/* File: fmaposp.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1992 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: Interface to OSP, Oligo selection program * HISTORY: * Last edited: Sep 13 16:04 2001 (edgrif) * * Apr 20 12:06 2000 (edgrif): Had to change MapColDrawFunc prototypes. * Created: Tue Oct 7 1996 (mieg) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* @(#)fmaposp.c 1.23 2/24/98 */ /* #define ARRAY_CHECK #define MALLOC_CHECK */ #include "acedb.h" #include "aceio.h" #include "call.h" #include "bump.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "whooks/tags.h" #include "lex.h" #include "dna.h" #include "query.h" #include "session.h" #include "parse.h" #include "pick.h" #include "dbpath.h" #include "display.h" #include "keysetdisp.h" #include "main.h" #include /************************************************************/ #define OSP_S_BIT 0x8000 /* used as a number in fmapselectbox */ #define OSP_O_BIT 0x4000 /* used as a number in fmapselectbox */ static void ospSubmitPairs (void) ; static void fMapOspControl (void) ; static void fMapOspControlDraw (void) ; static void ospRedraw (void) ; static Graph ospControlGraph = 0 ; static Array selectedOligos = 0 ; static int oligoMaxScore = 16, oligoMinLength = 18, oligoMaxLength = 20, oligoTmMin = 49, oligoTmMax = 52, productMinLength = 1000, productMaxLength = 2000, productMaxScore = 80, scoreLimit = 10, fillLimit = 75 ; static int oligoNameBox = 0 ; /******************************/ static Array mySegs = 0 ; /* Array of SEG - global because used by arraySort function for Array aa of segment scores. This will become look->segs */ static int ospScoreOrder (void *a, void *b) { int x = *(int*) a, y = *(int*) b ; SEG *seg1 = arrp(mySegs,x,SEG), *seg2 = arrp(mySegs,y,SEG) ; int f1 = seg1->data.i & 0xfff, f2 = seg2->data.i & 0xfff ; if (x <= 0 || x > arrayMax(mySegs) || y <= 0 || y > arrayMax(mySegs)) messcrash("ospScoreOrder") ; if (f1 * f2 > 0) return f1 > f2 ? 1 : -1 ; return 1 ; } /* ospScoreOrder */ static int intOrder(void *a, void *b) { return (int) ( (*(int *) a) - (*(int *) b) ) ; } /* intOrder */ /* return active oligos exactly in correct order to draw them */ static KEYSET getActiveOligos (FeatureMap look, int from, int to) { int try, i, j, jj, j1, dummy, x1, x2, ln; int iSeg, nf, nks = 0, maxMask, beginMask, showUp ; SEG *seg ; KEYSET ks = 0 ; BOOL up , selected, found ; int ss, tm ; Array aa = arrayCreate(200, int) ; unsigned char *mask = 0 , *maskup = 0 , *mymask ; unsigned char j2 ; int ddx = to - from ; if (ddx < 3*fillLimit) ddx = 3*fillLimit ; if (ddx <10) return aa ; beginMask = from - ddx/2 ; maxMask = 2 * ddx ; maxMask /= 8 ; if (maxMask <= 32) maxMask = 32 ; mask = (unsigned char*) messalloc(maxMask + 8) ; maskup = (unsigned char*) messalloc(maxMask + 8) ; found = FALSE ; for (iSeg = 1; iSeg < arrayMax(look->segs) ; iSeg++) { seg = arrp(look->segs,iSeg,SEG) ; if ((seg->type | 0x1) != OLIGO_UP) continue ; if (!seg->x1 || !seg->x2) continue ; x1 = seg->x1 ; x2 = seg->x2 ; ln = x2 - x1 + 1 ; if ( ln < oligoMinLength || ln > oligoMaxLength) continue ; tm = seg->data.i >> 16 & 0x3ff ; if (tm && (tm < 10 * oligoTmMin || tm > 10 * oligoTmMax) ) continue ; found = TRUE ; ss = seg->data.i ; selected = ss & OSP_S_BIT ? TRUE : FALSE ; up = seg->type & 0x1 ? TRUE : FALSE ; if (x1 > to + ddx/2 || x2 < from - ddx/2) continue ; ss &= 0xfff ; if (ss > scoreLimit - .1) { array(aa, arrayMax(aa), int) = iSeg ; continue ; } /* now mask */ mymask = up ? maskup : mask ; for (i = seg->x1 - fillLimit ; i < seg->x2 + fillLimit ; i++) { j = i - beginMask ; j1 = j/8 ; j2 = 1 << (j%8) ; if (j > 0 && j1 >= 0 && j1 < maxMask) mymask[j1] |= j2 ; } } if (!found) goto abort ; /* now sort by score and re add them or destroy them */ mySegs = look->segs ; arraySort (aa, ospScoreOrder) ; for (jj = 0 ; jj < arrayMax(aa) ; jj++) { iSeg = arr(aa, jj, int) ; if (iSeg <= 0 || iSeg >= arrayMax(look->segs)) messcrash("osp 3") ; seg = arrp(look->segs,arr(aa, jj, int),SEG) ; up = seg->type & 0x1 ? TRUE : FALSE ; mymask = up ? maskup : mask ; nf = fillLimit * .8 ; found = FALSE ; for (try = 0 ; try < 2 ; try++) { for (i = seg->x1 - fillLimit ; i < seg->x2 + fillLimit ; i++) { j = i - beginMask ; j1 = j/8 ; j2 = 1 << (j%8) ; if (j > 0 && j1 >= 0 && j1 < maxMask) { if (try) mymask[j1] |= j2 ; else if (! (mymask[j1] & j2)) { if(!nf--) { found = TRUE ; break ;}} } } if (!found) { arr(aa, jj, int) = 0 ; break ; } } } arraySort (aa, intOrder) ; arrayCompress (aa) ; nks = 0 ; ks = keySetCreate () ; for (showUp = 0 ; showUp < 2 ; showUp++) { for (iSeg = 1; iSeg < arrayMax(look->segs) ; iSeg++) { seg = arrp(look->segs,iSeg,SEG) ; if ((seg->type | 0x1) != OLIGO_UP) continue ; ss = seg->data.i ; selected = ss & OSP_S_BIT ? TRUE : FALSE ; ss &= 0xfff ; if ((ss > scoreLimit - .1) && !arrayFind (aa, &iSeg, &dummy, intOrder)) continue ; up = (seg->type & 0x01) ? TRUE : FALSE ; if ((up && !showUp) || (!up && showUp)) continue ; x1 = seg->x1 ; x2 = seg->x2 ; if (x2 < from || x1 > to) continue ; keySet(ks, nks++) = iSeg ; } } abort: arrayDestroy (aa) ; messfree (mask) ; messfree (maskup) ; return ks ; } /* getActiveOligos */ /******************************/ static void showOligos (FeatureMap look, float *offset) { int from, to, box, x1, x2, x, xmax = 0, x2max = 0, iSeg ; int ii, showUp ; SEG *seg ; BUMP bump = 0 ; float xx, y1, y2, yb ; BOOL up , selected, old ; int ss ; Array aa = arrayCreate(200, int) ; KEYSET ks = 0 ; from = look->zoneMin ; to = look->zoneMax ; ks = getActiveOligos (look, from, to) ; if (!ks) return ; bump = bumpCreate (20, 0) ; showUp = 0 ; for (ii = 0 ; ii < keySetMax (ks) ; ii++) { iSeg = keySet(ks, ii) ; seg = arrp(look->segs,iSeg,SEG) ; ss = seg->data.i ; selected = ss & OSP_S_BIT ? TRUE : FALSE ; old = ss & OSP_O_BIT ? TRUE : FALSE ; ss &= 0xFFF ; up = (seg->type & 0x01) ? TRUE : FALSE ; if (up && !showUp) { showUp = TRUE ; *offset += xmax*1.2 ; x2max += xmax*1.2 ; xmax = 0 ; bumpDestroy(bump) ; bump = bumpCreate (20, 0) ; } x1 = seg->x1 ; x2 = seg->x2 ; y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,x1) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,x2+1) ; if (y2 < topMargin || y1 > mapGraphHeight) continue ; x = 0 ; yb = seg->x1 ; /* bump in seg coords, since increasing */ x = ss/4 ; if (x2 <= x1 || x < 0 || yb < 0) messcrash("") ; bumpItem (bump, 1, x2 - x1 + 2, &x, &yb) ; xx = *offset + 1.2*x ; box = graphBoxStart () ; array(look->boxIndex,box,int) = iSeg ; if (y1 < topMargin ) y1 = topMargin ; graphLine (xx, y1, xx, y2) ; if (up) { graphLine (xx + .4, y1 +.7, xx, y1) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y1 +.7, xx, y1) ; } else { graphLine (xx + .4, y2 - .7, xx, y2) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y2 - .7, xx, y2) ; } graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, selected ? GREEN : old ? ORANGE : WHITE) ; if (xmax < x) xmax = x ; } *offset += xmax*1.2 ; x2max += xmax*1.2 ; if (x2max < 12) *offset += 12 - x2max ; *offset += 2 ; arrayDestroy (aa) ; bumpDestroy (bump) ; } /* showOligos */ /**********************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ BOOL fMapOspPositionOligo (FeatureMap look, SEG *seg, KEY oligo, int *a1p, int *a2p) { char *cp, *buf1 = 0, *cq, *buf = 0 ; OBJ Oligo = 0, Parent = 0 ; int x1, x2, pos, oligoLength ; int i, maxError = 0 , maxN = 0, from, len ; BOOL pUp = seg->type & 0x1 ? TRUE : FALSE ; char *motif ; BOOL up ; int y1, y2 ; Oligo = bsCreate (oligo) ; if (!Oligo || !look->dna) return FALSE ; if (!bsGetData(Oligo, _Sequence, _Text, &motif)) goto abort ; oligoLength = strlen(motif) ; buf = strnew(motif, 0) ; bsDestroy (Oligo) ; if ((Parent = bsCreate (seg->key))) { if (bsFindKey (Parent, _Oligo, oligo) && bsGetData (Parent, _bsRight, _Int, &y1) && bsGetData (Parent, _bsRight, _Int, &y2)) { bsDestroy (Parent) ; goto done ; } } bsDestroy (Parent) ; cp = buf - 1 ; while(*++cp) *cp = freelower(*cp) ; dnaEncodeString(buf) ; /* try downwards */ up = FALSE ; from = look->zoneMin ; /* seg->x1 - look->start ; */ if (from < 0) from = 0 ; len = look->zoneMax - from ; /* seg->x2 - look->start - from ; */ if (from + len >= arrayMax(look->dna)) len = arrayMax(look->dna) - 2 - from ; if (from < 0 || len < 0 || from + len >= arrayMax(look->dna)) goto abort ; cp = arrp(look->dna,from,char) ; pos = dnacptPickMatch (cp, len, buf, maxError, maxN) ; if (pos && pos >= len) invokeDebugger() ; if (pos && pos < len) goto ok ; /* try upwards */ up = TRUE ; cp = buf + oligoLength - 1 ; buf1 = buf ; buf = strnew(buf, 0) ; cq = buf ; i = oligoLength ; while (i--) *cq++ = complementBase[(int)(*cp--)] ; messfree (buf1) ; cp = arrp(look->dna,from,char) ; pos = dnacptPickMatch (cp, len, buf, maxError, maxN) ; if (!pos || pos >= len) goto abort ; ok: /* coordinates in look coord */ x1 = pos - 1 + from ; x2 = pos + oligoLength - 1 + from ; /* coordinates relative to seg */ if (a1p) /* not in case of new oligo */ { x1 -= seg->x1 ; x2 -= seg->x1 ; } if (!up) { y1 = x1 + 1 ; y2 = x2 ; } else { y1 = x2 ; y2 = x1 + 1 ; } if (pUp) { y1 = len - y1 + 1 ; y2 = len - y2 + 1 ; } /* now store */ if ((Parent = bsUpdate (seg->key))) { bsAddKey(Parent, _Oligo, oligo) ; if (bsFindKey(Parent, _Oligo, oligo)) { bsAddData (Parent, _bsRight, _Int, &y1) ; bsAddData (Parent, _bsRight, _Int, &y2) ; } bsSave(Parent) ; } done: messfree (buf) ; if (a1p) *a1p = y1 ; if (a2p) *a2p = y2 ; return TRUE ; abort: messfree (buf) ; bsDestroy (Oligo) ; return FALSE ; } /* fMapOspPositionOligo */ void fMapOspDestroy (FeatureMap look) /* called by fMapDestroy() */ { return ; } /* fMapOspDestroy */ /******************************/ void fMapOspShowOligo (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) /* This is of type MapColDrawFunc */ { FeatureMap look = (FeatureMap)genericLook; showOligos (look, offset) ; } /* fMapOspShowOligo */ /***********************************************************************/ typedef struct keyseg { KEY o1, o2 ; int i1, i2, a1, a2, b1, b2 , f1, f2, score ; float Tm1, Tm2, Tm ; } OLPR ; /***********************************************************************/ void fMapOspShowOligoPairs (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) /* This is of type MapColDrawFunc */ { FeatureMap look = (FeatureMap)genericLook; int iSeg, i, box, x1, x2, x0 , xmax = 0, ss ; float xx, y1, y2,yb ; SEG *seg ; BUMP bump = 0 ; Array mm = look->oligopairs ; OLPR* mmp ; BOOL found ; if (!mm) return ; bump = bumpCreate (mapGraphWidth,0) ; found = FALSE ; for (iSeg = 1; iSeg < arrayMax(look->segs) ; iSeg++) { seg = arrp(look->segs,iSeg,SEG) ; /* does not work, because pairs coord do not flip if ((seg->type | 0x1) != OLIGO_PAIR_UP) continue ; */ if ((seg->type) != OLIGO_PAIR) continue ; if (!seg->x1 || !seg->x2) continue ; found = TRUE ; x1 = seg->x1 ; x2 = seg->x2 ; if (x2 - x1 < productMinLength || x2 - x1 > productMaxLength) continue ; y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,x1) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,x2) ; if (y2 < topMargin || y1 > mapGraphHeight) continue ; i = seg->data.i & 0xffff ; if (i < 0 || i >= arrayMax(look->oligopairs)) continue ; mmp = arrp(look->oligopairs, i, OLPR) ; ss = mmp->score ; if (ss > productMaxScore) continue ; x0 = 0 ; yb = seg->x1 ; /* bump in seg coords, since increasing */ if (x2 <= x1 || yb < 0) messcrash("") ; bumpItem (bump, 1, x2 - x1 + 2.0, &x0, &yb) ; xx = *offset + 1.2*x0 ; box = graphBoxStart () ; array(look->boxIndex,box,int) = iSeg ; if (y1 < topMargin ) y1 = topMargin ; if (y2 > mapGraphHeight - .6) y2 = mapGraphHeight - .6 ; graphLine (xx, y1, xx, y2) ; if (seg->type & 0x1) /* up */ { y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,mmp->b1) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,mmp->b2) ; if (y1 > topMargin && y1 < mapGraphHeight) { box = graphBoxStart () ; array(look->boxIndex,box,int) = mmp->i2 ; graphLine (xx, y1, xx, y2) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y1, xx + .4, y1) ; graphLine (xx + .4, y2 -.7, xx, y2) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y2 -.7, xx, y2) ; graphBoxEnd() ; if (keySetFind (selectedOligos, mmp->o2, 0)) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, GREEN) ; } y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,mmp->a1) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,mmp->a2) ; if (y1 > topMargin && y1 < mapGraphHeight) { box = graphBoxStart () ; array(look->boxIndex,box,int) = mmp->i1 ; graphLine (xx, y1, xx, y2) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y2, xx + .4, y2) ; graphLine (xx + .4, y1 +.7, xx, y1) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y1 +.7, xx, y1) ; graphBoxEnd() ; if (keySetFind (selectedOligos, mmp->o1, 0)) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, GREEN) ; } } else /* down */ { y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,mmp->a1) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,mmp->a2) ; if (y1 > topMargin && y1 < mapGraphHeight) { box = graphBoxStart () ; array(look->boxIndex,box,int) = mmp->i1 ; graphLine (xx, y1, xx, y2) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y1, xx + .4, y1) ; graphLine (xx + .4, y2 -.7, xx, y2) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y2 -.7, xx, y2) ; graphBoxEnd() ; if (keySetFind (selectedOligos, mmp->o1, 0)) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, GREEN) ; else if (mmp->f1 & OSP_O_BIT) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, ORANGE) ; } else if (y1 <= topMargin) graphCircle(xx,topMargin, .4) ; y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,mmp->b1) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,mmp->b2) ; if (y1 > topMargin && y1 < mapGraphHeight) { box = graphBoxStart () ; array(look->boxIndex,box,int) = mmp->i2 ; graphLine (xx, y1, xx, y2) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y2, xx + .4, y2) ; graphLine (xx + .4, y1 +.7, xx, y1) ; graphLine (xx - .4, y1 +.7, xx, y1) ; graphBoxEnd() ; if (keySetFind (selectedOligos, mmp->o2, 0)) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, GREEN) ; else if (mmp->f2 & OSP_O_BIT) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, ORANGE) ; } else if (y1 > mapGraphHeight) graphCircle(xx,mapGraphHeight - .6, .4) ; } graphBoxEnd() ; if (xmax < x0) xmax = x0 ; } *offset += xmax*1.2 ; *offset += 2 ; bumpDestroy (bump) ; } /* fMapOspShowOligoPairs */ /***********************************************************************/ void fMapOspSelectOligoPair (FeatureMap