/* File: fpdisp.c * Author: Danielle et Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1994 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmba.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Dec 3 16:16 2001 (edgrif) * * Jul 23 15:36 1998 (edgrif): Add fmap.h public header for fmap * function declares. * * Jun 3 11:41 1996 (rd) * Created: Thu Jan 6 11:12:36 1994 (mieg) * CVS info: $Id: fpdisp.c,v 1.27 2002/02/01 22:06:30 srk Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /************************************************************/ typedef struct GelStruct { KEY clone, clef ; Array fp, bp ; float maxFp, maxBp ; } GEL ; static BOOL isBp = TRUE ; static float maxBp, maxFp ; static Array bands = 0 ; static float rounding = 1 ; static Array fpSelectedBands = 0 , fpSelectedClefs = 0 , fpAllClefs = 0 , fpAllClones = 0; static Graph fpGraph = 0 ; static MAP fpMap = 0 ; static Array fpGels = 0 ; static Array fpBoxIndex = 0 ; static int fpActiveBox = 0, minLiveBox = 0 , minClefBox = 0 ; static int fpActiveGel = 0 ; static char fpRoundingBuffer[5] ; /************************************************************/ static BOOL fingerPrintData (Array *fpp, Array* bpp, KEY clone, KEY *clef) ; static BOOL fpRead (void) ; /* returns FALSE if unsuccessful */ static Array fpLength2bp(Array fp) ; static Array fpBp2Length(Array bp) ; static void cptAllPredictedBands (void); static void fpDraw(void) ; static void fpPick (int box, double x , double y) ; /************************************************************/ static void fpHisto(void) { Array histo ; int i ; if (!fpRead()) return; if(!bands) return ; histo = arrayCreate(5000,int); i = arrayMax(bands); while(i--) array(histo,arr(bands,i,short),int)++; plotHisto ("Bands distribution", histo); return; } /* fpHisto */ /******************************************/ static BOOL fpRead(void) { static char fileName[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; static char dirName[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; int i = 0 , n ; void *vp = &n; unsigned int nb = 20000, nr, size = sizeof(short); FILE *fpfile, *corfile; if (arrayExists(bands)) return TRUE; if (!(corfile = filqueryopen (dirName, fileName, "cor", "r", "Finger-print rawdata file"))) return FALSE; filclose (corfile) ; bands = arrayCreate(nb,short); if ((fpfile = filopen (messprintf("%s/%s", dirName, fileName),"bnd","rb"))) { do { array(bands,(++i)*nb,short) = 0; /* to create space */ vp = arrp(bands,nb*(i-1),short); /* possible relocation */ fprintf(stderr,"I read %d bands\n",i*nb); } while ((nr=fread(vp,size,nb,fpfile)) == nb) ; arrayMax(bands) -= nb - nr; /* artificial space removed */ } else { messout ("I reformat the ascii file %s.cor into a binary file %s.bnd", fileName, fileName); if (!(corfile= filopen(messprintf("%s/%s", dirName, fileName),"cor","r")) || !(fpfile= filopen(messprintf("%s/%s", dirName, fileName),"bnd","wb"))) return FALSE ; array(bands,(++i)*nb,short) = 0; /* to create space */ while (freeread(corfile)) if(freeint(&n)) array(bands,i++,short) = n ; else { messout("Error parsing line %d of cor file : %s", i, freeword()); break; } filclose(corfile) ; fwrite(arrp(bands,0,short),size,arrayMax(bands),fpfile); } messout("I read %d gel bands", arrayMax(bands)) ; fpHisto() ; filclose(fpfile); return TRUE; } /* fpRead */ /*********************************************************************/ /******************** public routines *****************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* set *clefp or start with *clefp == 0, and repeat to get them all */ static int floatOrder (void *a, void *b) { float x = *(float*)a - *(float*)b ; return x > 0 ? 