/* File: xacemain.c * Author: Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Main() of the complete program Provides Initialisation and Termination routines. * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Feb 12 12:41 2002 (edgrif) * * Mar 22 14:45 1999 (edgrif): Replaced messErrorInit with messSetMsgInfo * * Dec 3 12:16 1998 (edgrif): Remove externs from within function. * * Dec 2 15:52 1998 (edgrif): Add code to record compile time of this module. * * Oct 15 10:49 1998 (edgrif): Add new call for graphics initialisation. * * Sep 9 16:51 1998 (edgrif): Add call to messErrorInit to record * program name (xace probably) for use in messcrash calls. * Created: Tue Oct 22 12:51:04 1991 (mieg) * CVS info: $Id: xacemain.c,v 1.44 2002/02/12 14:50:59 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for gifcommand stuff */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ACEDB_GTK #include #include #include #endif /************************************************************/ static void xaceExitRoutine (void); static char *xaceRemoteHandler (char *command); /* Defines a routine to return the compile date of this file. */ UT_MAKE_GETCOMPILEDATEROUTINE() /********************************************************/ /********************** ACEDB *************************/ /********************************************************/ int main (int argc, char **argv) /* main function used for xace and xacembly */ { char *value; char *db; char dirName[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE]; GraphSessionCBstruct graph_cbs = {acedbSwitchMessaging, acedbSwitchMessaging} ; /* Does not return if user typed "-version" option. */ checkForCmdlineVersion(&argc, argv) ; /*****************************/ /* Initialise the graphics package and its interface for acedb */ /* this will also register messout to pop up a model dialog box */ #ifdef ACEDB_GTK graphInit (&argc, argv); gexInit(&argc, argv); acedbGraphInit() ; #else acedbAppGraphInit(&argc, argv) ; #endif /*****************************/ /* init message system details. */ messSetMsgInfo(argv[0], aceGetVersionString()) ; /* extract arguments for xace */ if (!getCmdLineOption(&argc, argv, "-nosplash", NULL)) gexSplash((char **)splash1_xpm); gexSetIconFromXPM((char *)mainicon); if (getCmdLineOption (&argc, argv, "-initclass", &value)) { mainSetInitClass (value); messfree (value); } if (getCmdLineOption (&argc, argv, "-inittemplate", &value)) { mainSetInitTemplate (value); messfree (value); } if (getCmdLineOption (&argc, argv, "-tsuser", &value)) { sessionSetUserSessionUser (value); messfree (value); } if (getCmdLineOption (&argc, argv, "-fmapcutcoords", NULL)) { /* This is not the best way to do this, really we need a registry for */ /* command line stuff that can be queried by sub utilities... */ /* */ /* I'll hack this for now for James to try and then write some */ /* registry stuff.... */ /* */ extern int fMapCutCoords_G ; fMapCutCoords_G = TRUE ; } #ifdef ACEMBLY bannerWrite (bannerMainStrings ("xacembly", TRUE, TRUE)) ; #else bannerWrite (bannerMainStrings ("xace", TRUE, FALSE)) ; #endif *dirName = 0; if (getCmdLineOption(&argc, argv, "-promptdb", NULL) && filqueryopen(dirName, 0, 0, "rd" , "Acedb: Please select the database you wish to open.")) db = dirName; else db = argc > 1 ? argv[argc-1] : 0; /* Callback registration */ /* Add graph specific callbacks for message output etc. */ sessionRegisterGraphCB(&graph_cbs) ; /* Note, sessionInit will now make sure acedb-specific cleanup tasks * are performed upon messExit/Crash */ sessionInit (db) ; #ifdef ACEMBLY acemblyInit () ; #endif /* Set some process resources to unlimited, user is given chance to exit */ /* if some resources are too limited. */ utUnlimitResources(TRUE) ; /* once the database is open it is important to deal with signals */ signalCatchInit(FALSE, /* don't init Ctrl-C */ (getCmdLineOption(&argc, argv, NOSIGCATCH_OPT, NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE)) ; messcrashroutine = xaceExitRoutine; /* override default set * in sessionInit */ bannerWrite (bannerDataInfoStrings ()) ; /* NOTE: after sessionInit, * (data info is read * from superblock) */ /*****************************/ /* Some window specific initialisation which must be done after the */ /* database has been opened, e.g. the graph/gex messlist/messpopup