/* File: spreaddata.c * Author: Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1992 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: graphical display of the (TABLE*) data-structure * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 12 14:16 2002 (edgrif) * * Aug 4 10:55 1992 (mieg): Working on graph output * Created: Thu Jun 11 22:04:35 1992 (mieg) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* @(#)sprddata.c 1.23 10/29/97 */ /*#define EDITBUTTON*/ #include "acedb.h" #include #include "aceio.h" #include "lex.h" #include "pick.h" #include "bs.h" #include "query.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "whooks/sysclass.h" #include "spread.h" #include "display.h" #include "main.h" #include "plot.h" #include "keysetdisp.h" #include "tabledisp.h" BITSET_MAKE_BITFIELD /* define bitField for bitset.h ops */ /************************************************************/ static magic_t TableDisp_MAGIC = "TableDisp"; typedef struct TableDispStruct { magic_t *magic; Graph graph, mapGraph; char *title; TABLE *table; KEY trKey; /* object in class _VTableResult */ int maxRowDisplayed; ACEOUT dump_out; Array isFlipMapArray; /* type BOOL */ Array colMapping; /* type int */ Array maxColWidths; /* type int */ Array colHeaderBoxes; /* type int */ int activeCol; int activeRow; int boundingBox; int activeBox; int editModeBox; /* used if #define EDITBUTTON */ BOOL editMode ; /* ditto */ } *TableDisp; static TableDisp currentTableDisp (char *caller); static void tableDisplayDraw (TableDisp tdisp); static void tableDisplayDestroy (void); static void tableDisplayPickObj (void); static void tableDisplaySaveObj (void); static void tableDisplayRotColonnes (void) ; static void tableDisplaySwitchColonnes (void); static void tableDisplaySortAsc (void) ; static void tableDisplaySortDesc (void) ; static void tableDisplayExportKeySet (void); static void tableDisplayHistogram (void); static void tableDisplayOpenMultiMap (void); static void tableDisplayExportAsText (void); static void tableDisplaySelectBox(TableDisp tdisp, int box) ; static void tableDisplayPick(int box, double x, double y) ; static void tableDisplayKeyBoard (int k) ; #ifdef EDITBUTTON static void spreadEditButton(void); #endif /* EDITBUTTON */ static int showSubstrText (char *inText, int outLength, float x, float y, BOOL isBold); static int getSafeTableLimit (TABLE *table, ACEOUT *dump_outp); static MENUOPT tableDisplayMenu[] = { { graphDestroy, "Quit"}, { help, "Help"}, { graphPrint, "Print"}, { menuSpacer, "" }, { tableDisplayPickObj, "Pick Obj"}, /* load from object */ { tableDisplaySaveObj, "Save Obj"}, /* store in object */ { menuSpacer, ""}, { tableDisplayRotColonnes, "Rotate columns"}, { tableDisplaySwitchColonnes, "Switch columns"}, { tableDisplaySortAsc, "Sort asc"}, { tableDisplaySortDesc, "Sort desc"}, { tableDisplayExportKeySet, "Make KeySet"}, { tableDisplayOpenMultiMap, "Multi-Map"}, { tableDisplayHistogram, "Histogram"}, { tableDisplayExportAsText, "Export as text"}, { 0, 0 } } ; /****************************************************************** ************************* public functions *********************** ******************************************************************/ /* DisplayFunc for TABLE objects in class _VTableResult */ BOOL tableResultDisplay (KEY key, KEY from, BOOL isOldGraph, void *unused) { TABLE *table; TableDisp tdisp; if (class(key) != _VTableResult) return FALSE ; table = tableGet(key) ; if (!table) return FALSE ; if (isOldGraph) tableDisplayReCreate (table, name(key), 0, 0) ; else tableDisplayCreate (table, name(key), 0, 0); tableDestroy(table); /* the display made it's own copy */ tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableResultDisplay"); tdisp->trKey = key; /* remember that it came from an object */ return TRUE; } /* tableResultDisplay */ /************************************************************/ Graph tableDisplayCreate (TABLE *table, char *title, Array isFlipMapArray, Array widthsArray) /* open a display "DtTableResult" */ /* the table belongs to the caller, we'll make our own copy */ { TableDisp tdisp; int colNum; tdisp = (TableDisp)messalloc(sizeof(struct TableDispStruct)); tdisp->magic = &TableDisp_MAGIC; tdisp->graph = displayCreate("DtTableResult"); tdisp->table = tableCopy(table, 0); tdisp->title = strnew(title, 0); tdisp->dump_out = 0; tdisp->trKey = 0; if (isFlipMapArray) tdisp->isFlipMapArray = arrayCopy(isFlipMapArray); else tdisp->isFlipMapArray = 0; tdisp->colMapping = arrayCreate(tdisp->table->ncol, int); for (colNum = 0; colNum < tdisp->table->ncol; colNum++) array(tdisp->colMapping, colNum, int) = colNum; tdisp->maxColWidths = arrayCreate(tdisp->table->ncol, int); for (colNum = 0; colNum < tdisp->table->ncol; colNum++) if (widthsArray && (colNummaxColWidths, colNum, int) = arr(widthsArray, colNum, int); else array(tdisp->maxColWidths, colNum, int) = 30; tdisp->colHeaderBoxes = arrayCreate(tdisp->table->ncol, int); tdisp->activeCol = -1; /* default for help, if undef in displays.wrm */ if (graphHelp(0) == NULL) graphHelp("Table_Maker_Data"); graphMenu(tableDisplayMenu); graphAssociate (&TableDisp_MAGIC, tdisp) ; graphRegister (DESTROY, tableDisplayDestroy) ; graphRegister (PICK, tableDisplayPick) ; graphRegister (KEYBOARD, tableDisplayKeyBoard) ; if (tableMax(tdisp->table) > 0) { tdisp->maxRowDisplayed = getSafeTableLimit(tdisp->table, &tdisp->dump_out); if (!tdisp->maxRowDisplayed) { graphDestroy(); return 0; } } tableDisplayDraw(tdisp); return tdisp->graph; } /* tableDisplayCreate */ void tableDisplayReCreate (TABLE *table, char *title, Array isFlipMapArray, Array widthsArray) { TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplayReCreate"); int colNum; messfree (tdisp->title); tdisp->title = strnew(title, 0); tableDestroy(tdisp->table); tdisp->table = tableCopy(table, 0); arrayDestroy(tdisp->isFlipMapArray); if (isFlipMapArray) tdisp->isFlipMapArray = arrayCopy(isFlipMapArray); else tdisp->isFlipMapArray = 0; tdisp->colMapping = arrayReCreate(tdisp->colMapping, tdisp->table->ncol, int); for (colNum = 0; colNum < tdisp->table->ncol; colNum++) array(tdisp->colMapping, colNum, int) = colNum; tdisp->maxColWidths = arrayReCreate(tdisp->maxColWidths, tdisp->table->ncol, int); for (colNum = 0; colNum < tdisp->table->ncol; colNum++) if (widthsArray && (colNummaxColWidths, colNum, int) = arr(widthsArray, colNum, int); else array(tdisp->maxColWidths, colNum, int) = 30; if (tableMax(tdisp->table) > 0) { tdisp->maxRowDisplayed = getSafeTableLimit(tdisp->table, &tdisp->dump_out); if (tdisp->maxRowDisplayed == 0) { /* we were asked to re-use the existing table-display, * but the result contains no data, so we get rid of the * table display that is displayed, so next time round * when there is data available we'll get a fresh display */ graphDestroy(); return; } } tdisp->activeBox = 0; /* make sure that the new display * doesn't refer back to a box number * that was displayed last time */ tableDisplayDraw(tdisp); return; } /* tableDisplayReCreate */ /****************************************************************** ************************ private functions *********************** ******************************************************************/ static TableDisp currentTableDisp (char *caller) { TableDisp tdisp = 0; if (!