/* File: layoutdisp.c * Author: Fred Wobus (fw@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1999 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (Sanger Centre, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@crbm.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Nov 11 16:49 1999 (fw) * Created: Wed Apr 28 16:10:13 1999 (fw) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /************************************************************/ #include "acedb.h" #include "aceio.h" #include "lex.h" #include "bitset.h" #include "query.h" #include "session.h" #include "pick.h" #include "whooks/sysclass.h" #include "dbpath.h" #include "display.h" #include "main.h" #include "layoutdisp.h" static Graph cGraph = 0; static int cFirstBox = 0, cFirstBoxEnd = 0 , yLimit, firstXX, firstYY, cSecondBox = 0, cSecondBoxEnd = 0 , cZeroBox = 0, cZeroBoxEnd = 0, cSaveBox = 0 ; static BitSet cBs = 0 ; static KEYSET cBox2key = 0 ; static KEY draggedKey = 0 ; static Array cLayout = 0 ; static BOOL cIsModified = FALSE; static BOOL isSavePossible; /* do we have writeaccess to layout.wrm ? */ BITSET_MAKE_BITFIELD /* Add bitField array for bitset.h ops. */ /************************************************************/ static void layoutDraw (void) ; static void layoutSave (void); static void layoutApply (void); static void layoutDestroy (void); static void layoutPick (int box); static MENUOPT layoutButtons[] = { {graphDestroy, "Quit"}, {help, "Help"}, {graphPrint, "Print"}, {menuSpacer, ""}, {layoutApply, "Apply"}, {0, 0}, /* to be replaced by {layoutSave, "Save"} if write access to layout.wrm is possible */ {0,0} } ; /************************************************************/ Array layoutRead (STORE_HANDLE handle) /* the array starts at position 1 */ { FILE *fil ; char *fName; LAYOUT *z ; int n = 0, level, x, y = 0 ; KEY key ; char *card, *word ; Array newLayout; newLayout = arrayHandleCreate (32, LAYOUT, handle) ; fName = dbPathStrictFilName("wspec", "layout","wrm","r", 0); if (fName) { fil = filopen(fName, 0, "r"); messfree(fName); } else fil = NULL; if (fil) { level = freesetfile (fil, 0) ; freespecial ("\n\t") ; while ((card = freecard (level))) { while (TRUE) { x = freepos() - card ; if (!(word = freeword())) /* exit loop */ break ; if (lexword2key (word, &key, _VClass)) { z = arrayp(newLayout, n++, LAYOUT) ; z->key = key ; z->x = x ; z->y = y ; } /* else messout ("%s in wspec/layout.wrm is not a class name", word) ; */ } ++y ; } } else { int x, i, ncol ; /* old code using pickVocList */ int graphWidth, graphHeight ; int maxCol[10] ; graphFitBounds (&graphWidth,&graphHeight) ; for (i = 1 ; i <= pickVocList[0].key ; ++i) if (lexword2key (pickVocList[i].text, &key, _VClass)) { z = arrayp(newLayout, n++, LAYOUT) ; z->key = key ; z->x = strlen(name(key)) + 2 ; } else messout ("pickVocList[%d] = %s is not a class name", i, pickVocList[i].text) ; for (ncol = 10 ; ncol > 1 ; --ncol) { for (i = 0 ; i < ncol ; ++i) maxCol[i] = 0 ; x = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(newLayout) ; ++i) { z = arrp(newLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (z->x > maxCol[(i-1)%ncol]) { x += z->x - maxCol[(i-1)%ncol] ; if (x > graphWidth) break ; maxCol[(i-1)%ncol] = z->x ; } } if (i == arrayMax(newLayout)) break ; } /* use it */ x = 2 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(newLayout) ; ++i) { z = arrp(newLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; z->x = x ; z->y = y ; if (i % ncol) x += maxCol[(i-1)%ncol] ; else { x = 2 ; ++y ; } } } return newLayout; } /* layoutRead */ void layoutOpenEditor (void) { Graph old = graphActive () ; int i ; LAYOUT *lItem ; char *cp; if (!graphActivate (cGraph)) { cGraph = displayCreate("DtLayoutEditor"); /* do these until all displays.wrm specify this type * or defaults are implemented elsewhere */ if (graphHelp(0) == NULL) graphHelp("Layout"); if (strcmp(displayGetTitle("DtLayoutEditor"), "DtLayoutEditor") == 0) graphRetitle("Class Layout Editor"); /* change default */ if (!(cp = dbPathStrictFilName("wspec", "layout", "wrm", "w", 0))) { /* writing not possible */ layoutButtons[5].f = 0; layoutButtons[5].text = 0; isSavePossible = FALSE; } else { messfree(cp); layoutButtons[5].f = layoutSave; layoutButtons[5].text = "Save"; isSavePossible = TRUE; } graphMenu (layoutButtons); graphRegister (DESTROY, layoutDestroy) ; graphRegister (RESIZE, layoutDraw) ; graphRegister (PICK, layoutPick) ; bitSetDestroy (cBs) ; cBs = bitSetCreate (80, graphHandle()) ; cLayout = layoutRead(graphHandle()); for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(cLayout) ; i++) { lItem = arrp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; bitSet (cBs, KEYKEY(lItem->key)) ; } cIsModified = FALSE; } layoutDraw() ; graphActivate (old) ; return; } /* layoutOpenEditor */ static void layoutDestroy (void) /* called when graph dies */ { if (cIsModified && isSavePossible && messQuery("Do you want to save the default class layout ?")) { layoutSave(); } cGraph = 0 ; cBs = 0 ; cBox2key = 0; cSaveBox = 0; cLayout = 0; /* allocated on graphHandle so * destroyed automatically */ cIsModified = FALSE; } static int cLayoutOrder(void *va, void *vb) { LAYOUT *lla = (LAYOUT*)va, *llb = (LAYOUT*)vb ; if (lla->key) { if (llb->key) return lla->y != llb->y ? lla->y - llb->y : lla->x - llb->x ; return -1 ; } return llb->key ? 1 : 0 ; } static void layoutApply (void) { int i ; LAYOUT *lItem, *newItem ; Array newMainLayout = arrayCreate(32, LAYOUT); Graph old = graphActive(); for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(cLayout) ; i++) { lItem = arrp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (bitt(cBs,KEYKEY(lItem->key))) { newItem = arrayp(newMainLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; newItem->x = lItem->x; newItem->y = lItem->y; newItem->key = lItem->key; } } mainApplyNewLayout(newMainLayout); graphActivate (old); } /* layoutApply */ static void layoutSave (void) { int i ; LAYOUT *ll ; ACEOUT layout_out; char *filename; if (cIsModified) { messStatus ("Saving class layout"); arraySort (cLayout, cLayoutOrder) ; filename = dbPathStrictFilName("wspec", "layout", "wrm", "w", 0); layout_out = aceOutCreateToFile (filename, "w", 0); messfree(filename); if (!layout_out) return ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(cLayout) ; i++) { ll = arrp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (bitt(cBs,KEYKEY(ll->key))) { aceOutxy (layout_out, name(ll->key), ll->x, ll->y) ; } } aceOutDestroy (layout_out); cIsModified = FALSE; layoutApply(); } graphBoxDraw(cSaveBox, GRAY, TRANSPARENT); graphRedraw(); return; } /* layoutSave */ static void cBoxDrag (float *x, float *y, BOOL isDone) { int i, ii ; LAYOUT *ll = 0 ; int lmax = arrayMax(cLayout); if (!isDone) return ; *x += .2 ; *y -= .2 ;/* before rounding to integer, easier interface */ if (*y > yLimit) { /* add new line */ if (class(draggedKey)) /* not