/* File: qbedisp.c * Author: Gary Aochi (aochi@genome.lbl.gov) * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@crbm1.cnusc.fr * * Description: * Constructs general queries. ** * Gary Aochi modified version of qbedisp.c * with on line help to preform complex queries. * _DDtQuery -g TEXT_SCROLL -t "Query" -w .73 -height 0.35 -help Query * * Exported functions: see qbe.h * HISTORY: * Last edited: Sep 27 16:29 2001 (edgrif) * * Nov 19 15:02 1998 (edgrif): Fixed callback func. dec. for * graphTextScrollEditor. * Last edited:Jun 6 11:00 1996 (rbrusk): * - graphTextScrollEntry() callback function (GraphFunc) casts removed * * Jun 4 15:49 1996 (rbrusk): * - changed fn() => fn(void) function declarations to please compiler * * Jun 3 12:11 1996 (rd) * * Jan 18 12:55 1993 (mieg): Changed MAGIC and added some static def *------------------------------------------------------------------- * gha 03/29/93 changed querEdit() to queryCommandEdit(), fixed execution * gha 04/02/93 redid tags as pickable, reverse-video, but need duplicate ctrl * gha 04/05/93 fix mistake for tag = * (boolean), added qbepick-qbeform call. * gha 04/08/93 improved AND/OR option and better query command formatting * gha 04/12/93 Added & NEXT capability with Int/Float checking for " * gha 04/29/93 jean cleaned up stuff, fixed classlist, adding item name box * added code to unhighlight some buttons * gha 05/25/93 jean changes plus my own for formation and classlist ; * gha 05/28/93 added metadata function * gha 06/08/93 changed "Find" to "Search" * gha 06/10/93 added feature to search from active keyset * gha 06/14/93 split querydisp.c and querybuild.c from querydisp.c * gha 06/16/93 cleaned up #hash (not shown at all now), rather than * badly displayed as a box. Should try to properly fix later. * gha 6/23/93 moved metadata stuff to metadisp.c * kliu 9/2/93 added triangle box for class selection * Created: Feb 09 15:30 1993 (gha): split code from querydisp.c * CVS info: $Id: qbedisp.c,v 1.34 2001/11/06 23:27:22 mieg Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #define ARRAY_CHECK #define MALLOC_CHECK */ #include #include #include /* used for bsTagsInClass() procedure */ #include #include #include #include /* 10/12/92 gha */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* ----- --- --- */ extern BOOL metaGetData(int metaclass, KEY classkey, BS tag) ; static int QBE_MAGIC = 29986 ; static int nameBox ; /* Query by example typedef */ typedef struct QBESTUFF { int magic ; /* == QBE_MAGIC */ KEY key ; /* key for model-class */ OBJ objet ; /* data stored in structure */ Graph graph ; /* window graph id for QBE window */ int activebox ; /* current active box in window */ Array tagval ; /* storage of tags and such for QBE interface */ char* text ; /* for typing in things */ int classe ; /* for completion mechanism */ } *QBE ; Graph qbeGraph = 0 ; #include /* must come after QUER definition */ static void qbeDestroy (void) ; static char conjunction_op = '&'; typedef struct TAGVALUESTUFF { int box; /* current box id */ char name[BUFFER_SIZE]; /* tag name or entry value */ int textformat; /* for textformat of output (bold/plain) */ BOOL tag_active; /* used during query formation */ BOOL tag_defined; /* is the tag properly set up; valid? */ char tv_type; /* 'char' to save bits; TV_TAG, TV_TEXT_ENTRY.. */ struct TAGVALUESTUFF *tag; /* for value : backwards pointer to tag */ int has_value ; /* for tags...true if has value */ int value_number ; /* for value enumeration */ BS bs ; /* for metadata */ } *TV; /* types for tv_type field of tagvaluestuff */ #define TV_TAG 0 #define TV_TEXT_ENTRY 1 #define TV_NUMERIC_ENTRY 2 #define TV_DATE_ENTRY 3 /* background and foreground colors */ #define NORMAL_FCOL BLACK #define NORMAL_BCOL WHITE #define SELECT_FCOL WHITE #define SELECT_BCOL BLACK static TV lasttag ; /* for qbeDrawBS */ static int lasttag_idx; static BOOL xref_tag ; /* for qbeDrawBS */ /* Item Name box */ static int itemBox, itemEntryBox; static BOOL item_enable ; static char item_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] ; static BOOL from_keyset ; /* for searching from active keyset */ static int boxMax; static FREEOPT *classesMenu; static int qbe_class; static int qbe_classBox, qbe_classEntryBox, qbe_classTriBox; static char qbe_class_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; static void qbeDisplay(void); static void qbePick(int box); static void qbeReKey(void); static void qbeClear(void) ; static void qbeMenuExec(void); /* for QBE_Menu */ static void qbeMenuQuit(void); static void qbeMenuDraw(void); static void qbeMenuAnd(void); static void qbeMenuOr(void); /* static void qbeMenuMetaLong(void); static void qbeMenuMetaFull(void); */ static void qbeButtonUndo(void) { queryCommandUndo(); qbeDisplay(); /* gha added to unhighlight undo button 4/29/93 */ } /* call up query-commander */ static void queryCallup(void) { queryCreate(); qbeDisplay(); /* unhighlight button */ } /* call up query builder */ static void qbuildCallup(void) { qbuildCreate(); qbeDisplay(); /* unhighlight button */ } /* execute query */ static void qbeButtonExec(void) { qbeMenuExec(); qbeDisplay(); /* unhighlight button */ } static void myNewKeySet (void) { KEYSET ks = keySetCreate(); /* new,empty keyset */ keySetNewDisplay(ks, "QBE Answer") ; } static MENUOPT QBE_Menu[]= { {qbeMenuQuit, "Quit"}, {help, "Help"}, {graphPrint, "Print"}, {qbeMenuDraw, "Refresh"}, {qbeClear, "Clear"}, {menuSpacer,""}, {myNewKeySet, "New KeySet"}, {qbuildCreate, "Query Builder"}, {queryCreate, "Query Command Editor"}, {menuSpacer,""}, {qbeMenuAnd, "AND"}, {qbeMenuOr, "OR"}, {menuSpacer, ""}, /* {qbeMenuMetaFull, "Show Full Description"}, {qbeMenuMetaLong, "Show Long Description"}, {menuSpacer, ""}, */ {qbeMenuExec, "Search"}, {queryCommandUndo, "Undo"}, {0,0} } ; static MENUOPT QBE_Buttons[]= { {qbeMenuQuit, "Quit"}, {help, "Help"}, {qbeClear, "Clear"}, {myNewKeySet, "New KeySet"}, {qbuildCallup, "Builder"}, {queryCallup, "Command Edit"}, {qbeButtonExec, "Search"}, {qbeButtonUndo, "Undo"}, {0,0} } ; #define QBEGET(name) QBE qbelook ; \ if (!graphActivate(qbeGraph)) \ messcrash("%s can't find qbeGraph", name); \ if (!graphAssFind (&QBE_MAGIC,&qbelook)) \ messcrash ("%s can't find graph",name) ; \ if (!qbelook) \ messcrash ("%s received a null pointer",name) ; \ if (qbelook->magic != QBE_MAGIC) \ messcrash ("%s received a wrong pointer",name) /**************************************************************/ static Array classlist = 0; /* retrieve a class name from db list, note that classlist is different * in qbedisp.c and querydisp.c */ #define CLASSLIST_NAME(x) ARR2STRING(classlist, x) static int graphDownSelTriangle(BOOL filled, float x, float y) { int i = 3, box; Array temp ; box = graphBoxStart(); graphLine(x, y+0.25, x+1, y+0.25); graphLine(x+1, y+0.25, x+0.5, y+0.75); graphLine(x+0.5, y+0.75, x, y+0.25); if (filled) { temp = arrayCreate(2*i, float) ; array(temp, 0, float) = x; array(temp, 1, float) = y+0.25; array(temp, 2, float) = x+1; array(temp, 3, float) = y+0.25; array(temp, 4, float) = x+0.5; array(temp, 5, float) = y+0.75; graphPolygon(temp); arrayDestroy(temp); } graphBoxEnd(); return box; } /* find the total