/* File: fmapstatus.c * Author: Mike Holman * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1992 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: sequence display and manipulation for fmap * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Sep 13 16:05 2001 (edgrif) * * Apr 20 12:07 2000 (edgrif): Had to change MapColDrawFunc prototypes. * * Jul 16 10:10 1998 (edgrif): Introduce private header fmap_.h * Created: Sat Jul 25 22:36:47 1992 (rd) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: fmapstatus.c,v 1.15 2001/09/20 10:17:56 edgrif Exp $ */ #include "acedb.h" #include "bump.h" #include "whooks/tags.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "dna.h" #include "lex.h" #include "display.h" #include /************************************************/ static Graph colorkeyGraph = 0 ; static BOOL colorKeyWanted = FALSE ; /* cosmid_color - used to generate color related to each cosmid status. */ #define CSM (3.8) /* (C)osmid (S)tatus (M)ax right side for drawing. */ static enum Colour cosmid_color (KEY val, float * x, char * buf) { enum Colour tcolor ; KEY _Shotgun_complete; KEY _Library_construction; KEY _Received; KEY _Dna_made; lexaddkey("Shotgun_complete", &_Shotgun_complete, 0) ; lexaddkey("Library_construction", &_Library_construction, 0) ; lexaddkey("Received", &_Received, 0) ; lexaddkey("Dna_made", &_Dna_made, 0) ; if (val == _Archived) { if (*x < CSM) {*x = CSM; tcolor = BLACK; strcpy(buf,"a");} } else if (val == _Submitted) { if (*x < CSM-0.3) {*x = CSM-0.3;tcolor = DARKRED; strcpy(buf,"sb");} } else if (val == _Finished) { if (*x < CSM-0.6) {*x = CSM-0.6;tcolor = RED; strcpy(buf,"f");} } else if (val == _Contiguous) { if (*x < CSM-0.9) {*x = CSM-0.9;tcolor = LIGHTRED; strcpy(buf,"c");} } else if (val == _Shotgun_complete) { if (*x < CSM-1.2) {*x = CSM-1.2;tcolor = YELLOW; strcpy(buf,"sc");} } else if (val == _Shotgun) { if (*x < CSM-1.5) {*x = CSM-1.5;tcolor = GREEN; strcpy(buf,"s");} } else if (val == _Library_construction) { if (*x < CSM-1.8) {*x = CSM-1.8;tcolor = BLUE; strcpy(buf,"l");} } else if (val == _Dna_made) { if (*x < CSM-2.1) {*x = CSM-2.1;tcolor = LIGHTBLUE; strcpy(buf,"d");} } else if (val == _Received) { if (*x < CSM-2.4) {*x = CSM-2.4;tcolor = LIGHTGRAY;strcpy(buf,"r");} } else { if (*x < 0.0) {*x = 0.0;tcolor = WHITE; strcpy(buf,"-");} } /* what happens if tcolor is not set, hmmmm??*/ return tcolor ; } /************************************************/ static void colorKeyDestroy (void) /* may be called indirectly */ { colorkeyGraph = 0 ; graphDestroy() ; } static void colorKeyDismiss (void) /* explicit dismiss button */ { colorKeyWanted = FALSE ; /* this is a static bool */ graphDestroy() ; } /************************************************/ static void fMapShowColorKey (void) { float x1=1.0, x2=14.0, i=1.0 ; Graph old = graphActive () ; if(graphActivate(colorkeyGraph)) { graphPop() ; graphActivate (old) ; return ; } colorkeyGraph = graphCreate (TEXT_FIT,"Sequencing status color code",0.0,0.0,0.32,0.23) ; /* graphRectangle (0.5, 0.5, 75, 40) ;*/ graphRegister (DESTROY,colorKeyDestroy) ; /* Display Cosmid Group Colors and Cosmid Status Colors */ graphTextHeight (0.9) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Avery Group", x1, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2-1.5, i+.5, x2-.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.66) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphFillRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Archived", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 1.1 ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Crick Group", x1, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2-1.5, i+.5, x2-.