look, SEG *seg) { OLPR* mpp ; int i = seg->data.i & 0xffff ; if (seg->type != OLIGO_PAIR && seg->type != OLIGO_PAIR_UP) return ; i = seg->data.i & 0xffff ; if (!arrayExists(look->oligopairs) || i < 0 || i >= arrayMax(look->oligopairs)) return ; mpp = arrp(look->oligopairs, i, OLPR) ; strncpy (look->segTextBuf, messprintf( "%d %d (l= %d), %s %s, score %d , Tm_o1 %3.1f, Tm_o2 %3.1f, Tm_p %3.1f", seg->x1 + 1, seg->x2, seg->x2 - seg->x1, name(mpp->o1), name(mpp->o2), mpp->score, mpp->Tm1, mpp->Tm2, mpp->Tm), 125) ; return; } /* fMapOspSelectOligoPair */ /***************************************************************************************/ static int OLPROrder (void *a, void *b) { int aa = ((OLPR*)a)->a1, ab = ((OLPR*)b)->a1 ; int sa = ((OLPR*)a)->score, sb = ((OLPR*)b)->score ; if (sa < sb) return -1 ; if (sa > sb) return 1 ; return aa - ab ; /* equal score, sort on position */ } /* OLPROrder */ void fMapOspFindOligoPairs (FeatureMap look) { static KEY _Pairwise_scores = 0 ; OBJ obj ; KEY o2 ; float score = 0, Tm ; int i, j , i2 ; Array mm = 0 ; OLPR *mmp ; SEG *seg , *seg2 ; void *v ; BSMARK mark = 0 ; Associator aa = assCreate() ; if (!keySetExists(selectedOligos)) selectedOligos = keySetCreate () ; /* accumulate all the oligos */ for (j = 0, i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; switch (seg->type) { case OLIGO: case OLIGO_UP: j++ ; assInsert (aa, assVoid(seg->key), assVoid(i)) ; if (keySetFind (selectedOligos, seg->key, 0)) seg->data.i |= OSP_S_BIT ; break ; default: break ; } } if (!j) { assDestroy (aa) ; return ; } if (!_Pairwise_scores) lexaddkey("Pairwise_scores",&_Pairwise_scores,0) ; mm = arrayCreate (32, OLPR) ; for (j = 0, i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; switch (seg->type) { case OLIGO: case OLIGO_UP: if ((obj = bsCreate (seg->key))) { if (bsGetKey (obj, _Pairwise_scores, &o2)) do { mark = bsMark (obj, mark) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &score) && assFind (aa, assVoid(o2), &v)) { i2 = assInt (v) ; seg2 = arrp(look->segs,i2,SEG) ; mmp = arrayp (mm, j++, OLPR) ; mmp->i1 = i ; mmp->i2 = i2 ; mmp->o1 = seg->key ; mmp->o2 = o2 ; mmp->score = score ; mmp->Tm1 = ((seg->data.i >> 16) & 0x3ff)/10.0 ; mmp->Tm2 = ((seg2->data.i >> 16) & 0x3ff)/10.0 ; mmp->f1 = seg->data.i ; mmp->f2 = seg2->data.i ; Tm = 0 ; bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &Tm) ; mmp->Tm = Tm ; switch (seg->type) { case OLIGO: mmp->a1 = seg->x1 ; mmp->a2 = seg->x2 ; mmp->b1 = seg2->x1 ; mmp->b2 = seg2->x2 ; break ; case OLIGO_UP: mmp->a1 = seg2->x1 ; mmp->a2 = seg2->x2 ; mmp->b1 = seg->x1 ; mmp->b2 = seg->x2 ; break ; default: break ; } } bsGoto (obj, mark) ; } while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsDown, &o2)) ; messfree (mark) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } break ; default: break ; } } assDestroy (aa) ; if (arrayMax(mm)) { arraySort (mm, OLPROrder) ; arrayCompress (mm) ; for (j = arrayMax(look->segs), i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(mm) ; i++) { mmp = arrayp (mm, i, OLPR) ; seg = arrayp(look->segs, j++, SEG) ; seg->type = OLIGO_PAIR ; seg->parent = 0 ; seg->key = mmp->o1 ; seg->x1 = mmp->a1 ; seg->x2 = mmp->b2 ; seg->data.i = i ; } } else arrayDestroy (mm) ; look->oligopairs = mm ; return ; } /* fMapOspFindOligoPairs */ /***********************************************************************/ void fMapOspInit (void) { FeatureMap look = 0 ; if (graphAssFind (&GRAPH2FeatureMap_ASSOC, &look)) { /* re-use exisitng fmaplook */ if (look->magic != &FeatureMap_MAGIC) messcrash ("fMapOspInit found non-magic FeatureMap on graph"); mapColSetByName (look->map, "Oligos", TRUE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "Oligo_pairs", TRUE) ; look->pleaseRecompute = TRUE ; fMapDraw(look,0) ; } fMapOspControl() ; return; } /* fMapOspInit */ /***********************************************************************/ /************ Osp control graph, actual calls to osp *******************/ /***********************************************************************/ static PickFunc oldPick = 0 ; static int selecting = 0 ; static int selectButtonBox = 0 ; static int renaming = 0 ; static int renameButtonBox = 0 ; static void popOspControl(void) { if (graphActivate (ospControlGraph)) graphPop() ; } /* popOspControl */ static FeatureMap OSPGET (char *title) { FeatureMap look ; if (!graphActivate (ospControlGraph)) { ospControlGraph = 0 ; return 0 ; } graphCheckEditors(ospControlGraph, TRUE) ; /* if (selecting == 1) selecting = 0 ; */ fMapOspControlDraw () ; if (!fMapActive (0,0,0,&look)) { messout("Sorry, no active sequence, I cannot proceed") ; return 0 ; } graphUnMessage () ; if (graphActivate (look->graph)) { if (oldPick) graphRegister (PICK, oldPick) ; if (!mapColSetByName(look->map, "Oligos", -1) || !mapColSetByName(look->map, "Oligo_pairs", -1)) { graphPop() ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "Oligos", TRUE) ; mapColSetByName (look->map, "Oligo_pairs", TRUE) ; look->pleaseRecompute = TRUE ; fMapDraw(look,0) ; messout("Sorry, the active sequence has changed, try again") ; return 0 ; } } return look ; } /* OSPGET */ /******************************/ static void ospRedraw (void) { FeatureMap look = OSPGET ("ospRedraw") ; if (!look) return ; fMapDraw(look,0) ; popOspControl() ; fMapOspControlDraw () ; return; } /* ospRedraw */ static void ospLimitUp (void) { scoreLimit += 2 ; ospRedraw () ; return; } /* ospLimitUp */ static void ospLimitDown (void) { if (scoreLimit > 1) scoreLimit -= 2 ; ospRedraw () ; return; } /* ospLimitDown */ /******************************/ static void ospFillUp (void) { int n = fillLimit/2 ; if (n < 10) n = 10 ; fillLimit += n ; fillLimit -= fillLimit % 20 ; ospRedraw () ; return; } /* ospFillUp */ static void ospFillDown (void) { int n = fillLimit/3 ; if (n < 1) n = 1 ; fillLimit -= n ; fillLimit -= fillLimit % n ; if (fillLimit < n) fillLimit = n ; ospRedraw () ; return; } /* ospFillDown */ /******************************/ static void ospSubmitPairs (void) { int ii, iSeg, from = 0, to ; static BOOL showUp = FALSE, up ; char *tmpFasta = 0, *tmpOligos= 0; char *scriptName = 0; ACEOUT fasta_out, oligo_out; Stack sparm = 0 ; KEYSET ks = 0 ; SEG *seg ; FeatureMap look = OSPGET ("ospSubmitPairs") ; ACEIN fi; STORE_HANDLE handle = handleCreate(); if (!look) return ; from = look->zoneMin ; to = look->zoneMax ; if (look->flag & FLAG_COMPLEMENT) { messout ("Sorry, please un-reverse the dna, i can only work on the down strand") ; return ; } ks = getActiveOligos (look, from, to) ; if (!ks || keySetMax(ks) < 2) { messout ("First get oligos") ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; return ; } if (keySetMax(ks) > 100 && !messQuery("This may take several minutes, do you want to proceed")) goto abort ; /********************/ { FILE *tmp_fil = filtmpopen (&tmpFasta,"w"); if (!tmp_fil) goto abort ; filclose (tmp_fil); /* just interested in name */ } fasta_out = aceOutCreateToFile (tmpFasta, "w", handle); if (!fasta_out) goto abort; /* export correctly ? */ dnaDumpFastA (look->dna, from, to, name(look->seqKey), fasta_out) ; aceOutDestroy (fasta_out) ; /******************/ { FILE *tmp_fil = filtmpopen (&tmpOligos,"w"); if (!tmp_fil) goto abort ; filclose (tmp_fil); /* just interested in name */ } oligo_out = aceOutCreateToFile (tmpOligos, "w", handle); if (!oligo_out) goto abort; aceOutPrint (oligo_out, "// top strand\n") ; showUp = FALSE ; for (ii = 0 ; ii < keySetMax(ks) ; ii++) { iSeg = keySet(ks, ii) ; seg = arrp(look->segs,iSeg,SEG) ; up = (seg->type & 0x01) ? TRUE : FALSE ; if (up && !showUp) { showUp = TRUE ; aceOutPrint (oligo_out, "// bottom strand\n") ; } aceOutPrint (oligo_out, "%s %d %d\n", name(seg->key), seg->x1 - from, seg->x2 - from) ; } aceOutDestroy (oligo_out); /********************/ /* messout ("Exported in %s and %s", tmpFasta, tmpOligos ) ; */ messStatus ("OSP: searching pairs") ; sparm = stackHandleCreate (50, handle) ; pushText(sparm," -s ") ; catText(sparm,tmpFasta) ; catText(sparm," -g ") ; catText(sparm,tmpOligos) ; catText (sparm, messprintf(" -l %d -L %d ", productMinLength, productMaxLength)) ; scriptName = dbPathFilName(WSCRIPTS, "osp2", "pl", "x", handle); if (!scriptName) { messout ("Sorry, cannot find wscripts/osp2.csh") ; goto abort ; } messStatus("Oligo Pairs Scoring") ; if (!sessionGainWriteAccess()) goto abort; fi = aceInCreateFromScriptPipe (scriptName, "", stackText (sparm, 0), 0); if (!fi) goto abort ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; ks = keySetCreate () ; parseAceIn (fi, ks, TRUE) ; /* will destroy fi */ /* report in fmap window */ if (graphActivate (look->graph)) { mapColSetByName (look->map, "Oligo_pairs", TRUE) ; look->pleaseRecompute = TRUE ; fMapDraw(look,0) ; } abort: graphUnMessage() ; handleDestroy (handle); keySetDestroy (ks) ; if (tmpFasta) filtmpremove (tmpFasta) ; if (tmpOligos) filtmpremove (tmpOligos); return; } /* ospSubmitPairs */ static void fMapOspSubmit (void) { int i, from = 0, to ; OBJ obj = 0 ; char *tmpFasta = 0, *scriptName = 0 ; ACEOUT fasta_out; Stack sparm = 0 ; KEYSET kSet = 0, ksold, ksnew ; KEY _Temporary ; FeatureMap look = OSPGET ("fMapOspSubmit") ; ACEIN fi = 0 ; if (!look) return ; sparm = stackCreate (50) ; from = look->zoneMin ; to = look->zoneMax ; if (to > from + 5000 && !messQuery( messprintf("%s%d%s\n%s\n%s", "Searching oligos on ", to - from, " bases may take several minutes", " You may consider reducing the active zone", "Do you wish to continue ?"))) goto abort ; { FILE *tmp_fil= filtmpopen (&tmpFasta,"w"); if (!tmp_fil) goto abort ; filclose (tmp_fil); /* just interested in the name */ } fasta_out = aceOutCreateToFile (tmpFasta, "w", 0); if (!fasta_out) goto abort; dnaDumpFastA (look->dna, from, to, name(look->seqKey), fasta_out); aceOutDestroy (fasta_out); messStatus ("OSP: searching Oligos") ; pushText(sparm,messprintf("%s %d %d %d %d %d %s", name(look->seqKey), /* to get the oligos back in place */ oligoMaxScore, oligoMinLength, oligoMaxLength , oligoTmMin,oligoTmMax, tmpFasta )) ; /* the sequence fatsa file */ scriptName = dbPathFilName(WSCRIPTS, "osp1", "csh","x", 0); if (!scriptName) { messout ("Sorry, cannot find wscripts/osp1.csh") ; goto abort ; } messStatus("Oligo Searching") ; if (!sessionGainWriteAccess()) goto abort; fi = aceInCreateFromScriptPipe (scriptName, "", stackText (sparm, 0), 0); if (!fi) goto abort ; ksold = query (0, "FIND Oligo") ; aceInSpecial (fi,"\n/\\\t@") ; kSet = keySetCreate () ; parseAceIn (fi, kSet, FALSE) ; /* destroys fi */ ksnew = keySetMINUS (kSet, ksold) ; /* flag just the new oligos as temporary */ lexaddkey ("Temporary", &_Temporary, 0) ; i = keySetMax (ksnew) ; while (i--) { if ((obj = bsUpdate (keySet (ksnew, i)))) { bsAddTag (obj, _Temporary) ; bsSave (obj) ; } } keySetDestroy (ksold) ; keySetDestroy (ksnew) ; /* report in dnacpt window */ look->pleaseRecompute = TRUE ; fMapDraw(look,0) ; abort: messfree (scriptName); graphUnMessage () ; stackDestroy (sparm); keySetDestroy (kSet) ; if (tmpFasta) filtmpremove (tmpFasta) ; return; } /* fMapOspSubmit */ /********************************************/ static void fMapOspSelectBox (int box) { int index ; SEG *seg ; int ss ; BOOL selected = FALSE ; Graph old ; FeatureMap look = currentFeatureMap("fMapOspSelectBox") ; if (!selecting) { if (oldPick) graphRegister (PICK, oldPick) ; return ; } if (!(index = arr(look->boxIndex, box, int))) return ; seg = arrp(look->segs, index, SEG) ; if ((seg->type | 0x1) != OLIGO_UP) return ; if (!(seg->data.i & OSP_O_BIT)) { if (box == look->activeBox) seg->data.i ^= OSP_S_BIT ; /* toggle */ ss = seg->data.i ; selected = ss & OSP_S_BIT ? TRUE : FALSE ; if (selected) keySetInsert (selectedOligos, seg->key) ; else keySetRemove (selectedOligos, seg->key) ; } old = graphActive () ; if (oldPick) oldPick (box, 0, 0) ; graphActivate (old) ; graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, selected ? GREEN : WHITE) ; return; } /* fMapOspSelectBox */ static void fMapOspSelectEnds (void) { FeatureMap look = 0 ; selecting = 0 ; if (graphActivate (ospControlGraph)) look = OSPGET ("selectEnds") ; if (look) look->isOspSelecting = FALSE; return ; } /* fMapOspSelectEnds */ static void fMapOspSelectOligos (void) { FeatureMap look = 0 ; if (isDisplayBlocked()) { messout ("%s", "Finish what you are doing first") ; return ; } selecting = selecting ? 1 : 2 ; if (!selecting || !OSPGET ("fMapOspSelectOligos")) /* if (selecting == 1) resets it to 0 */ return ; if (isDisplayBlocked()) { messout ("%s", "Finish what you are doing first") ; return ; } if(!selecting) { graphUnMessage(); return ; } look = OSPGET ("fMapOspSelectOligos") ; selecting = 1 ; if (look) { PickFunc tmp = (PickFunc) graphRegister (PICK, (GraphFunc)fMapOspSelectBox) ; if (tmp != (PickFunc) fMapOspSelectBox) oldPick = tmp ; look->isOspSelecting = TRUE; } graphActivate (ospControlGraph) ; graphMessage ("Click on the oligos you want to select,\n they will turn green\n\n" "Reclick on the select button or remove this box when you are done") ; graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, fMapOspSelectEnds) ; return; } /* fMapOspSelectOligos */ static void fMapOspDiscardOligos (void) { KEYSET ks = query (0,"FIND Oligo Temporary") ; int i = keySetMax (ks) ; OBJ obj = 0 ; FeatureMap look ; if (selecting == 1) { messout ("%s", "Finish what you are doing first") ; return ; } look = OSPGET ("fMapOspDiscardOligos") ; if (!look) return ; sessionGainWriteAccess() ; while (i--) if ((obj = bsUpdate (keySet (ks, i)))) bsKill (obj) ; look->pleaseRecompute = TRUE ; ospRedraw () ; return; } /* fMapOspDiscardOligos */ static void *keySetOrderedLook = 0 ; /*mhmp 16.10.98 */ static void fMapOspOrderOligos (void) { KEYSET oldSet = 0, nKs = 0 ; OBJ Oligo ; KEY oligo, _Temporary ; int i ; KeySetDisp keySetLook ; if (selecting == 1) { messout ("%s", "Finish what you are doing first") ; return ; } if (!OSPGET ("Order")) return ; sessionGainWriteAccess() ; lexaddkey ("Temporary", &_Temporary, 0) ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (selectedOligos) ; i++) { oligo = keySet (selectedOligos, i) ; Oligo = bsUpdate (oligo) ; if (Oligo) { if (bsFindTag (Oligo, _Temporary)) bsRemove(Oligo) ; bsSave (Oligo) ; } } /* On cherchait visiblement a garder la meme fenetre. En vain ... */ nKs = keySetCopy (selectedOligos) ; if (keySetActive(&oldSet, &keySetLook) && (keySetLook == keySetOrderedLook)) { keySetDestroy (oldSet) ; keySetShow (nKs, keySetLook) ; } else { keySetLook = keySetNewDisplay (nKs, "Selected Oligos To be Ordered") ; keySetOrderedLook = keySetLook ; } } /* fMapOspOrderOligos */ static void fMapOspImportOligos (void) { KEYSET ks = 0 , ks0 = 0, ks1 = 0 ; SEG Seg ; int i, nfit = 0, nnofit = 0, nbadl = 0 ; FeatureMap look = OSPGET ("fMapOspImportOligos") ; if (!look) return ; if (!keySetActive(&ks, 0)) { messout("First select a KeySet containing oligos") ; return ; } /* never destroy ks, it belongs to keySetActive */ ks0 = query (ks, "(CLASS Oligo) AND (Sequence = *) AND (NOT Temporary)") ; ks1 = keySetAlphaHeap(ks0, keySetMax(ks0)) ; keySetDestroy (ks0) ; i = keySetMax (ks1) ; if (!i) { messout("First select a KeySet containing oligos") ; keySetDestroy (ks1) ; return ; } Seg.x1 = look->zoneMin ; Seg.x2 = look->zoneMax ; Seg.key = look->seqKey ; i = keySetMax (ks1) ; while (i--) { OBJ obj = bsCreate (keySet(ks1, i)) ; char *cp ; if (!obj) goto jump ; if (!bsGetData (obj, _Sequence, _Text, &cp)) goto jump ; bsDestroy (obj) ; continue ; jump: nbadl++ ; bsDestroy (obj) ; keySet(ks1, i) = 0 ; } i = keySetMax (ks1) ; while (i--) if ( keySet(ks1,i)) { if (fMapOspPositionOligo (look, &Seg, keySet(ks1, i), 0, 0)) nfit++ ; else nnofit++ ; } i = keySetMax (ks1) ; if (nfit) { look->pleaseRecompute = TRUE ; fMapDraw(look,0) ; popOspControl() ; } messout ("%d Oligos accepted, %d don't fit, %d do", keySetMax (ks1) - nbadl, nnofit, nfit) ; keySetDestroy (ks1) ; return; } /* fMapOspImportOligos */ /*****************************************************************/ static MENUOPT ospControlMenu[] = { { graphDestroy, "Quit" }, { help, "Help" }, { ospRedraw, "Redraw" }, { 0, 0 } } ; /*****************************************************************/ static BOOL checkTC (int tc) { if (tc < 20 || tc > 99) return FALSE ; return TRUE ; } /* checkTC */ static void fMapOspShowAllOldOligos (void) { KEYSET ks = query (0,"FIND OLigo") ; keySetNewDisplay (ks, "All oligos") ; return; } /* fMapOspShowAllOldOligos */ static void fMapOspShowFilteredOldOligos (void) { KEYSET ks = 0 ; ks = query (0, messprintf ( "FIND Oligo ; Tm <= %d AND Tm >= %d AND Length <= %d AND Length >= %d", oligoTmMax, oligoTmMin, oligoMaxLength, oligoMinLength)) ; keySetNewDisplay (ks, "Filtered oligos") ; return; } /* fMapOspShowFilteredOldOligos */ static int fMapOspAliasOligo(KEY key, char* newName) { char *oldName ; int classe = class(key) ; KEY newKey ; BOOL isCaseSensitive = pickList[classe & 255 ].isCaseSensitive ; int (*lexstrIsCasecmp)() = isCaseSensitive ? strcmp : strcasecmp ; int ret; /********** Protection *************/ if (lexiskeylocked(key)) { messout("Sorry, alias fails because %s is locked elsewhere", name(key)) ; return 2 ; } /************* Identity *************/ newName = lexcleanup(newName, 0) ; oldName = name(key) ; if (!strcmp(oldName, newName)) ret = 1 ; else if (!lexstrIsCasecmp(oldName, newName)) ret = 1 ; /************* Unknown name case *************/ else ret = !lexword2key (newName, &newKey, classe) ; messfree(newName); return ret; } /* fMapOspAliasOligo */ static void fMapOspPickOligo (KEY key) { int i, pos, suffix, iNew ; char oligoName [35], oligoNameBegin [25] ; SEG *seg ; FeatureMap look = OSPGET("fMapOspPickOligo") ; displayRepeatBlock () ; if (!keySetFind (selectedOligos, key, 0)) return ; for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) if (arrp(look->segs,i,SEG)->key == key) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->type != OLIGO && seg->type != OLIGO_UP) return ; strcpy(oligoName, look->oligoNameBuffer) ; if (seg->type & 0x01) strcat (oligoName, "-") ; else strcat (oligoName, "+") ; pos = COORD (look, seg->x1) ; if (pos < 0) strcat (oligoName, "x") ; pos = abs(pos)/100 ; strcat (oligoName, messprintf("%d",pos)) ; strcpy (oligoNameBegin, oligoName) ; suffix = 1 ; while (!(iNew =fMapOspAliasOligo (key, oligoName))) { strcpy (oligoName, oligoNameBegin) ; strcat (oligoName, ".") ; strcat (oligoName, messprintf("%d", suffix)) ; suffix++ ; } if (iNew == 1) { ACEIN name_in; /* pour permettre de choisir "son" suffixe ex: z9+x12bam */ if ((name_in = messPrompt ("This is the new name.\n" "You can modify this name. Then type OK", oligoName, "w", 0))) { aceInNext (name_in) ; strcpy (oligoName, aceInPos(name_in)) ; aceInDestroy (name_in); if (!fMapOspAliasOligo (key, oligoName)) messout ("Sorry! This name already exists.") ; else { lexAlias (key, oligoName, TRUE, FALSE) ; if (!