number of listed classes in the menu, if no * list exists, initialize it and return the total number. */ static int qbeClassMax(void) { int n, i, k ; char *v, *v0 = 0 ; if (graphAssFind(&qbe_class, &v)) return v - v0 ; n = 0; classlist = arrayCreate(30, Array); /* init classlist */ for (i = 1 ; i <= 256 ; i++) { if (pickList[i].name && pickList[i].type == 'B' && pickList[i].visible != 'h') { array(classlist, n, Array) = arrayCreate(BUFFER_SIZE, char); k = KEYMAKE(i, 0) ; strcpy(ARR2STRING(classlist, n), className(k)); n++; } } arraySort(classlist, textAlphaOrder); v = v0 + n ; graphAssociate(&qbe_class, v); return n; } static void destroyClassesMenu(void) { int max; if (graphAssFind(&classesMenu, &max)) { destroyMenu(classesMenu, max); graphAssRemove(&classesMenu); } } /* initialize the classes menu */ static void classesMenuSet(void) { char *v, *v0 = 0 ; int i, max; max = qbeClassMax(); /* max should be one larger for header-entry */ classesMenu = (FREEOPT *)halloc((max + 1) *sizeof(FREEOPT), graphHandle() ); classesMenu->key = max; classesMenu->text = halloc(BUFFER_SIZE, graphHandle()) ; strcpy(classesMenu->text, "CLASSES"); for (i = 1; i <= max; i++) { (classesMenu + i)->key = i; (classesMenu + i)->text = halloc(BUFFER_SIZE, graphHandle()) ; strcpy((classesMenu + i)->text, CLASSLIST_NAME(i - 1)); } graphAssociate(&classesMenu, v = v0 + max); } /* handle the "RIGHT-MOUSE" (menu) selection of the class menu box */ static void classesMenuResult(KEY k, int box) { int temp_class; temp_class = pickWord2Class((classesMenu+k)->text); if (pickType(KEYMAKE(temp_class, 0)) == 'B') { qbe_class = temp_class; strcpy(qbe_class_buffer, (classesMenu+k)->text); /* graphTextScrollEntry(qbe_class_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); */ boxMax = 0 ; /* mhmp 17.09.98 */ qbeReKey(); } else { messout("Sorry, class %s has no model to display.", (classesMenu+k)->text); qbeDisplay(); } } static char *currentClassName(void) { return className(KEYMAKE(qbe_class,0)); } static BOOL qbe_classEntryHandler(char *text, int unused) { int i, temp_class; Graph old = graphActive () ; for (i = 1; i <= qbeClassMax(); i++) if (!strcasecmp((classesMenu+i)->text, text)) break; if (i > qbeClassMax()) { messout("Invalid class name %s.", text); strcpy(text, pickClass2Word(qbe_class)); /* graphTextScrollEntry(text, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); */ graphActivate (old) ; return FALSE ; } temp_class = pickWord2Class((classesMenu+i)->text); if (pickType(KEYMAKE(temp_class, 0)) == 'B') { qbe_class = temp_class; qbeReKey(); } else { messout("Chosen class %s has no model.", (classesMenu+i)->text); strcpy(text, pickClass2Word(qbe_class)); qbeDisplay(); } graphActivate (old) ; return TRUE ; } static FREEOPT fromMenu[] = { {2, "QUERY ORIGINS"}, {1, "Active Keyset"}, {2, "Specified Class"} }; static void qbeShowQueryCommand(void) ; static void fromMenuResult(KEY k, int box) { if (k == 1) from_keyset = TRUE; else from_keyset = FALSE; qbeShowQueryCommand(); qbeDisplay(); } static char *currentFromName(void) { if (from_keyset) return "KeySet"; else return "Class"; } static void fromButtonResult(void) { if (from_keyset) from_keyset = FALSE; else from_keyset = TRUE; qbeShowQueryCommand(); qbeDisplay(); } /************************************************************/ static void qbeClear(void) /* mhmp 18.09.98 */ { QBEGET("qbeClear") ; if (qbelook && qbelook->key) qbelook->key = 0 ; qbeReKey() ; } /* reset the display for a new class/model */ static void qbeReKey(void) { int oldKey = 0 ; QBEGET("qbeReKey") ; if (qbelook && qbelook->key) oldKey = qbelook->key ; qbelook->key = KEYMAKE(qbe_class, 0); if (oldKey == qbelook->key) return ; boxMax = 0 ; bsDestroy (qbelook->objet); qbelook->tagval = arrayReCreate(qbelook->tagval, 1, TV); /*mhmp 05.11.98 */ array(qbelook->tagval, 0, TV) = NULL; if (pickType (qbelook->key) != 'B' || !