/* File: aql.c * Author: Fred Wobus (fw@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1997 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * SCCS: $Id: taqlmain.c,v 1.16 2002/07/02 12:45:16 edgrif Exp $ * Description: top main-function for stand-alone AQL application * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Jul 2 12:31 2002 (edgrif) * * Mar 22 14:45 1999 (edgrif): Replaced messErrorInit with messSetMsgInfo * * Dec 2 16:27 1998 (edgrif): Added code to record build time of this module. * * Aug 17 16:53 1998 (fw): changed tableOut style to 'a' (like tace now) * * Aug 3 14:53 1998 (fw): accept an optional debug level parameter for -d option * * Jul 30 09:26 1998 (fw): check for env-var $ACEDB * * Jul 29 10:09 1998 (fw): reintroduced the prompt for number of line to display * * Jul 28 17:42 1998 (fw): use of aqlQueryExecute(), testQuery removed * * Jul 23 14:53 1998 (fw): removed the single value return-value thing as aqlEval now always returns a table * * Jul 16 16:55 1998 (fw): accounted for scalar return value instead of table * * Jul 16 16:35 1998 (fw): slightly changed the interface, global variable isDebug, activated by -d option, removed -u option instead * Created: Wed Jul 22 11:16:44 1998 (fw) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /***************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /***************************************************************/ /* Defines a routine to return the compile date of this file. */ UT_MAKE_GETCOMPILEDATEROUTINE() static void printUsage (void); /***************************************************************/ /* command-line interface for AQL in a stand-alone application */ /***************************************************************/ int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *cp; char *dbDir; BOOL isQuiet = FALSE ; char outputStyle = 'h'; int parseDebugLevel = 0; /* default if no -d is given */ int evalDebugLevel = 0; /* default if no -d is given */ int paramValueInt; float paramValueFloat; mytime_t paramValueDate; char *paramValueText = NULL; char *paramName = NULL; char *paramType = NULL; ACEOUT fo; BOOL isInteractive; char *value; Stack queryStack; char *outputfilename = NULL; char *cl_query = NULL; /* init message system details. */ messSetMsgInfo(argv[0], aceGetVersionString()) ; /**** parse command-line arguments ******/ /* Does not return if user typed "-version" option. */ checkForCmdlineVersion(&argc, argv) ; isInteractive = TRUE ; /* do NOT test stdinIsInteractive(), * this would changes the behaviour of the * code in pipe calls */ ++argv ; --argc ; if (argc && (!strcmp("-h", *argv) || !strcmp("-help", *argv))) { printUsage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /*****************************/ rl_extend_line_buffer (2000); while (argc) { if (strcmp("-d", *argv) == 0) { parseDebugLevel = evalDebugLevel = 1; /* default if -d is given */ ++argv ; --argc ; if (argc && (*argv[0] >= '0' && *argv[0] <= '4')) { int l; sscanf (*argv, "%d", &l); parseDebugLevel = evalDebugLevel = l; } } else if (strcmp("-dp", *argv) == 0) { parseDebugLevel = 1; /* default if -d is given */ ++argv ; --argc ; if (argc && (*argv[0] >= '0' && *argv[0] <= '4')) { int l; sscanf (*argv, "%d", &l); parseDebugLevel = l; } } else if (strcmp("-de", *argv) == 0) { evalDebugLevel = 1; /* default if -d is given */ ++argv ; --argc ; if (argc && (*argv[0] >= '0' && *argv[0] <= '4')) { int l; sscanf (*argv, "%d", &l); evalDebugLevel = l; } } else if (strcmp("-q", *argv) == 0) { isQuiet = TRUE ; isInteractive = FALSE; putenv ("ACEDB_NO_BANNER="); /* silence the kernel as well */ } else if (strcmp("-a", *argv) == 0) { outputStyle = 'a'; } else if (strcmp("-A", *argv) == 0) { outputStyle = 'A'; } else if (strcmp("-j", *argv) == 0) { outputStyle = 'j'; } else if (strcmp("-J", *argv) == 0) { outputStyle = 'J'; } else if (strcmp("-param", *argv) == 0 && paramName == NULL) { ++argv ; --argc ; if (argc < 3) { printUsage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } paramName = strnew (*argv, 0); ++argv ; --argc ; paramType = strnew (*argv, 0); ++argv ; --argc ; if (strncasecmp(paramType, "Int", 3) == 0) sscanf (*argv, "%d", ¶mValueInt); else if (strcasecmp(paramType, "Float") == 0) sscanf (*argv, "%f", ¶mValueFloat); else if (strncasecmp(paramType, "Date", 4) == 0) paramValueDate = timeParse(*argv); else if (strcasecmp(paramType, "Text") == 0 || strcasecmp(paramType, "String") == 0) paramValueText = strnew(*argv, 0); else { printUsage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if (strcmp("-o", *argv) == 0) { ++argv ; --argc ; if (argc > 0) { outputfilename = *argv; } } else if (strcmp("-e", *argv) == 0) { ++argv ; --argc ; if (argc > 0) { cl_query = *argv; } } else { /* the next command line argument could be a database directory */ if (argc == 0) /* no more command line args, check for $ACEDB */ { if (!