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.66) ; /* rectangle */ graphColor (DARKRED) ; graphFillRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Submitted", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 1.1 ; graphColor (RED) ; graphFillRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Finished", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 1.1 ; graphColor (LIGHTRED) ; graphFillRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Contiguous", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 1.1 ; graphColor (YELLOW) ; graphFillRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Shotgun complete", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 1.1 ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Franklin Group", x1, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2-1.5, i+.5, x2-.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.66) ; /* rectangle */ graphColor (GREEN) ; graphFillRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Shotgun", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 1.1 ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Watson Group", x1, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2-1.5, i+.5, x2-.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.66) ; /* rectangle */ graphColor (BLUE) ; graphFillRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Library construction", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 1.1 ; /* new mdh */ graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Cold Spring", x1, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2-1.5, i+.5, x2-.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.66) ; /* new mdh */ graphColor (LIGHTBLUE) ; graphFillRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Dna made", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 1.1 ; /* new mdh */ graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("ABI", x1, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2-1.5, i+.5, x2-.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.66) ; /* new mdh */ graphColor (LIGHTGRAY) ; graphFillRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Received", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 1.1 ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphText ("Not Assigned", x1, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2-1.5, i+.5, x2-.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2-.5, i+.5, x2-1.0, i+.66) ; /* rectangle */ graphRectangle (x2, i, x2+4.0, i+1.0) ; graphText ("Gap", x2+6.5, i+.1) ; /* line */ graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.5, i+.5) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.33) ; graphLine (x2+4.5, i+.5, x2+5.0, i+.66) ; i += 2.5 ; graphTextHeight (0.0) ; graphButton ("Dismiss", colorKeyDismiss, 13.5, i) ; graphRedraw(); /* graphStart (colorkeyGraph); NO, dont want to do that, i think, please mail me about it, jean */ graphActivate (old) ; } /* code for symbolicStatus. */ static void symbolicStatus (FeatureMap look, float offset) { int i, j, click, dx, dy ; float y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map, look->min) ; float y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map, look->max) ; float x1, x2, cw, ch, tmp ; Array a = arrayCreate(20,BSunit) ; Array b = arrayCreate (8, KEYZONE) ; enum Colour tcolor ; char text[25], buf[25] ; SEG *seg ; OBJ obj = 0 ; KEY val, _Nbr_gel_readings ; lexaddkey("Nbr_gel_readings", &_Nbr_gel_readings, 0) ; /* display max box. */ graphColor (BLACK) ; graphRectangle (offset+1.0, y1, offset+CSM, y2) ; strcpy(text, ""); for (i = 1 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->x1 >= look->max || seg->x2 < look->min || !