1 : ( x < 0 ? -1 : 0) ; } /***********************************************************/ static BOOL fingerPrintData (Array *fpp, Array* bpp, KEY clone, KEY *clefp) { static int mm = 0 ; int from, i, n ; Array fp = 0 ; float x , *xp ; KEY direc ; OBJ Clone ; BOOL isGotLength = FALSE ; if (!(Clone = bsCreate(clone))) return 0 ; if (*clefp) { if (!bsFindKey (Clone, _Gel, *clefp) || !bsGetKeyTags (Clone, _bsDown , clefp)) return 0 ; } else if (!bsGetKeyTags (Clone, _Gel, clefp)) /* generic format */ { if (!fp && class(clone) == _VClone && /* fall back on nematode specific format */ bsGetData(Clone,_Bands,_Int,&from) && bsGetData(Clone,_bsRight,_Int,&n)) { if(!bands) { if (!fpRead()) return 0; } isGotLength = TRUE ; if (bands) { if(from+n <= arrayMax(bands)) { KEY fpKey ; lexaddkey ("Observed", &fpKey, _VMotif) ; *clefp = fpKey ; fp = arrayCreate(n, float) ; while(n--) array(fp,n,float) = (float) (array(bands,from+n,short)) ; if (arrayMax(fp)) /* && isWriteAccess())*/ { bsDestroy(Clone) ; if ((Clone = bsUpdate(clone))) { bsAddTag (Clone, _Gel) ; bsAddKey (Clone, _bsRight, fpKey) ; bsPushObj (Clone) ; bsAddTag (Clone, _Band_Lengths) ; /* first value allready stored */ for (n = 0 ; n < arrayMax(fp) ; n++) { x = arr(fp, n, float) ; bsAddData(Clone, _bsRight, _Float, &x) ; } bsSave(Clone) ; Clone = 0 ; } } } else messout ("Clone %s\n Band %d > Max %d of data file", name(clone), from+n, arrayMax(bands)) ; } } goto laba ; } if (bsPushObj (Clone)) { direc = 0 ; i = 0 ; if ( bsGetData (Clone, _Bands, _Float, &x)) direc = _bsRight ; else if ( bsGetData (Clone, _Band_Lengths, _Float, &x)) { direc = _bsRight ; isGotLength = TRUE ; } else if ( bsGetData (Clone, _Band, _Float, &x)) direc = _bsDown ; fp = arrayCreate (8, float) ; if (direc) do { array (fp, i++, float) = x ; } while (bsGetData (Clone, direc, _Float, &x)) ; } laba: if (!fp && mm++ < 3) messout("Sorry, no finger print data known about clone %s", name(clone)) ; if (Clone) bsDestroy(Clone) ; if (rounding == 0 || rounding <= 0.001) rounding = .001 ; if (fp) for (n = 0 , xp = arrp(fp, 0, float); n < arrayMax(fp) ; n++, xp++) { i = *xp / rounding ; *xp = i * rounding ; } if (!fp || !arrayMax(fp)) { arrayDestroy (fp) ; return FALSE ; } else arraySort (fp, floatOrder) ; if (isGotLength) { isBp = FALSE ; *fpp = fp ; *bpp = fpLength2bp(fp) ; } else { *bpp = fp ; *fpp = fpBp2Length (fp) ; } return TRUE ; } /* fingerPrintData */ /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /* donnees is a boolean matrix clones/lengths */ /* donnees must be created as 2 arrays of KEYSET */ void pmapCptGetData (Array marInDef, Array defInMar, KEYSET clones, KEYSET bands) { KEY key = 0 , kb, clef ; Array aa, fp, bp, xp ; Associator assB ; void *vp ; int i, j, nB = 0 , nC, nBmax = 0 , nCmax ; KEYSET *ksp ; OBJ obj ; if (!keySetActive(&aa, 0)) { messout("First select a keyset containing clones") ; return ; } j = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(aa) ; i++) { key = keySet(aa, i) ; if (class(key) == _VClone && (obj = bsCreate(key))) { if (bsFindTag(obj, _Bands)) keySet(clones, j++) = key ; bsDestroy(obj) ; } } nCmax = keySetMax(clones) ; if (!nCmax) { messout("First2 select a keyset containing clones") ; return ; } assB = assCreate() ; i = nCmax ; ksp = arrayp(marInDef, i - 1, KEYSET) ; while(i--) *ksp-- = keySetCreate() ; for (nC = 0 ; nC < nCmax ; nC++) { clef = 0 ; while (fingerPrintData(&fp, &bp, keySet(clones, nC), &clef)) { if (keySetExists(fpSelectedClefs) && ! keySetFind (fpSelectedClefs, clef, &j)) continue ; xp = isBp ? bp : fp ; j = arrayMax(xp) ; while (j--) { lexaddkey(messprintf("%s.