/* File: fmapgene.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1992 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Dynamic programming gene finding * HISTORY: * Last edited: Jul 26 17:10 2002 (edgrif) * * Sep 23 16:47 1999 (fw): ditched the use of method->gaFac * this data is now kept locally in this module * in a local cache gaFacs indexed by KEYKEY(meth->key) * * Jul 16 14:27 1998 (edgrif): Introduce private header fmap_.h * * Jun 12 14:15 1994 (rd): change to select on BEGIN/END to allow refinement of selections in regions * * Jun 12 14:15 1994 (rd): added exonScore, move to pg rules * * Jun 7 18:27 1994 (rd): split set Parms function into two * Created: Tue Aug 4 18:58:53 1992 (rd) * CVS info: $Id: fmapgene.c,v 1.87 2002/11/04 19:01:19 srk Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for pickMatch() */ #include /* for checkWriteAccess() */ #include #undef SRK_DEBUG static void initialise (FeatureMap look); static void setTempGene (FeatureMap look, Array a, int k, int frame, BOOL startNotFound, BOOL endNotFound, BOOL isByHand) ; static KEY findPeptideMatch(KEY temp,int newchk,KEY key) ; static int calculateAndSaveChecksum(KEY protein); static void fMapDP (void) ; static void fMapDP1 (void) ; static void fMapSetChoose (void) ; static void fixTemp (void) ; static void killGeneMenu (void) ; static void showSelect (void) ; static void addATG (void) ; static void addSplice3 (void) ; static void addSplice5 (void) ; static void fMapHideGfColumns (void) ; static void fMapShowGfColumns (void) ; static void fMapChooseToGene (void) ; static void parmsEditor(void) ; static void parmsLoad(void) ; static void parmsSave(void) ; /*************************/ /* Keep ELTtype and eltTypeName in step. */ typedef enum { DUMMY=0, BEGIN, END, START, STOP, SPLICE_5, SPLICE_3, FRAME } ELTtype ; /* STOP < SPLICE_5 required for correct sort */ static char *eltTypeName[] = { "DUMMY", "BEGIN", "END", "START", "STOP", "SPLICE_5", "SPLICE_3", "FRAME" } ; typedef struct ELTstruct { ELTtype type ; int x ; /* base before splice5, after splice3 */ /* first base of ATG, last of stop */ int frame ; float localScore ; float score ; /* DP partial score */ struct ELTstruct *ptr ; /* DP back pointer */ int flag ; } ELT ; #define FLAG_REQUIRED 0x0001 #define FLAG_ANTI_REQUIRED 0x0002 /*********************************************************/ static int classCDS ; /* the class for CDS */ static KEY childTag, parentTag ; /* The Genefinder parameter tags in the method objs */ static KEY _Gene_assemble_method ; static KEY _Intron_min, _Exon_min, _Intron_cost, _Inter_gene_cost ; static KEY _GF_range, _GF_ATG_cutoff, _GF_5_cutoff, _GF_3_cutoff ; /* The Genefinder methods */ static KEY M_GF_coding_seg, M_GF_ATG, M_GF_splice ; static KEY M_hexExon, M_hexIntron, M_hexExon_span ; /* hexExon_span is for old style cumulative scoring */ static Array codeSegs = 0 ; static FeatureMap gfLook ; static int gf_range = 10000 ; static int intronMin = 40 ; static int intronRateMin = 55 ; static float intronRate = -1.5 ; /* per log base bp beyond rate min */ static float intronBase = -3.0 ; static int exonMin = 33 ; static float interGeneCost = -5.0 ; float intron3Cutoff = 0.0; float intron5Cutoff = -0.5; float atgCutoff = 0.0; static Array gaFacs = 0; /* of type float * indexed by KEYKEY(methodKey) * we would need one array per * method context, but we have * only one context here for now */ static Graph parmsGraph = GRAPH_NULL ; static char parmsName[64] = "" ; static int parmsNameBox ; static MENUOPT parmsMenu[] = { { graphDestroy, "Quit" }, { graphPrint, "Print" }, { parmsLoad, "Load" }, { parmsSave, "Save" }, { 0, 0 } } ; static MENUOPT selectMenu[] = { { graphDestroy, "Quit" }, { graphPrint, "Print" }, { showSelect, "Update" }, { 0, 0 }} ; MENUOPT fMapGeneOpts[] = { { fMapMenuAddGfSegs, "Genefinder Features"}, { fMapDP1, "Autofind one gene"}, { fMapDP, "Autofind genes"}, { parmsEditor, "Parameters"}, { fMapSetChoose, "Gene -> Selected"}, { fMapChooseToGene, "Selected -> temp_gene"}, { fixTemp, "Fix temp_gene"}, { killGeneMenu, "Remove Gene"}, { showSelect, "Show Selected"}, { addATG, "New Gene Start (ATG)"}, { addSplice3, "New Exon Start"}, { addSplice5, "New Exon End"}, { fMapHideGfColumns, "Hide Gf columns"}, { fMapShowGfColumns, "Show Gf columns"}, {0, 0}} ; FREEOPT fMapChooseMenu[] = { { 4, "Splice menu" }, { 1, "Select" }, { 2, "Antiselect" }, { 3, "Unselect" }, { 4, "Delete" } } ; /* Grimness: there is only one "params" window for all fmaps on the screen, */ /* but in order to run some of the options for the params window we need to */ /* know which fmap was clicked on. This static _should_ hold the id of the */ /* fmap from which the params window was invoked. Thus we can look at/setup */ /* the correct method cache etc. for that specific fmap. */ static Graph fmap_graph_G = GRAPH_NULL ; /****************************************************************** ************************* public functions *********************** ******************************************************************/ void fMapChooseMenuFunc (KEY key, int box) { int index ; SEG *seg ; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("fMapChooseMenuFunc") ; if (!(index = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int))) return ; seg = arrp(look->segs, index, SEG) ; switch (key) { case 1: /* "Select" */ assRemove (look->antiChosen, SEG_HASH(seg)) ; assInsert (look->chosen, SEG_HASH(seg), assVoid(seg->x1)) ; graphBoxDraw (box, -1, GREEN) ; break ; case 2: /* "Antiselect" */ assRemove (look->chosen, SEG_HASH(seg)) ; assInsert (look->antiChosen, SEG_HASH(seg), assVoid(seg->x1)) ; graphBoxDraw (box, -1, LIGHTGREEN) ; break ; case 3: /* "Unselect" */ assRemove (look->chosen, SEG_HASH(seg)) ; assRemove (look->antiChosen, SEG_HASH(seg)) ; graphBoxDraw (box, -1, WHITE) ; break ; case 4: /* "Delete" */ assRemove(look->chosen, SEG_HASH(seg)); assRemove(look->antiChosen, SEG_HASH(seg)); arrayMax(look->segs) = look->lastTrueSeg; *seg = arr(look->segs, arrayMax(look->segs)-1, SEG); --arrayMax(look->segs); arraySort(look->segs, fMapOrder) ; look->lastTrueSeg = arrayMax(look->segs); fMapDraw(look, 0); break; } } /* fMapChooseMenuFunc */ /********************/ void fMapAddGfSeg (int type, KEY key, int x1, int x2, float score) /* fmap.h - Used by gfcode.c & hexcode.c */ { SEG *seg = arrayp (gfLook->segs, arrayMax(gfLook->segs), SEG) ; fMapInitialise() ; seg->parent = 0 ; seg->type = type ; seg->key = key ; seg->x1 = x1 + gfLook->gf.min ; seg->x2 = x2 + gfLook->gf.min ; seg->data.f = score ; return; } /* fMapAddGfSeg */ /********************/ void fMapAddGfSite (int type, int pos, float score, BOOL comp) /* fmap.h - Used by gfcode.c & hexcode.c */ { fMapInitialise() ; switch (type) { case '3': fMapAddGfSeg (comp ? SPLICE3_UP : SPLICE3, M_GF_splice, pos-1, pos, score) ; break ; case '5': fMapAddGfSeg (comp ? SPLICE5_UP : SPLICE5, M_GF_splice, comp ? pos-2 : pos, comp ? pos-1 : pos+1, score) ; break ; case 'a': fMapAddGfSeg (comp ? ATG_UP : ATG, M_GF_ATG, comp ? pos-3 : pos, comp ? pos-1 : pos+2, score) ; break ; } return; } /* fMapAddGfSite */ /********************/ void fMapAddGfCodingSeg (int pos1, int pos2, float score, BOOL comp) /* fmap.h - Used by gfcode.c & hexcode.c */ { fMapInitialise() ; fMapAddGfSeg (comp ? FEATURE_UP : FEATURE, M_GF_coding_seg, pos1-1, pos2-1, score) ; return; } /* fMapAddGfCodingSeg */ /********************/ /* fmap_.h - function to start genefinder */ void fMapAddGfSegs (FeatureMap look) { int i, len ; SEG *seg ; char saved_char ; METHOD *meth; initialise (look) ; /* set the CALCULATED flag - see fmapcontrol.c:addOldSegs() */ meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, M_GF_ATG, ""); meth->flags |= METHOD_CALCULATED; meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, M_GF_coding_seg, ""); meth->flags |= METHOD_CALCULATED; meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, M_GF_splice, ""); meth->flags |= METHOD_CALCULATED; meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, M_hexIntron, ""); meth->flags |= METHOD_CALCULATED; meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, M_hexExon, ""); meth->flags |= METHOD_CALCULATED; /* first delete temp segs */ arrayMax(look->segs) = look->lastTrueSeg ; /* then current gf segs */ for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->key == M_GF_coding_seg || seg->key == M_GF_ATG || seg->key == M_GF_splice || seg->key == M_hexExon || seg->key == M_hexIntron) { *seg = arr(look->segs, arrayMax(look->segs)-1, SEG) ; --arrayMax(look->segs) ; /* RD must do after, for ARR_CHECK */ --i ; /* so test the new item */ } } gfLook = look ; look->gf.min = look->map->centre - gf_range ; if (look->gf.min < 0) look->gf.min = 0 ; if (look->gf.min > look->zoneMin) look->gf.min = look->zoneMin ; look->gf.max = look->map->centre + gf_range ; if (look->gf.max > arrayMax(look->dna)) look->gf.max = arrayMax(look->dna) ; if (look->gf.max < look->zoneMax) look->gf.max = look->zoneMax ; len = look->gf.max - look->gf.min ; if (look->gf.cum) messfree (look->gf.cum) ; look->gf.cum = (float*) halloc (sizeof(float)*(len+1), graphHandle()) ; if (look->gf.revCum) messfree (look->gf.revCum) ; look->gf.revCum = (float*) halloc (sizeof(float)*(len+1), graphHandle()) ; /* ensure 0 termination is safe */ array(look->dna, arrayMax(look->dna), char) = 0 ; --arrayMax(look->dna) ; /* geneFinderAce calls an internal routine that assumes that the dna * array is a normal C string, so this horrible code inserts a null to * make it so and then restores the char at the end. This code should * be encapsulated in geneFinderAce and we should pass in the gf.max to * geneFinderAce as a parameter. Soemthing for another time..... */ if (look->gf.max < arrayMax(look->dna)) { saved_char = arr(look->dna, look->gf.max, char) ; arr(look->dna, look->gf.max, char) = 0 ; } if (geneFinderAce(arrp(look->dna,look->gf.min,char), &look->gf)) { hexAddSegs ("intron", FEATURE, M_hexIntron, 1, 10, FALSE, arrp(look->dna,look->gf.min,char), len, 0) ; hexAddSegs ("intron", FEATURE_UP, M_hexIntron, 1, 10, TRUE, arrp(look->dna,look->gf.min,char), len, 0) ; /* exon must come second, to fill cum properly */ hexAddSegs ("cds", FEATURE, M_hexExon, 3, 10, FALSE, arrp(look->dna,look->gf.min,char), len, look->gf.cum) ; hexAddSegs ("cds", FEATURE_UP, M_hexExon, 3, 10, TRUE, arrp(look->dna,look->gf.min,char), len, look->gf.revCum) ; arraySort (look->segs, fMapOrder) ; look->lastTrueSeg = arrayMax(look->segs) ; fMapProcessMethods (look) ; fMapShowGfColumns() ; /* also does fMapDraw() */ } /* Vital...restore the null'd dna char. */ if (look->gf.max < arrayMax(look->dna)) arr(look->dna, look->gf.max, char) = saved_char ; return ; } /* fMapAddGfSegs */ /****************************************************************** ************************ private functions *********************** ******************************************************************/ /* There is a problem here....if the ?Method class definition in models.wrm */ /* does not contain any of the tags hard-coded below then method.c will */ /* crash. We don't have a mechanism for ensuring that this code and ?Method */ /* definition are kept in step...uuuggghhh. */ /* */ static void initialise (FeatureMap look) { static BOOL isGlobalDone = FALSE ; if (!look->isGFMethodsInitialised) { /* genefinder methods - init once per FMAP-look */ /* we keep the KEYs of those methods in static vars */ M_GF_ATG = methodCacheGetByName (look->mcache, "GF_ATG", "Colour ORANGE\n" "Frame_sensitive\n" "Strand_sensitive\n" "Score_by_width\n" "Score_bounds 0 3\n" "Right_priority 4.2\n" ,"")->key; M_GF_splice = methodCacheGetByName (look->mcache, "GF_splice", "Strand_sensitive\n" "Score_bounds -1 4\n" "Width 10\n" "Right_priority 5.6\n" ,"")->key; M_GF_coding_seg = methodCacheGetByName (look->mcache, "GF_coding_seg", "Colour LIGHTGRAY\n" "Frame_sensitive\n" "Strand_sensitive\n" "Score_by_width\n" "Score_bounds 2 8\n" "Width 2\n" "Right_priority 4.3\n" "Symbol \"C\"\n" ,"")->key; M_hexExon = methodCacheGetByName (look->mcache, "hexExon", "Colour ORANGE\n" "Frame_sensitive\n" "Strand_sensitive\n" "Score_by_width\n" "Score_bounds 10 50\n" "Width 2\n" "Right_priority 4.6\n" "Symbol \"H\"\n" ,"")->key; M_hexExon_span = methodCacheGetByName (look->mcache, "hexExon_span", "" /* no defaults needed - * empty object is sufficient */ ,"")->key; M_hexIntron = methodCacheGetByName (look->mcache, "hexIntron", "Colour BROWN\n" "Strand_sensitive\n" "Score_by_width\n" "Score_bounds 10 40\n" "Width 2\n" "Right_priority 5.1\n" "Symbol \"I\"\n" ,"")->key; look->isGFMethodsInitialised = TRUE; } if (!isGlobalDone) { if (prefValue("Use CDS class")) { classCDS = pickWord2Class("CDS") ; childTag = str2tag("CDS_child") ; parentTag = str2tag("Sequence_parent") ; } else { classCDS = pickWord2Class("Sequence") ; childTag = str2tag("Subsequence") ; parentTag = str2tag("Source") ; } /* tags - init only once per application process */ lexaddkey ("Intron_min", &_Intron_min, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Exon_min", &_Exon_min, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Intron_cost", &_Intron_cost, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Inter_gene_cost", &_Inter_gene_cost, 0) ; lexaddkey ("GF_range", &_GF_range, 0) ; lexaddkey ("GF_ATG_cutoff", &_GF_ATG_cutoff, 0) ; lexaddkey ("GF_5_cutoff", &_GF_5_cutoff, 0) ; lexaddkey ("GF_3_cutoff", &_GF_3_cutoff, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Gene_assemble_method", &_Gene_assemble_method, 0) ; /* default methods for gene assembly */ gaFacs = arrayCreate (lexMax(_VMethod), float); array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(M_GF_ATG), float) = 1.0; array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(M_GF_splice), float) = 1.0; array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(M_hexExon_span), float) = 1.0; isGlobalDone = TRUE ; } return; } /* initialise */ /********************************************************/ /********** intron and exon scoring routines ************/ static float interGeneScore (ELT *elt1, ELT *elt2) { return interGeneCost ; } static float intronScore (ELT *elt1, ELT *elt2) { int length = elt2->x - elt1->x - 2 ; /* -2 because ->x are exon endpoints */ if (length < intronMin && elt1->type != BEGIN && elt2->type != END) return -1000.0 ; else if (length <= intronRateMin) return intronBase ; else return intronBase + intronRate*log10(length - intronRateMin) ; } static float exonScore (FeatureMap look, ELT *elt1, ELT *elt2, int frame, GFINFO *gf) { int i, x1 = elt1->x, x2 = elt2->x, s1, s2 ; float score = 0, bit ; KEY methodKey ; SEG *seg ; METHOD *meth ; HOMOLINFO *hinf ; if (elt2->type == STOP) x2 -= 2 ; /* added 2 so sorted correctly with splices */ if (x2-x1+1 < exonMin && elt1->type != BEGIN && elt1->type != START && elt2->type != END && elt2->type != STOP) return -1000.0 ; while (x1 % 3 != frame) ++x1 ; /* so start in frame */ while (x2 % 3 != frame) --x2 ; /* so end in frame */ if (arrayExists(codeSegs)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(codeSegs) ; ++i) { seg = arr(codeSegs,i,SEG*) ; if (seg->x1 >= x2 || seg->x2 <= x1) continue ; if (seg->type == HOMOL || seg->type == HOMOL_UP) { hinf = arrp(look->homolInfo, seg->data.i, HOMOLINFO) ; methodKey = hinf->method ; bit = hinf->score ; } else if (seg->type == FEATURE || seg->type == FEATURE_UP) { methodKey = seg->key ; bit = seg->data.f ; } meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, methodKey, "") ; if (!meth) continue; if (!array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(meth->key), float)) continue ; if ((meth->flags & METHOD_FRAME_SENSITIVE) && seg->x1 %3 != frame) continue ; s1 = seg->x1 > x1 ? seg->x1 : x1 ; s2 = seg->x2 < x2 ? seg->x2 : x2 ; score += bit * array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(meth->key), float) * (s2 - s1 + 1) / (float) (seg->x2 - seg->x1 + 1) ; } /* hack for oldfashioned approach */ meth = methodCacheGet (look->mcache, M_hexExon_span, ""); if (meth && array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(meth->key), float)) /* mhmp 08.09.98 */ { x1 += 3 ; x2 -= 3 ; if (x1 < x2) score += array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(meth->key), float) * (gf->cum[x2 - gf->min] - gf->cum[x1 - gf->min]) ; } #ifdef DEBUG printf (" <%.2f>", score) ; #endif /* DEBUG */ return score ; } /* exonScore */ #ifdef OLD_EXON_SCORE float min, max = 0, *cum = 0 ; cum = &gf->cum[x1 - gf->min] ; min = *cum ; cum += 3 ; for (i = x1 + 3 ; i <= x2 ; i += 3, cum += 3) { if (*cum < min) min = *cum ; else if (*cum - min > max) max = *cum - min ; } #ifdef COMPENSATE_FOR_LENGTH max -= log10(x2-x1+1) ; #endif /* COMPENSATE_FOR_LENGTH */ if (max > 0) return max * codingCost ; else return 0 ; } static void flattenGfCum (LOOK look) { int i ; char *cp = arrp(look->dna, look->gf.min, char) ; float max[3] ; for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) max[i] = -1.0e20 ; for (i = look->gf.min ; i < look->gf.max ; ++i, ++cp) if (codon(cp) == '*') max[i%3] = -1.0e20 ; else if (look->gf.cum[i] < max[i%3]) look->gf.cum[i] = max[i%3] ; else max[i%3] = look->gf.cum[i] ; } #endif /* OLD_EXON_SCORE */ /********************** set parameters ***********************/ static void parmsLoadName (char *s, FeatureMap look, BOOL makeParms) { KEY key ; OBJ obj ; BSMARK mark = 0 ; float x ; int i; /* no need to initialise - only called from functions * where this has already been done */ if (!lexword2key (s, &key, _VMethod)) { messout ("Can't find Method object %s", parmsName) ; return ; } strcpy (parmsName, name(key)) ; if (!(obj = bsCreate (key))) { messout ("Failed to open Method object %s", name(key)) ; return ; } bsGetData (obj, _Intron_min, _Int, &intronMin) ; bsGetData (obj, _Exon_min, _Int, &exonMin) ; x = bsGetData (obj, _Intron_cost, _Float, &intronBase) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &intronRate) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &intronRateMin) ; bsGetData (obj, _Inter_gene_cost, _Float, &interGeneCost) ; bsGetData (obj, _GF_range, _Int, &gf_range) ; bsGetData (obj, _GF_ATG_cutoff, _Float, &atgCutoff) ; bsGetData (obj, _GF_5_cutoff, _Float, &intron5Cutoff) ; bsGetData (obj, _GF_3_cutoff, _Float, &intron3Cutoff) ; { /* check displayable */ float rp = 2.0 ; if (!bsGetData (obj, str2tag("Right_priority"), _Float, 0)) bsAddData (obj, str2tag("Right_priority"), _Float, &rp) ; if (!bsGetKeyTags (obj, str2tag("Colour"), 0)) if (bsAddTag (obj, str2tag("Colour")) && bsPushObj (obj)) { bsAddTag (obj, _BLUE) ; bsGoto (obj, 0) ; } } /* clear all gene-assembly-factors */ for (i = 0; i < arrayMax(gaFacs); i++) array(gaFacs, i, float) = 0; if (bsGetKey (obj, _Gene_assemble_method, &key)) do { mark = bsMark (obj, mark) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &x)) { /* make sure the method is in the cache */ methodCacheGet (look->mcache, key, ""); array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(key), float) = x; } bsGoto (obj, mark) ; } while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsDown, &key)) ; bsMarkFree (mark) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; if (parmsGraph && makeParms) parmsEditor () ; return; } /* parmsLoadName */ static void parmsLoad (void) { FeatureMap look = NULL ; ACEIN name_in; /* We need to operate on the fmap that the user clicked on. */ graphActivate(fmap_graph_G) ; look = currentFeatureMap("parmsLoad") ; initialise (look); if ((name_in = messPrompt ("Give name of method object to load from", parmsName, "wz", 0))) { parmsLoadName (aceInWord(name_in), look, TRUE); aceInDestroy (name_in); } return; } /* parmsLoad */ static void parmsSave (void) { KEY key ; OBJ obj ; int i ; float f; FeatureMap look = NULL ; ACEIN name_in; /* We need to operate on the fmap that the user clicked on. */ graphActivate(fmap_graph_G) ; look = currentFeatureMap("parmsSave"); initialise (look) ; if (!checkWriteAccess()) /* need to establish write access, otherwise the changes stay * in the object in secondary chache but will never make their * way into the object on disk. */ return; name_in = messPrompt ("Give name of method object to save into:", parmsName, "wz", 0); if (!name_in) return ; strncpy (parmsName, aceInWord(name_in), 63); parmsName[63] = '\0'; aceInDestroy(name_in); if (strlen(parmsName) == 0) { messout ("You must give a name") ; return ; } if (!graphCheckEditors (parmsGraph, TRUE)) return ; if (!lexaddkey (parmsName, &key, _VMethod) && !messQuery ("Overwrite method %s?", name(key))) return ; if (!(obj = bsUpdate (key))) { messout ("Failed to edit object Method:%s", name(key)) ; return ; } bsAddData (obj, _Intron_min, _Int, &intronMin) ; bsAddData (obj, _Exon_min, _Int, &exonMin) ; bsAddData (obj, _Intron_cost, _Float, &intronBase) ; bsAddData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &intronRate) ; bsAddData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &intronRateMin) ; bsAddData (obj, _Inter_gene_cost, _Float, &interGeneCost) ; bsAddData (obj, _GF_range, _Int, &gf_range) ; bsAddData (obj, _GF_ATG_cutoff, _Float, &atgCutoff) ; bsAddData (obj, _GF_5_cutoff, _Float, &intron5Cutoff) ; bsAddData (obj, _GF_3_cutoff, _Float, &intron3Cutoff) ; { /* check displayable */ float rp = 2.0 ; if (!bsGetData (obj, str2tag("Right_priority"), _Float, 0)) bsAddData (obj, str2tag("Right_priority"), _Float, &rp) ; if (!bsGetKeyTags (obj, str2tag("Colour"), 0)) if (bsAddTag (obj, str2tag("Colour")) && bsPushObj (obj)) { bsAddTag (obj, _BLUE) ; bsGoto (obj, 0) ; } } if (bsFindTag (obj, _Gene_assemble_method)) bsPrune (obj) ; /* write out all the gene-assembly-factors * for each factor that we have for a method write * the key of the corresponding method and the factor */ for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(gaFacs) ; ++i) { f = arr(gaFacs, i, float); if (f) if (bsAddKey (obj, _Gene_assemble_method, KEYMAKE(_VMethod, i))) bsAddData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &f) ; } bsSave (obj) ; if (graphActivate (parmsGraph)) graphBoxDraw (parmsNameBox, -1, -1) ; return; } /* parmsSave */ static void newMethodEntryCallBack (char *new_name) { KEY key ; float x ; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("newMethodEntryCallBack") ; ACEIN fac_in; if (!