(look->flag & FLAG_HIDE_HEADER)) { fMapReportLine (look, seg, FALSE, 0) ; graphBoxDraw (look->segBox, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; /* default is to put dna in cut buffer, alternative is coord data. */ if (look->cut_data == FMAPCUT_COORDS) graphPostBuffer(look->segTextBuf) ; } } } } fMapOspOrderOligos () ; return ; } return; } /* fMapOspPickOligo */ static void renameOligoDestroy (void) { renaming = 0 ; OSPGET("renameOligoDestroy") ; displayUnBlock() ; return; } /* renameOligoDestroy */ static char oligoName [16] ; static void fMapOspRenameOligo (void) { FeatureMap look ; if (renaming) { renameOligoDestroy () ; return ; } if (selecting == 1) { messout ("%s", "Finish what you are doing first") ; return ; } look = OSPGET ("fMapOspRenameOligo") ; if (!look) return ; if (selecting == 1) { messout ("%s", "Finish what you are doing first") ; return ; } if (!keySetMax(selectedOligos)) { messout ("%s%s", "Select first the oligos\n", "you want to rename"); return ; } if(!checkWriteAccess()) { messout("Sorry, you do not have Write Access"); return ; } renaming = 1 ; strcpy (look->oligoNameBuffer, oligoName) ; graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, renameOligoDestroy) ; if (!strlen(look->oligoNameBuffer)) messout("%s%s", "Type first the begin of the new name. ", "You have also to fix the Origin ") ; else { displayBlock (fMapOspPickOligo, "Pick an oligo to rename it.\n " "Remove this message to cancel.\n\n" "If you haven't fixed the Origin:\n" " Remove\n" " Fix the Origin.\n" " Then come back to Rename Oligo.") ; fMapOspOrderOligos () ; } return; } /* fMapOspRenameOligo */ /***********************************/ static void fMapOspControlDraw (void) { int line = 3; graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight) ; graphClear () ; graphText ("An interface by D&J T-M to OSP", 2, line++) ; graphText (" the Oligo Selection Program", 2, line++) ; graphText (" from Ladeana Hillier", 2, line++) ; line += 1.2 ; graphLine(0,line, mapGraphWidth, line) ; line += 1.2 ; graphText ("Filters: ", 1, line++) ; graphText ("Oligo length", 3, line) ; graphIntEditor ("Min", &oligoMinLength, 18, line++, 0) ; graphIntEditor ("Max", &oligoMaxLength, 18, line++, 0) ;line += .3 ; graphIntEditor ("Tm min", &oligoTmMin, 3, line, checkTC) ; graphIntEditor ("Tm max", &oligoTmMax, 21, line, checkTC) ; line += 2.2 ; graphLine(0, line, mapGraphWidth, line) ; line += 1.2 ; graphButton("List all old oligos", fMapOspShowAllOldOligos, 2,line) ; line += 2 ; graphButton("List old oligos satisfying the filters", fMapOspShowFilteredOldOligos, 2,line) ; line += 2 ; graphButton("Get Selected list of Oligos", fMapOspImportOligos, 2,line) ; line += 2 ; line += 1 ; graphButton("Find New Oligos satisfying the filters",fMapOspSubmit, 2,line) ; line += 2.2 ; graphLine(0, line, mapGraphWidth, line) ; line += 1.2 ; graphText ("Display Oligos", 2,line) ; line += 1.2 ; graphText(messprintf("with score <= %3d", scoreLimit),5 + 3.27, line + .7) ; graphButton("<", ospLimitDown,5 , line + .5) ; graphButton(">", ospLimitUp , 5 + 22.20, line + .5) ; graphText(messprintf("or every %5d bp", fillLimit * 2),5 + 3.27, line + 2.2) ; graphButton("<", ospFillDown, 5, line + 2.0) ; graphButton(">", ospFillUp , 5 + 22.20, line + 2.0) ; line += 4.2 ; graphLine(0, line, mapGraphWidth, line) ; line += 1.2 ; graphText ("Product length", 3, line) ; graphIntEditor ("Min", &productMinLength, 18, line++, 0) ; graphIntEditor ("Max", &productMaxLength, 18, line++, 0) ; graphIntEditor ("Max Score", &productMaxScore, 12, line, 0) ; line += 2.2 ; graphButton("Score new pairs of displayed Oligos", ospSubmitPairs, 2,line) ; line += 2.2 ; graphLine(0,line, mapGraphWidth, line) ; line += 1.2 ; selectButtonBox = graphButton("Select/Unselect Oligos", fMapOspSelectOligos, 2,line) ; line += 2.1 ; if (selecting) graphBoxDraw (selectButtonBox,BLACK, YELLOW) ; graphButton("Order Selected Oligos", fMapOspOrderOligos, 2,line) ; line += 2.1 ; graphButton("Discard New OLigos, except if ordered", fMapOspDiscardOligos, 2,line) ; line += 2.1 ; graphLine(0,line, mapGraphWidth, line) ; line += 1.2 ; renameButtonBox = graphButton ("Rename Oligo:", fMapOspRenameOligo, 2, line) ; if (renaming) graphBoxDraw (renameButtonBox,BLACK, YELLOW) ; /* mhmp 15.09.98 je dois mettre 16 / 10 !!! */ oligoNameBox = graphTextEditor (" ",oligoName, 16, 17, line,0); line += 2.1 ; graphButtons (ospControlMenu, 1, 1, 80) ; graphRedraw () ; return; } /* fMapOspControlDraw */ static void fMapOspControlDestroy (void) { ospControlGraph = 0 ; selecting = 0 ; oldPick = 0 ; selecting = 0 ; selectButtonBox = 0 ; renaming = 0 ; renameButtonBox = 0 ; return ; } /* fMapOspControlDestroy */ static void fMapOspControl (void) { Graph old = graphActive () ; if (graphActivate (ospControlGraph)) { graphPop () ; return ; } ospControlGraph = graphCreate (TEXT_SCROLL, "OSP parameters", 0, 0, 0.4, 0.7) ; graphHelp("OSP") ; graphRegister (DESTROY, fMapOspControlDestroy) ; graphMenu (ospControlMenu) ; fMapOspControlDraw () ; graphActivate (old) ; return; } /* fMapOspControl */ /***************************** eof ************************************/ /**********************************************************************/