/* File:viewedit.c * Author: Simon Kelley (srk@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1994 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: view object editor. * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Mar 8 09:06 2000 (edgrif) * * Oct 13 14:40 1998 (edgrif): Replace ACEDB defs with function calls. * Created: Wed 1 Mar 1995 (srk) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: viewedit.c,v 1.28 2000/03/08 09:42:38 edgrif Exp $ */ #include #include #include /************************************************************/ static void viewWindowFinalise(void *p); static void viewWindowPick(int box); static MENUSPEC *makeViewMenu() ; /************************************************************/ static magic_t GRAPH2VIEWWINDOW_ASSOC = "VIEWWINDOW"; static magic_t VIEWWINDOW_MAGIC = "VIEWWINDOW"; /************************************************************/ VIEWWINDOW currentView (char *caller) { VIEWWINDOW view ; if (!(graphAssFind(&GRAPH2VIEWWINDOW_ASSOC, &view))) messcrash("%s() could not find VIEWWINDOW on graph", caller); if (!view) messcrash("%s() received NULL VIEWWINDOW pointer", caller); if (view->magic != &VIEWWINDOW_MAGIC) messcrash("%s() received non-magic VIEWWINDOW pointer", caller); return view; } /* currentView */ static void viewWindowFinalise (void *p) { VIEWWINDOW view = (VIEWWINDOW)p; COLCONTROL control = view->control; Graph old = graphActive(); graphActivate (view->graph) ; control->viewWindow = 0 ; /* ACEDB-GRAPH INTERFACE: acedb needs to mark altered but not saved views. */ if (getGraphAcedbViewAnon() != NULL) (getGraphAcedbViewAnon())(view, control) ; graphDestroy () ; graphActivate (old) ; return ; } /* viewWindowFinalise */ static void viewWindowQuit(void) { VIEWWINDOW view = currentView("viewWindowQuit"); controlDrawControl(view->control); handleDestroy (view->handle); /* clear storage inside view struct */ messfree (view); /* will cause viewWindowFinalise */ return; } /* viewWindowQuit */ static void viewWindowMenuQuit(MENUITEM m) { viewWindowQuit(); return; } /* viewWindowMenuQuit */ static void viewDeleteInstance(MENUITEM m) { VIEWWINDOW view = currentView("viewDeleteInstance"); if (view->currentInstance) { controlDeleteInstance(view->control, view->currentInstance); view->currentInstance = 0; view->editInstance = FALSE; view->dirty = TRUE; viewWindowDraw(view); } return; } /* viewDeleteInstance */ static void viewConfigInstance(MENUITEM m) { VIEWWINDOW view = currentView("viewConfigInstance"); if (view->currentInstance && view->currentInstance->configure) if ((*view->currentInstance->configure)(view->currentInstance)) { view->dirty = TRUE; viewWindowDraw(view); } } /* Instance names must be unique in map, to save properly */ static char *nameDisambiguate(MAPCONTROL map, char *namein) { COLCONTROL control = map->control; COLINSTANCE instance; static char buf[200]; int i; char *cp; if (namein != buf) strcpy(buf, namein); for (cp = buf; *cp; cp++) if (*cp == ' ') *cp = '_'; for (i = 0; iinstances); i++) { instance = arr(control->instances, i, COLINSTANCE); if (instance->map == map && strcmp(instance->name, buf) == 0) { strcat(buf, "+"); return nameDisambiguate(map, buf); } } return buf; } static void helpOnColumn(MENUITEM m) { VIEWWINDOW view = currentView("helpOnColumn"); char *help; if (view->currentInstance) help = view->currentInstance->proto->helpText; else if (view->currentProto) help = view->currentProto->helpText; else return; if (!help) help = "Sorry, no help available here.\n"; graphUnMessage(); graphMessage(help); } void editDone(char *buff) { VIEWWINDOW view = currentView("editDone"); COLINSTANCE instance = view->currentInstance; view->editInstance = FALSE; if (strcmp(instance->name, buff) != 0) { char *name = nameDisambiguate(instance->map, buff); view->dirty = TRUE; messfree(instance->name); instance->name = strnew (name, instance->handle); } viewWindowDraw(view); } static void viewEditMenuFunc(KEY key, int box) { VIEWWINDOW view = currentView("viewEditMenuFunc"); /* ACEDB-GRAPH INTERFACE: acedb has its own colcontrol routine. */ if (getGraphAcedbGetSetView() != NULL) (getGraphAcedbGetSetView())(view->currentMap, key); controlDrawControl(view->control); view->dirty = FALSE; view->currentInstance = 0; view->currentProto = 0; view->editInstance = FALSE; viewWindowDraw(view); } static void nonFunc(void) { return; } static