/* File: graphDev.h * Author: Ed Griffiths (edgrif@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (c) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1999 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Contains the definition of the device dependent interface * that the public graph calls get mapped to. This header * is included both by graph level code which uses the * interface and the graphDev level code which implements it. * * NOTE that in general parameters do not default in this * interface, graph is the level to do defaulting, not here. * * This file MUST NOT include any Graph level types/headers * etc., that would totally break the encapsulation. * * See also Graph_Internals.h * * HISTORY: * Last edited: Jun 18 11:09 2002 (edgrif) * Created: Wed Jan 27 13:13:42 1999 (edgrif) * CVS info: $Id: graphdev.h,v 1.10 2002/06/20 10:41:21 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef DEF_GRAPHDEV_H #define DEF_GRAPHDEV_H /* */ /* State handles: */ /* - Opaque types which point to Graph and GraphDev state, neither layer */ /* has access to the others state. */ /* */ typedef struct _GraphStruct *GraphPtr ; /* Opaque handle to a Graph. */ typedef struct _GraphDevStruct *GraphDev ; /* Opaque handles to a GraphDev. */ /* */ /* Data types. */ /* - Some of these replicate the graph types but should not be removed */ /* because they enable Graph and GraphDev to vary independently. */ /* */ typedef struct _GraphDevFuncRec *GraphDevFunc ; typedef struct _GraphDevCallbackRec *GraphDevCallback ; typedef enum _GraphDevShapeStyle { GRAPHDEV_SHAPE_FILL, GRAPHDEV_SHAPE_OUTLINE } GraphDevShapeStyle ; typedef enum {GRAPHDEV_LINE_SOLID, GRAPHDEV_LINE_DASHED} GraphDevLineStyle ; typedef enum _GraphDevStringDirection { GRAPHDEV_STRING_LTOR, GRAPHDEV_STRING_TTOB } GraphDevStringDirection ; typedef enum _GraphDevOrientation { GRAPHDEV_HORIZONTAL, GRAPHDEV_VERTICAL } GraphDevOrientation ; typedef enum _GraphDevKeyType { GRAPHDEV_NOKEY, GRAPHDEV_NORMALKEY, GRAPHDEV_FUNCKEY, GRAPHDEV_HELPKEY, GRAPHDEV_PRINTKEY } GraphDevKeyType ; /* Do not change the order or values of these. */ typedef enum _GraphDevEventType { GRAPHDEV_LEFT_DOWN, GRAPHDEV_LEFT_DRAG, GRAPHDEV_LEFT_UP, GRAPHDEV_MIDDLE_DOWN, GRAPHDEV_MIDDLE_DRAG, GRAPHDEV_MIDDLE_UP, GRAPHDEV_RIGHT_DOWN, GRAPHDEV_RIGHT_DRAG, GRAPHDEV_RIGHT_UP, GRAPHDEV_PICK, GRAPHDEV_KEYBOARD, GRAPHDEV_RESIZE, GRAPHDEV_MESSAGE_DESTROY, GRAPHDEV_DESTROY } GraphDevEventType ; typedef enum _GraphDevGraphType { GRAPHDEV_PLAIN, GRAPHDEV_TEXT_SCROLL, GRAPHDEV_TEXT_FIT, GRAPHDEV_MAP_SCROLL, GRAPHDEV_PIXEL_SCROLL, GRAPHDEV_TEXT_FULL_SCROLL, GRAPHDEV_PIXEL_FIT, GRAPHDEV_TEXT_FULL_EDIT, GRAPHDEV_PIXEL_VSCROLL, GRAPHDEV_PIXEL_HSCROLL, GRAPHDEV_TEXT_HSCROLL } GraphDevGraphType ; typedef enum _GraphDevFontFormat { GRAPHDEV_PLAIN_FORMAT, GRAPHDEV_ITALIC, GRAPHDEV_BOLD, GRAPHDEV_GREEK, GRAPHDEV_FIXED_WIDTH } GraphDevFontFormat ; /* */ /* Function prototypes. */ /* - All GraphDev interface functions are prototyped here. */ /* */ /* Initialisation, termination of Graph, and general functions. */ typedef void (*GraphDevFinish)(void) ; typedef int (*GraphDevLoop)(GraphDev dev, BOOL block); typedef void (*GraphDevLoopReturn)(GraphDev dev, int retval); typedef void (*GraphDevSetWinModal)(GraphDev dev, BOOL modal, BOOL override); typedef void (*GraphDevScreenSize) (float *sx, float *sy, float *fx, float *fy, int *px, int *py) ; typedef BOOL (*GraphDevInterruptCalled)(BOOL force) ; typedef BOOL (*GraphDevResetInterrupt)(void) ; typedef void (*GraphDevPasteBuffer)(GraphDev dev) ; typedef void (*GraphDevPostBuffer)(GraphDev dev, char *text) ; typedef void (*GraphDevBeep)(GraphDev dev) ; typedef BOOL (*GraphDevWebBrowser)(char *link) ; typedef int (*GraphDevRemoteCommands) (char *applicationName, int *cmdcptr, char **cmdv) ; typedef void (*GraphDevMenuBar)(GraphDev dev, MENU menuBar); typedef void(*GraphDevSetGreyRamp)(GraphDev dev, unsigned char *ramp, BOOL isDrag) ; /* Message routines. */ /* All