/* dendrogram.c : implementation file * Author: Richard Bruskiewich (rbrusk@octogene.medgen.ubc.ca) * Copyright (C) R. Bruskiewich, J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1996 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@sanger.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Defines the class model behaviors for new ?Tree class * which can draw dendrograms of phylogenetic or taxonomic trees. * * Exported: * These routines read in a New Hampshire formatted tree: * void readTreeFile(int treeType) ; // see dendrogram.h * void readTaxonomicTree(void) * void readDNATree(void) * void readProteinTree(void) * * No function currently provided for "Cell lineage" type trees -- put in explicitly * * Assumed Class Models: * * ?Tree Description ?Text * Type UNIQUE Taxonomy // One can add to these but * DNA // only these four are "in the code" * Protein * Cell_Lineage * Root UNIQUE ?TreeNode // Unique tree node of "root" subtree * Tree_Node ?TreeNode // hooks to ?TreeNode's of other ?Tree's embedding this ?Tree * Display No_Header // Suppresses display "header" * Descriptive_Labels // Show descriptive labels * Colour // Taxon and line colouring, if indicated * Normalization UNIQUE Float // Normalization factor for display (defaults to 1.0) * Bootstrap_Factor UNIQUE Float // Normalization factor for bootstrap values (defaults to 1.0) * Hide_Bootstraps // Global visibility of tree bootstrap values * Alignment UNIQUE Top // How the dendrogram is to be drawn * Middle * Bottom * Unrooted Angle Float // Orientation of unrooted tree in degrees * Spread Float // -360..+360 degrees tree spread * Reference ?Paper * * ?TreeNode Label ?Text // Tree vertex label, e.g. sequence name * Id Int // Optional node number * Description ?Text * Type UNIQUE Root // Optional node labels * Interior * Leaf * Distance UNIQUE Float // branch length == from parent node * Bootstrap UNIQUE Float // bootstrap value for node subtree * Tree UNIQUE ?Tree * Parent UNIQUE ?TreeNode XREF Child * Child ?TreeNode XREF Parent * Display Hide // Hide the subtree (children) of this node * Colour UNIQUE #Colour // Fixes the colour of the subtree; * Hide_Bootstraps // Subtree visibility of tree bootstrap values * // overridden by child node settings * // "Contains" is now fully tag2 for associated data display * // The tags listed below, however, have special status in the code at present * Contains Embedded_Tree UNIQUE ?Tree XREF Tree_Node * Taxon UNIQUE ?Taxon XREF Tree_Node * DNA UNIQUE ?Sequence XREF Tree_Node * Protein UNIQUE ?Protein XREF Tree_Node * Cell UNIQUE ?Cell XREF Tree_Node // Cell lineages... * URL UNIQUE ?Url XREF Tree_Node // Associated data * Pick_me_to_call UNIQUE Text Text // Can show a gif? * Function Map ?Map XREF Tree_Node #Map_Position // Leaf node ordinate * Gene_Function ?Gene_Function XREF PosTreeNode * Not_Gene_Function ?Gene_Function XREF NegTreeNode * * ?Taxon Common_name UNIQUE ?Text * Description ?Text * Rank UNIQUE Superkingdom * Kingdom * Phylum * Subphylum * Superclass * Class * Subclass * Superorder * Order * Suborder * Superfamily * Family * Subfamily * Genus * Species ?Species XREF Taxon * No_Rank * Other_names Text * Taxonomy UNIQUE ?TreeNode // Unique Taxonomy tree * Tree_Node ?TreeNode // Other trees dereferencing this taxon? * // Optional colour coding (i.e. on Phylogenetic trees) * Display Foreground_Colour #Colour * Background_Colour #Colour * * ?Species Taxon UNIQUE ?Taxon XREF Species * Common_name UNIQUE ?Text * Description ?Text * Loci ?Locus * Sequences ?Sequence * Proteins ?Protein * Reference ?Paper * * ?Gene_Function Description Text * Map ?Map XREF Gene_Function #Map_Position // For a feature map of genes * Positive PosTreeNode ?TreeNode XREF Gene_Function * Negative NegTreeNode ?TreeNode XREF Not_Gene_Function * Reference ?Paper * * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 12 15:04 2002 (edgrif) * * Nov 25 14:31 1999 (fw) * * Nov 8 10:39 1999 (rbsk): put key name back in title, even when description is available * (just append the description) * * Jul 13 16:45 1999 (rbsk) * * Aug 31 09:38 1998 (rbrusk): several enhancements * * Aug 22 01:04 1998 (rd) * Created: May 31 10:50 1998 (rbrusk) * CVS info: $Id: dendrogram.c,v 1.52 2002/04/16 13:05:04 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include /* for isspace(), isdigit()...*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(WIN32) #include "key.h" #include "disptype.h" #include "menu.h" #else /* !defined(WIN32) */ #include #include #include #endif /* !defined(WIN32) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Tree display: alignment */ #define TOP 1 #define MIDDLE 2 #define BOTTOM 4 #define UNROOTED 8 /* "star" unrooted phylogenetic tree */ #define pi 3.141592653 #define BUF_WIDTH 100 typedef struct neighbour_struct { int previous, next ; } NEIGHBOURS ; typedef struct dgram_obj_struct { struct { unsigned is_updated : 1 ; } flag ; OBJ obj ; } *DGRAM_OBJ ; typedef struct dgram_box_struct { /* dgram_box_struct flags... */ struct { unsigned is_labelbox : 1 ; unsigned is_nodebox : 1 ; } flag ; DGRAM_OBJ dgObj ; short leafPos ; short nbIdx ; char colour ; } DGRAM_BOX ; #define DGOBJ dgObj->obj /* Should find a labelled ?TreeNode object? */ #define GETBOX(b) arrp(look->boxes,(b),DGRAM_BOX) #define GETLABELBOX(b,d) if(!( (b) && ( (d) = GETBOX(b) ) \ && ( (d)->dgObj ) \ && ( (d)->flag.is_labelbox ) \ ) ) return typedef struct LOOKSTUFF { int magic ; /* == MAGIC */ KEY key ; char title[BUF_WIDTH], desc[BUF_WIDTH], common[BUF_WIDTH], taxon[BUF_WIDTH] ; OBJ objet ; Graph graph ; int activebox, /* always a label box -- corresponding nodeBox is activebox - 1 */ rootbox, firstbox, lastbox ; KEY activeKey ; STORE_HANDLE handle ; Associator key2dgObj ; Associator key2hide ; Array boxes ; Associator dgObj2box ; Array nodeNeighbours ; short nbSeq ; Array leaves ; short leafPos ; float xmax, ymax ; char treeType ; /* TAXONOMIC_TREE, DNA_TREE, etc.*/ float normalFactor, /* Maximum Branch length display normalized size, in user coordinates */ distFactor, /* Computed Branch distance display normalization factor */ bootstrapFactor, /* Bootstrap values normalization factor */ angle, /* orientation of an unrooted tree */ spread, /* arc "spread" of an unrooted tree */ phi ; /* angular decrement = f(spread, nLeaves) */ char alignment ; /* TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM */ BOOL bHeader, /* flag for presence/absence of graph header */ bDescriptiveLabels , /* flag for displaying object descriptions versus ?TreeNode names only */ bColour , /* flag to turn taxon colouring "highlight" on/off */ bHideBootstraps ; /* current status of bootstrap value display */ char activeColour ; /* current subtree colouring (dynamic during drawSubTree */ char messageText[BUF_WIDTH] ; int messageBox ; } *LOOK ; /* The TreeOptions data structure should reflect the contents of dendrogram.h */ static FREEOPT TreeOptions[] = { {NO_OF_TREE_TYPES, "Tree Types"}, {TAXONOMIC_TREE, "Taxonomy"}, {DNA_TREE, "DNA Phylogeny"}, {PROTEIN_TREE, "Protein Phylogeny"}, {CELL_LINEAGE, "Cell Lineage"}, {GENERIC_TREE, "Generic Tree"}, } ; /* When set to a look, the user can force reuse of the same display over and over again? */ static LOOK fixedLook = 0 ; static Graph fixedGraph = 0 ; static int MAGIC = 666999 ; static void dgramHelp(void), dgramHeader(void), dgramLabels(void), dgramColour(void), dgramHideBootstraps(void), dgramRoot(void), dgramExpandAllSubtrees(void), dgramCollapseAllSubtrees(void), dgramVisitChildren(LOOK look, OBJ obj, int nAction), dgramHideSubtree(void), dgramHideOutliers(void), dgramCollapseLabelledSubtrees(void), dgramShowAsText(void), dgramShowNodeAsText(void), dgramShowData(void), dgramUpdateNode(void), dgramLabelNode(void), dgramFirstLeaf(void), dgramLastLeaf(void), dgramBiblio(void), dgramAceDump(void), dgramLeafDump(void), dgramFastaDump(void), dgramAlignTop(void), dgramAlignMiddle(void), dgramAlignBottom(void), #if defined(WIN32_TREE) dgramUnRooted(void), #endif dgramFixedDisplay(void) , dgramRescale(void), dgramSaveDisplay(void), dgramRecalculateDisplay(void); static MENUOPT dgMainMenuItems[] = { {graphDestroy, "Quit"}, {dgramHelp, "Help"}, {graphPrint, "Print"}, {menuSpacer, "----------------------------"}, {dgramHeader, "Toggle Header"}, {dgramRecalculateDisplay,"Recalculate Display"}, {dgramSaveDisplay, "Save Display State"}, {displayPreserve, "Preserve Graph"}, {dgramFixedDisplay, "Anchor Tree Display"}, {menuSpacer, "----------------------------"}, {dgramRoot, "Goto Root Node"}, {dgramFirstLeaf, "Goto First Leaf (Home key)"}, {dgramLastLeaf, "Goto Last Leaf (End key)"}, {dgramCollapseLabelledSubtrees, "Collapse All Labelled Subtrees"}, {menuSpacer, "----------------------------"}, {dgramAceDump, "Dump tree data as .ace"}, {dgramLeafDump, "Dump tree leaf data"}, {dgramFastaDump, "Dump tree sequences as Fasta"}, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dgDisplayMenuItems[] = { {dgramRecalculateDisplay,"Recalculate Display"}, {dgramSaveDisplay, "Save Display State"}, {dgramRescale, "Rescale Tree"}, {menuSpacer, "-----------------------"}, {dgramLabels, "Toggle Labels (Tab key)"}, {dgramColour, "Toggle Colour (Esc key)"}, {dgramHideBootstraps, "Toggle Bootstrap Values"}, {menuSpacer, "-----------------------"}, {dgramAlignTop, "Align Tree to Top"}, {dgramAlignMiddle, "Align Tree to Middle"}, {dgramAlignBottom, "Align Tree to Bottom"}, #if defined(WIN32_TREE) {dgramUnRooted, "Draw as Unrooted Tree"}, #endif { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dgTreeNodeMenuItems[] = { {dgramExpandAllSubtrees, "Expand All Subtrees"}, {dgramCollapseAllSubtrees, "Collapse All Subtrees"}, {dgramHideSubtree, "Collapse/Expand Subtree (Delete key)"}, {dgramHideOutliers, "Collapse/Expand Subtree Outliers"}, {menuSpacer, "------------------------------------"}, {dgramLabelNode, "(Re)Label Tree Node"}, {dgramShowNodeAsText, "Show Tree Node As Text"}, {dgramUpdateNode, "Update Tree Node (Insert key)"}, {menuSpacer, "------------------------------------"}, {dgramAceDump, "Dump subtree data as .ace"}, {dgramLeafDump, "Dump subtree leaf data"}, {dgramFastaDump, "Dump subtree sequences as Fasta"}, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dgLabelMenuItems[] = { #if defined(WIN32) {graphCopy, "Copy Label"}, #endif {dgramShowData, "Display Associated Data"}, {dgramShowAsText, "Display Associated Data as Text"}, {dgramRoot, "Goto Root Node"}, {dgramFirstLeaf, "Goto First Leaf (Home key)"}, {dgramLastLeaf, "Goto Last Leaf (End key)"}, {dgramLabelNode, "(Re)Label Node"}, {dgramBiblio, "Biblio"}, { 0, 0 } } ; static void dgramClear (LOOK look) ; static void dgramDestroy (void) ; static void dgramRedraw (void) ; static void dgramPick (int k) ; static void dgramKbd (int k) ; static void dgramScroll (double x, double y) ; static void dgramDraw(LOOK look); #define LOOKGET(name) LOOK look ; \ if (!graphAssFind (&MAGIC, &look)) \ messcrash ("%s can't find graph",name) ; \ if (look->magic != MAGIC) \ messcrash ("%s received a wrong pointer",name) ;\ graphActivate(look->graph) #define NORMAL_MODE TRUE #define SELECT_MODE FALSE #define STD_FCOL BLUE #define STD_BCOL PALEYELLOW #define HL_BCOL GREEN /* Utility routines for converting one class of object reference into a ?Tree object reference */ static OBJ treeNode2Tree(KEY *activeKey, OBJ treeNode) { KEY treeKey ; OBJ treeObj = 0 ; /* Retrieve the associated ?Tree, if available...*/ if( strcasecmp(className(treeNode->root->key),"TreeNode") || !bsGetKey(treeNode,str2tag("Tree"),&treeKey) || strcasecmp(className(treeKey),"Tree") || pickType (treeKey) != 'B' || !(treeObj = bsCreate(treeKey)) ) { *activeKey = 0 ; return 0 ; } else { /* Set the TreeNode KEY as the active key */ *activeKey = treeNode->root->key ; /* and return the ?Tree object */ return treeObj ; } } static OBJ containsTreeNode2Tree(KEY *activeKey, OBJ containsObj) { KEY treeNodeKey ; OBJ treeNodeObj = 0, treeObj = 0 ; /* Retrieve the associated ?TreeNode, if available...*/ if( strcasecmp(className(containsObj->root->key),"Cell") || (!bsGetKey(containsObj,str2tag("Tree_Node"),&treeNodeKey) || strcasecmp(className(treeNodeKey),"TreeNode") || pickType (treeNodeKey) != 'B' || !(treeNodeObj = bsCreate(treeNodeKey)) || !(treeObj = treeNode2Tree(activeKey,treeNodeObj))) ) { if(treeNodeObj) bsDestroy(treeNodeObj) ; return 0 ; } else { bsDestroy(treeNodeObj) ; return treeObj ; } } static OBJ taxon2Tree(KEY *activeKey, OBJ taxonObj) { KEY treeNodeKey ; OBJ treeNodeObj = 0, treeObj = 0 ; /* Retrieve the associated ?TreeNode, if available...*/ if( (strcasecmp(className(taxonObj->root->key),"Taxon")) || (!bsGetKey(taxonObj,str2tag("Taxonomy"),&treeNodeKey) || strcasecmp(className(treeNodeKey),"TreeNode") || pickType (treeNodeKey) != 'B' || !(treeNodeObj = bsCreate(treeNodeKey)) || !(treeObj = treeNode2Tree(activeKey,treeNodeObj))) ) { if(treeNodeObj) bsDestroy(treeNodeObj) ; return 0 ; } else { bsDestroy(treeNodeObj) ; return treeObj ; } } static OBJ species2Tree(KEY *activeKey, OBJ species) { KEY taxonKey ; OBJ taxonObj = 0, treeObj = 0 ; /* Retrieve the associated ?Taxon, if available...*/ if( strcasecmp(className(species->root->key),"Species") || !bsGetKey(species,str2tag("Taxon"),&taxonKey) || strcasecmp(className(taxonKey),"Taxon") || pickType (taxonKey) != 'B' || !