(qbelook->objet = bsCreate(qbelook->key))) { if(graphActivate(qbeGraph)) { graphDestroy () ; qbeGraph = 0 ; } messout("Bad model for class %s.\n Removing QBE Window.", pickClass2Word(qbe_class)); return; } graphRetitle (messprintf("Query By Example: %s", className(qbelook->key))) ; array(qbelook->tagval, 0, TV) = NULL; lasttag = NULL; lasttag_idx = 0; xref_tag = FALSE; /* boxMax = 0; mhmp 16.09*/ qbeDisplay(); } /* Destroys qbe data structure, but not qbe graph */ static void qbeDestroy (void) { QBE qbelook; int i; if (graphAssFind (&QBE_MAGIC,&qbelook) && qbelook && qbelook->magic == QBE_MAGIC) { bsDestroy (qbelook->objet); if (!graphExists(qbuildGraph) && !graphExists(qbuildGraph)) arrayDestroy(query_undo_set); arrayDestroy(qbelook->tagval); if (querGraph == 0 || !graphExists(querGraph)) { for (i = 0; i < qbeClassMax(); i++) arrayDestroy(arr(classlist, i, Array)); arrayDestroy(classlist); } destroyClassesMenu(); qbelook->magic = 0 ; messfree (qbelook) ; } } /*************************************************************/ /* QBE Menu responses */ static char *qbeFormQuery(char *buffer) { int i; TV tagval, oldtag; BOOL notfirst = FALSE, tagnotvalue = TRUE; QBEGET("qbeFormQuery") ; if (from_keyset) strcpy(buffer, ""); else strcpy(buffer, messprintf("Find %s",pickClass2Word(qbe_class))); if (item_enable) { strcat(buffer, messprintf(" %s", item_buffer)); notfirst = TRUE ; } tagval = NULL; for (i = 0; i < arrayMax(qbelook->tagval); i++) { oldtag = tagval; tagval = array(qbelook->tagval, i, TV); /* check if is an entry (rather than a tag (if tag, tagval->tag = NULL)) */ if (tagval && oldtag != tagval) { if (tagval->tag_active) { /* tag is active */ tagnotvalue = TRUE; strcat(buffer, (notfirst ? messprintf(" %c %s", conjunction_op, tagval->name) : messprintf(" %s", tagval->name))); notfirst = TRUE; } else if (tagval->tag && tagval->tag->tag_active) { /* value part */ if (!strcmp(tagval->name, "*") && !tagnotvalue) { /* just add a tag (boolean) */ strcat(buffer, messprintf(" %c NEXT", conjunction_op)); tagnotvalue = FALSE; } else if (strcmp(tagval->name,"")) /* add an 'tag equals value' */ { char *cq = tagval->name ; /* mieg allow comparators in qbe */ while (*cq == ' ') cq++ ; if (*cq == '>' || *cq == '<' || *cq == '=') { /* jtm */ strcat(buffer, ((tagnotvalue) ? messprintf(" %s", tagval->name) : messprintf(" %c NEXT %s", conjunction_op, tagval->name))); tagnotvalue = FALSE; } else { strcat(buffer, ((tagnotvalue) ? ((tagval->tv_type == TV_TEXT_ENTRY) ? messprintf(" = \"%s\"", tagval->name) : messprintf(" = %s", tagval->name)) : ((tagval->tv_type == TV_TEXT_ENTRY) ? messprintf(" %c NEXT = \"%s\"", conjunction_op, tagval->name) : messprintf(" %c NEXT = %s", conjunction_op, tagval->name)))); tagnotvalue = FALSE; } } else if (tagval->value_number < tagval->tag->has_value) { /* filler */ strcat(buffer, messprintf(" %c NEXT", conjunction_op)); tagnotvalue = FALSE; } } } } return buffer; } static void qbeMenuAnd(void) { conjunction_op = '&'; qbeShowQueryCommand(); } static void qbeMenuOr(void) { conjunction_op = '|'; qbeShowQueryCommand(); } static void qbeMenuExec(void) { KEYSET oldSet, newSet ; KeySetDisp look ; QBEGET("qbeMenuExec"); graphCheckEditors(qbeGraph, TRUE) ; /* form on query interface window */ if (graphExists(querGraph)) { messStatus ("Forming Query Command"); if(!graphActivate(querGraph)) messcrash("Cannot reactivate querGraph in qbeMenuExec.