/* File: forest.c * Author: Michel Potdevin et Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1995 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: View multiple trees in a user configurable way * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Dec 3 16:29 2001 (edgrif) * Created: Sept 20 1996 (mieg) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* %W% %G% */ /* #define ARRAY_CHECK #define MALLOC_CHECK */ #include "acedb.h" #include "aceio.h" #include "pick.h" #include "bs_.h" #include "bs.h" #include "a.h" #include "biblio.h" #include "lex.h" #include "query.h" #include "map.h" #include "client.h" #include "bindex.h" #include "bitset.h" #include "whooks/sysclass.h" #include "whooks/classes.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "whooks/tags.h" #include "display.h" #include "keysetdisp.h" #include "main.h" BITSET_MAKE_BITFIELD /* define bitField for bitset.h ops */ /************************************************************/ #define graphBoxBox(_box) { \ float _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2 ; \ graphBoxDim (_box, &_x1, &_y1, &_x2, &_y2) ; \ graphRectangle (_x1 - 0.4, _y1 - 0.1, _x2 + 0.4, _y2 + 0.1) ; \ } #define LINE_LENGTH 40 #define MODELFLAG 0x0002 #define MODELNEXTFLAG 0x0004 #define MODELNEXTTAG 0x0008 #define DISCARDFLAG 0x0010 /************************************************************/ /* addresses of next two used as unique ids */ static int GRAPH2FORESTLOOK_ASSOC ; /* used to find the forest LOOK from the active graph */ static int FORESTLOOK_MAGIC ; /* used to verify the forest LOOK */ #define FORESTGET(name) FOREST forest ; \ if (!graphAssFind (&GRAPH2FORESTLOOK_ASSOC, &forest)) \ messcrash ("forest-graph not found in %s",name) ; \ if (!forest) \ messcrash ("%s received a null forest-pointer",name) ; \ if (forest->magic != &FORESTLOOK_MAGIC) \ messcrash ("%s received a non-magic forest-pointer",name) /************************************************************/ /* keep destroy and definition alike */ typedef struct segStruct { KEY key ; int color, flag ; int n ; BOOL yellow ; } SEG ; /****************************************************************/ typedef struct ForestStruct { void *magic ; /* == &FORESTLOOK_MAGIC */ char mot[1024], *title, cq [20] ; KEY model ; int classe ; Graph graph ; MAP map ; BOOL showModel, hide, isDownRed, isPageDownRed, isUpRed, isPageUpRed, isSelect ; int firstBox, isGoto, max, maxDiscard, nBottom, nTop, nUp,nBegin, nLast, nSelected, lineBegin, lineBeginOld ; /*mhmp 27.11.97 lineBeginOld: dessin identique pour un middleclick trop bas a la fin */ Stack s ; KEYSET fSet, alphaSet, selectSet, greenTags, yellowTags, selectedTags, tagState, modelTags ; Array box2segs, segs, discard, unDiscard, lineNumber, size, topLines ; Array topLinesIndex ; BitSet show, unSelect, verified ; } *FOREST ; /****************************************************************/ static int gotoBox, lightBox,upBox, downBox, pageUpBox, pageDownBox, discardBox ; static BOOL isRecentre = FALSE ; static int halfHeight ; static double yOld ; static void forestUp (void) ; static void forestDown (void) ; static void forestPageUp (void) ; static void forestPageDown (void) ; static void forestUnverify (FOREST forest) ; static BOOL forestMayDisplay (FOREST forest, int n) ; static void forestAddTags (FOREST forest, int nn) ; static void forestKbd (int k) ; static void forestSelect (void) ; static void forestColor (FOREST forest) ; /************************************************************/ static void forestDestroy(void) { FORESTGET ("forestDestroy") ; keySetDestroy (forest->fSet) ; keySetDestroy (forest->alphaSet) ; keySetDestroy (forest->selectSet) ; keySetDestroy (forest->greenTags) ; keySetDestroy (forest->yellowTags) ; arrayDestroy (forest->topLines) ; arrayDestroy (forest->topLinesIndex) ;/*mhmp 03.12.97*/ stackDestroy (forest->s) ; arrayDestroy (forest->segs) ; arrayDestroy (forest->box2segs) ; arrayDestroy (forest->modelTags) ; arrayDestroy (forest->tagState) ; bitSetDestroy (forest->verified) ; bitSetDestroy (forest->discard) ; bitSetDestroy (forest->show) ; bitSetDestroy (forest->unSelect) ; arrayDestroy (forest->unDiscard) ; arrayDestroy (forest->lineNumber) ; arrayDestroy (forest->size) ; forest->magic = 0 ; messfree (forest->title) ; mapDestroy (forest->map) ; messfree (forest) ; return; } /* forestDestroy */ /***********************************************************************/ static int fState(FOREST forest, KEY key) { if (key > 0 && key < arrayMax(forest->tagState)) return array (forest->tagState, key, char) ; return 0 ; } /***********************************************************************/ /********************** actions ***************************************/ static void forestDoRedraw (FOREST forest) ; static void forestDoRedraw2 (FOREST forest) ; static void forestDraw (FOREST forest) ; static void forestRedraw (void) ; /*******************/ static void forestFollow (FOREST forest, int box) { int i ; SEG *seg; BOOL isDisp = FALSE ; if (box < 1 || box >= arrayMax(forest->box2segs)) return ; seg = arr(forest->box2segs,box,SEG*) ; if (seg->n) { graphPostBuffer (stackText(forest->s, seg->n)) ; if (seg->yellow) { isDisp = TRUE ; /* mhmp 15.06.98 */ if (pickType(seg->key) == 'B') display (seg->key, 0, "TREE") ; else display (seg->key, 0, 0) ; } else for (i = forest->firstBox ; i < arrayMax(forest->box2segs) ; i++) { SEG *seg1 = arr(forest->box2segs,i,SEG*) ; if (seg1 && !(seg1->flag & MODELFLAG)) { if (seg1->yellow) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, WHITE) ; seg1->yellow = FALSE ; if (!lexstrcmp(stackText(forest->s, seg1->n), stackText(forest->s, seg->n))) { graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, YELLOW) ; seg1->yellow = TRUE ; } } } } else if (seg->key == forest->model) { display (seg->key, 0, "TREE") ; isDisp = TRUE ; /* mhmp 05.05.98 */ } if (!isDisp) { /* mhmp 28.05.98 necessaire apres un mot "trop long" (winPos)*/ memset(forest->mot, 0, 1024) ; strncpy (forest->mot,"", 1023) ; graphTextEntry (forest->mot, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; graphTextEntry (forest->mot, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; /**********/ memset(forest->mot, 0, 1024) ; strncpy (forest->mot, stackText(forest->s, seg->n), 1023) ; graphTextEntry (forest->mot, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; graphEntryDisable() ; graphRegister (KEYBOARD, forestKbd) ; /* mhmp 07.01.98 */ forestColor(forest) ; } } static void forestColor (FOREST forest) { int i ; SEG *seg ; char buf [200] ; *buf = 0 ; if (forest->mot && *forest->mot) { strcpy (buf, forest->mot) ; strcat (buf, "*") ; } for (i = forest->firstBox, seg = arr(forest->box2segs,i,SEG*) ; i < arrayMax(forest->box2segs) ; seg++, i++) { seg = arr(forest->box2segs,i,SEG*) ; if (seg) seg->yellow = FALSE ; if (seg && !