(taxonObj = bsCreate(taxonKey)) || !(treeObj = taxon2Tree(activeKey,taxonObj)) ) { if(taxonObj) bsDestroy(taxonObj) ; return 0 ; } else { bsDestroy(taxonObj) ; return treeObj ; } } /************************************************************/ /* The main display function...*/ BOOL dendrogramDisplay (KEY key, KEY from, BOOL isOldGraph, void *unused) { OBJ obj = 0 ; DGRAM_OBJ dgObj = 0 ; KEY activeKey = 0, dgKey = key ; float nfac ; KEY desckey ; LOOK look ; /* If key is NULL, then assume an empty tree object here, requiring external data input specification? */ if(!key) { KEY treetype = 0 ; if( graphSelect(&treetype,TreeOptions) ) { key = readTreeFile((int)treetype) ; } else { goto abort1 ; } } if ( pickType (key) != 'B' || !(obj = bsCreateCopy(key)) ) goto abort1 ; if(!(dgObj = messalloc(sizeof(struct dgram_obj_struct))) ) messcrash("dgramGet(): cannot messalloc dgram_obj_struct") ; dgObj->flag.is_updated = FALSE ; if(!strcasecmp(className(key),"Tree")) { activeKey = dgKey = key ; DGOBJ = obj ; } else if((DGOBJ = treeNode2Tree(&activeKey,obj))) { bsDestroy(obj) ; dgKey = DGOBJ->root->key ; } else if((DGOBJ = containsTreeNode2Tree(&activeKey,obj))) { bsDestroy(obj) ; dgKey = DGOBJ->root->key ; } else if((DGOBJ = species2Tree(&activeKey,obj))) { bsDestroy(obj) ; dgKey = DGOBJ->root->key ; } else if((DGOBJ = taxon2Tree(&activeKey,obj))) { bsDestroy(obj) ; dgKey = DGOBJ->root->key ; } else goto abort2 ; /* object type unknown for DtDendrogram? */ /* In with the old...maybe */ if (isOldGraph) { if (!graphAssFind (&MAGIC, &look)) \ messcrash ("dendrogramDisplay can't find graph") ; \ if (look->magic != MAGIC) \ messcrash ("dendrogramDisplay received a wrong pointer") ;\ dgramClear (look) ; } else if(fixedLook) { if( graphActivate(fixedGraph)) { look = fixedLook ; dgramClear(look) ; isOldGraph = TRUE ; } } if(!isOldGraph) /* otherwise, allocate a new one...*/ look =(LOOK)messalloc(sizeof(struct LOOKSTUFF)); look->magic = MAGIC; look->activeKey = activeKey ; look->key = dgKey ; look->objet = DGOBJ ; *look->desc = 0 ; *look->common = 0 ; *look->taxon = 0 ; if (isOldGraph) { graphClear () ; graphGoto (0,0) ; } else { displayCreate ("DtDendrogram"); graphRegister (DESTROY, dgramDestroy) ; graphRegister (PICK, dgramPick) ; graphRegister (KEYBOARD, dgramKbd) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DOWN, dgramScroll) ; graphRegister (RESIZE, dgramRedraw) ; graphBoxMenu(0,dgMainMenuItems) ; graphHelp("Dendrogram"); } /* Determine type of tree */ if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Taxonomy")) ) { strcpy(look->title,"Taxonomy ") ; look->treeType = TAXONOMIC_TREE ; } else if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("DNA")) ) { strcpy(look->title,"DNA Sequence Phylogeny ") ; look->treeType = DNA_TREE ; } else if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Protein")) ) { strcpy(look->title,"Protein Sequence Phylogeny ") ; look->treeType = PROTEIN_TREE ; } else if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Cell_Lineage")) ) { strcpy(look->title,"Cell Lineage ") ; look->treeType = CELL_LINEAGE ; } else { strcpy(look->title,"Dendrogram ") ; look->treeType = UNKNOWN_TREE ; } strncat(look->title,messprintf("(%s)", name (key)),BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->title)) ; if(bsGetKey(look->objet,str2tag("Description"),&desckey)) strncat(look->title,messprintf(": \"%s\"",name(desckey)),BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->title)) ; graphRetitle (look->title) ; look->graph = graphActive() ; graphAssociate (&MAGIC, look) ; look->handle = handleCreate() ; look->key2dgObj = assCreate () ; look->key2hide = assCreate () ; look->dgObj2box = assCreate () ; assInsert( look->key2dgObj, assVoid(look->key), dgObj ) ; look->boxes = arrayReCreate(look->boxes,128,DGRAM_BOX) ; look->nodeNeighbours = arrayReCreate(look->nodeNeighbours, 128,NEIGHBOURS) ; look->leaves = arrayCreate(64,int) ; look->leafPos = -1 ; look->activebox = look->firstbox = look->lastbox = 0 ; /* Branch length display normalization factor */ if ( bsGetData (look->objet, str2tag ("Normalization"), _Float, &nfac) ) { if(nfac < 0.0) { messout("Tree Normalization <= 0.0? Setting it to 1.0!") ; nfac = 1.0 ; } look->normalFactor = nfac ; } else look->normalFactor = 1.0 ; /* if no distance found, assume 1.0 */ /* Bootstrap normalization factor */ if ( bsGetData (look->objet, str2tag ("Bootstrap_Factor"), _Float, &nfac) ) { if(nfac < 0.0) { messout("Bootstrap Normalization Factor <= 0.0? Setting it to 1.0!") ; nfac = 1.0 ; } look->bootstrapFactor = nfac ; } else look->bootstrapFactor = 1.0 ; /* if no bootstrap normalization factor found, assume 1.0 */ look->distFactor = 0.0 ; look->angle = 0.0 ; look->spread = 360.0 ; look->phi = 1.0 ; if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Top")) ) look->alignment = TOP ; else if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Middle")) ) look->alignment = MIDDLE ; else if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Bottom")) ) look->alignment = BOTTOM ; else if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Unrooted")) ) { float ang ; look->alignment = UNROOTED ; if(bsGetData (look->objet, str2tag ("Angle"), _Float, &ang)) { /* coerce to within 0.0..360.0 range */ if(ang < 0.0 || ang > 360.0) { messout("Unrooted tree orientation angle %5.1f is outside range [0.0 .. 360.0]? Setting it to 0.0!",ang) ; look->angle = 0.0 ; } else look->angle = ang ; } else look->angle = 0.0 ; /* parallel w/ X axis, pointing right */ if(bsGetData (look->objet, str2tag ("Spread"), _Float, &ang)) { /* coerce to within -360.0..+360.0 range; sign determines curl of plot? */ if(ang < -360.0 || ang > 360.0) { messout("Unrooted tree spread angle %5.1f is outside range [-360.0 .. +360.0]? Setting it to 360.0!",ang) ; look->angle = 360.0 ; } else look->angle = ang ; } else look->spread = 360.0 ; /* full circle, counterclockwise */ } else if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Protein")) || bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("DNA")) || bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Cell_Lineage"))) look->alignment = MIDDLE ; else /* "Taxonomy" and all other trees? ) */ look->alignment = TOP ; if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("No_Header")) ) look->bHeader = FALSE ; else look->bHeader = TRUE ; if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Descriptive_Labels")) ) look->bDescriptiveLabels = TRUE ; else look->bDescriptiveLabels = FALSE ; if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Colour")) ) look->bColour = TRUE ; else look->bColour = FALSE ; look->activeColour = BLACK ; if( bsFindTag(look->objet, str2tag ("Hide_Bootstraps")) ) look->bHideBootstraps = TRUE ; else look->bHideBootstraps = FALSE ; *look->messageText = 0; look->messageBox = -1; dgramDraw (look) ; return TRUE ; abort2: bsDestroy(obj) ; abort1: return FALSE ; } typedef union { struct { unsigned is_hidden:1 ; unsigned outlier_is_hidden: 1 ; unsigned override:1 ; } flag ; char assItem ; } HIDESTATES ; #define HIDDEN (hs.flag.is_hidden||(hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden&hs.flag.override)) static DGRAM_OBJ dgramGet(LOOK look, KEY key) { DGRAM_OBJ dgObj = 0 ; if( !assFind( look->key2dgObj, assVoid(key), &dgObj ) ) { OBJ obj ; if(!(obj = bsCreateCopy(key)) ) { messout(strnew(messprintf("Warning! dgramGet(): non-existent object for key %d?",key),0)) ; return 0 ; } if(!(dgObj = messalloc(sizeof(struct dgram_obj_struct))) ) messcrash("dgramGet(): cannot messalloc dgram_obj_struct") ; dgObj->obj = obj ; dgObj->flag.is_updated = FALSE ; assInsert( look->key2dgObj, assVoid(key), dgObj ) ; if( !strcasecmp(className(key),"TreeNode") ) { HIDESTATES hs ; hs.flag.override = FALSE ; hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden = FALSE ; if( bsFindTag(DGOBJ,str2tag("Hide")) ) { hs.flag.is_hidden = TRUE ; } else { hs.flag.is_hidden = FALSE ; } assMultipleInsert(look->key2hide,assVoid(key),assVoid(hs.assItem)) ; } } return dgObj ; } static OBJ dgramGetObj(LOOK look, KEY key) { DGRAM_OBJ dgObj = dgramGet( look, key ) ; if( dgObj ) return dgObj->obj ; else return 0 ; } static DGRAM_OBJ dgramUpdateObj(LOOK look, KEY key) { DGRAM_OBJ dgObj = dgramGet( look, key ) ; if( dgObj ) { if (!checkWriteAccess())return NULL ; /* Need write access to relabel? */ /* Check if read/write object; if not, convert... */ if(!(dgObj->flag.is_updated) ) { bsDestroy(dgObj->obj) ; /* destroy old object first? */ dgObj->obj = bsUpdate(key) ; /* then recreate */ /* then, update the look data structures to object? */ dgObj->flag.is_updated = TRUE ; } } return dgObj ; } static DGRAM_OBJ dgramSaveObj(DGRAM_OBJ dgObj) { if( dgObj && DGOBJ ) { /* Check if read/write object; if not, convert... */ if(dgObj->flag.is_updated) { KEY key = DGOBJ->root->key ; bsSave(dgObj->obj) ; /* save old object first? */ dgObj->obj = bsCreateCopy(key) ; /* then recreate */ /* then, update the look data structures to object? */ dgObj->flag.is_updated = FALSE ; } return dgObj ; } else return 0 ; } static void dgramClear (LOOK look) { DGRAM_OBJ dgObj ; void *key = 0; /* really a KEY, but... assNext prefers assVoid's */ /* Need to bsDestroy/bsSave all my cached dendrogram objects */ while( assNext(look->key2dgObj,&key,&dgObj) ) { if(dgObj->flag.is_updated) bsSave(DGOBJ) ; else bsDestroy(DGOBJ) ; } assDestroy (look->key2dgObj) ; assDestroy (look->key2hide) ; arrayDestroy (look->boxes) ; assDestroy (look->dgObj2box) ; arrayDestroy(look->nodeNeighbours) ; arrayDestroy(look->leaves) ; /* bsDestroy(look->objet) ; // now automatically destroyed by key2dgObj destroy above... */ handleDestroy(look->handle) ; } static void dgramDestroy (void) { LOOKGET("dgramDestroy") ; dgramClear(look) ; look->magic = 0 ; if( fixedLook == look ) { fixedLook = 0 ; fixedGraph = 0 ; } messfree (look) ; graphAssRemove (&MAGIC) ; } /* This function sets ?TreeNode label text box highlighting either to standard values or ?Taxon specified values */ static void labelColour(LOOK look, int box, BOOL bNormal ) { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; OBJ keyObj ; int fcol, bcol, nodefcol, nodebcol ; KEY key = 0 ; GETLABELBOX(box,lpDBox); /* Default "B & W" colouring */ bcol = STD_BCOL ; nodefcol = fcol = STD_FCOL ; nodebcol = WHITE ; /* Check for overriding dendrogram colour mode */ if(look->bColour) { /* if so, default to subtree colouring...*/ if(lpDBox->colour != WHITE && lpDBox->colour != BLACK ) { nodefcol = bcol = lpDBox->colour ; nodebcol = fcol = WHITE ; } /* ...but override with Taxon colour coding, if specified */ if(!( ( bsGetKey(lpDBox->DGOBJ, str2tag ("DNA"),&key) || bsGetKey(lpDBox->DGOBJ, str2tag ("Protein"), &key) ) && (keyObj = dgramGetObj(look, key)) /* sequence or protein object? */ && bsGetKey(keyObj, str2tag ("Species"),&key) /* associated species? */ && (keyObj = dgramGetObj(look, key)) /* ... should have a Taxon tag? */ ) ) /* no associated species found? try the ?TreeNode... */ keyObj = lpDBox->DGOBJ ; if( bsGetKey(keyObj, str2tag ("Taxon"),&key) && (keyObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) /* ?Taxon object w/colours? */ { if(bsFindTag(keyObj, str2tag ("Foreground_Colour"))) fcol = controlGetColour(keyObj); if(bsFindTag(keyObj, str2tag ("Background_Colour"))) bcol = controlGetColour(keyObj); } } /* Select mode? Swap colours */ if(!bNormal) { int col = fcol ; fcol = bcol ; bcol = col ; nodebcol = HL_BCOL ; } /* Assume that a nodeBox exists at box - 1 and needs highlighting? Do this highlighting first, so that label box doesn't get blanked? */ graphBoxDraw(box-1, nodefcol, nodebcol) ; graphBoxDraw(box, fcol, bcol) ; } /************************************************************/ /* This function returns the description, if any, associated with the specified object argument, of "treeType"; The tag value is assumed to be a ?Text key in the model. Note: subsequent invocations overwrite the old value, so... */ static char *description(LOOK look, OBJ obj, int treeType) { KEY tkey ; *look->desc = 0 ; switch(treeType) { case DNA_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Brief_identification"),&tkey)) strncpy((char*)look->desc,name(tkey), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; break ; case PROTEIN_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Title"),&tkey)) strncpy((char*)look->desc,name(tkey), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; break ; case CELL_LINEAGE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Remark"),&tkey)) strncpy((char*)look->desc,name(tkey), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; break ; case TAXONOMIC_TREE: default: ; } if(!*look->desc) { if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Description"),&tkey)) strncpy((char*)look->desc,name(tkey), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; } return look->desc ; } /* This function returns the common or descriptive name, if any, associated with the specified object argument, of "treeType"; The tag values is assumed to be a "Common_Name" ?Text key in the Taxon model, and "Title" ?Text keys in other models (Sequence, Protein). Note: subsequent invocations overwrite the old value, so... */ static char *commonName(LOOK look, OBJ obj, int treeType) { KEY tkey ; *look->common = 0 ; switch(treeType) { case TAXONOMIC_TREE: if( bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Common_name"),&tkey) && class(tkey)==_VText) strncpy((char*)look->common,name(tkey),BUF_WIDTH-1) ; break ; case DNA_TREE: case PROTEIN_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Title"),&tkey) && class(tkey)==_VText) strncpy((char*)look->common,name(tkey),BUF_WIDTH-1) ; break ; case CELL_LINEAGE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Fate"),&tkey) && class(tkey)==_VText) strncpy((char*)look->common,name(tkey),BUF_WIDTH-1) ; break ; default: ; } /* If no common name yet found, look for a "Description ?Text" tag-value */ if(!