\n"); queryWindowShowQuery(qbeFormQuery(resbuffer)); /* calls QUERGET inside*/ queryCommandEdit(); if(!graphActivate(qbeGraph)) messcrash("Cannot reactivate qbeGraph in qbeMenuExec."); return; } /* Execute query */ if(!keySetActive(&oldSet, &look)) myNewKeySet() ; if(keySetActive(&oldSet, &look)) { messStatus ("Searching") ; newSet = query(oldSet, qbeFormQuery(resbuffer)) ; if (newSet != oldSet ) { if(keySetExists(query_undo_set) && query_undo_set != oldSet ) keySetDestroy(query_undo_set) ; query_undo_set = oldSet ; } keySetShow(newSet,look) ; } else messout("First select a keySet, thank you") ; } static void qbeMenuQuit(void) { QBEGET("qbeMenuQuit") ; if(graphActivate(qbeGraph)) graphDestroy () ; qbeGraph = 0; qbeDestroy(); } static void qbeMenuDraw(void) { QBEGET("qbeMenuDraw") ; qbeDisplay () ; qbePick(qbelook->activebox); } /* * qbeMetadata: * using current bs node in display, traverse paternity and * form metadata query of type ">search_class paternity_label" */ /* static void qbeMetadata(int search_class) { BS temp ; TV tagval ; QBEGET("qbeMetadata"); if (!qbelook->activebox || qbelook->activebox <= itemEntryBox) temp = qbelook->objet->root; else { tagval = array(qbelook->tagval, qbelook->activebox, TV) ; while (tagval->tag) { tagval = tagval->tag; } temp = tagval->bs; } metaGetData(search_class, qbelook->key, temp); } static void qbeMenuMetaFull(void) { qbeMetadata(_VElement); } static void qbeMenuMetaLong(void) { qbeMetadata(_VLongText); } */ /*************** drawing package ***********************/ static QBE drawLook ; static int xmax = 0 ; static BOOL isModel ; /* show query command on query command line */ static void qbeShowQueryCommand(void) { if (graphExists(querGraph)) { Graph old = graphActive() ; graphActivate(querGraph) ; queryWindowShowQuery(qbeFormQuery(resbuffer)); /*calls QUERGET inside */ graphActivate(old) ; } } static BOOL notNumeric (char *text, char *c) { char *t = text; while (*t) { if ((*t > '9' || *t < '0') && *t != '.' && *t != '-') { *c = *t; return TRUE ; } t++; } *c = 0 ; return FALSE ; } static BOOL itemEntryHandler(char *text, int unused) { Graph old = graphActive() ; QBEGET("itemEntryHandler"); if (strcmp(text, "")) item_enable = TRUE ; else item_enable = FALSE; /* qbeDisplay () ; mhmp 26.01.99 */ /* qbePick(qbelook->activebox); mhmp 16.09*/ /* qbeShowQueryCommand(); mhmp 26.01.99*/ graphActivate(old) ; return TRUE ; } static BOOL qbeEntryHandler (char *text, int unused) { TV tagval ; char c ; Graph old = graphActive() ; QBEGET("qbeEntryHandler"); tagval = array(qbelook->tagval, nameBox /* qbelook->activebox */ , TV) ; if (tagval->tv_type == TV_NUMERIC_ENTRY && notNumeric(text, &c)) { messout ("Warning: Non-numeric character %c in numeric entry for tag (%s).", c, tagval->tag ? tagval->tag->name : "no tag"); } /* qbeDisplay () ; qbePick(qbelook->activebox);*/ qbePick (nameBox) ; /* mhmp 17.09.98 */ /* qbeShowQueryCommand(); mhmp 26.01.99*/ graphActivate (old) ; return TRUE ; } extern void bsSubFuseType(OBJ obj, BS bs) ; /* gha debug 6/15/93 */ /* * This recursive routine traces thru BS structure and draws the * tree display for a class model, with the value fields and boolean * tag-attributes having entry boxes. */ static float qbeDrawBS (BS bs, int x, float y, int prev_x, float prev_y) { float yMe, old_y ; int xPlus = 0 ; char *text = 0 ; int box; int oldstyle, newstyle; int length = 0; TV tagval; BOOL new_tag, downNotRight; if (y == prev_y && x == prev_x) downNotRight = FALSE; else downNotRight = TRUE; old_y = yMe = y ; new_tag = FALSE ; if (isModel) text = name (bs->key) ; /* IS A MODEL */ if (bs->key <= _LastC) text = bsText(bs) ; else if (bs->key == _Int) /* gha here */ text = messprintf ("%d", bs->n.i) ; else if (bs->key == _Float) text = messprintf ("%f", bs->n.f) ; else if (bs->key == _DateType) text = bs->n.time ? timeShow (bs->n.time) : "" ; else text = name (bs->key) ; /* gha: need this...tag names */ if (iskey (bs->key) == 2 && class(bs->key) != _VText) { newstyle = BOLD; oldstyle = graphTextFormat(newstyle) ; } else { newstyle = PLAIN_FORMAT; oldstyle = graphTextFormat(newstyle); } if (text) { if (bsIsTag(bs)) { /* is a tag see systags.wrm */ if (!class(bs->key) && (bs->key) >= 50 && !xref_tag) { box = graphBoxStart() ; if (box > boxMax) { boxMax = box; new_tag = TRUE; } tagval = array(drawLook->tagval, box, TV) ; /* mhmp 16.09*/ if (!tagval ||/* !tagval->tag ||*/ !tagval->tag_defined) { tagval = (TV) halloc(sizeof(struct TAGVALUESTUFF),graphHandle()); new_tag = TRUE; } if (new_tag) { tagval->box = box; strcpy(tagval->name, text); tagval->textformat = -1; /* like a NULL for TextFormat */ tagval->tag_active = FALSE; tagval->tag_defined = TRUE; tagval->tv_type = TV_TAG; tagval->tag = 0 ; tagval->has_value = 0; tagval->value_number = 0; tagval->bs = bs; arr(drawLook->tagval, box, TV) = tagval; } lasttag = tagval; lasttag_idx = 0; graphText (tagval->name, x, yMe) ; graphBoxEnd() ; length = strlen(tagval->name); if (tagval->tag_active == TRUE) graphBoxDraw(tagval->box, SELECT_FCOL, SELECT_BCOL); } /* end of is tag within range */ else { if (bs->key == _XREF) xref_tag = TRUE; else if (xref_tag == TRUE) xref_tag = FALSE; length = 0; /* system and XREF tags ignored */ } } else { /* is not a tag, i.e. is a value field */ /* gha debug 6/15/93: eventually should add # to QBE here */ /* if (class(bs->key) && bs->key == KEYMAKE(class(bs->key), 1)) * bsSubFuseType(drawLook->objet, bs); * else { */ /* do not show #subtypes at all */ if (!class(bs->key) || (class(bs->key) && bs->key != KEYMAKE(class(bs->key), 1))) { length = 12; box = graphBoxStart() ; tagval = array(drawLook->tagval, box, TV); if (!tagval || !tagval->tag || !tagval->tag_defined) { tagval = (TV) halloc(sizeof(struct TAGVALUESTUFF),graphHandle()); tagval->box = box; strcpy(tagval->name, ""); tagval->textformat = newstyle; tagval->tag_active = FALSE; tagval->tag_defined = TRUE; if (bs->key == _Int || bs->key == _Float) /* NUMERIC VALUE */ tagval->tv_type = TV_NUMERIC_ENTRY; else if (bs->key == _DateType) /* DATE VALUE */ tagval->tv_type = TV_DATE_ENTRY; else tagval->tv_type = TV_TEXT_ENTRY; /* else assume TEXT */ /* tagval->tag = lasttag->tag ;mhmp 17.09.98*/ tagval->tag = lasttag; tagval->has_value = 0 ; tagval->value_number = ++lasttag_idx ; tagval->bs = bs; array(drawLook->tagval, box, TV) = tagval; } else if (tagval->tag) { if (strcmp(tagval->name,"")) tagval->tag->has_value = tagval->value_number; else if (lasttag_idx == 1) tagval->tag->has_value = 0; } if (x + length > xmax) xmax = x + length ; /* mieg -> editor box = graphTextScrollEntry (tagval->name, BUFFER_SIZE -1, length, x, yMe, qbeEntryHandler) ; */ nameBox = graphTextScrollEditor ("",tagval->name,BUFFER_SIZE -1, length, x, yMe, qbeEntryHandler) ; box = nameBox ; graphAssociate (tagval->name, assVoid(box)) ; array(drawLook->tagval, box-1, TV) = tagval; array(drawLook->tagval, box, TV) = tagval; array(drawLook->tagval, box+1, TV) = tagval; if (box+1 > boxMax) /* add 1 for cursor */ boxMax = box+1; drawLook->classe = class(bs->key) ; graphBoxEnd() ; } /* end of class stuff */ } /* end of else (is not a tag) */ yMe += 