/* File: graph_.h * Author: Ed Griffiths (edgrif@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1998 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Internal header for the device independent part of the * graphics package. This header should remain the same * regardless of which independent layer is used underneath * it. * (See graphdev.h for the device dependent interface. * and see the various device dependent internal headers * for their implementation details. * * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Jun 18 10:20 2002 (edgrif) * * Apr 29 14:24 1999 (edgrif): Lots of changes to support move to Graph * GraphDev layering, see Graph_Internals.html for details. * * Feb 8 17:44 1999 (edgrif): Add String version of graph magic. * * Feb 8 16:48 1999 (edgrif): Remove isBlocked from graph struct, redundant * use by sprdmap.c * * Feb 1 17:43 1999 (edgrif): Correct the opaque device structs declares. * * Jan 21 14:44 1999 (edgrif): minor changes to global names. * * Jan 5 13:48 1999 (edgrif): Move graphPS to public header. * * Dec 16 15:10 1998 (edgrif): Moved waitCursor calls to internal busyCursor calls. * * Oct 22 14:19 1998 (edgrif): Added message interface for use in providing * device dependent routines: graphWinOut etc. * * Oct 13 14:19 1998 (edgrif): Added func decs for graph/acedb interface. * Mostly these are access functions to get 'callback' type * functions. Plus added this standard format header. * Created: Tue Oct 13 14:17:04 1998 (edgrif) * CVS info: $Id: graph_.h,v 1.12 2002/06/20 10:28:18 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef DEF_GRAPH__H #define DEF_GRAPH__H #include #include #include #include #include /* See GraphEvent enums in graph.h, this is the number of enums defined */ /* there, in GraphEvent the last event is always DESTROY. */ enum {NEVENTS = DESTROY + 1} ; typedef struct _GraphStruct { magic_t *magic ; /* check for is a graph */ char *name ; int id ; /* unique graph number for process */ int type ; /* from enum GraphType */ BOOL hasLoop; /* associated graph Loop */ float ux,uy,uw,uh ; /* user boundaries */ float aspect ; /* x units per inch / y units per inch */ int xWin,yWin ; /* userToWin offsets */ float xFac,yFac ; /* and scale factors */ int textX,textY ; /* text size in pixels */ int h,w ; /* device coords (0,0) to (w-1,h-1) */ void (*func[NEVENTS])() ; /* Used in graphxt with either 0 or 2 args */ float pointsize ; GraphLineStyle line_style ; float linewidth ; float textheight ; int color ; int textFormat ; Array boxes ; Stack stack ; int nbox ; int currbox ; BOOL isClear ; Stack boxstack ; Associator assoc ; char* help ; Associator buttonAss ; Array boxInfo ; Array editors ; STORE_HANDLE handle ; /* freed on graphDestroy */ STORE_HANDLE clearHandle ; /* freed every time graphClear() called */ MENU menu0 ; /* Handle for default menu */ Associator boxMenus ; /* links boxes with their own menus. */ GraphDev dev ; void (*pasteCallBack)(char *); /* Call back of getting selection */ } GraphStruct, *Graph_ ; #define GRAPH_SIZE sizeof(GraphStruct) /* Currently I use the graph magic to help with debugging when looking at the * graph struct, see graphcon.c for initialisation. */ #define GRAPH_MAGIC "Graph" typedef struct { float x1, y1, x2, y2 ; int mark ; float linewidth ; GraphLineStyle line_style ; float textheight ; float pointsize ; unsigned char fcol, bcol ; unsigned char flag, format; #if defined(BETTER_BOX_SHIFT) /* from rbrusk */ int id, parentid ; #endif } BoxStruct, *Box ; typedef struct { KEY key ; char *text ; } BOXINFO ; enum GraphAction { LINE, RECTANGLE, FILL_RECTANGLE, CIRCLE, POINT, TEXT, TEXT_UP, TEXT_PTR, TEXT_PTR_PTR, COLOR, TEXT_FORMAT, TEXT_HEIGHT, LINE_WIDTH, LINE_STYLE, POINT_SIZE, BOX_START, BOX_END, PIXELS, PIXELS_RAW, COLOR_SQUARES, POLYGON, FILL_ARC, IMAGE, ARC, LINE_SEGS } ; #define GRAPH_BOX_NOPICK_FLAG 0x01 #define GRAPH_BOX_MENU_FLAG 0x02 #define GRAPH_BOX_BUTTON_FLAG 0x04 #define