(graphAssFind(&TableDisp_MAGIC, &tdisp))) messcrash("%s() could not find TableDisp on graph", caller); if (!tdisp) messcrash("%s() received NULL TableDisp pointer", caller); if (tdisp->magic != &TableDisp_MAGIC) messcrash("%s() received non-magic TableDisp pointer", caller); return tdisp; } /* currentTableDisp */ static int getSafeTableLimit(TABLE *table, ACEOUT *dump_outp) { const int safeLimit = 2000; int max = tableMax(table); int maxDisplayed = max; if (*dump_outp) aceOutDestroy (*dump_outp); if (max > safeLimit) { if (messQuery("The result table has %d lines. " "Do you want to truncate the " "display to show just the " "first %d lines ?", max, safeLimit)) { maxDisplayed = safeLimit; } else if (messQuery("Because of a possible memory overflow " "it is inadvisable to display a large number of lines.\n" "Do you want to export the whole table to file " "and only truncate the display to %d lines ?",safeLimit)) { static char directory[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE]=""; static char filename[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE]=""; *dump_outp = aceOutCreateToChooser ("Choose an output file for this table", directory, filename, "txt", "w", 0); maxDisplayed = safeLimit; } else if (!messQuery("You are about to display a very large table.\n" "Carrying on may crash the progam " "due to memory overflow.\n" "Continue ?")) { maxDisplayed = 0; } } return maxDisplayed; } /* getSafeTableLimit */ static void tableDisplayDraw (TableDisp tdisp) { char *windowTitle; int menuButtonBox; int headerBox; float drawLine, topLine, bottomLine = 0; float drawCol; KEY key; float colWidth; int maxWidth, len; int rowNum, colNum, colMapped, maxCol; if (!graphActivate (tdisp->graph)) return; windowTitle = displayGetTitle("DtTableResult"); if (strcmp(windowTitle, "DtTableResult") == 0) windowTitle = "Table Results"; /* if undef in displays.wrm */ if (strlen(tdisp->title) > 0) graphRetitle(messprintf("%s : %s", windowTitle, tdisp->title)); else graphRetitle(messprintf("%s : untitled", windowTitle)); /***********************/ if (tdisp->dump_out) { /* dump the full table to the outputfile, everytime the screen * is re-drawn */ aceOutRewind (tdisp->dump_out); tableSliceOut(tdisp->dump_out, 0, tableMax(tdisp->table), tdisp->table, '\t', /* separator char */ '\0') ; /* format like 'a', but no format */ } /***********************/ graphClear() ; /* activate first visible column */ if (tdisp->activeCol > -1) { BOOL firstPass = TRUE; again: while (tdisp->activeCol < tdisp->table->ncol && !tableColumnIsVisible(tdisp->table, tdisp->activeCol)) tdisp->activeCol++; if (tdisp->activeCol >= tdisp->table->ncol) { if (firstPass) { tdisp->activeCol = 0; firstPass = FALSE; goto again; } tdisp->activeCol = -1; /* none can't be activated */ } } drawLine = 1 ; #ifdef EDITBUTTON tdisp->editModeBox = graphButton("Edit", spreadEditButton, 1, drawLine + 0.2) ; graphBoxDraw(tdisp->editModeBox,BLACK, tdisp->editMode ? LIGHTBLUE : WHITE ) ; drawLine += 1.5; #endif menuButtonBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphButtons (tableDisplayMenu, 1, drawLine, 60) ; graphBoxEnd () ; /* find out far down the menu buttons reach */ graphBoxDim (menuButtonBox, 0, 0, 