/* File: dnacpt.c * Author: Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 29 12:19 2002 (edgrif) * * Sep 20 11:40 1999 (edgrif): Add further debug info. for dnacptColorMatches over flow * * May 31 13:29 1999 (edgrif): Added new messcrash for dnacptColorMatches * and new embl.h header. * * May 24 10:26 1999 (edgrif): Tidy up redundant extern func. decs. * * Feb 15 15:44 1999 (rd): moved dump segs stuff into fmapcontrol.c for Ed. * * Nov 19 09:15 1998 (edgrif): make char* to TINT_ unsigned. * * Jul 16 12:26 1998 (edgrif): Introduced new private fmap_.h, really * I would like to just use the public header fmap.h, but * dnacptDumpSegs accesses the LookStruct of fmap so I'm using the * internal header for now. * This file illustrates why headers/function prototypes should be * used, it calls fMapDumpSegs (look, fil) but fMapDumpSegs only * takes one argument...the look struct...sigh... * * Feb 18 11:42 1996 (mieg) * * Feb 7 19:23 1993 (rd): changed TotalLength to work on Sequence keyset, and set the sequence Length value if WriteAccess * * Jan 15 17:50 1992 (mieg): splice site consensus * * Oct 24 17:45 1991 (mieg): wobble on first letter * Created: Thu Oct 24 17:45:14 1991 (mieg) * CVS info: $Id: dnacpt.c,v 1.94 2002/04/29 11:24:52 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #define ARRAY_CHECK #define MALLOC_CHECK */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Define a static array of bits used by bitset.h which is used by table.h */ /* This is ugly but avoids a) a function call to get the bit values and */ /* b) a global array. */ BITSET_MAKE_BITFIELD extern void gelDisplay (void) ; extern void fMapMenesInit (void) ; extern void fMapOspInit (void) ; extern void fMapBlastInit (void) ; /* we may change _VMotif in the future */ #define MYMOTIF _VMotif #define BOX_LENGTH 40 typedef struct DNACPTSTUFF { void *magic; /* == &MAGIC*/ Graph graph, dnacptGraph ; int restrictionBox ; char restriction [BOX_LENGTH + 1] ; char restriction2 [BOX_LENGTH + 1] ; int curr, line, frame, mmn, mmch ; BOOL useKeySet, complement, amino ; KEYSET cutOnce, cutTwice, cutThrice,cutMore, cutNone, enz ; int menuState, useKeySetButtonBox, aminoButtonBox ; } *DNACPT ; static int MAGIC_CPT = 93452 ; static int MAGIC_CODON_USAGE = 93453 ; static Graph lastDnacptGraph = 0 ; static KEYSET enzSet = 0 ; #define graphBoxBox(_box) { \ float _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2 ; \ graphBoxDim (_box, &_x1, &_y1, &_x2, &_y2) ; \ graphRectangle (_x1 - 0.4, _y1 - 0.2, _x2 + 0.4, _y2 + 0.25) ; \ } #define STATUS_PROTEIN 0x02 /* from fmapdisp.c */ #define DNACPTGET(name) DNACPT dnacpt ;\ \ if (!graphAssFind (&MAGIC_CPT, &dnacpt)) \ messcrash ("(%s) can't find graph",name) ; \ if (dnacpt->magic != &MAGIC_CPT) \ messcrash ("(%s) received a wrong pointer",name) ;\ displayPreserve() static void dnacptDisplay(void) ; static void dnacptPick (int k, double x) ; static int restrictionCompletion(char *cp, int len) ; static void dnacptDumpSegs (void) ; static void setState0(void) ; static void setState1(void) ; static void setState2(void) ; static void setState3(void) ; static void dnaCptCopy (void) ; static void dnacptNrEnz (void) ; static void dnacptLabEnz (void) ; static void dnacptAllEnz (void) ; static void dnacptSelectEnz(void) ; static void dnacptEmblDump (void) ; static void dnacptLengths (void) ; static void dnacptCodonUsage(void) ; static void dnacptShowCodonUsage (int nn, int ncds, Array usage) ; static void dnacptSpliceConsensus(void) ; static void dnacptShowSpliceConsensus(DNACPT dnacpt, char *title, Array site,int lengthEx, int lengthIn) ; static void dnacptFingerPrint(void) ; static void dnaAG_TC(void) ; static void dnacptMakeTestSequences(void) ; static void dnacptDumpSegs (void) ; /* #define CODE_FILE */ /* writes out coding sequences found in "Codon Usage" option to coding.seq */ #ifdef CODE_FILE static FILE *codeFile = 0, *exonFile = 0 ; #endif static TABLE *table = 0 ; static KEY tabKey = 0 ; /* The many menus */ static MENUOPT dnacptMenuBG[] = /* window background */ { { graphDestroy, "Quit" }, { help, "Help" }, { graphPrint,"Print" }, /* give choice of various states */ { setState0, "Main-Menu"}, { dnacptDisplay, "Clear" }, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dnacptMenuTrivia[] = { { graphDestroy, "Quit" }, { help, "Help" }, { graphPrint,"Print" }, { dnaCptCopy, "Copy" }, { dnacptDisplay, "Clear" }, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dnacptMenu0[] = { /* give choice of various states */ { setState1, "Restriction Analysis"}, { setState2, "Export"}, { setState3, "Other Tools"}, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dnacptMenuE[] = /* external programs */ { { dnaCptFindRepeats, "Repeats" }, { fMapMenesInit, "BioMotif" }, { fMapBlastInit, "Blast" }, { fMapOspInit, "Osp" }, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dnacptMenu1[] = /* restriction enzymes */ { { gelDisplay, "Gels" }, /* { dnacptRestDistrib, "Motif distribution" }, */ { setState0, "Main-Menu"}, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dnacptMenu10[] = /* restriction enzymes */ { { setState0, "Main-Menu"}, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dnacptMenuEnz[] = /* restriction enzymes */ { { dnacptNrEnz, "NR Enzymes" }, { dnacptLabEnz, "Lab Enzymes" }, { dnacptSelectEnz, "Selected KeySet" }, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dnacptMenu2[] = /* exports */ { { dnacptFastaDump, "Write/print/mail in Fasta format" }, { dnacptEmblDump, "Export annotated sequence in EMBL format" }, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT dnacptMenuOthers[] = /* others */ { { dnacptLengths, "Sequence lengths" }, { dnacptCodonUsage, "Codon usage" }, { dnacptSpliceConsensus, "Splice consensus" }, { dnacptFingerPrint, "Worm Finger print" }, { dnaAG_TC,"poly R/poly Y" }, { dnacptMakeTestSequences, "Make pieces" }, { dnacptDumpSegs, "Dump segs" }, { 0, 0 } } ; /************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /*dnaRepaint has only white paint now! */ void dnaRepaint(Array colors) { char *cp ; mysize_t mysize = (mysize_t) sizeof(char) ; if (arrayMax (colors)) { cp = arrp(colors, 0, char) ; memset (cp, WHITE, mysize) ; } } /************************************************************************/ void dnacptClear (void) { Array dna, colors ; KEY seqKey ; FeatureMap look ; DNACPTGET("dnacptClear") ; if (dnacpt && !dnacpt->useKeySet && fMapActive (&dna, &colors, &seqKey, &look)) dnaRepaint(colors) ; dnacptDisplay () ; } /************************************************************************/ static void dnacptLengths (void) { Array dna ; register int i, n =0, t = 0 ; Array ll = arrayCreate(50,int) ; KEYSET kSet ; int length ; DNACPTGET("dnacptLengths") ; dnacptDisplay() ; if (dnacpt->useKeySet) { if (!keySetActive (&kSet, 0)) { messout ("First select a KeySet containing sequences") ; return ; } for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(kSet) ; i++) if ((dna = dnaGet(keySet(kSet,i)))) { length = arrayMax (dna) ; n += length ; t++ ; array (ll,arrayMax(dna)/1000,int)++ ; arrayDestroy(dna) ; } graphText (messprintf ("Found %d sequences, total length %d",t,n), 4,dnacpt->line++) ; graphTextBounds (80,dnacpt->line += 2) ; graphRedraw () ; plotHisto ("Sequences lengths in kilobase", ll) ; } else messout ("This only works on a keyset of sequences") ; } /***********************************************/ static int intOrder(void *a, void *b) { return (int) ( (*(int *) a) - (*(int *) b) ) ; } /*************************************************************************/ static void dnacptFingerPrint(void) { Array dna ; Array colors ; KEY key ; FeatureMap look ; Array hind3, sau3a , fp ; int i, j, t = 0, from, to, origin ; char *tmpFil = 0 ; FILE *f = filtmpopen (&tmpFil,"w") ; DNACPTGET("dnacptFingerPrint") ; if(!fMapActive(&dna,&colors,&key,&look)) { messout("Please, first select a dna window") ; return ; } fMapFindZone (look, &from, &to, &origin) ; /* HindIII == AAGCTT */ /* Sau3AI = GATC */ /* note that pickMatch returns pos + 1 or zero */ hind3 = arrayCreate(30,int) ; sau3a = arrayCreate(30,int) ; fp = arrayCreate(30,int) ; dnacptFingerPrintCompute(dna, from, to, colors, hind3, sau3a, fp); graphText(messprintf("Found %d hind3 sites",t = arrayMax(hind3)), 2, dnacpt->line++) ; for(i=0;iline ++) ; if (f) fprintf(f, "(%d)\n",arr(hind3,i,int)) ; } dnacpt->line += 3 ; graphText(messprintf("Position and length of the finger printing bands"), 2, dnacpt->line++) ; if (f) fprintf(f, "\n\n\nPosition and length of the finger printing bands\n"), dnacpt->line += 3 ; graphText(messprintf("%d Ordered Bands",t = arrayMax(fp)), 2, dnacpt->line++) ; if (f) fprintf(f, "\n\n%d Ordered Bands\n",t = arrayMax(fp)) ; for(i=0;iline++) ; if (f) fprintf(f, "(%d)\n",arr(fp,i,int)) ; } graphTextBounds (80,dnacpt->line += 2) ; graphRedraw() ; if(fp) { i = arrayMax(fp) ; if(i) { Array histo = arrayCreate(2000,int) ; while(i--) { j = arr(fp,i,int) ; if (j) array(histo,j,int)++ ; } plotHisto (messprintf("%s Finger Print", name(key)), histo) ; } } arrayDestroy(fp) ; arrayDestroy(hind3) ; arrayDestroy(sau3a) ; if (f) filclose(f) ; fMapReDrawDNA (look) ; } void dnacptFingerPrintCompute (Array dna, int from, int to, Array colors, Array hind3, Array sau3a, Array fp) { int i , j , n , t = 0 , nfp , h, u, s, ih, is ; register unsigned char *cp , *cp0 ; BOOL lastIsHind3 = FALSE ; static char h3[]={'*',A_,A_,G_,C_,T_,T_,'*',0} ; /* RD initialisation */ static char s3a[]={'*',G_,A_,T_,C_,'*',0} ; /* RD initialisation */ /* HindIII == AAGCTT */ /* Sau3AI = GATC */ /* note that pickMatch returns pos + 1 or zero */ /* Find all hind3 sites */ t = 0 ; n = arrayMax(dna) ; if (n >= to) n = to-1 ; if (colors) dnaRepaint(colors) ; cp = cp0 = arrp(dna,from, unsigned char) ; while ((i = pickMatch((char *)cp, h3))) { if (i>n) break ; cp += i ; i = cp - cp0 - 1 ; array(hind3,t++,int) = i - from ; j = 6 ; if (colors) while(j--) arr(colors,from + i + j,char) |= TINT_LIGHTGREEN ; } /* Find all sau3a sites */ t = 0 ; cp = cp0 = arrp(dna,from, unsigned char) ; while ((i = pickMatch((char *)cp , s3a))) { if(i>n) break ; cp += i ; i = cp - cp0 - 1 ; array(sau3a,t++,int) = i - from ; j = 4 ; if (colors) while(j--) arr(colors,from + i + j,char) |= TINT_CYAN ; } /* Now we measure from hind3 towards sau3a sites */ nfp = 0; ih = arrayMax(hind3) - 1 ; is = arrayMax(sau3a) - 1 ; u = arrayMax(dna) ; h = ih>=0 ? array(hind3,ih--,int) : -1 ; s = is>=0 ? array(sau3a,is--,int) : 0 ; lastIsHind3 = FALSE ; while(u > 0 || s > 0 || h > 0) if(s > 0 && h < s) /* I am on a sua3a site */ { if(lastIsHind3) array(fp,nfp++,int) = u - s ; u = s ; s = is>=0 ? array(sau3a,is--,int) : 0 ; lastIsHind3 = FALSE ; } else /* I am on a hind3 site */ { array(fp,nfp++,int) = u - h ; u = h ; h = ih>=0 ? array(hind3,ih--,int) : -1 ; lastIsHind3 = TRUE ; } arraySort(fp,intOrder) ; } /***************************/ static void dnacptTranslate(Array dna, Array protein, int from, int length, int frame) { char *cp, *pp ; int n = length/3 ; protein = arrayReCreate(protein, n + 3, char) ; cp = arrp(dna,from,char) - 3 ; arrayMax(protein) = n ; pp = arrp(protein,0,char) - 1 ; while(cp +=3, pp++, n-- ) *pp = frame >=0 ? codon(cp) : reverseCodon(cp) ; } /************************************************************/ /* copied from pickMatch and modified to use bit masks */ /* match to template returns 0 if not found 1 + pos of first sigificant match if found */ int dnacptPickMatch (char *cp, int n, char *tp, int maxError, int maxN) { register char *c=cp, *t=tp, *cs=cp, *cEnd = cp + n ; register int i = maxError, j = maxN ; if (!*cp || !*tp) return 0 ; while (c < cEnd) { if (!*t) return cs - cp + 1 ; if (*c == N_ && --j < 0) { t = tp ; c = ++cs ; i = maxError ; j = maxN ; } else if (!(*t++ & *c++) && (--i < 0)) { t = tp ; c = ++cs ; i = maxError ; j = maxN ; } } return *t ? 0 : cs - cp + 1 ; } /*************************************************************/ static void dnacptColorMatches (Array sites, int n, int col, Array colors, int len, int gap) { int t, i, j, c ; Site *s ; unsigned char mycolor[5] , *cp = mycolor ; *cp++ = TINT_RED ; *cp++ = TINT_LIGHTGRAY ; *cp++ = TINT_MAGENTA ; *cp++ = TINT_CYAN ; *cp++ = TINT_LIGHTGREEN ; for (t = n, s = arrp(sites, t, Site) ; t < arrayMax(sites) ; s++, t++) /* not the extremities */ { if (s->type) { i = s->i ; /* I've added more debug info. because this crash happens period- */ /* ically but I haven't been able to reproduce it. */ /* Changed this to non-fatal error, and changed array access below to array() [not arr()] to avoid memory overwrites - srk */ if (i < 0 || (i + gap*(len - 1) >= arrayMax(colors))) messout("dnacptColorMatches - over flow, (index into colours array is: %d, " "array max is: %d, s->i is: %d, supplied len is: %d, supplied gap is: %d)", (i + gap*(len - 1)), arrayMax(colors), i, len, gap) ; j = len ; switch (s->type) { case 1: c = TINT_LIGHTGREEN ; break ; /* for up and down oligos */ case 2: c = TINT_CYAN ; break ; default: c = mycolor[col % 5]; break ; } if (gap > 1) c |= 128 ; while (j--) array(colors, i + gap*j, char) |= c ; } } } /*****************************************************************/ static int END_MARK = 0 ; /* use frame = -1 reversed template, 0 direct = original template, 1 palindrome template */ static int dnacptMatch (Array dna, int frame, Array sites, char *template, int from, int length, int mark, int maxError, int maxn) { register int n = arrayMax(dna), t = 0, i ; register char *cp, *cp0 ; int old = arrayMax(sites) ; int templateLength = strlen(template) ; char matchString[256] ; if (templateLength > 255) { messerror ("templateLength %d > 255 in dnacptMatch, can t proceed", templateLength) ; return 0 ; } matchString[templateLength] = 0 ; if (from < 0) from = 0 ; if (length < 0) length = 0 ; if (n > from + length) n = from + length ; if (from > n) from = n ; cp = arrp(dna,from,char) ; cp0 = arrp(dna,0,char) ; /* note that dnacptMatch returns pos + 1 or zero */ t = arrayMax(sites) ; if (!t) { arrayp(sites,t,Site)->i = from ; arrayp(sites,t++,Site)->mark = 0 ; old = 1 ; } else t-- ; /* cancel the previous END */ while ((i = dnacptPickMatch (cp, length, template, maxError, maxn))) { if (i > n) break ; cp += i ; length -= i ; arrayp(sites,t,Site)->i = cp - cp0 - 1 ; arrayp(sites,t,Site)->type = frame + 2 ; /* bit 1 = -ve frame, bit 2 = +ve frame */ arrayp(sites,t++,Site)->mark = mark ; if (table) /* put matches in the table */ { int j = tabMax(table,0) ; int k ; tableKey(table,j,0) = tabKey ; if (frame == -1) { tableInt(table,j,1) = cp - cp0 + templateLength - 1 ; tableInt(table,j,2) = cp - cp0 ; for (k = 0 ; k < templateLength ; ++k) matchString[k] = dnaDecodeChar[ (int)complementBase[ (int)*(cp+templateLength-k-2)]] ; tableSetString(table,j,3,matchString) ; } else { tableInt(table,j,1) = cp - cp0 ; tableInt(table,j,2) = cp - cp0 + templateLength - 1 ; for (k = 0 ; k < templateLength ; ++k) matchString[k] = dnaDecodeChar[(int)*(cp+k-1)] ; tableSetString(table,j,3,matchString) ; } } } arrayp(sites,t,Site)->i = n ; /* last fragment */ arrayp(sites,t++,Site)->mark = END_MARK ; /* printf ("dnacptMatch found %d sites for frame %d template %s\n", t - old, frame, dnaDecodeString(template)) ; */ return arrayMax(sites) ; } /***************************************************************/ static void dnacptAminoMatch (Array dna, int frame, Array sites, char *template, int from, int length, int mark) { register int t = 0 , i ; register char *cp, *cp0, *cr ; static Stack s = 0 ; static Array protein = 0 ; from = from + (frame + 6)%3 ; if (from + length > arrayMax(dna)) length = arrayMax(dna) - from ; if (length <= 0) return ; length = 3*(length/3) ; if (length < 3) return ; protein = arrayReCreate(protein,length,char) ; dnacptTranslate(dna, protein, from, length, frame) ; cp = cp0 = arrp(protein, 0 , char) ; array(protein,length/3,char) = 0 ; /* neccesary in pickMatch */ /* note that pickMatch returns pos + 1 or zero */ t = arrayMax(sites) ; if (!t) { arrayp(sites,t,Site)->i = from ; arrayp(sites,t++,Site)->mark = 0 ; } else t-- ; /* cancel the previous END */ s = stackReCreate(s, 20) ; pushText(s, "*") ; catText(s, template) ; catText(s, "*") ; if (frame < 0) /* reverse */ { cr = stackText(s, strlen(template)) ; while ((*cr-- = *template++)) ; *++cr = '*' ; } template = stackText(s, 0) ; while ((i = pickMatch(cp, template))) { if (i>length/3) break ; cp += i ; arrayp(sites,t,Site)->i = 3 * (cp - cp0 - 1) + from ; arrayp(sites,t,Site)->type = frame >= 0 ? 2 : 1 ; arrayp(sites,t++,Site)->mark = mark ; } arrayp(sites,t,Site)->i = from + length ; /* last fragment */ arrayp(sites,t++,Site)->mark = END_MARK ; if (frame == 2) arrayDestroy(protein) ; } /****************************************************************/ void dnacptMultipleMatch (Array sites, Array dna, Array protein, int frame, Array colors, Stack s, Stack sname, int from, int length, BOOL amino, int mmch, int mmn) { int n, col = 5; /* depends on defn of TINTS, start with magenta and go up */ int beg = 0 ; char *cp, *cq, *cr, *cs; int mark ; if (amino) beg = (frame + 6) % 3 ; stackCursor(s, 0) ; stackCursor(sname, END_MARK) ; while ((cp = stackNextText(s))) { stackNextText(sname) ; mark = stackPos(sname) ; n = arrayMax(sites) ; if (amino) { dnacptAminoMatch (dna, frame, sites, cp, from, length, mark) ; if (colors && arrayMax(sites) > n ) dnacptColorMatches (sites, n ? n-1 : 0, frame>=0 ? 