(seg->flag & MODELFLAG)) if (*buf && pickMatch (stackText(forest->s, seg->n), buf)) { graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, YELLOW) ; seg->yellow = TRUE ; } } return; } /* forestColor */ /*******************/ static void callBiblio (void) { KEYSET ks ; char *cp ; ACEIN title_in = 0; FORESTGET ("callBiblio") ; cp = "From forest" ; if ((title_in = messPrompt("Title","","t", 0))) cp = aceInWord(title_in); ks = keySetCopy (forest->selectSet) ; keySetSort (ks) ; keySetCompress(ks) ; biblioKeySet (cp, ks) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; if (title_in) aceInDestroy (title_in); return; } /* callBiblio */ static void forestPick (int box, double x, double y) { KEY tag ; SEG *seg ; FORESTGET ("forestPick") ; if (box == gotoBox) { graphTextEntry (forest->cq, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; forest->isGoto = TRUE ; } else if (box == lightBox) graphTextEntry (forest->mot, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; else if (box == upBox) forestUp () ; else if (box == downBox) forestDown () ; else if (box == pageUpBox) forestPageUp () ; else if (box == pageDownBox) forestPageDown () ; else if (box < 1 || /* check valid box */ box >= arrayMax(forest->box2segs) || !(seg = arr(forest->box2segs, box, SEG*)) ) return ; else if (seg->flag & MODELFLAG) { tag = seg->key ; switch (fState (forest, tag)) { case 0: break ; case 1: if (seg->flag & MODELNEXTFLAG) array (forest->tagState, tag, char) = 2 ; else if (seg->flag & MODELNEXTTAG) array (forest->tagState, tag, char) = 3 ; else array (forest->tagState, tag, char) = 4 ; break ; case 2: case 3: array (forest->tagState, tag, char) = 4 ; break ; case 4: array (forest->tagState, tag, char) = 1 ; break ; } forestUnverify(forest) ; forestDoRedraw (forest) ; } else if (seg->flag == DISCARDFLAG) { bitSet (forest->discard, seg->key) ; array (forest->unDiscard, forest->maxDiscard, int) = seg->key ; forest->maxDiscard ++ ; /* mhmp 27.11.97 pour eviter un ecran vide en discardant le dernier */ if (forest->isDownRed && !forest->isUpRed) { forest->lineBeginOld = 0 ; /* mhmp 17.12 */ forestUp () ; } else forestDoRedraw (forest) ; } else if (box > forest->firstBox) forestFollow (forest, box) ; return; } /* forestPick */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestMiddleDragFast (double x, double y) { FORESTGET ("forestMiddleDragFast") ; graphXorLine (0, yOld, forest->map->thumb.x, yOld) ; yOld = y ; graphXorLine (0, yOld, forest->map->thumb.x, yOld) ; return; } /* forestMiddleDragFast */ static void forestMiddleUpFast (double x, double y) { int n, nn = 0 ; KEY selectKey ; FORESTGET ("forestMiddleUpFast") ; n = WHOLE2MAP (forest->map, y) ; if (n < 0) n = 0 ; if (n >= forest->nSelected) n = forest->nSelected -1 ; /* mhmp 17.12.97 pb avec keyset melimelo Taich */ selectKey = keySet (forest->selectSet, n) ; arrayFind (forest->alphaSet, &selectKey, &nn, keySetAlphaOrder) ; forestMayDisplay (forest,nn) ; forestDoRedraw2 (forest) ; /******************************** mhmp 01.12.97 attention pour forestMayDisplay n index dans forest->alphaSet while (n > 0 && !forestMayDisplay (forest,n)) n-- ; selectKey = keySet (forest->selectSet, n) ; arrayFind (forest->alphaSet, &selectKey, &n, keySetAlphaOrder) ; forest->nTop = n ; forestDoRedraw (forest) ; ***********************************/ /* mhmp 02.12.97 pour avoir le "vrai" forest->nTop */ while (n > 0) { selectKey = keySet (forest->selectSet, n) ; arrayFind (forest->alphaSet, &selectKey, &nn, keySetAlphaOrder) ; if (forestMayDisplay (forest,nn)) break ; n-- ; } if (n == 0) while (n < forest->nSelected) { selectKey = keySet (forest->selectSet, n) ; arrayFind (forest->alphaSet, &selectKey, &nn, keySetAlphaOrder) ; if (forestMayDisplay (forest,nn)) break ; n++ ; } forest->nTop = nn ; forestDoRedraw (forest) ; return; } /* forestMiddleUpFast */ static void forestMiddleDrag (double x, double y) { FORESTGET ("forestMiddleDrag") ; graphXorLine (forest->map->thumb.x, yOld, mapGraphWidth, yOld) ; yOld = y ; graphXorLine (forest->map->thumb.x, y, mapGraphWidth, y) ; return; } /* forestMiddleDrag */ static void forestMiddleUp (double x, double y) { int i, n, nn1 ; int exTop ; FORESTGET ("forestMiddleUp") ; if (!forest->isPageDownRed || !( y > halfGraphHeight)) { n = y - halfGraphHeight ; if (!arrayMax(forest->topLines)) return ; nn1 = 0 ; /* mhmp 04.12.97 -1 a cause du decalage de 1 vers la gauche */ for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(forest->topLines) - 1 ; i++) if (array (forest->topLines,i, int) > n) break ; else nn1 = i ; forest->lineBegin = n - array(forest->topLines,nn1, int) ; if (forest->lineBegin < 0) forest->lineBegin = 0 ; forest->nTop = array(forest->topLinesIndex, nn1, int) ; } else forest->lineBegin = forest->lineBeginOld ; isRecentre = TRUE ; forest->showModel = FALSE ; forest->lineBeginOld = forest->lineBegin ; exTop = forest->nTop ; forestDoRedraw2 (forest) ; /*mhmp bricolage 08.12.97 voir keyset bug */ forest->nTop = exTop ; forest->lineBegin = forest->lineBeginOld ; isRecentre = TRUE ; forestDoRedraw (forest) ; /*mhmp 08.12.97*/ return; } /* forestMiddleUp */ static void forestMiddleDown (double x, double y) { FORESTGET ("forestMiddleDown") ; if (!forest->nSelected) { graphRegister (MIDDLE_DRAG, 0) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_UP, 0) ; } else if (x > forest->map->thumb.x) { yOld = y ; graphXorLine (forest->map->thumb.x, y, mapGraphWidth, y) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DRAG, forestMiddleDrag) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_UP, forestMiddleUp) ; } else { yOld = y ; graphXorLine (forest->map->thumb.x, y, mapGraphWidth, y) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DRAG, forestMiddleDragFast) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_UP, forestMiddleUpFast) ; } return; } /* forestMiddleDown */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestPrint(void) { FORESTGET ("forestPrint") ; if (!forest->alphaSet || !keySetMax(forest->alphaSet)) { messout ("Nothing to print, this forest is empty, sorry") ; return ; } forestDraw(forest); return; } /* forestPrint */ /********************** menu actions **********************************/ static void forestUnDiscard (void) { int i ; FORESTGET ("forestUnDiscard") ; if (forest->maxDiscard) { i = array (forest->unDiscard, forest->maxDiscard - 1, int) ; bitUnSet (forest->discard, i) ; forest->maxDiscard -- ; /*mhmp commencer par le dernier undiscarde 02.12.97*/ forest->nTop = i ; } forestDoRedraw (forest) ; return; } /********************** menu actions **********************************/ static void forestSaveAs (void) { KEY key ; char *cp ; KEYSET ks ; int ii,j, nn ; ACEIN name_in; FORESTGET ("forestSaveAs") ; if (!forest->nSelected) messout ("Nothing to save") ; else { if (!checkWriteAccess()) return ; if (!