stuff */ /* can't be done until the pref system is init'd, which can't be done */ /* until the database is opened. */ #ifdef ACEDB_GTK { char *fonts, *rc; /* Set messages to appear either in popups or a scrolling list. */ acedbInitMessaging() ; #ifdef __CYGWIN__ rc = dbPathFilName("wspec", "wingtkrc", NULL, "r", 0); if (!rc) rc = dbPathFilName("wspec", "gtkrc", NULL, "r", 0); fonts = dbPathFilName("wspec", "winfonts", "wrm", "r", 0); #else rc = dbPathFilName("wspec", "gtkrc", NULL, "r", 0); fonts = dbPathFilName("wspec", "xfonts", "wrm", "r", 0); #endif gexSetConfigFiles(rc, fonts); if (rc) messfree(rc); if (fonts) messfree(fonts); } #endif /* ACEDB_GTK */ /*****************************/ displayInit(); /* init acedb displays, * parse wspec/displays.wrm etc, * comes after sessionInit (it uses the db) */ pickCreate(); /* open main window */ mainWindowQuitRegister (xaceExitRoutine); /* same close actions * for quit/exit button * as for crash */ graphRemoteRegister(xaceRemoteHandler); /* register command handler * to receive remote commands*/ /*****************************/ /**** MAIN LOOP: does all the work ****/ /* the loop returns when the last window (mainWindow) quits */ graphLoop (FALSE) ; /* finish the session and clean up */ xaceExitRoutine(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS) ; } /* main */ /*************************************************/ static void xaceExitRoutine (void) /* (1) called by acedbCrash(), which is called by messcrash() * we use special version for xace instead * of defaultAceCrashRoutine() * (2) also called by the Quit and Exit buttons/menus in the * main window. */ { graphCleanUp () ; /* kills all open windows, forces displayed objects to cache */ writeAccessChangeUnRegister(); /* avoid unnecessary re-draws * just before exiting */ if (isWriteAccess() && messQuery ("You did not save your work, should I ?")) sessionClose (TRUE); else sessionClose (FALSE); filtmpcleanup () ; /* deletes any temporary files made */ readlockDeleteFile (); /* release readlock */ /* graphFinish () ; probably not needed anyway, it causes problems for now */ if (!getenv("ACEDB_NO_BANNER")) printf ("\n\n A bientot\n") ; /* use printf just as bannerWrite does */ return; } /* xaceExitRoutine */ /*************************************************/ static char *xaceRemoteHandler (char *command) /* returns the text output produced by the command */ /* command is the data received from the XA_XREMOTE_COMMAND * atom and will be freed in the Xt-code */ { Stack resultStack; char *resultText; ACEIN fi; ACEOUT fo; struct messContextStruct oldOutContext; struct messContextStruct newOutContext; unsigned int command_set = CHOIX_UNDEFINED ; /* MUST be unsigned ints because later */ unsigned int perm_set = PERM_UNDEFINED ; /* we do logic on these variable. */ gifEntry = gifControl; /* extend command language to deal with giface commands */ fi = aceInCreateFromText (command, "", 0); /* no subshells ($), no commands (@) * recognise ';' as card separator - WARNING: this will disable some * tace-commands where the ; is needed to submit multiple entries * on one command line using the '=' assignment. */ aceInSpecial (fi, "\n\t\\/%;"); resultStack = stackCreate(100); fo = aceOutCreateToStack (resultStack, 0); /* make sure we also redirect messOut/Error to the same output stack * while the remote-command is being executed */ newOutContext.user_func = acedbPrintMessage; newOutContext.user_pointer = fo; /* redirect messout/messerror to the same resultStack * as the output for the command-execution */ oldOutContext = messOutRegister (newOutContext); /* If a user has write access they get to see more commands than if they */ /* can only read. */ command_set = (CHOIX_UNIVERSAL | CHOIX_NONSERVER | CHOIX_GIF) ; if (writeAccessPossible()) perm_set = (PERM_READ | PERM_WRITE | PERM_ADMIN) ; else perm_set = PERM_READ ; commandExecute(fi, fo, command_set, perm_set, 0) ; gifEntry = 0; messOutRegister (oldOutContext); /* this buffer will be free'd after data has been sent to the * XA_XREMOTE_RESPONSE atom */ resultText = strnew(popText(resultStack), 0); aceInDestroy (fi); aceOutDestroy (fo); stackDestroy (resultStack); messStatus (0); return resultText; /* NOTE: must never be NULL */ } /* xaceRemoteHandler */ /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/