6:7, colors, strlen(cp), 3); } else { /* reverse the template */ cr = messalloc(strlen(cp)+ 1) ; cq = cr ; cs = cp ; while(*cs) cs++ ; while(--cs >= cp) *cq++ = *cs ; *cq = 0 ; cq = cr ; while(*cq = complementBase[(int)*cq], *++cq) ; /* complement */ if (!strcmp(cp, cr)) { if (frame == 0) /* flag as palindrome on +ve search */ dnacptMatch (dna, 1, sites, cp, from, length, mark, mmch, mmn) ; /* do not search in negative frame */ if (colors && arrayMax(sites) > n) dnacptColorMatches (sites, n ? n - 1 : 0 , col--, colors, strlen(cp), 1) ; } else { dnacptMatch(dna, frame, sites, frame == -1 ? cr : cp, from, length, mark, mmch, mmn) ; if (colors && arrayMax(sites) >n ) dnacptColorMatches (sites, n ? n-1 : 0, frame == 0 ? 6:7, colors, strlen(cp), 1) ; } messfree(cr) ; } if (colors && arrayMax(sites) > n ) dnacptColorMatches (sites, n ? n - 1 : 0 , ++col, colors, strlen(cp), amino ? 3 : 1 ) ; } } /*************************************************************************/ static void dnacptXnone (void) { KEYSET ks ; DNACPTGET ("dnacptNone") ; ks = dnacpt->cutNone ; if (keySetExists(ks) && keySetMax(ks)) keySetNewDisplay(keySetCopy(ks),"Enzymes cutting none") ; } static void dnacptXonce (void) { KEYSET ks ; DNACPTGET ("dnacptOnce") ; ks = dnacpt->cutOnce ; if (keySetExists(ks) && keySetMax(ks)) keySetNewDisplay(keySetCopy(ks),"Enzymes cutting once") ; } static void dnacptXtwice (void) { KEYSET ks ; DNACPTGET ("dnacptTwice") ; ks = dnacpt->cutTwice ; if (keySetExists(ks) && keySetMax(ks)) keySetNewDisplay(keySetCopy(ks),"Enzymes cutting twice") ; } static void dnacptXthrice (void) { KEYSET ks ; DNACPTGET ("dnacptThrice") ; ks = dnacpt->cutThrice ; if (keySetExists(ks) && keySetMax(ks)) keySetNewDisplay(keySetCopy(ks),"Enzymes cutting thrice") ; } static void dnacptXmore (void) { KEYSET ks ; DNACPTGET ("dnacptMore") ; ks = dnacpt->cutMore ; if (keySetExists(ks) && keySetMax(ks)) keySetNewDisplay(keySetCopy(ks),"Enzymes cutting more") ; } static MENUOPT dnacptXbuttons[] = /* others */ { { dnacptXnone, "Nowhere"}, { dnacptXonce, "Once"}, { dnacptXtwice, "Twice"}, { dnacptXthrice, "Thrice"}, { dnacptXmore, "Often"}, { 0, 0 } } ; /*************************************************************************/ int siteOrder(void *a, void *b) { return ((Site*)a)->i - ((Site*) b)->i ; } static void dnacptShowMatches(KEY seqKey, Array sites, Stack sname, int origin) { register int t, i, box, nrow, n ; Site *site ; Array aa ; char *cp, **cpp ; float dl ; KEY key ; Stack s2 = 0 ; DNACPTGET("dnacptShowMatches") ; arraySort(sites, siteOrder) ; t = arrayMax(sites) ; if (dnacpt->enz) { graphText ("Enzymes cutting:", 1,dnacpt->line - .6) ; dnacpt->line += 1.8 ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphButtons (dnacptXbuttons, 1, dnacpt->line, 40) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDim(box,0,0,0,&dl) ; dnacpt->line = dl + 2.2 ; } graphText(messprintf("Found %d sites %s in %s",t - 2, dnacpt->restriction, name(seqKey)), 1,dnacpt->line++) ; if (t<=2) return ; dnacpt->line++ ; nrow = (t+1)/2 ; i = arrayMax(sites) ; site = arrp(sites,0,Site) - 1 ; while(site++, i--) if (strlen(stackText(sname,site->mark)) > 9) { nrow = t+1 ; break ; } /* just one col for display */ site = arrp(sites,0,Site) ; graphText (messprintf(" %5d %s",site->i - origin + 1, stackText(sname,site->mark)), 1, dnacpt->line) ; for(i=1, site = arrp(sites,1,Site) ;ii - (site-1)->i , site->i - origin + 1 , /* No ZERO in biology */ stackText(sname,site->mark)), (i >= nrow) ? 27 : 1, dnacpt->line + i%nrow) ; dnacpt->line += nrow + 1 ; aa = arrayCreate (200, int) ; t = arrayMax(sites) ; site = arrp(sites,0,Site) - 1 ; while (site++, t--) array(aa, site->mark,int)++ ; graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth,&mapGraphHeight) ; s2 = stackCreate (300) ; stackCursor (sname, 0) ; dnacpt->cutNone = keySetReCreate(dnacpt->cutNone) ; n = 0 ; while (i = stackPos(sname), (cp=stackNextText(sname))) if (!array(aa, i, int)) { if (lexword2key(cp, &key, MYMOTIF)) keySet(dnacpt->cutNone, n++) = key ; catText (s2, stackText(sname,i)) ; catText (s2, " ") ; } if (stackMark(s2)) { graphText ("Sites not found", 1, dnacpt->line++) ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines (stackText(s2,0), mapGraphWidth - 2) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) graphText(*cpp, 2, dnacpt->line++) ; } stackCursor (sname, 0) ; stackClear (s2) ; dnacpt->cutOnce = keySetReCreate(dnacpt->cutOnce) ; n = 0 ; while (i = stackPos(sname), (cp=stackNextText(sname))) if (array(aa, i, int) == 1 && strcmp(cp,"Origin") && strcmp(cp,"End")) { if (lexword2key(cp, &key, MYMOTIF)) keySet(dnacpt->cutOnce, n++) = key ; catText (s2, stackText(sname,i)) ; catText (s2, ": ") ; t = arrayMax(sites) ; site = arrp(sites,0,Site) - 1 ; while (site++, t--) if (i == site->mark) { catText(s2, messprintf(" %d", site->i - origin + 1)) ; break ; } catText (s2, " ") ; } if (stackMark(s2)) { graphText ("Sites found once", 1, dnacpt->line++) ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines (stackText(s2,0), mapGraphWidth - 2) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) graphText(*cpp, 2, dnacpt->line++) ; } stackCursor (sname, 0) ; stackClear (s2) ; dnacpt->cutTwice = keySetReCreate(dnacpt->cutTwice) ; n = 0 ; while (i = stackPos(sname), (cp=stackNextText(sname))) if (array(aa, i, int) == 2) { if (lexword2key(cp, &key, MYMOTIF)) keySet(dnacpt->cutTwice, n++) = key ; catText (s2, stackText(sname,i)) ; catText (s2, ": ") ; t = arrayMax(sites) ; site = arrp(sites,0,Site) - 1 ; while (site++, t--) if (i == site->mark) catText(s2, messprintf(" %d", site->i - origin + 1)) ; catText (s2, " ") ; } if (stackMark(s2)) { graphText ("Sites found twice", 1, dnacpt->line++) ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines (stackText(s2,0), mapGraphWidth - 2) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) graphText(*cpp, 2, dnacpt->line++) ; } stackCursor (sname, 0) ; stackClear (s2) ; dnacpt->cutThrice = keySetReCreate(dnacpt->cutThrice) ; n = 0 ; while (i = stackPos(sname), (cp=stackNextText(sname))) if (array(aa, i, int) == 3) { if (lexword2key(cp, &key, MYMOTIF)) keySet(dnacpt->cutThrice, n++) = key ; catText (s2, stackText(sname,i)) ; catText (s2, ": ") ; t = arrayMax(sites) ; site = arrp(sites,0,Site) - 1 ; while (site++, t--) if (i == site->mark) catText(s2, messprintf(" %d", site->i - origin + 1)) ; catText (s2, " ") ; } if (stackMark(s2)) { graphText ("Sites found thrice", 1, dnacpt->line++) ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines (stackText(s2,0), mapGraphWidth - 2) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) graphText(*cpp, 2, dnacpt->line++) ; } stackCursor (sname, 0) ; stackClear (s2) ; dnacpt->cutMore = keySetReCreate(dnacpt->cutMore) ; n = 0 ; while (i = stackPos(sname), (cp=stackNextText(sname))) if (array(aa, i, int) > 3) { if (lexword2key(cp, &key, MYMOTIF)) keySet(dnacpt->cutMore, n++) = key ; if (stackMark(s2)) catText (s2, "\n") ; catText (s2, messprintf("%d * %s: ", array(aa, i, int),stackText(sname,i))) ; t = arrayMax(sites) ; site = arrp(sites,0,Site) - 1 ; while (site++, t--) if (i == site->mark) catText(s2, messprintf(" %d", site->i - origin + 1)) ; } if (stackMark(s2)) { graphText ("Sites found more often", 1, dnacpt->line++) ; for (cpp = uBrokenLines (stackText(s2,0), mapGraphWidth - 2) ; *cpp ; ++cpp) graphText(*cpp, 2, dnacpt->line++) ; } graphLine (0,dnacpt->line,mapGraphWidth,dnacpt->line) ; dnacpt->line++ ; arrayDestroy (aa) ; stackDestroy (s2) ; } /*************************************************************************/ static KEY matchSeqTag = 0 ; static void getMatchSeqTag (void) { if (!matchSeqTag) #ifdef ACEDB4 lexaddkey ("Match_sequence", &matchSeqTag, 0) ; #else lexaddkey ("Site", &matchSeqTag, 0) ; #endif } Stack dnacptAnalyseRestrictionBox(char *text, BOOL amino, Stack *snp) { OBJ obj ; KEY key ; char *cname ,*cp; Stack s = 0 ; static Stack s1 = 0 , s2 = 0 ; BOOL error = FALSE ; int n , i ; KEY _VOligo = pickWord2Class("Oligo") ; getMatchSeqTag () ; /* make sure matchSeqTag is set */ if(!enzSet && (!text || !