*look->common) { /* get first "Contains" tag2 object Description ?Text tag value as name */ ; if( bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Description"),&tkey) && class(tkey)==_VText ) strncpy((char*)look->common,name(tkey),BUF_WIDTH-1) ; } return (char*)look->common ; } /* This function expects a ?TreeNode (or ?Species, or other (?)) object "obj" containing a Taxon tag with ?Taxon value; returns a full description of the taxon; */ static char *taxon(LOOK look, OBJ obj) { KEY key, tkey, rank ; char *cp ; *look->taxon = 0 ; if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Taxon"),&key)) { OBJ taxonObj ; if ((taxonObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) { if(bsGetKeyTags(taxonObj,str2tag("Rank"),&rank)) { strncpy(look->taxon, messprintf("%s: ",name(rank)), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; strncat(look->taxon, messprintf("%s",name(key)), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->taxon)) ; } if(bsGetKey(taxonObj,str2tag("Common_name"),&tkey)) strncat(look->taxon, messprintf(" (%s)",name(tkey)), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->taxon)) ; if(*(cp = description(look,taxonObj,TAXONOMIC_TREE))) strncat(look->taxon, messprintf(" - %s",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->taxon)) ; } else strncpy(look->taxon,messprintf("Taxon %s",name(key)), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; } return (char*)look->taxon ; } /* obj is assumed to have a Species ?Species or a Taxon ?Taxon value pair (which should be of rank "species" although this is not checked(?)) */ static char *species(LOOK look, OBJ obj) { KEY key ; *look->taxon = 0 ; if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Species"),&key)) strncpy(look->taxon,messprintf("%s",name(key)), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; else if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Taxon"),&key)) strncpy(look->taxon,messprintf("%s",name(key)), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; return (char*)look->taxon ; } /* obj is assumed to be the current ?TreeNode object */ static void messageBox (LOOK look, OBJ obj) { KEY key ; char* cp = 0 ; if(look->messageBox<0) return ; /* Clear the box */ *look->messageText = 0 ; if(!obj) return ; switch(look->treeType) { case TAXONOMIC_TREE: if(*(cp = taxon(look,obj))) strncpy((char*)look->messageText,cp, BUF_WIDTH-1) ; break ; case DNA_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("DNA"),&key)) { OBJ SequenceObj = 0 ; strncpy((char*)look->messageText, messprintf("DNA:%s",name(key)), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; if ((SequenceObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) { if(*(cp = description(look,SequenceObj,DNA_TREE))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" - %s",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; else strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" - %s",name(SequenceObj->root->key)), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; /* specify species if known */ if(*(cp = species(look,SequenceObj))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" {%s}",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; else if(*(cp = species(look,obj))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" {%s}",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; } else if(*(cp = species(look,obj))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" {%s}",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; } break ; case PROTEIN_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Protein"),&key)) { OBJ proteinObj = 0 ; strncpy((char*)look->messageText, messprintf("Protein:%s",name(key)), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; if ((proteinObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) { if(*(cp = description(look,proteinObj,PROTEIN_TREE))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" - %s",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; else strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" - %s",name(proteinObj->root->key)), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; /* specify species if known */ if(*(cp = species(look,proteinObj))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" {%s}",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; else if(*(cp = species(look,obj))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" {%s}",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; } else if(*(cp = species(look,obj))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" {%s}",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; } break ; case CELL_LINEAGE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Cell"),&key)) { OBJ cellObj = 0 ; strncpy((char*)look->messageText, messprintf("Cell:%s",name(key)), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; if ((cellObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) { if(*(cp = description(look,cellObj,CELL_LINEAGE))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" - %s",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; } } break ; default: ; } if( !*look->messageText && /* is the message empty? */ bsFindTag(obj,_Contains) && /* but the ?TreeNode "Contains" something? */ bsFindTag(obj,_bsRight) && /* get to the tag2 tag */ bsFindTag(obj,_bsRight) && /* get to the tag2 object */ bsGetKey(obj,_bsHere,&key)) { OBJ containsObj ; if ((containsObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) { strncpy((char*)look->messageText, messprintf("%s:%s",className(key),name(key)), BUF_WIDTH-1) ; if(*(cp = description(look,containsObj,UNKNOWN_TREE))) strncat((char*)look->messageText, messprintf(" - %s",cp), BUF_WIDTH-strlen(look->messageText)) ; } } look->messageText[BUF_WIDTH-1] = 0 ; graphBoxDraw (look->messageBox, BLACK, PALECYAN) ; } /************************************************************/ /* Sets the active ?TreeNode box, with the expected side effects; "box" is assumed to be the labelBox of the node */ static void selectActive(LOOK look, int box) { float x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2 ; DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; if(box) { GETLABELBOX(box,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->DGOBJ) { look->activeKey = lpDBox->DGOBJ->root->key ; if(look->activebox != box) { labelColour(look, look->activebox, NORMAL_MODE) ; look->activebox = box ; } labelColour(look, look->activebox, SELECT_MODE) ; /* Details about hit in messageText? */ messageBox(look, lpDBox->DGOBJ) ; graphWhere(&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2) ; graphBoxDim(look->activebox,&x,&y,0,0) ; if(xx2 || yy2) graphGoto(x,y) ; return ; /* success! */ } } if(look->activebox != 0) labelColour(look, look->activebox, NORMAL_MODE) ; look->activeKey = 0 ; look->activebox = 0 ; messageBox(look, 0) ; /* clears the message box */ } /********************* NODE HIDE STATES ************************/ #define TOGGLE_NODE 0x01 #define SHOW_NODE 0x02 #define HIDE_NODE 0x04 #define TOGGLE_OUTLIER 0x08 /* These next two hide states clear the outlier flags */ #define SHOW_NODE_ABSOLUTELY 0x10 #define HIDE_NODE_ABSOLUTELY 0x20 #define HIDE_ALL_LABELLED_SUBTREES 0x40 #define SHOW_ALL_SUBTREES SHOW_NODE_ABSOLUTELY #define HIDE_ALL_SUBTREES HIDE_NODE_ABSOLUTELY #define SAVE_OBJECT_STATE 0x80 static void dgramHideTreeNode(LOOK look, OBJ obj, int nShow) { BS bs ; HIDESTATES hs ; bs = obj->root ; /* If show state was previously unknown, then set accordingly */ if (!assFind (look->key2hide,assVoid(bs->key), &hs.assItem)) { hs.flag.override = FALSE ; switch(nShow) { case TOGGLE_OUTLIER: /* default to Hide if flag not already set? */ hs.flag.is_hidden = FALSE ; hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden = TRUE ; hs.flag.override = TRUE ; break ; case SHOW_NODE: case SHOW_NODE_ABSOLUTELY: /* default to Hide if flag not already set? */ hs.flag.is_hidden = FALSE ; hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden = FALSE ; break ; case TOGGLE_NODE: /* if state unknown, was probably visible!? */ case HIDE_NODE: case HIDE_NODE_ABSOLUTELY: /* default to Hide if flag not already set? */ hs.flag.is_hidden = TRUE ; hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden = FALSE ; break ; case HIDE_ALL_LABELLED_SUBTREES: break ; /* do nothing at this level...*/ default: messcrash("dgramHideTreeNode: unknown \'show\' state?") ; } assInsert(look->key2hide,assVoid(bs->key),assVoid(hs.assItem)) ; } else /* hs.flag.is_hidden assumed to have a value by this point...*/ { switch(nShow) { case SHOW_NODE: if(hs.flag.is_hidden) hs.flag.is_hidden = FALSE ; hs.flag.override = FALSE ; /* outlier state does *not* override */ break ; case SHOW_NODE_ABSOLUTELY: if(hs.flag.is_hidden) hs.flag.is_hidden = FALSE ; hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden = FALSE ; /* Clears outlier state */ break ; case HIDE_NODE: if(!hs.flag.is_hidden) hs.flag.is_hidden = TRUE ; hs.flag.override = FALSE ; /* outlier state does *not* override */ break ; case HIDE_NODE_ABSOLUTELY: if(!hs.flag.is_hidden) hs.flag.is_hidden = TRUE ; hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden = FALSE ; /* Clears outlier state */ break ; case TOGGLE_NODE: hs.flag.is_hidden = !hs.flag.is_hidden ; hs.flag.override = FALSE ; /* outlier state can *not* override */ break ; case TOGGLE_OUTLIER: hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden = !hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden ; hs.flag.override = TRUE ; /* outlier state can override */ break ; case HIDE_ALL_LABELLED_SUBTREES: break ; /* do nothing at this level...*/ default: messcrash("dgramHideTreeNode: unknown \'show\' state too?") ; } assRemove(look->key2hide,assVoid(bs->key)) ; assInsert(look->key2hide,assVoid(bs->key),assVoid(hs.assItem)) ; } } static void dgramHide(int bShow) { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; OBJ obj = 0 ; int box ; LOOKGET("dgramHide") ; if(!look->activebox) { messout("Pick a tree node first!") ; return ; } if(!((lpDBox = GETBOX(look->activebox)) && (lpDBox->flag.is_labelbox) ) ) return ; if(!(obj = lpDBox->DGOBJ)) return ; dgramHideTreeNode(look, obj, bShow) ; dgramDraw(look) ; /* mapping of active box, but not the object itself, will have changed? Reset back... */ if(assFind(look->dgObj2box,lpDBox->dgObj,&box)) selectActive(look, box) ; } /************************************************************/ /* The object argument to this function is assumed to be a ?TreeNode...*/ #define TEXT_ONLY FALSE #define FULL_DISPLAY TRUE static void dgramDisplayNode(LOOK look, OBJ obj, BOOL bFullDisplay) { KEY key = 0, displayKey = 0, speciesKey = 0 ; BS bs = obj->root ; OBJ containedObj ; BOOL bTaxonSeen = FALSE, bDisplayBTree = TRUE ; Array containsKeys = 0 ; int i ; /* preserve the original dendrogram display */ displayPreserve() ; /* Display Tree Node object if node 'Contains' no other information...*/ if( !bsFindTag (obj, _Contains) ) display (bs->key,look->key, "TREE") ; else { /* bsFindTag (obj, _Contains) == TRUE */ /* Otherwise, display associated data. Note: 'Contains' is now "tag2" */ containsKeys = arrayCreate (32, BSunit) ; if (bsFlatten (obj, 2, containsKeys)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(containsKeys) ; i += 2) { if (class(arr(containsKeys, i+1, BSunit).k)) { key = arr(containsKeys, i+1, BSunit).k ; if(!strncasecmp(className(key),"Taxon",5)) { /* display ?Taxon as ACEDB text-only */ bTaxonSeen = TRUE ; } else if(!bFullDisplay) { /* force display as ACEDB text-only */ } else if( /* display "Contains ?Cell's ... */ !strncasecmp(className(key),"Cell",4) || /* ...?Species's ... */ !strncasecmp(className(key),"Species",7) || /* ...and ?TreeNode's ... */ !strncasecmp(className(key),"TreeNode",8) ) { } else if( /* otherwise, full display (maybe?) */ bFullDisplay && /* default display should *not* be TREE? */ (displayKey = pickDisplayKey (key)) && strncasecmp(name(displayKey),"TREE",4) ) { displayPreserve() ; /* Note: if the default graph display fails, is is assumed to already display a B Tree instead so I suppress duplicate display of the B Tree anyhow? */ display (key,look->key, 0) ; bDisplayBTree = FALSE ; } /* iff default graph display was successful, then also show the associated B-tree data :-) */ if(bDisplayBTree) { displayPreserve() ; display (key,look->key, "TREE") ; } } } /* end for all containsKeys... */ arrayDestroy(containsKeys) ; } /* endif !bsFindTag (obj, _Contains) */ if( !bTaxonSeen && (containedObj = dgramGetObj(look, bs->key)) && bsGetKey(containedObj,str2tag("Species"),&speciesKey) ) { displayPreserve() ; /* Force ?Species to display as TREE in this context */ display (speciesKey,look->key, "TREE") ; } if (bFullDisplay && bsFindTag(obj,str2tag("Pick_me_to_call"))) externalDisplay(bs->key) ; } /************************************************************/ static void dgramUpdate (LOOK look, OBJ obj) { if(!obj) return ; /* First, display...