(name_in = messPrompt("Save the current set in the KeySet class\n" "under the name:","","t", 0))) return ; cp = aceInWord(name_in) ; if (strlen(cp) == 0) { aceInDestroy (name_in); return ; } if (!lexaddkey (cp,&key,_VKeySet) && !messQuery ("This keyset already exists, " "should I overwrite it ?")) { aceInDestroy (name_in); return ; } aceInDestroy (name_in); if (!key) return ; if (!lexlock(key)) { messout ("Sorry, this key is locked elsewhere") ; return ; } ks = keySetCreate () ; ii = keySetMax(forest->alphaSet) ; nn = 0 ; j = -1 ; while (j++,ii--) if (!bit (forest->discard, j) && !bit(forest->unSelect, j)) keySet(ks, nn++) = keySet(forest->alphaSet,j) ; keySetSort (ks) ; keySetCompress(ks) ; arrayStore (key,ks,"k") ; lexunlock (key) ; keySetNewDisplay (ks,name(key)) ; } return; } /* forestSaveAs */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestShowModel (void) { FORESTGET ("forestShowModel") ; forest->showModel = !forest->showModel ; forestDoRedraw (forest) ; } /***********************************************************************/ static void forestDoHide (BOOL hh) { int i ; char *cp ; FORESTGET ("forestDoHide") ; if ((forest->hide = hh)) { i = arrayMax(forest->tagState) ; cp = arrp(forest->tagState, 0, char) - 1 ; while(cp++, i--) if (*cp) *cp = 4 ; } else { i = arrayMax(forest->tagState) ; cp = arrp(forest->tagState, 0, char) - 1 ; while(cp++, i--) if (*cp) *cp = 1 ; } forestUnverify(forest) ; forestDoRedraw (forest) ; return; } /* forestDoHide */ static void forestTagsHide (void) { forestDoHide(TRUE) ; } static void forestTagsUnHide (void) { forestDoHide(FALSE) ; } /***********************************************************************/ static void forestUp (void) { int ii ; FORESTGET ("forestUp") ; if (forest->isUpRed) return ; ii = forest->nTop ; while (ii--) if (forestMayDisplay (forest,ii)) { forest->nTop = ii ; break ; } forestDoRedraw(forest) ; } /* forestUp */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestDown (void) { int ii ; FORESTGET ("forestDown") ; if (forest->isDownRed) return ; ii = forest->nTop ; while (++ii < forest->max) if (forestMayDisplay (forest,ii)) { forest->nTop = ii ; break ; } forestDoRedraw(forest) ; } /***********************************************************************/ static void forestGoto (char *txt) { char *cc ; KEY key ; int i1, i2, i3, jmax, cmp ; FORESTGET ("forestGoto") ; jmax = keySetMax (forest->alphaSet) ; /* mhmp 17.12.97 solution la moins mauvaise */ /* lexstrcmp pour tomber sur ceux qui existent Bond7 Bond68 Bond007*/ i1 = 0 ; i3 = jmax -1 ; while (TRUE) { i2 = (i1 + i3) / 2 ; key = keySet (forest->alphaSet, i2) ; cc = name (key) ; cmp = lexstrcmp (cc, forest->cq) ; if (!cmp) goto found ; else if (i2 == i1 || i2 == i3) break ; else if (cmp < 0) i1 = i2 ; else i3 = i2 ; } /* strcasecmp pour B03 B04 B041 B054 */ i1 = 0 ; i3 = jmax -1 ; while (TRUE) { i2 = (i1 + i3) / 2 ; key = keySet (forest->alphaSet, i2) ; cc = name (key) ; cmp = strcasecmp (cc, forest->cq) ; if (!cmp) goto found ; else if (i2 == i1 || i2 == i3) break ; else if (cmp < 0) i1 = i2 ; else i3 = i2 ; } /* strncasecmp pour passer au suivant */ i2++ ; i3 = forest->nTop + 1 ; while (i3 < jmax && !forestMayDisplay (forest,i3)) i3++ ; if (i3 < jmax) { key = keySet (forest->alphaSet, i3) ; cc = name (key) ; if (!strncasecmp(cc,txt,strlen(txt))) i2 = i3 ; } found: forestMayDisplay (forest,i2) ; forestDoRedraw2 (forest) ; /*mhmp 18.12 pb avec keyset melimelo Taich*/ while (i2> 0 && !forestMayDisplay (forest,i2)) i2-- ; forest->nTop = i2 ; forest->isGoto = 2 ; /* survives one redraw */ forestDoRedraw (forest) ; } /* forestGoto */ static void forestLight (char *txt) { FORESTGET ("forestLight") ; forestDoRedraw (forest) ; return; } /* forestLight */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestPageUp (void) { FORESTGET ("forestPageUp") ; if (forest->isPageUpRed) return ; forestMiddleUp (mapGraphWidth, topMargin + 2) ;/* mhmp 04.12.97*/ return; } /* forestPageUp */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestPageDown (void) { FORESTGET ("forestPageDown") ; if (forest->isPageDownRed) return ; forestMiddleUp (mapGraphWidth, mapGraphHeight) ; return; } /* forestPageDown */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestKbd (int k) /*mh*/ { FORESTGET ("forestKbd") ; switch (k) { case UP_KEY : forestUp () ; break ; case DOWN_KEY : forestDown () ; break ; case PAGE_UP_KEY : case LEFT_KEY : forestPageUp () ; break ; case PAGE_DOWN_KEY : case RIGHT_KEY : forestPageDown () ; break ; default: return ; } } /* forestKbd */ /***********************************************************************/ /******************* query/select system ******************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* i order the green tags by depth, this will optimize bIndexSearch by hitting the top tags first */ static void forestTagsSort (int classe, KEYSET ks) { KEY *kp, tag ; KEYSET path ; int i, n = keySetMax(ks), p ; if (n<2) return ; i = n ; kp = arrp(ks, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while (kp++, i--) { tag = *kp ; path = bsGetPath (classe, tag) ; p = path ? keySetMax(path) : 0 ; /* p is the length of the path to the tag */ if (p > 250) p = 250 ; *kp = KEYMAKE (p, tag) ; keySetDestroy (path) ; } keySetSort (ks) ; /* sorts on class then tag value */ i = n ; kp = arrp(ks, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while (kp++, i--) *kp = KEYKEY (*kp) ; return; } /* forestTagsSort */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestGetYellowTags (FOREST forest) { KEY *kp ; int i , ii = 0, classe ; KEYSET ks = keySetCreate(); KEYSET tmp; keySetDestroy (forest->yellowTags) ; classe = class(keySet(forest->alphaSet, 0)) ; /* should be current model */ tmp = bsTagsInClass (classe) ; if (!tmp) return ; ii = 0 ; i = keySetMax(tmp) ; kp = arrp(tmp, i - 1, KEY) + 1 ; while (kp--, i--) switch (fState(forest,*kp)) { case 1: case 2: keySet(ks, ii++) = *kp ; break ; default: break ; } forestTagsSort(classe, ks) ; forest->yellowTags = ks ; keySetDestroy (tmp) ; return; } /* forestGetYellowTags */ /***********************************************************************/ static BOOL forestQueryKey (KEYSET tags, KEY key) { KEY *gtp ; int i ; OBJ obj = 0 ; int found = 1 ; if (!key || pickType(key) != 'B') return 2 ; if (bIndexVersion (-1)) { found = 0 ; i = keySetMax(tags) ; gtp = arrp(tags, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while (gtp++, found < 2 && i--) { switch (bIndexFind (key, *gtp)) { case 0: /* absent */ break ; case 1: found = 1 ; break ; case 2: /* found */ found = 2 ; return TRUE ; } } } if (!found) return 0 ; if ((obj = bsCreate (key))) { i = keySetMax(tags) ; gtp = arrp(tags, 0, KEY) - 1 ; found = 0 ; while (gtp++, found < 2 && i--) if (bsFindTag (obj, *gtp)) { bsDestroy (obj) ; return TRUE ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; } return 0 ; } /* forestQueryKey */ static void forestUnverify (FOREST forest) { int ii ; ii = keySetMax(forest->alphaSet) ; while (ii--) bitUnSet(forest->verified, ii) ; return; } /* forestUnverify */ static BOOL forestQueryN (FOREST forest, int n) { if (!keySetMax(forest->yellowTags)) { forestAddTags (forest, n) ; return TRUE ; } /* if (!bit(forest->verified,n)) mhmp 05.12.97*/ { if (forestQueryKey (forest->yellowTags, keySet(forest->alphaSet,n))) bitSet (forest->show,n) ; else bitUnSet (forest->show,n) ; forestAddTags (forest, n) ; } bitSet (forest->verified, n) ; return bit (forest->show,n) ; } /* forestQueryN */ static BOOL forestMayDisplay (FOREST forest, int n) { BOOL isOK; if (n < 0 || n >= keySetMax(forest->alphaSet)) messcrash ("Bad n in forestMayDisplay") ; isOK = !bit (forest->unSelect, n) && !bit (forest->discard, n) && forestQueryN (forest, n); return isOK; } /* forestMayDisplay */ /***********************************************************************/ /* looping */ static int forestDoSelect (FOREST forest, BOOL doSelect) { int ii, j, nn ; KEY *kp ; ii = keySetMax(forest->alphaSet) ; while (ii--) bitUnSet(forest->unSelect, ii) ; if (!doSelect) { keySetDestroy (forest->selectSet) ; forest->selectSet = keySetCopy (forest->alphaSet) ; } else { forest->selectSet = keySetReCreate(forest->selectSet) ; keySetSort (forest->greenTags) ; keySetCompress (forest->greenTags) ; forestTagsSort(forest->classe, forest->greenTags) ; ii = keySetMax(forest->alphaSet) ; nn = 0 ; j = -1 ; kp = arrp(forest->alphaSet, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while (kp++, j++, ii--) { if (!forestQueryKey (forest->greenTags, *kp)) bitSet(forest->unSelect, j) ; /*mhmp ii --> j 28.11.97*/ else /* This is it ! */ keySet(forest->selectSet, nn++) = keySet(forest->alphaSet,j) ; if (messIsInterruptCalled()) break ; } } keySetDestroy (forest->selectedTags) ; forest->selectedTags = keySetCopy (forest->greenTags) ; forest->nSelected = keySetMax(forest->selectSet) ; forest->map->min = 0 ; forest->map->max = forest->nSelected ; return forest->nSelected ; } /* forestDoSelect */ /***********************************************************************/ /* graphic interface */ static void forestSelect (void) { FORESTGET ("forestSelect") ; if (!forest->showModel) { forestDoRedraw (forest) ; /* pour garder le bouton Select bleu mhmp*/ return ; } forest->isSelect = !forest->isSelect ; if (forest->isSelect) { if (!keySetMax(forest->greenTags)) { messout ("Please first select some tags from the model") ; forest->isSelect = FALSE ; forestDoSelect (forest, FALSE) ; } else { messout("%s%s%s\n%s", "With the Select mode, only the objects with at ", "least one green (or yellow) tag are selected. ", "Objects with only red tags are hidden. ", "F4 to interrupt" ) ; forestDoSelect (forest, TRUE) ; } } else forestDoSelect (forest, FALSE) ; /* graphUnMessage () ; mhmp 26.11.97*/ forestDoRedraw(forest) ; return; } /* forestSelect */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestExport (void) /* mhmp 20.02.98 */ { char *cp ; KEYSET ks ; int ii,j, nn ; FORESTGET ("forestExport") ; ks = keySetCreate () ; ii = keySetMax(forest->alphaSet) ; nn = 0 ; j = -1 ; while (j++,ii--) if (!bit (forest->discard, j) && !bit(forest->unSelect, j)) keySet(ks, nn++) = keySet(forest->alphaSet,j) ; keySetSort (ks) ; keySetCompress(ks) ; if (keySetMax(ks) == 0) messout ("The active forest does not contain keys") ; else { ACEIN title_in; if ((title_in = messPrompt("Title","","t", 0))) { cp = aceInWord(title_in) ; keySetNewDisplay (ks,cp) ; aceInDestroy (title_in); } } return; } /* forestExport */ /***********************************************************************/ static MENUOPT forestMenu[]={ { graphDestroy,"Quit"}, { help, "Help"}, { forestPrint, "Print"}, { displayPreserve, "Preserve"}, { 0,0 } }; /***********************************************************************/ static MENUOPT forestMenuButt1[]={ { graphDestroy,"Quit"}, { help, "Help"}, { forestPrint, "Print"}, { forestUnDiscard, "UnDiscard"}, /* attention a discardBox = 4th button */ { forestExport, "Export"}, { forestSaveAs, "Save as"}, { 0,0 } }; /***********************************************************************/ static MENUOPT forestMenuButt2[]={ { forestShowModel, "Model show/hide"}, { forestTagsHide, "Tags hide"}, { forestTagsUnHide, "Tags show"}, { forestSelect, "Select"}, { 0,0 } }; /***********************************************************************/ /* drawing */ /***********************************************************************/ static float oldOffset ; static void forestDisplayMark (LOOK look, float *offset, MENU *unused) /* used as a MapColDrawFunc for mapInsertCol() */ { float oldTextHeight ; char *cc, dd[8], ee[8] ; int i, j ; float y, yOld = 3 ; BOOL idem ; KEY key ; FOREST forest = (FOREST)look; if (!forest->nSelected) return ; oldOffset = *offset ; *offset += 1 ; /*mhmp -6 ?????????