on tools */ { if (bitt (cBs, KEYKEY(draggedKey))) { bitUnSet (cBs, KEYKEY(draggedKey)); cIsModified = TRUE; } } else { if (draggedKey == 10) /* suppress the whole column */ { for (i = 0; i <= lmax ; i++) { ll = arrayp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (ll->key && ll->x > 1) { ll->x -- ; cIsModified = TRUE; } } } if (draggedKey >= 100) /* suppress the whole line */ { ii = draggedKey - 100 - 1 ; for (i = 0; i <= lmax ; i++) { ll = arrayp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (ll->key && ll->y == ii) { if (bitt(cBs, KEYKEY(ll->key))) { bitUnSet (cBs, KEYKEY(ll->key)); cIsModified = TRUE; } } if (ii > -1 && ll->key && ll->y > ii) { ll->y -- ; cIsModified = TRUE; } } } } } else { /* moved within existing layout area */ if (class(draggedKey)) /* not on tools */ { ii = *y - firstYY ; if (ii < -1) ii = -1 ; bitSet (cBs, KEYKEY(draggedKey)); if (ii<0) /* shift everybody down one line */ { ii ++ ; for (i = 0; i <= lmax ; i++) { ll = arrayp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (ll->key) { cIsModified = TRUE; ll->y += 1 ; } } } if (*x < firstXX) /* shift everybody right */ { for (i = 0; i <= lmax ; i++) { ll = arrayp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (ll->key) { if (firstXX - *x != 0) cIsModified = TRUE; ll->x += firstXX - *x ; } } *x = firstXX - 1 ; } for (i = 0; i <= lmax ; i++) { ll = arrayp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (!ll->key || ll->key == draggedKey) { if (ll->key == draggedKey && ll->x == (int)(*x - firstXX + 1) && ll->y == ii) { ; /* nothing's changed */ } else { ll->key = draggedKey ; ll->x = *x - firstXX + 1 ; ll->y = ii ; cIsModified = TRUE; } break ; } } } else { switch (draggedKey) { case 1: /* add empty line */ ii = *y - firstYY ; for (i = 0; i <= lmax ; i++) { ll = arrayp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (ll->key && ll->y >= ii) { cIsModified = TRUE; ll->y++ ; } } break ; } } } layoutDraw() ; } static void layoutPick (int box) { int n ; n = box - cFirstBox - 1 ; if (box > cZeroBox && box < cZeroBoxEnd) { n = box - cZeroBox - 1 ; if (n<0 || !keySetExists(cBox2key) || n >= keySetMax(cBox2key)) return ; draggedKey = keySet(cBox2key,box) ; graphBoxDrag (box, cBoxDrag) ; } else if (box > cFirstBox && box < cFirstBoxEnd) { n = box - cFirstBox - 1 ; if (n<0 || !keySetExists(cBox2key) || n >= keySetMax(cBox2key)) return ; draggedKey = keySet(cBox2key,box) ; graphBoxDrag (box, cBoxDrag) ; } else if (box > cSecondBox && box < cSecondBoxEnd) { n = box - cSecondBox - 1 ; if (n<0 || !keySetExists(cBox2key) || n >= keySetMax(cBox2key)) return ; draggedKey = keySet(cBox2key,box) ; graphBoxDrag (box, cBoxDrag) ; } } static void layoutDraw (void) { int box, i, j, x, xmax, ymax ; float line = 1, y = 0, dy = 0 ; KEYSET ks, ksa ; KEY key ; int graphWidth, graphHeight ; LAYOUT *ll = 0 ; graphFitBounds (&graphWidth,&graphHeight) ; line += 1 ; ks = query (0, "FIND Class NOT Buried") ; ksa = keySetAlphaHeap(ks, keySetMax(ks)) ; keySetDestroy (cBox2key) ; cBox2key = arrayHandleCreate(30,KEY,graphHandle()) ; y = 0 ; graphClear () ; line = 1.2 ; cSaveBox = graphButtons (layoutButtons, 1, line, graphWidth) ; if (isSavePossible) { cSaveBox += 4; graphBoxDraw(cSaveBox, cIsModified ? BLACK : GRAY, TRANSPARENT); } else cSaveBox = 0; line += 1.8 ; graphText("Drag the lines and classes with the left mouse button", 1,line); line += 2 ; graphText("In the yellow area is your current class layout:", 