*/ display (obj->root->key,look->key, "TREE") ; /* then update it? */ treeUpdate() ; } /********************* Menu Routines *******************************/ static void dgramHelp(void) { help() ; } static void dgramAlignTop(void) { LOOKGET("dgramAlignTop") ; look->alignment = TOP ; dgramDraw (look) ; } static void dgramAlignMiddle(void) { LOOKGET("dgramAlignMiddle") ; look->alignment = MIDDLE ; dgramDraw (look) ; } static void dgramAlignBottom(void) { LOOKGET("dgramAlignBottom") ; look->alignment = BOTTOM ; dgramDraw (look) ; } #if defined(WIN32_TREE) /* Unrooted "star" phylogenetic tree */ static void dgramUnrooted(void) { LOOKGET("dgramUnrooted") ; look->alignment = UNROOTED ; { char ang[16], arc[16] ; strncpy(ang,messprintf("%.1f",look->angle),15) ; ang[15] = '\0' ; strncpy(arc,messprintf("%.1f",look->spread),15) ; arc[15] = '\0' ; getAng: if( messPrompt ("Unrooted tree orientation angle [0.0 <= n <= 360.0]:",ang, "f")) { float f ; freefloat(&f) ; if(f < 0.0 || f > 360.0) { messout("Orientation angle is out of range 0.0 <= n <= 360.0!") ; goto getAng ; } look->angle = f ; } getArc: if( messPrompt ("Unrooted tree spread [-360.0 <= n <= 360.0]:",arc, "f")) { float f ; freefloat(&f) ; if(f < -360.0 || f > 360.0) { messout("Tree spread is out of range -360.0 <= n <= 360.0!") ; goto getArc ; } look->spread = f ; } } dgramDraw (look) ; } #endif /* anchor on current look */ static void dgramFixedDisplay(void) { LOOKGET("dgramFixedDisplay") ; if(fixedLook == look) { fixedLook = 0 ; /* turns it off */ fixedGraph = 0 ; } else { fixedLook = look ; fixedGraph = graphActive() ; } } /* Persistent save of current dendrogram display state in ?Tree and associated ?TreeNode objects */ static void dgramSaveDisplay(void) { DGRAM_OBJ dgObj ; KEY rootNode ; LOOKGET("dgramSaveDisplay") ; dgObj = dgramUpdateObj( look, look->key ) ; if(!(dgObj && DGOBJ)) return ; /********************************** * Update Host ?Tree Display Tags * **********************************/ /* First, remove existing Type tag...*/ if( bsFindTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Type")) ) bsRemove(DGOBJ) ; /* char treeType ; TAXONOMIC_TREE, DNA_TREE, etc.*/ switch(look->treeType) { case TAXONOMIC_TREE: if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Taxonomy")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Taxonomy tag to ?Tree?") ; break ; case DNA_TREE: if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("DNA")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add DNA tag to ?Tree?") ; break ; case PROTEIN_TREE: if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Protein")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Protein tag to ?Tree?") ; break ; case CELL_LINEAGE: if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Cell_Lineage")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Cell_Lineage tag to ?Tree?") ; break ; default: break ; /* unknown tree type? */ } /* First, remove existing Display tag... then reset values*/ if( bsFindTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Display") ) ) bsRemove(DGOBJ) ; /* float normalFactor, Maximum Branch length display normalized size, in user coordinates */ bsAddData(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Normalization"), _Float, &look->normalFactor) ; /* bootstrapFactor, Bootstrap values normalization factor */ bsAddData(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Bootstrap_Factor"), _Float, &look->bootstrapFactor) ; /* unrooted tree parameters... not yet implemented...*/ /* angle, orientation of an unrooted tree */ /* spread, arc "spread" of an unrooted tree */ /* phi ; angular decrement = f(spread, nLeaves) */ /* char alignment ; TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM */ switch(look->alignment) { case TOP: if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Top")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Top tag to ?Tree?") ; break ; case MIDDLE: if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Middle")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Middle tag to ?Tree?") ; break ; case BOTTOM: if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Bottom")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Bottom tag to ?Tree?") ; break ; case UNROOTED: if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Unrooted")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Unrooted tag to ?Tree?") ; /* unrooted tree parameters... not yet implemented...*/ /* angle, orientation of an unrooted tree */ /* spread, arc "spread" of an unrooted tree */ /* phi ; angular decrement = f(spread, nLeaves) */ bsAddData(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Angle"), _Float, &look->angle) ; bsAddData(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Spread"), _Float, &look->spread) ; break ; default: messcrash("dgramSaveDisplay(): invalid tree look->alignment encountered?") ; } /* BOOL bHeader, flag for presence of graph header == No_Header when this flag is FALSE */ if(!look->bHeader) { if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("No_Header")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add No_Header tag to ?Tree?") ; } /* bDescriptiveLabels , flag for displaying object descriptions versus ?TreeNode names only */ if(look->bDescriptiveLabels) { if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Descriptive_Labels")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Descriptive_Labels tag to ?Tree?") ; } /* bColour , flag to turn taxon colouring "highlight" on/off */ if(look->bColour) { if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Colour")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Colour tag to ?Tree?") ; } /* bHideBootstraps ; current status of bootstrap value display */ if(look->bHideBootstraps) { if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Hide_Bootstraps")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Hide_Bootstraps tag to ?Tree?") ; } if(!(dgObj = dgramSaveObj(dgObj)) ) { messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not save ?Tree object?") ; return ; } /********************************** * Update ?TreeNode Display Tags? * **********************************/ if(bsGetKey(DGOBJ,str2tag("Root"),&rootNode)) { OBJ rootObj = dgramGetObj( look, rootNode ) ; dgramVisitChildren( look, rootObj, SAVE_OBJECT_STATE ) ; } } static void dgramRecalculateDisplay (void) { LOOKGET("dgramRecalculateDisplay") ; dendrogramDisplay (look->key, 0, TRUE, NULL) ; } static void dgramRescale (void) { char nfacbuf[16] ; ACEIN fac_in; LOOKGET("dgramRescale") ; strncpy(nfacbuf,messprintf("%.1f",look->normalFactor),15) ; nfacbuf[15] = '\0' ; getAgain: if ((fac_in = messPrompt ("Normalization factor [0.0 < n <= 100.0]:", nfacbuf, "f", 0))) { float f ; aceInFloat(fac_in, &f) ; aceInDestroy (fac_in); if(f <= 0.0 || f > 100.0) { messout("Normalization is out of range 0.0 < n <= 100.0!") ; goto getAgain ; } look->normalFactor = f ; dgramDraw (look) ; } return; } /* dgramRescale */ /* Toggle Labels */ static void dgramLabels(void) { LOOKGET("dgramLabels") ; look->bDescriptiveLabels = !look->bDescriptiveLabels ; dgramDraw (look) ; } /* Toggle Header */ static void dgramHeader(void) { LOOKGET("dgramHeader") ; look->bHeader = !look->bHeader ; dgramDraw (look) ; } /* Toggle Colour */ static void dgramColour(void) { LOOKGET("dgramColour") ; look->bColour = !look->bColour ; dgramDraw (look) ; } /* Toggle Bootstrap display */ static void dgramHideBootstraps(void) { LOOKGET("dgramHideBootstraps") ; look->bHideBootstraps = !look->bHideBootstraps ; dgramDraw (look) ; } /* Select Root Node */ static void dgramRoot(void) { LOOKGET("dgramRoot") ; selectActive(look, look->rootbox) ; } /* This function saves the ?TreeNode object Display state to the database */ static void dgramSaveTreeNodeState (LOOK look, OBJ obj) { HIDESTATES hs ; if ( assFind (look->key2hide, assVoid(obj->root->key), &hs.assItem )) { DGRAM_OBJ dgObj = dgramUpdateObj( look, obj->root->key ) ; if(!(dgObj && DGOBJ)) return ; if( hs.flag.is_hidden || hs.flag.outlier_is_hidden ) { if( !bsAddTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Hide")) ) messerror("dgramSaveDisplay(): could not add Hide tag to ?TreeNode?") ; } else if ( bsFindTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Hide")) ) { bsRemove(DGOBJ) ; } dgramSaveObj(dgObj) ; } } /* Recursive tree traversal to (conditionally) collapse/Expand all subtree */ static void dgramVisitChildren(LOOK look, OBJ obj, int nAction) { KEY childNode ; if(!obj) return ; /* First, (conditionally) show/hide the current node; Note: I'm a bit lazy here: I only look for the 'Label' tag, which, in practice, could be empty?*/ if((nAction & HIDE_ALL_LABELLED_SUBTREES) && bsFindTag(obj, str2tag ("Label")) ) { dgramHideTreeNode(look, obj, HIDE_NODE) ; } else if (nAction & SAVE_OBJECT_STATE) { dgramSaveTreeNodeState(look, obj) ; } else { dgramHideTreeNode(look, obj, nAction) ; } /* ...then, visit all children, if any, for the current node (executing nCondition?) */ if( bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Child"),&childNode)) { do { OBJ childObj = dgramGetObj(look, childNode) ; dgramVisitChildren( look, childObj, nAction) ; } while(bsGetKey(obj,_bsDown,&childNode)) ; } } static void dgramHideAll(int nAction) { int activeBox ; DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; LOOKGET("dgramHideAll") ; /* Retrieve and remember original active node; set active node as 'current node' */ activeBox = look->activebox ; /* Retrieve the ?TreeNode associated with the current box */ if(!(lpDBox = GETBOX(activeBox))) { messout ("Please first select a node") ; return ; } /* Should now have ?TreeNode object...*/ dgramVisitChildren(look, lpDBox->DGOBJ, nAction) ; dgramDraw(look) ; /* mapping of active box, but not the object itself, will have changed? Reset back... */ if(assFind(look->dgObj2box,lpDBox->dgObj,&activeBox)) selectActive(look, activeBox) ; } /* Expand all nodes in subtree */ static void dgramExpandAllSubtrees(void) { dgramHideAll(SHOW_ALL_SUBTREES) ; } /* Collapse all nodes in subtree */ static void dgramCollapseAllSubtrees(void) { dgramHideAll(HIDE_ALL_SUBTREES) ; } /* Collapse/Expand Subtree */ static void dgramHideSubtree(void) { dgramHide(TOGGLE_NODE) ; } /* Collapse/Expand Outliers: only path from root to current node remains shown */ static void dgramHideOutliers(void) { int activeBox, currentBox ; DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; DGRAM_OBJ activeDgObj ; OBJ rootObj, currentObj, parentObj ; KEY currentNode, parentNode, childNode ; LOOKGET("dgramHideOutliers") ; /* Retrieve and remember original active node; set active node as 'current node' */ activeBox = currentBox = look->activebox ; /* Retrieve the ?TreeNode associated with the current box */ if(!(lpDBox = GETBOX(currentBox))) { messout ("Please first select a node") ; return ; } activeDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; currentObj = lpDBox->DGOBJ ; /* Should now have ?TreeNode object...*/ currentNode = currentObj->root->key ; if(!(lpDBox = GETBOX(look->rootbox))) messcrash ("dgramHideOutliers(): root node DGRAM_BOX not found?") ; rootObj = lpDBox->DGOBJ ; /* While not at root node...iterate!*/ while(currentObj != rootObj) { /* Retrieve parent of current node... */ if(!( bsGetKey(currentObj,str2tag("Parent"),&parentNode) && (parentObj = dgramGetObj(look, parentNode)))) break ; /* silent failure if parent not found? */ /* then hide all siblings of current node using parent object for access... */ bsGetKey(parentObj,str2tag("Child"),&childNode) ; do { if (childNode != currentNode) { /* Collapse/Expand a sibling... */ OBJ childObj = dgramGetObj(look, childNode) ; dgramHideTreeNode( look, childObj, TOGGLE_OUTLIER ) ; } else continue ; /* but don't hide yourself! */ } while(bsGetKey(parentObj,_bsDown,&childNode)) ; currentObj = parentObj ; currentNode = currentObj->root->key ; } /* redraw the graph...