(fac_in = messPrompt (messprintf ("Give score factor for method %s", new_name), "0", "fz", 0))) return; aceInFloat (fac_in, &x) ; aceInDestroy (fac_in); /* add the method into the cache - the lexaddkey ensires that * we have at least an empty object in the database, so soemthing * will get added to the cache */ lexaddkey (new_name, &key, _VMethod) ; methodCacheGet (look->mcache, key, ""); array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(key), float) = x; parmsEditor () ; return; } /* newMethodEntryCallBack */ /* menu/button func */ static void parmsEditor (void) { static char newMethodName[64] ; int line = 0 ; int i ; KEY key ; float f; FeatureMap look = NULL ; KEY methodKey; /* We need to operate on the fmap that the user clicked on, so need to */ /* record which one it was. */ look = currentFeatureMap("parmsEditor"); fmap_graph_G = graphActive() ; /* MUST be an fmap because of preceding call. */ initialise (look) ; if (graphActivate (parmsGraph)) { graphPop () ; graphClear () ; } else { parmsGraph = graphCreate (TEXT_SCROLL, "Gene assembly parameters", 0, 0, 0.4, 0.4) ; graphMenu (parmsMenu) ; } if (!*parmsName) if (lexword2key ("assembly-default", &key, _VMethod) && iskey(key) == 2) parmsLoadName ("assembly-default", look, FALSE); parmsNameBox = graphBoxStart () ; graphText ("Name:", 1, line) ; graphTextPtr (parmsName, 7, line++, 32) ; graphBoxEnd () ; ++line ; graphText ("Assembly parameters", 1, line++) ; graphIntEditor ("Min intron length", &intronMin, 2, line++, 0) ; graphIntEditor ("Min exon length", &exonMin, 2, line++, 0) ; graphFloatEditor ("Intron base cost", &intronBase, 2, line++, 0) ; graphFloatEditor ("Intron rate", &intronRate, 2, line++, 0) ; graphIntEditor ("Intron rate min", &intronRateMin, 2, line++, 0) ; graphFloatEditor ("Inter-gene cost", &interGeneCost, 2, line++, 0) ; ++line ; graphText ("Assembly methods", 1, line++) ; for (i = 0; i < arrayMax(gaFacs); ++i) { f = arr(gaFacs, i, float); if (!f) continue; methodKey = KEYMAKE(_VMethod, i); if ((methodCacheGet(look->mcache, methodKey, ""))) graphFloatEditor (name(methodKey), (arrp(gaFacs, i, float)), 2, line++, 0) ; } *newMethodName = 0 ; graphTextScrollEntry (newMethodName, 63, 20, 2, line++, newMethodEntryCallBack) ; ++line ; graphText ("Genefinder parameters", 1, line++) ; graphIntEditor ("Features range (bp)", &gf_range, 2, line++, 0) ; graphFloatEditor ("3-splice cutoff", &intron3Cutoff, 2, line++, 0) ; graphFloatEditor ("5-splice cutoff", &intron5Cutoff, 2, line++, 0) ; graphFloatEditor ("ATG cutoff", &atgCutoff, 2, line++, 0) ; ++line ; graphText ("Save as \"assembly-default\" to set the default", 1, line++) ; graphRedraw () ; graphActivate(fmap_graph_G) ; /* Make sure fmap user clicked on is the active one. */ return; } /* parmsEditor */ /********************/ static int eltCompare (void *x, void *y) { int diff = ((ELT*)x)->x - ((ELT*)y)->x ; if (diff) return diff ; else return ((ELT*)x)->type - ((ELT*)y)->type ; } /********************/ static void fMapDP (void) /* menu/button func "Autofind genes" */ { static Array zombie[3] ; /* active elts in intron */ static Array alive[3] ; /* active elts in coding frame */ static Array elts ; /* complete set */ static Array gene ; ELT *elt, *elt2, *dead, end, *best ; /* best needed for one-gene version */ int i, j, jKeep, frame, zframe ; int min, max, endFrame ; float score, scoreKeep, fac ; SEG *seg ; HOMOLINFO *hinf ; METHOD *meth ; char *cp ; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("fMapDP") ; initialise (look); if (!*parmsName) /* load default parameters */ { KEY key ; if (lexword2key ("assembly-default", &key, _VMethod) && iskey(key) == 2) parmsLoadName ("assembly-default", look, TRUE) ; } else if (parmsGraph) graphCheckEditors (parmsGraph, TRUE) ; if (!look->gf.cum) { fMapAddGfSegs(look) ; if (!look->gf.cum) messout ("I cannot locate the genefinder tables, sorry. " "Either put them in $ACEDB/wgf, or set the environment " "variable GF_TABLES.") ; return ; } /* find working zone */ fMapSetZoneEntry (look->zoneBuf) ; /* simulate return in zone entry box to ensure zone coords up to date */ min = look->zoneMin ; max = look->zoneMax + 1 ; if (look->gf.min > min) min = look->gf.min ; if (look->gf.max < max) max = look->gf.max ; if (max < min) { messout ("Available range is (%d,%d) is negative", min, max) ; return ; } /* make elts Array of features for dynamic programming */ elts = arrayReCreate (elts, 1024, ELT) ; codeSegs = arrayReCreate (codeSegs, 1024, SEG*) ; /* elts from SEGs: SPLICES + STARTS */ for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->x1 < min || seg->x2 >= max || assFind (look->antiChosen, SEG_HASH(seg), 0)) continue ; switch (seg->type) { case ATG: meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, seg->key, "") ; if ((fac = array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(meth->key), float))) { elt = arrayp(elts, arrayMax(elts), ELT) ; elt->type = START ; elt->x = seg->x1 ; elt->frame = seg->x1 % 3 ; elt->localScore = seg->data.f * fac ; } break ; case SPLICE5: /* need 3 - indexed by frame */ meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, seg->key, "") ; if ((fac = array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(meth->key), float))) for (frame = 0 ; frame < 3 ; ++frame) { elt = arrayp(elts, arrayMax(elts), ELT) ; elt->type = SPLICE_5 ; elt->x = seg->x1 ; elt->localScore = seg->data.f * fac ; elt->frame = frame ; } break ; case SPLICE3: /* 3 indexed by zframe */ meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, seg->key, "") ; if ((fac = array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(meth->key), float))) for (zframe = 0 ; zframe < 3 ; ++zframe) { elt = arrayp(elts, arrayMax(elts), ELT) ; elt->type = SPLICE_3 ; elt->x = seg->x2 ; elt->localScore = seg->data.f * fac ; elt->frame = zframe ; } break ; case FEATURE: meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, seg->key, "") ; if (array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(meth->key), float) && seg->data.f) array(codeSegs, arrayMax(codeSegs), SEG*) = seg ; break ; case HOMOL: hinf = arrp(look->homolInfo, seg->data.i, HOMOLINFO) ; meth = methodCacheGet(look->mcache, hinf->method, "") ; if (array(gaFacs, KEYKEY(meth->key), float) && hinf->score) array(codeSegs, arrayMax(codeSegs), SEG*) = seg ; break ; default: break ; } } /* all STOPs */ cp = arrp (look->dna, min, char) ; for (i = min ; i <= max-3 ; ++i) if (codon(cp++) == '*') { elt = arrayp(elts, arrayMax(elts), ELT) ; elt->type = STOP ; elt->x = i+2 ; elt->frame = i % 3 ; } arraySort (elts, eltCompare) ; /* do the dynamic programming - first initialise to BEGIN */ { ELT begin ; begin.type = BEGIN ; begin.x = min ; begin.ptr = 0 ; begin.score = begin.localScore = 0 ; for (frame = 0 ; frame < 3 ; ++frame) { alive[frame] = arrayReCreate (alive[frame], 32, ELT*) ; array (alive[frame], 0, ELT*) = (ELT*) messalloc(sizeof(ELT)) ; *arr(alive[frame], 0, ELT*) = begin ; arr(alive[frame], 0, ELT*)->frame = frame ; } for (zframe = 0 ; zframe < 3 ; ++zframe) { ELT *myelt ; /* I need to allocate *myelt, otherwise some SGI compilo crash */ zombie[zframe] = arrayReCreate (zombie[zframe], 32, ELT*) ; array (zombie[zframe], 0, ELT*) = myelt = (ELT*) messalloc(sizeof(ELT)) ; *myelt = begin ; /* here myelt is absolutely needed */ myelt->frame = zframe ; } dead = (ELT*) messalloc(sizeof(ELT)) ; *dead = begin ; dead->score = -interGeneCost ; best = 0 ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(elts) ; ++i) { elt = arrp(elts, i, ELT) ; #ifdef DEBUG printf ("%d_%d %4.1f %s ", COORD(look,elt->x), elt->frame, elt->localScore, eltTypeName[elt->type]) ; #endif /* DEBUG */ switch (elt->type) { case START: { ELT *wasDead = dead ; if (dead) { elt->score = dead->score + elt->localScore + interGeneScore (dead, elt) ; if (dead->type != BEGIN) elt->ptr = dead ; } if (assFind (look->chosen, HASH(ATG, elt->x + 2), 0)) { for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) { arrayMax(alive[j]) = 0 ; arrayMax(zombie[j]) = 0 ; } dead = 0 ; } if (wasDead) array (alive[elt->frame], arrayMax(alive[elt->frame]), ELT*) = elt ; } break ; case STOP: if (assFind (look->chosen, HASH(ORF, elt->x - 3), 0)) dead = best = 0 ; /* to force choice of this frame */ if (!assFind (look->antiChosen, HASH(ORF, elt->x - 3), 0)) for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax(alive[elt->frame]) ; ++j) { elt2 = arr(alive[elt->frame], j, ELT*) ; score = elt2->score + exonScore (look, elt2, elt, elt->frame, &look->gf) ; #ifdef DEBUG printf (" (%d_%d %4.1f)", COORD(look,elt2->x), elt2->frame, score) ; #endif /* DEBUG */ if (!dead || score > dead->score) { elt->score = score ; elt->ptr = elt2 ; dead = elt ; } if (!best || score > best->score) { elt->score = score ; elt->ptr = elt2 ; best = elt ; } } if (assFind (look->chosen, HASH(ORF, elt->x - 3), 0)) for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) /* kill all except dead */ { arrayMax(alive[j]) = 0 ; arrayMax(zombie[j]) = 0 ; } else arrayMax(alive[elt->frame]) = 0 ; break ; case SPLICE_5: zframe = (elt->x + 4 - elt->frame) % 3 ; for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax(alive[elt->frame]) ; ++j) { elt2 = arr(alive[elt->frame], j, ELT*) ; score = elt2->score + elt->localScore + exonScore (look, elt2, elt, elt->frame, &look->gf) ; #ifdef DEBUG printf (" (%d_%d %4.1f)", COORD(look,elt2->x), elt2->frame, score) ; #endif /* DEBUG */ if (!elt->ptr || score > elt->score) { elt->score = score ; elt->ptr = elt2 ; } } if (assFind (look->chosen, HASH(SPLICE5, elt->x+1), 0)) { for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) { arrayMax(alive[j]) = 0 ; arrayMax(zombie[j]) = 0 ; } dead = 0 ; } if (elt->ptr) /* i.e. found something */ array (zombie[zframe], arrayMax(zombie[zframe]), ELT*) = elt ; break ; case SPLICE_3: frame = (3 - elt->frame + elt->x) % 3 ; scoreKeep = -1000000.0 ; jKeep = 0 ; for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax(zombie[elt->frame]) ; ++j) { elt2 = arr(zombie[elt->frame], j, ELT*) ; score = elt2->score + elt->localScore + intronScore(elt2, elt) ; #ifdef DEBUG printf (" (%d_%d %4.1f)", COORD(look,elt2->x), elt2->frame, score) ; #endif /* DEBUG */ if (!elt->ptr || score > elt->score) { elt->ptr = elt2 ; elt->score = score ; } /* compress zombie[elt->frame] */ if (score > scoreKeep || elt->x - elt2->x < intronMin) /* keep */ { arr(zombie[elt->frame], jKeep++, ELT*) = elt2 ; scoreKeep = score ; } } if (assFind (look->chosen, HASH(SPLICE3, elt->x), 0)) { for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) { arrayMax(alive[j]) = 0 ; arrayMax(zombie[j]) = 0 ; } dead = 0 ; } else arrayMax (zombie[elt->frame]) = jKeep ; if (elt->ptr) { array(alive[frame], arrayMax(alive[frame]), ELT*) = elt ; if (elt->ptr->type == BEGIN) elt->ptr = 0 ; } break ; case FRAME: /* kill other frames */ for (frame = 0 ; frame < 3 ; ++frame) { arrayMax(zombie[frame]) = 0 ; if (frame != elt->frame) arrayMax(alive[frame]) = 0 ; dead = 0 ; } break ; default: break ; } #ifdef DEBUG if (elt->ptr) printf (" | %d_%d %4.1f\n", COORD(look,elt->ptr->x), elt->ptr->frame, elt->score) ; else printf ("\n") ; #endif /* DEBUG */ } /* find the best end point */ /* want an end elt for intronScore,exonScore */ end.type = END ; end.x = max - 1 ; end.ptr = 0 ; end.score = -1000000 ; for (frame = 0 ; frame < 3 ; ++frame) for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax(alive[frame]) ; ++j) { elt2 = arr(alive[frame], j, ELT*) ; score = elt2->score + exonScore (look, elt2, &end, frame, &look->gf) ; if (score > end.score) { end.score = score ; end.ptr = elt2 ; endFrame = frame ; } } for (zframe = 0 ; zframe < 3 ; ++zframe) for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax(zombie[zframe]) ; ++j) { elt2 = arr(zombie[zframe], j, ELT*) ; score = elt2->score + intronScore (elt2, &end) ; if (score > end.score) { end.score = score ; end.ptr = elt2 ; } } if (dead && dead->type != BEGIN) { if (dead->score > end.score) { end.score = dead->score ; end.ptr = dead ; } } else if (best && best->score > end.score) { end.score = best->score ; end.ptr = best ; } /* now backtrack, reversing the order of features using a stack */ if (end.ptr) { int kgene = 0 ; BOOL startNotFound ; Stack stack = stackCreate (32) ; messout ("min, max are %d, %d\n" "total score is %f\n", COORD(look,min), COORD(look,max), end.score) ; for (elt = end.ptr ; elt ; elt = elt->ptr) push (stack, elt, ELT*) ; gene = arrayReCreate (gene, 16, int) ; while (!stackEmpty (stack)) { elt = pop (stack, ELT*) ; #ifdef DEBUG printf ("\t%s at %6d score %6.2f localScore %6.2f\n", eltTypeName[elt->type], COORD(look,elt->x), elt->score, elt->localScore) ; #endif /* DEBUG */ if (!arrayMax(gene)) startNotFound = (elt->type != START) ; if (arrayMax(gene) == 1) /* find frame */ frame = elt->frame ; array(gene, arrayMax(gene), int) = elt->x ; if (elt->type == STOP) { setTempGene (look, gene, ++kgene, frame, startNotFound, FALSE, FALSE) ; gene = arrayReCreate (gene, 16, int) ; } } if (arrayMax(gene)) { if (arrayMax(gene) % 2) { if (arrayMax(gene) == 1) frame = endFrame ; array(gene, arrayMax(gene), int) = max-1 ; } setTempGene (look, gene, ++kgene, frame, startNotFound, TRUE, FALSE) ; } stackDestroy (stack) ; } else messout ("Couldn't find a gene through the chosen features") ; return; } /* fMapDP */ /********************/ static void fMapDP1 (void) { float temp = interGeneCost ; interGeneCost = -10000 ; fMapDP () ; interGeneCost = temp ; } /********************************************/ static int compareChosen (void *x, void *y) { return UNHASH_X2(*(char**)x) - UNHASH_X2(*(char**)y) ; } /* menu/button func */ static void fMapChooseToGene (void) { int i ; int min, max ; int kgene = 0 ; char* v ; static Array chosen, gene ; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("fMapChooseToGene") ; initialise(look) ; min = look->zoneMin ; max = look->zoneMax + 1 ; chosen = arrayReCreate(chosen, 8, char*) ; v = 0 ; while (assNext (look->chosen, &v, 0)) if (UNHASH_X2(v) >= min && UNHASH_X2(v) < max) array(chosen, arrayMax(chosen), char*) = v ; if (!arrayMax(chosen)) { messout ("No chosen features in the active zone") ; return ; } arraySort (chosen, compareChosen) ; #define IGNORE { messout ("Impossible chosen feature %s near %d - ignoring", \ fMapSegTypeName[UNHASH_TYPE(v)], \ COORD(look, UNHASH_X2(v))) ; break ; } gene = arrayReCreate (gene, 8, int) ; if (UNHASH_TYPE(arr(chosen,0,char*)) != ATG) array(gene, 0, int) = min ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(chosen) ; ++i) { v = arr(chosen, i, char*) ; switch (UNHASH_TYPE(v)) { case SPLICE3: if (arrayMax(gene) % 2) IGNORE ; array (gene, arrayMax(gene), int) = UNHASH_X2(v) ; break ; case SPLICE5: if (!