/* File: graphhelp.c * Author: Fred Wobus (fw@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1998 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * SCCS: %W% %G% * Description: graphical agent of HTML help package. * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Mar 7 09:16 2001 (edgrif) * * Apr 29 15:42 1999 (edgrif): Added new graphSetBlockMode call. * * Aug 18 15:54 1998 (fw): created to resolve ifdef NON-GRAPHICs in w1/help.c * Created: Tue Aug 18 15:54:15 1998 (fw) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include /* graphical functions */ #include /* for keyboard control */ #include #include /* for helpPackage internal functions */ #include #include /* for GIF handling */ #include /************************************************************/ static void helpMenuQuit (MENUITEM m); static void helpMenuPrint (MENUITEM m); static void helpMenuHelp (MENUITEM m); static void helpMenuIndex (MENUITEM m); static void helpMenuOpenHelpDoc (MENUITEM m); static void helpMenuOpenInBrowser (MENUITEM m); static void helpButtonGoBack (void); static void helpButtonGoForward (void); static void helpButtonIndex (void); static void helpButtonPrint (void); static void helpButtonOpenHelpDoc (void); static void helpDraw (void) ; static void helpDestroy (void) ; static void helpPick (int box); static void helpOpenInBrowser (int box); static void helpMiddleDown (double x, double y); static void helpKeyboard (KEY key); static void helpButtonBar(void); /************************************************************/ /****************** ***********************/ /****************** private functions ***********************/ /****************** ***********************/ /************************************************************/ /************************************************************/ static void helpMenuSpacer (MENUITEM m) {;} /* dummy */ static MENUSPEC helpFileMenu [] = { { helpMenuOpenHelpDoc, "Open..."}, { helpMenuPrint, "Print..."}, { helpMenuIndex, "Index"}, { helpMenuSpacer, ""}, { helpMenuQuit, "Exit"}, { 0, 0} }; static MENUSPEC helpViewMenu[] = { { helpButtonGoBack, "Back"}, { helpButtonGoForward, "Forward"}, { 0, 0} }; static MENUSPEC helpControlMenu [] = { { helpMenuQuit, "Quit"}, { helpMenuPrint, "Print"}, { helpMenuHelp, "Help"}, { helpMenuSpacer, ""}, { helpMenuIndex, "Subject Index"}, { helpMenuOpenHelpDoc, "Open help document"}, { helpMenuOpenInBrowser, "Open current in browser"}, { 0, 0} }; static MENU controlMenu; /* constructed from helpControlMenu[] */ static MENUOPT linkMenu[] = { { helpButtonGoBack, "Back"}, { helpButtonGoForward, "Forward"}, { menuSpacer, ""}, { (GraphFunc)helpPick, "Open link"}, { (GraphFunc)helpOpenInBrowser, "Open in browser"}, { 0, 0} }; static Graph helpGraph = 0; static Array box2href = 0, pageArray = 0, pageList = 0; static HtmlPage *currPage ; static char currHelpFilename[MAXPATHLEN]; static Array imageArray ; static DICT *imageDict ; static DICT *nameRefDict = 0 ; static Array nameRefLine = 0 ; static int WINX ; static float xPos ; static int indent ; static DICT *pageDict = 0 ; static float yPos ; static float chWidth, chHeight, lineHeight ; static int WINMAXX=0, currPageListIndex = -1, currPageArrayIndex = -1 ; static GtkWidget *forwardButton, *backButton; static STORE_HANDLE helpGraphHandle = 0; /************************************************************/ BOOL gexHtmlViewer (char *helpFilename, void *user_pointer) /* function for helpContextStruct passed to helpOnRegister */ { Graph oldGraph ; int pageDictIndex ; if (!helpFilename) { /* the received helpFilename might have come from helpLinkGetFilename, which returns NULL if the link couldn't be converted to a filename */ messerror ("Sorry, no help available !"); return FALSE; } if (!helpGraphHandle) { /**** init everything for new window ****/ helpGraphHandle = handleCreate(); /* keep a list of pointers for each page */ pageArray = arrayHandleCreate (10, HtmlPage*, helpGraphHandle) ; /* dictionary