*text)) { messout("First type in a restriction site") ; return 0 ; } s = stackCreate(80) ; s1 = stackReCreate(s1, 80) ; s2 = stackReCreate(s2, 80) ; *snp = stackReCreate(*snp, 50) ; pushText(*snp,"Origin") ; END_MARK = stackMark(*snp) ; pushText(*snp,"End") ; if (!text && enzSet) { i = keySetMax(enzSet) ; n = 0 ; while (i--) { key = keySet(enzSet,i) ; if (class(key) == MYMOTIF && (obj = bsCreate(key))) { if (bsGetData(obj,matchSeqTag,_Text,&cname)) { n++ ; pushText(s, cname) ; pushText(*snp,name(key)) ;} bsDestroy(obj) ; } else if (_VOligo && class(key) == _VOligo && (obj = bsCreate(key))) { if (bsGetData(obj,_Sequence,_Text,&cname)) { n++ ; pushText(s, cname) ; pushText(*snp,name(key)) ;} bsDestroy(obj) ; } } } else { stackTokeniseTextOn(s1, text, ";") ; /* tokeniser */ /* Now replace known enzyme names by their sequence */ /* and produce a clean message */ while ((cp = stackNextText(s1))) { if(!amino && lexword2key(cp,&key,MYMOTIF) && (obj = bsCreate(key))) { catText(s2, name(key)) ; catText(s2, " ; ") ; if (bsGetData(obj,matchSeqTag,_Text,&cname)) { pushText(s, cname) ; pushText(*snp,name(key)) ;} bsDestroy(obj) ; } else { pushText(s, cp) ; pushText(*snp,cp) ; catText(s2, cp) ; catText(s2, " ; ") ; } } memset(text, 0, BOX_LENGTH) ; strncpy(text, stackText(s2, 0), 39) ; } /* Verify that we have sequences */ /* go to lower case */ stackCursor(s, 0) ; while ((cp = stackNextText(s))) { --cp ; while(*++cp) *cp = freelower(*cp) ; } /* if dna, try to encode */ stackCursor(s, 0) ; if (!amino) while ((cp = stackNextText(s))) { n = strlen(cp) ; dnaEncodeString(cp) ; if (n > strlen(cp)) error = TRUE ; } if (error) { messout ("%s %s %s %s %s", "Type names of known motifs, or valid dna sequences,", "separated by semi columns. For example:", "BamHI ; aatgga ; mksw\n", "Use the tab button to autocomplete the enzymedisplaycrenames", "or use one the enzyme list buttons") ; stackDestroy (s) ; } else stackCursor (s, 0) ; return s ; } /**********************************/ static void dnacptRestriction (void) { Array dna, colors ; KEY seqKey ; KEYSET matchingSeqs = 0, ksa = 0 ; FeatureMap look ; Array sites = 0 ; Stack s , sname = 0 ; int from = 0, length, to , origin; int ii, frame; Stack s1 = 0 ; ACEOUT dump_out; Graph cptGraph = graphActive(); DNACPTGET("dnacptRestriction") ; if (!graphCheckEditors(dnacpt->graph,0)) return ; if (strcmp(dnacpt->restriction, dnacpt->restriction2)) keySetDestroy (dnacpt->enz) ; /* the zeroing of dnacpt->enz is complicated, but this is to get a nice interface for the user and to avoid changing geldisp.c mieg: may 97 */ if (dnacpt->enz) dnacptDisplay() ; enzSet = dnacpt->enz ; /* static communication with geldisp !, sorry */ s = dnacptAnalyseRestrictionBox (dnacpt->enz ? 0 : dnacpt->restriction, dnacpt->amino, &sname) ; enzSet = 0 ; strcpy(dnacpt->restriction2,dnacpt->restriction) ; if (!s) { dnacptDisplay() ; return ; } if (dnacpt->useKeySet) { KEY seq ; KEYSET kSet ; int nn = 0 , nms = 0 ; if (!keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout("First select a KeySet containing sequences") ; return ; } ksa = keySetAlphaHeap (kSet, keySetMax(kSet)) ; if (!keySetMax(ksa)) { messout("First select a KeySet containing sequences") ; keySetDestroy (ksa) ; return ; } matchingSeqs = keySetCreate() ; table = tableCreate (64, "kiis") ; tableSetColumnName (table, 0, "seq") ; tableSetColumnName (table, 1, "start") ; tableSetColumnName (table, 2, "end") ; tableSetColumnName (table, 3, "match") ; for (ii = 0 ; ii < keySetMax(ksa) ; ii++) if ((dna = dnaGet(seq=keySet(ksa,ii)))) { nn++ ; sites = arrayReCreate(sites, 20, Site) ; tabKey = keySet(ksa,ii) ; if (dnacpt->amino) for (frame = -3 ; frame < 3 ; frame++) dnacptMultipleMatch (sites, dna, 0, frame, 0, s, sname, 0, arrayMax(dna), TRUE, dnacpt->mmch, dnacpt->mmn) ; else for (frame = -1 ; frame < 1 ; frame++) dnacptMultipleMatch (sites, dna, 0, frame, 0, s, sname, 0, arrayMax(dna), FALSE, dnacpt->mmch, dnacpt->mmn) ; if (arrayMax(sites) > 2) { dnacptShowMatches (seq, sites, sname, 1) ; keySet(matchingSeqs,nms++) = seq ; } arrayDestroy(dna) ; } keySetDestroy (ksa) ; arrayDestroy(sites) ; keySetSort(matchingSeqs) ; keySetCompress(matchingSeqs) ; graphText (messprintf ("I scanned %d sequences", nn), 2, dnacpt->line++) ; if (dnacpt->amino) graphText (messprintf ("in all six frames", nn), 2, dnacpt->line++) ; keySetNewDisplay (matchingSeqs, "Matching sequences"); { static char directory[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; static char filename[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; dump_out = aceOutCreateToChooser ("File to write match list ?", directory, filename, "match", "w", 0); if (dump_out) { tableOut (dump_out, table, '\t', 0) ; aceOutDestroy (dump_out); } } s1 = stackCreate(1000) ; dump_out = aceOutCreateToStack (s1, 0); if (dump_out) { tableOut (dump_out, table, '\t', 0) ; aceOutDestroy (dump_out); } externalFileDisplay ("matches", 0, s1) ; stackDestroy (s1) ; tableDestroy (table) ; table = 0 ; } else { if (!fMapActive (&dna, &colors, &seqKey, &look)) { messout ("First select a DNA window " "or the 'KeySet' button") ; return ; } dnaRepaint(colors) ; fMapFindZone(look, &from, &to, &origin) ; length = to - from ; sites = arrayReCreate(sites, 20, Site) ; if (dnacpt->amino) for (frame = -3 ; frame < 3 ; frame++) dnacptMultipleMatch (sites, dna, 0, frame, colors, s, sname, from, length, TRUE, dnacpt->mmch, dnacpt->mmn) ; else for (frame = -1 ; frame < 1 ; frame++) dnacptMultipleMatch (sites, dna, 0, frame, colors, s, sname, from, length, FALSE, dnacpt->mmch, dnacpt->mmn) ; dnacptShowMatches(seqKey,sites,sname, origin) ; { Graph old = graphActive() ; fMapRegisterSites (look, sites, sname) ; /* sites and sitenames will be destroyed there */ mapColSetByName (fMapGetMap(look), "Summary bar", TRUE) ; fMapDraw(look,0) ; sname = 0 ; sites = 0 ; graphActivate (old) ; } arrayDestroy(sites) ; } stackDestroy(s) ; graphActivate(cptGraph); graphTextBounds (80, ++dnacpt->line) ; graphPop() ; graphRedraw () ; } static void dnacptRestriction2 (char *text) { dnacptRestriction () ; } /* to please graphCompletionEntry */ static void dnacptSelectEnz(void) { OBJ obj ; int i , n ; char *cname ; KEY key ; KEY _VOligo = pickWord2Class("Oligo") ; KEYSET kSet ; DNACPTGET("dnacptSelectEnz") ; getMatchSeqTag () ; /* make sure matchSeqTag is set */ if (!keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet (containing Restriction enzymes)") ; return ; } keySetDestroy (dnacpt->enz) ; dnacpt->enz = keySetCreate() ; i = keySetMax(kSet) ; n = 0 ; while (i--) { key = keySet(kSet,i) ; if (class(key) == MYMOTIF && (obj = bsCreate(key))) { if (bsGetData(obj,matchSeqTag,_Text,&cname)) keySet(dnacpt->enz, n++) = key ; bsDestroy(obj) ; } else if (_VOligo && class(key) == _VOligo && (obj = bsCreate(key))) { if (bsGetData(obj,_Sequence,_Text,&cname)) keySet(dnacpt->enz, n++) = key ; bsDestroy(obj) ; } } if (!n) { messout("The selected keySet does not contain any Oligo, Enzyme or other Motif, sorry") ; keySetDestroy(dnacpt->enz) ; return ; } arraySort(dnacpt->enz,keySetAlphaOrder) ; sprintf(dnacpt->restriction,"%d sites", n) ; strcpy(dnacpt->restriction2,dnacpt->restriction) ; graphBoxDraw(dnacpt->restrictionBox, -1, -1); graphCompletionEntry (restrictionCompletion, dnacpt->restriction,0,0,0,0) ; /* make it acive */ } /***********************************************************/ /***********************************************************/ static void dnacptEmblDump (void) { Array dna, colors ; KEY key ; KEYSET kSet ; DNACPTGET("dnacptEmblDump") ; if (dnacpt->useKeySet) { if (keySetActive (&kSet, 0)) emblDumpKeySet (kSet) ; else messout("First select a keySet containing sequences") ; } else { FeatureMap look; if (fMapActive (&dna,&colors,&key,&look)) emblDumpKey (key) ; else messout ("First select a DNA window or the " "'KeySet' button") ; } return; } /* dnacptEmblDump */ /************************************************************/ void dnacptFastaDump(void) { Array dna ; Array colors ; KEY seqKey ; int from = 0, to, origin ; ACEOUT dna_out; DNACPTGET("dnacptFastaDump") ; if (dnacpt->useKeySet) { KEYSET kSet ; if (!keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet containing sequences") ; return ; } if ((dna_out = dnaFileOpen (0))) { dnaDumpFastAKeySet(dna_out, kSet) ; aceOutDestroy (dna_out); } } else { OBJ obj ; KEY titleKey = 0 ; FeatureMap look ; if (!fMapActive (&dna, &colors, &seqKey, &look)) { messout ("First select a DNA window or the " "'KeySet' button") ; return ; } fMapFindZone (look, &from, &to, &origin) ; if ((dna_out = dnaFileOpen(0))) { int seqFrom = from, seqTo = to - 1 ; if (fMapFindSpan(look, &seqKey, &seqFrom, &seqTo)) { dnaDumpFastA (dna, from, to-1, messprintf ("%s %d-%d", name(seqKey), seqFrom, seqTo), dna_out); } else if ((obj = bsCreate(seqKey))) { if (bsGetKey (obj, _Title, &titleKey)) dnaDumpFastA (dna, from, to-1, messprintf ("%s %d-%d %s", name(seqKey), from+1, to, name(titleKey)), dna_out); else dnaDumpFastA (dna, from, to-1, messprintf ("%s %d-%d", name(seqKey), from+1, to), dna_out); bsDestroy (obj) ; } else dnaDumpFastA (dna, from, to-1, messprintf ("%s %d-%d", name(seqKey), from+1, to), dna_out); aceOutDestroy (dna_out); } } return; } /* dnacptFastaDump */ /*****************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************/ static void dnacptMakeTestSequences(void) { static char dnaDecodeSpec[] = { 'a', 't', 'g', 'c', 'a', 't', 'g', 'c', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n' } ; static char fname[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE]="", dname[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE]="" ; Array dna ; Array colors ; KEY seqKey ; FeatureMap look ; char *cp ; int from = 0, to, origin, ll, cover, y, u, max, nn, i, x ; int offset, taux, type ; unsigned char *ip ; FILE *fil ; char cq[12] ; ACEIN params_in; DNACPTGET("dnacptFastaDump") ; if (dnacpt->useKeySet) { messout("Can't do that from keySet") ; return ; } if(!fMapActive(&dna,&colors,&seqKey, &look)) { messout ("First select a DNA window or the " "'KeySet' button") ; return ; } fMapFindZone (look, &from, &to, &origin) ; if (!