*/ forest->map->thumb.fac = (mapGraphHeight - topMargin - 6) / (forest->map->max); oldTextHeight = graphTextHeight (0.75) ; idem = TRUE ; for (j = 0 ; j < forest->nSelected ; j+= 1) { key = keySet(forest->selectSet, j) ; cc = name(key) ; memset(dd,0,8) ; for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i+= 1) { dd [i] = cc [i] ; if (dd[i] != ee [i]) { idem = FALSE ; ee[i] = dd[i] ; } } if (idem) continue ; else { idem = TRUE ; y = MAP2WHOLE (forest->map, j) ; if (y > mapGraphHeight) break ; if (y - yOld < 2) continue ; else { yOld = y ; graphLine (0, y, *offset + 2, y) ; graphText (messprintf("%s", dd), 0, y + 0.2) ; } } } graphTextHeight (oldTextHeight) ; *offset += 2 ; return; } /* forestDisplayMark */ /***********************************************************************/ static void forestAddTags (FOREST forest, int nn) { KEY key, *kp1 ; int i ; KEYSET ks1 ; key = keySet (forest->alphaSet, nn) ; if (pickType(key) != 'B') return; ks1 = bsKeySet (key) ; if (!ks1) return ; i = keySetMax(ks1) ; kp1= arrp(ks1, 0, KEY) - 1 ; while (kp1++, i--) if (!class(*kp1) && *kp1 >= _Date && /* a real tag */ !array(forest->tagState, *kp1, char)) array(forest->tagState, *kp1, char) = 1 ; keySetDestroy (ks1) ; return; } /* forestAddTags */ /***********************************************************************/ static char* forestBStext (BS bs) { if (bs->key <= _LastC) return bsText(bs) ; else if (bs->key ==_Int) return messprintf ("%d", bs->n.i) ; else if (bs->key ==_Float) return messprintf ("%g", bs->n.f) ; else if (bs->key ==_DateType) return timeShow (bs->n.time) ; else return name (bs->key); } /* forestBStext */ static int countSiblings (BS bs) { int n = 0 ; while (bs) { if (class(bs->key) != _VUserSession) n++ ; bs = bs->down ; } return n ; } /* countSiblings */ static BOOL drawTriangle(BS bs, int x, int y, BOOL isModel) { BOOL isArrow ; int n = countSiblings(bs->right) ; if (n > 0) { graphColor(BLUE) ; if (isModel) graphText(messprintf(" -----> COUNT"), x, y) ; else graphText(messprintf(" -----> %d ",n), x, y) ; graphColor(BLACK) ; isArrow = TRUE ; } else isArrow = FALSE ; return isArrow ; } /* drawTriangle */ static FOREST myForest ; static BOOL showTimeStamps = FALSE ; /* could go in menu choice */ static int topLine = 0 ; /* recursive routine */ /* forestBS (graphic) forestBBS (printer) */ static int forestBS (BS bs, BS bsm, int x, int y, int *yy, BOOL isRoot, BOOL isModel) { int yMe = y , y3 ; int yyMe = *yy ; int xPlus = 0 ; BOOL isArrow = FALSE ; char *text, *cp ; int box; int oldTextFormat ; SEG *seg ; KEY tag ; graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth,&mapGraphHeight) ; if (y > mapGraphHeight + myForest->lineBegin) return y ; switch (fState(myForest, bs->key)) { case 2: isArrow = TRUE ; break ; case 3: if (!isModel) goto right ; case 4: if (!isModel) goto down ; }; bsModelMatch (bs, &bsm) ; /* will fail on Time stamp, ignore returned value */ if (!showTimeStamps && class(bs->key) == _VUserSession) goto right; text = forestBStext (bs) ; if (!text) text = "" ; yMe = y ; /* must do this here again: y can change */ yyMe = *yy ; seg = arrayp (myForest->segs, arrayMax(myForest->segs), SEG) ; seg->key = bs->key ; seg->color = WHITE ; seg->flag = 0 ; seg->n = stackMark (myForest->s) ; pushText (myForest->s, text) ; if (isModel) { seg->color = BLUE ; tag = seg->key ; if (!keySetFind (myForest->modelTags, tag, 0)) keySetInsert (myForest->modelTags, tag) ; if (tag < arrayMax(myForest->tagState) && array (myForest->tagState,tag, char)) { seg->flag = MODELFLAG ; if (bs->right && bs->right->key != _UNIQUE) seg->flag |= bsIsTag (bs->right) ? MODELNEXTTAG : MODELNEXTFLAG ; switch (fState(myForest, tag)) { case 1: seg->color = GREEN ; /* mhmp 10.07.98 */ if (myForest->isSelect && myForest->selectedTags && keySetFind (myForest->selectedTags, tag, 0)) seg->color = LIGHTBLUE ; if (isModel) keySet(myForest->greenTags, keySetMax(myForest->greenTags)) = tag ; break ; case 2: seg->color = YELLOW ; break ; case 3: seg->color = PALEORANGE ; break ; case 4: seg->color = LIGHTRED ; break ; } } } if (seg->color == BLUE) goto right ; { oldTextFormat = PLAIN_FORMAT; /* init for compiler happiness */ box = graphBoxStart() ; if ((iskey (bs->key) == 2 && class(bs->key) != _VText)) oldTextFormat = graphTextFormat(BOLD) ; if (bs->key == _Greek) oldTextFormat = graphTextFormat(GREEK) ; uLinesText (text,LINE_LENGTH) ; if ((cp = uNextLine(text))) { y3 = yMe++ - myForest->lineBegin ; if (y3 >= topLine) graphText (cp,x,y3) ; /* write out this node */ if (strlen(cp) > xPlus) xPlus = strlen(cp) ; while ((cp = uNextLine(text))) /* indent following lines */ { y3 = yMe++ - myForest->lineBegin ; if (y3 >= topLine ) graphText (cp,x+2, y3) ; if (strlen(cp)+2 >xPlus) xPlus = strlen(cp)+2 ; } } if ( bs->right && !isRoot && isArrow) /* if (isDecal) { yyMe++ ; if (*yy >= myForest->lineBegin) isDecal = FALSE ; } else mhmp 05.05.98 */ { y3 = yMe-1- myForest->lineBegin ; if (y3 >= topLine) isArrow = drawTriangle (bs, x+xPlus, y3, isModel) ; } /*isArrow = drawTriangle (bs, x+xPlus, yMe-1, isModel) ;*/ if ((iskey (bs->key) ==2 && class(bs->key) != _VText) || ( (bs->size & ON_FLAG) && bs->right ) || bs->key == _Greek ) graphTextFormat(oldTextFormat) ; graphBoxEnd() ; array(myForest->box2segs, box, SEG*) = seg ; if (isModel) graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, seg->color) ; } right: xPlus += x ; xPlus = xPlus + 6 - xPlus%4 ; if (isRoot) { xPlus = x + 2 ; y += 1 ; *yy +=1 ; } if (bs->right && fState(myForest, bs->key) != 4 && bs->right->key !=_XREF && ( !isArrow || isRoot)) y = forestBS (bs->right, bsm ? bsModelRight(bsm) : 0, xPlus, y, yy, FALSE, isModel) ; /* to the right at same y */ if (yMe > y) y = yMe ; if (yyMe > *yy) *yy = yyMe ; down: if (bs->down) /* && !(bs->size & ATTACH_FLAG)) attach only rightwards */ y = forestBS (bs->down, bsm, x, y, yy, FALSE, isModel) ; /* below at new y location */ return y ; } /* forestBS */ static int forestBBS (BS bs, BS bsm, int x, int y, BOOL isRoot) /* recursive routine */ { int yMe = y ; int xPlus = 0 ; BOOL isArrow = FALSE ; char *text, *cp ; int box; int oldTextFormat ; SEG *seg ; switch (fState(myForest, bs->key)) { case 2: isArrow = TRUE ; break ; case 3: goto right ; case 4: goto down ; } bsModelMatch (bs, &bsm) ; /* will fail on Time stamp, ignore returned value */ if (!showTimeStamps && class(bs->key) == _VUserSession) goto right; text = forestBStext (bs) ; yMe = y ; /* must do this here again: y can change */ seg = arrayp (myForest->segs, arrayMax(myForest->segs), SEG) ; seg->key = bs->key ; seg->color = WHITE ; seg->flag = 0 ; { oldTextFormat = PLAIN_FORMAT; /* init for compiler happiness */ box = graphBoxStart() ; if ((iskey (bs->key) == 2 && class(bs->key) != _VText)) oldTextFormat = graphTextFormat(BOLD) ; if (bs->key == _Greek) oldTextFormat = graphTextFormat(GREEK) ; uLinesText (text,LINE_LENGTH) ; if ((cp = uNextLine(text))) { graphText (cp,x,yMe++) ; /* write out this node */ if (strlen(cp) > xPlus) xPlus = strlen(cp) ; while ((cp = uNextLine(text))) /* indent following lines */ { graphText (cp,x+2,yMe++) ; if (strlen(cp)+2 >xPlus) xPlus = strlen(cp)+2 ; } } if ( bs->right && !isRoot && isArrow) isArrow = drawTriangle (bs, x+xPlus, yMe-1, FALSE) ; if ((iskey (bs->key) ==2 && class(bs->key) != _VText) || ( (bs->size & ON_FLAG) && bs->right ) || bs->key == _Greek ) graphTextFormat(oldTextFormat) ; graphBoxEnd() ; array(myForest->box2segs, box, SEG*) = seg ; } right: xPlus += x ; xPlus = xPlus + 6 - xPlus%4 ; if (isRoot) { xPlus = x + 2 ; y += 1 ; } if (bs->right && fState(myForest, bs->key) != 4 && (!isArrow || isRoot)) y = forestBBS (bs->right, bsm ? bsModelRight(bsm) : 0, xPlus, y, FALSE) ; /* to the right at same y */ if (yMe > y) y = yMe ; down: if (bs->down) /* && !