of pages, indexed by their filename */ pageDict = dictHandleCreate (10, helpGraphHandle) ; /* keeps a list of indexes to pages already visited */ pageList = arrayHandleCreate (10, int, helpGraphHandle) ; imageDict = dictHandleCreate (2, helpGraphHandle) ; imageArray = arrayHandleCreate (2, gdImagePtr, helpGraphHandle) ; } /* make a copy, because helpFilename, is a static within getSubjectHelpfilename, and may change be changed without our control here */ strncpy (currHelpFilename, helpFilename, MAXPATHLEN); /* have we got this file already loaded ? */ if (dictAdd(pageDict, helpFilename, &pageDictIndex)) { /* filename is new */ currPage = htmlPageCreate(helpFilename, helpGraphHandle); array (pageArray, pageDictIndex, HtmlPage*) = currPage; } else { /* we've had this filename before */ currPage = arr(pageArray, pageDictIndex, HtmlPage*); if (!currPage) /* we couldn't get it before */ { /* try again - to give user a chance to correct the filesystem (move directories, etc..) i.e. perform an action such that we'll find it this time */ currPage = htmlPageCreate(helpFilename, helpGraphHandle); } } currPageArrayIndex = pageDictIndex ; currPageListIndex += 1; /* break the list, if we are taking a different route through the pagelist */ if (currPageListIndex < arrayMax(pageList)-1 && pageDictIndex != arr(pageList, currPageListIndex, int)) { arrayMax(pageList) = currPageListIndex+1 ; } array (pageList, currPageListIndex, int) = pageDictIndex ; /*********** open window or redraw with new currPage ************/ if ((oldGraph = graphActivate (helpGraph))) { /*** we already have a helpGraph ****/ graphPop () ; /* bring it to the forground */ } else { WINX = 80*8 ; if (!(helpGraph = graphCreate (PIXEL_SCROLL, "On-Line Help", 0, 0, (WINX+8*8)/900.0, 524/900.0))) return FALSE; graphRegister(DESTROY, helpDestroy) ; graphRegister(PICK, helpPick) ; graphRegister(MIDDLE_DOWN, helpMiddleDown); graphRegister(KEYBOARD, helpKeyboard) ; graphSetBlockMode(GRAPH_NON_BLOCKABLE) ; graphHelp("Help"); /* the help-graph will still stay active, when a graph blocks others (like the filechooser) */ graphSetBlockMode(GRAPH_NON_BLOCKABLE) ; controlMenu = menuInitialise("Help menu", helpControlMenu); helpButtonBar(); { MENU fileMenu = menuInitialise("File", helpFileMenu); MENU viewMenu = menuInitialise("View", helpViewMenu); MENU menuBar = menuCreate(""); MENUITEM file = menuCreateItem("", 0); MENUITEM view = menuCreateItem("", 0); menuAddItem(menuBar, file, 0 ); menuAddItem(menuBar, view, 0 ); menuSetMenu(file, fileMenu); menuSetMenu(view, viewMenu); graphMenuBar(menuBar); } } helpDraw () ; graphActivate (oldGraph) ; return TRUE; } /* graphHtmlViewer */ static gint fcb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) { helpButtonGoForward(); return TRUE; } static gint bcb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) { helpButtonGoBack(); return TRUE; } static gint icb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) { helpButtonIndex(); return TRUE; } static gint pcb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) { helpButtonPrint(); return TRUE; } static void helpButtonBar(void) { GtkWidget *buttonBox = gtk_hbutton_box_new (); GtkWidget *vbox = gexGraphVbox(graphActive()); GtkWidget *quitButton = gtk_button_new_with_label("Quit"); GtkWidget *printButton = gtk_button_new_with_label("Print"); GtkWidget *indexButton = gtk_button_new_with_label("Index"); GtkWidget *netscapeHint = gtk_label_new("Middle button click to follow link in Netscape"); backButton = gtk_button_new_with_label("Go Back"); forwardButton = gtk_button_new_with_label("Go Forward"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), netscapeHint, FALSE, FALSE, 5); gtk_box_reorder_child(GTK_BOX(vbox), netscapeHint, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), buttonBox, FALSE, FALSE, 5); gtk_box_reorder_child(GTK_BOX(vbox), buttonBox, 0); gtk_button_box_set_layout(GTK_BUTTON_BOX(buttonBox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(buttonBox), quitButton, TRUE, TRUE, 5); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(buttonBox), backButton, TRUE, TRUE, 5); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(buttonBox), forwardButton, TRUE, TRUE, 5); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(buttonBox), printButton, TRUE, TRUE, 5); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(buttonBox), indexButton, TRUE, TRUE, 5); gtk_signal_connect_object(GTK_OBJECT(quitButton), "pressed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(gtk_widget_destroy), GTK_OBJECT(gexGraph2Widget(graphActive()))); gexSignalConnect(graphActive(), GTK_OBJECT(forwardButton), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(fcb), NULL); gexSignalConnect(graphActive(), GTK_OBJECT(backButton), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(bcb), NULL); gexSignalConnect(graphActive(), GTK_OBJECT(indexButton), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(icb), NULL); gexSignalConnect(graphActive(), GTK_OBJECT(printButton), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(pcb), NULL); gtk_widget_show_all(vbox); } /************************************************************/ static void helpMenuQuit (MENUITEM m) { graphDestroy(); } static void helpMenuHelp (MENUITEM m) { help(); } /************************************************************/ static void helpButtonGoBack (void) /* can't be called, if no previous level exists anyway, because the button doesn't appear then */ { int idx ; if (currPageListIndex > 0) { idx = arr (pageList, --currPageListIndex, int) ; currPage = arr (pageArray, idx, HtmlPage*) ; helpDraw () ; } return ; } /* helpGoBack */ /************************************************************/ static void helpButtonGoForward (void) /* can't be called, if no further level exists anyway, because the button doesn't appear then */ { int idx ; if (currPageListIndex < arrayMax(pageList)-1) { idx = arr (pageList, ++currPageListIndex, int) ; currPage = arr (pageArray, idx, HtmlPage*) ; helpDraw () ; } return ; } /* helpGoForward */ /************************************************************/ static void helpMenuIndex (MENUITEM m) { helpButtonIndex() ; } static void helpButtonIndex (void) { gexHtmlViewer ("?", NULL) ; /* the '?' character as a helpFilename is a special subject/filename to the helpPackage - to display a dynamically created marked up directory listing of the help-directory */ return; } /* helpMenuIndex */ /************************************************************/ static void helpMenuPrint (MENUITEM m) { helpButtonPrint() ; } static void helpButtonPrint (void) { graphPrint () ; return; } /* helpMenuPrint */ /************************************************************/ static void helpMenuOpenHelpDoc (MENUITEM m) { helpButtonOpenHelpDoc(); } static void helpButtonOpenHelpDoc (void) { static char fname[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE], dname[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE]; static char helpFilename[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE+FIL_BUFFER_SIZE]; FILE *fil; strcpy (dname, helpGetDir()); strcpy (fname, ""); if (!(fil = filqueryopen (dname, fname, "*html", "r", "Select help document"))) return ; filclose (fil); /* helpSetDir (dname); */ sprintf(helpFilename, "%s%s%s", dname, SUBDIR_DELIMITER_STR, fname); gexHtmlViewer (helpFilename, NULL); return; } /* helpMenuOpenHelpDoc */ /************************************************************/ static void helpMenuOpenInBrowser (MENUITEM m) { /* open current file in browser */ graphWebBrowser (currHelpFilename); } static void helpOpenInBrowser (int box) { /* open the link (that the mouse is hovering over) in an external browser */ char *link; if (!box) return; if (!(link = arr(box2href, box, char*))) return; graphWebBrowser (link) ; return; } /* helpOpenInBrowser */ /************************************************************/ static void helpPick (int box) /* references the link belonging to the box and displays it */ { char *link ; if (!box) return ; if (!