graph traversals to a DOT file\n" " -e, --fix-errors find and fix single-base errors when reads\n" " have no kmers in bloom filter [disabled]\n" " -C, --max-cost=N max edges to traverse during each graph search [100000]\n" " -i, --input-bloom=FILE load bloom filter from FILE\n" " --mask mask new and changed bases as lower case\n" " --no-mask do not mask bases [default]\n" " --chastity discard unchaste reads [default]\n" " --no-chastity do not discard unchaste reads\n" " --trim-masked trim masked bases from the ends of reads\n" " --no-trim-masked do not trim masked bases from the ends\n" " of reads [default]\n" " -m, --flank-mismatches=N max mismatches between paths and flanks; use\n" " 'nolimit' for no limit [nolimit]\n" " -M, --max-mismatches=N max mismatches between all alternate paths;\n" " use 'nolimit' for no limit [nolimit]\n" " -n --no-limits disable all limits; equivalent to\n" " '-B nolimit -m nolimit -M nolimit -P nolimit'\n" " -o, --output-prefix=FILE prefix of output FASTA files [required]\n" " -P, --max-paths=N merge at most N alternate paths; use 'nolimit'\n" " for no limit [2]\n" " -q, --trim-quality=N trim bases from the ends of reads whose\n" " quality is less than the threshold\n" " --standard-quality zero quality is `!' (33)\n" " default for FASTQ and SAM files\n" " --illumina-quality zero quality is `@' (64)\n" " default for qseq and export files\n" " -r, --read-name=STR only process reads with names that contain STR\n" " -s, --search-mem=N mem limit for graph searches; multiply by the\n" " number of threads (-j) to get the total mem used\n" " for graph traversal [500M]\n" " -g, --gap-file=FILE write sealed gaps to FILE\n" " -t, --trace-file=FILE write graph search stats to FILE\n" " -v, --verbose display verbose output\n" " --help display this help and exit\n" " --version output version information and exit\n" "\n" " Deprecated Options:\n" "\n" " -B, --max-branches=N max branches in de Bruijn graph traversal;\n" " use 'nolimit' for no limit [nolimit]\n" " -f, --min-frag=N min fragment size in base pairs\n" " -F, --max-frag=N max fragment size in base pairs\n" "\n" " Note 1: --max-branches was not effective for truncating expensive searches,\n" " and has been superseded by the --max-cost option.\n" "\n" " Note 2: --max-frag was formerly used to determine the maximum gap\n" " size that abyss-sealer would attempt to close, according to the formula\n" " max_gap_size = max_frag - 2 * flank_length, where flank_length is\n" " determined by the -L option. --max-frag is superseded by the more\n" " intuitive -G (--max-gap-length) option. The related option --min-frag\n" " does not seem to have any practical use.\n" "\n" "Report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n"; namespace opt { /** Length of flank. */ int flankLength = 100; /** Max gap size to fill */ unsigned maxGapLength = 800; /** scaffold file input. */ static string inputScaffold; /** The number of parallel threads. */ static unsigned threads = 1; /** The size of the bloom filter in bytes. */ size_t bloomSize = 0; /** The maximum count value of the BLoom filter. */ unsigned max_count = 2; /** Input read files are interleaved? */ bool interleaved = false; /** Max active branches during de Bruijn graph traversal */ unsigned maxBranches = NO_LIMIT; /** * Max cost for a connecting path search. Searches that * exceed this cost limit will be aborted and the gap * will remain unfilled. */ unsigned maxCost = 100000; /** multi-graph DOT file containing graph traversals */ static string dotPath; /** * Find and fix single base errors when a read has no * kmers in the bloom filter. */ bool fixErrors = false; /** The size of a k-mer. */ unsigned k; /** Vector of kmers. */ vector kvector; /** Vector of Bloom filter paths corresponding to kmer values */ vector bloomFilterPaths; /** The minimum fragment size */ unsigned minFrag = 0; /** The maximum fragment size */ unsigned maxFrag = 0; /** Bloom filter input file */ static string inputBloomPath; /** Max paths between left and right flanking sequences */ unsigned maxPaths = 2; /** Prefix for output files */ static string outputPrefix; /** Max mismatches allowed when building consensus seqs */ unsigned maxMismatches = NO_LIMIT; /** Only process flanks that contain this substring. */ static string readName; /** Max mem used per thread during graph traversal */ static size_t searchMem = 500 * 1024 * 1024; /** Output file for graph search stats */ static string tracefilePath; /** Output file for sealed gaps */ static string gapfilePath; /** Mask bases not in flanks */ static int mask = 0; /** Max mismatches between consensus and flanks */ static unsigned maxFlankMismatches = NO_LIMIT; /** Output flanks files */ static int printFlanks = 0; /** Output detailed stats */ static int detailedStats = 0; } /** Counters */ struct Counters { size_t noStartOrGoalKmer; size_t noPath; size_t uniquePath; size_t multiplePaths; size_t tooManyPaths; size_t tooManyBranches; size_t tooManyMismatches; size_t tooManyReadMismatches; size_t containsCycle; size_t maxCostExceeded; size_t exceededMemLimit; size_t traversalMemExceeded; size_t readPairsProcessed; size_t readPairsMerged; size_t skipped; }; static const char shortopts[] = "S:L:b:B:C:d:ef:F:G:g:i:Ij:k:lm:M:no:P:q:r:s:t:v"; enum { OPT_HELP = 1, OPT_VERSION }; static const struct option longopts[] = { { "detailed-stats", no_argument, &opt::detailedStats, 1}, { "print-flanks", no_argument, &opt::printFlanks, 1}, { "input-scaffold", required_argument, NULL, 'S' }, { "flank-length", required_argument, NULL, 'L' }, { "max-gap-length", required_argument, NULL, 'G' }, { "bloom-size", required_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "max-branches", required_argument, NULL, 'B' }, { "max-cost", required_argument, NULL, 'C' }, { "dot-file", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "fix-errors", no_argument, NULL, 'e' }, { "min-frag", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "max-frag", required_argument, NULL, 'F' }, { "input-bloom", required_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "interleaved", no_argument, NULL, 'I' }, { "threads", required_argument, NULL, 'j' }, { "kmer", required_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { "chastity", no_argument, &opt::chastityFilter, 1 }, { "no-chastity", no_argument, &opt::chastityFilter, 0 }, { "mask", no_argument, &opt::mask, 1 }, { "no-mask", no_argument, &opt::mask, 0 }, { "no-limits", no_argument, NULL, 'n' }, { "trim-masked", no_argument, &opt::trimMasked, 1 }, { "no-trim-masked", no_argument, &opt::trimMasked, 0 }, { "output-prefix", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "flank-mismatches", required_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { "max-mismatches", required_argument, NULL, 'M' }, { "max-paths", required_argument, NULL, 'P' }, { "trim-quality", required_argument, NULL, 'q' }, { "standard-quality", no_argument, &opt::qualityOffset, 33 }, { "illumina-quality", no_argument, &opt::qualityOffset, 64 }, { "read-name", required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "search-mem", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "trace-file", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { "gap-file", required_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, OPT_HELP }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, OPT_VERSION }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /** The coordinates of a feature. */ struct Coord { int start; int end; Coord() { } Coord(int start, int end) : start(start), end(end) { } /** Return the size of this feature. */ int size() const { return end - start; } }; /** The coordinates of a gap and its flanking scaftigs. */ struct Gap { /** The left flanking scaftig. */ Coord left; /** The right flanking scaftig. */ Coord right; Gap() { } Gap(int leftStart, int leftEnd, int rightStart, int rightEnd) : left(leftStart, leftEnd), right(rightStart, rightEnd) { } /** The start of the gap. */ int gapStart() const { return left.end; } /** The end of the gap. */ int gapEnd() const { return right.start; } /** The total size of the flanks plus the gap. */ int totalSize() const { return right.end - left.start; } /** The size of the original gap. */ int gapSize() const { return gapEnd() - gapStart(); } /** The size of the flanks. */ int flankSize() const { return left.size() + right.size(); } }; /** The coordinates of a gap, its flanking scaftigs, and the sequence that * fills it. */ struct ClosedGap : Gap { /** The sequence that fills the gap. */ std::string seq; ClosedGap() { } ClosedGap(Gap gap, std::string seq) : Gap(gap), seq(seq) { } }; #if USESEQAN const string r1 = "AGAATCAACCAACCGTTCAATGATATAATCAAGAGCGATATTGTAATCTTTGTTTCT"; const string r2 = "CGACGTCCACCAATTCGTCCCTGTGCACGAGCAGTTTCCAGTCCAGCTTTTGTTCGT"; const string ins = "AGAATCAACCAACCGTTCAATGATATAATCAAGAGCGATATTGTAATCTTTGTTTCTGTCACCCGGCCCCCACGACTCAAGGATTAGACCATAAACACCATCCTCTTCACCTATCGAACACTCAGCTTTCAGTTCAATTCCATTATTATCAAAAACATGCATAATATTAATCTTTAATCAATTTTTCACGACAATACTACTTTTATTGATAAAATTGCAACAAGTTGCTGTTGTTTTACTTTCTTTTGTACACAAAGTGTCTTTAACTTTATTTATCCCCTGCAGGAAACCTCTTATACAAAGTTGACACACCAACATCATAGATAATCGCCACCTTCTGGCGAGGAGTTCCTGCTGCAATTAATCGTCCAGCTTGTGCCCATTGTTCTGGTGTAAGTTTGGGACGACGTCCACCAATTCGTCCCTGTGCACGAGCAGTTTCCAGTCCAGCTTTTGTTCGT"; static void seqanTests() { typedef String DS; typedef Align Alignment; //DS seq1 = "TTGT"; //DS seq2 = "TTAGT"; DS ref = ins; DS seq1 = r1; DS seq2 = r2; Alignment align1; resize(rows(align1), 2); assignSource(row(align1, 0), ref); assignSource(row(align1, 1), seq1); Alignment align2; resize(rows(align2), 2); assignSource(row(align2, 0), ref); assignSource(row(align2, 1), seq2); Score scoring(2, -2, -50, -100); cout << splitAlignment(align1, align2, scoring) << endl; cout << align1 << endl; cout << align2 << endl; cout << localAlignment(align1, scoring) << endl; cout << align1 << endl; cout << localAlignment(align2, scoring) << endl; cout << align2 << endl; } #endif /** * Set the value for a commandline option, using "nolimit" * to represent NO_LIMIT. */ static inline void setMaxOption(unsigned& arg, istream& in) { string str; getline(in, str); if (in && str == "nolimit") { arg = NO_LIMIT; } else { istringstream ss(str); ss >> arg; // copy state bits (fail, bad, eof) to // original stream in.clear(ss.rdstate()); } } string sizetToString (size_t a) { ostringstream temp; temp << a; return temp.str(); } string IntToString (int a) { ostringstream temp; temp< string merge(const Graph& g, unsigned k, const Gap& gap, const FastaRecord &read1, const FastaRecord &read2, const ConnectPairsParams& params, Counters& g_count, ofstream& traceStream) { ConnectPairsResult result = connectPairs(k, read1, read2, g, params); ostringstream ss; ss << result.readNamePrefix << '_' << gap.gapStart() << '_' << gap.gapSize(); result.readNamePrefix = ss.str(); if (!opt::tracefilePath.empty()) #pragma omp critical(tracefile) { traceStream << result; assert_good(traceStream, opt::tracefilePath); } vector& paths = result.mergedSeqs; switch (result.pathResult) { case NO_PATH: assert(paths.empty()); if (result.foundStartKmer && result.foundGoalKmer) #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.noPath; else { #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.noStartOrGoalKmer; } break; case FOUND_PATH: assert(!paths.empty()); if (result.pathMismatches > params.maxPathMismatches || result.readMismatches > params.maxReadMismatches) { if (result.pathMismatches > params.maxPathMismatches) #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.tooManyMismatches; else #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.tooManyReadMismatches; } else if (paths.size() > 1) { #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.multiplePaths; } else { #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.uniquePath; } break; case TOO_MANY_PATHS: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.tooManyPaths; break; case TOO_MANY_BRANCHES: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.tooManyBranches; break; case PATH_CONTAINS_CYCLE: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.containsCycle; break; case MAX_COST_EXCEEDED: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.maxCostExceeded; break; case EXCEEDED_MEM_LIMIT: #pragma omp atomic ++g_count.exceededMemLimit; break; } if (result.pathResult == FOUND_PATH) { if (result.pathMismatches > params.maxPathMismatches) return ""; else if (result.mergedSeqs.size() > 1) return result.consensusSeq; else return result.mergedSeqs.front(); } else return ""; } void printLog(ofstream &logStream, const string &output) { #pragma omp critical(logStream) logStream << output; if (opt::verbose > 0) #pragma omp critical(cerr) cerr << output; } void insertIntoScaffold(ofstream &scaffoldStream, ofstream &mergedStream, FastaRecord &record, map > &allmerged, unsigned &gapsclosedfinal) { map >::iterator scaf_it; map::reverse_iterator pos_it; scaf_it = allmerged.find(record.id); scaffoldStream << ">" << record.id << " " << record.comment << endl; string modifiedSeq = record.seq; if (scaf_it != allmerged.end()) { for (pos_it = allmerged[record.id].rbegin(); pos_it != allmerged[record.id].rend(); pos_it++) { const ClosedGap& closedGap = pos_it->second; int newseqsize = pos_it->second.seq.length() - closedGap.flankSize(); modifiedSeq.replace( closedGap.left.start, closedGap.totalSize(), closedGap.seq ); mergedStream << ">" << record.id << "_" << pos_it->first << "_" << newseqsize << endl; mergedStream << pos_it->second.seq << endl; gapsclosedfinal++; } scaffoldStream << modifiedSeq << endl; } else { scaffoldStream << record.seq << endl; } } std::pair makePseudoReads(std::string seq, FastaRecord record, const Gap& gap) { std::pair scaftigs; // extract left flank std::string leftflank = seq.substr(gap.left.start, gap.left.size()); std::transform(leftflank.begin(), leftflank.end(), leftflank.begin(), ::toupper); scaftigs.first.seq = leftflank; scaftigs.first.id = record.id + "/1"; // extract right flank scaftigs.second.id = record.id + "/2"; std::string rightflank = seq.substr(gap.right.start, gap.right.size()); std::transform(rightflank.begin(), rightflank.end(), rightflank.begin(), ::toupper); scaftigs.second.seq = reverseComplement(rightflank); return scaftigs; } template void kRun(const ConnectPairsParams& params, unsigned k, const Graph& g, map > &allmerged, map > &flanks, unsigned &gapsclosed, ofstream &logStream, ofstream &traceStream, ofstream &gapStream) { map >::iterator read1_it; map::iterator read2_it; unsigned uniqueGapsClosed = 0; Counters g_count; g_count.noStartOrGoalKmer = 0; g_count.noPath = 0; g_count.uniquePath = 0; g_count.multiplePaths = 0; g_count.tooManyPaths = 0; g_count.tooManyBranches = 0; g_count.tooManyMismatches = 0; g_count.tooManyReadMismatches = 0; g_count.containsCycle = 0; g_count.maxCostExceeded = 0; g_count.exceededMemLimit = 0; g_count.traversalMemExceeded = 0; g_count.readPairsProcessed = 0; g_count.readPairsMerged = 0; g_count.skipped = 0; printLog(logStream, "Flanks inserted into k run = " + IntToString(flanks.size()) + "\n"); int counter = 0; vector >::iterator> flanks_closed; #pragma omp parallel private(read1_it, read2_it) firstprivate(counter) for (read1_it = flanks.begin(); read1_it != flanks.end(); ++read1_it) { FastaRecord read1 = read1_it->first; bool success = false; for (read2_it = flanks[read1].begin(); read2_it != flanks[read1].end(); ++read2_it, ++counter) { #if _OPENMP if (counter % omp_get_num_threads() != omp_get_thread_num()) continue; #endif FastaRecord read2 = read2_it->first; int startposition = read2_it->second.gapStart(); string tempSeq = merge(g, k, read2_it->second, read1, read2, params, g_count, traceStream); if (!tempSeq.empty()) { success = true; #pragma omp critical (allmerged) allmerged[read1.id.substr(0,read1.id.length()-2)][startposition] = ClosedGap(read2_it->second, tempSeq); #pragma omp atomic ++uniqueGapsClosed; #pragma omp critical (gapsclosed) if (++gapsclosed % 100 == 0) printLog(logStream, IntToString(gapsclosed) + " gaps closed so far\n"); if (!opt::gapfilePath.empty()) #pragma omp critical (gapStream) gapStream << ">" << read1.id.substr(0,read1.id.length()-2) << "_" << read2_it->second.gapStart() << "-" << read2_it->second.gapEnd() << " LN:i:" << tempSeq.length() << '\n' << tempSeq << '\n'; } } if (success) { #pragma omp critical (flanks_closed) flanks_closed.push_back(read1_it); } } for (vector >::iterator>::iterator it = flanks_closed.begin(); it != flanks_closed.end(); ++it) { if (flanks.count((*it)->first) > 0) flanks.erase(*it); } printLog(logStream, IntToString(uniqueGapsClosed) + " unique gaps closed for k" + IntToString(k) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "No start/goal kmer: " + sizetToString(g_count.noStartOrGoalKmer) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "No path: " + sizetToString(g_count.noPath) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Unique path: " + sizetToString(g_count.uniquePath) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Multiple paths: " + sizetToString(g_count.multiplePaths) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Too many paths: " + sizetToString(g_count.tooManyPaths) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Too many branches: " + sizetToString(g_count.tooManyBranches) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Too many path/path mismatches: " + sizetToString(g_count.tooManyMismatches) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Too many path/read mismatches: " + sizetToString(g_count.tooManyReadMismatches) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Contains cycle: " + sizetToString(g_count.containsCycle) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Max cost exceeded: " + sizetToString(g_count.maxCostExceeded) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Exceeded mem limit: " + sizetToString(g_count.exceededMemLimit) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, "Skipped: " + sizetToString(g_count.skipped) + "\n"); printLog(logStream, IntToString(flanks.size()) + " flanks left\n"); } bool operator<(const FastaRecord& a, const FastaRecord& b) { if (a.id == b.id) return a.seq < b.seq; else return a.id < b.id; } void findFlanks(FastaRecord &record, int flanklength, unsigned &gapnumber, map > &flanks) { const string& seq = record.seq; // Iterate over the gaps. for (size_t offset = 0; seq.string::find_first_of("Nn", offset) != string::npos;) { #pragma omp atomic gapnumber++; size_t startposition = seq.string::find_first_of("Nn", offset); size_t endposition = seq.string::find_first_not_of("Nn", startposition); if (endposition == string::npos) { std::cerr << PROGRAM ": Warning: sequence ends with an N: " << record.id << "\n"; break; } size_t right_end = seq.string::find_first_of("Nn", endposition); if (right_end == string::npos) right_end = seq.length(); Gap gap( max((ssize_t)offset, (ssize_t)startposition - (ssize_t)flanklength), startposition, endposition, min(right_end, endposition + flanklength)); std::pair scaftigs = makePseudoReads(seq, record, gap); #pragma omp critical (flanks) flanks[scaftigs.first][scaftigs.second] = gap; offset = endposition; } } /** * Connect pairs using a Bloom filter de Bruijn graph */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool die = false; for (int c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1;) { istringstream arg(optarg != NULL ? optarg : ""); switch (c) { case '?': die = true; break; case 'S': arg >> opt::inputScaffold; break; case 'L': arg >> opt::flankLength; break; case 'G': arg >> opt::maxGapLength; break; case 'b': opt::bloomSize = SIToBytes(arg); break; case 'B': setMaxOption(opt::maxBranches, arg); break; case 'C': setMaxOption(opt::maxCost, arg); break; case 'd': arg >> opt::dotPath; break; case 'e': opt::fixErrors = true; break; case 'f': arg >> opt::minFrag; break; case 'F': arg >> opt::maxFrag; break; case 'i': { string tempPath; arg >> tempPath; opt::bloomFilterPaths.push_back(tempPath); opt::inputBloomPath = tempPath; break; } case 'I': opt::interleaved = true; break; case 'j': arg >> opt::threads; break; case 'k': { unsigned tempK; arg >> tempK; opt::kvector.push_back(tempK); opt::k = tempK; break; } case 'm': setMaxOption(opt::maxFlankMismatches, arg); break; case 'n': opt::maxBranches = NO_LIMIT; opt::maxFlankMismatches = NO_LIMIT; opt::maxMismatches = NO_LIMIT; opt::maxPaths = NO_LIMIT; break; case 'M': setMaxOption(opt::maxMismatches, arg); break; case 'o': arg >> opt::outputPrefix; break; case 'P': setMaxOption(opt::maxPaths, arg); break; case 'q': arg >> opt::qualityThreshold; break; case 'r': arg >> opt::readName; break; case 's': opt::searchMem = SIToBytes(arg); break; case 't': arg >> opt::tracefilePath; break; case 'g': arg >> opt::gapfilePath; break; case 'v': opt::verbose++; break; case OPT_HELP: cout << USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_VERSION: cout << VERSION_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (optarg != NULL && (!arg.eof() || arg.fail())) { cerr << PROGRAM ": invalid option: `-" << (char)c << optarg << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* translate --max-frag to --max-gap-length for backwards compatibility */ if (opt::maxFrag > 0) { if ((int)opt::maxFrag < 2 * opt::flankLength) opt::maxGapLength = 0; else opt::maxGapLength = opt::maxFrag - 2 * opt::flankLength; } if (opt::inputScaffold.empty()) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing mandatory option `-S'\n"; die = true; } if (opt::k == 0) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing mandatory option `-k'\n"; die = true; } if (opt::bloomFilterPaths.size() < opt::kvector.size() && opt::bloomSize == 0) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing mandatory option `-b' (Bloom filter size)\n" << "Here are some guidelines for sizing the Bloom filter:\n" << " * E. coli (~5 Mbp genome), 