(dbDir = getenv("ACEDB"))) /* no env-var set, so show usage */ { printUsage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else /* we do have another command line argument, so we take that to be the database directory */ dbDir = *argv; } ++argv ; --argc ; } sessionInit (dbDir) ; /* Set some process resources to unlimited, as we are running interactive */ /* the user is given chance to exit if some resources are too limited. */ utUnlimitResources(TRUE) ; /* Allow a different user to be specified as the "database" user to be recorded * in the timestamps. */ if (getCmdLineOption (&argc, argv, "-tsuser", &value)) { sessionSetUserSessionUser (value); messfree (value); } signalCatchInit(TRUE, /* init Ctrl-C as well */ (getCmdLineOption(&argc, argv, NOSIGCATCH_OPT, NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE)) ; if (outputfilename != NULL) { fo = aceOutCreateToFile (outputfilename, "w", 0); } else { fo = aceOutCreateToStdout (0); } queryStack = stackCreate (1000); while (TRUE) { char *line = NULL; if (cl_query == NULL) { char *prompt; if (strlen(stackText(queryStack, 0)) == 0) prompt = "acedb-aql> "; else prompt = "> "; /* continuation line */ line = readline (prompt); if (line == NULL) /* got EOF */ break; } if (cl_query == NULL && (strlen(line) > 0)) { if (strlen(stackText(queryStack, 0)) > 0) catText (queryStack, "\n"); catText (queryStack, line); if (line != NULL) free (line); } else { AQL aql; TABLE *result; char *query = (cl_query != NULL) ? cl_query : stackText(queryStack, 0); int i; if (line != NULL) free (line); add_history(query); for (i = 0; i < strlen(query); ++i) if (query[i] == '\n') query[i] = ' '; if (paramName != NULL) { aql = aqlCreate(query, fo, 0, parseDebugLevel, evalDebugLevel, messprintf("$%s", paramName), 0); if (strncasecmp(paramType, "Int", 3) == 0) result = aqlExecute(aql, 0, 0, 0, messprintf ("%s $%s", paramType, paramName), paramValueInt, 0); else if (strcasecmp(paramType, "Float") == 0) result = aqlExecute(aql, 0, 0, 0, messprintf ("%s $%s", paramType, paramName), paramValueFloat, 0); else if (strncasecmp(paramType, "Date", 4) == 0) result = aqlExecute(aql, 0, 0, 0, messprintf ("%s $%s", paramType, paramName), paramValueDate, 0); else if (strcasecmp(paramType, "Text") == 0 || strcasecmp(paramType, "String") == 0) result = aqlExecute(aql, 0, 0, 0, messprintf ("%s $%s", paramType, paramName), paramValueText, 0); } else { aql = aqlCreate(query, fo, 0, /* beauty */ parseDebugLevel, /* parseDebugLevel*/ evalDebugLevel, /* evalDebugLevel */ 0 /* terminator */ ); result = aqlExecute(aql, 0, 0, 0, 0); } if (aqlIsError(aql)) { aceOutPrint (fo, "%s", aqlGetErrorReport(aql)); } else { /* output the results table */ if (isInteractive) aceOutPrint (fo, "Result table with %d line%s\n", tableMax(result), tableMax(result) == 1 ? "" : "s") ; /* output the table with selected style */ if (isInteractive) aceOutPrint (fo, "------------------------------\n"); tableOut (fo, result, '\t', outputStyle) ; if (isInteractive) aceOutPrint (fo, "------------------------------\n"); } aqlDestroy (aql); tableDestroy (result); stackClear (queryStack); } if (cl_query != NULL) { break; } } /* end-while */ if (isInteractive) aceOutPrint (fo, "\n"); sessionClose (FALSE); /* clean-up without save */ aceOutDestroy (fo); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* main */ /************************************************************/ static void printUsage (void) { printf ("\n" " This is a simple command line interface for AQL. \n"); printf (" Type in a query (multiple lines are fine), followed by a blank line.\n" " Syntax and examples on http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Acedb/AQL/\n" " Please record crashes and errors for Fred Wobus (details please).\n\n") ; printf (" Usage: \n"); printf (" taql -h prints this info\n\n"); printf (" taql [ options ] []\n"); printf (" Where options may include\n"); printf (" -q quiet run - no messages (prompts etc.) to terminal\n" " useful if the program is run as 'taql -q < queryfile.txt'\n" " e.g. from within a script.\n\n"); printf (" -a output in Acedb format (strings are quoted etc.)\n" " -A output in extended Acedb format (results are quoted with their class)\n" " -j output in Java parsable format\n" " -J output in 'Java Style' format\n" " the default output style is plain, i.e. just text\n\n"); printf (" -param \n" " pass a scalar context variable\n" " name - variable name, the query may then refer to $name\n" " type - one of Int, Float, Text, DateType\n" " value - the scalar value, text values may have to be quoted\n\n"); printf (" -d gives all technical debug info\n" " level 0 - no debug info\n" " 1 - internal query structure (default if -d is set)\n" " 2 - all intermediate parsetrees\n" " 3 - some tracking infor during query exection\n" " 4 - all debug info during query execution\n\n") ; printf (" The parameter is the dircetory the ACeDB database to be accessed.\n" " if no database is specified on the command line the value\n" " of the environment variable $ACEDB is enquired.\n\n"); return; } /* printUsage */ /**********************************************************************/