(params_in = messPrompt ("Nameprefix, length, coverage and " "error rate","a 300 10 2","wiiiz", 0))) return ; strncpy(cq, aceInWord(params_in), 8); cq[8] = '\0'; aceInNext (params_in); aceInInt(params_in, &ll); aceInNext(params_in); aceInInt (params_in, &cover); aceInInt(params_in, &taux) ; aceInDestroy (params_in); if (ll < 40) { messout("length %d too short") ; return ; } if (taux > 20 || taux < 0) { messout("please choose a value for error rate between 0 and 20") ; return ; } if (taux) { taux = 200 / taux ; offset = randint() % taux ; } else offset = 10 ; if (!(fil = filqueryopen(dname, fname, "ace", "w", "Export"))) return ; if(ll < 100) ll = 100 ; max = to - from ; dnaRepaint(colors) ; nn = max*cover / ll ; while(nn--) { x = randint() ; x <<= 8 ; x += randint() ; if (x < 0) x = - x ; x %= max ; y = randint() % 2 ; fprintf(fil, "\n\nDNA : %s", cq) ; if (y) { u = x ; } else { u = x - ll ; if (u < 1 ) u = 1 ; } while (u) { fprintf(fil, "%c", '0' + u % 10) ; u /= 10 ; } fprintf(fil, "%c\n", y ? 'D' : 'R') ; if (y) { i = ll ; if (x + i > max) i = max - x ; for (cp = arrp(dna, from + x, char), ip = arrp(colors, from + x, unsigned char) ; i ; i--, cp++, ip++) { if (!offset) { offset = randint() % taux ; type = randint() % 16 ; switch (type) { case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3:case 8:case 9:case 10:case 11: putc(dnaDecodeSpec[type], fil) ; break ; case 4:case 5:case 6: case 7: cp-- ; putc(dnaDecodeSpec[type], fil) ; break ; default: break ; } } else { if (taux) offset-- ; *ip = TINT_CYAN ; putc((int)dnaDecodeChar[(int)*cp], fil) ; } } } else { i = ll ; if (x - i <= 0) i = x ; for (cp = arrp(dna, from + x, char) , ip = arrp(colors, from + x, unsigned char) ; i ; i--, cp--, ip-- ) { if (!offset) { offset = randint() % taux ; type = randint() % 16 ; switch (type) { case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3:case 8:case 9:case 10:case 11: putc(dnaDecodeSpec[type], fil) ; break ; case 4:case 5:case 6: case 7: cp++ ; putc(dnaDecodeSpec[type], fil) ; break ; default: break ; } } else { if (taux) offset-- ; *ip = TINT_LIGHTGREEN ; putc((int)dnaDecodeChar[(int)complementBase[(int)*cp]], fil) ; } } } } ip = arrp(colors, 0, unsigned char) ; i = arrayMax(colors) ; x = 0 ; *ip = 0 ; while(ip++, i--) if (*ip && !(*(ip - 1))) x++ ; messout("I exported %d contigs", x) ; fMapReDrawDNA (look) ; filclose (fil) ; } /*************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ static void dnaAG_TC(void) { register int i , j ; int this = 0, old = 0 ; int n ; Array plot ; Array dna, colors ; KEY key ; char *cp , keep ; FeatureMap look ; static char fileName[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE]="",dirName[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE]="" ; static FILE *f = 0 ; char buffer[256] ; DNACPTGET("dnaAG_TC") ; if(!fMapActive(&dna,&colors,&key,&look)) { messout("First select a dna window") ; return ; } plot = arrayCreate(50,int) ; dnacptDisplay() ; dnaRepaint(colors) ; cp = arrp(dna,0,char) ; n =arrayMax(dna) ; strncpy(fileName, name(key), 22) ; f= filqueryopen (dirName, fileName, "agct", "w","Where to export the agct results ?") ; if(f) fprintf(f,"\n\n %s\n",name(key)) ; for(i = j = 0 ; i12) { array(plot,j,int)++ ; if(f) fprintf(f,"%d pos %d\n ",j, i-j) ; keep = *(cp+2); *(cp+2) = 0 ; if(f) fprintf(f," %s\n", dnaDecodeString(buffer, cp-j-(i>1 ? 2 : i), 255)); *(cp+2) = keep ; while(j--) arr(colors,i-j-1,char) = RED ; } j = 1 ; } old = this ; this = 0 ; } if(f) filclose(f) ; /* plotHisto("Sites found",plot) ; rplaced by arrayDestroy : do not do both */ arrayDestroy(plot) ; fMapReDrawDNA (look) ; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /********** Consensus splicing sequence ********************************/ /* accumulates in sites5 (resp sites), a bit of dna around from (resp to) complementing if from > to */ static void dnacptAddSplice(Array dna, Array site5, Array site3, int from, int to, int lengthEx, int lengthIn) { int i = from ; char *cp ; int *ip ; int n = lengthEx + lengthIn + 1 ; if (from < to) { for(i = from - lengthEx, cp = arrp(dna, 0, char) + i , ip = arrayp(site5, 0, int); i <= from + lengthIn && i < arrayMax(dna); cp ++, i++, ip++ ) { if (i<0) continue ; switch(*cp) { case A_ : (*ip)++ ; break ; case C_ : (*(ip + n))++ ; break ; case G_ : (*(ip + 2*n))++ ; break ; case T_ : (*(ip + 3*n))++ ; break ; default: (*(ip + 4*n))++ ; break ; } } for(i = to - lengthIn, cp = arrp(dna, 0, char) + i , ip = arrp(site3, 0, int); i <= to + lengthEx && i < arrayMax(dna); cp ++, i++, ip++ ) { if (i<0) continue ; switch(*cp) { case A_ : (*ip)++ ; break ; case C_ : (*(ip + n))++ ; break ; case G_ : (*(ip + 2*n))++ ; break ; case T_ : (*(ip + 3*n))++ ; break ; default: (*(ip + 4*n))++ ; break ; } } } else { for(i = from + lengthEx , cp = arrp(dna, 0, char) + i , ip = arrp(site5, 0, int); i >= from - lengthIn && i >= 0 ; cp--, i--, ip++ ) { if (i >= arrayMax(dna)) continue ; switch(*cp) { case T_ : (*ip)++ ; break ; case G_ : (*(ip + n))++ ; break ; case C_ : (*(ip + 2*n))++ ; break ; case A_ : (*(ip + 3*n))++ ; break ; default: (*(ip + 4*n))++ ; break ; } } for(i = to + lengthIn , cp = arrp(dna, 0, char) + i , ip = arrp(site3, 0, int); i >= to - lengthEx && i >= 0; cp--, i--, ip++ ) { if (i >= arrayMax(dna)) continue ; switch(*cp) { case T_ : (*ip)++ ; break ; case G_ : (*(ip + n))++ ; break ; case C_ : (*(ip + 2*n))++ ; break ; case A_ : (*(ip + 3*n))++ ; break ; default: (*(ip + 4*n))++ ; break ; } } } } /*************************************************************************/ /* display the cumulted splice sites in the current gmapcpt window */ static void dnacptShowSpliceConsensus(DNACPT dnacpt, char *title, Array site,int lengthEx, int lengthIn) { int n = lengthIn + lengthEx + 1 , i , j ; graphText(title, 5, dnacpt->line += 3) ; for (j=0; j<5; j++) for(i=0; i< n; i++) graphText(messprintf("%3d", array(site, n*j + i, int)), 5 + 5*i, dnacpt->line + 2 + j) ; graphText("A", 2, dnacpt->line + 2) ; graphText("C", 2, dnacpt->line + 3) ; graphText("G", 2, dnacpt->line + 4) ; graphText("T", 2, dnacpt->line + 5) ; graphText("X", 2, dnacpt->line + 6) ; if(*title == '5') { graphText("--- intron ---> ", 5 * lengthEx + 12, dnacpt->line + 1) ; graphLine(5*lengthEx + 9.05, dnacpt->line + 1.5, 5*lengthEx + 9.05, dnacpt->line + 7.5) ; } else { int p = 5 * lengthIn - 14 ; if (p<0) p = 1 ; graphText("--- intron --->", p , dnacpt->line + 1 ) ; graphLine(5*lengthIn + 4.05, dnacpt->line + 1.5, 5*lengthIn + 4.05, dnacpt->line + 7.5) ; } dnacpt->line += 8 ; graphRedraw() ; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Gets the sites recursivelly * taking orientation into account */ static void dnacptGetSpliceSites(Array sites,KEY seq, int from, int to) { int i ; OBJ Seq = bsCreate(seq) ; Array exons = arrayCreate(8, BSunit) ; Array subSeq = arrayCreate(9, BSunit) ; if (!Seq) return ; if (bsFindTag(Seq, _Subsequence) && bsFlatten(Seq, 3, subSeq) ) for (i=0; i < arrayMax(subSeq) ; i += 3) { if (from < to) /* -1 because no zero in biology */ dnacptGetSpliceSites(sites, arr(subSeq,i,BSunit).k , from + arr(subSeq,i+1,BSunit).i - 1, from + arr(subSeq,i+2,BSunit).i - 1 ) ; else dnacptGetSpliceSites(sites, arr(subSeq,i,BSunit).k , from - arr(subSeq,i+1,BSunit).i + 1 , from - arr(subSeq,i+2,BSunit).i + 1 ) ; } if(bsFindTag(Seq, _Source_Exons) && bsFlatten(Seq, 2, exons)) { dnaExonsSort (exons) ; for (i = 1; i + 1 < arrayMax(exons) ; i += 2) /* introns are between exons */ { int n = arrayMax(sites) ; if (from < to) /* -1 because no zero in biology */ { array(sites, n, int) = from + arr(exons,i,BSunit).i - 1 ; array(sites, n + 1, int) = from + arr(exons,i + 1 ,BSunit).i - 1 ; } else { array(sites, n, int) = from - arr(exons,i,BSunit).i + 1 ; array(sites, n + 1, int) = from - arr(exons,i + 1 ,BSunit).i + 1 ; } } } arrayDestroy(subSeq) ; arrayDestroy(exons) ; bsDestroy(Seq) ; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Given tha active key set * look for dnasequnces whose descriptor is in keyset * in each, look recursively for the splice sites, * accumulate them and display. * by starting from _VDNA, we are garanteed not to double count. */ static void dnacptSpliceConsensus(void) { Array dna ; KEY seq = 0; KEYSET kSet , ks2 ; KeySetDisp ksdisp ; Array sites , site5, site3 ; int lengthEx = 3 , lengthIn = 7 , i , ii, nn = 0 , nintrons = 0 ; DNACPTGET("dnacptSpliceConsensus") ; if(!dnacpt->useKeySet) { messout("I just know how to do that from a keySet") ; return ; } if (!keySetActive(&kSet, &ksdisp)) { messout("First select a keySet containing sequences") ; return ; } ks2 = keySetCreate() ; sites = arrayCreate(100, int) ; site5 =arrayCreate(5*(lengthIn + lengthEx + 1), int) ; /* 5 is atgc + ambiguous */ site3 =arrayCreate(5*(lengthIn + lengthEx), int) ; /* 5 is atgc + ambiguous */ array(site5,5*(lengthIn + lengthEx + 1) - 1 , int) = 0 ; array(site3,5*(lengthIn + lengthEx + 1) - 1 , int) = 0 ; for (ii = 0 ; ii < keySetMax(kSet) ; ii++) if ((dna = dnaGet(seq=keySet(kSet,ii)))) { nn++ ; keySetInsert(ks2,seq) ; arrayMax(sites) = 0 ; dnacptGetSpliceSites(sites, seq, 0, arrayMax(dna) - 1 ) ; for (i=0 ; iline += 2) ; dnacptShowSpliceConsensus(dnacpt, "5\'consensus",site5, lengthEx, lengthIn) ; dnacptShowSpliceConsensus(dnacpt, "3\'consensus",site3, lengthEx, lengthIn) ; arrayDestroy(site3) ; arrayDestroy(site5) ; arrayDestroy(sites) ; keySetDestroy(kSet) ; /* This destroys ksdisp->kSet */ keySetShow(ks2, ksdisp) ; /* this will replace ksdisp->kSet with ks2, which makes the above safe see ksetdisp.c:keySetShow2() */ } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /****************** Codon usage ********************************/ /* this is a static because it follows the usual UCGA display of the genetic code with codon in 0, 65 ; rather than our usual A_, T_, G_, C_ internal convention, all ambiguos codons are treated as 64. */ static char* codonFullName[64] = { "Phe","Phe","Leu","Leu","Ser","Ser","Ser","Ser","Tyr","Tyr","***","***","Cys","Cys","***","Trp", "Leu","Leu","Leu","Leu","Pro","Pro","Pro","Pro","His","His","Gln","Gln","Arg","Arg","Arg","Arg", "Ile","Ile","Ile","Met","Thr","Thr","Thr","Thr","Asn","Asn","Lys","Lys","Ser","Ser","Arg","Arg", "Val","Val","Val","Val","Ala","Ala","Ala","Ala","Asp","Asp","Glu","Glu","Gly","Gly","Gly","Gly" } ; /**********/ /* Gives the per thousandth of usage of synonymous codons */ static void dnacptRenormaliseUsage(Array usage) { int i, j ; int equiv[64] , tot[64] ; char name[5] ; for(i = 0 ; i < 64; i++) equiv[i] = -1 ; for(i = 0 ; i < 64; i++) if(equiv[i] == -1) { tot[i] = 0 ; strcpy(name, codonFullName[i]) ; for (j = i; j <64 ; j++) if(!strcmp(name, codonFullName[j])) { tot[i] += arr(usage,j, int) ; equiv[j] = i ; } } for(i = 0 ; i < 64; i++) if(tot[equiv[i]]) arr(usage, i, int) = (1000 * arr(usage, i, int)) / tot[equiv[i]] ; } /**********/ typedef struct LOOKusageStruct { void *magic ; Graph graph ; Array usage ; int myUsage ; } *LOOKusage ; static void dnacptShowUsageDestroy(void) { LOOKusage look = 0 ; if (graphAssFind (&MAGIC_CODON_USAGE, &look) && look->magic == &MAGIC_CODON_USAGE ) { if (look->myUsage == arrayExists(look->usage)) arrayDestroy(look->usage) ; look->magic = 0 ; messfree(look) ; } } /********/ static int aaUse(Array usage, char *cp, int total) { int subtotal = 0 , i ; if(arrayMax(usage) >= 64){ for(i = 0 ; i < 64; i++) if (codonFullName[i] && !strcmp(cp, codonFullName[i])) subtotal += arr(usage,i, int) ; return subtotal ; } else return 0; } /********/ static void showAA(char *text, int n, int x , int y, int total) { if (total) graphText(messprintf("%s%5.1f%%", text, (100.0 * n)/total), x, y) ; else graphText(messprintf("%s -", text), x, y) ; } /********/ static int dnacptShowSomePeptide(Array usage, int total, char *cp, int x, int y) { int i, n = 0, nn = 0 ; char buf[4] ; for (i = 0 ; *cp ; i++, cp+= 3) { strncpy(buf,cp,3) ; buf[3] = 0 ; n = aaUse(usage, buf, total) ; nn += n ; showAA(buf, n, 8 + 11*i, y , total ) ; } return nn ; } /********/ static int dnacptShowPeptideUsage(Array usage, int y, int total) { int n, subTotal = 0 ; graphText("Amino acids usage:", 2, y) ; y += 2 ; n = dnacptShowSomePeptide(usage, total, "LysArgHis", 8, y + 2 ) ; showAA("Basic", n, 4, y + 1 , total) ; subTotal += n ; n = dnacptShowSomePeptide(usage, total, "AspGlu", 8, y + 4 ) ; showAA("Acidic", n, 4, y + 3 , total) ; subTotal += n ; n = dnacptShowSomePeptide(usage, total, "AsnGlnCysMetSerThr", 8, y + 6 ) ; showAA("Neutral", n, 4, y + 5 , total) ; subTotal += n ; showAA("Hydrophilic", subTotal, 1, y , total) ; subTotal = 0 ; n = dnacptShowSomePeptide(usage, total, "GlyAlaValProLeuIle", 8, y + 10 ) ; showAA("Aliphatic", n, 4, y + 9 , total) ; subTotal += n ; n = dnacptShowSomePeptide(usage, total, "PheTyrTrp", 8, y + 12 ) ; showAA("Aromatic", n, 4, y + 11, total) ; subTotal += n ; showAA("Hydrophobic", subTotal, 1, y + 8 , total) ; subTotal = 0 ; return 21 ; /* Overall number of lines used. */ } /********/ static void dnacptShowCodonUsage (int nn, int ncds, Array usage) { int n = arrayMax(usage), total = 0, i, j, k, codon ; int y = 4 ; static char name[] = {'U','C','A','G'} ; char buffer[40] ; Graph old = graphActive () ; LOOKusage look = (LOOKusage) messalloc(sizeof(struct LOOKusageStruct)) ; displayCreate("DtCodons"); graphRegister(DESTROY, dnacptShowUsageDestroy) ; graphRegister(RESIZE, graphRedraw) ; graphAssociate (&MAGIC_CODON_USAGE, look) ; look->magic = &MAGIC_CODON_USAGE ; look->usage = usage ; look->myUsage = arrayExists(usage) ; look->graph = graphActive() ; graphText (messprintf ("I scanned %d sequences, containing %d coding sequences", nn, ncds), 2, 2) ; n = arrayMax(usage) ; while (n--) total += arr (usage, n, int) ; y += dnacptShowPeptideUsage(usage, y, total) ; graphText ("Codon usage.", 2, y - 4) ; /* graphText("Percentage of codon occurence.", 2, y - 4) ; */ graphText (messprintf ("Total %d codons, %d stops", total, arr(usage,10,int) + arr(usage,11,int) + arr(usage,14,int)), 40, y - 4) ; i = array(usage, 64, int) ; if (i) graphText (messprintf ("%d ambiguous codons.", i), 10, y - 3) ; n = arrayMax(usage) ; if(n > 65) { /* if there are codons uncomplete */ i = array(usage, 65, int) ; if (i) graphText (messprintf ("%d uncomplete codons.", i), 40, y - 3) ; } for (i = 0 ; i < 5; i++) graphLine(5, y + 8 * i, 73, y + 8*i) ; for (i = 0 ; i < 5; i++) graphLine(5 + 17 *i , y , 5 + 17 * i, y + 32 ) ; for(i=0; i<4; i++) graphText(messprintf("%c", name[i]), 13 + 17 * i, y -1.3) ; for(i=0; i<4; i++) graphText(messprintf("%c", name[i]), 3, y + 4 + 8 * i) ; dnacptRenormaliseUsage(usage) ; for(i = 0; i<4 ; i++) for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) for ( k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++) { codon = 16*i + 4*j + k ; buffer[0] = name[i] ; buffer[1] = name[j] ; buffer[2] = name[k] ; buffer[3] = buffer[4] = ' ' ; buffer[5] = 0 ; strcat(buffer, codonFullName[codon]) ; /* 5, 6, 7 */ buffer[8] = 0 ; strcat(buffer, messprintf("%5.1f%%", arr(usage,codon,int)/ 10.0)) ; graphText(buffer, 7 + 17*j, y + 2 + 8*i + k + (k/2) ) ; } graphRedraw() ; graphActivate (old) ; } /*************************************************************************/ /* accumulates in usage the codon used in dna messenger */ static void dnacptAddCds2 (Array usage, Array dna) { int i = arrayMax(dna), codon = 0 , frame = 0 ; char *cp = arrp(dna, 0, char) ; while (i--) { if (codon != 64) switch (*cp++) { case T_: break ; case C_: codon += 1 ; break ; case A_: codon += 2 ; break ; case G_: codon += 3 ; break ; default: codon = 64 ; break ; } frame++ ; frame %= 3 ; if (frame) { if (codon != 64) codon <<= 2 ; } else { array(usage, codon, int)++ ; /* Stops should not occur if (codon == 10 || codon == 11 || codon == 14 ) invokeDebugger() ; */ codon = 0 ; } } if (frame) array(usage, 65, int)++ ; } /****************************************************************************/ /* construct the plus and back messengers dna1 and dna2 */ static int dnacptAddCds (Array dna, Array cds, Array usage,KEY dnaKey) { int ncds = 0, from, to, i, j ; static Array gene = 0, exon = 0 ; int n = 0, ne = 0 ; char *cp ; KEY seq = 0 ; int kExon ; gene = arrayReCreate(gene, 1000, char) ; exon = arrayReCreate(exon, 300, char) ; for (i=0 ; i < arrayMax(cds) ; i+= 2) { from = arr(cds,i,int) ; to = arr(cds, i+1, int) ; if (from == -1) /* begin of seq */ { seq = to ; kExon = 1; n = 0 ; arrayMax(gene) = 0 ; continue ; } if (from == -2) /* end of seq */ { ++ncds ; dnacptAddCds2 (usage, gene) ; #ifdef CODE_FILE dnaDecodeArray (gene) ; array(gene, arrayMax(gene), char) = 0 ; fprintf (codeFile, "%s %s\n", name(to), arrp(gene,0,char)) ; #endif continue ; } if(from >= arrayMax(dna)){ return 0; } cp = arrp(dna, from, char) ; /* copy dna */ if (from <= to) for (j = from ; j <= to ; j++, cp++) { if (ne || !(n%3)) /* keep in frame */ array(exon,ne++,char) = *cp ; array(gene,n++,char) = *cp ; } else for (j = from ; j >= to ; j--, cp--) { if (ne || !