(arrayMax(gene) % 2)) IGNORE ; array (gene, arrayMax(gene), int) = UNHASH_X2(v) - 1 ; break ; case ATG: if (arrayMax(gene)) IGNORE ; array (gene, arrayMax(gene), int) = UNHASH_X2(v) - 2 ; break ; case ORF: if (!(arrayMax(gene) % 2)) IGNORE ; array (gene, arrayMax(gene), int) = UNHASH_X2(v) + 3 ; setTempGene (look, gene, ++kgene, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) ; gene = arrayReCreate (gene, 8, int) ; break ; default: messout ("Unrecognized chosen feature type %s at %d", fMapSegTypeName[UNHASH_TYPE(v)], COORD(look, UNHASH_X2(v))) ; break ; return ; } } if (arrayMax(gene)) { if (arrayMax(gene) % 2) array (gene, arrayMax(gene), int) = max ; setTempGene (look, gene, ++kgene, 0, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) ; } return; } /* fMapChooseToGene */ static void fMapChooseFromGene (FeatureMap look, KEY gene) { int i ; SEG *seg ; initialise(look) ; for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->parent == gene) switch (seg->type) { case INTRON: assInsert (look->chosen, HASH (SPLICE5, seg->x1), assVoid(seg->x1 - 1)) ; assInsert (look->chosen, HASH (SPLICE3, seg->x2 + 1), assVoid(seg->x2)) ; break ; case CDS: assInsert (look->chosen, HASH (ATG, seg->x1 + 2), assVoid(seg->x1)) ; assInsert (look->chosen, HASH (ORF, seg->x2 - 3), assVoid(1)) ; break ; default: break ; } } fMapDraw (look, 0) ; return; } /* fMapChooseFromGene */ static void fMapSetChoose (void) /* menu/button func */ { FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("fMapSetChoose") ; if (look->activeBox) { initialise(look) ; fMapChooseFromGene (look, BOXSEG(look->activeBox)->parent) ; } return ; } /********************************/ static BOOL killGene (KEY key) { OBJ obj ; if ((obj = bsUpdate (key))) { if (bsFindTag (obj, parentTag)) bsPrune (obj) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Source_Exons)) bsPrune (obj) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Start_not_found)) bsPrune (obj) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _End_not_found)) bsPrune (obj) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _CDS)) bsPrune (obj) ; bsSave (obj) ; } else { messout ("Couldn't update %s", name(key)) ; return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; } /* killGene */ /***********************************/ static void killGeneMenu (void) /* menu/button func */ { KEY parent ; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("killGeneMenu") ; initialise(look) ; if (!look->activeBox || !(parent = BOXSEG(look->activeBox)->parent) || class(parent) != classCDS) { messout ("You must select a sequence") ; } else if (messQuery ("Do you want to destroy the sequence location " "information attached to %s ?", name (parent))) { killGene (parent) ; fMapPleaseRecompute (look) ; fMapDraw (look, 0) ; } return ; } /* killGeneMenu */ /**************************/ static void setTempGene (FeatureMap look, Array a, int k, int frame, BOOL startNotFound, BOOL endNotFound, BOOL isByHand) { KEY key, parentKey, speciesKey, fromLabKey ; OBJ obj, parentObj = 0 ; int i, base ; int x, y ; #ifdef SRK_DEBUG ACEOUT dest = aceOutCreateToStdout(0); sMapDump(look->smap, dest); aceOutDestroy(dest); #endif if (!arrayMax(a)) return ; if (arrayMax(a) % 2) { messerror ("setTempGene called with an odd " "number of defining points") ; return ; } /* Define the temporary gene object. */ lexaddkey (messprintf ("temp_gene_%d", k), &key, classCDS) ; if (!killGene (key)) /* can't clear previous entry */ return ; if (!(obj = bsUpdate (key))) { messerror("Couldn't update temp gene object: \"%s\"", name(key)) ; return ; } base = arr(a, 0, int) - 1; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; i += 2) { x = arr(a, i, int) ; y = arr(a, i+1, int) ; x -= base ; y -= base ; bsAddData (obj, _Source_Exons, _Int, &x) ; bsAddData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &y) ; } bsAddTag (obj, _CDS) ; if (startNotFound) { bsAddTag (obj, _Start_not_found) ; frame = (3 + frame - ((base+1)%3)) % 3 + 1 ; /* CDS entry */ if (frame != 1) bsAddData (obj, _CDS, _Int, &frame) ; } if (endNotFound) bsAddTag (obj, _End_not_found) ; { KEY mkey ; OBJ mobj ; float rp = 2.0 ; if (isByHand) lexaddkey ("hand_built", &mkey, _VMethod) ; else if (lexIsGoodName(parmsName)) lexaddkey (parmsName, &mkey, _VMethod) ; else lexaddkey ("assembly-default", &mkey, _VMethod) ; mobj = bsUpdate (mkey) ; if (mobj) { if (!bsGetData (mobj, str2tag("Right_priority"), _Float, 0)) bsAddData (mobj, str2tag("Right_priority"), _Float, &rp) ; if (!bsGetKeyTags (mobj, str2tag("Colour"), 0)) if (bsAddTag (mobj, str2tag("Colour")) && bsPushObj (mobj)) bsAddTag (mobj, isByHand ? _DARKBLUE : _BLUE) ; bsSave (mobj) ; } bsAddKey (obj, str2tag("Method"), mkey) ; } bsSave (obj) ; /* Find a parent for the gene and add its position coords to the parent. */ x = base ; y = base + y - 1 ; parentKey = key ; /* pass this so don't get it back! */ if (fMapFindSpanWriteable(look, &parentKey, &x, &y) && (parentObj = bsUpdate(parentKey))) { bsAddKey (parentObj, childTag, key) ; bsAddData (parentObj, _bsRight, _Int, &x) ; bsAddData (parentObj, _bsRight, _Int, &y) ; /* copy Species and From_laboratory from parent */ speciesKey = 0 ; bsGetKey (parentObj, str2tag("Species"), &speciesKey) ; fromLabKey = 0 ; bsGetKey (parentObj, str2tag("From_laboratory"), &fromLabKey) ; bsSave (parentObj) ; if ((speciesKey || fromLabKey) && (obj = bsUpdate (key))) { if (speciesKey) bsAddKey (obj, str2tag("Species"), speciesKey) ; if (fromLabKey) bsAddKey (obj, str2tag("From_laboratory"), fromLabKey) ; bsSave (obj) ; } fMapPleaseRecompute (look) ; fMapChooseFromGene (look, key) ; } else messerror("Failed to update parent sequence object: \"%s\"", name(key)) ; return; } /* setTempGene */ /****************************************/ static void recalcChecksums (void) { KEY peptide = 0; messout("Recalulating NEW checksums"); while (lexNext (_VProtein,&peptide)) calculateAndSaveChecksum(peptide); } /****************************************/ static void fixTemp (void) /* menu-item "Fix temp_gene" */ { char *newName; KEY old, source, temp ; OBJ oldObj = 0, tempObj = 0, sourceObj = 0,obj = 0 ; static KEY lastKey = 0 ; int x1, x2, i, cdsOffset ; BOOL isNoStart, isNoEnd ; static Array a = 0 ; BOOL exists = FALSE,thisgo=TRUE; Array newpep; KEY speciesKey, fromLabKey ; int newchk; KEY samepep,key,wormkey; static BOOL pepManage, first = TRUE; static char classtype[40],format[15]; static int start,finish; char *cp = "checksum type 2" ; /* can use 3 4 5 later*/ KEY dummy= 0; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("fixTemp") ; ACEIN name_in = NULL; #define error(x) { messout(x) ; goto abort ;} if (!checkWriteAccess()) return; if (!look->activeBox || !(temp = BOXSEG(look->activeBox)->parent) || class(temp) != classCDS) { messout ("You must select a sequence to fix") ; return ; } if (!