void viewSelectMap(KEY key, int box) { VIEWWINDOW view = currentView("viewSelectMap"); COLCONTROL control = view->control; view->currentMap = arr(control->maps, (int)key, MAPCONTROL); view->currentProto = 0; view->currentInstance = 0; view->editInstance = FALSE; viewWindowDraw(view); } void viewWindowDraw(VIEWWINDOW view) { int box, i; COLCONTROL control = view->control; COLINSTANCE instance; MAPCONTROL map = view->currentMap; COLPROTO proto; BOOL multi = arrayMax(control->maps)>1; MENU menu = view->menu; float iOff = 35; float y = 5; BOOL result ; if (graphActivate(view->graph)) graphPop(); else return; graphClear(); if (view->currentInstance && view->currentInstance->configure) menuUnsetFlags(menuItem(menu, "Configure column"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); else menuSetFlags(menuItem(menu, "Configure column"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); if (view->currentInstance) menuUnsetFlags(menuItem(menu, "Delete column"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); else menuSetFlags(menuItem(menu, "Delete column"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); if (view->currentInstance || view->currentProto) menuUnsetFlags(menuItem(menu, "Help on column"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); else menuSetFlags(menuItem(menu, "Help on column"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); /* ACEDB-GRAPH INTERFACE: acedb has its own save menu items, if they are */ /* registered use them, otherwise use graph defaults. */ result = FALSE ; if (getGraphAcedbSaveView() != NULL) result = (getGraphAcedbSaveView())(menu) ; if (result == FALSE) { menuSetFlags(menuItem(menu, "Save view"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); menuSetFlags(menuItem(menu, "Save view as default"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); } graphNewMenu(view->menu); if (multi) { box = graphButton("Maps...", nonFunc, iOff+5, 1); graphBoxFreeMenu(box, viewSelectMap, view->mapMenu); } else { box = graphButton("Views..", nonFunc, iOff+5, 1); if (map->viewMenu) graphBoxFreeMenu(box, viewEditMenuFunc, map->viewMenu); } graphColouredButton("Re-draw", controlDrawControl, control, BLACK, WHITE, iOff+18, 1); graphButton("Quit", viewWindowQuit, iOff+30, 1); assClear(view->boxToArrow); assClear(view->boxToInstance); assClear(view->boxToProto); assClear(view->boxToButton); graphLine(iOff-2, 0, iOff-2, 200); graphLine(iOff-2, 4, 100, 4); graphLine(0, 7, iOff-2, 7); if (multi) { box = graphBoxStart(); graphText(messprintf("Current map: %s", map->name), 1, 1); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, map->colour); } else { /* ACEDB-GRAPH INTERFACE: acedb displays its own save view messages. */ if (getGraphAcedbSaveViewMsg()) (getGraphAcedbSaveViewMsg())(map, view) ; } graphText(messprintf("Column type: %s", view->currentInstance ? view->currentInstance->proto->name : ""), iOff, y++); if (multi) { box = graphBoxStart(); graphText(messprintf("Map: %s", view->currentInstance ? view->currentInstance->map->name : ""), iOff, y++); graphBoxEnd(); if (view->currentInstance) graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, view->currentInstance->map->colour); } view->submenusBox = graphBoxStart(); graphArc(2, 3.5, 0.7, 0, 360); if (view->currentMap->submenus) graphFillArc(2, 3.5, 0.4, 0, 360); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(view->submenusBox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT); graphText("Use submenus", 3.2, 3); view->cambridgeBox = graphBoxStart(); graphArc(2, 4.5, 0.7, 0, 360); if (view->currentMap->cambridgeOptions) graphFillArc(2, 4.5, 0.4, 0, 360); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(view->cambridgeBox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT); graphText("Cambridge options", 3.2, 4); view->hideBox = graphBoxStart(); graphArc(2, 5.5, 0.7, 0, 360); if (view->control->hideHeader) graphFillArc(2, 5.5, 0.4, 0, 360); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(view->hideBox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT); graphText("Hide headers", 3.2, 5); view->suppressBox = 0; view->hideBox = 0; if (multi) { view->suppressBox = graphBoxStart(); graphArc(2, 5.5, 0.7, 0, 360); if (view->currentMap->suppressed) graphFillArc(2, 5.5, 0.4, 0, 360); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(view->suppressBox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT); graphText("Suppress