(seg->type == SEQUENCE || seg->type == SEQUENCE_UP) || arrp(look->seqInfo, seg->data.i, SEQINFO)->flags != 0) continue ; obj = bsCreate(seg->key) ; if (seg->x1 < look->min) y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map, look->min) ; else y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map, seg->x1) ; if (seg->x2 > look->max) y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map, look->max) ; else y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map, seg->x2) ; if (y1 < 2 + topMargin) y1 = 2 + topMargin ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Status) && bsFlatten(obj, 3, a)) { /* Find # of reads in database if available. */ if (bsFindTag (obj, _Nbr_gel_readings)) { click = 0; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &click)) sprintf (buf, "%d", click); else strcpy (buf, "none"); } else strcpy (buf, "none"); x1 = 1.0; x2 = 0.0; for (j=0; jboxIndex, graphBoxStart(), int) = i; graphColor (tcolor) ; graphFillRectangle (offset+x1, y1, offset+x2, y2) ; graphBoxEnd () ; keyZoneAdd (b, seg->key, y1, y2, i) ; /* Text output beside rectangles. */ graphTextHeight (.2) ; graphTextInfo (&dx, &dy, &cw, &ch) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; if ((tmp = offset+x2-strlen(text)*cw) < offset+x1+CSM) tmp = offset+x1+CSM+0.2 ; if (tcolor == cosmid_color(_Shotgun, &cw, text)) /* cw is dummy. */ graphText (buf, tmp, .5*(y1+y2-ch)) ; graphTextHeight (0.0) ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; } arrayDestroy (a) ; } /* show COSMID STATUS column */ void prepit (float y, float xoff, char *str, BOOL top) { char * ptr = str; char foo[2]; size_t n = strlen(str); /* assign bottom location */ float yoff = -0.85 * (float)n; /* y offset */ float chunk = 0.8; /* increment for each char in y dim */ float bord_ht = -0.9 * (float)n; /* assign top location if indicated. */ if (top) { yoff = 0.2; chunk = 0.8; bord_ht *= -1.0; } /* draw the cosmid left/right guide posts. */ graphColor (WHITE) ; graphFillRectangle (xoff, y, xoff+1.4, y+bord_ht) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphRectangle (xoff, y, xoff+1.4, y+bord_ht) ; graphColor (BLUE) ; graphTextHeight (0.2) ; /* loop through and display chars. */ foo[1] = '\0'; while (*ptr) { foo[0] = *ptr++ ; graphText (foo, xoff+0.26, y+yoff) ; yoff += chunk ; } } #define FIN_COL_W (9.0) /* column "Cosmid Status" */ void fMapShowStatus (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) /* This is of type MapColDrawFunc */ { FeatureMap look = (FeatureMap)genericLook; SEG *seg ; int n = 0 ; float y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map, look->min) ; float y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map, look->max) ; /* fudge distance to allow for chromosome directional indicators. */ *offset += 0.5 ; seg = arrp(look->segs,0,SEG) ; if (strstr(name(seg->key),"elegan")) { prepit(y1, *offset, "RIGHT", TRUE); prepit(y2, *offset, "LEFT", FALSE); } else { prepit(y1, *offset, "LEFT", TRUE); prepit(y2, *offset, "RIGHT", FALSE); } /* graphColor (BLACK) ; graphLine (*offset+0.6, y1+3.5, *offset+0.6, y1+5.5) ; graphLine (*offset+0.1, y1+5.0, *offset+0.6, y1+5.5) ; graphLine (*offset+0.6, y1+5.5, *offset+1.1, y1+5.0) ; */ *offset += 1.0 ; symbolicStatus (look, *offset) ; strcpy (look->segTextBuf, messprintf ("%d bases, %d analysed", look->max - look->min, n)) ; graphBoxDraw (look->segBox, -1, -1) ; /* default is to put dna in cut buffer, alternative is coord data. */ if (look->cut_data == FMAPCUT_COORDS) graphPostBuffer(look->segTextBuf) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; *offset += FIN_COL_W ; } /* MDH cos status */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* MDH show status , was in mdh:fmapfeatures.c*/ #define EMPTY_COLOR WHITE static enum Colour group_color (char * buf) { if ('W' == *buf || 'w' == *buf) return BLUE ; else if ('C' == *buf || 'c' == *buf) return DARKRED ; else if ('F' == *buf || 'f' == *buf) return GREEN ; else if ('A' == *buf || 'a' == *buf) return BLACK ; else if ('S' == *buf || 's' == *buf) return LIGHTBLUE ; else if ('B' == *buf || 'b' == *buf) return LIGHTGRAY ; else return EMPTY_COLOR ; } /******************** text