/* File: graphgif.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@sanger.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (c) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1999 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Draws a gif image using the drawing stack for the * active window. * * Code for ACEDB graph package by Guy Decoux, decoux@moulon.inra.fr * based on the gd package by Tom Boutell, boutell@netcom.com * adapted by Richard Durbin and Jaime Prilusky, ACEDB'95 * * Exported functions: graphGIF(), graphGIFname() * HISTORY: * Last edited: Jun 20 09:58 2002 (edgrif) * * May 10 09:57 1999 (edgrif): Fix very old bug in TEXT_PTR_PTR drawing. * * Feb 4 20:12 1999 (edgrif): Insert Lincolns fix for no arcs being drawn * for gif only. * * Jan 21 14:31 1999 (edgrif): graphGIFfile now static. New graphGIF * function to mirror graphPS. (old graphGIF function withdrawn, * not used anywhere) * Created: Thu Jan 21 14:29:33 1999 (edgrif) * CVS info: $Id: graphgif.c,v 1.13 2002/06/20 10:43:00 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include /* Globals... */ extern gdFontPtr gdFont6x9, gdFont8x13, gdFont8x13bold ; typedef struct { int alloca_colours[NUM_TRUECOLORS]; gdImagePtr im; Graph_ graph; } gifContext; static int color2gdColor(gifContext *con, int col) { int r, g, b; if (col >= NUM_TRUECOLORS) col = 0; if (con->alloca_colours[col]) return con->alloca_colours[col]; graphGetColourAsInt(col, &r, &g, &b, NULL); con->alloca_colours[col] = gdImageColorAllocate(con->im, r, g, b); return con->alloca_colours[col]; } static gdFontPtr GIFfont(gifContext *cont, float textHeight, int textFormat) { int height = cont->graph->yFac * textHeight ; if ((textHeight != 0) && (height < 11)) return gdFont6x9 ; else if (textFormat == BOLD) return gdFont8x13bold ; else return gdFont8x13 ; } /***********************************************/ static void GIFdrawBox (gifContext *gif, Box box) { int x1,x2,y1,y2 ; float lineWidth = box->linewidth; GraphLineStyle lineStyle = box->line_style ; float pointSize = box->pointsize; float textHeight = box->textheight; int textFormat = box->format; int colour = box->fcol; int action ; if ((box->bcol != TRANSPARENT) && (box->x1 <= 999999.0)) gdImageFilledRectangle(gif->im, (int)(gif->graph->xFac * box->x1), (int)(gif->graph->yFac * box->y1), (int)(gif->graph->xFac * box->x2), (int)(gif->graph->yFac * box->y2), color2gdColor(gif, box->bcol)); stackCursor (gif->graph->stack,box->mark) ; while (!stackAtEnd (gif->graph->stack)) switch (action = stackNext (gif->graph->stack, int)) { case BOX_END: return ; /* exit point */ case BOX_START: GIFdrawBox (gif, arrp (gif->graph->boxes, stackNext(gif->graph->stack, int), BoxStruct)); break ; case COLOR: colour = stackNext (gif->graph->stack,int) ; break ; case TEXT_FORMAT: textFormat = stackNext (gif->graph->stack,int) ; break; case LINE_WIDTH: lineWidth = stackNext(gif->graph->stack, float); break ; case LINE_STYLE: lineStyle = stackNext(gif->graph->stack, int); break ; case TEXT_HEIGHT: textHeight = stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float) ; break ; case POINT_SIZE: pointSize = stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float) ; break ; case LINE: case RECTANGLE: case FILL_RECTANGLE: x1 = (int)(gif->graph->xFac * stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float)); y1 = (int)(gif->graph->yFac * stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float)); x2 = (int)(gif->graph->xFac * stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float)); y2 = (int)(gif->graph->yFac * stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float)); switch (action) { case LINE: /* This is horrible, we need to upgrade to a level of libgd which * will draw lines with specified width/dashes etc. etc. */ if (lineStyle == GRAPH_LINE_DASHED) gdImageDashedLine(gif->im,x1,y1,x2,y2,color2gdColor(gif,colour)); if(x1 == x2) { int ext = (int)(gif->graph->xFac * lineWidth); gdImageFilledRectangle(gif->im,x1,y1,x2+ext,y2, color2gdColor(gif, colour)); } else if(y1 == y2) { int ext = (int)(gif->graph->yFac * lineWidth); gdImageFilledRectangle(gif->im,x1,y1,x2,y2+ext, color2gdColor(gif, colour)); } else gdImageLine(gif->im,x1,y1,x2,y2,color2gdColor(gif,colour)); break ; case RECTANGLE: gdImageRectangle(gif->im,x1,y1,x2,y2,color2gdColor(gif, colour)); break ; case FILL_RECTANGLE: gdImageFilledRectangle(gif->im,x1,y1,x2,y2, color2gdColor(gif,colour)); break ; } break ; case PIXELS: /* Not implemented */ (void)stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float) ; (void)stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float) ; /* Fall through */ case PIXELS_RAW: (void)stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float) ; (void)stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float) ; break ; case POLYGON: case LINE_SEGS: { int n = stackNext (gif->graph->stack, int) ; if (n > 2) { gdPointPtr points, p; int i; points = (gdPointPtr)messalloc((n - 1) * sizeof(gdPoint)); for(i=0,p=points;ix = (int)(gif->graph->xFac * stackNext (gif->graph->stack, float)); p->y = (int)(gif->graph->yFac * stackNext (gif->graph->stack, float)); } if (action == POLYGON) gdImageFilledPolygon(gif->im, points, n-1, color2gdColor(gif, colour)); else gdImagePolygon(gif->im, points, n-1, color2gdColor(gif,colour)); messfree(points); } break ; } case CIRCLE: case POINT: case TEXT: case TEXT_UP: case TEXT_PTR: case TEXT_PTR_PTR: case COLOR_SQUARES: case FILL_ARC: case ARC: x1 = (int)(gif->graph->xFac * stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float)); y1 = (int)(gif->graph->yFac * stackNext (gif->graph->stack,float)); switch (action) { case CIRCLE: { int r = (int)(gif->graph->xFac * stackNext(gif->graph->stack,float)); gdImageArc(gif->im,x1,y1,2*r,2*r,0,360, color2gdColor(gif, colour)); break ; } case FILL_ARC: case ARC: { int r = (int)(2.0 * gif->graph->xFac * stackNext(gif->graph->stack,float)); int a1 = (int)stackNext(gif->graph->stack,float); int a2 = (int)stackNext(gif->graph->stack,float); int dep = a1 + a2; int arr = a1; if(dep < 0) dep += 360; gdImageArc(gif->im,x1,y1,r,r,dep,arr, color2gdColor(gif,colour)); break ; } case POINT: { int pszx = (int)(gif->graph->xFac * pointSize / 2); int pszy = (int)(gif->graph->yFac * pointSize / 2); gdImageFilledRectangle(gif->im,x1-pszx,y1-pszy,x1+pszx,y1+pszy, color2gdColor(gif, colour)) ; break ; } case TEXT: { char *text = stackNextText(gif->graph->stack); gdFontPtr font = GIFfont(gif, textHeight, textFormat); gdImageString(gif->im, font, x1, y1,text, color2gdColor(gif, colour)); break; } case TEXT_UP: { char *text = stackNextText(gif->graph->stack); int n = strlen(text) ; gdFontPtr font = GIFfont(gif, textHeight * 0.6 , textFormat); int textHeightPixels = gif->graph->yFac * textHeight * 0.6; char buf[2] ; buf[1] = 0 ; while (n--) { buf[0] = *text++ ; gdImageString(gif->im,font,x1+1,y1-textHeightPixels*(n+1),buf, color2gdColor(gif, colour)); } break; } case TEXT_PTR: { char *text = stackNext(gif->graph->stack, char *); gdFontPtr font = GIFfont(gif, textHeight, textFormat); gdImageString(gif->im,font,x1,y1,text, color2gdColor(gif, colour)); break; } case TEXT_PTR_PTR: { char *text = *stackNext(gif->graph->stack, char **); gdFontPtr font = GIFfont(gif, textHeight, textFormat); if (text && *text) gdImageString(gif->im,font,x1,y1,text, color2gdColor(gif, colour)); break; } case COLOR_SQUARES: { char *text = stackNext (gif->graph->stack, char*) ; int n = stackNext (gif->graph->stack, int) ; int iskip = stackNext (gif->graph->stack, int) ; int *tints = stackNext (gif->graph->stack, int*) ; int col = 0 ; x2 = x1 + gif->graph->xFac ; y2 = y1 + gif->graph->yFac ; while (n--) { switch(*text^((*text)-1)) { case -1: col = WHITE; break; case 0x01: col = tints[0]; break; case 0x03: col = tints[1]; break; case 0x07: col = tints[2]; break; case 0x0f: col = tints[3]; break; case 0x1f: col = tints[4]; break; case 0x3f: col = tints[5]; break; case 0x7f: col = tints[6]; break; case 0xff: col = tints[7]; break; } gdImageFilledRectangle (gif->im,x1,y1,x2,y2, color2gdColor(gif, col)); text += iskip ; x1 += gif->graph->xFac ; x2 += gif->graph->xFac ; } break ; } default: messout ("Invalid action %d received in drawPSBox",action) ; break ; } } } /****************** public routines ******************/ int graphGIF (Graph gId, ACEOUT out, BOOL do_size) { int i, size, err; void* data; gifContext gif; gif.graph = gGetStruct(gId); if (!gif.graph) return EINVAL; for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_TRUECOLORS ; ++i) /* clear colour table!! */ gif.alloca_colours[i] = 0 ; if (!(gif.im = gdImageCreate (gif.graph->w, gif.graph->h))) return FALSE ; GIFdrawBox (&gif, arrp (gif.graph->boxes, 0, BoxStruct)) ; gdImageInterlace (gif.im, 1) ; /* making the white transparent speeds up loading over the web LS*/ gdImageColorTransparent(gif.im,0); data = gdImageGifPtr (gif.im, &size) ; gdImageDestroy (gif.im) ; if (!data) return FALSE; if (do_size) err = aceOutPrint (out, "// %d bytes\n", size); else err = ESUCCESS; if (err == ESUCCESS) aceOutBinary (out, data, size); free(data); return err; } /************************************************/ int graphGIFread (FILE *fil, float x0, float y0) { unsigned int *colors; unsigned char *pixels, *p ; int i, j, ncol, x, y ; gdImagePtr im; if (!(im = gdImageCreateFromGif (fil))) return FALSE ; printf ("Got .gif image: %d x %d with %d colors\n", gdImageSX(im), gdImageSY(im), gdImageColorsTotal(im)) ; ncol = gdImageColorsTotal(im) ; colors = halloc(ncol*sizeof(unsigned int), graphClearHandle()); for (i = 0 ; i < ncol ; ++i) colors[i] = gdImageRed(im, i)<<16 | gdImageGreen(im, i)<<8 | gdImageBlue(im, i) ; x = gdImageSX(im) ; while (x % 8) ++x ; y = gdImageSY(im) ; pixels = (unsigned char*) halloc(x*y*sizeof(unsigned char), graphClearHandle()); for (j = 0 ; j < y ; ++j) for (p = pixels + j*x, i = 0 ; i < gdImageSX(im) ; ++i) *p++ = (unsigned char)im->pixels[i][j] ; i = graphBoxStart () ; graphPixels(pixels, gdImageSX(im), y, x, x0, y0, colors, ncol) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (i, -1, -1) ; gdImageDestroy (im) ; return i ; } void graphGIFLeftDown (int x, int y) { gLeftDown(x/gActive->xFac, y/gActive->yFac); return ; } /***** end of file *****/