(n%3)) array(exon,ne++,char) = complementBase[(int)*cp] ; array(gene,n++,char) = complementBase[(int)*cp] ; } #ifdef CODE_FILE dnaDecodeArray (exon) ; array(exon, arrayMax(exon), char) = 0 ; fprintf (exonFile, "%s_%d %s\n", name(seq), kExon, arrp(exon,0,char)) ; #endif arrayMax(exon) = 0 ; ne = 0 ; ++kExon ; } return ncds ; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Gets the coding sequences recursivelly * taking orientation into account */ static BOOL dnacptGetCds(Array cds, KEY seq, int from, int to) { int i, min, max, n ; BOOL result = FALSE ; OBJ Seq = bsCreate(seq) ; Array exons = arrayCreate(8, BSunit) ; Array subSeq = arrayCreate(9, BSunit) ; if (!Seq) return FALSE ; if (bsFindTag(Seq, _CDS)) /* seq is by itself coding sequences */ { min = 1 ; max = 0 ; /* max 0 means go to the end of the spliced sequence */ if (bsGetData(Seq, _bsRight, _Int, &min)) bsGetData(Seq, _bsRight, _Int, &max) ; n = arrayMax(cds) ; array(cds, n++ , int) = -1 ; array(cds, n++ , int) = seq ; /* begin of seq */ if (!bsFindTag(Seq, _Source_Exons) || !bsFlatten(Seq, 2, exons)) { array(exons, 0, BSunit).i = 1 ; /* Failure: Make a fake entry */ array(exons, 1, BSunit).i = (from < to) ? to - from + 1 : from - to + 1 ; } dnaExonsSort (exons) ; for (i = 0; i < arrayMax(exons) ; i += 2, n += 2 ) /* exons themselves */ { result = TRUE ; if (from < to) /* -1 because no zero in biology */ { array(cds, n, int) = from + arr(exons,i,BSunit).i - 1 ; array(cds, n + 1, int) = from + arr(exons,i + 1 ,BSunit).i - 1 ; } else { array(cds, n, int) = from - arr(exons,i,BSunit).i + 1 ; array(cds, n + 1, int) = from - arr(exons,i + 1 ,BSunit).i + 1 ; } } array(cds, n , int) = -2 ; array(cds, n + 1 , int) = seq ; /* end of seq */ } else /* recurse though the sub sequences */ { if (bsFindTag(Seq, _Subsequence) && bsFlatten(Seq, 3, subSeq)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(subSeq) ; i += 3) { if (from < to) /* -1 because no zero in biology */ dnacptGetCds(cds, arr(subSeq,i,BSunit).k , from + arr(subSeq,i+1,BSunit).i - 1, from + arr(subSeq,i+2,BSunit).i - 1 ) ; else dnacptGetCds(cds, arr(subSeq,i,BSunit).k , from - arr(subSeq,i+1,BSunit).i + 1 , from - arr(subSeq,i+2,BSunit).i + 1 ) ; } } arrayDestroy(subSeq) ; arrayDestroy(exons) ; bsDestroy(Seq) ; return result ; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Given the active key set * look for dnasequnces whose descriptor is in keyset * in each, look recursively for the coding sequences, * accumulate the codon usage and display. * by starting from _VDNA, we are garanteed not to double count. */ static void dnacptCodonUsage(void) { Array dna ; KEY seq = 0 , dnaKey = 0 ; KEYSET kSet , ks2 ; Array usage , cds ; int ii, n, nn = 0 , ncds = 0 ; DNACPTGET("dnacptCodonUsage") ; if(!dnacpt->useKeySet) { messout("I just know how to do that from a keySet") ; return ; } if (!keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet containing sequences") ; return ; } #ifdef CODE_FILE codeFile = fopen ("coding.seq","w") ; exonFile = fopen ("exons.seq","w") ; #endif ks2 = keySetCreate() ; cds = arrayCreate(50,int) ; usage = arrayCreate(66, int) ; for (ii = 0 ; ii < keySetMax(kSet) ; ii++) if ((dna = dnaGet(seq=keySet(kSet,ii)))) { nn++ ; arrayMax(cds) = 0 ; dnacptGetCds (cds, seq, 0, arrayMax(dna) - 1) ; n = dnacptAddCds(dna, cds, usage, dnaKey) ; if (n) { ncds += n ; keySetInsert(ks2,seq) ; } arrayDestroy(dna) ; } #ifdef CODE_FILE filclose (codeFile) ; filclose (exonFile) ; #endif if (!nn) { messout("First select a keySet containing sequences") ; return ; } if(arrayMax(usage) > 0) dnacptShowCodonUsage(nn, ncds, usage) ; else messout("No codon information found"); arrayDestroy(cds) ; } /*****************************************/ /*****************************************/ static void dnacptAminoTrue(void) { DNACPTGET("dnacptAminoTrue") ; dnacpt->amino = TRUE ; if (dnacpt->aminoButtonBox) { graphBoxDraw (dnacpt->aminoButtonBox, BLACK, LIGHTRED) ; graphBoxDraw (dnacpt->aminoButtonBox-1, BLACK, WHITE) ; } } static void dnacptAminoFalse(void) { DNACPTGET("dnacptAminoFalse") ; dnacpt->amino = FALSE ; if (dnacpt->aminoButtonBox) { graphBoxDraw (dnacpt->aminoButtonBox, BLACK, WHITE) ; graphBoxDraw (dnacpt->aminoButtonBox-1, BLACK, LIGHTRED) ; } } static void dnacptUseKeySet (void) { DNACPTGET("dnacptUseKeySet") ; if (dnacpt->useKeySet) return ; dnacpt->useKeySet = TRUE ; if (dnacpt->useKeySetButtonBox) { graphBoxDraw (dnacpt->useKeySetButtonBox, BLACK, LIGHTRED) ; graphBoxDraw (dnacpt->useKeySetButtonBox-1, BLACK, WHITE) ; } } void dnacptDontUseKeySet (void) /* called in fmapdisplay */ { DNACPTGET("dnacptDontUseKeySet") ; if (!dnacpt->useKeySet) return ; dnacpt->useKeySet = FALSE ; if (dnacpt->useKeySetButtonBox) { graphBoxDraw (dnacpt->useKeySetButtonBox, BLACK, WHITE) ; graphBoxDraw (dnacpt->useKeySetButtonBox-1, BLACK, LIGHTRED) ; } } /*****************************************/ static void dnacptDestroy (void) { DNACPTGET("dnacptDestroy") ; dnacpt->magic = 0 ; if (dnacpt->dnacptGraph == lastDnacptGraph) lastDnacptGraph = 0 ; keySetDestroy (dnacpt->cutNone) ; keySetDestroy (dnacpt->cutOnce) ; keySetDestroy (dnacpt->cutTwice) ; keySetDestroy (dnacpt->cutThrice) ; keySetDestroy (dnacpt->cutMore) ; keySetDestroy (dnacpt->enz) ; messfree (dnacpt) ; } /*******************************************/ extern int ksetClassComplete(char *text, int len, int classe) ; static int restrictionCompletion(char *cp, int len) { return ksetClassComplete(cp, len, MYMOTIF) ; } /**********************************************************/ static void dnacptPick (int k, double x) { DNACPTGET("dnacptPick") ; if (k) { if (k == dnacpt->restrictionBox) graphCompletionEntry(restrictionCompletion, dnacpt->restriction,0,0,0,0) ; graphActivate(dnacpt->graph) ; } return ; } /**********************************************************/ static void dnacptAllEnz (void) { KEYSET ks = query(0,"Find Motif (Restriction OR Restriction_enzyme)") ; DNACPTGET("dnacptAllEnz") ; if (keySetMax(ks)) { graphEntryDisable () ; keySetNewDisplay (ks, "All restriction enzymes") ; dnacptSelectEnz () ; } } /**********************************************************/ static void dnacptNrEnz (void) { KEYSET ks = query(0,"Find Motif (Restriction OR Restriction_enzyme) AND NOT redundant") ; DNACPTGET("dnacptNrEnz") ; if (!keySetMax(ks)) { messout("Many different enzymes are equivalent (isishizomeres) " "You may want to define a non redundant subset.\n " "To do this, use the edit button of keyset window to add the tag " "redundant to some retriction enzymes") ; ; dnacptAllEnz() ; } else { graphEntryDisable () ; keySetNewDisplay (ks, "Non_redundant restriction enzymes") ; dnacptSelectEnz () ; } } /**********************************************************/ static void dnacptLabEnz (void) { KEYSET ks = query(0,"Find KeySet Lab_Enzymes ; NEIGHBOURS") ; DNACPTGET("dnacptLabEnz") ; if (!keySetMax(ks)) { messout("You do not have a keyset \"Lab_enzymes\" defined. " "Select some enzymes and Use the Save_as menu entry " "from the keyset window") ; dnacptAllEnz() ; } else { graphEntryDisable () ; keySetNewDisplay (ks, "Lab_enzymes") ; dnacptSelectEnz () ; } } /**********************************************************/ static void dnaCptCopy (void) { lastDnacptGraph = 0 ; dnaAnalyse(); return ; } /**********************************************************/ static void setState0(void) { DNACPTGET("setState") ; dnacpt->menuState = 0 ; dnacptDisplay () ; } static void setState1(void) { DNACPTGET("setState") ; dnacpt->menuState = 1 ; dnacptDisplay () ; } static void setState2(void) { DNACPTGET("setState") ; dnacpt->menuState = 2 ; dnacptDisplay () ; } static void setState3(void) { DNACPTGET("setState") ; dnacpt->menuState = 3 ; dnacptDisplay () ; } /*************************************************************/ static BOOL MMcheck (int n) { if (n < 0 || n > 8) { messout ("Allowed mismatch range [0,8]") ; return FALSE ;} return TRUE ; } static int dnacptDisplayTopPart(DNACPT dnacpt, MENUOPT* mm, int line) { int box ; float dl = line ; graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth,&mapGraphHeight) ; if (mm) { box = graphBoxStart() ; graphButtons (mm, .5, line, mapGraphWidth) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDim(box,0,0,0,&dl) ; } line = dl + 1.2 ; graphLine(0,line, mapGraphWidth, line) ; line += 1.2 ; graphText ("Apply to:", 1, line) ; box = graphButton ("DNA Window active zone", dnacptDontUseKeySet, 10, line - .5) ; if (!dnacpt->useKeySet) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, PALEBLUE) ; line += 1.2 ; box = graphButton ("KeySet of sequences", dnacptUseKeySet, 10, line) ; if (dnacpt->useKeySet) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, PALEBLUE) ; dnacpt->useKeySetButtonBox = box ; line += 2.2 ; graphLine(0,line, mapGraphWidth, line) ; line += 1.2 ; return line ; } static int dnacptDisplayEnzymes(DNACPT dnacpt, int line) { int box ; float dl = 1 ; graphText ("Site(s): ", 0.5, line) ; box = graphButton ("DNA", dnacptAminoFalse, 18.5, line - .3) ; if (!dnacpt->amino) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, PALEBLUE) ; box = graphButton ("AA",dnacptAminoTrue, 23.5,line - .3) ; if (dnacpt->amino) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, PALEBLUE) ; dnacpt->aminoButtonBox = box ; graphButton ("help", help, 28, line - .3) ; /* if (dnacpt->complement) { box = graphBoxStart() ; graphText("Complementary sequence", 