(bs->size & ATTACH_FLAG)) attach only rightwards */ y = forestBBS (bs->down, bsm, x, y, FALSE) ; /* below at new y location */ return y ; } /* forestBBS */ static void forestKey (FOREST forest, int nn, int *xp, int *yp) { KEY key ; OBJ obj = 0 ; int box ; SEG *seg ; key = keySet (forest->alphaSet, nn) ; seg = arrayp (forest->segs, arrayMax(forest->segs), SEG) ; array(forest->box2segs, box = graphBoxStart(), SEG*) = seg ; seg->key = key ; seg->color = WHITE ; graphBoxEnd () ; if (pickType(key) != 'B' || ! (obj = bsCreate(key))) return ; myForest = forest ; *yp += 1 ; *yp = forestBBS (obj->root, bsModelRoot(obj), *xp, *yp, TRUE) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; return; } /* forestKey */ static void forestDrawModel (FOREST forest, int *xp, int *yp) { KEY key ; OBJ obj = 0 ; int box, old, yy ; SEG *seg ; forest->greenTags = keySetReCreate(forest->greenTags) ; key = forest->model ; seg = arrayp (forest->segs, arrayMax(forest->segs), SEG) ; seg->key = key ; seg->color = WHITE ; array(forest->box2segs, box = graphBoxStart(), SEG*) = seg ; old = graphTextFormat (BOLD) ; graphText (messprintf("%s", name(key)+ 1), *xp, *yp) ; graphTextFormat (old) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphText ("Click tag to: show->green, count->yellow, hide->red",*xp + 10, *yp) ; if ((obj = bsCreate(key))) /* garanteed in fact */ { myForest = forest ; yy = 1 ; *yp = forestBS (obj->root, bsModelRoot(obj), *xp, *yp, &yy, TRUE, TRUE) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } return; } /* forestDrawModel */ /****************************************************/ static void forestDrawKeyUp (FOREST forest, int nn, int *xp, int *yp) { KEY key ; OBJ obj = 0 ; int yy ; if (!forestMayDisplay(forest, nn)) return ; key = keySet (forest->alphaSet, nn) ; array(forest->topLines,arrayMax(forest->topLines), int) = *yp - forest->lineBegin ; array(forest->topLinesIndex,arrayMax(forest->topLinesIndex), int) = nn ; *yp += 1 ; if ((obj = bsCreate(key))) { myForest = forest ; yy = 1 ; *yp = forestBS (obj->root, bsModelRoot(obj), *xp, *yp, &yy, TRUE, FALSE) ; bsDestroy (obj); } return; } /* forestDrawKeyUp */ /****************************************************/ static void forestDrawKey (FOREST forest, int nn, int *xp, int *yp, BOOL doDraw) { KEY key ; OBJ obj = 0 ; int box, yy, yDis ; float hh ; SEG *seg ; if (!forestMayDisplay(forest, nn)) return ; key = keySet (forest->alphaSet, nn) ; if (doDraw) { array(forest->topLines, arrayMax(forest->topLines), int) = *yp - forest->lineBegin ; array(forest->topLinesIndex, arrayMax(forest->topLinesIndex), int) = nn ; seg = arrayp (forest->segs, arrayMax(forest->segs), SEG) ; seg->key = key ; seg->color = WHITE ; array(forest->box2segs, box = graphBoxStart(), SEG*) = seg ; graphBoxEnd () ; seg = arrayp (forest->segs, arrayMax(forest->segs), SEG) ; array(forest->box2segs, box = graphBoxStart(), SEG*) = seg ; seg->key = nn ; seg->flag = DISCARDFLAG ; hh = graphTextHeight (0.9) ; /* mhmp 26.11.97*/ yDis = *yp - forest->lineBegin > topMargin + 1 ? *yp + 1 - forest->lineBegin : topMargin + 2 ; graphText ("Discard", 50, yDis) ; graphBoxBox (box) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphTextHeight (hh) ; } *yp += 1 ; if ((obj = bsCreate(key))) { myForest = forest ; yy = 1 ; *yp = forestBS (obj->root, bsModelRoot(obj), *xp, *yp, &yy, TRUE, FALSE) ; bsDestroy (obj); } return; } /* forestDrawKey */ /****************************************/ static void forestDraw (FOREST forest) { int box, max, n = 0, x, y = 0, limit = 1250 ; float oldy, yy ; Graph old = graphActive() ; graphClear () ; max = forest->max ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphText(forest->title, 0, y) ; forestGetYellowTags (forest) ; for (x = 0, n= 0, y = 1 ; n < forest->max ; n++) { if (!forestMayDisplay (forest,n)) continue ; forestKey (forest, n, &x, &y) ; if (y > limit) { if (!messQuery("%d objects already use %d lines, " "do you want to continue ?", n, y)) break ; limit *= 4 ; } } graphBoxEnd() ; yy = y ; /* cast to float */ oldy = graphFakeBounds (yy) ; graphRedraw () ; /* michel: should come last */ graphPrint () ; graphActivate (old); graphFakeBounds (oldy) ; forestRedraw(); return; } /* forestDraw */ static void forestDoRedraw2 (FOREST forest) { graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth,&mapGraphHeight) ; topMargin = 5 ; stackClear (forest->s) ; pushText (forest->s, "") ; graphClear () ; forest->segs = arrayReCreate (forest->segs, 256, SEG) ; forest->box2segs = arrayReCreate (forest->box2segs, 256, SEG*) ; mapDrawColumns (forest->map) ; return; } /* forestDoRedraw2 */ static void forestDoRedraw (FOREST forest) { graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight); topMargin = 5 ; stackClear (forest->s) ; pushText (forest->s, "") ; graphClear () ; forest->segs = arrayReCreate (forest->segs, 256, SEG) ; forest->box2segs = arrayReCreate (forest->box2segs, 256, SEG*) ; mapDrawColumns (forest->map) ; graphRegister (PICK, forestPick) ; /* redo because of ColControl */ graphMenu (forestMenu) ; forestDisplayMark ((LOOK)forest, &oldOffset, NULL) ; graphRedraw () ; forestColor (forest) ; /* mhmp 24.03.98*/ return; } /* forestDoRedraw */ /* mhmp 04.12.97 *********************************/ /* calcul des forest->linesTop au-dessus de nTop */ static void forestDisplayTextUp (FOREST forest, float *offset) { int nbUp ; int n = 0, line = 0, x, y ; forest->nUp = forest->nTop - 1 ; nbUp = 0 ; while ((nbUp < halfGraphHeight) && (forest->nUp >= 0)) { if (forestMayDisplay (forest, forest->nUp)) nbUp++ ; forest->nUp-- ; } if (forest->nUp < 0) /* mhmp 05.12.97 A voir*/ forest->nUp = 0 ; /* if (nbUp ==0) forest->nUp = forest->nTop ;*/ /* on decale de -10000 */ line = topMargin + 1 - 100000 ; if (forest->isSelect) line++ ; y = line ; topLine = y + 1; /* needed to not block drawing model */ if (forest->showModel) { x = *offset ; forestDrawModel (forest, &x, &y) ; } topLine = y ; if (keySetMax(forest->yellowTags) && forest->nUp >= 0) for (x = *offset, n = forest->nUp ; n <= forest->nTop ; n++) forestDrawKeyUp (forest, n, &x, &y) ; return; } /* forestDisplayTextUp */ static void forestTopLines (FOREST forest) /*********** mhmp 04.12.97 rearrangement des topLines *****/ { int i, ii = 0 ; /* ii: rang du 2eme nTop */ for (i=0 ; i < arrayMax(forest->topLines) ; i++) if (array (forest->topLines,i, int) > -1000) { ii = i ; break ; } /* calcul