(tempObj = bsCreate (temp))) error ("Could not open sequence object to fix") ; if (!bsGetKey (tempObj, parentTag, &source)) error ("sequence to fix is not attached to anything") ; bsDestroy (tempObj) ; if ((name_in = messPrompt (messprintf ("Fix %s to:", name(temp)), lastKey ? name(lastKey) : "","wz", 0))) { newName = aceInWord(name_in); if (lexword2key (newName, &old, classCDS)) { if ((oldObj = bsCreate (old))) { if (bsFindTag (oldObj, _From) && (!messQuery (messprintf ("Overwrite %s ?\n", name(old))) || !killGene (old))) goto abort ; bsDestroy (oldObj) ; } if (!(sourceObj = bsUpdate (source))) error ("Could not update source gene") ; if (bsAddKey (sourceObj, childTag, temp)) { bsPrune (sourceObj) ; error ("No cross-reference of temp in parent") ; } if (!bsGetData (sourceObj, _bsRight, _Int, &x1) || !bsGetData (sourceObj, _bsRight, _Int, &x2)) error ("No offsets for temp in its parent") ; bsAddKey (sourceObj, childTag, temp) ; bsPrune (sourceObj) ; bsAddKey (sourceObj, childTag, old) ; bsAddData (sourceObj, _bsRight, _Int, &x1) ; bsAddData (sourceObj, _bsRight, _Int, &x2) ; bsSave (sourceObj) ; if (!(oldObj = bsUpdate (old))) error ("Could not update old gene") ; if (!(tempObj = bsUpdate (temp))) error ("Could not update temp gene") ; if (!bsFindTag (tempObj, _Source_Exons)) error ("No source exons in temp gene") ; a = arrayReCreate (a, 32, BSunit) ; bsFlatten (tempObj, 2, a) ; bsFindTag (tempObj, _From) ; if (bsFindTag (tempObj, parentTag)) bsPrune (tempObj) ; if (bsFindTag (tempObj, _Source_Exons)) bsPrune (tempObj) ; if ((isNoStart = bsFindTag (tempObj, _Start_not_found))) bsPrune (tempObj) ; if ((isNoEnd = bsFindTag (tempObj, _End_not_found))) bsPrune (tempObj) ; cdsOffset = 0 ; if (bsGetData (tempObj, _CDS, _Int, &cdsOffset)) bsPrune (tempObj) ; speciesKey = 0 ; if (bsGetKey (tempObj, str2tag("Species"), &speciesKey)) bsPrune (tempObj) ; fromLabKey = 0 ; if (bsGetKey (tempObj, str2tag("From_laboratory"), &fromLabKey)) bsPrune (tempObj) ; bsSave (tempObj) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; i += 2) { bsAddData (oldObj, _Source_Exons, _Int, &(arr(a,i,BSunit).i)) ; bsAddData (oldObj, _bsRight, _Int, &(arr(a,i+1,BSunit).i)) ; } bsAddTag (oldObj, _CDS) ; if (isNoStart) bsAddTag (oldObj, _Start_not_found) ; else if (bsFindTag (oldObj, _Start_not_found)) bsPrune (oldObj) ; if (isNoEnd) bsAddTag (oldObj, _End_not_found) ; else if (bsFindTag (oldObj, _End_not_found)) bsPrune (oldObj) ; if (cdsOffset) bsAddData (oldObj, _CDS, _Int, &cdsOffset) ; else if (bsGetData (oldObj, _CDS, _Int, &cdsOffset)) bsPrune (oldObj) ; if (speciesKey) bsAddKey (oldObj, str2tag("Species"), speciesKey) ; if (fromLabKey) bsAddKey (oldObj, str2tag("From_laboratory"), fromLabKey) ; bsSave (oldObj) ; lastKey = old ; } else { lexAlias (temp, newName, TRUE, FALSE) ; lastKey = temp ; } aceInDestroy (name_in); } if (first) /* establish whether to pepManage */ { char *filename; ACEIN db_in; char *word, *ct, *fmt; pepManage = FALSE; first = FALSE; filename = dbPathMakeFilName("wspec", "database","wrm", 0); db_in = aceInCreateFromFile (filename, "r", "", 0); messfree(filename); if (db_in) { aceInSpecial (db_in, "\n\t\\/@"); while (aceInCard (db_in)) { if ((word = aceInWord (db_in))) { if (strcmp (word, "PEPMANAGE") == 0) { if ((ct = aceInWord(db_in)) && (fmt = aceInWord(db_in)) && (aceInInt(db_in, &start)) && (aceInInt(db_in, &finish))) { strncpy (classtype, ct, 40); classtype[40-1] = '\0'; strncpy (format, ct, 15); format[15-1] = '\0'; pepManage = TRUE; } else messerror ("Invalid PEPMANAGE config in %s\n" "Expecting PEPMANAGE to be followed by 2 " "words (classtype, format) and 2 numbers " "(start,finish)", filename); } } } aceInDestroy (db_in); } } if (pepManage) { if ((obj = bsUpdate(source))) { if (bsFindTag(obj,str2tag("Wormpep"))) { thisgo = TRUE; messout("Using new pepcode routines\n"); } else thisgo = FALSE; bsDestroy(obj); } else thisgo = FALSE; for (key = 0 ; lexNext(_VClass, &key) ; ) if (pickMatch (name(key), classtype)) break ; if(!key) { messout("Could not find the class %s. " "Therefore exiting FixTemp gene\n" "Check that %s is in the subclasses.wrm", classtype, classtype) ; return ; } if (thisgo) { if (!lexword2key (cp, &dummy, 0)) { lexaddkey (cp, &dummy, 0) ; /* only once */ recalcChecksums(); } newpep = peptideGet(temp); newchk = hashArray(newpep); if ((samepep = findPeptideMatch(temp,newchk,key))) exists = TRUE; i=start; while (lexword2key(messprintf(format,i),&key,_VProtein)) i++ ; if (i < finish) lexaddkey(messprintf(format,i),&key,_VProtein); else { messout("ERROR: Limit of numbers for format has been reached see PEPMANAGE in database.wrm\n" "exiting fix temp gene") ; return ; } if (exists) { messout("existing protein %s matches temp gene %s so setting Corresponding_protein accordingly", name(samepep), name(temp)) ; lastKey = temp ; obj = bsUpdate(temp); if (!obj || !bsAddKey(obj,str2tag("Corresponding_Protein"), samepep)) error ("Error adding Corresponding Protein"); bsSave (obj); } else { messout("Does NOT match any other protein. " "Creating new protein object %s", messprintf(format,i)) ; if (!lexword2key (messprintf(format,i), &wormkey, _VProtein)) { error("lexwordtokey could not find protein") ;} else if (peptideStore(wormkey,newpep)) { if (!(obj = bsUpdate (temp))) error ("Could not update old gene") ; if(!bsAddKey(obj,str2tag("Corresponding_Protein"),wormkey)) error ("Error adding Corresponding Protein"); bsSave(obj); if ((obj = bsUpdate (wormkey))) { if(!bsAddTag(obj,str2tag(classtype))) error("Error adding Wormpep tag"); bsSave(obj); } } else error ("Unable to add Peptide"); } } } fMapPleaseRecompute (look) ; fMapDraw (look, lastKey) ; return ; abort: bsDestroy (oldObj) ; bsDestroy (tempObj) ; bsDestroy (sourceObj) ; if (name_in) aceInDestroy (name_in); return; } /* fixTemp */ /****************************************/ /****************************************/ static void fMapHideGfColumns (void) /* menu/button func */ { FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("fMapHideGfColumns") ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "ATG", FALSE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "ORF's", FALSE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "Coding Frame", FALSE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "GF_coding_seg", FALSE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "GF_splice", FALSE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "hexExon", FALSE) ; look->isGeneFinder = FALSE; fMapDraw (look, 0) ; return; } /* fMapHideGfColumns */ static void fMapShowGfColumns (void) /* menu/button func */ { FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("fMapShowGfColumns") ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "ATG", TRUE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "ORF's", TRUE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "Coding Frame", TRUE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "GF_coding_seg", TRUE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "GF_splice", TRUE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "hexExon", TRUE) ; look->isGeneFinder = TRUE; fMapDraw (look, 0) ; return; } /* fMapShowGfColumns */ /**********************************************************/ /************** code to add ATG, splice sites *************/ static void addATG (void) /* menu/button func */ { SEG *seg; int x; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("addATG"); x = look->DNAcoord + 1; initialise (look); if (!look->activeBox) return; seg = BOXSEG(look->activeBox); if (seg->type != DNA_SEQ) return; arrayMax(look->segs) = look->lastTrueSeg; seg = arrayp(look->segs, arrayMax(look->segs), SEG); seg->type = ATG; seg->key = M_GF_ATG; seg->parent = 0 ; seg->x1 = x-1; seg->x2 = x+1; seg->data.f = 4.0; assInsert (look->chosen, SEG_HASH(seg), assVoid(seg->x1)) ; arraySort(look->segs, fMapOrder) ; look->lastTrueSeg = arrayMax(look->segs); fMapProcessMethods(look); fMapDraw(look, 0); return; } /* addATG */ static void addSplice3 (void) /* menu/button func */ { SEG *seg; int x; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("addSplice3"); x = look->DNAcoord + 1; initialise (look); if (!look->activeBox) return; seg = BOXSEG(look->activeBox); if (seg->type != DNA_SEQ) return; arrayMax(look->segs) = look->lastTrueSeg; seg = arrayp(look->segs, arrayMax(look->segs), SEG); seg->type = SPLICE3; seg->key = M_GF_splice; seg->parent = 0 ; seg->x1 = x-2; seg->x2 = x-1; seg->data.f = 4.0; assInsert (look->chosen, SEG_HASH(seg), assVoid(seg->x1)) ; arraySort(look->segs, fMapOrder) ; look->lastTrueSeg = arrayMax(look->segs); fMapProcessMethods(look); fMapDraw(look, 0); return; } /* addSplice3 */ static void addSplice5 (void) /* menu/button func */ { SEG *seg; int x; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("addSplice5"); x = look->DNAcoord +1; initialise (look); if (!look->activeBox) return; seg = BOXSEG(look->activeBox); if (seg->type != DNA_SEQ) return; arrayMax(look->segs) = look->lastTrueSeg; seg = arrayp(look->segs, arrayMax(look->segs), SEG); seg->type = SPLICE5; seg->key = M_GF_splice; seg->parent = 0 ; seg->x1 = x-1; seg->x2 = x; seg->data.f = 4.0; assInsert (look->chosen, SEG_HASH(seg), assVoid(seg->x1)) ; arraySort(look->segs, fMapOrder) ; look->lastTrueSeg = arrayMax(look->segs); fMapProcessMethods(look); fMapDraw(look, 0) ; return; } /* addSplice5 */ /****************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /************** code to show the selected set of features *************/ static void addLine (FeatureMap look, int *pStart, int *p3, int *p5, int *pStop, int line) { static int frame ; static int oldLine = 10000 ; static float score ; int i ; SEG *seg ; static ELT elt1, elt2 ; float tscore = 0 ; elt1.type = DUMMY ; if (*pStart) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->type == ATG && seg->x1 == *pStart) { graphText (messprintf ("%5.2f", seg->data.f), 22, line) ; tscore += seg->data.f ; break ; } } frame = *pStart % 3 ; score = 0 ; elt2.type = DUMMY ; /* prevents INTRON score */ elt1.type = START ; elt1.x = *pStart ; } if (*p3) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->type == SPLICE3 && seg->x2 == *p3) { graphText (messprintf ("%5.2f", seg->data.f), 22, line) ; tscore += seg->data.f ; break ; } } elt1.type = SPLICE_3 ; elt1.x = *p3 ; } if (oldLine < line && elt1.type) { graphText (messprintf ("%6.2f", intronScore (&elt2, &elt1)), 50, line - 0.5) ; score += intronScore (&elt2, &elt1) ; frame += (elt1.x - elt2.x - 1) ; frame %= 3 ; } elt2.type = DUMMY ; if (*p5) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->type == SPLICE5 && seg->x1 == *p5) { graphText (messprintf ("%5.2f", seg->data.f), 35, line) ; tscore += seg->data.f ; } } elt2.type = SPLICE_5 ; elt2.x = *p5 ; } if (*pStop) { elt2.type = STOP ; elt2.x = *pStop - 3 ; } if (elt1.type && elt2.type) { graphText (messprintf ("%6.2f", exonScore (look, &elt1, &elt2, frame, &look->gf)), 28, line) ; tscore += exonScore (look, &elt1, &elt2, frame, &look->gf) ; oldLine = line ; } if (tscore) graphText (messprintf ("%6.2f", tscore), 42, line) ; score += tscore ; graphText (messprintf ("%6.2f", score), 58, line) ; *pStart = *p3 = *p5 = *pStop = 0 ; return; } /* addLine */ /******************************/ static void showSelect (void) { Array chosen ; char *v, *vx ; int i, x, line = 2 ; int xStart, x3, x5, xStop ; Graph oldGraph ; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("showSelect") ; #define START_OFF 1 #define S3_OFF 3 #define S5_OFF 11 #define STOP_OFF 13 if (!(oldGraph = graphActivate (look->selectGraph))) { look->selectGraph = graphCreate (TEXT_SCROLL, "Gene structure", 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.2) ; graphMenu (selectMenu) ; } else { graphPop () ; graphClear () ; } graphText ("ATG/3' 5'/STOP feat1 coding feat2 " "Exon Intron Total", 2, 0.4) ; graphLine (0, 1.7, 64, 1.7) ; chosen = arrayCreate (32, char*) ; v = 0 ; while (assNext (look->chosen, &v, &vx)) { x = assInt (vx) ; #ifdef GF_SEG_DEFINED if (UNHASH_TYPE(v) == GF_SEG) v = HASH(GF_SEG, x + 3*((UNHASH_X2(v) - x)/6)) ; #endif array(chosen, arrayMax(chosen), char*) = v ; } arraySort (chosen, compareChosen) ; xStart = x3 = x5 = xStop = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(chosen) ; ++i) { v = arr(chosen, i, char*) ; switch (UNHASH_TYPE(v)) { case ATG: if (xStart || x3 || x5 || xStop) addLine (look, &xStart, &x3, &x5, &xStop, line++) ; xStart = UNHASH_X2(v) - 2 ; graphText (messprintf ("%7d", COORD(look, xStart)), START_OFF, line) ; break ; case SPLICE3: if (xStart || x3 || x5 || xStop) addLine (look, &xStart, &x3, &x5, &xStop, line++) ; x3 = UNHASH_X2(v) ; graphText (messprintf ("%7d", COORD(look, x3)), S3_OFF, line) ; break ; case SPLICE5: if (x5 || xStop) addLine (look, &xStart, &x3, &x5, &xStop, line++) ; x5 = UNHASH_X2(v) - 1 ; graphText (messprintf ("%7d", COORD(look, x5)), S5_OFF, line) ; break ; case ORF: if (x5 || xStop) addLine (look, &xStart, &x3, &x5, &xStop, line++) ; xStop = UNHASH_X2(v) + 3 ; graphText (messprintf ("%7d", COORD(look, xStop)), STOP_OFF, line) ; break ; } } if (xStart || x3 || x5 || xStop) addLine (look, &xStart, &x3, &x5, &xStop, line++) ; arrayDestroy (chosen) ; graphLine (21, 0, 21, line) ; graphLine (49, 0, 49, line) ; graphTextBounds (64, line) ; graphRedraw () ; return; } /* showSelect */ /******************** autocreate peptide code ***********************/ static int calculateAndSaveChecksum(KEY protein) { Array pep; int x1,i = 0; OBJ obj; KEY key; if (!(pep = peptideGet(protein)) || arrayMax(pep) < 2){ return 0; } else i = hashArray(pep); if(pep) arrayDestroy(pep); if(i){ if ((obj = bsUpdate(protein))){ bsFindTag(obj,_Peptide); bsGetKey(obj,_Peptide,&key); /* peptide */ bsGetData(obj,_bsRight, _Int, &x1); /* length */ bsAddData(obj,_bsRight, _Int,&i); /* add the checksum */ bsSave(obj); } } return i; } /* calculateAndSaveChecksum */ static KEY findPeptideMatch(KEY temp,int newchk,KEY key2) { KEY peptide = 0,key; int i,x1; Array pep1,pep2; BOOL found=TRUE; OBJ obj; char *p1,*p2; /* printf("Searching for subclass %s\n",name(key2));*/ while (lexNext (_VProtein,&peptide)){ if(lexIsInClass(peptide,key2)){ if ((obj = bsCreate(peptide))){ if(bsFindTag(obj,str2tag("Peptide"))){ if(bsGetKey(obj,_Peptide,&key)){ /* peptide */ if(!bsGetData(obj,_bsRight, _Int, &x1)) /* length */ continue; x1 = 0; bsGetData(obj,_bsRight, _Int, &x1); /* checksum */ bsDestroy(obj); if(x1==0) x1 = calculateAndSaveChecksum(peptide); if(x1==newchk && peptide != temp){ /* if same checksum and not the one we are testing against */ printf ("Same check sum found\n"); pep1 = peptideGet(temp); pep2 = peptideGet(peptide); found = TRUE; if(arrayMax(pep1) == arrayMax(pep2)){ /* If they are the same length */ printf ("They have the same length\n"); p1 = arrp(pep1, 0, char) ; p2 = arrp(pep2, 0, char) ; for(i=0;i