*/ dgramDraw(look) ; /* mapping of active box, but not the object itself, will have changed? Reset back... */ if(assFind(look->dgObj2box,activeDgObj,&activeBox)) selectActive(look, activeBox) ; } static void dgramCollapseLabelledSubtrees(void) { LOOKGET("dgramCollapseLabelledSubtrees") ; selectActive(look, look->rootbox) ; dgramHideAll(HIDE_ALL_LABELLED_SUBTREES) ; } /* Goto First Leaf */ static void dgramFirstLeaf(void) { LOOKGET("dgramFirstLeaf") ; selectActive(look, look->firstbox) ; } /* Goto Last Leaf */ static void dgramLastLeaf(void) { LOOKGET("dgramLastLeaf") ; selectActive(look, look->lastbox) ; } /* Biblio */ static void dgramBiblio(void) { LOOKGET("dgramBiblio") ; biblioKey (look->key) ; } /* Show associated data as text... */ static void dgramShowAsText(void) { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; BS bs ; LOOKGET("dgramShowAsText") ; if (!look->activebox) { messout ("Please first select a node") ; return ; } GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->DGOBJ) bs = lpDBox->DGOBJ->root ; else { messout(messprintf("Sorry, dgramShowAsText() could not retrieve tree node for box #%d?", look->activebox)) ; return ; } if (iskey(bs->key) == 2 ) { if(pickType(bs->key) == 'B') dgramDisplayNode(look,lpDBox->DGOBJ,TEXT_ONLY) ; else messout("Sorry, I cannot display %s as an ACEDB objet", name(bs->key)) ; } else messout("No data associated to %s", name(bs->key)) ; } /* Show tree node data as text... */ static void dgramShowNodeAsText(void) { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; BS bs ; LOOKGET("dgramShowAsText") ; if (!look->activebox) { messout ("Please first select a node") ; return ; } GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->DGOBJ) bs = lpDBox->DGOBJ->root ; else { messout(messprintf("Sorry, dgramShowAsText() could not retrieve tree node for box #%d?", look->activebox)) ; return ; } if (iskey(bs->key) == 2 ) { if(pickType(bs->key) == 'B') { /* Display ?TreeNode as simple text display */ OBJ obj = lpDBox->DGOBJ ; BS bs = obj->root ; display (bs->key,look->key, "TREE") ; } else messout("Sorry, I cannot display %s as an ACEDB objet", name(bs->key)) ; } else messout("No data associated to %s", name(bs->key)) ; } /* Display Node Data... */ static void dgramShowData(void) { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; BS bs ; LOOKGET("dgramShowData") ; if (!look->activebox) { messout ("Please first select a node") ; return ; } GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->DGOBJ) bs = lpDBox->DGOBJ->root ; else { messout(messprintf("Sorry, dgramShowData() could not retrieve tree node for box #%d?", look->activebox)) ; return ; } if (iskey(bs->key) == 2 ) { if(pickType(bs->key) == 'B') dgramDisplayNode(look,lpDBox->DGOBJ,FULL_DISPLAY) ; else messout("Sorry, I cannot display %s associated data", name(bs->key)) ; } else messout("No data associated to %s", name(bs->key)) ; } /* Update TreeNode Data */ static void dgramUpdateNode(void) { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; LOOKGET("dgramUpdateNode") ; if (!look->activebox) { messout ("Please first select a node") ; return ; } GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); dgramUpdate (look, lpDBox->DGOBJ) ; } /* Update TreeNode Label */ static void dgramLabelNode (void) { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; KEY labelText, treeNodeKey ; char *oldLabel = "" ; int activeBox = 0 ; ACEIN label_in; LOOKGET("dgramUpdateNode") ; if (!look->activebox) { messout ("Please first select a ?TreeNode") ; return ; } else activeBox = look->activebox ; GETLABELBOX(activeBox,lpDBox); if(!lpDBox->DGOBJ) { messout ("Please first select a ?TreeNode") ; return ; } treeNodeKey = lpDBox->DGOBJ->root->key ; if(bsGetKey (lpDBox->DGOBJ, str2tag ("Label"), &labelText)) oldLabel = strnew(name(labelText), look->handle) ; label_in = messPrompt ("Node Label (use double quotes for strings " "with spaces):", oldLabel, "w", 0); if (label_in) { char *label; DGRAM_OBJ dgObj = dgramUpdateObj( look, treeNodeKey ) ; label = strnew(aceInWord(label_in), look->handle); aceInDestroy (label_in); if ( !(dgObj && DGOBJ) ) messerror("dgramLabelNode(): could not get read/write " "access to ?TreeNode?") ; else { KEY labelKey ; if (!lexword2key(label,&labelKey,_VText)) lexaddkey (label,&labelKey,_VText) ; if( !bsAddKey(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Label"), labelKey) ) messerror("dgramLabelNode(): could not save new label?") ; } dgramRecalculateDisplay() ; selectActive(look, activeBox) ; } return; } /* dgramLabelNode */ /************************************************************/ static void dgramPick (int box) { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; OBJ obj=0 ; BOOL bLabelObj = FALSE, bNodeObj = FALSE ; LOOKGET("dgramPick") ; if(box == look->messageBox) { graphPostBuffer (look->messageText) ; return ; } if (!box) { if ( look->activebox > 0) { GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->DGOBJ) labelColour(look,look->activebox, NORMAL_MODE) ; } look->activebox = 0 ; return ; } if( (lpDBox = GETBOX(box)) && lpDBox->dgObj ) { obj = lpDBox->DGOBJ ; if(lpDBox->flag.is_labelbox) bLabelObj = TRUE ; else if(lpDBox->flag.is_nodebox) { bNodeObj = TRUE ; box++ ; } if(bLabelObj || bNodeObj) { KEY labelText ; if(bsGetKey (obj, str2tag ("Label"), &labelText)) graphPostBuffer (name(labelText)) ; else graphPostBuffer (name (obj->root->key)) ; } } if (box == look->activebox) /* a second hit - follow it */ { if(bLabelObj) /* Display associated data */ dgramDisplayNode(look, obj, FULL_DISPLAY) ; else if (bNodeObj) dgramHide(TOGGLE_NODE) ; else selectActive(look, 0) ; } else /* box != look->activebox; change now -- maybe */ { if ( look->activebox > 0) { GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->DGOBJ) labelColour(look,look->activebox, NORMAL_MODE) ; } if(bLabelObj || bNodeObj) selectActive(look, box) ; else selectActive(look, 0) ; } } /************************************************************/ static void dgramScroll (double x, double y) { graphGoto((float)x,(float)y) ; } /************************************************************/ static void dgramKbd (int k) { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; DGRAM_OBJ nextDgObj = 0 ; KEY nextNode = 0 ; LOOKGET("dgramKbd") ; if(k == ESCAPE_KEY) /* change colour mode? */ { look->bColour = !look->bColour ; dgramDraw (look) ; return ; } if(k == TAB_KEY) /* change label mode? */ { look->bDescriptiveLabels = !look->bDescriptiveLabels ; dgramDraw (look) ; return ; } if(k == HOME_KEY) /* goto first leaf */ { selectActive(look, look->firstbox) ; return ; } else if(k == END_KEY) /* goto last leaf */ { selectActive(look, look->lastbox) ; return ; } else if (!look->activebox) return ; /* All remaining operations assume an active node? */ else /* look->activebox > 0? */ { /* Current box should be a valid ?TreeNode object for these operations */ GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(!lpDBox->DGOBJ) { selectActive(look, 0) ; return ; } /* change to new ?TreeNode object? */ switch (k) { case RETURN_KEY: /* Display associated data */ dgramDisplayNode(look, lpDBox->DGOBJ,FULL_DISPLAY) ; return ; case INSERT_KEY: dgramUpdate (look, lpDBox->DGOBJ) ; return ; case DELETE_KEY: dgramHide(TOGGLE_NODE) ; return ; case LEFT_KEY : /* goto parent of node */ if(!( bsGetKey(lpDBox->DGOBJ,str2tag("Parent"),&nextNode) && (nextDgObj = dgramGet(look, nextNode)))) nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; break ; case RIGHT_KEY : /* goto first child of subtree, expand if hidden */ if(!(bsGetKey(lpDBox->DGOBJ,str2tag("Child"),&nextNode) && (nextDgObj = dgramGet(look, nextNode)))) nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; else dgramHide(SHOW_NODE) ; break ; case DOWN_KEY : /* goto next 1st level child of current subtree, expand if hidden */ { NEIGHBOURS nb; GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->nbIdx>=0) { nb = arr( look->nodeNeighbours, lpDBox->nbIdx, NEIGHBOURS) ; selectActive(look, 0) ; look->activebox = nb.next ; GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; } else nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; /* stay put?*/ } break ; case UP_KEY : /* goto previous 1st level child of current subtree, expand if hidden */ { NEIGHBOURS nb; GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->nbIdx>=0) { nb = arr( look->nodeNeighbours, lpDBox->nbIdx, NEIGHBOURS) ; selectActive(look, 0) ; look->activebox = nb.previous ; GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; } else nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; /* stay put?*/ } break ; case SPACE_KEY : /* goto next leaf at same level */ GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->leafPos >= 0) { look->leafPos = lpDBox->leafPos ; if( ++look->leafPos >= arrayMax(look->leaves)) look->leafPos = 0 ; selectActive(look, 0) ; look->activebox = arr(look->leaves,look->leafPos,int) ; GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; } else nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; /* stay put?*/ break ; case BACKSPACE_KEY : /* goto previous sib at same level */ GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->leafPos >= 0) { look->leafPos = lpDBox->leafPos ; if( --look->leafPos < 0 ) look->leafPos = arrayMax(look->leaves)-1 ; selectActive(look, 0) ; look->activebox = arr(look->leaves,look->leafPos,int) ; GETLABELBOX(look->activebox,lpDBox); nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; } else nextDgObj = lpDBox->dgObj ; /* stay put?*/ break ; default: return ; /* nop for non-operational key */ } } if(nextDgObj) { char *vp ; int box ; if(!assFind(look->dgObj2box,nextDgObj,&vp)) return ; box = (int)(vp -(char *)0) ; selectActive(look, box) ; } else selectActive(look, 0) ; } /************************************************************/ /* Returns the simple node label for a given ?TreeNode */ static char *leafName(OBJ obj, int treeType) { KEY key = 0 ; char *label = 0 ; if(!obj) return 0 ; switch(treeType) { case TAXONOMIC_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Taxon"),&key)) label = name(key) ; /* Taxon name? */ break ; case DNA_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("DNA"),&key)) label = name(key) ; /* DNA sequence name? */ break ; case PROTEIN_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Protein"),&key)) label = name(key) ; /* Protein name? */ break ; case CELL_LINEAGE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Cell"),&key)) label = name(key) ; /* Cell name? */ break ; default: break ; } if(label == 0) { if(bsFindTag(obj,_Contains) && bsFindTag(obj,_bsRight) /* to the tag2 tag */ && bsFindTag(obj,_bsRight) /* to the tag2 value */ && bsGetKey(obj,_bsHere,&key)) label = name(key) ; /* first "tag2" Contains object name? */ else if(obj->root) label = name(obj->root->key) ; } return label ; } /************************************************************/ /* Returns a descriptive label for a given ?TreeNode primary object (?Taxon, ?Sequence, ?Protein or ?Cell) if available; if not "long" label is found, the primary object's name is returned; if no primary object, return NULL */ static char *longLabel(LOOK look, OBJ obj,int treeType ) { KEY key ; char *cp ; static Stack label = 0 ; if (!label) label = stackCreate (BUF_WIDTH) ; stackClear (label) ; catText(label,"") ; switch(treeType) { case TAXONOMIC_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Taxon"),&key)) { OBJ taxonObj ; if ((taxonObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) { if(*(cp = commonName(look,taxonObj,TAXONOMIC_TREE))) catText(label,cp) ; else /* default back to taxon key name */ catText(label,name(key)) ; } } break ; case DNA_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("DNA"),&key)) { OBJ SequenceObj ; if ((SequenceObj = dgramGetObj(look,key))) { if (*(cp = commonName(look,SequenceObj,DNA_TREE))) catText(label,cp) ; else /* default back to DNA sequence name */ catText(label,name(key)) ; /* specify species if known */ if(*(cp = species(look, SequenceObj))) catText(label,messprintf(" {%s}",cp)) ; } } break ; case PROTEIN_TREE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Protein"),&key)) { OBJ proteinObj ; if ((proteinObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) { if (*(cp = commonName(look,proteinObj,PROTEIN_TREE))) catText(label,cp) ; else /* default back to Protein sequence name */ catText(label,name(key)) ; /* specify species if known */ if(*(cp = species(look, proteinObj))) catText(label,messprintf(" {%s}",cp)) ; } } break ; case CELL_LINEAGE: if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Cell"),&key)) { OBJ cellObj ; if ((cellObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) { if(*(cp = commonName(look,cellObj,CELL_LINEAGE))) catText(label,cp) ; else /* default back to Cell key name */ catText(label,name(key)) ; } } break ; default: ; } /* Look for the first "Contains" tag2 object, if present, for a common name? */ if( !*stackText(label,0) && /* is the label empty? */ bsFindTag(obj,_Contains) && /* but the ?TreeNode "Contains" something? */ bsFindTag(obj,_bsRight) && /* get to the tag2 tag */ bsFindTag(obj,_bsRight) && /* get to the tag2 object */ bsGetKey(obj,_bsHere,&key)) { OBJ containsObj ; if ((containsObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) { if(*(cp = commonName(look,containsObj,UNKNOWN_TREE))) catText(label,cp) ; else /* default back to "Contains" Object key name */ catText(label,name(key)) ; } } return strnew(stackText(label,0),look->handle) ; } /************************************************************/ static void biblioButton (void) { LOOKGET ("biblioButton") ; biblioKey (look->key) ; } /* This routine finds the number of tree leafs and upper (non-zero) bound of tree branch lengths */ static BOOL measureTree(LOOK look, KEY treeNode, int *lpnLeaves, float *max) { OBJ obj ; KEY childNode ; float distance = 0.0 ; if (!(obj = dgramGetObj(look, treeNode))) return FALSE ; /* If !RootNode, check the current node for a distance */ if ( bsFindTag (obj, str2tag ("Parent"))) { if (!bsGetData (obj, str2tag ("Distance"), _Float, &distance)) distance = 0.0 ; /* if no distance found, assume zero */ if(distance < 0.0) distance = 0.0 ; /* reject negative lengths */ } /* Start with current node distances setting the range...