(link = arr(box2href, box, char*))) return; if (link[0] == '#') /* jump to specific line in help file */ { int kk = 0 ; if (nameRefDict && dictFind (nameRefDict, link+1, &kk) && kk >= 0 && arrayExists(nameRefLine) && kk < arrayMax(nameRefLine)) graphGoto (1, array(nameRefLine, kk, int)) ; } else if (strncmp(link, "http:", 5) == 0 || strncmp(link, "ftp:", 4) == 0) /* open web document in external browser */ { graphWebBrowser (link); } else if ((strcasecmp (filGetExtension(link), "gif") == 0) || (strcasecmp (filGetExtension(link), "html") == 0) || (strcasecmp (filGetExtension(link), "shtml") == 0)) { char *helpFilePath = helpLinkGetFilename (link); if (helpFilePath == NULL) messerror("Can't open link 'HREF=%s' !", link); gexHtmlViewer (helpFilePath, NULL); } else messerror ("Can't display HREF=%s in help browser !", link); return; } /* helpPick */ /************************************************************/ static void helpMiddleDown (double x, double y) /* opens the link of the selection in a browser (just like the middle button over a link in Netscape) */ { char *link; int box=0; float xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; /* find out which box we clicked on */ for (box = 1; box < arrayMax(box2href); ++box) { /* try every box, and look if its area covers the mouseclick */ graphBoxDim(box, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax); if (xmin <= x && x <= xmax && ymin <= y && y <= ymax) { break; } } if (!box) return ; if (!(link = arr(box2href, box, char*))) return; if ((strncmp(link, "http:", 5) == 0 || strncmp(link, "ftp:", 4) == 0)) { graphWebBrowser (link) ; } else if (link[0] == '#') { graphWebBrowser (messprintf ("%s%s", currHelpFilename, link)) ; } else { /* the browser will handle errors/warnings if the link is bad */ graphWebBrowser (helpLinkGetFilename (link)); } return; } /* helpMiddleDown */ /************************************************************/ static void helpKeyboard (KEY key) { float x1, y1, x2, y2 ; graphWhere (&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; switch (key) { case UP_KEY: graphGoto ((x2-x1), (y1-y2)/2 + y1 - chHeight) ; break ; case DOWN_KEY: graphGoto ((x2-x1), (y2-y1)/2 + y1 + chHeight) ; break ; case ' ': graphGoto ((x2-x1), y2 - chHeight*2) ; break ; } return; } /* helpKeyBoard */ /************************************************************/ static void newLine (void) { if (xPos > WINMAXX) WINMAXX = xPos ; if (xPos != indent) { xPos = indent ; yPos += lineHeight ; lineHeight = chHeight+2 ; } return; } /* newLine */ /************************************************************/ static void blankLine (void) { newLine () ; yPos += lineHeight ; return; } /* newLine */ /************************************************************/ static void printSection (HtmlNode *node) { int i, len, dx, dy ; char *cp, *start, *hrefCp ; float hrefXPos = -1 ; static BOOL MODE_PREFORMAT=FALSE, MODE_HREF=FALSE, MODE_HEADER=FALSE, FOUND_NOBULLET_IN_LIST_NOINDENT=FALSE ; static int box = -1, itemNumber ; static char *currentLink ; static char buf[10000]; /* for word wrapping ops */ graphTextInfo (&dx, &dy, &chWidth, &chHeight) ; if ((chHeight+2) > lineHeight) lineHeight = chHeight+2 ; switch (node->type) { case HTML_SECTION: printSection (node->left) ; if (node->right) printSection (node->right) ; break ; case HTML_COMMENT: /* do nothing */ break ; case HTML_DOC: case HTML_HEAD: case HTML_BODY: if (node->left) printSection (node->left) ; break ; case HTML_TITLE: graphRetitle (node->text) ; break ; case HTML_HEADER: { /* vars local to this bit here to avoid confusion */ int oldFont, oldFontHeight, oldColor ; oldColor = graphColor (RED) ; if (node->hlevel == 1) oldFont = graphTextFormat (BOLD) ; if (node->hlevel < 3) oldFontHeight = graphTextHeight (20) ; MODE_HEADER = TRUE ; blankLine () ; indent = node->hlevel*2 * chWidth ; xPos = indent ; /* check, in case some bozo has done a thing like