map", 3.2, 5); } else { view->hideBox = graphBoxStart(); graphArc(2, 5.5, 0.7, 0, 360); if (view->control->hideHeader) graphFillArc(2, 5.5, 0.4, 0, 360); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(view->hideBox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT); graphText("Hide headers", 3.2, 5); } box = graphBoxStart(); graphLine(iOff+1, y+1.0, iOff+2, y+1.0); graphLine(iOff+1.5, y+0.75, iOff+2, y+1.0); graphLine(iOff+1.5, y+1.25, iOff+2, y+1.0); graphBoxEnd(); y++; assInsert(view->boxToArrow, assVoid(box), assVoid(0)); for(i=0; iinstances); i++) { instance = array(control->instances, i, COLINSTANCE); if (!instance->map->suppressed) { box = graphBoxStart(); graphArc(iOff+3.3, y+0.5, 0.7, 0, 360); if (instance->displayed) graphFillArc(iOff+3.3, y+0.5, 0.4, 0, 360); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, TRANSPARENT); assInsert(view->boxToButton, assVoid(box), assVoid(i)); box = graphBoxStart(); graphLine(iOff+1, y+1.0, iOff+2, y+1.0); graphLine(iOff+1.5, y+0.75, iOff+2, y+1.0); graphLine(iOff+1.5, y+1.25, iOff+2, y+1.0); graphBoxEnd(); assInsert(view->boxToArrow, assVoid(box), assVoid(i+1)); if (instance == view->currentInstance && view->editInstance) { strcpy(view->buffer, instance->name); box = graphTextEntry(view->buffer, EDITLEN, iOff+4.5, y, editDone); } else { box = graphBoxStart(); graphText(instance->name, iOff+4.5, y); graphBoxEnd(); if (instance == view->currentInstance) graphBoxDraw(box, WHITE, BLACK); else if (multi) graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, instance->map->colour); } assInsert(view->boxToInstance, assVoid(box), assVoid(i)); y++; } } if (!map->suppressed) { graphText("Available Column Types", 4, 8); for(y=10, i=0; iprotoArray); i++, y++) { proto = arrp(map->protoArray, i, struct ProtoStruct); box = graphBoxStart(); if (proto->unique && instanceExists(map, proto)) graphTextFormat(ITALIC); /* Can't have another one */ graphText(proto->name, 3, y); graphTextFormat(PLAIN_FORMAT); graphBoxEnd(); assInsert(view->boxToProto, assVoid(box), proto); if (proto == view->currentProto) graphBoxDraw(box, WHITE, BLACK); } } graphRedraw(); } static void viewWindowPick(int box) { VIEWWINDOW view = currentView("viewWindowPick") ; COLCONTROL control = view->control ; COLINSTANCE instance; COLPROTO proto; int i, insertBefore; void *b; if (box == 0) return; if (box == view->submenusBox) { view->currentMap->submenus = !view->currentMap->submenus; view->dirty = TRUE; } else if (box == view->cambridgeBox) { view->currentMap->cambridgeOptions = !view->currentMap->cambridgeOptions; view->dirty = TRUE; } else if (box == view->hideBox) { view->control->hideHeader = !view->control->hideHeader; view->dirty = TRUE; } else if (box == view->suppressBox) { view->currentMap->suppressed = !view->currentMap->suppressed; view->dirty = TRUE; } else if (assFind(view->boxToButton, assVoid(box), &b)) { instance = array(control->instances, assInt(b), COLINSTANCE); instance->displayed = !instance->displayed; view->dirty = TRUE; } else if (assFind(view->boxToProto, assVoid(box), &proto)) { /* if can't be picked, ignore */ if (!proto->unique || !instanceExists(view->currentMap, proto)) { view->currentInstance = 0; view->editInstance = FALSE; view->currentProto = proto; } } else if (assFind(view->boxToInstance, assVoid(box), &b)) { if (view->currentInstance == array(control->instances, assInt(b), COLINSTANCE)) { view->editInstance = TRUE; } else { view->currentInstance = array(control->instances, assInt(b), COLINSTANCE); view->currentInstanceIndex = assInt(b); view->currentProto = 0; view->editInstance = FALSE; } } else if (assFind(view->boxToArrow, assVoid(box), &insertBefore) && (view->currentInstance || view->currentProto)) { /* Pressed an Arrow, if the current box is an instance, move it here, else make an instance from the prototype an put that here */ if (view->currentInstance) { /* current is an instance, pull it out and close up the space */ int i; instance = view->currentInstance; if (insertBefore > view->currentInstanceIndex) insertBefore--; /* co-ords change */ for (i=view->currentInstanceIndex; iinstances)-1; i++) arr(control->instances, i, COLINSTANCE) = arr(control->instances, i+1, COLINSTANCE); arrayMax(control->instances) = arrayMax(control->instances) - 1; } else { /* current