parameters must be supplied for these calls, there are no defaults. */ /* */ typedef void (*GraphDevMessage)(GraphDev dev, char *text) ; typedef void (*GraphDevUnMessage)(GraphDev dev) ; /* Graph creation/destruction, interactions. */ /* */ typedef GraphDev (*GraphDevCreate)(GraphPtr graph, BOOL isNaked, BOOL onMouseGrab, GraphDevGraphType graph_type, char *shell_name, float x, float y, float w, float h, int *width, int *height) ; typedef void (*GraphDevDestroy)(GraphDev dev) ; typedef void (*GraphDevRetitle)(GraphDev dev, char *title) ; typedef void (*GraphDevPop)(GraphDev dev) ; typedef void (*GraphDevGoto) (GraphDev dev, int x, int y) ; typedef void (*GraphDevRedraw) (GraphDev dev, int width, int height) ; /* Redraw a window. */ typedef void (*GraphDevWhiteOut)(GraphDev dev) ; /* Set a window to its background colour. */ typedef void (*GraphDevClear)(GraphDev dev) ; /* free all memory associated with what's drawn on the window */ typedef void (*GraphDevBusyCursorAll)() ; /* Turn busy cursor on */ typedef void (*GraphDevCleanup)(GraphDev dev); /* Getting/Setting sizes. */ /* */ typedef void (*GraphDevGetScrollWinSize) (GraphDev dev, GraphDevOrientation orientation, float *size, float *position, float *shown) ; typedef void (*GraphDevSetHScrollWinPos) (GraphDev dev, int curr_height, int new_height) ; /* If either width or height is set to 0, they will be ignored. */ typedef void (*GraphDevSetBaseWinSize) (GraphDev dev, GraphDevGraphType graph_type, int width, int height) ; typedef void (*GraphDevGetWindowSize) (GraphDev dev, float *wx, float *wy, float *ww, float *wh) ; /* Font calls. */ /* These calls are a temporary measure, in the end font/point size needs to */ /* be abstacted in a different way... */ typedef void (*GraphDevSetFontHeight)(GraphDev dev, int height) ; typedef void (*GraphDevSetFont)(GraphDev dev, int height) ; typedef void (*GraphDevSetFontFormat)(GraphDev dev, GraphDevFontFormat format) ; typedef BOOL (*GraphDevFontInfo)(GraphDev dev, int height, int* xw, int* h) ; typedef void (*GraphDevGetFontSize)(GraphDev dev, int *width, int *height, int *dy) ; /* Drawing calls. */ /* */ typedef void (*GraphDevSetBoxDefaults) (GraphDev dev, GraphDevLineStyle style, int linewidth, int textheight) ; typedef void (*GraphDevSetBoxClip) (GraphDev dev, int clipx1, int clipy1, int clipx2, int clipy2) ; typedef void (*GraphDevUnsetBoxClip)(GraphDev dev); typedef BOOL (*GraphDevSetGreyMap) (BOOL arg) ; typedef void (*GraphDevSetColours) (GraphDev dev, int foreground, int background) ; typedef void (*GraphDevSetLineWidth) (GraphDev dev, int width) ; typedef void (*GraphDevSetLineStyle) (GraphDev dev, GraphDevLineStyle style) ; typedef void (*GraphDevDrawLine) (GraphDev dev, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) ; typedef void (*GraphDevDrawRectangle) (GraphDev dev, GraphDevShapeStyle style, int x1, int y1, int width, int height) ; typedef void (*GraphDevDrawString) (GraphDev dev, GraphDevStringDirection direction, int x, int y, char *string, int length) ; typedef void (*GraphDevDrawImage) (GraphDev dev, unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int len, int xbase, int ybase, unsigned int *colors, int ncols) ; typedef void (*GraphDevDrawRampImage) (GraphDev dev, unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int len, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int xbase, int ybase) ; typedef void (*GraphDevDrawPolygon) (GraphDev dev, GraphDevShapeStyle style, int *x_vertices, int *y_vertices, int num_vertices) ; typedef void (*GraphDevDrawArc) (GraphDev dev, GraphDevShapeStyle style, int x, int y, int width, int height, int start_angle, int end_angle) ; typedef void (*GraphDevXorLine) (GraphDev dev, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) ; typedef void (*GraphDevXorBox) (GraphDev dev, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) ; /* */ /* Function declarations: */ /* - With the exception of the graphDevInit, all GraphDev functions are */ /* called via function pointers from the GraphDevFuncRec structure. */ /* The structure is filled in by GraphDev when graphDevInit is called. */ /* - GraphDev need not provide all functions, Graph must check to make sure */ /* a particular function pointer is non-NULL before calling it. It is */ /* graphDevInits responsibility to allocate the table and fill each */ /* slot with NULL or a valid function pointer. */ /* */ /* This function must be provided by ALL device layers, it is the only one */ /* not in the function pointer table because it sets up the function table, */ /* passing back a pointer to it in functable. */ /* */ void graphDevInit(GraphDevFunc *functable, char *custom_font, int *argcptr, char **argv) ; /* Function pointer table filled in by device code to indicate which */ /* functions have been implemented. Any NULL members indicate that that */ /* function has not been implemented so graph should not call that funciton. */ /* */ typedef struct _GraphDevFuncRec { GraphDevFinish graphDevFinish ; GraphDevLoop graphDevLoop; GraphDevLoopReturn graphDevLoopReturn; GraphDevSetWinModal graphDevSetWinModal; GraphDevScreenSize graphDevScreenSize ; GraphDevInterruptCalled graphDevInterruptCalled ; GraphDevResetInterrupt graphDevResetInterrupt ; GraphDevPasteBuffer graphDevPasteBuffer ; GraphDevPostBuffer graphDevPostBuffer ; GraphDevBeep graphDevBeep ; GraphDevWebBrowser graphDevWebBrowser ; GraphDevRemoteCommands graphDevRemoteCommands ; GraphDevMenuBar graphDevMenuBar; GraphDevSetGreyRamp graphDevSetGreyRamp; GraphDevMessage graphDevMessage ; GraphDevUnMessage graphDevUnMessage ; GraphDevCreate graphDevCreate ; GraphDevDestroy graphDevDestroy ; GraphDevRetitle graphDevRetitle ; GraphDevPop graphDevPop ; GraphDevGoto graphDevGoto ; GraphDevRedraw graphDevRedraw ; GraphDevWhiteOut graphDevWhiteOut ; GraphDevClear graphDevClear ; GraphDevBusyCursorAll graphDevBusyCursorAll ; GraphDevCleanup graphDevCleanup ; GraphDevGetScrollWinSize graphDevGetScrollWinSize ; GraphDevSetHScrollWinPos graphDevSetHScrollWinPos ; GraphDevSetBaseWinSize graphDevSetBaseWinSize ; GraphDevGetWindowSize graphDevGetWindowSize ; GraphDevSetFontHeight graphDevSetFontHeight ; GraphDevSetFont graphDevSetFont ; GraphDevSetFontFormat graphDevSetFontFormat ; GraphDevFontInfo graphDevFontInfo ; GraphDevGetFontSize graphDevGetFontSize ; GraphDevSetBoxDefaults graphDevSetBoxDefaults ; GraphDevSetBoxClip graphDevSetBoxClip ; GraphDevUnsetBoxClip graphDevUnsetBoxClip ; GraphDevSetColours graphDevSetColours ; GraphDevSetLineWidth graphDevSetLineWidth ; GraphDevSetLineStyle graphDevSetLineStyle ; GraphDevDrawLine graphDevDrawLine ; GraphDevDrawRectangle graphDevDrawRectangle ; GraphDevDrawString graphDevDrawString ; GraphDevDrawImage graphDevDrawImage ; GraphDevDrawRampImage graphDevDrawRampImage ; GraphDevDrawPolygon graphDevDrawPolygon ; GraphDevDrawArc graphDevDrawArc ; GraphDevXorLine graphDevXorLine ; GraphDevXorBox graphDevXorBox ; GraphDevSetGreyMap graphDevSetGreyMap ; } GraphDevFuncRec ; /* */ /* GraphDev callbacks. */ /* */ void *GraphDevCBCrashExit(char *message) ; void graphCBSetActive(GraphPtr graph) ; void graphCBExposeRedraw(GraphPtr graph, int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax) ; void graphCBResize(GraphPtr graph, int width, int height) ; void graphCBDestroy(GraphPtr graph) ; void graphCBMouse(GraphPtr graph, int x, int y, GraphDevEventType mouse_type) ; MENU graphCBMenuPopup(GraphPtr graph, int x, int y) ; void graphCBKeyboard(GraphPtr graph, GraphDevKeyType key_type, int kval) ; void graphCBMenuSelect(MENUITEM data) ; char *graphCBRemote(char *command) ; void graphCBMessageDestroy(GraphPtr graph) ; BOOL graphCBPick(GraphPtr graph, int x, int y); BOOL graphCBMiddle(GraphPtr graph, int x, int y); void graphCBRampChange(GraphPtr graph, BOOL isDrag); GraphDev graphCBGraph2Dev(int graphid); void graphCBSetFuncTable(GraphDevFunc functable); void graphCBPaste(GraphPtr graph, char *text); #endif /* DEF_GRAPHDEV_H */