%g", name(clef), arr(xp, j, float)), &kb, _VCalcul) ; if (!assFind (assB, assVoid(kb), &vp)) { vp = assVoid(nBmax) ; assInsert(assB, assVoid(kb), vp) ; nB = nBmax ; array(defInMar, nB, KEYSET) = keySetCreate() ; keySet(bands, nBmax++) = kb ; } else nB = assInt(vp) ; ksp = arrp(marInDef, nC, KEYSET) ; keySet(*ksp, keySetMax(*ksp)) = nB ; ksp = arrp(defInMar, nB, KEYSET) ; keySet(*ksp, keySetMax(*ksp)) = nC ; } arrayDestroy(fp) ; arrayDestroy(bp) ; } } assDestroy(assB) ; i = arrayMax(marInDef) ; ksp = arrp(marInDef, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) keySetSort(*ksp) ; i = arrayMax(defInMar) ; ksp = arrp(defInMar, 0, KEYSET) - 1 ; while(ksp++, i--) keySetSort(*ksp) ; return; } /* pmapCptGetData */ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ static void fpDestroy(void) { int i ; if (graphExists(fpGraph)) { fpGraph = 0 ; i = arrayMax (fpGels) ; while(i--) { arrayDestroy(arrp(fpGels, i, GEL)->fp) ; arrayDestroy(arrp(fpGels, i, GEL)->bp) ; } arrayDestroy(fpGels) ; arrayDestroy(fpBoxIndex) ; arrayDestroy(fpSelectedBands) ; arrayDestroy(fpSelectedClefs) ; arrayDestroy(fpAllClefs) ; arrayDestroy(fpAllClones) ; mapDestroy(fpMap) ; graphAssRemove (&MAP2LOOK_ASSOC) ; } return; } /* fpDestroy */ /**************************************************************/ static void fpRmClone(void) { int n , i , j ; KEY clone ; if (!graphActivate(fpGraph)) return ; n = fpActiveGel ; if (n == 100000) return ; clone = arr (fpGels, n, GEL).clone ; i = arrayMax(fpGels) ; j = 0 ; while (i--) if (clone == arr (fpGels, i, GEL).clone) { arrayDestroy(arr(fpGels, i, GEL).fp) ; arrayDestroy(arr(fpGels, i, GEL).bp) ; for (j = i ; j < keySetMax(fpGels) - 1 ; j++) array(fpGels, j, GEL) = array(fpGels, j + 1, GEL) ; arrayMax(fpGels)-- ; } fpDraw() ; return; } /* fpRmClone */ static void fpUnBlock (void) { displayUnBlock() ; if (graphActivate(fpGraph)) graphRegister(PICK, fpPick) ; return; } /* fpUnBlock */ /*************************************/ static BOOL fpInterpret (int *np) { int i, j, dummy, n = *np ; KEY clef ; n /= 2 ; for (i = 0 , j = 0 ; i < arrayMax(fpGels) ; i++) { clef = arr(fpGels, i, GEL).clef ; if (keySetFind (fpSelectedClefs, clef, &dummy)) { if (j == n) break ; j++ ; } } if (i >= arrayMax(fpGels)) return FALSE ; *np = i ; return TRUE ; } /* fpInterpret */ /*************************************/ /* static void fpSort(void) { int n = arrayMax(fpGels) ; KEYSET ks = keySetCreate() ; while (n--) keySet(ks, n) = arrp(fpGels, n, GEL)->clone ; messout("No direct coding yet, use mapping from main menu, sorry") ; } */ /*************************************/ static void fpSelectAND (Array x, Array y) { float *xp, *yp, *zp ; register int i = arrayMax(x), j = arrayMax(y) , k = 0 ; xp = zp = arrp (x, 0, float) ; yp = arrp (y, 0, float) ; while(i && j) { /*success, skip further in the 3 index */ if(*xp == *yp) { *zp = *xp ; i-- ; j-- ; xp++ ; yp++ ; zp++ ; k++ ; } else /*recall that every index is in increasing order*/ if (*xp < *yp) { i--, xp++ ; } else { j--; yp++ ;} } arrayMax (x) = k ; return; } /* fpSelectAND */ /*************************************/ static void fpDoSelectBands (int box) { int n , nn ; Array fp ; Array old ; old = fpSelectedBands ; fpSelectedBands = 0 ; if (old && !arrayMax(old)) arrayDestroy(old) ; if (box > minLiveBox) { n = box - minLiveBox - 1 ; nn = n & 1 ; if (!fpInterpret (&n)) return ; fpActiveGel = n ; fp = isBp ? array(fpGels, n, GEL).bp : array(fpGels, n, GEL).fp ; if (old) fpSelectAND (old, fp) ; else old = arrayCopy (fp) ; fpSelectedBands = old ; fpDraw() ; } return; } /* fpDoSelectBands */ /**************************************************************/ static void fpSelectBands (void) { int n = 0 , max ; n = fpActiveGel ; max = arrayMax(fpGels) ; if (n >= max) return ; graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, fpUnBlock) ; graphRegister (PICK, fpDoSelectBands) ; displayBlock ((BlockFunc)fpUnBlock, "Pick in succession clones or lanes, their intersect will turn thick.\n" "This will continue until you remove this message or click outside the gel.") ; } /* fpSelectBands */ /*************************************/ static void fpPickSwitch (int box) { int n, a, b; GEL gel ; if (box > minLiveBox) { n = box - minLiveBox - 1 ; if (!fpInterpret (&n)) return ; if (fpActiveGel == 100000) { fpActiveGel = n ; fpDraw() ; } else { a = fpActiveGel ; b = n ; if (a == b) return ; gel = array(fpGels, a, GEL) ; array(fpGels, a, GEL) = array(fpGels, b, GEL) ; array(fpGels, b, GEL) = gel ; fpActiveGel = 100000 ; fpDraw() ; } } return; } /* fpPickSwitch */ static void fpSwitch (void) { int n = 0 , max ; n = fpActiveGel ; max = arrayMax(fpGels) ; if (n < 0 || n >= max) return ; if (n == max - 1) { if (n>0) n-- ; else return ; } if (max >= 2) { graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, fpUnBlock) ; graphRegister (PICK, fpPickSwitch) ; displayBlock ((BlockFunc)fpUnBlock, "Pick in succession a lane and a target.\n" "This will continue until you remove this message or\n" "click outside the gel.") ; fpActiveGel = 100000 ; /* to start parity in switch routine */ return ; } /* difficille a cause du clef select gel = array(fpGels, n , GEL) ; array(fpGels, n , GEL) = array(fpGels, n + 1, GEL) ; array(fpGels, n + 1, GEL) = gel ; fpDraw() ; */ return; } /* fpSwitch */ /*************************************/ static void fpDoAddClone(KEY clone) { fpDisplay (clone) ; displayRepeatBlock () ; } static void fpAddClone(void) { if (!graphActivate(fpGraph)) return ; graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, fpUnBlock) ; displayBlock (fpDoAddClone, "Double-clicking a clone will show its finger-printing.\n" "This will continue until you remove this message.") ; return; } /* fpAddClone */ static void fpAddKeySet(void) { KEYSET aa ; int i ; if (!graphActivate(fpGraph)) return ; if (!keySetActive(&aa, 0)) { messout("First select a keyset containing clones") ; return ; } fpClearDisplay() ; for (i=0; i < keySetMax(aa) ; i++) fpDisplay(keySet(aa,i)) ; return; } /* fpAddKeySet */ /*************************************/ static Array fpLength2bp(Array fp) { Array bp; double x ; int i = arrayMax(fp) ; bp = arrayCreate(arrayMax(fp), float) ; while(i--) { x = arr(fp, i, float) ; /* excellent Fit mathematica sur 79 data d'etalonage */ x = log(x) ; x = 133.164 - 54.4586 * x + 7.9092 * x * x - .389621 * x * x * x ; x = exp(x) ; array(bp, i, float) = x ; } arraySort (bp, floatOrder) ; return bp ; } /* fpLength2bp */ /*************************************/ static Array fpBp2Length(Array bp) { Array fp ; double x; float y ; int i ; i = arrayMax(bp) ; fp = arrayCreate(arrayMax(bp), float) ; while(i--) { x = arr(bp, i, float) ; if (x < 1) x = 1 ; /* Log relation between lenght and distance of migration: figure 6.1 page 6.5 ; Molecular cloning, a laboratory manual second ed. Sambrook, Fritsch, Maniatis ColdSping Harbor lab. press, 1989 log10 isdeclared in mystdlib.h the limits 10 to 10000 (so 0 <= y < 11.5) are recalled in a graphTextMessage. The inverse relation is used in drawScale. */ y = 3.5 * ( 4 - log10(x)) ; array(fp, i, float) = y ; } arraySort (fp, floatOrder) ; return fp ; } /* fpBp2Length */ /*************************************/ static void fpRounding(char *cp) { int n, i, level ; float x ; GEL *gelp ; KEYSET ks = keySetCreate () ; level = freesettext(cp,"") ; freecard (level) ; if (freefloat(&x) && (x>0) && rounding != x ) { rounding = x ; freeclose(level) ; } else { freeclose(level) ; return ; } sprintf(fpRoundingBuffer, "%g", rounding) ; i = arrayMax(fpGels) ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (fpGels) ; i++) { gelp = arrp(fpGels, i, GEL) ; keySet (ks, i) = gelp->clone ; } n = arrayMax(fpGels) ; while(n--) { arrayDestroy(arr(fpGels, n, GEL).fp) ; arrayDestroy(arr(fpGels, n, GEL).bp) ; } fpGels = arrayReCreate (fpGels, 12, GEL) ; fpAllClefs = keySetReCreate (fpAllClefs) ; fpAllClones = keySetReCreate (fpAllClones) ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (fpGels) ; i++) fpDisplay (keySet(ks,i)) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; fpDraw() ; } /* fpRounding */ /**************************************************************/ static void fpTransform(void) { float mx, x1; KEY clef ; int i, dummy ; Array bp ; isBp = !isBp ; mx = -1 ; lao: if (!keySetExists(fpSelectedClefs)) fpSelectedClefs = keySetCopy (fpAllClefs) ; keySetSort (fpSelectedClefs) ; keySetCompress (fpSelectedClefs) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(fpGels) ; i++) { clef = array(fpGels, i, GEL).clef ; if (keySetFind (fpSelectedClefs, clef, &dummy)) { bp = isBp ? array(fpGels, i, GEL).bp : array(fpGels, i, GEL).fp ; x1 = arr (bp, arrayMax(bp) - 1, float) ; if (x1 > mx) mx = x1 ; } } if (mx == -1) { mx = 0 ; keySetDestroy (fpSelectedClefs) ; goto lao ; } fpMap->max = mx ; fpMap->centre = mx / 2 ; fpMap->mag = (mapGraphHeight - topMargin - 5) / (1.05 * mx) ; fpDraw() ; return; } /* fpTransform */ /***********************************************************/ /* column "Main Bands" */ /* This is of type MapColDrawFunc */ static void fpMainLines(LOOK look_unused, float *offset, MENU *menu_unused) { float y , mx = (isBp ? maxBp : maxFp) ; int i , di = mx /10 , j ; if (di<=1) di = 2 ; j = 1 ;while (j < di) j*= 10 ; j /= 10 ; if (j > 1) di = di - (di%j) ; i = di/j ; if (i>5) di = 5*j ; graphTextHeight (0.75) ; for (i = 0 ; i < mx ; i += di) { y = MAP2WHOLE(fpMap, i) ; graphText (messprintf("%d", i),*offset + 0.5,y-0.25) ; } graphTextHeight (0) ; *offset += 4 ; return; } /* fpMainLines */ /*************************************/ static void fpPick (int box, double x , double y) { int n , nn ; KEY clone, clef ; if (!box) return ; if (box == fpMap->cursor.pickBox) graphBoxDrag (fpMap->cursor.box, mapCursorDrag) ; else if (box == fpMap->thumb.box - 1) { /* coordinates are realtive to thumb -1 .box */ graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight) ; if (y < 1) /* page up */ fpMap->centre -= 1.5 * fpMap->thumb.halfwidth/fpMap->thumb.fac ; else if (y > mapGraphHeight - topMargin - 3.2) fpMap->centre += 1.5 * fpMap->thumb.halfwidth/fpMap->thumb.fac ; else fpMap->centre = WHOLE2MAP (fpMap, y + topMargin + .2) ; fpDraw () ; } else if (box == fpMap->thumb.box) { /* coordinates are realtive to thumb.box */ fpMap->centre += (y - fpMap->thumb.halfwidth)/fpMap->thumb.fac ; graphBoxDrag (fpMap->thumb.box, mapThumbDrag) ; } else if (box > minLiveBox) { n = box - minLiveBox - 1 ; nn = n & 1 ; if (!fpInterpret (&n)) return ; clone = array(fpGels, n, GEL).clone ; if (nn) display(clone, (KEY)0, !strcmp(name(pickDisplayKey(clone)), "DtPmapFingerprint") ? "TREE" : "") ; if (fpActiveGel != n) { /* graphBoxDraw(minLiveBox + 2 + 2*fpActiveGel, BLACK, WHITE) ; graphBoxDraw(minLiveBox + 2 + 2*fpActiveGel, BLACK, WHITE) ; */ fpActiveGel = n ; fpDraw() ; } } else if (box > minClefBox) { int dummy = box - minClefBox - 1 ; if (dummy <0 || dummy >= keySetMax(fpAllClefs)) return ; clef = keySet (fpAllClefs, dummy) ; if (keySetFind (fpSelectedClefs, clef, &dummy)) keySetRemove (fpSelectedClefs, clef) ; else keySetInsert (fpSelectedClefs, clef) ; fpDraw() ; } return; } /* fpPick */ /**************************************************************/ /* column "Bands" */ /* This is of type MapColDrawFunc */ static void fpDrawGels(LOOK look_unused, float *offset, MENU *menu_unused) { float *xb, x = *offset, y, dx; float oldwidth = graphLinewidth(-1.0) ; Array fp, bp ; KEY clef ; int i, j, box, max, max1, dummy ; max = arrayMax(fpGels) ; if (!max) return ; minClefBox= graphBoxStart() ; graphText ("Select:", 2 , 2) ; graphBoxEnd() ; dx = 8 ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax (fpAllClefs) ; i++) { clef = keySet(fpAllClefs, i) ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphText (name(clef), dx , 2) ; graphBoxEnd () ; dx += strlen(name(array(fpGels, i, GEL).clef)) + 1 ; if (keySetFind (fpSelectedClefs, clef, &dummy)) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, GREEN) ; else graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, WHITE) ; } for (max1 = 0, i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(fpGels) ; i++) { clef = array(fpGels, i, GEL).clef ; if (keySetFind (fpSelectedClefs, clef, &dummy)) max1++ ; } if (!max1) max1++ ; dx = (mapGraphWidth - x - 6)/(1.2 * max1) ; minLiveBox= graphBoxStart() ; graphBoxEnd() ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(fpGels) ; i++) { clef = array(fpGels, i, GEL).clef ; if (!keySetFind (fpSelectedClefs, clef, &dummy)) continue ; graphBoxStart() ; graphText (name(array(fpGels, i, GEL).clef), x , topMargin + 1) ; fp = array(fpGels, i, GEL).fp ; bp = array(fpGels, i, GEL).bp ; j = arrayMax(bp) ; while(j--) { y = array(bp, j, float) ; xb = isBp ? arrayp(bp, j, float) : arrayp(fp, j, float) ; if (fpSelectedBands && arrayFind(fpSelectedBands, xb, &dummy, floatOrder)) { graphColor(RED) ; graphLinewidth(.04) ; } y = MAP2GRAPH(fpMap, *xb) ; if (y > topMargin + 2) graphLine(x , y , x + dx, y) ; graphLinewidth(oldwidth) ; graphColor(BLACK) ; } graphBoxEnd() ; box = graphBoxStart() ; graphText (name(array(fpGels, i, GEL).clone), x , topMargin) ; graphBoxEnd() ; if (i == fpActiveGel) graphBoxDraw(box, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; x += dx * 1.2 ; } graphText(isBp ? "Base Pairs" : "mm/10", *offset + 1 , mapGraphHeight - 2) ; *offset = x ; return; } /* fpDrawGels */ /**************************************************************/ static MENUOPT fpMenu[] = { {graphDestroy, "Quit"}, {help, "Help"}, {graphPrint, "Print Screen"}, {mapPrint, "Print Whole Map"}, {fpClearDisplay, "Clear"}, {mapColControl, "Columns"}, {0, 0} } ; static MENUOPT buttonOpts[] = { {mapWhole, "Whole"}, {mapZoomIn, "Zoom In"}, {mapZoomOut, "Zoom Out"}, {fpAddClone, "Add Clone"}, {fpAddKeySet, "Add KeySet"}, {fpRmClone, "Remove Clone"}, {fpClearDisplay, "Clear"}, {fpSwitch, "Switch"}, {fpSelectBands, "Intersect"}, {fpTransform, "millimetre/10 <-> base pairs"}, {cptAllPredictedBands, "predicted bands"}, {0, 0} } ; /**************************************************************/ static void fpDraw(void) { float x1, x2, y1, y2 ; int n ; if (!graphActivate(fpGraph)) return ; n = keySetMax(fpGels) ; graphClear () ; graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight) ; halfGraphHeight = 0.5 * (mapGraphHeight - topMargin) ; if (mapGraphHeight < 10 + topMargin) { messout ("Sorry, this window is too small for a finger print data") ; return ; } fpBoxIndex = arrayReCreate (fpBoxIndex,50,int) ; fpActiveBox = 0 ; graphButtons (buttonOpts, 2, 3.5, mapGraphWidth * .9) ; graphText ("Rounding :", 10, 1) ; graphTextEntry (fpRoundingBuffer, 4, 22, 1, fpRounding) ; graphBoxDim (0, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; topMargin = y2 + 1 ; mapDrawColumns (fpMap) ; graphMenu (fpMenu) ; graphRedraw () ; return; } /* fpDraw */ /**************************************************************/ void fpClearDisplay (void) { int n ; if (!graphActivate(fpGraph)) return ; n = arrayMax(fpGels) ; while(n--) { arrayDestroy(arr(fpGels, n, GEL).fp) ; arrayDestroy(arr(fpGels, n, GEL).bp) ; } fpGels = arrayReCreate (fpGels, 12, GEL) ; fpAllClefs = keySetReCreate (fpAllClefs) ; keySetDestroy (fpSelectedClefs) ; /* don t recreate here */ fpAllClones = keySetReCreate (fpAllClones) ; fpDraw() ; return; } /* fpClearDisplay */ /**************************************************************/ void fpDisplay (KEY clone) { int i, n, dummy ; Array fp, bp ; KEY clef = 0 ; float mx, x1 ; if (!fingerPrintData(&fp, &bp, clone, &clef) ) return ; if (!keySetExists(fpAllClefs)) fpAllClefs = keySetCreate () ; if (!keySetExists(fpAllClones)) fpAllClones = keySetCreate () ; if (!graphExists(fpGraph)) { fpGraph = graphCreate (TEXT_FIT,"Finger Printing", .2, .2, .3, .8) ; if (!fpGraph) return ; isBp = TRUE ; fpMap = mapCreate (fpDraw) ; /* the map's redraw func */ mapAttachToGraph (fpMap) ; mapInsertCol (fpMap, 1, TRUE, "Main Bands", fpMainLines) ; mapInsertCol (fpMap, 2, TRUE, "Locator", mapShowLocator) ; mapInsertCol (fpMap, 3, TRUE, "Scale", mapShowScale) ; mapInsertCol (fpMap, 4, TRUE, "Bands", fpDrawGels) ; mapCursorCreate (fpMap, 1, 0) ; graphRegister (DESTROY, fpDestroy) ; graphRegister (RESIZE, fpDraw) ; graphRegister (PICK, fpPick) ; /* don't associate a the maps on this graph with any look - This fp-display is not a proper look in the sense that fMap is a proper look, but we still use the mapPackage. */ graphAssociate (&MAP2LOOK_ASSOC, 0) ; graphMenu(fpMenu) ; fpGels = arrayReCreate(fpGels, 12, GEL) ; array(fpGels, 0, GEL).clone = clone ; fpActiveGel = 0 ; array(fpGels, 0, GEL).fp = fp ; arrayp (fpGels, 0, GEL)->clef = clef ; keySetInsert (fpAllClefs, clef) ; array (fpGels, 0, GEL).bp = bp ; fpMap->mag = 1 ; fpMap->centre = 500 ; sprintf(fpRoundingBuffer, "%g", rounding) ; } else { graphActivate (fpGraph) ; graphPop() ; n = keySetMax(fpGels) ; while(n--) if (arrp(fpGels, n, GEL)->clone == clone) return ; n = keySetMax(fpGels) ; fpActiveGel = n ; arrayp (fpGels, n, GEL)->clone = clone ; arrayp (fpGels, n, GEL)->clef = clef ; keySetInsert (fpAllClefs, clef) ; arrp (fpGels, n, GEL)->fp = fp ; arrp (fpGels, n, GEL)->bp = bp ; } fpMap->min = 0 ; i = arrayMax(fp) ; while(i--) { if (arr(fp, i, float) > maxFp) maxFp = arr(fp, i, float) ; if (arr(fp, i, float) > maxBp) maxBp = arr(bp, i, float) ; } keySet(fpAllClones, keySetMax(fpAllClones)) = clone; while (fingerPrintData(&fp, &bp, clone, &clef)) { n = keySetMax(fpGels) ; fpActiveGel = n ; arrayp(fpGels, n, GEL)->clone = clone ; arrayp(fpGels, n, GEL)->clef = clef ; keySetInsert (fpAllClefs, clef) ; arrp(fpGels, n, GEL)->fp = fp ; arrp(fpGels, n, GEL)->bp = bp ; i = arrayMax(fp) ; while(i--) { if (arr(fp, i, float) > maxFp) maxFp = arr(fp, i, float) ; if (arr(fp, i, float) > maxBp) maxBp = arr(bp, i, float) ; } } keySetSort (fpAllClefs) ; keySetCompress (fpAllClefs) ; mx = -1 ; lao: if (!keySetExists(fpSelectedClefs)) fpSelectedClefs = keySetCopy (fpAllClefs) ; keySetSort (fpSelectedClefs) ; keySetCompress (fpSelectedClefs) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(fpGels) ; i++) { clef = array(fpGels, i, GEL).clef ; if (keySetFind (fpSelectedClefs, clef, &dummy)) { bp = isBp ? array(fpGels, i, GEL).bp : array(fpGels, i, GEL).fp ; x1 = arr (bp, arrayMax(bp) - 1, float) ; if (x1 > mx) mx = x1 ; } } if (mx == -1) { mx = 0 ; keySetDestroy (fpSelectedClefs) ; goto lao ; } graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight) ; halfGraphHeight = 0.5 * (mapGraphHeight - topMargin) ; fpMap->centre = mx / 2 ; fpMap->mag = (mapGraphHeight - topMargin - 5) / (1.05 * mx) ; fpMap->min = 0 ; fpMap->max = mx ; fpDraw() ; return; } /* fpDisplay */ /**************************************************************/ BOOL fingerPrintDisplay (KEY clone, KEY from, BOOL reuse, void *unused) { fpDisplay (clone) ; return graphExists (fpGraph) ; } /**************************************************************/ static void cptPredictedBands (KEY clone) { OBJ Clone = bsCreate(clone); KEY seqKey ; Array dna; Array hind3, sau3a , fp ; int from = 0, to = 0, n; int x; float f; KEY predicted; if (!Clone) return; #ifdef USE_SMAP if (bsGetKey(Clone, _Sequence, &seqKey) && (dna = dnaGet(seqKey))) { from = 0; to = arrayMax(dna) -1; #else if (bsGetKey(Clone, _Sequence, &seqKey) && (dna = fMapFindDNA (seqKey, &from, &to, TRUE))) { #endif hind3 = arrayCreate(30,int) ; sau3a = arrayCreate(30,int) ; fp = arrayCreate(30,int) ; dnacptFingerPrintCompute(dna, from, to, 0, hind3, sau3a, fp); /* attach to clone */ lexaddkey("Predicted from dna", &predicted, _VMotif); bsDestroy(Clone) ; if ((Clone = bsUpdate(clone))) { bsAddTag (Clone, _Gel) ; bsAddKey (Clone, _bsRight, predicted) ; bsPushObj (Clone) ; bsAddTag (Clone, _Bands) ; /* first value allready stored */ for (n = 0 ; n < arrayMax(fp) ; n++) { x = arr(fp, n, int) ; f = x; bsAddData(Clone, _bsRight, _Float, &f) ; } bsSave(Clone) ; Clone = 0 ; } arrayDestroy(dna); arrayDestroy(hind3); arrayDestroy(sau3a); arrayDestroy(fp); } bsDestroy(Clone); return; } /* cptPredictedBands */ /**************************************************************/ static void cptAllPredictedBands (void) { int i; KEYSET aa = keySetCopy(fpAllClones); if (!aa) return; fpClearDisplay() ; /* for each displayed clone */ for (i=0; i