0, &drawLine) ; drawLine++; graphLine(0, drawLine, 1000, drawLine); drawLine += 0.5; if (strlen(tdisp->title) > 0) { float xb1, xb2, yb; int b; /* draw the title text into a box */ b = graphBoxStart(); graphText(tdisp->title, 2, drawLine) ; graphBoxEnd(); /* get the size of the box and underline it */ graphBoxDim (b, &xb1, 0, &xb2, &yb) ; graphLine(xb1-0.1, yb+0.1, xb2+0.1, yb+0.1); drawLine += 2 ; } maxCol = tdisp->table->ncol ; topLine = drawLine; tdisp->boundingBox = graphBoxStart() ; /* draw the table-data line-by-line */ drawCol = 4; for(colNum = 0; colNum < maxCol; colNum++) { colMapped = arr(tdisp->colMapping, colNum, int); maxWidth = arr(tdisp->maxColWidths, colMapped, int); colWidth = 0; /* to be calculated as * widest cell in this column * (within bounds of maxWidth) */ drawLine = topLine; headerBox = graphBoxStart(); if (tableColumnIsVisible(tdisp->table, colMapped)) { /* draw table header */ colWidth = showSubstrText(tableGetColumnName(tdisp->table, colMapped), maxWidth, drawCol, drawLine, FALSE) ; if (colWidth < 1.0) colWidth = 1.0; graphRectangle(drawCol-0.2, topLine-0.1, drawCol+colWidth+0.2, topLine+1.1); } else { /* draw hidden header box */ graphLine(drawCol+0.5, topLine, drawCol+1, topLine+0.5); graphLine(drawCol+1.0, topLine+0.5, drawCol+0.5, topLine+1); graphLine(drawCol+0.5, topLine+1, drawCol, topLine+0.5); graphLine(drawCol, topLine+0.5, drawCol+0.5, topLine); colWidth = 0.5; } graphBoxEnd(); array(tdisp->colHeaderBoxes, colMapped, int) = headerBox; drawLine += 2; for (rowNum = 0 ; rowNum < tabMax(tdisp->table, colMapped) ; rowNum++) { len = 0; if (rowNum == tdisp->maxRowDisplayed) { showSubstrText("...", maxWidth, drawCol, drawLine, FALSE); break; } /* always draw a box even if value is empty or column hidden */ graphBoxStart(); if (tableColumnIsVisible(tdisp->table, colMapped)) { if (!tabEmpty(tdisp->table, rowNum, colMapped)) switch(tdisp->table->type[colMapped]) { case '0': break ; case 'i': len = showSubstrText(messprintf("%d", tabInt(tdisp->table, rowNum, colMapped)), maxWidth, drawCol, drawLine, FALSE) ; break ; case 'f': len = showSubstrText(messprintf("%f", tabFloat(tdisp->table, rowNum, colMapped)), maxWidth, drawCol, drawLine, FALSE) ; break ; case 't': len = showSubstrText(timeShow (tabDate(tdisp->table, rowNum, colMapped)), maxWidth, drawCol, drawLine, FALSE) ; break ; case 'k': case 'g': key = tabKey(tdisp->table, rowNum, colMapped); if (iskey(key)) len = showSubstrText(name(key), maxWidth, drawCol, drawLine, (iskey(key) == 2)) ; break ; case 's': len = showSubstrText(tabString(tdisp->table, rowNum, colMapped), maxWidth, drawCol, drawLine, FALSE) ; break ; default: messcrash("Unknown type '%c' in tableDisplayCreate()", tdisp->table->type[colMapped] ? tdisp->table->type[colMapped] : '_'); } if (len > colWidth) colWidth = len; ++drawLine ; if (drawLine > bottomLine) bottomLine = drawLine; } graphBoxEnd() ; } drawCol = drawCol + colWidth + 1.0; /* a hidden column has colWidth=0.5 at this point, * so 1.5 is minimum width */ } graphBoxEnd() ; /* boundingBox */ if(tdisp->maxRowDisplayed == tableMax(tdisp->table)) graphText(messprintf("%d lines", tdisp->maxRowDisplayed), 35, 0.0) ; else graphText(messprintf("%d lines, %d shown", tableMax(tdisp->table), tdisp->maxRowDisplayed), 35, 0.0) ; graphTextBounds (drawCol + 3, bottomLine + 3) ; if (tdisp->activeBox > 0) { int tmpbox = tdisp->activeBox; tdisp->activeBox = 0; /* to avoid double-click behaviour */ tableDisplaySelectBox(tdisp, tmpbox); } graphRedraw() ; if (graphActivate(tdisp->mapGraph)) { /* redo the multimap */ multiMapDisplayReCreate(tdisp->table, tdisp->title, tdisp->isFlipMapArray); graphActivate(tdisp->graph) ; /* re-activate our graph */ graphPop() ; } return; } /* tableDisplayDraw */ /***********************************************************************/ static void tableDisplayDestroy (void) /* called when table-maker window is is destroyed */ { TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplayDestroy"); if (tdisp->dump_out) aceOutDestroy (tdisp->dump_out); tableDestroy (tdisp->table); messfree(tdisp->title); arrayDestroy(tdisp->isFlipMapArray); arrayDestroy(tdisp->colMapping); arrayDestroy(tdisp->maxColWidths); arrayDestroy(tdisp->colHeaderBoxes); if (graphActivate(tdisp->mapGraph)) graphDestroy(); tdisp->magic = 0; messfree(tdisp); return; } /* tableDisplayDestroy */ static int showSubstrText (char *inText, int outLength, float x, float y, BOOL isBold) { static char line[1001]; int oldFormat; if (outLength > 1000) outLength = 1000; strncpy(line, inText, 1000); if (strlen(line) > outLength) { int maxLength = outLength; if (maxLength < 3) maxLength = 3; strcpy(&line[maxLength-3], "..."); } line[outLength] = '\0'; oldFormat = graphTextFormat(isBold ? BOLD : PLAIN); graphText(line, x, y); graphTextFormat(oldFormat); return strlen(line); } /* showSubstrText */ static void selectPickedTableObj (KEY key) { displayUnBlock () ; if (class(key) != _VTableResult) messout ("Sorry, you must pick a TableResult object") ; else if (!iskey(key)) messout ("Sorry, this object is empty.") ; else { /* display this obj and re-use our existing graph */ tableResultDisplay(key, 0, TRUE, NULL); graphPop(); } return; } /* selectPickedTableObj */ static void tableDisplayPickObj (void) { KEYSET ks = query (0, "FIND TableResult") ; keySetNewDisplay (ks, "Table results") ; displayBlock (selectPickedTableObj, "Pick a TableResult object") ; return; } /* tableDisplayPickObj */ static void tableDisplaySaveObj (void) { char *nam; TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplaySaveObj"); ACEIN name_in; nam = tdisp->trKey ? name(tdisp->trKey) : "" ; name_in = messPrompt ("Please enter a Name to save this " "table-result as an acedb object", nam, "w", 0); if (!name_in) return ; nam = strnew (aceInWord(name_in), 0) ; aceInDestroy (name_in); if (lexword2key (nam, &tdisp->trKey, _VTableResult)) { if (!messQuery ("This table-result already exists, " "do you want to overwrite it ?")) goto abort ; } if (checkWriteAccess()) { lexaddkey (nam, &tdisp->trKey, _VTableResult) ; tableStore (tdisp->trKey, tdisp->table) ; } abort: messfree(nam); return; } /* tableDisplaySaveObj */ static void tableDisplayExportKeySet (void) /* make a keyset from the object values in the active tableau column */ { KEYSET ks ; TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplayExportKeySet"); if (tableTypes(tdisp->table)[tdisp->activeCol] != 'k') { messout ("The active column does not contain keys") ; return ; } ks = keySetCopy(tdisp->table->col[tdisp->activeCol]) ; keySetSort(ks) ; keySetCompress(ks) ; if (!arrayMax(ks)) { messout ("The active colonne does not contain keys") ; keySetDestroy(ks) ; } else { keySetNewDisplay (ks, "Exported keyset") ; } return; } /* tableDisplayExportKeySet */ /*****************************************************/ static void tableDisplayOpenMultiMap (void) { TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplayOpenMultiMap"); tdisp->mapGraph = multiMapDisplayCreate(tdisp->table, tdisp->title, tdisp->isFlipMapArray); return; } /* tableDisplayOpenMultiMap */ /*****************************************************/ static void tableDisplayRotColonnes (void) { TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplayRotColonnes"); int colNum; int first = arr(tdisp->colMapping, 0, int); for (colNum = 0; colNum < arrayMax(tdisp->colMapping)-1; colNum++) { arr(tdisp->colMapping, colNum, int) = arr(tdisp->colMapping, colNum+1, int); } arr(tdisp->colMapping, arrayMax(tdisp->colMapping)-1, int) = first; tdisp->activeBox = 0; tableDisplayDraw(tdisp); return; } /* tableDisplayRotColonnes */ static void tableDisplaySwitchColonnes (void) { TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplaySwitchColonnes"); int colNum, tmp; if (!tdisp->activeBox) return; for (colNum = 0; colNum < arrayMax(tdisp->colMapping)-1; colNum++) if (arr(tdisp->colMapping, colNum, int) == tdisp->activeCol) goto switchit; return; switchit: tmp = arr(tdisp->colMapping, colNum, int); arr(tdisp->colMapping, colNum, int) = arr(tdisp->colMapping, colNum+1, int); arr(tdisp->colMapping, colNum+1, int) = tmp; tdisp->activeBox = 0; tableDisplayDraw(tdisp); return; } /* tableDisplaySwitchColonnes */ /************************************************************/ static void tableDisplaySort (TableDisp tdisp, char spec) { int colNum, colMapped, j; char *sortSpecString = (char*)messalloc ((tdisp->table->ncol*2) + 1); j = 0; for (colNum = 0; colNum < arrayMax(tdisp->colMapping); colNum++) { if (tableColumnIsVisible(tdisp->table, colNum)) { colMapped = arr(tdisp->colMapping, colNum, int); sortSpecString[j*2] = spec; sortSpecString[(j*2)+1] = '1'+colMapped; j++; } } tableSort(tdisp->table, sortSpecString); messfree (sortSpecString); tableDisplayDraw(tdisp); return; } /* tableDisplaySort */ static void tableDisplaySortAsc (void) { TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplaySortAsc"); tableDisplaySort(tdisp, '+'); return; } /* tableDisplaySortAsc */ static void tableDisplaySortDesc (void) { TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplaySortDesc"); tableDisplaySort(tdisp, '-'); return; } /* tableDisplaySortDesc */ /*****************************************************/ static void tableDisplayHistogram (void) { int n, colNum, value ; Array a = 0 ; float x, scale = 1 ; TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplayHistogram"); colNum = tdisp->activeCol ; switch (tableTypes(tdisp->table)[colNum]) { case 'i': case 'f': break ; default: messout ("First select a numeric column") ; return ; } n = tabMax (tdisp->table, colNum) ; a = arrayCreate (1000, int) ; switch (tableTypes(tdisp->table)[colNum]) { case 'i': while (n--) { if (!tabEmpty(tdisp->table, n, colNum)) { value = tabInt(tdisp->table, n, colNum); value = MAX(value, 0); /* protect against referring to array element < 0 */ array(a, value, int)++ ; } } break ; case 'f': scale = 0 ; while (n--) { if (!tabEmpty(tdisp->table, n, colNum)) { x = tabFloat(tdisp->table, n, colNum); if (scale < x) scale = x ; } } scale = scale > 0 ? 