/* File: fmapblast.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1992 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Interface to BLAST, Oligo selection program * HISTORY: * Last edited: Mar 13 23:47 2002 (rd) * * Jul 16 10:09 1998 (edgrif): Introduce private header fmap_.h * Created: Tue Oct 7 1996 (mieg) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: fmapblast.c,v 1.22 2002/03/14 00:03:31 rd Exp $ */ #define ARRAY_CHECK #define MALLOC_CHECK #include "acedb.h" #include "aceio.h" #include "call.h" #include "dna.h" #include "query.h" #include "session.h" #include "dbpath.h" #include "parse.h" #include "lex.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "whooks/classes.h" #include "display.h" #include static Graph blastControlGraph = 0 ; static void fMapBlastControl (void) ; static void fMapBlastControlDraw (void) ; static FeatureMap BLASTGET (char *title) ; static void popBlastControl(void) ; static void fMapBlastX_pir (void) ; static void fMapBlastX_nr (void) ; static void fMapBlastN (void) ; static BOOL running = FALSE ; static int MSPupper = 50 ; /* limit for conserved hits, see /usr/local/bin/MSPcrunch -C help */ /***************************************************************************************/ void fMapBlastInit (void) { fMapBlastControl () ; } /***********************************************************************/ /***************** actual calls to blast *******************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* i just need to parse the returned file and the look buffer which contains the alignment info */ static void fMapBlastEnd (ACEIN fi, void *lk) /* fucntion of type ExternalFuncType (wh/call.h) */ { KEY key = 0 ; Stack s = (Stack) lk ; char *cp ; sessionGainWriteAccess () ; if (fi && stackExists (s)) { stackCursor (s, 0) ; cp = stackNextText (s) ; lexaddkey (cp, &key, _VSequence) ; cp = stackNextText (s) ; parseBuffer (cp, 0, FALSE) ; parseAceIn (fi, 0, TRUE) ; /* keepGoing = TRUE */ #ifdef CANNOT_DO_TWICE_BECAUSE_FI_IS_DESTROYED_IN_PARSING parseAceIn (fi, 0, TRUE) ; /* do it twice because alias system is bugged */ #endif } stackDestroy (s) ; if ( fMapActivateGraph()) { graphUnMessage() ; displayPreserve () ; } if (key) display (key, 0, 0) ; running = FALSE ; popBlastControl() ; fMapBlastControlDraw () ; return; } /* fMapBlastEnd */ static void fMapBlastAny (char *pgm, char *db) { Array dna, colors ; Stack lk = 0 ; KEY seqKey ; int from, to, seqFrom, seqTo, i ; ACETMP tmpFile ; FeatureMap look = BLASTGET("fMapBlastAny") ; char *seqBit ; if (!look) return ; if (!fMapActive (&dna, &colors, 0, 0)) { messout ("First select a Sequence window") ; return ; } if (!graphCheckEditors(blastControlGraph, TRUE)) return ; fMapFindZone (look, &from, &to, 0) ; tmpFile = aceTmpCreate ("w", 0); if (!tmpFile) return; seqFrom = from ; seqTo = to-1 ; if (!fMapFindSpan (look, &seqKey, &seqFrom, &seqTo)) { messout ("Can't find parent sequence") ; return ; } seqBit = messprintf ("%s_%d-%d", name(seqKey), seqFrom, seqTo) ; dnaDumpFastA (dna, from, to-1, seqBit, aceTmpGetOutput (tmpFile)); aceTmpClose (tmpFile); lk = stackCreate (50) ; pushText (lk, seqBit) ; pushText(lk, messprintf( "Sequence %s\nSource %s\n\nSequence %s\nSubsequence %s %d %d \n\n", seqBit, name(seqKey), name(seqKey), seqBit, seqFrom, seqTo)) ; i = stackMark (lk) ; pushText (lk, messprintf("%s %s %s %d", aceTmpGetFileName(tmpFile), pgm, db, MSPupper)) ; if ( externalAsynchroneCommand ("blast_search", stackText (lk, i), lk, fMapBlastEnd)) { displayPreserve() ; running = TRUE ; popBlastControl() ; fMapBlastControlDraw () ; } aceTmpDestroy (tmpFile); return; } /* fMapBlastAny */ static void fMapBlastX_pir (void) { fMapBlastAny ("blastx", "pir") ; } static void fMapBlastX_nr (void) { fMapBlastAny ("blastx", "nr") ; } static void fMapBlastN (void) { fMapBlastAny ("blastn", "nr") ; } /**************************************************************************/ #ifdef JUNK static void fMapBlastMail (void) { Array dna, colors ; void *look ; KEY seqKey ; Stack s = stackCreate(50) ; OBJ obj ; KEY titleKey = 0 ; int from, to, origin, i ; char buf[2] ; DNACPTGET("fMapBlastMail") ; char *script; if(!fMapActive(&dna,&colors,&seqKey, &look)) { messout("First select a dna window or the Search Active KeySet button") ; return ; } fMapFindZone (look, &from, &to, &origin) ; if ((obj = bsCreate(seqKey))) { bsGetKey (obj, _Title, &titleKey) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } pushText(s, titleKey ? name(titleKey) : "acedb_submission") ; catText(s," ") ; buf[1] = 0 ; for (i = from ; i < to ;) { buf[0] = dnaDecodeChar[((int)arr(dna, i++, char)) & 0xff] ; catText(s,buf) ; } catText(s," &\n") ; script = dbPathFilName(WSCRIPTS, "blast_mailer", "", "x", 0); if (script && (callScript (script, stackText(s,0))== 0)) messout ("I sent your request to the blast mailer") ; else messout ("Failed to find script to mail to blast") ; if (script) messfree(script); stackDestroy(s) ; } /**************************************************************************/ static void dnacptFastamailMail (void) { Array dna, colors ; void *look ; KEY seqKey ; Stack s = stackCreate(50) ; OBJ obj ; KEY titleKey = 0 ; int from, to, origin, i ; char buf[2] ; DNACPTGET("dnacptFastaMail") ; cahr *script; if(!fMapActive(&dna,&colors,&seqKey, &look)) { messout("First select a dna window or the Search Active KeySet button") ; return ; } fMapFindZone (look, &from, &to, &origin) ; if ((obj = bsCreate(seqKey))) { bsGetKey (obj, _Title, &titleKey) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } pushText(s, titleKey ? name(titleKey) : "acedb_submission") ; catText(s," ") ; buf[1] = 0 ; for (i = from ; i < to ;) { buf[0] = dnaDecodeChar[((int)arr(dna, i++, char)) & 0xff] ; catText(s,buf) ; } catText(s," &\n") ; script = dbPathFilName(WSCRIPTS, "fastamail_mailer", "", "x", 0); if (script && (callScript (script, stackText(s,0)) == 0)) messout ("I sent your request to the fasta mailer") ; else messout ("failed to find script to mail to fasta") ; if (script) messfree(script); stackDestroy(s) ; } #endif /* JUNK */ /***********************************************************************/ /****************** Blast control graph ********************************/ /***********************************************************************/ static int selecting = 0 ; static void popBlastControl(void) { if (graphActivate (blastControlGraph)) graphPop() ; } static FeatureMap BLASTGET (char *title) { FeatureMap look ; if (!graphActivate (blastControlGraph)) { blastControlGraph = 0 ; return 0 ; } graphCheckEditors(blastControlGraph, TRUE) ; if (selecting == 1) selecting = 0 ; fMapBlastControlDraw () ; if (!fMapActive (0,0,0,&look)) { messout("Sorry, no active sequence, I cannot proceed") ; return 0 ; } graphUnMessage () ; graphActivate (look->graph) ; return look ; } /******************** commented out, seems useless static void blastRedraw (void) { FeatureMap look = BLASTGET ("blastRedraw") ; if (!look) return ; fMapDraw(look,0) ; popBlastControl() ; fMapBlastControlDraw () ; } ******************************************************/ static MENUOPT blastControlMenu[] = { { graphDestroy, "Quit" }, { help, "Help" }, { 0, 0 } } ; /*****************************************************************/ static BOOL MSPlimitcheck (int n) { return (n <= 80 && n >= 30) ; } static void fMapBlastControlDraw (void) { int line = 3; Graph old = graphActive () ; if (!graphActivate (blastControlGraph)) return ; graphClear () ; graphText ("A direct interface to BLAST", 2, line++) ; graphText (" the homology search program", 2, line++) ; graphText (" from the NCBI", 2, line++) ; line++ ; if (running) { graphText ("I sent your request to blast", 3, line++) ; graphText ("on the server defined in the file $ACEDB/wscripts/blast-search", 3, line++) ; line += 2 ; graphText ("It takes around 5 minutes to search a 5 kb", 3, line++) ; graphText ("fragment against the nr database", 3, line++) ; graphText ("During the search you can keep working", 3, line++) ; graphText ("but you should not edit the searched sequence", 3, line++) ; line += 2 ; } else { graphText ("It takes around 5 minutes to search a 5 kb", 3, line++) ; graphText ("fragment against the nr database", 3, line++) ; graphText ("During the search you can keep working", 3, line++) ; graphText ("but you should not edit the searched sequence", 3, line++) ; line++ ; graphText ("If all works", 3, line++) ; graphText (" a new window will pop out with the results", 3, line++) ; graphText ("If not", 3, line++) ; graphText (" check the script wscripts/blast_search", 3, line++) ; graphText ("This is a new tool, please send comments", 3, line++) ; line += 3 ; graphButton ("BlastX/PIR:", fMapBlastX_pir, 2,line) ; /* line += 2.2 ; */ graphButton ("BlastX/nr:", fMapBlastX_nr, 15,line) ; /* line += 2.2 ; */ graphButton ("BlastN/nr:", fMapBlastN, 30,line) ; line += 2.2 ; graphIntEditor ("Minimal score [30-80]", &MSPupper, 18, line++, MSPlimitcheck) ; graphText ("Compare the 6-frame translations against", 4,line++) ; graphText ("the protein database PIR", 4,line) ; line += 2.2 ; /* graphButton("tBlastX: translate 6 frames and blast against the 6 translations of the dna database nr", fMapBlastN, 2,line) ; line += 2.2 ; */ } graphButton ("Help", help, 3,line) ; graphButton ("Comments", acedbMailComments, 13,line) ; line += 2 ; if (!running) graphButton ("Cancel", graphDestroy, 3,line) ; graphRedraw () ; graphActivate (old) ; } static void fMapBlastControlDestroy (void) { blastControlGraph = 0 ; } static void fMapBlastControl (void) { Graph old = graphActive () ; if (graphActivate (blastControlGraph)) { graphPop () ; return ; } blastControlGraph = graphCreate (TEXT_SCROLL, "BLAST parameters", 0, 0, 0.6, 0.5) ; graphHelp("BLAST") ; graphRegister (DESTROY, fMapBlastControlDestroy) ; graphMenu (blastControlMenu) ; fMapBlastControlDraw () ; graphActivate (old) ; } /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/