1.2; /*mhmp 27.10.98 1.5 --> 1.2*/ if (length > xPlus) xPlus = length; } graphTextFormat(oldstyle) ; xPlus += x; if (xPlus > xmax) xmax = xPlus ; xPlus = xPlus + 6 - xPlus%4 ; /* "Tabify" the next position to the right */ if (bs->right) /* to the right at same y */ y = qbeDrawBS (bs->right, xPlus, y, xPlus, y) ; if (yMe > y) { y = yMe ; yMe -= 1.2; /* mhmp 27.10.98 1.5 --> 1.2 */ } if (bs->down) /* go to previous x position */ y = qbeDrawBS (bs->down, x, y, xPlus, yMe) ; return y ; } #define BUTTON_OFFSET 4.3 /* should be at least 4 */ #define CHOICE_OFFSET 2 /* should be about 2 */ #define ITEM_OFFSET 2.5 /* should be about 2 */ static void qbeDisplay (void) { int ymax = 1 ; float x1, y1, x2, y2; int old; int fromBox ; QBEGET("qbeDisplay"); graphClear () ; graphButtons(QBE_Buttons, 1, 0.5, 62) ; graphText("From:", 1, BUTTON_OFFSET + 0.2); old = graphTextFormat(BOLD); fromBox = graphButton(currentFromName(), fromButtonResult, 8, BUTTON_OFFSET); graphTextFormat(old); graphBoxFreeMenu(fromBox,(FreeMenuFunction) fromMenuResult, fromMenu); graphBoxDim(fromBox, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); graphRectangle(x1-0.4, y1-0.2, x2+0.4, y2+0.3); graphText("Class:", 18, BUTTON_OFFSET + 0.2); qbe_classBox = graphBoxStart(); graphRectangle(25-0.4, BUTTON_OFFSET-0.1, 47+0.4, BUTTON_OFFSET+1.5); graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxFreeMenu(qbe_classBox, (FreeMenuFunction)classesMenuResult, classesMenu); strcpy(qbe_class_buffer, currentClassName()); qbe_classEntryBox = graphTextScrollEditor("",qbe_class_buffer, BUFFER_SIZE - 1, 20, 25, BUTTON_OFFSET + 0.2, qbe_classEntryHandler); qbe_classTriBox = graphDownSelTriangle(TRUE, 45.8, BUTTON_OFFSET + 0.2); isModel = (KEYKEY(qbelook->key) == 0) ; if (qbelook->objet->root && qbelook->objet->root->right) { drawLook = qbelook ; itemBox = graphBoxStart() ; graphText("ITEM NAME :", 1, BUTTON_OFFSET + CHOICE_OFFSET ); graphBoxEnd(); itemEntryBox = graphTextScrollEditor("",item_buffer, BUFFER_SIZE-1, 30, 13, BUTTON_OFFSET + CHOICE_OFFSET, itemEntryHandler); if (itemEntryBox > boxMax) boxMax = itemEntryBox ; graphLine(1, BUTTON_OFFSET + CHOICE_OFFSET + 1.3, 59, BUTTON_OFFSET + CHOICE_OFFSET + 1.3); if (item_enable) graphBoxDraw(itemBox, SELECT_FCOL, SELECT_BCOL); else graphBoxDraw(itemBox, NORMAL_FCOL, NORMAL_BCOL); if (!drawLook->text) drawLook->text = (char *) halloc (256, graphHandle()) ; else memset(drawLook->text, 0, (mysize_t) 256) ; xmax = 0 ; ymax = (int) qbeDrawBS (qbelook->objet->root->right, 2, BUTTON_OFFSET + CHOICE_OFFSET + ITEM_OFFSET, 2, BUTTON_OFFSET + CHOICE_OFFSET + ITEM_OFFSET ) ; } graphTextBounds (xmax, ymax) ; graphRedraw() ; if (qbelook->activebox >= boxMax) qbelook->activebox = 0 ; isModel = FALSE ; } /************************************************************/ static void qbePick (int box) { TV tagval; int oldstyle; int i; KEY key; QBEGET("qbePick") ; if (box <= 0) { graphBoxDraw(qbelook->activebox, NORMAL_FCOL, NORMAL_BCOL); qbelook->activebox = 0; return ; } else if (box > boxMax) { messerror("qbePick received a box number, %d, beyond range.