1000/scale : 0 ; n = tabMax (tdisp->table, colNum) ; while (n--) { if (!tabEmpty(tdisp->table, n, colNum)) { value = (int)(scale * tabFloat(tdisp->table, n, colNum)); array(a, value, int)++ ; } } break ; default: return ; } plotHisto (tableGetColumnName(tdisp->table, colNum), a) ; return; } /* tableDisplayHistogram */ /*****************/ static void tableDisplayExportAsText(void) { static char directory[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE]=""; static char filename[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE]=""; static char sep = ';' ; char *cp ; TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplayExportAsText") ; ACEIN sep_in; ACEOUT dump_out; sep_in = messPrompt ("Separator character " "(e.g. ; , leave blank for TAB) ?", messprintf("%c",sep), "t", 0); if (!sep_in) return; if ((cp = aceInPos (sep_in))) sep = *(cp + 1) ; aceInDestroy (sep_in); dump_out = aceOutCreateToChooser ("Where should I ascii-dump this table ?", directory, filename, "txt", "w", 0); if (!dump_out) return; tableSliceOut(dump_out, 0, tableMax(tdisp->table), tdisp->table, sep == '\0' ? '\t' : sep, /* separator char */ '\0') ; /* format like 'a', but no format */ aceOutDestroy (dump_out); return; } /* tableDisplayExportAsText */ /**********************************************************/ static void tableDisplaySelectBox(TableDisp tdisp, int box) { int n = box - tdisp->boundingBox - 1; int boxesPerRow = tdisp->maxRowDisplayed + 1; /* account for one extra header-box */ int j, headerBox; if (box > tdisp->boundingBox) { if (tdisp->activeBox) graphBoxDraw (tdisp->activeBox, BLACK, WHITE) ; tdisp->activeBox = box ; tdisp->activeRow = n % boxesPerRow ; tdisp->activeRow--; /* top box is the header */ tdisp->activeCol = arr(tdisp->colMapping, (n / boxesPerRow), int) ; if (tdisp->activeRow >= 0) graphBoxDraw (tdisp->activeBox, WHITE, BLACK) ; /* invert selection */ /* clear activeCol highlights */ for (j = 0; j < tdisp->table->ncol; ++j) { headerBox = arr(tdisp->colHeaderBoxes, j, int); graphBoxDraw(headerBox, BLACK, WHITE); } /* highlight the activeCol */ headerBox = arr(tdisp->colHeaderBoxes, tdisp->activeCol, int); if (tdisp->activeRow == -1) graphBoxDraw(headerBox, LIGHTBLUE, BLACK); else graphBoxDraw(headerBox, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE); } return; } /* tableDisplaySelectBox */ #ifdef EDITBUTTON static void spreadEditButton(void) { SPREAD spread = currentSpread ("spreadEdit") ; spread->editMode = spread->editMode ? FALSE : TRUE ; graphBoxDraw(spread->editModeBox,BLACK, spread->editMode ? LIGHTBLUE : WHITE ) ; } static Graph sprdAddKeyGraph = 0 ; static BOOL isAddingKey = FALSE ; static void sprdAddKey1 (KEY key) { COL* c; BSunit *u ; SPREAD spread = currentSpread ("sprdAddkey1") ; c = arrp( spread->colonnes, spread->activeColonne, COL) ; u = &(arr(spread->activeLine, spread->activeColonne, SPCELL).u) ; if (class(key) != class(u->k)) { messout("The selected object is not in the correct class, sorry") ; return ; } if (u->k != key) { u->k = key ; spreadReorder(table, sortCol) ; spreadDataDisplayCreate(spread) ; } return; } /* sprdAddKey1 */ static void sprdAddKey (KEY key) { graphActivate(sprdAddKeyGraph) ; graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, 0) ; graphUnMessage() ; /* this if i came from short cut sprdPick */ displayUnBlock() ; isAddingKey = FALSE ; sprdAddKey1(key) ; return; } /* sprdAddKey */ static void sprdAddKeyByName1 (void) { char *cp ; KEY kk ; COL* c; BSunit *u ; SPREAD spread = currentSpread ("sprdAddkey1") ; c = arrp( spread->colonnes, spread->activeColonne, COL) ; u = &(arr(spread->activeLine, spread->activeColonne, SPCELL).u) ; if (!messPrompt("New value ", name(u->k),"w")) return ; cp = freeword() ; if (!lexword2key(cp, &kk, class(u->k))) { if (messQuery("Unknown object, do you want to create it ?")) lexaddkey(cp, &kk, class(u->k)) ; else return ; } u->k = kk ; spreadReorder(spread) ; spreadDataDisplayCreate(spread) ; return; } /* sprdAddKeyByName1 */ static void sprdAddKeyByName (void) { graphActivate(sprdAddKeyGraph) ; isAddingKey = FALSE ; displayUnBlock() ; sprdAddKeyByName1() ; return; } /* sprdAddKeyByName */ #endif /* EDITBUTTON */ static void tableDisplayFetchBox(TableDisp tdisp, int box) { #ifdef EDITBUTTON COL* c = arrp( spread->colonnes, spread->activeColonne, COL) ; BSunit *u = &(arr(spread->activeLine, spread->activeColonne, SPCELL).u) ; BOOL touched = FALSE ; if (spread->editMode) /**************** edit table item in selected box ***********/ switch (c->type) { case 'b': u->k = u->k ? 0 : c->tag ; touched = TRUE ; break ; case 'k': case'n': case 'K': isAddingKey = TRUE ; sprdAddKeyGraph = graphActive() ; displayBlock (sprdAddKey, "Or cancel, you will then be prompted to type the name.\n" "If you press the TAB key you will autocomplete\n" "or get a list of possible entries.\n") ; graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, sprdAddKeyByName) ; return ; case 'i': if (messPrompt("New value ", messprintf("%d",u->i),"i")) freeint(&(u->i)) ; touched = TRUE ; break ; case 'f': if (messPrompt("New value ", messprintf("%g",u->f),"f")) freefloat(&(u->f)) ; touched = TRUE ; break ; case 't': if (messPrompt("New value ", stackExists(c->text) && u->i ? stackText(c->text, u->i) : "" , "t")) { u->i = stackMark(c->text) ; pushText(c->text, freepos()) ; } touched = TRUE ; break ; default: break ; } else #endif /* EDITBUTTON */ { /************* fetch table item in selected box *************/ KEY cellKey, cellOriginKey; if (tdisp->activeRow >= 0) { cellKey = tabParent(tdisp->table, tdisp->activeRow, tdisp->activeCol); cellOriginKey = tabGrandParent(tdisp->table, tdisp->activeRow, tdisp->activeCol); if (cellKey) display(cellKey, cellOriginKey, tdisp->activeCol > 0 ? (char*)0 : "TREE") ; } else { /* second click on column-header box - toggle visibility */ if (tableColumnIsVisible(tdisp->table, tdisp->activeCol)) tableSetColumnHidden(tdisp->table, tdisp->activeCol); else tableSetColumnVisible(tdisp->table, tdisp->activeCol); tdisp->activeBox = 0; tableDisplayDraw(tdisp); } } #ifdef EDITBUTTON if(touched) { spreadReorder(spread) ; spreadDataDisplayCreate(spread) ; } #endif /* EDITBUTTON */ return; } /* tableDisplayFetchBox */ static void tableDisplayKeyBoard (int k) { /* does nothing yet, but I'd want it to allow moving of the * red selection box with cursor keys (similar to KeySet window) */ return ; } static void tableDisplayPick (int box, double x, double y) { TableDisp tdisp = currentTableDisp("tableDisplayPick") ; if (box == 0) /* picked background */ return ; if (box > tdisp->boundingBox) { #ifdef EDITBUTTON if (isAddingKey) { int j, j1, n = box - spread->boundingBox - 1 , max = spread->numberDisplayedColonnes , maxCol = arrayMax(spread->colonnes) ; COL *c ; char *cp ; Array aa ; j1 = n / max ; for(j = 0 , cp = arrp(spread->flags, 0, char) ; j < arrayMax(spread->tableau); cp++, j++) if (!*cp) { if (!j1--) { aa = arr(spread->tableau, j, Array) ; break ; } } n = n%max ; for(j = 0 ; j < maxCol; j++) { c = arrp(spread->colonnes,j1 = arr(pos2col_G,j, int) ,COL) ; if (!c->hidden) { if (!n--) { break ; } } } if (freelower(c->type) == 'k' || c->type == 'n') sprdAddKey ((arr(aa, j1, SPCELL).u).k) ; return ; } #endif /* EDITBUTTON */ if (box == tdisp->activeBox) /* a second hit - follow it */ tableDisplayFetchBox (tdisp, box) ; else tableDisplaySelectBox (tdisp, box) ; /* single click */ } return; } /* tableDisplayPick */ /************************* eof ********************************/