is a prototype, make an instance */ instance = controlInstanceCreate(view->currentProto, view->currentMap, TRUE, 0, nameDisambiguate(view->currentMap, view->currentProto->name) ); view->currentProto = 0; } /* bump up the others to make room for the new one. */ /* then insert it */ if (instance) { for (i=arrayMax(control->instances)-1; i >= insertBefore; i--) { array(control->instances, i+1, COLINSTANCE) = array(control->instances, i, COLINSTANCE); } view->currentInstanceIndex = insertBefore; array(control->instances, insertBefore, COLINSTANCE) = instance ; view->currentInstance = instance; view->editInstance = FALSE; view->dirty = TRUE; } } viewWindowDraw(view); return; } /* This function constructs the viewedit menu of functions. */ /* */ static MENUSPEC *makeViewMenu() { static MENUSPEC menu_items[15] ; /* Must be static. */ MENUSPEC *result, *curr ; result = curr = &menu_items[0] ; curr->f = viewWindowMenuQuit ; /* First item always 'quit' */ curr->text = "Quit" ; /* ACEDB-GRAPH INTERFACE: acedb needs to add some functions to the view */ /* menu, call the function to do this if registered. */ /* This call will use the current pointer and leave it pointing to its */ /* last entry. */ if (getGraphAcedbViewMenu() != NULL) (getGraphAcedbViewMenu())(&curr) ; curr++ ; /* OK, now add the rest of the standard view functions. */ curr->f = (MENUFUNCTION)menuSpacer ; curr->text = "" ; curr++ ; curr->f = viewConfigInstance ; curr->text = "Configure column" ; curr++ ; curr->f = viewDeleteInstance ; curr->text = "Delete column" ; curr++ ; curr->f = helpOnColumn ; curr->text = "Help on column" ; curr++ ; curr->f = NULL ; curr->text = NULL ; return(result) ; } /* makeViewMenu */ void viewWindowCreate(void *dummy) { COLCONTROL control = currentColControl("viewWindowCreate"); VIEWWINDOW view; BOOL multi = arrayMax(control->maps)>1; int i; Graph old = graphActive(); Array mapMenu; /* if map window already has a control, just redraw it to pop it */ if (control->viewWindow) { viewWindowDraw(control->viewWindow); graphActivate(old); return; } view = (VIEWWINDOW)halloc(sizeof(struct ViewWindowStruct), control->handle); blockSetFinalise (view, viewWindowFinalise); /* NB, this causes proper cleanup and destruction of window purely by freeing the parents handle. To kill the view-window and all its associated memory, a messfree is sufficient */ view->magic = &VIEWWINDOW_MAGIC; view->handle = handleHandleCreate(control->handle); mapMenu = arrayHandleCreate(10, FREEOPT, view->handle); array(mapMenu, 0, FREEOPT).text = "ViewEdit maps"; array(mapMenu, 0, FREEOPT).key = arrayMax(control->maps); view->mapMenu = arrayp(mapMenu, 0, FREEOPT); for (i=0; imaps); i++) { array(mapMenu, i+1, FREEOPT).text = arr(control->maps, i, MAPCONTROL)->name; array(mapMenu, i+1, FREEOPT).key = i; /* abuse key as int */ } view->menu = menuInitialise("ViewEdit menu", makeViewMenu()); menuSetFlags(menuItem(view->menu, "Configure column"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); menuSetFlags(menuItem(view->menu, "Delete column"), MENUFLAG_DISABLED); if (multi) { menuSuppress(view->menu, "Save view"); menuSuppress(view->menu, "Save view as default"); } view->currentMap = array(control->maps, 0, MAPCONTROL); view->control = control; /* ACEDB-GRAPH INTERFACE: if acedb has registered a different display */ /* routine then call it, otherwise use the default. */ if (getGraphAcedbDisplayCreate() != NULL && (view->graph = (getGraphAcedbDisplayCreate())(getGraphAcedbViewName()))) { if (!graphHelp(0)) graphHelp ("Column-control"); /* default help unless otherwise * specified in displays.wrm */ } else { view->graph = graphCreate(TEXT_FIT, "Column Control", 0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.5); graphHelp ("Column-control"); } view->boxToArrow = assHandleCreate(view->handle); view->boxToInstance = assHandleCreate(view->handle); view->boxToProto = assHandleCreate(view->handle); view->boxToButton = assHandleCreate(view->handle); view->currentInstance = 0; view->currentProto = 0; view->editInstance = FALSE; view->dirty = FALSE; graphAssociate (&GRAPH2VIEWWINDOW_ASSOC, view) ; graphRegister (PICK, viewWindowPick) ; control->viewWindow = view; viewWindowDraw(view); graphActivate(old); /* otherwise the callback code gets confused */ } /* viewWindowCreate */ /************************** eof *****************************/