*/ *max = distance ; /* then, visit the children recursively */ if(bsGetKey(obj,str2tag("Child"),&childNode)) { do { float cmax = 0.0 ; int nChildLeaves = 0 ; if( !measureTree(look, childNode, &nChildLeaves, &cmax)) return FALSE ; if(cmax > *max) *max = cmax ; *lpnLeaves += nChildLeaves ; } while(bsGetKey(obj,_bsDown,&childNode)) ; } else /* isa Leaf -- count it */ *lpnLeaves = 1 ; return TRUE ; } /************************************************************/ /* display character sizes */ static int tx, ty ; static float cw, ch ; /* treeNode may be a root, interior or leaf "?TreeNode" object */ #define VOFFSET 2.0 /* double spacing...*/ /* drawSubTree(): a recursive routine */ static int drawSubTree (LOOK look, KEY treeNode, float *x, float *y, int *labelBox, float theta ) /* theta, lower, upper ignored except for unrooted "star" trees */ { DGRAM_OBJ dgObj ; DGRAM_BOX dBox, *lpDBox ; KEY childNode ; int mainBox = 0, oldActiveColour = -1 , oldGraphColour = -1, nChildren = 0, nodeBox = 0 ; float distance=0,lineLength=0, bsnfac=0, nextNodeX = *x, nextNodeY = *y, nextNodeR=0, branchEnd, labelstart = 0, bslength = 0, yAlignTop = *y, yAlignBottom = *y, ddy=0 ; char *label = 0, *bootstraplabel = 0 ; BOOL bIsaRoot, bIsaLeaf, bResetBootstraps, bFirstChild = TRUE, bHideState = FALSE, bBootStrap = FALSE ; HIDESTATES hs ; if (!(dgObj = dgramGet(look, treeNode)) ) { messerror("drawSubTree can't access tree node object?") ; return 0 ; } bIsaRoot = !bsFindTag (DGOBJ, str2tag ("Parent")) ; bIsaLeaf = !bsFindTag(DGOBJ,str2tag("Child")) ; /* One can only hide a whole subtree's bootstraps? */ if((bResetBootstraps = !look->bHideBootstraps)) look->bHideBootstraps = bsFindTag(DGOBJ,str2tag("Hide_Bootstraps")) ; /* The graphBox containing the entire subtree... */ mainBox = graphBoxStart() ; graphBoxMenu (mainBox,dgMainMenuItems) ; /* If "colour" mode set and subtree colour is specified... */ if( look->bColour && bsFindTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Colour"))) { oldActiveColour = look->activeColour ; look->activeColour = controlGetColour(DGOBJ) ; oldGraphColour = graphColor(look->activeColour) ; } if (bIsaRoot) nextNodeR = branchEnd = *x ; else { if(look->distFactor == 0.0) /* dimensionless tree? */ lineLength = 2.0 ; /* esthetically pleasing but meaningless branch length -- */ else if (bsGetData (DGOBJ, str2tag ("Distance"), _Float, &distance)) { lineLength = distance*look->distFactor ; } else lineLength = 1.0 ; /* small branch length, for cosmetic purposes only */ if(lineLength<1.0) lineLength = 1.0 ; /* impose lower limit for cosmetic purposes */ nextNodeR = branchEnd = *x+lineLength ; } if ( !look->bDescriptiveLabels || !*(label = longLabel(look,DGOBJ,look->treeType)) ) { KEY labelText ; if (bsGetKey (DGOBJ, str2tag ("Label"), &labelText)) label = (char*)strnew(name(labelText),look->handle) ; else { if( look->treeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE || look->treeType == CELL_LINEAGE || bsFindTag(DGOBJ, str2tag ("Leaf")) || bsFindTag(DGOBJ, _Contains) ) label = leafName(DGOBJ,look->treeType) ; else /* ignore interior node names in other tree types */ label = 0 ; } } if(look->alignment == UNROOTED) { nextNodeX += nextNodeR*cos(theta) ; nextNodeY += nextNodeR*sin(theta); } else { if(label) nextNodeR += (1.5+strlen(label)*cw) ; else nextNodeR += (1.5+cw) ; /* Make a clickable empty 'label' of 1 character width */ nextNodeX = nextNodeR ; ddy = nextNodeY ; } /* Start thinking about the bootstrap value at this node */ if((bBootStrap = (bsGetData(DGOBJ,str2tag ("Bootstrap"),_Float,&bsnfac) && ( !look->bHideBootstraps || bsFindTag(DGOBJ,str2tag("Show_Bootstrap")) ))) ) { float fBootValue = bsnfac / look->bootstrapFactor ; if(fBootValue<= 1.0) bootstraplabel = strnew(messprintf("%1.1f%%",fBootValue*100.0),look->handle) ; else bootstraplabel = strnew(messprintf("%1.1f",fBootValue),look->handle) ; bslength = strlen(bootstraplabel) ; nextNodeX += bslength + 0.5 ; } /* If the subtree is visible, draw it */ bHideState = assFind (look->key2hide,assVoid(treeNode), &hs.assItem) ; if (bHideState && !HIDDEN) { int i = 0 ,j, childBox; Array subTreeBoxes = arrayCreate(8,int) ; /* draw children recursively */ if(!bIsaLeaf && bsGetKey(DGOBJ,str2tag("Child"),&childNode)) { int nSubChildren ; do { graphColor(look->activeColour) ; if(look->alignment != UNROOTED) nextNodeY = ddy ; nSubChildren = drawSubTree(look, childNode, &nextNodeX,&nextNodeY, &childBox, theta ) ; /* need to do something different here...*/ array(subTreeBoxes,i++,int) = childBox ; if(bFirstChild) { yAlignTop = nextNodeY ; bFirstChild = FALSE ; } nChildren += nSubChildren ; if(look->alignment == UNROOTED) /* a simplistic version M1 of unrooted trees: fixed angle phi rotation */ theta += nSubChildren*look->phi ; else ddy += nSubChildren*VOFFSET ; } while(bsGetKey(DGOBJ,_bsDown,&childNode)) ; yAlignBottom = nextNodeY ; } else nChildren = 1 ; if(look->alignment != UNROOTED && yAlignTop != yAlignBottom ) graphLine((float)nextNodeX,(float)yAlignTop+0.5*ch, (float)nextNodeX,(float)yAlignBottom+0.5*ch) ; /* Store list of neighbours for each first degree children of interior nodes */ if(!bIsaLeaf) { for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) { NEIGHBOURS nb ; nb.previous = arr(subTreeBoxes,(j?j-1:i-1),int) ; nb.next = arr(subTreeBoxes,((j==i-1)?0:j+1),int) ; lpDBox = GETBOX(arr(subTreeBoxes,j,int)) ; lpDBox->nbIdx = look->nbSeq++ ; array( look->nodeNeighbours,lpDBox->nbIdx,NEIGHBOURS) = nb ; } } arrayDestroy(subTreeBoxes) ; } else /* otherwise, measure #leaves in hidden subtree but treat as a leaf? */ { float dummy = 0.0 ; measureTree(look, treeNode, &nChildren, &dummy) ; } if(look->alignment != UNROOTED) { if( yAlignTop != yAlignBottom ) switch(look->alignment) { case MIDDLE: *y = 0.5*(yAlignTop+yAlignBottom) ; break; case BOTTOM: *y = yAlignBottom ; break; case TOP: *y = yAlignTop ; default: /* do nothing - y stays the same */ break; } else *y = yAlignTop ; /* degenerate case? */ } /* Create the current ?TreeNode graphBox */ nodeBox = graphBoxStart() ; graphBoxMenu(nodeBox,dgTreeNodeMenuItems) ; graphColor(look->activeColour) ; dBox.leafPos = dBox.nbIdx = -1 ; dBox.flag.is_nodebox = 1 ; dBox.flag.is_labelbox = 0 ; dBox.colour = look->activeColour ; dBox.dgObj = dgObj ; array(look->boxes,nodeBox,DGRAM_BOX) = dBox ; /* Draw this ?TreeNode's branch "distance" line & node bootstrap value? */ if (!bIsaRoot) { if(look->alignment == UNROOTED) { /* Distance line... */ graphLine(*x,*y,nextNodeX,nextNodeY) ; /* Bootstrap values, if displayable... */ if( bBootStrap ) graphText(bootstraplabel,(*x+nextNodeX)/2,(*y+nextNodeY)/2 ) ; } else { /* Distance line... */ graphLine(*x,*y+0.5*ch,branchEnd,*y+0.5*ch) ; /* Bootstrap values, if displayable... */ if( bBootStrap ) { graphText(bootstraplabel,branchEnd+cw,*y ) ; labelstart = branchEnd+bslength+1.5 ; } else { labelstart = branchEnd+1.0 ; } } } if(look->alignment == UNROOTED) graphCircle(nextNodeX+0.5,nextNodeY,0.5) ; else graphCircle(branchEnd,*y+0.5,0.5) ; if(!bIsaLeaf && bHideState && HIDDEN) { Array temp = arrayCreate(6, float) ; float px, py ; if(look->alignment == UNROOTED) { px = nextNodeX ; py = nextNodeY ; } else { px = nextNodeX+1.0 ; py = *y+0.5*ch ; } graphLine(px,py,px+2.0,py) ; px += 2.0 ; array(temp, 0, float) = px ; array(temp, 1, float) = py-0.35; array(temp, 2, float) = px+0.7; array(temp, 3, float) = py; array(temp, 4, float) = px; array(temp, 5, float) = py+0.35; graphPolygon(temp); px += 2.0 ; graphText(strnew(messprintf("%d",nChildren), look->handle), px,py-0.35) ; } graphBoxEnd () ; /* nodeBox */ /* Create the current ?TreeNode label Box */ *labelBox = graphBoxStart() ; graphBoxInfo (*labelBox, treeNode, label); /* WWW */ graphBoxMenu(*labelBox,dgLabelMenuItems) ; if (bIsaRoot) { NEIGHBOURS nb ; nb.previous = nb.next = *labelBox ; dBox.nbIdx = look->nbSeq++ ; array(look->nodeNeighbours,dBox.nbIdx,NEIGHBOURS) = nb ; look->rootbox = *labelBox ; } else dBox.nbIdx = -1 ; if( bIsaLeaf || (bHideState && HIDDEN)) /* pay special attention to leaves/hidden nodes */ { if(!look->firstbox) look->firstbox = look->lastbox = *labelBox ; else look->lastbox = *labelBox ; array (look->leaves, ++(look->leafPos), int) = *labelBox ; dBox.leafPos = look->leafPos ; } else { dBox.leafPos = -1 ; } /* Keep track of ?TreeNode/graph *labelBox one-to-one mapping */ dBox.flag.is_labelbox = 1 ; dBox.flag.is_nodebox = 0 ; if(look->activeColour) dBox.colour = look->activeColour ; else dBox.colour = 0 ; dBox.dgObj = dgObj ; array(look->boxes,*labelBox,DGRAM_BOX) = dBox ; assMultipleInsert (look->dgObj2box, dgObj, assVoid(*labelBox)) ; /* Draw the node label, if present */ if(look->alignment == UNROOTED) { #if defined(WIN32_TREE) /* only WinAce has graphTextAlign() for the moment? */ /* Cosmetic label alignment...*/ if(theta >= 0.0 && theta <= 0.5*pi) graphTextAlign(LEFT|BOTTOM) ; else if(theta > 0.5*pi && theta <= pi) graphTextAlign(RIGHT|BOTTOM) ; else if(theta > pi && theta <= 1.5*pi) graphTextAlign(RIGHT|TOP) ; else graphTextAlign(LEFT|TOP) ; #endif if(label) graphText (label,nextNodeX+0.5,nextNodeY) ; else graphText (" ",nextNodeX+0.5,nextNodeY) ; /* 1 character wide clickable but empty label box */ } else { if(label) graphText (label,labelstart,*y) ; else graphText (" ",labelstart,*y) ; /* 1 character wide clickable but empty label box */ } graphBoxEnd () ; /* *labelBox */ labelColour(look, *labelBox, NORMAL_MODE) ; if(oldActiveColour>=0) look->activeColour = oldActiveColour; if(oldGraphColour>=0) graphColor(oldGraphColour) ; graphBoxEnd() ; /* subtree graph box */ if(look->xmax < nextNodeX) look->xmax = nextNodeX ; if(look->alignment == UNROOTED) { if(look->ymax < nextNodeY) look->ymax = nextNodeY ; } else { if(look->ymax < ddy) look->ymax = ddy ; } if(bResetBootstraps) look->bHideBootstraps = FALSE ; if(bIsaLeaf || (bHideState && HIDDEN)) return 1 ; else return nChildren ; } static void dgramDraw (LOOK look) { int nLeaves = 0 ; float mby, tdmax, x, y ; KEY root ; OBJ rootObj ; int box ; DGRAM_OBJ dgObj ; char brMax[30], brNormal[30], numLeaves[16], scale[24] ; graphClear () ; graphTextFormat(FIXED_WIDTH) ; look->boxes = arrayReCreate(look->boxes,128,DGRAM_BOX) ; look->rootbox = look->activebox = look->firstbox = look->lastbox = 0 ; look->nodeNeighbours = arrayReCreate(look->nodeNeighbours, 64, NEIGHBOURS) ; look->nbSeq = 0 ; assClear (look->dgObj2box) ; arrayMax(look->leaves) = 0 ; look->leafPos = -1 ; look->firstbox = look->lastbox = 0 ; if( look->treeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE || look->treeType == CELL_LINEAGE ) mby = 3.0 ; else mby = 4.0 ; /* Draw the dendrogram here? */ if(look->bHeader) { look->xmax = x = 2.0 ; look->ymax = y = mby+2.0 ; } else { look->xmax = x = 2.0 ; look->ymax = y = mby ; } /* Root Tree Node? */ if( bsGetKey(look->objet, str2tag("Root"), &root) && (rootObj=bsCreate(root)) ) { float theta, arc ; /* release the rootObj handle (for now): t'was just a test of existence! */ bsDestroy(rootObj) ; /* Measure maximum branch distance in the tree */ if( measureTree(look, root,&nLeaves,&tdmax)) { /* valid tdmax -- may be 0.0 if tree is dimensionless (i.e. taxonomic) */ if(tdmax > 0.0) look->distFactor = look->normalFactor/tdmax ; else look->distFactor = 0.0 ; } else { messerror("dgramDraw(): measureTree() failed?") ; return ; } graphTextInfo (&tx,&ty,&cw,&ch) ; /* to calibrate text window sizes...*/ /* Calculate some parameters for unrooted trees, converting degrees to radians */ arc = pi*(look->spread/180.0) ; theta = pi*(look->angle/180.0) - arc/2.0 ; look->phi = arc/nLeaves ; /* The main event! */ drawSubTree (look, root, &x, &y, &box, theta ) ; #if defined(WIN32_TREE) graphTextAlign(LEFT|TOP) ; #endif /* Activate first box as the active box -- maybe */ look->leafPos = 0 ; } else { messout("dgramDraw(): no \"Root ?TreeNode\" object found in ?Tree object? Can't draw tree!") ; return ; } if (look->xmax < BUF_WIDTH) look->xmax = BUF_WIDTH ; if(look->bHeader) { int displayButtonBox = 0 ; graphTextFormat(PLAIN_FORMAT) ; graphButton("Quit", graphDestroy, 1.0, 1.0) ; graphButton("Help", dgramHelp, 7.5, 1.0) ; displayButtonBox = graphButton("Display", menuSpacer, 14, 1.0) ; graphBoxMenu(displayButtonBox, dgDisplayMenuItems) ; if (biblioKeyPossible(look->key)) graphButton("Biblio", biblioButton, 23.5, 1.0) ; if( !( look->treeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE || look->treeType == CELL_LINEAGE ) ) { strncpy(numLeaves,messprintf("# Leaves: %d",nLeaves),15) ; numLeaves[15] = '\0' ; graphText(numLeaves,32.0,1.0) ; if(tdmax > 0.0) { strncpy(scale, messprintf("Scale: %.1f = %.3f", look->normalFactor/10.0, tdmax/10.0), 23) ; scale[23] = '\0' ; graphText(scale,BUF_WIDTH - 19.0,1.0) ; graphLine(BUF_WIDTH - 15.0,2.6,BUF_WIDTH - 15.0,3.0) ; graphLine(BUF_WIDTH - 15.0,2.8,BUF_WIDTH - 5.0,2.8) ; graphLine(BUF_WIDTH - 5.0,2.6,BUF_WIDTH - 5.0,3.0) ; strncpy(brMax,messprintf ("Max. Branch Length: %.3f",tdmax),29) ; brMax[29] = '\0' ; graphText(brMax,48.0,1.0) ; strncpy(brNormal,messprintf("Display Normalization: %.1f",look->normalFactor),29) ; brNormal[29] = '\0' ; graphText(brNormal,48.0,2.4) ; } } look->messageBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphTextPtr (look->messageText, 1.0, mby, BUF_WIDTH-1) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (look->messageBox, BLACK, PALECYAN) ; } else { look->messageBox = -1 ; graphTextFormat(PLAIN_FORMAT) ; if( !