1,line) ; line += 1.5 ; arraySort (cLayout, cLayoutOrder) ; /* go to next line to prevent overlappings */ xmax = 0 ; ymax = 0 ; x = 0 ; y = 0 ; dy = 0 ; for (i = 0; i < arrayMax(cLayout) ; ++i) { ll = arrp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (!ll->key || !bitt(cBs,KEYKEY(ll->key))) continue ; if (ll->y > y) { x = 0 ; y = ll->y ; } if (ll->x < x) { x = 0 ; dy++ ; } if (ll->x + strlen(name(ll->key)) + 2 > xmax) xmax = ll->x + strlen(name(ll->key)) + 2 ; if (ll->key && ll->y + 2 > ymax) ymax = ll->y + 2 ; x = ll->x + strlen(name(ll->key)) + 2 ; ll->y += dy ; } /* search min x, y , max = */ x = y = 1000000 ; for (i = 0; i < arrayMax(cLayout) ; ++i) { ll = arrp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (!ll->key || !bitt(cBs,KEYKEY(ll->key))) continue ; if (ll->y < y) y = ll->y ; if (ll->x < x) x = ll->x ; } /* adjust min x, y , to be 2, 0 */ x -= 2 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(cLayout) ; ++i) { ll = arrp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (!ll->key || !bitt(cBs,KEYKEY(ll->key))) continue ; ll->x -= x ; ll->y -= y ; } /* search xmax ymax */ xmax = 0 ; ymax = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(cLayout) ; ++i) { ll = arrp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (!ll->key || !bitt(cBs,KEYKEY(ll->key))) continue ; if (ll->x + strlen(name(ll->key)) + 2 > xmax) xmax = ll->x + strlen(name(ll->key)) + 2 ; if (ll->y + 2 > ymax) ymax = ll->y + 2 ; } if (!ymax) ymax = 2 ; if (!xmax) xmax = 12 ; cZeroBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphBoxEnd() ; for (j = 0 ; j <= ymax ; j++) { keySet(cBox2key,box = graphBoxStart ()) = j + 100 ; /* allow 100 other tools */ for (i = 0 ; i < xmax ; i++) graphText("_", i+2, line+j) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw(box,BLACK,PALEYELLOW) ; } cZeroBoxEnd = graphBoxStart () ; graphBoxEnd() ; cFirstBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphBoxEnd() ; firstXX = 3 ; firstYY = line + 1 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(cLayout) ; ++i) { ll = arrp(cLayout, i, LAYOUT) ; if (!ll->key || !bitt(cBs,KEYKEY(ll->key))) continue ; keySet(cBox2key,box = graphBoxStart ()) = ll->key ; graphText(name(ll->key),ll->x + 2, line + ll->y + 1) ; graphBoxEnd() ; } cFirstBoxEnd = graphBoxStart () ; graphBoxEnd() ; line += ymax + 2 ; yLimit = line ; graphLine (0,line,200,line) ; line += 1 ; graphText("These are the remaining classes:", 1,line) ; cSecondBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphBoxEnd() ; keySet(cBox2key,box = graphBoxStart ()) = 1 ; graphText ("___add_line___", 38,line) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, PALEYELLOW) ; line += 1.5 ; for (i = 0 , xmax = 1 ; i < keySetMax (ksa) ; i++) { key = keySet (ksa, i) ; if (strcmp(name(key), "System") == 0) continue; if (bitt(cBs, KEYKEY(key))) continue ; x = xmax + strlen(name(key)) ; if (x > graphWidth) { xmax = 1 ; line++ ; } keySet(cBox2key,box = graphBoxStart ()) = key ; graphText (name(key), xmax, line) ; graphBoxEnd () ; xmax += strlen(name(key)) +1 ; xmax = ((xmax + 7)/8) * 8 ; if (bitt(cBs, KEYKEY(key))) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, PALEBLUE) ; } cSecondBoxEnd = graphBoxStart () ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphRedraw () ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; keySetDestroy (ksa) ; return; } /* layoutDraw */ /************************ eof *******************************/