features *****************************/ static int bumpOff ; static void bumpWrite (BUMP bump, char *text, int x, float y) { bumpItem (bump, strlen(text)+1, 1, &x, &y) ; graphText (text, bumpOff+x, y-0.5) ; } /***********************************************************************/ /* column "Cosmids by group" */ void fMapShowOrigin (LOOK genericLook, float *offset, MENU *unused) /* This is of type MapColDrawFunc */ { FeatureMap look = (FeatureMap)genericLook; int x, i ; float y1, y2, y ; enum Colour fcolor, pcolor ; OBJ obj = 0 ; SEG *seg ; BUMP bump = 0 ; Array a = 0 ; KEY grp ; float myTopMargin = 2 + topMargin ; /* add keys needed for processing. */ KEY _Production_Group, _Finishing_Group ; if (arrayMax(look->segs) < 2) return ; /* if (!getEnv("ACEDB_SHOW_STATUS")) return ; */ lexaddkey("Production_Group", &_Production_Group, 0) ; lexaddkey("Finishing_Group", &_Finishing_Group, 0) ; /* if (!colorKeyWanted) always show the button ? */ graphButton ("Status Info", fMapShowColorKey, *offset, topMargin + .2) ; if (colorKeyWanted) fMapShowColorKey () ; bump = bumpCreate (3, 0) ; a = arrayCreate (8, KEYZONE) ; /* draw the cosmid bars */ *offset += 1 ; i = (look->flag & FLAG_REVERSE) ? arrayMax(look->segs)-1 : 1 ; while (i && i < arrayMax(look->segs)) { seg = arrp(look->segs,i,SEG) ; if (seg->x1 > look->max || seg->x2 < look->min) goto loop1 ; y1 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x1) ; y2 = MAP2GRAPH(look->map,seg->x2+1) ; /* to cover full base */ if (y1 >= mapGraphHeight) continue ; if (y2 <= myTopMargin) continue ; if (y1 < myTopMargin) y1 = myTopMargin ; if (y1 > mapGraphHeight) y1 = mapGraphHeight ; if (y2 < myTopMargin) y2 = myTopMargin ; if (y2 > mapGraphHeight) y2 = mapGraphHeight ; if ((seg->type == SEQUENCE || seg->type == SEQUENCE_UP) && !(arrp (look->seqInfo, seg->data.i, SEQINFO)->flags & SEQ_CANONICAL) && !strstr(name(seg->key),"SUPER")) { x = 0 ; y = seg->x1 ; /* bump in DNA coords so OK reversed */ bumpItem (bump, 1, seg->x2-seg->x1+1, &x, &y) ; obj = bsCreate(seg->key) ; /* if (bsFindTag (obj,_Production_Group) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Text, &buf)) pcolor = group_color(buf) ; */ pcolor = EMPTY_COLOR ; if (bsFindTag (obj,_Production_Group) && bsGetKey (obj, _Production_Group, &grp)) pcolor = group_color(name(grp)) ; /* if (bsFindTag (obj,_Finishing_Group) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Text, &buf)) fcolor = group_color(buf) ; */ fcolor = EMPTY_COLOR ; if (bsFindTag (obj,_Finishing_Group) && bsGetKey (obj, _Finishing_Group, &grp)) fcolor = group_color(name(grp)) ; array(look->boxIndex, graphBoxStart(), int) = i; /* Show who did Production on this cosmid. */ graphColor(pcolor) ; if (pcolor == EMPTY_COLOR) { /* then empty rectangle */ graphColor(BLACK) ; graphRectangle (*offset+x, y1, *offset+x+0.4, y2) ; } else graphFillRectangle (*offset+x, y1, *offset+x+0.4, y2) ; /* Show who did Finishing on this cosmid. */ graphColor(fcolor) ; if (fcolor == EMPTY_COLOR) { /* then empty rectangle */ graphColor(BLACK) ; graphRectangle (*offset+x+0.4, y1, *offset+x+0.9, y2) ; } else graphFillRectangle (*offset+x+0.4, y1, *offset+x+0.9, y2) ; graphBoxEnd() ; keyZoneAdd (a, seg->key, y1, y2, i) ; graphColor(BLACK) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } loop1: if (look->flag & FLAG_REVERSE) --i ; else ++i ; } *offset += bumpMax(bump) ; bumpDestroy (bump) ; /* then the text */ bump = bumpCreate (12, 0) ; bumpOff = *offset ; arraySort (a, keyZoneOrder) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(a) ; ++i) { KEYZONE *z = arrp(a, i, KEYZONE) ; array(look->boxIndex,graphBoxStart(),int) = z->iseg ; bumpWrite (bump, name(z->key), 0, 0.5*(z->y1 + z->y2)) ; graphBoxEnd() ; } *offset += bumpMax (bump) ; bumpDestroy (bump) ; arrayDestroy (a) ; } /* MDH show status */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/