( look->treeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE || look->treeType == CELL_LINEAGE ) && tdmax > 0.0) { strncpy(scale, messprintf("%.3f", tdmax/10.0), 23) ; scale[23] = '\0' ; graphText(scale,4.0,1.0) ; graphLine(1.0,2.6,1.0,3.0) ; graphLine(1.0,2.8,11.0,2.8) ; graphLine(11.0,2.6,11.0,3.0) ; } } graphTextBounds ((int)look->xmax+10,(int)look->ymax+5) ; graphRedraw() ; /* Activate the first object */ if( look->activeKey && (dgObj = dgramGet(look, look->activeKey)) && assFind(look->dgObj2box,dgObj,&box)) selectActive(look, box) ; else { DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; GETLABELBOX(look->firstbox,lpDBox); if(lpDBox->DGOBJ) selectActive(look, look->firstbox) ; else selectActive(look, 0) ; } } static void dgramRedraw (void) { LOOKGET("dgramRedraw") ; dgramDraw(look) ; } /********************************/ /* Dendrogram Tree dumping code */ /********************************/ static char dirName[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE] = "", fileName[MAXPATHLEN] = ""; typedef void (*DgramTreeDumpFn)(LOOK, OBJ, ACEOUT); static void dgramTreeAceDump (LOOK look, OBJ treeNodeObj, ACEOUT dump_out) { KEY key ; /* dump the current ?TreeNode record...*/ dumpKey (dump_out, treeNodeObj->root->key); /* I do a shallow dump of these keys - users should dump these "contained" classes separately if required */ if(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,str2tag("Taxon"),&key)) { dumpKey (dump_out, key) ; } if(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,str2tag("DNA"),&key)) { dumpKey (dump_out, key) ; } if(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,str2tag("Protein"),&key)) { dumpKey (dump_out, key) ; } /* Dump child subtrees recursively */ if(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,str2tag("Child"),&key)) { BSMARK childMark = 0 ; do { OBJ subTreeObj ; childMark = bsMark(treeNodeObj,childMark) ; if ((subTreeObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) dgramTreeAceDump(look, subTreeObj, dump_out) ; else messerror("dgramTreeAceDump() can't access root tree node object?") ; bsGoto(treeNodeObj,childMark) ; } while(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,_bsDown,&key)) ; if(!bsMarkFree(childMark)) messcrash("dgramTreeAceDump(): childMark deletion error?") ; } } static void dgramTreeLeafDump(LOOK look, OBJ treeNodeObj, ACEOUT dump_out) { KEY key ; /* Dump leaves of child subtrees recursively */ if(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,str2tag("Child"),&key)) { BSMARK childMark = 0 ; do { OBJ subTreeObj ; childMark = bsMark(treeNodeObj,childMark) ; if ((subTreeObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) dgramTreeLeafDump(look, subTreeObj, dump_out) ; else messerror("dgramTreeLeafDump() can't access child tree node object?") ; bsGoto(treeNodeObj,childMark) ; } while(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,_bsDown,&key)) ; if(!bsMarkFree(childMark)) messcrash("dgramTreeLeafDump(): childMark deletion error?") ; } else /* found a leaf? dump it? */ { char *shortLabel = 0, *descLabel = longLabel(look, treeNodeObj,look->treeType) ; KEY labelText ; if (bsGetKey (treeNodeObj, str2tag ("Label"), &labelText)) shortLabel = (char*)strnew(name(labelText),look->handle) ; else { if( look->treeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE || look->treeType == CELL_LINEAGE || bsFindTag(treeNodeObj, str2tag ("Leaf")) || bsFindTag(treeNodeObj, _Contains) ) shortLabel = leafName(treeNodeObj,look->treeType) ; else /* Just take the ?TreeNode name */ shortLabel = name(treeNodeObj->root->key) ; } if(!*descLabel) descLabel = shortLabel ; aceOutPrint (dump_out, "\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", shortLabel, descLabel) ; } } static void dgramTreeDump(DgramTreeDumpFn lpDgmDF, char *fext, char *header, BOOL bAceDump) { ACEOUT dgram_out = 0; DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; OBJ obj = 0 ; KEY key ; char *cp ; BOOL bDumpTreeRecord = FALSE ; LOOKGET("dgramDump") ; /* First, try to retrieve obj of an active node? */ if ( look->activebox && (lpDBox = GETBOX(look->activebox)) ) obj = lpDBox->DGOBJ ; /* If no active node, then attempt to retrieve the main ?Tree Root ?TreeNode obj */ if(!obj && (obj = dgramGetObj(look, look->key))) { if(!messQuery("Dumping the entire dendrogram ?Tree! Continue?")) goto abort ; /* ace dump the ?Tree record when indicated*/ if(bAceDump) bDumpTreeRecord = TRUE ; /* ... then, retrieve the Root ?TreeNode */ if( bsGetKey(obj, str2tag ("Root"), &key) ) obj = dgramGetObj(look, key) ; else { messerror("dgramDump() can't access ?Tree Root ?TreeNode ?") ; goto abort ; } } /* if object is still not retrieved at this point, then this is an error... */ if(!obj) { messerror("dgramDump() can't access tree data?") ; goto abort ; } /* ...otherwise, by this point, obj should be set to the Root ?TreeNode from ?Tree or to the currently active ?TreeNode; Open the output file using the root object name as the default file name */ strncpy(fileName,name(obj->root->key),FIL_BUFFER_SIZE-1) ; fileName[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE-1] = '\0' ; for(cp=fileName;*cp;cp++) /* filter out forbidden characters */ if(strchr( " \t\n\r\\/?\"\'|<>*:;.", *cp )) *cp = '_' ; if(!*dirName) { char *cp; if (getenv ("ACEDB_DATA")) { strcpy (dirName, getenv("ACEDB_DATA")) ; } else if ((cp = dbPathStrictFilName ("rawdata", 0, 0, "rd", 0))) { strcpy (dirName, cp) ; messfree(cp); } } dgram_out = aceOutCreateToChooser ("Where do you wish to dump this tree data ?", dirName, fileName, fext, "w", 0); if (!dgram_out) goto abort; /* Print the file output header */ if (header && *header) aceOutPrint (dgram_out, "%s", header) ; /* dump the ?Tree record now! */ if(bDumpTreeRecord) dumpKey (dgram_out, look->key); /* then call the caller defined dump function on the subtree */ (lpDgmDF)(look, obj, dgram_out); messout ("Tree data for %s written to %s\n", name(obj->root->key), fileName) ; goto finished ; abort: if (dgram_out) aceOutPrint (dgram_out, "\n// Dendrogram tree dump failed/aborted!\n") ; finished: aceOutDestroy (dgram_out); } /* dgramTreeDump */ static void dgramAceDump(void) { dgramTreeDump(dgramTreeAceDump,"ace", "// Tree data dumped from dendrogram display\n\n", TRUE /* ISA acedump */) ; } static void dgramLeafDump(void) { dgramTreeDump(dgramTreeLeafDump,"txt", "Format: Short label, Descriptive label {Species}\n\n", FALSE /* NOT an acedump */) ; } static int nofseq ; static void dgramTreeFastaDump(LOOK look, OBJ treeNodeObj, ACEOUT dump_out) { KEY key ; /* Dump any associated sequence? */ switch(look->treeType) { case DNA_TREE: if(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,str2tag("DNA"),&key)) { nofseq++ ; dnaDumpFastAKey (dump_out, key) ; } break ; case PROTEIN_TREE: if(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,str2tag("Protein"),&key)) { nofseq++ ; pepDumpFastAKey (dump_out, key) ; } break ; default: /* Otherwise, do nothing? */ break ; } /* Dump child subtrees recursively */ if(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,str2tag("Child"),&key)) { BSMARK childMark = 0 ; do { OBJ subTreeObj ; childMark = bsMark(treeNodeObj,childMark) ; if ((subTreeObj = dgramGetObj(look, key))) dgramTreeFastaDump(look, subTreeObj, dump_out) ; else messerror("dgramTreeFastaDump can't access child tree node object?") ; bsGoto(treeNodeObj,childMark) ; } while(bsGetKey(treeNodeObj,_bsDown,&key)) ; if(!bsMarkFree(childMark)) messcrash("dgramTreeFastaDump(): childMark deletion error?") ; } } static void dgramFastaDump(void) { ACEOUT dump_out = 0 ; DGRAM_BOX *lpDBox ; OBJ obj = 0 ; KEY key ; LOOKGET("dgramFastaDump") ; /* First, try to retrieve obj of an active node? */ if ( look->activebox && (lpDBox = GETBOX(look->activebox)) ) obj = lpDBox->DGOBJ ; /* If no active node, then attempt to dump the main ?Tree and retrieve Root ?TreeNode obj */ if(!obj && (obj = dgramGetObj(look, look->key))) { if(!messQuery("Dumping sequences for the entire dendrogram ?Tree! Continue?")) return ; /* Retrieve the Root ?TreeNode */ if( bsGetKey(obj, str2tag ("Root"), &key) ) obj = dgramGetObj(look, key) ; else { messerror("dgramFastaDump() can't access ?Tree Root ?TreeNode ?") ; return ; } } /* By this point, obj should be set to the Root ?TreeNode from ?Tree or to the currently active ?TreeNode */ if(obj) { switch(look->treeType) { case DNA_TREE: dump_out = dnaFileOpen (0) ; break ; case PROTEIN_TREE: dump_out = pepFileOpen (0) ; break ; default: break ; /* Otherwise, do nothing? */ } if (!dump_out) { messout ("dgramFastaDump() failed to open dump file") ; return ; } nofseq = 0 ; dgramTreeFastaDump(look, obj, dump_out) ; aceOutDestroy (dump_out); messout ("%d FASTA sequence(s) written out for %s", nofseq, name(obj->root->key)) ; } else messerror("dgramFastaDump() can't access tree data?") ; } /************************************************************************ * readTreeFile(): reads in New Hampshire phylogenetic trees into ACEDB ************************************************************************/ #define BUFSZ 64 static char treeObjName[BUFSZ] = ""; static Stack parentNodes = 0 ; /* Tree parsing stack, of current Parent nodes */ static int nextId = 0 ; /* Types of TREENODES */ #define ROOT 0 #define INTERIOR 1 #define LEAF 2 typedef struct treenode { int id ; char name[BUFSZ+1] ; } TREENODE, *LPTREENODE ; static LPTREENODE currentParent ; static TREENODE currentNode ; static int parseTreeType = UNKNOWN_TREE ; static BOOL skipSpaces (char **cp) { char *start = *cp ; while (**cp && isspace((int)**cp)) { ++(*cp) ; } return (*cp == start ) ; } /* skipSpaces */ static BOOL parseList (FILE *ttfil, char **lpTreeList, char *name) ; static int leafNo = 0 ; static void blankAtom (FILE *ttfil) { /* create a "blank" atom? */ currentNode.id = ++nextId ; currentNode.name[0] = '\0' ; /* Create a tree node? */ fprintf(ttfil,"TreeNode : \"%s%d\"\n",treeObjName,currentNode.id) ; fprintf(ttfil,"Id %d\n",currentNode.id) ; fprintf(ttfil,"Leaf\n") ; fprintf(ttfil,"Tree \"%s\"\n",treeObjName) ; if(currentParent->id>=0) fprintf(ttfil,"Parent \"%s%d\"\n",treeObjName,currentParent->id) ; fprintf(ttfil,"Map \"%s\" Position %d\n",treeObjName,++leafNo) ; } static BOOL isatomic(char c) { if(isspace((int)c)) return FALSE ; switch(c) { case ',': case ':': case ';': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': return FALSE ; default: return TRUE ; } } static char *parseName(char **cp) { int pos = 0 ; static char buf[BUFSZ+1] ; skipSpaces(cp) ; while(pos < BUFSZ && **cp && ((!pos && isalpha((int)**cp))|| isatomic(**cp))) { if(**cp == '_') buf[pos++] = ' ' ; /* Substitute space for '_'*/ else if(**cp == '\\') /* escaped character follows */ buf[pos++] = *(++(*cp)) ; else buf[pos++] = **cp ; ++(*cp) ; } if(pos == BUFSZ ) /* atomic string overflow? skip extra's*/ while(**cp && isatomic(**cp) ) ++(*cp) ; buf[pos] = '\0' ; return buf ; /* non-empty pointer but may be a blank string? */ } static char rankName[BUFSZ+1] ; static char taxonName[BUFSZ+1] ; static BOOL parseTaxon(char **lpTreeList) { char *cp ; skipSpaces(lpTreeList) ; if( **lpTreeList != '{') return FALSE ; (*lpTreeList)++ ; if(*(cp = parseName(lpTreeList))) { strncpy(rankName,cp,BUFSZ) ; rankName[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; } else rankName[0] = '\0' ; skipSpaces(lpTreeList) ; /* parse for species name? */ if( **lpTreeList == ':') { (*lpTreeList)++ ; skipSpaces(lpTreeList) ; if(*(cp = parseName(lpTreeList))) { strncpy(taxonName,cp,BUFSZ) ; taxonName[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; } else taxonName[0] = '\0' ; } else taxonName[0] = '\0' ; skipSpaces(lpTreeList) ; if( **lpTreeList != '}') { messout("Unmatched \"}\" while parsing a taxon label?") ; return FALSE ; } (*lpTreeList)++ ; return TRUE ; } static BOOL printAtom (FILE *ttfil, char *name) { /* These atoms must have names...*/ if( !name || !*name ) return FALSE ; currentNode.id = ++nextId ; strncpy(currentNode.name,name,BUFSZ) ; currentNode.name[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; /* Note that I label nodes anonymously, with sequence numbers, to ensure that they are always uniquely associated with a given "treeObjName" tree. Because of UNIQUE Tree and Parent tag values in the models, failure to observe this practice of anonymous ?TreeNode labelling may result in overwritten subtrees whenever new data is input with duplicate ?TreeNode names. If this effect is desired, the user should be directed to edit the nodes manually */ if(parseTreeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE || parseTreeType == CELL_LINEAGE) fprintf(ttfil,"TreeNode : \"%s\"\n",currentNode.name) ; else fprintf(ttfil,"TreeNode : \"%s%d\"\n",treeObjName, currentNode.id) ; fprintf(ttfil,"Id %d\n",currentNode.id) ; fprintf(ttfil,"Label \"%s\"\n",currentNode.name) ; fprintf(ttfil,"Leaf\n") ; fprintf(ttfil,"Tree \"%s\"\n",treeObjName) ; if( *currentParent->name && (parseTreeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE || parseTreeType == CELL_LINEAGE)) fprintf(ttfil,"Parent \"%s\"\n",currentParent->name) ; else fprintf(ttfil,"Parent \"%s%d\"\n",treeObjName,currentParent->id) ; fprintf(ttfil,"Map \"%s\" Position %d\n",treeObjName,++leafNo) ; switch(parseTreeType) { case TAXONOMIC_TREE: /* do nothing: ?Taxon inserted elsewhere! */ break ; case DNA_TREE: fprintf(ttfil,"DNA \"%s\"\n",name) ; break ; case PROTEIN_TREE: fprintf(ttfil,"Protein \"%s\"\n",name) ; break ; case CELL_LINEAGE: fprintf(ttfil,"Cell \"%s\"\n",name) ; break ; default: /* Otherwise, unknown tree type -- do nothing? */ break ; } return TRUE ; } static char *parseNumber(char **cp) { static char nbuf[BUFSZ+1] ; int pos = 0 ; skipSpaces(cp) ; if( **cp == '-' ) { messout("Warning: negative branch length or bootstrap value encountered in tree file? Sign ignored!") ; ++(*cp) ; } while(pos < BUFSZ && **cp && isdigit((int)**cp)) { nbuf[pos++] = **cp ; ++(*cp) ; } /* I'm going to force numbers to have at least one digit before a decimal point, even if this is only a zero...