*/ if (node->left) printSection (node->left) ; blankLine () ; graphColor (oldColor) ; if (node->hlevel == 1) graphTextFormat (oldFont) ; if (node->hlevel < 3) graphTextHeight (oldFontHeight) ; MODE_HEADER = FALSE ; } break ; case HTML_LIST: newLine () ; if (node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_BULLET || node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_NUMBER) indent += 4*chWidth ; itemNumber = 0 ; /* a list might not have a leftnode (a list item) */ if (node->left) printSection (node->left) ; if (node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_BULLET || node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_NUMBER) indent -= 4*chWidth ; if (node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_NOINDENT && FOUND_NOBULLET_IN_LIST_NOINDENT) { indent -= 4*chWidth ; FOUND_NOBULLET_IN_LIST_NOINDENT = FALSE ; } blankLine () ; break ; case HTML_LISTITEM: ++itemNumber ; if (node->left) { newLine () ; if (node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_BULLET || node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_NOINDENT) { /* draw a round bullet */ graphFillArc (xPos - 1.5*chWidth, yPos + 0.5*chHeight, 0.5*chWidth, 0, 360) ; } else if (node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_NUMBER) { /* draw the number of the listitem */ graphText (messprintf ("%d.", itemNumber), xPos - 3*chWidth, yPos) ; indent += (strlen(messprintf ("%d", itemNumber))-1)*chWidth ; xPos = indent ; } else if (node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_NOBULLET) { /* part of a
noindented list, but a
item becomes indented, but no bullet */ /* if we come across the first NO_BULLET item, in a HTML_LIST_NOINDENT, the LIST becomes indented */ if (!FOUND_NOBULLET_IN_LIST_NOINDENT) { indent += 4*chWidth ; xPos = indent ; FOUND_NOBULLET_IN_LIST_NOINDENT = TRUE ; } } else if (node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_NOINDENT_NOBULLET) { /* if we are in a
list and went to indentation because of a
item, a
item brings back the old indent-level (noindent for
's) */ if (FOUND_NOBULLET_IN_LIST_NOINDENT) { indent -= 4*chWidth ; xPos = indent ; FOUND_NOBULLET_IN_LIST_NOINDENT = FALSE ; } } printSection (node->left) ; } if (node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_NUMBER) { indent -= (strlen(messprintf ("%d", itemNumber))-1)*chWidth ; } else if (node->lstyle == HTML_LIST_NOBULLET) { if (!FOUND_NOBULLET_IN_LIST_NOINDENT) indent -= 4*chWidth ; } if (node->right) { printSection (node->right) ; } break ; case HTML_HREF: if (node->link && node->isNameRef) { int kk, line = yPos ; if (!nameRefDict) { nameRefDict = dictHandleCreate(20, helpGraphHandle) ; nameRefLine = arrayHandleCreate(5, int, helpGraphHandle) ; } dictAdd (nameRefDict, node->link, &kk) ; array (nameRefLine, kk, int) = line ; } if (node->link && !node->isNameRef) { MODE_HREF = TRUE ; currentLink = node->link ; } /* we have to check for leftnode, in case we have a thing like . The HREF-node doesn't have a TEXT node attached, and it would crash otherwise */ if (node->left) printSection (node->left) ; if (node->link && !node->isNameRef) { MODE_HREF = FALSE ; currentLink = 0 ; } break ; case HTML_TEXT: if (MODE_HREF) { /* xPos now stands at the end of the last word, remember that position so we know from where to start the underlining from */ hrefXPos = xPos ; /* in TEXT-mode, and when we're not at the beginning of a line, we add 1 to account for the spaces between words */ if (!MODE_PREFORMAT && xPos != indent) hrefXPos += chWidth ; hrefCp = node->text ; box = graphBoxStart () ; /* draw the HREF box */ array (box2href, box, char*) = currentLink ; } cp = node->text ; if (!MODE_PREFORMAT) htmlStripSpaces (node->text) ; /* for MODE_PREFORMAT keeps all controls chars */ while (*cp) { len = 0 ; start = cp ; if (!MODE_PREFORMAT) { while (*cp && !isspace((int)*cp)) { ++(cp) ; ++len ; } if (*cp) ++cp ; /* skip whitespace */ } else { while (*cp && *cp != '\n') { ++(cp) ; ++len ; } if (*cp) { ++cp ; /* skip RETURN */ ++len ; /* so we copy the RETURN into buf */ } } memset (buf, 0, 10000) ; strncpy (buf, start, len) ; buf[len] = 0 ; /* linewrapping of words/lines longer than WINX */ if (strlen(buf) > WINX) { cp = start + (int)(WINX/chWidth) ; buf[(int)(WINX/chWidth)] = 0 ; len = (int)(WINX/chWidth) ; } /* word wrapping if not in preformatting mode */ if (!MODE_PREFORMAT) { if (xPos != indent) /* not at start of line ... */ xPos += chWidth ; /* ... one space before the word */ if (xPos + len*chWidth > WINX) { if (MODE_HREF) { graphLine (hrefXPos, yPos+chHeight+1, xPos, yPos+chHeight+1) ; hrefXPos = indent ; hrefCp = cp ; /* word wrap the HREF-box */ graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLUE, TRANSPARENT) ; graphBoxMenu (box, linkMenu); box = graphBoxStart () ; array (box2href, box, char*) = currentLink ; } newLine () ; } graphText (buf, xPos, yPos) ; xPos += strlen(buf)*chWidth ; /* place xPos at the end of word */ } else if (MODE_PREFORMAT) { int oldpos, stringpos, screenpos, ii ; i = 0 ; /* replace TABs with appropriate number of spaces */ while (buf[i]) { if (buf[i] == '\t') { /* oldpos is the position, that this TAB char would go on the screen without TABifying NOTE: xPos is always at least "indent" (to leave a left margin) */ oldpos = (xPos - indent)/chWidth + i ; /* screenpos is the position of the TAB char after inserting spaces NOTE: the TAB itself will be overwritten by one space */ screenpos = (((oldpos/8)+1)*8) - 1 ; /* stringpos is where the TAB should go in the string, where it'll turn into a space at that position */ stringpos = screenpos - (xPos-indent)/chWidth ; /* shift all text from current position "i" onwards */ for (ii = strlen(buf)-1; ii >= i ; --ii) buf[ii+(stringpos-i)] = buf[ii] ; /* fill gap with spaces and also overwrite TAB with a space */ for (ii = i; ii <= stringpos; ++ii) buf[ii] = ' ' ; i = stringpos ; } ++i ; } /* don't use len, it might have changed when inserting spaces */ if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0 ; graphText (buf, xPos, yPos) ; xPos += strlen(buf)*chWidth ; newLine (); /* for the '\n' */ } else { graphText (buf, xPos, yPos) ; xPos += strlen(buf)*chWidth ; } } } if (MODE_HREF) { /* underline HREF's */ graphLine (hrefXPos, yPos+chHeight+1, xPos, yPos+chHeight+1) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLUE, TRANSPARENT) ; graphBoxMenu (box, linkMenu); } break ; case HTML_GIFIMAGE: { int imbox ; int imageDictIndex; int i, j, ncol, x, y ; unsigned char *pixels, *p ; unsigned int *colors; gdImagePtr theImage ; FILE *fil; /* do we need to load the image ? */ if (dictAdd (imageDict, node->link, &imageDictIndex)) { char *filename; if (imageDictIndex < 0) messcrash("printSection():HTML_GIFIMAGE - dictAdd was TRUE but imageDictIndex < 0"); filename = helpLinkGetFilename (node->link); theImage = 0; /* load the image */ if (!(fil = fopen (filename, "rb")) || !(theImage = gdImageCreateFromGif (fil))) { fprintf (stderr, "Help warning : Image %s couldn't be opened !!\n", filename ? filename : node->link) ; node->type = HTML_NOIMAGE; printSection (node); messfree (filename); return; } array (imageArray, imageDictIndex, gdImagePtr) = theImage ; fclose (fil) ; } else { theImage = arr(imageArray, imageDictIndex, gdImagePtr) ; } xPos += chWidth ; ncol = gdImageColorsTotal(theImage); colors = halloc(ncol*sizeof(unsigned int), graphClearHandle()); for (i = 0 ; i < ncol ; ++i) colors[i] = gdImageRed(theImage, i)<<16 | gdImageGreen(theImage, i)<<8 | gdImageBlue(theImage, i) ; x = gdImageSX(theImage) ; while (x % 8) ++x ; y = gdImageSY(theImage) ; pixels = (unsigned char*) halloc (x * y * sizeof(unsigned char), graphClearHandle()) ; for (j = 0 ; j < y ; ++j) for (p = pixels + j*x, i = 0 ; i < gdImageSX(theImage) ; ++i) *p++ = (unsigned char) theImage->pixels[i][j] ; imbox = graphBoxStart () ; graphPixels (pixels, gdImageSX(theImage), y, x, xPos, yPos, colors, ncol) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (imbox, -1, -1) ; if (MODE_HREF) { int oldColor ; oldColor = graphColor (BLUE) ; graphRectangle (xPos-1, yPos-1, xPos+gdImageSX(theImage), yPos+y) ; array (box2href, imbox, char*) = currentLink ; graphColor (oldColor) ; } xPos += gdImageSX(theImage) ; if (gdImageSY(theImage)+2 > lineHeight) lineHeight = gdImageSY(theImage)+2 ; } break ; case HTML_NOIMAGE: { int imbox ; xPos += chWidth ; imbox = graphBoxStart () ; graphRectangle (xPos, yPos, xPos+20, yPos+20) ; graphText ("?", xPos+6, yPos+3) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (imbox, -1, -1) ; if (MODE_HREF) { int oldColor ; oldColor = graphColor (BLUE) ; graphRectangle (xPos-1, yPos-1, xPos+21, yPos+21) ; array (box2href, imbox, char*) = currentLink ; graphColor (oldColor) ; } xPos += 20 ; if (20+2 > lineHeight) lineHeight = 20+2 ; } break ; case HTML_RULER: { int oldColor ; newLine () ; yPos += 0.5*lineHeight ; oldColor = graphColor (GRAY) ; graphLine (indent + 1, yPos - 1, (WINX-chWidth) - 1, yPos - 1) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphLine (indent, yPos, (WINX-chWidth), yPos) ; graphColor (GRAY) ; graphLine (indent + 1, yPos + 1, (WINX-chWidth) - 1, yPos + 1) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphColor (oldColor) ; yPos += 0.5*lineHeight ; } break ; case HTML_PARAGRAPH: blankLine () ; break ; case HTML_LINEBREAK: newLine () ; break ; case HTML_BOLD_STYLE: case HTML_STRONG_STYLE: case HTML_UNDERLINED_STYLE: { /* vars local to this bit here to avoid confusion */ int oldFont ; oldFont = graphTextFormat (BOLD) ; if (node->left) printSection (node->left) ; graphTextFormat (oldFont) ; } break ; case HTML_ITALIC_STYLE: { /* vars local to this bit here to avoid confusion */ int oldFont ; oldFont = graphTextFormat (ITALIC) ; if (node->left) printSection (node->left) ; graphTextFormat (oldFont) ; } break ; case HTML_CODE_STYLE: { /* vars local to this bit here to avoid confusion */ int oldFont ; oldFont = graphTextFormat (PLAIN_FORMAT) ; if (node->left) printSection (node->left) ; graphTextFormat (oldFont) ; } break ; case HTML_STARTBLOCKQUOTE: newLine () ; indent += 3*chWidth ; xPos = indent ; break ; case HTML_ENDBLOCKQUOTE: indent -= 3*chWidth ; blankLine () ; break ; case HTML_STARTPREFORMAT: MODE_PREFORMAT = TRUE ; newLine () ; break ; case HTML_ENDPREFORMAT: MODE_PREFORMAT = FALSE ; break ; case HTML_UNKNOWN: break; /* compiler happiness */ } return; } /* printSection */ /************************************************************/ static void helpDraw (void) { graphActivate (helpGraph); graphNewMenu (controlMenu); dictDestroy (nameRefDict); arrayDestroy (nameRefLine); graphRetitle ("Online Help") ; gtk_widget_set_sensitive(backButton, currPageListIndex != 0 ); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(forwardButton, currPageListIndex != arrayMax(pageList)-1 ); graphClear () ; graphTextHeight (0) ; /* default size for plain text */ graphColor (BLACK) ; /* color for plain text */ graphTextFormat (PLAIN_FORMAT) ; /* format for plain text */ indent = 8*2 ; xPos = indent; yPos = 2 ; lineHeight = 13+2 ; box2href = arrayReCreate (box2href, 10, char*) ; if (currPage) printSection (currPage->root) ; else { /* no page - all attempts to display the current file failed */ messout ("Help unavailable"); } /* an extra newline, if cursor isn't at start of line */ blankLine () ; graphPixelBounds (WINMAXX + (2*8), yPos) ; graphRedraw() ; return ; } /* helpDraw */ /************************************************************/ static void helpDestroy (void) /* called when graph dies */ { arrayDestroy (box2href) ; menuDestroy (controlMenu); /* kill everything allocated on the global handle */ handleDestroy(helpGraphHandle); helpGraphHandle = 0; pageArray = NULL; pageDict = NULL; pageList = NULL; imageDict = NULL; imageArray = NULL; nameRefDict = NULL; nameRefLine = NULL; currPageListIndex = -1 ; currPageArrayIndex = -1 ; helpGraph = -1 ; return ; } /* helpDestroy */ /************************************************************/