des topLines au-dessus de nTop en egalant les 2 nTop */ for (i=0 ; i < ii ; i++) array (forest->topLines,i, int) = array (forest->topLines,i, int) - array (forest->topLines,ii-1, int) + array (forest->topLines,ii, int) ; /* decalage de 1 a gauche a partir du 1er nTop */ if (ii > 0) for (i=ii-1; i < arrayMax(forest->topLines) - 1 ; i++) { array (forest->topLines,i, int) = array (forest->topLines,i+1, int) ; array (forest->topLinesIndex,i, int) = array (forest->topLinesIndex,i+1, int) ; } return; } /* forestTopLines */ /*******************************************/ static void forestDisplayText (LOOK look, float *offset, MENU *unused) /* used as a MapColDrawFunc for mapInsertCol() */ { int box, max, n = 0, line = 0 , x, y , ii, first, last ; int selectKey ; char *cp ; float x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dx2, dx4, dy, dy2, dy4, dec; float oldCentre, delta ; KEY key ; FOREST forest = (FOREST)look; max = forest->max ; oldOffset = *offset ; *offset += 5 ; first = last = -1 ; forestGetYellowTags(forest) ; forest->topLines = arrayReCreate (forest->topLines,30, int) ; forest->topLinesIndex = arrayReCreate (forest->topLinesIndex,30, int) ; if (!isRecentre) forest->lineBegin = 0 ; isRecentre = FALSE ; line = topMargin + 1 ; /*************************************/ /* dry run, search for non empty objects, select the relevant model */ y = line ; box = graphBoxStart() ; if (forest->isGoto > 0) forest->isGoto-- ; /* mhmp 02.12.97 pour avoir le bon forest->nTop */ ii = forest->nTop ; while (ii < forest->max) { if (forestMayDisplay (forest,ii)) { forest->nTop = ii ; break ; } ii++ ; } forest->map->centre = forest->nTop + halfGraphHeight - 1 ; if (forest->map->centre < halfHeight) forest->map->centre = halfHeight ; forest->isDownRed = TRUE ; forest->isPageDownRed = FALSE ; if (keySetMax(forest->yellowTags)) { ii = forest->nTop ; while (++ii < forest->max) if (forestMayDisplay (forest,ii)) { forest->isDownRed = FALSE ; break ; } } key = keySet(forest->alphaSet, forest->nTop) ; if (key) { forest->model = pickModel (key) ; forest->classe = class (key) ; } for (x = *offset, n = forest->nTop ; y < mapGraphHeight + forest->lineBegin && n < forest->max ; n++) { if (!forestMayDisplay (forest,n)) continue ; if (first == -1) first = n ; last = n ; if (keySetMax(forest->yellowTags)) forestDrawKey (forest, n, &x, &y, FALSE) ; else y+= 2 ; } forest->nBottom = n ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxClear (box) ; /*************************************/ /* calcul des forest->topLines au-dessus de forest->nTop mhmp 04.12.97 */ forestDisplayTextUp (forest, &oldOffset) ; /*************************************/ /* real drawing */ box = graphBoxStart() ; forest->firstBox = box ; line = topMargin + 1 ; if (forest->isSelect) line++ ; if (forest->lineBegin != 0) line++ ; /*mhmp 01.12.97*/ y = line ; topLine = y + 1; /* needed to not block drawing model */ if (forest->showModel) { x = *offset ; forestDrawModel (forest, &x, &y) ; } topLine = y ; if (keySetMax(forest->yellowTags)) { for (x = *offset, n = forest->nTop ; y < mapGraphHeight + forest->lineBegin && n < forest->max ; n++) { forestDrawKey (forest, n, &x, &y,TRUE) ; } /********** rearrangement des forest->linesTop *********/ forestTopLines (forest) ; /*******************************************/ /*mhmp 27.11.97*/ if (/*forest->isDownRed &&*/ y < mapGraphHeight + forest->lineBegin) forest->isPageDownRed = TRUE ; } graphBoxEnd() ; /*************************************/ /* reports */ /*mhmp 28.11.97 forest->max-1 --> forest->max */ cp = messprintf("%d items, %d discarded", forest->max, forest->maxDiscard) ; graphText (cp,*offset, topMargin) ; ii = strlen(cp) + 2 ; if (forest->isSelect) graphText(messprintf(", %d selected", forest->nSelected), *offset + ii, topMargin) ; /* buttons */ box = graphButtons (forestMenuButt1, *offset, 0.5, 1000) ; discardBox = box + 3 ; /* 4th box */ if (forest->maxDiscard) graphBoxDraw (discardBox, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; box = graphButtons (forestMenuButt2, *offset, 2.2, 1000) ; if (forest->showModel) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; if (forest->hide) graphBoxDraw (box + 1, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; else graphBoxDraw (box + 2, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; if (forest->isSelect) graphBoxDraw (box + 3, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; if (biblioPossible (forest->fSet)) graphButton ("Biblio", callBiblio, 51.0, 0.5) ; /* mouvements up/down*/ /* x1 = 50 ;*/ /* y1 = 4 ;*/ x1 = 52 ; y1 = 2 ; dx = 2 ; dy = 1.2 ; dec = 0.05 ; dx2 = dx/2 ; dx4 = dx2/2 ; dy2 = dy/2 ; dy4 = dy2/2 ; x2 = x1 + dx ; y2 = y1 + dy ; pageDownBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphRectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2) ; graphLine (x1 + dx4, y1 + dec, x1 + dx2, y1 + dy2 + dec) ; graphLine (x1 + dx2, y1 + dy2 + dec, x2 - dx4, y1 + dec) ; graphLine (x1 + dx4, y1 + dy2 - dec, x1 + dx2, y2 - dec) ; graphLine (x1 + dx2, y2 - dec, x2 - dx4, y1 + dy2 - dec) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw (pageDownBox, BLACK, GREEN) ; downBox = graphBoxStart () ; x1 = x2 + dx2 ; x2 = x1 + dx ; graphRectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2) ; graphLine (x1 + dx4, y1 + dy4, x1 + dx2, y2 - dy4) ; graphLine (x1 + dx2, y2 - dy4, x2 - dx4, y1 + dy4) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw (downBox, BLACK, GREEN) ; x1 = x2 + dx2 ; x2 = x1 + dx ; upBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphRectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2) ; graphLine (x1 + dx4, y2 - dy4, x1 + dx2, y1 + dy4) ; graphLine (x1 + dx2, y1 + dy4, x2 - dx4, y2 - dy4) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw (upBox, BLACK, GREEN) ; x1 = x2 + dx2 ; x2 = x1 + dx ; pageUpBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphRectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2) ; graphLine (x1 + dx4, y1 + dy2 + dec, x1 + dx2, y1 + dec) ; graphLine (x1 + dx2, y1 + dec, x2 - dx4, y1 + dy2 + dec) ; graphLine (x1 + dx4, y2 - dec, x1 + dx2, y1 + dy2 - dec) ; graphLine (x1 + dx2, y1 + dy2 - dec, x2 - dx4, y2 - dec) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw (pageUpBox, BLACK, GREEN) ; graphText ("Light:", 34, 4) ; /* mhmp 05.05.98 20-->50*/ lightBox = graphTextScrollEntry (forest->mot, 1023, 50, 41, 4, forestLight) ; graphText ("Go to:", 5, 4) ; gotoBox = graphTextEntry (forest->cq, 20, 12, 4, forestGoto) ; if (!forest->isGoto) { graphEntryDisable() ; graphRegister (KEYBOARD, forestKbd) ;} forest->isUpRed = TRUE ; forest->isPageUpRed = FALSE ; if (keySetMax(forest->yellowTags)) { ii = forest->nTop ; while (ii--) if (forestMayDisplay (forest,ii)) { forest->isUpRed = FALSE ; break ; } } if (forest->isUpRed) { graphBoxDraw (upBox, BLACK, LIGHTRED) ; if (!forest->lineBegin) { forest->isPageUpRed = TRUE ; graphBoxDraw (pageUpBox, BLACK, LIGHTRED) ; } } if (forest->isDownRed) graphBoxDraw (downBox, BLACK, LIGHTRED) ; if (forest->isPageDownRed) graphBoxDraw (pageDownBox, BLACK, LIGHTRED) ; if (forest->nLast) graphBoxDraw (pageDownBox, BLACK, LIGHTRED) ; forest->nLast = 0 ; *offset -= 2 ; if (first != -1) { selectKey = keySet (forest->alphaSet, first) ; arrayFind (forest->selectSet, &selectKey, &first, keySetAlphaOrder) ; } if (last != -1) { selectKey = keySet (forest->alphaSet, last) ; arrayFind (forest->selectSet, &selectKey, &last, keySetAlphaOrder) ; } oldCentre = forest->map->centre ; if (first == -1) { first = -10000 ; last = -10001 ; } forest->map->centre = (first + last + 1)/2.0 ; delta = forest->map->max - forest->map->min ; if (!delta) delta = 1 ; forest->map->thumb.fac = (mapGraphHeight - 6 - topMargin) / delta ; forest->map->thumb.halfwidth = .5 * (last - first + 1) * (MAP2WHOLE(forest->map, forest->map->max + 1) - MAP2WHOLE(forest->map, forest->map->min))/(1+keySetMax (forest->selectSet)) ; mapShowLocator ((void*)forest, offset, NULL) ; forest->map->centre = oldCentre ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DOWN, forestMiddleDown) ; /* forest->lineBegin = 0 ;*/ return; } /* forestDisplayText */ static void forestRedraw (void) { FORESTGET ("forestRedraw") ; graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight) ; halfHeight = (mapGraphHeight - topMargin) / 2 ; forestDoRedraw (forest) ; return; } /* forestRedraw */ /***********************************************************************/ /* global setup */ /***********************************************************************/ static BOOL forestAnticipate (KEYSET fSet) { KEY key ; int i , j ; BOOL ok = TRUE ; if (externalServer) { oldSetForServer = keySetCreate () ; for (i = 0, j = 0 ; i < keySetMax(fSet) ; i++) { key = keySet (fSet, i) ; if (KEYKEY(key) && pickType(key) == 'B') keySet(oldSetForServer,j++) = keySet(fSet,i) ; } if (j > 500 && !messQuery("You are requiring %d objects from the " "remote server, this may be long, " "do you wish to proceed", j)) ok = FALSE ; else externalServer (-1, 0, 0, TRUE) ; keySetDestroy (oldSetForServer) ; } return ok ; } /* forestAnticipate */ BOOL forestDisplayKeySet (char *title, KEYSET fSet, BOOL isOldGraph) { FOREST forest ; int i, j, ii, max ; KEY key, *kp , *kp1; KEYSET alphaSet = 0 ; if (!title) title = "" ; if (!keySetExists (fSet)) messcrash ("Bad call to forestDisplay") ; ii = 0 ; i = keySetMax(fSet) ; kp = arrayp(fSet,0,KEY) - 1 ; while (kp++, i--) { key = lexAliasOf(*kp) ; if (key!= *kp) { *kp = key ; ii = 1 ; } } if (ii) { keySetSort(fSet) ; keySetCompress(fSet) ; } if (!forestAnticipate(fSet)) goto abort ; kp = kp1 = arrp(fSet,0,KEY) ; kp-- ; i = keySetMax(fSet) ; j = 0 ; while (kp++, i--) if (pickType (*kp) == 'B' && iskey(*kp) == 2) { *kp1++ = *kp ; j++ ; } keySetMax(fSet) = j ; if (!keySetMax (fSet) || !(alphaSet = keySetAlphaHeap(fSet, keySetMax(fSet))) || !keySetMax (alphaSet)) { messout ("Sorry, no associated forest") ; goto abort ; } if (isOldGraph && !graphAssFind (&GRAPH2FORESTLOOK_ASSOC, &forest)) isOldGraph = FALSE ; if (isOldGraph) /* called by display.c, activeGraph is ok */ { forestDestroy () ; /* clears memory of the forest-LOOK on the active graph */ graphClear () ; graphGoto (0,0) ; } else { displayCreate ("DtForest"); graphRegister (DESTROY, forestDestroy) ; graphRegister (PICK, forestPick) ; graphRegister (RESIZE, forestRedraw) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DOWN, forestMiddleDown) ; graphMenu (forestMenu) ; } graphRetitle (messprintf("More info: %s", title)) ; graphHelp ("Forest") ; forest = (FOREST) messalloc (sizeof(struct ForestStruct)) ; graphAssociate (&GRAPH2FORESTLOOK_ASSOC, forest) ; graphAssociate (&MAP2LOOK_ASSOC, forest) ; /* make sure the map routine find this look */ forest->magic = &FORESTLOOK_MAGIC ; forest->graph = graphActive() ; max = arrayMax (alphaSet) ; forest->s = stackCreate (3000) ; forest->max = arrayMax(alphaSet) ; forest->fSet = fSet ; forest->alphaSet = alphaSet ; forest->maxDiscard = 0 ; forest->lineBegin = 0 ; forest->isSelect = FALSE ; forest->hide = FALSE ; forest->showModel = TRUE ; forest->nTop = 0 ; /* start on first object */ forest->verified = bitSetCreate (arrayMax(forest->fSet),0) ; forest->discard = bitSetCreate (arrayMax(forest->fSet),0) ; forest->show = bitSetCreate (arrayMax(forest->fSet), 0) ; forest->unSelect = bitSetCreate (arrayMax(forest->fSet), 0) ; forest->unDiscard = arrayCreate (arrayMax(forest->fSet), int) ; forest->lineNumber = arrayCreate (forest->max, int) ; forest->size = arrayCreate (forest->max, int) ; forest->segs = arrayCreate (256, SEG) ; forest->box2segs = arrayCreate (256, SEG*) ; forest->tagState = arrayCreate (arrayMax(fSet), char) ; forest->modelTags = keySetCreate() ; forest->title = strnew(title, 0) ; forest->map = mapCreate (forestRedraw) ; /* drawing func for map */ mapAttachToGraph (forest->map) ; mapInsertCol (forest->map, 1, FALSE, "Mark", forestDisplayMark), mapInsertCol (forest->map, 2, TRUE, "Text", forestDisplayText) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DOWN, forestMiddleDown) ; forest->map->mag = 1 ; /* graphFitBounds (&graphWidth,&graphHeight) ; halfHeight = (graphHeight - 2) / 2 ; forest->map->centre = halfHeight ; */ ii = keySetMax(forest->alphaSet) ; while (ii--) bitUnSet(forest->discard, ii) ; forestDoSelect (forest, FALSE) ; mapNoMag() ; /* no mag with forest */ forestDoRedraw2 (forest) ; forestDoRedraw2 (forest) ; forestDoRedraw (forest) ; /* probleme avec pickModel */ return TRUE ; abort: keySetDestroy (fSet) ; /* manque dans biblio.c */ keySetDestroy (alphaSet) ; return FALSE ; } /* forestDisplayKeySet */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Standard DisplayFunc prototype for acedb display */ /* return true means a forest graph was constructed */ BOOL forestDisplay (KEY key, KEY from, BOOL isOldGraph, void *unused) { KEYSET ks = 0 ; if (iskey(key) != 2) return FALSE ; if (class(key) == _VKeySet) { /* get ks from key */ } if (!ks) ks = keySetCreate () ; keySet(ks,0) = key ; return forestDisplayKeySet (messprintf("Forest %s", name(key)), ks, isOldGraph) ; } /* forestDisplay */ /***********************************************************************/ /*************************** eof ***************************************/