615X coverage: -b500M\n" << " * S. cerevisiae (~12 Mbp genome), 25X coverage: -b500M\n" << " * C. elegans (~100 Mbp genome), 89X coverage: -b1200M\n" << " * H. sapiens (~3 Gbp genome), 71X coverage: -b40G\n"; die = true; } if (opt::outputPrefix.empty()) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing mandatory option `-o'\n"; die = true; } if (opt::bloomFilterPaths.size() > opt::kvector.size()) { cerr << PROGRAM ": you must specify a k-mer size (-k) for each Bloom " " filter file (-i)\n"; die = true; } else if (opt::bloomFilterPaths.size() < opt::kvector.size() && argc - optind < 1) { cerr << PROGRAM ": missing input file arguments\n"; die = true; } else if (opt::bloomFilterPaths.size() == opt::kvector.size() && argc - optind > 0) { cerr << PROGRAM ": input FASTA/FASTQ args should be omitted when using " "pre-built Bloom filters (-i) for all k-mer sizes\n"; die = true; } if (die) { cerr << "Try `" << PROGRAM << " --help' for more information.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #if _OPENMP if (opt::threads > 0) omp_set_num_threads(opt::threads); #endif Kmer::setLength(opt::k); #if USESEQAN seqanTests(); #endif ofstream dotStream; if (!opt::dotPath.empty()) { if (opt::verbose) cerr << "Writing graph traversals to " "dot file `" << opt::dotPath << "'\n"; dotStream.open(opt::dotPath.c_str()); assert_good(dotStream, opt::dotPath); } ofstream traceStream; if (!opt::tracefilePath.empty()) { if (opt::verbose) cerr << "Writing graph search stats to `" << opt::tracefilePath << "'\n"; traceStream.open(opt::tracefilePath.c_str()); assert(traceStream.is_open()); ConnectPairsResult::printHeaders(traceStream); assert_good(traceStream, opt::tracefilePath); } ofstream gapStream; if (!opt::gapfilePath.empty()) { gapStream.open(opt::gapfilePath.c_str()); assert(gapStream.is_open()); assert_good(gapStream, opt::gapfilePath); } string logOutputPath(opt::outputPrefix); logOutputPath.append("_log.txt"); ofstream logStream(logOutputPath.c_str()); assert_good(logStream, logOutputPath); string scaffoldOutputPath(opt::outputPrefix); scaffoldOutputPath.append("_scaffold.fa"); ofstream scaffoldStream(scaffoldOutputPath.c_str()); assert_good(scaffoldStream, scaffoldOutputPath); string mergedOutputPath(opt::outputPrefix); mergedOutputPath.append("_merged.fa"); ofstream mergedStream(mergedOutputPath.c_str()); assert_good(mergedStream, mergedOutputPath); printLog(logStream, "Finding flanks\n"); ConnectPairsParams params; params.minMergedSeqLen = opt::minFrag; params.maxMergedSeqLen = opt::maxGapLength + 2 * opt::flankLength; params.maxPaths = opt::maxPaths; params.maxBranches = opt::maxBranches; params.maxCost = opt::maxCost; params.maxPathMismatches = opt::maxMismatches; params.maxReadMismatches = opt::maxFlankMismatches; /* * search from the end of the scaffold flank until * we find this many matches in a row. */ params.kmerMatchesThreshold = 1; params.fixErrors = opt::fixErrors; params.maskBases = opt::mask; params.memLimit = opt::searchMem; params.dotPath = opt::dotPath; params.dotStream = opt::dotPath.empty() ? NULL : &dotStream; map > flanks; const char* scaffoldInputPath = opt::inputScaffold.c_str(); FastaReader reader1(scaffoldInputPath, FastaReader::FOLD_CASE); unsigned gapsfound = 0; string temp; #pragma omp parallel for (FastaRecord record;;) { bool good; #pragma omp critical(reader1) good = reader1 >> record; if (good) { findFlanks(record, opt::flankLength, gapsfound, flanks); } else { break; } } temp = IntToString(gapsfound) + " gaps found\n"; printLog(logStream, temp); temp = IntToString((int)flanks.size()) + " flanks extracted\n\n"; printLog(logStream, temp); if (opt::printFlanks > 0) { map >::iterator read1_it; map::iterator read2_it; string read1OutputPath(opt::outputPrefix); read1OutputPath.append("_flanks_1.fa"); ofstream read1Stream(read1OutputPath.c_str()); assert_good(read1Stream, read1OutputPath); string read2OutputPath(opt::outputPrefix); read2OutputPath.append("_flanks_2.fa"); ofstream read2Stream(read2OutputPath.c_str()); assert_good(read2Stream, read2OutputPath); for (read1_it = flanks.begin(); read1_it != flanks.end(); read1_it++) { FastaRecord read1 = read1_it->first; for (read2_it = flanks[read1].begin(); read2_it != flanks[read1].end(); read2_it++) { FastaRecord read2 = read2_it->first; const Gap& gap = read2_it->second; read1Stream << ">" << read1.id.substr(0,read2.id.length()-2) << "_" << gap.gapStart() << "_" << gap.gapSize() << "/1\n"; read1Stream << read1.seq << endl; read2Stream << ">" << read2.id.substr(0,read2.id.length()-2) << "_" << gap.gapStart() << "_" << gap.gapSize() << "/2\n"; read2Stream << read2.seq << endl; } } assert_good(read1Stream, read1OutputPath.c_str()); read1Stream.close(); assert_good(read2Stream, read2OutputPath.c_str()); read2Stream.close(); } /** map for merged sequence resutls */ map > allmerged; unsigned gapsclosed=0; for (unsigned i = 0; i> *bloom; assert_good(inputBloom, inputPath); inputBloom.close(); } else { printLog(logStream, "Building bloom filter\n"); size_t bits = opt::bloomSize * 8 / 2; cascadingBloom = new CascadingBloomFilter(bits, opt::max_count); #ifdef _OPENMP ConcurrentBloomFilter cbf(*cascadingBloom, 1000); for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) Bloom::loadFile(cbf, opt::k, argv[i], opt::verbose >= 2); #else for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) Bloom::loadFile(*cascadingBloom, opt::k, argv[i], opt::verbose >= 2); #endif bloom = &cascadingBloom->getBloomFilter(opt::max_count - 1); } assert(bloom != NULL); if (opt::verbose) cerr << "Bloom filter FPR: " << setprecision(3) << 100 * bloom->FPR() << "%\n"; DBGBloom g(*bloom); temp = "Starting K run with k = " + IntToString(opt::k) + "\n"; printLog(logStream, temp); kRun(params, opt::k, g, allmerged, flanks, gapsclosed, logStream, traceStream, gapStream); temp = "k" + IntToString(opt::k) + " run complete\n" + "Total gaps closed so far = " + IntToString(gapsclosed) + "\n\n"; printLog(logStream, temp); if (!opt::inputBloomPath.empty()) delete bloom; else delete cascadingBloom; } printLog(logStream, "K sweep complete\nCreating new scaffold with gaps closed...\n"); map > >::iterator scaf_it; map >::reverse_iterator pos_it; FastaReader reader2(scaffoldInputPath, FastaReader::FOLD_CASE); unsigned gapsclosedfinal = 0; /** creating new scaffold with gaps closed */ for (FastaRecord record;;) { bool good; good = reader2 >> record; if (good) { insertIntoScaffold(scaffoldStream, mergedStream, record, allmerged, gapsclosedfinal); } else break; } printLog(logStream, "New scaffold complete\n"); printLog(logStream, "Gaps closed = " + IntToString(gapsclosed) + "\n"); logStream << (float)100 * gapsclosed / gapsfound << "%\n\n"; if (opt::verbose > 0) { cerr << (float)100 * gapsclosed / gapsfound << "%\n\n"; } assert_good(scaffoldStream, scaffoldOutputPath.c_str()); scaffoldStream.close(); assert_good(mergedStream, mergedOutputPath.c_str()); mergedStream.close(); assert_good(logStream, logOutputPath.c_str()); logStream.close(); if (!opt::dotPath.empty()) { assert_good(dotStream, opt::dotPath); dotStream.close(); } if (!opt::tracefilePath.empty()) { assert_good(traceStream, opt::tracefilePath); traceStream.close(); } if (!opt::gapfilePath.empty()) { assert_good(gapStream, opt::gapfilePath); gapStream.close(); } return 0; }