GRAPH_BOX_INFO_FLAG 0x08 #define GRAPH_BOX_ENTRY_FLAG 0x10 #define GRAPH_BOX_TOGGLE_FLAG 0x20 #define GRAPH_BOX_NOMENU_FLAG 0x40 /* Make box transparent to menu clicks. */ /* externals only for use within graph package: gXxxx */ /* */ extern Graph_ gActive ; /* active graph */ extern GraphDev gDev ; /* gActive->dev */ extern Box gBox ; /* active box from gActive */ extern Stack gStk ; /* gActive->stack */ /* GraphDev fills in a table of functions that that Graph can call to inter- */ /* act with the windowing system. */ /* This is the global pointer to the table of GraphDev functions. */ extern GraphDevFunc gDevFunc ; extern int menuBox ; /* used to transmit ID of menu box */ /* Some useful defines for messages from Graph. */ #define GRAPH_INTERNAL_LOGIC_ERROR_MSG "Graph: Internal logic error, \ please report to acedb development, error was - " #define GRAPH_RESTART_ERROR_MSG "You should save your work and restart \ the application as soon as possible." #define uToXrel(x) (int)(gActive->xFac*(x)) #define uToYrel(x) (int)(gActive->yFac*(x)) #define uToXabs(x) (-gActive->xWin + uToXrel(x)) #define uToYabs(x) (-gActive->yWin + uToYrel(x)) #define XtoUrel(x) ((x) / gActive->xFac) #define YtoUrel(x) ((x) / gActive->yFac) #define XtoUabs(x) XtoUrel((x) + gActive->xWin) #define YtoUabs(x) YtoUrel((x) + gActive->yWin) #define UtextX (gActive->textX/gActive->xFac) #define UtextY (gActive->textY/gActive->yFac) void graphFacMake (void) ; void graphDeleteContents (Graph_ theGraph); /* kills boxes/stacks etc. */ void graphASCII (char *myfilname, char *mail, char *print, char *title) ; #ifdef __CYGWIN__ void graphPrintGDI (Graph_ graph); #endif Box gBoxGet (int k) ; /* gets Box pointer for index k */ void gLeftDown (float x, float y) ; void gMiddleDown (float x, float y) ; void gBoxClear (Box box) ; Graph_ gGetStruct(Graph id ) ; BOOL gFontInfo (Graph_ graph, int height, int* w, int* h) ; void gUpdateBox0 (void) ; void graphDevTextFacSet (void) ; /* sets fac according to text */ /* Convertor functions to go from Graph level types to corresponding * GraphDev level types. */ GraphDevGraphType gGetGraphDevGraphType(int graph_type) ; GraphDevEventType gGetGraphDevEventType(int event_type) ; GraphDevFontFormat gGetGraphDevFontFormat(int font_format) ; GraphDevLineStyle gGetGraphDevLineStyle(GraphLineStyle style) ; /********* in filquery.c, to be registered in graphInit() **********/ /******************** Graph <--> Acedb interface *************************/ /* Do not use this interface for anything other than setting up graph for */ /* use with Acedb. It is here to enable the two to cooperate, not for others */ /* to make use of...you have been warned. */ /* */ void initOverloadFuncs() ; VoidCharRoutine getGraphAcedbMainActivity(void) ; GraphCharRoutine getGraphAcedbDisplayCreate(void) ; char *getGraphAcedbChronoName(void) ; char *getGraphAcedbViewName(void) ; char *getGraphAcedbFilqueryName(void) ; MENUOPT *getGraphAcedbPDMenu(void) ; CharVoidRoutine getGraphAcedbStyle(void) ; char *getGraphAcedbLogin(void) ; char *getGraphAcedbSessionName(void) ; VoidFILEStackIntRoutine getGraphAcedbGetFonts(void) ; VoidACEOUTKEYRoutine getGraphAcedbClassPrint(void) ; VoidIntRoutine getGraphAcedbXFont(void) ; VoidVIEWCOLCONTROLRoutine getGraphAcedbViewAnon(void) ; BOOLMENURoutine getGraphAcedbSaveView(void) ; VoidMAPCONTROLVIEWRoutine getGraphAcedbSaveViewMsg(void) ; VoidMENUSPECRoutine getGraphAcedbViewMenu(void) ; BOOLMAPCONTROLKEYRoutine getGraphAcedbGetSetView(void) ; VoidKEYRoutine getGraphAcedbResetKey(void) ; VoidCOLOBJRoutine getGraphAcedbResetSave(void) ; VoidIntFREEOPT getGraphAcedbFreemenu(void) ; VoidOBJFUNCMAPCONTROL getGraphAcedbMapLocate(void) ; VoidOBJFUNCMAPCONTROL getGraphAcedbScale(void) ; VoidOBJFUNCSPACERPRIV getGraphAcedbSpace(void) ; VoidCharKEY getGraphAcedbAddMap(void) ; /*****************************************************************************/ #endif /* DEF_GRAPH__H */ /***** end of file ********/