\n",box); return ; } qbelook->activebox = box; if (qbelook->activebox == qbe_classEntryBox) /* boxMax = 0 ; mhmp 17.09.98 */ /* graphTextScrollEntry(qbe_class_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) */ ; else if (qbelook->activebox == qbe_classTriBox) { /* graphTextScrollEntry(qbe_class_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); */ if (graphSelect(&key, classesMenu)) classesMenuResult(key, 0); } else if (qbelook->activebox == qbe_classBox) { /* boxMax = 0 ; mhmp 17.09.98 */ return; } else if (qbelook->activebox == itemBox) { if (item_enable) { graphBoxDraw(qbelook->activebox, NORMAL_FCOL, NORMAL_BCOL); item_enable = FALSE; } else { graphBoxDraw(qbelook->activebox, SELECT_FCOL, SELECT_BCOL); item_enable = TRUE; } } else if (qbelook->activebox == itemEntryBox) /* graphTextScrollEntry(item_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) */ ; else { /* every text entry box is 3 boxes, outer, shading, cursor */ for (i = qbelook->activebox; i > qbelook->activebox - 3; i--) { tagval = arr(qbelook->tagval, i, TV); if (tagval) break; } if (tagval && tagval->tag_defined) { if (tagval->tv_type == TV_TEXT_ENTRY || tagval->tv_type == TV_NUMERIC_ENTRY || tagval->tv_type == TV_DATE_ENTRY ) { /* is a value */ oldstyle = graphTextFormat(tagval->textformat); /* mieg->editor graphTextScrollEntry(tagval->name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); */ graphTextFormat(oldstyle); if (tagval->tag && strcmp(tagval->name, "")) { graphBoxDraw(tagval->tag->box, SELECT_FCOL, SELECT_BCOL); tagval->tag->tag_active = TRUE; } } else { /* is a tag */ if (tagval->tag_active) { graphBoxDraw(qbelook->activebox, NORMAL_FCOL, NORMAL_BCOL); tagval->tag_active = FALSE; } else { graphBoxDraw(qbelook->activebox, SELECT_FCOL, SELECT_BCOL); tagval->tag_active = TRUE; } qbeShowQueryCommand(); } } else messerror("Bad Item Picked--not a tag or entry box %d\n", qbelook->activebox); } } /*********************************************************************/ /******************** public routines *****************************/ static BOOL qbeCreate2 (void) { QBE newQbeLook; KEYSET oldSet = 0 ; KeySetDisp look; int i; if (graphActivate(qbeGraph)) { graphPop() ; return TRUE ; } qbeGraph = displayCreate ("DtQueryByExample"); newQbeLook=(QBE)messalloc(sizeof(struct QBESTUFF)); newQbeLook->magic = QBE_MAGIC; if (graphExists(qbuildGraph) && (qbuildGraph != 0) && (pickType(KEYMAKE(qbuild_selected_class, 0)) == 'B')) qbe_class = qbuild_selected_class; else { keySetActive(&oldSet,&look); if (!oldSet || (!(qbe_class = class(keySet(oldSet, 0))) || pickType(KEYMAKE(qbe_class, 0)) != 'B')) { for (i = 1; i <= qbeClassMax(); i++) { qbe_class = pickWord2Class(CLASSLIST_NAME(i)); if ( pickType(KEYMAKE(qbe_class, 0)) == 'B' && iskey(KEYMAKE(qbe_class, 0))==2) break ; } } } newQbeLook->key = KEYMAKE(qbe_class, 0); if (pickType (newQbeLook->key) != 'B' || !(newQbeLook->objet = bsCreate(newQbeLook->key))) { if(graphActivate(qbeGraph)) graphDestroy () ; messout("Bad model for class %s.\n Removing QBE Window.", pickClass2Word(qbe_class)); return FALSE; } newQbeLook->graph = qbeGraph; /* init classlist */ qbeClassMax() ; graphRetitle (messprintf("Query By Example: %s", className(newQbeLook->key), name(newQbeLook->key))); graphRegister (DESTROY, qbeDestroy) ; graphRegister (PICK,(GraphFunc) qbePick) ; graphMenu (QBE_Menu) ; graphHelp ("Query_By_Example") ; graphAssociate (&QBE_MAGIC, newQbeLook) ; newQbeLook->activebox = 0 ; newQbeLook->tagval = arrayCreate(1, TV); array(newQbeLook->tagval, 0, TV) = NULL; classesMenuSet(); lasttag = NULL; lasttag_idx = 0; xref_tag = FALSE; boxMax = 0; item_enable = FALSE; return TRUE; } void qbeCreate (void) { if (!qbeCreate2 ()) return; from_keyset = FALSE ; qbeDisplay () ; } void qbeCreateFromKeySet (KEYSET ksAlpha, int i0) { KEY *kp ; int i = keySetMax (ksAlpha) - i0 ; from_keyset = TRUE ; if (i0 >= 0 && i > 0) { kp = arrp (ksAlpha, i0, KEY) - 1 ; while (kp++, i--) if (pickType (*kp) == 'B') { qbe_class = class (*kp) ; break ; } } if (!qbeCreate2 ()) return; from_keyset = TRUE ; qbeDisplay () ; } /***** end of qbedisp.c *****/