*/ if(pos && pos < BUFSZ && **cp == '.') { nbuf[pos++] = **cp ; ++(*cp) ; while(pos < BUFSZ && **cp && isdigit((int)**cp)) { nbuf[pos++] = **cp ; ++(*cp) ; } } if(pos == BUFSZ ) /* number string overflow? skip extra's*/ while(**cp && (isdigit((int)**cp)||**cp == '.') ) ; nbuf[pos] = '\0' ; return nbuf ; } /* I assume that I directly follow a current tree member object treenode description in the .ace file stream */ static BOOL parseDistance (FILE *ttfil, char **cp) { char *nbuf = parseNumber(cp) ; if(*nbuf) { fprintf(ttfil, "Distance %s\n", nbuf) ; return TRUE ; } else return FALSE ; } /* I assume that I directly follow a current tree member object treenode description in the .ace file stream */ static BOOL parseBootstrap (FILE *ttfil, char **cp) { char *nbuf ; skipSpaces(cp) ; if( **cp != '[' ) return FALSE ; ++(*cp) ; nbuf = parseNumber(cp) ; skipSpaces(cp) ; if( **cp != ']' ) { messout("Unmatched \"]\" while parsing a bootstrap value?") ; return FALSE ; } ++(*cp) ; /* I assume that I directly follow a current ?TreeNode object description in the .ace file stream */ if(*nbuf) { fprintf(ttfil, "Bootstrap %s\n", nbuf) ; return TRUE ; } else return FALSE ; } /* I assume that I directly follow a current tree member object treenode description in the .ace file stream */ static void printTaxon (FILE *ttfil, char *rank, char *taxon) { if(*rank) { fprintf(ttfil, "Taxon \"%s\"\n\n",taxon) ; /* Taxon object too! */ fprintf(ttfil, "Taxon : \"%s\"\n",taxon) ; fprintf(ttfil, "Taxonomy \"%s\"\n",taxon) ; /* treenode?*/ fprintf(ttfil, "%s",rank) ; if(!strcasecmp(rank,"Species")) { fprintf(ttfil, " \"%s\"",taxon) ; fprintf(ttfil, "\n\n") ; fprintf(ttfil, "Species : \"%s\"\n",taxon) ; fprintf(ttfil, "Taxon \"%s\"",taxon) ; } fprintf(ttfil, "\n\n") ; /* Relate to the "standard" taxonomy tree?*/ fprintf(ttfil, "TreeNode : \"%s\"\n",taxon) ; fprintf(ttfil, "Tree \"%s\"\n","NCBI Taxonomy") ; } } static BOOL parseMember (FILE *ttfil, char **cp) { char *name, label[BUFSZ+1], rank[BUFSZ+1], taxon[BUFSZ+1] ; skipSpaces(cp) ; if( !**cp || **cp == ';') { messout("Premature tree termination (null or semi-colon) while parsing list member?") ; return FALSE ; } if( **cp == ',' ) { blankAtom (ttfil) ; /* Substitute blank to ensure that subsequent empty names preceeding the next ',' or ')' are scanned */ **cp = ' ' ; return TRUE ; } if( **cp == ')') { blankAtom (ttfil) ; return TRUE ; } if( **cp == ':' ) { ++(*cp) ; blankAtom (ttfil) ; if( !parseDistance (ttfil, cp) ) { messout("Expecting distance value after colon?") ; return FALSE ; } parseBootstrap (ttfil, cp) ; skipSpaces(cp) ; if( **cp == ',' ) { /* Substitute blank to ensure that subsequent empty names preceeding the next ',' or ')' are scanned */ **cp = ' ' ; return TRUE ; } if( **cp == ')') return TRUE ; messout("Missing comma or unmatched \")\" while parsing a distance value?") ; return FALSE ; } /* Parse for a {rank:taxon} label */ if(parseTaxon(cp) && *taxonName) { strncpy(rank,rankName,BUFSZ) ; rank[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; strncpy(taxon,taxonName,BUFSZ) ; taxon[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; /* Check for a subtree here... */ if( !((parseTreeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE && (parseList(ttfil, cp,taxon)|| printAtom(ttfil, taxon))) || parseList(ttfil, cp,0))) /* then */ blankAtom (ttfil) ; skipSpaces(cp) ; /* Parse an branch "distance" if present, for a blank atomic node, not a list...*/ if( **cp == ':') { ++(*cp) ; if( !parseDistance (ttfil, cp) ) { messout("Expecting distance value after colon following taxon label?") ; return FALSE ; } } parseBootstrap (ttfil, cp) ; skipSpaces(cp) ; printTaxon (ttfil, rank,taxon) ; if( **cp == ',' ) { /* Substitute blank to ensure that subsequent empty names preceeding the next ',' or ')' are scanned */ **cp = ' ' ; return TRUE ; } if( **cp == ')') return TRUE ; messout("Missing comma or unmatched \")\" after parsing a taxon label?") ; return FALSE ; } /* Otherwise, parse for a full node */ if(*(name = parseName(cp))) { strncpy(label,name,BUFSZ) ; label[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; } else label[0] = '\0' ; /* will force failure iff this null label hits printAtom()*/ if(parseTaxon(cp)) { strncpy(rank,rankName,BUFSZ) ; rank[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; if(*taxonName) { strncpy(taxon,taxonName,BUFSZ) ; taxon[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; } else if(parseTreeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE && *label) { strncpy(taxon,label,BUFSZ) ; taxon[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; } /* ignore the rank entirely, since we need a taxon name too? */ else rank[0] = '\0' ; } else rank[0] = '\0' ; if( parseList(ttfil, cp,label) || printAtom(ttfil, label) ) { skipSpaces(cp) ; /* Parse an branch "distance" if present */ if( **cp == ':') { ++(*cp) ; if( !parseDistance (ttfil, cp) ) { messout("Expecting distance value after colon after parsing non-blank label?") ; return FALSE ; } } parseBootstrap (ttfil, cp) ; skipSpaces(cp) ; printTaxon (ttfil, rank,taxon) ; if( **cp == ',' ) { /* Substitute blank to ensure that subsequent empty names preceeding the next ',' or ')' are scanned */ **cp = ' ' ; return TRUE ; } if( **cp == ')') return TRUE ; messout("Missing comma or unmatched \")\" while parsing a tree list member?") ; return FALSE ; } messout("Expecting non-NULL tree list label?") ; return FALSE ; } static BOOL parseList (FILE *ttfil, char **lpTreeList,char *name) { char c, *label, listname[BUFSZ+1], rank[BUFSZ+1], taxon[BUFSZ+1] ; LPTREENODE parent = currentParent ; if( name && *name ) { strncpy(listname,name,BUFSZ) ; listname[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; } else listname[0] = '\0' ; skipSpaces(lpTreeList) ; if( **lpTreeList != '(') { return FALSE ; } /* Recursing into a subtree... */ push(parentNodes,currentParent,LPTREENODE ) ; /* New subtree root node... */ currentParent = messalloc(sizeof(TREENODE)) ; currentParent->id = ++nextId ; if(*listname) strcpy(currentParent->name,listname) ; else strncpy(currentParent->name, messprintf("%s%d",treeObjName,currentParent->id), BUFSZ) ; (*lpTreeList)++ ; skipSpaces(lpTreeList) ; while( (c = **lpTreeList) && (c != ')') && (c != ';') ) { if( !parseMember(ttfil, lpTreeList) ) return FALSE ; /* assume the end of member in the .ace file? */ fprintf(ttfil,"\n") ; } if( **lpTreeList == ')') /* a list must terminate with a ')'? */ { (*lpTreeList)++ ; /* move ahead one character */ /* Create a subtree interior node? */ if(currentParent->name[0] && (parseTreeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE || parseTreeType == CELL_LINEAGE)) fprintf(ttfil,"TreeNode : \"%s\"\n",currentParent->name) ; else if(currentParent->id>0) fprintf(ttfil,"TreeNode : \"%s%d\"\n",treeObjName,currentParent->id) ; else if(currentParent->id==0) fprintf(ttfil,"TreeNode : \"%s\"\n",treeObjName) ; /* initialized to empty, in case not found */ rank[0] = taxon[0] = '\0' ; /* Parse for optional bootstrap label value if present? */ if(*(label = parseNumber(lpTreeList))) fprintf(ttfil, "Bootstrap %s\n", label) ; /* ... or a postfix specified Label for the node? */ else if(*(label = parseName(lpTreeList))) { /* Replace prefix name with postfix name, for node label? */ strncpy(listname,label,BUFSZ) ; listname[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; fprintf(ttfil, "Label \"%s\"\n", listname) ; /* Check for a {taxon} here too? */ if(parseTaxon(lpTreeList)) { strncpy(rank,rankName,BUFSZ) ; rank[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; if(*taxonName) { strncpy(taxon,taxonName,BUFSZ) ; taxon[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; } else if(parseTreeType == TAXONOMIC_TREE && listname[0]) { strncpy(taxon,listname,BUFSZ) ; taxon[BUFSZ] = '\0' ; } } } fprintf(ttfil,"Id %d\n",currentParent->id) ; if(currentParent->id == 0) fprintf(ttfil,"Root\n") ; else fprintf(ttfil,"Interior\n") ; fprintf(ttfil,"Tree \"%s\"\n",treeObjName) ; if(parent) { if(parent->name) fprintf(ttfil,"Parent \"%s\"\n",parent->name) ; else fprintf(ttfil,"Parent \"%s%d\"\n",treeObjName,parent->id) ; } printTaxon (ttfil, rank,taxon) ; /* discard the old current parent */ messfree(currentParent) ; /* the restore the previous parent*/ currentParent = pop(parentNodes, LPTREENODE ) ; return TRUE ; } messout("Unmatched \")\" while parsing a tree structure?") ; return FALSE ; } /* Do it the "easy" way: create a temporary .ace file then read the temporary file into acedb; this avoids the tedium of my dealing with low level bs routines? */ static BOOL parseTree (FILE *ttfil, char *TreeList) { currentParent = 0 ; leafNo = 0 ; nextId = 0 ; if( parseList (ttfil, &TreeList,treeObjName) && ( skipSpaces(&TreeList), *TreeList == ';')) { /* Store the tree? */ return TRUE ; } messout("Improperly formed tree structure or missing semi-colon?") ; return FALSE ; } /* This routine reads in a text file containing a "New Hampshire" formatted tree file, into a ?Tree and ?TreeNode ACEDB representation of the tree; The function is self contained: the user is prompted for the file name and the name of the ACEDB tree */ KEY readTreeFile (int treeType) { FILE *fil = NULL ; char *textbuf = 0, *lpszTree = 0, *treeName = 0 ; int size; char *nameptr ; KEY NewTree = 0 ; FILE *ttfil; BOOL result; if(!*dirName) { char *cp; if (getenv ("ACEDB_DATA")) { strcpy (dirName, getenv("ACEDB_DATA")) ; } else if ((cp = dbPathStrictFilName ("rawdata", 0, 0, "rd", 0))) { strcpy (dirName, cp) ; messfree(cp); } } if( !(fil = filqueryopen (dirName, fileName, "ph", "r", "New Hampshire Tree File"))) return 0 ; /* determine filesize */ fseek (fil, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell (fil); rewind (fil); /* Read the whole file into memory? */ lpszTree = textbuf = messalloc (size*sizeof (char) + 16); fread (textbuf, sizeof (char), size, fil); textbuf[size] = '\0'; /* add string terminator */ filclose (fil); /* Prompt the user for the name of the tree object? */ treeObjName[0] = '\0' ; if(*(treeName = parseName(&lpszTree))) strncpy(treeObjName,(const char *)treeName,BUFSZ-1) ; else { ACEIN name_in; if ((name_in = messPrompt("Please give a name for your new " "dendrogram object:", treeObjName, "w", 0))) { strncpy (treeObjName,aceInWord(name_in),BUFSZ-1) ; treeObjName[BUFSZ-1] = '\0' ; aceInDestroy (name_in); } else strcpy(treeObjName,"Dendrogram") ; } /* Remember parseTreeType */ parseTreeType = treeType ; /* Parse the tree object into ACEDB */ /* first we write the data out to a temporary file * in .ace-format; so we can then parse it in */ ttfil = filtmpopen (&nameptr, "w") ; /* temporary .ace file for * tree data ?*/ /* Write the tree object */ fprintf (ttfil,"Tree : \"%s\"\n", treeObjName) ; switch(parseTreeType) { case TAXONOMIC_TREE: fprintf(ttfil,"Type Taxonomy\n") ; fprintf(ttfil,"Top\n") ; break ; case DNA_TREE: fprintf(ttfil,"Type DNA\n") ; fprintf(ttfil,"Middle\n") ; fprintf(ttfil,"Bootstrap_Factor 1.0\n") ; break ; case PROTEIN_TREE: fprintf(ttfil,"Type Protein\n") ; fprintf(ttfil,"Middle\n") ; fprintf(ttfil,"Bootstrap_Factor 1.0\n") ; break ; case CELL_LINEAGE: fprintf(ttfil,"Type Cell_Lineage\n") ; fprintf(ttfil,"Middle\n") ; break ; default: /* Otherwise, unknown tree type -- do nothing? */ break ; } fprintf(ttfil,"Root \"%s\"\n\n",treeObjName) ; if (!parentNodes) parentNodes = stackCreate(128) ; else stackClear (parentNodes) ; result = parseTree (ttfil, lpszTree); filclose (ttfil); if (result) { KEY cKey ; ACEIN tree_io; if (checkWriteAccess()) { tree_io = aceInCreateFromFile (nameptr, "r", "", 0); parseAceIn (tree_io, 0, FALSE); /* destroys tree_io */ if ( !lexword2key("Tree", &cKey, _VClass) ) /* this is fatal - * acedb should know about the Tree-class by now */ messcrash("dendrogram: " "couldn't access 'Tree' class key?") ; if ( !lexword2key (treeObjName, &NewTree, cKey) ) /* for some reason the parsing didn't create the * Tree-object that we parsed in, which is weird .. */ { messout("Tree \"%s\" could not be accessed?\n", fileName) ; NewTree = 0 ; } } } else messout("Tree file \"%s\" is not a valid " "New Hampshire tree?\n", fileName) ; /* Free the temporary file */ filtmpremove (nameptr) ; /* Free the text buffer */ messfree(textbuf) ; return NewTree ; } /* readTreeFile */ void readTaxonomicTree(void) { KEY NewTree = 0 ; if( (NewTree = readTreeFile(TAXONOMIC_TREE)) ) dendrogramDisplay (NewTree, 0, FALSE, NULL) ; } void readDNATree(void) { KEY NewTree = 0 ; if( (NewTree = readTreeFile(DNA_TREE)) ) dendrogramDisplay (NewTree, 0, FALSE, NULL) ; } void readProteinTree(void) { KEY NewTree = 0 ; if( (NewTree = readTreeFile(PROTEIN_TREE)) ) dendrogramDisplay (NewTree, 0, FALSE, NULL) ; } void readCellLineage(void) { KEY NewTree = 0 ; if( (NewTree = readTreeFile(CELL_LINEAGE)) ) dendrogramDisplay (NewTree, 0, FALSE, NULL) ; }