35.,line) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw(box,BLACK,RED) ; } */ line += 1.2 ; if (!dnacpt->amino) graphText ("ex: hindIII ; atgtnnnat ; wska (Tab key)", 0.5, line) ; else { graphText ("ex: HVRDH ; PG?YQ ; (?: any letter; *: any word)", 0.5, line++) ; graphText (" Use biomotif for complex patterns", 0.5, line) ; } line += 1.95 ; strcpy(dnacpt->restriction, "") ; dnacpt->restrictionBox = graphCompletionEntry(restrictionCompletion, dnacpt->restriction, BOX_LENGTH, 2.5, line, dnacptRestriction2) ; line += 2.2; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphButtons (dnacptMenuEnz, .5, line, mapGraphWidth) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDim(box,0,0,0,&dl) ; line = dl + 2.2 ; graphIntEditor ("Max unknown", &dnacpt->mmn, 0.5, line, MMcheck) ; line += -1.0 ; graphIntEditor ("Max mismatch", &dnacpt->mmch, 0.5, line, MMcheck) ; line += .8 ; box = graphButton ("Clear",dnacptDisplay,26.2, line - 1.3) ; box = graphButton ("Search",dnacptRestriction,26, line + .5) ; graphBoxBox(box) ; line += 2.9 ; graphLine(0,line, mapGraphWidth, line) ; line += .8 ; graphCompletionEntry (restrictionCompletion, dnacpt->restriction,0,0,0,0) ; /* make it acive */ return line ; } /*************************************************************/ static void dnacptDisplay(void) { int box ; float dl, line = 1 ; DNACPTGET("dnacptDisplay") ; graphActivate(dnacpt->graph) ; graphClear() ; graphMenu(dnacptMenuBG) ; graphFitBounds(&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight) ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphButtons (dnacptMenuTrivia, .5, line, mapGraphWidth) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDim(box,0,0,0,&dl) ; line = dl + 1.5 ; switch(dnacpt->menuState) { case 0: graphText("Built in tools", .5, line) ; line += 1.5 ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphButtons (dnacptMenu0, .5, line, mapGraphWidth) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDim(box,0,0,0,&dl) ; line = dl + .5 ; graphText("External analysis programs", .5, line) ; line += 1.5 ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphButtons (dnacptMenuE, .5, line, mapGraphWidth) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDim(box,0,0,0,&dl) ; line = dl + 2.2 ; break ; case 1: line = dnacptDisplayTopPart(dnacpt, dnacptMenu1, line) ; line = dnacptDisplayEnzymes (dnacpt, line) ; break ; case 2: line = dnacptDisplayTopPart(dnacpt, dnacptMenu10, line) ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphButtons (dnacptMenu2, .5, line, mapGraphWidth) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDim(box,0,0,0,&dl) ; line = dl + 2.2 ; break ; default: line = dnacptDisplayTopPart(dnacpt, dnacptMenu10, line) ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphButtons (dnacptMenuOthers, .5, line, mapGraphWidth) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDim(box,0,0,0,&dl) ; line = dl + 2.2 ; break ; } line += 2 ; dnacpt->line = line ; graphTextBounds (80,line) ; graphRedraw() ; displaySetSizeFromWindow ("DtDnaTool") ; return; } /* dnacptDisplay */ /****************************************************************/ /****************************************************************/ /******************** public routines ************************/ void dnaAnalyse(void) { DNACPT dnacpt ; if(graphActivate(lastDnacptGraph)) { graphPop() ; return ; } lastDnacptGraph = displayCreate ("DtDnaTool") ; dnacpt=(DNACPT)messalloc(sizeof(struct DNACPTSTUFF)); dnacpt->magic = &MAGIC_CPT ; dnacpt->menuState = 0 ; dnacpt->graph = lastDnacptGraph ; /* provision for multi windows */ graphRegister (DESTROY,dnacptDestroy) ; graphRegister (PICK,dnacptPick) ; /* graphRegister (RESIZE, dnacptDisplay) ;: no good, clears the results ! */ graphAssociate (&MAGIC_CPT, dnacpt); strcpy(dnacpt->restriction,"") ; dnacpt->amino = FALSE ; dnacptDisplay() ; } /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ #ifdef JUNK This finction is quite cryptic, i comment it out, mieg, may 97 typedef struct { KEY key ; int mark , nseg, length ; } RD ; static Stack rdStack = 0 ; static Array dnacptGetRD(void) { int n = arrayMax(enzSet) ; Array rd = arrayCreate(n, RD) ; RD *r ; KEY key ; char *cp ; OBJ obj ; getMatchSeqTag () ; /* make sure matchSeqTag is set */ rdStack = stackReCreate(rdStack, 50) ; while(n--) { r = arrayp(rd, n, RD) ; key = keySet(enzSet,n) ; r->key = key ; r->mark = stackMark(rdStack) ; if ((obj = bsCreate(key))) { if(bsGetData(obj, matchSeqTag, _Text, &cp)) { pushText(rdStack, cp) ; dnaEncodeString(stackText(rdStack,r->mark)) ; } bsDestroy(obj) ; } r->nseg = r->length = 0 ; } return rd ; } static void dnacptShowDistribution(int nseq, int nbases, Array rd) { int i = arrayMax(rd) ; RD* r ; char buffer[256] ; DNACPTGET("dnacptShowDistrib") ; graphActivate(dnacpt->graph) ; graphText(messprintf("Searched %d sequences, %d bases", nseq, nbases) , 1, dnacpt->line++) ; for(i=0; i< arrayMax(rd); i++) { r = arrp(rd, i, RD) ; graphText(messprintf ("%d segments,", r->nseg), 3, dnacpt->line) ; graphText(messprintf(" average length %d", (r->nseg ? r->length/r->nseg : 0)), 15, dnacpt->line) ; graphText(messprintf(" expected length %d", 1<< 2*strlen(stackText(rdStack,r->mark))), 40, dnacpt->line) ; graphText(messprintf(" Site %s ", dnaDecodeString(buffer, stackText(rdStack,r->mark), 255)), 62, dnacpt->line++) ; } graphTextBounds (80,dnacpt->line += 2) ; graphRedraw() ; } static void dnacptRestDistrib(void) { Array dna , sites ; KEY seq = 0; int i, ii, nseq = 0 , nbases = 0 ; KEYSET kSet ; Array rd ; RD *r ; DNACPTGET("dnacptRestDistrib") ; if (!graphCheckEditors(dnacpt->graph,0)) return ; if (!dnacpt->useKeySet) { messout("I only know how to do that from a keySet") ; return ; } if (!keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet containing sequences") ; return ; } if (!enzSet || !arrayMax(enzSet)) { messout ("First select a enzSet") ; return ; } rd = dnacptGetRD() ; for (ii = 0 ; ii < keySetMax(kSet) ; ii++) if ((dna = dnaGet(seq=keySet(kSet,ii)))) { nbases += arrayMax(dna) ; nseq++ ; i = keySetMax(rd) ; while(i--) { r = arrp(rd, i, RD) ; sites = arrayReCreate(sites, 20, Site) ; dnacptMatch(dna, 1, sites, stackText(rdStack, r->mark), 0, arrayMax(dna), 0, 0, 0) ; if (arrayMax(sites) > 3) { r->length += arr(sites, arrayMax(sites) - 2, Site).i - arr(sites, 1, Site).i ; r->nseg += arrayMax(sites) - 3 ; } } } if (!nseq) { messout("First select a keySet containing sequences") ; return ; } dnacptShowDistribution(nseq, nbases, rd) ; } #endif /*****************************************/ static void dnaCptPhrapRepeats (char target) { KEYSET aa = 0, bb = 0; ACETMP tmpFile; static BOOL firstPass = TRUE ; Array dna, colors ; KEY seqKey = 0 ; FeatureMap look = 0 ; DNACPT dnacpt = 0 ; char *script; graphAssFind (&MAGIC_CPT, &dnacpt) ; if (dnacpt && dnacpt->useKeySet) { if (!keySetActive(&aa, 0)) { messout("First select a keyset containing sequences") ; return ; } bb = query (aa, "CLASS Sequence DNA AND NEXT") ; if (!keySetMax(bb)) { messout("First select a keyset containing sequences") ; return ; } } else { if (!fMapActive (&dna, &colors, &seqKey, &look)) { messout ("First select a DNA window " "or the 'KeySet' button") ; return ; } dnaRepaint(colors) ; bb = queryKey (seqKey, ">Subsequence") ; if (!keySetMax(bb)) keySet (bb,0) = seqKey ; } tmpFile = aceTmpCreate ("w", 0); if (!tmpFile) goto abort; dnaDumpFastAKeySet (aceTmpGetOutput (tmpFile), bb); aceTmpClose (tmpFile); script = dbPathFilName(WSCRIPTS, "findrepeats", "", "x", 0); if (!script) { messout("Cannot find the findrepeats script in wscripts."); goto abort; } if (firstPass) { firstPass = FALSE ; messout ("wscripts/findrepeats \n" "Contributed by Jeremy Parsons (wash U)") ; } messStatus ("Looking for Repeats") ; callScript(script, messprintf(" %s &", aceTmpGetFileName(tmpFile))); messfree(script); /* note that we are not really able to reimport the results */ aceTmpDestroy (tmpFile); abort: keySetDestroy(aa) ; keySetDestroy(bb) ; return; } /* dnaCptPhrapRepeats */ void dnaCptFindRepeats(void) { dnaCptPhrapRepeats('r') ; } void dnaCptPhrap(void) { dnaCptPhrapRepeats('p') ; } /***************************************************************/ static void dnacptDumpSegs (void) { static char directory[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; static char filename[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; ACEOUT gff_out; KEYSET kSet ; DNACPTGET("dnacptDumpSegs") ; if (!dnacpt->useKeySet) { messout ("I only know how to do that from a keySet") ; return ; } if (!keySetActive(&kSet, 0)) { messout ("First select a keySet containing sequences") ; return ; } gff_out = aceOutCreateToChooser ("File to write", directory, filename, "info", "w", 0); if (gff_out) { fMapDumpSegsKeySet (kSet, gff_out); aceOutDestroy (gff_out); } return; } /* dnacptDumpSegs */ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/