/* File: geldisp.c * Author: Jean Thierry-Mieg (mieg@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: ** Display gels and corellates them to the sequence * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: May 24 10:29 1999 (edgrif) * * May 24 10:28 1999 (edgrif): Add include for new gelmap.h header. * * Jul 16 12:05 1998 (edgrif): Inserted the new, public fmap.h, * AND - removed vile redeclarations of fmap functions * - changed LOOK to LOOKGEL * - changed topMargin to topMargin_G * * Apr 29 12:14 1996 (rd) * * Dec 16 13:59 1991 (mieg): follow and color the dna * Created: Wed Dec 11 18:03:54 1991 (mieg) * CVS info: $Id: geldisp.c,v 1.17 1999/09/01 10:53:59 fw Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "acedb.h" #include "display.h" #include "fmap.h" #include "lex.h" #include "dna.h" #include "restriction.h" #include "query.h" #include "bs.h" #include "gelmap.h" #include "whooks/systags.h" #include "whooks/classes.h" #include "whooks/tags.h" typedef struct LOOKSTUFF { int magic; /* == MAGIC */ Graph graph ; int activeBox, positionBox, currentEntryBox, enzymeBox ; char positionBuffer [10] ; Array enzymes ; BOOL coor ; /* show coordinates toggle */ float centre ; float mag ; /* gel units * mag = window coords */ Array segs, /* array of SEG's from the obj */ boxIndex ; /* if >256 a SEG, else something special */ struct { float fac,offset ; } cursor ; } *LOOKGEL ; static void gelDestroy (void) ; static void gelPick (int box, double x , double y) ; static void gelMiddleDown (double x, double y) ; static void gelKbd (int k) ; static void gelDraw (LOOKGEL look, KEY key) ; static void gelResize (void) ; static void gelComputeGel(LOOKGEL look) ; static void gelSelect (LOOKGEL look, int box) ; static void gelFollow (LOOKGEL look, double x , double y) ; static void wholeChromosome (void) ; static MENUOPT gelMenu[] = { {graphDestroy, "Quit"}, {help,"Help"}, {graphPrint,"Print"}, {0, 0} } ; /* This is grim...these variables are all in the global name space ready to */ /* clash with just about anything...sigh.... */ /* If there must be globals they should be contained in a struct with a */ /* good name...that way the globals are referred to as structname.global... */ /* For now I have changed topMargin as it clashes with map.h */ static int MAGIC = 284657 ; static int minLiveBox , maxLiveBox, scaleBox = 0 ; static int nx, ny , topMargin_G ; static float ny2 ; #define GEL2GRAPH(look,x) (look->mag * ((x) - look->centre) + ny2 + topMargin_G) typedef struct { Array itvs ; char *text ; KEY seqKey ; int from, length ; BOOL observed ; /* not computed from dna, but read in ace data */ } ENZ ; typedef struct { int len , from ; float log ; } INTERVAL ; typedef struct { ENZ* enzp ; INTERVAL itv ; int color ; int flag ; } SEG ; static Graph oldGelGraph = 0 ; /* These colours come from graph.h and fmap.h */ #define MAXGELCOLOR 4 static int GELTINT[] = { TINT_CYAN, TINT_LIGHTGREEN, TINT_MAGENTA, TINT_YELLOW } ; static int GELCOLOR[] = { BLUE, GREEN, MAGENTA, YELLOW } ; #define FRIEND_COLOR CYAN #define LOOKGET(name) LOOKGEL look ; \ if (!graphAssFind (&MAGIC, &look)) \ messcrash ("graph not found in %s",name) ; \ if (look->magic != MAGIC) \ messcrash ("%s received a wrong pointer",name) /*****************************************/ /*********** action routines ***********/ static void gelEdit (char *junk) { int box , i ; LOOKGET("gelEdit") ; box = look->currentEntryBox ; i = (box - look->enzymeBox - 1)/2 ; /* One empty entry for a new instruction */ if(i == arrayMax(look->enzymes) - 1) { ENZ *enzp = arrayp(look->enzymes,i+1,ENZ) ; enzp->text = messalloc(80) ; enzp->itvs = arrayCreate(80, INTERVAL) ; gelDraw(look, 0) ; /* Reactivate box */ box = 2 * i + look->enzymeBox + 1 ; gelPick(box, (float)(-1), 0) ; } /* execute */ gelComputeGel(look) ; } /**********************************/ /**********************************/ BOOL gelDisplay (void) { LOOKGEL oldlook, look=(LOOKGEL)messalloc(sizeof(struct LOOKSTUFF)) ; KEY curr = 0 ; look->magic = MAGIC; look->centre = 0 ; /* centre on parent object if poss */ look->boxIndex = arrayCreate (64,SEG) ; look->activeBox = 0 ; /* Try to keep same magnification */ if (graphActivate(oldGelGraph) && graphAssFind (&MAGIC, &oldlook) && oldlook && oldlook->magic == MAGIC ) look->mag = oldlook->mag ; else look->mag = 10 ; if (oldGelGraph) { gelDestroy () ; graphAssRemove (&MAGIC) ; } else { displayCreate("DtGel"); graphRegister (RESIZE,gelResize) ; graphRegister (DESTROY, gelDestroy) ; graphRegister (PICK, gelPick) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DOWN, gelMiddleDown) ; graphRegister (KEYBOARD, gelKbd) ; graphMenu (gelMenu) ; } graphAssociate (&MAGIC, look) ; look->graph = oldGelGraph = graphActive() ; look->enzymes = arrayCreate(5, ENZ) ; look->coor = TRUE ; { ENZ * enzp = arrayp(look->enzymes,0,ENZ) ; enzp->text = messalloc(80) ; enzp->itvs = arrayCreate(80, INTERVAL) ; } gelDraw (look, curr) ; return TRUE ; } /************************************************************/ /***************** Registered rourtines *********************/ static void gelDestroy (void) { int i ; LOOKGET("gelDestroy") ; if (arrayExists(look->enzymes)) { i = arrayMax(look->enzymes) ; while(i--) { messfree(array(look->enzymes,i,ENZ).text) ; arrayDestroy(array(look->enzymes,i,ENZ).itvs) ; } } arrayDestroy(look->enzymes) ; arrayDestroy(look->segs) ; arrayDestroy(look->boxIndex) ; oldGelGraph = 0 ; look->magic = 0 ; look->graph = 0 ; messfree (look) ; } /***************************************************************/ /******** coordinated dragging of pos and scale boxes **********/ /******** copied from gmapdisp.c ******************************/ #define xScale 6 static int posBox = 0 ; static LOOKGEL lookDrag ; static void scaleBoxDrag (float *x, float *y, BOOL isDone) { static BOOL isDragging = FALSE ; static float newCentre, yCentre ; if (isDragging) graphXorBox (posBox,xScale-0.5,yCentre) ; else isDragging = TRUE ; *x = 0 ; newCentre = lookDrag->cursor.offset + (*y - 3) / lookDrag->cursor.fac ; yCentre = GEL2GRAPH(lookDrag,newCentre) ; if (isDone) { lookDrag->centre = newCentre ; gelDraw (lookDrag, 0) ; isDragging = FALSE ; } else graphXorBox (posBox,xScale-0.5,yCentre) ; } static void posBoxDrag (float *x, float *y, BOOL isDone) { static BOOL isDragging = FALSE ; static float newCentre,yScaleBox ; if (isDragging) graphXorBox (scaleBox,0,yScaleBox) ; else isDragging = TRUE ; *x = xScale-0.5 ; newCentre = lookDrag->centre + (*y - ny2 - topMargin_G ) / lookDrag->mag ; yScaleBox = 5 + (newCentre - lookDrag->cursor.offset) * lookDrag->cursor.fac ; if (isDone) { lookDrag->centre = newCentre ; gelDraw (lookDrag, 0) ; isDragging = FALSE ; } else graphXorBox (scaleBox,0,yScaleBox) ; } static void makeDragBoxes (void) { float x1,x2,y1,y2 ; int ny21 = ny2 + topMargin_G ; if (posBox) graphBoxDraw (posBox, WHITE, WHITE) ; posBox = graphBoxStart() ; graphLine (xScale-0.5,ny21 ,xScale-0.5,ny21+1) ; graphLine (200,ny21,200,ny21+1) ; /* to make box wide */ graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (posBox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT) ; if (scaleBox) { graphBoxDraw (scaleBox, WHITE, WHITE) ; graphBoxDim (scaleBox, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; scaleBox = graphBoxStart() ; graphFillRectangle (5.25, y1, 5.75, y2) ; graphLine (0, y1, 0, y2) ; /* to make box wide */ graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (scaleBox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT) ; } } /*****************************************/ /*****************************************/ static int intervalOrder(void *a, void *b) { if ( ((INTERVAL*)a)->log > ((INTERVAL*)b)->log ) return 1 ; else if ( ((INTERVAL*)a)->log > ((INTERVAL*)b)->log ) return - 1 ; else return 0 ; } /********/ static void gelGetLengths(LOOKGEL look, Array dna , Array sites, int lane, int from) { Array itvs = array(look->enzymes,lane,ENZ).itvs ; int i, j = 0, m, n ; float y ; arrayDestroy(itvs) ; itvs = array(look->enzymes,lane,ENZ).itvs = arrayCreate(20,INTERVAL) ; arraySort(sites,siteOrder) ; n = arrayMax(sites) ? arr (sites, 0, Site).i : 0 ; for (i = 1; i < arrayMax(sites); i++) { m = array(sites, i, Site).i ; array(itvs, j, INTERVAL).from = n - from ; array(itvs, j, INTERVAL).len = m - n ; if (m - n < 10) n = m - 10 ; /* Prevent log errors. */ /* Log relation between lenght and distance of migration: figure 6.1 page 6.5 ; Molecular cloning, a laboratory manual second ed. Sambrook, Fritsch, Maniatis ColdSping Harbor lab. press, 1989 log10 isdeclared in mystdlib.h the limits 10 to 10000 (so 0 <= y < 11.5) are recalled in a graphTextMessage. The inverse relation is used in drawScale. */ y = 3.5 * ( 4 - log10((double)(m - n)) ) ; array(itvs, j++,INTERVAL).log = (y > 0 ? y : 0 ) ; n = m ; } arraySort(itvs,intervalOrder) ; } static void gelComputeGel(LOOKGEL look) { int lane, from, to, length , origin ; KEY seqKey ; Array dna, colors, sites ; FeatureMap fMapLook ; Stack s , siteNames = 0 ; if(fMapActive(&dna,&colors,&seqKey,&fMapLook)) dnaRepaint(colors) ; else { messout("First select a dna window, thank you.") ; return ; } fMapFindZone (fMapLook, &from, &to, &origin) ; length = to - from + 1 ; lane = (look->currentEntryBox - look->enzymeBox - 1)/2 ; if(lane >= arrayMax(look->enzymes)) messcrash("Lane error in gelcomputegel") ; s = dnacptAnalyseRestrictionBox(array(look->enzymes,lane,ENZ).text, FALSE, &siteNames) ; if(!s) { gelDraw(look,0) ; return ; } array(look->enzymes,lane,ENZ).seqKey = seqKey ; array(look->enzymes,lane,ENZ).from = from ; array(look->enzymes,lane,ENZ).length = length ; sites = arrayCreate(20,Site) ; dnacptMultipleMatch(sites, dna, 0, 0, colors,s, siteNames,from, length, FALSE,0, 0) ; gelGetLengths(look, dna, sites, lane, from) ; stackDestroy(s) ; fMapRegisterSites (fMapLook, sites, siteNames) ; /* sites and sitenames will be destroyed there */ fMapReDrawDNA(fMapLook) ; graphActivate(look->graph) ; wholeChromosome() ; } /***********************************/ static void gelPick (int box, double x , double y) { int i ; LOOKGET("gelPick") ; /* a control box */ if(!box) return ; else if(box == scaleBox) { lookDrag = look ; makeDragBoxes () ; graphBoxDrag (scaleBox,scaleBoxDrag) ; return ; } else if(box == posBox) { lookDrag = look ; makeDragBoxes () ; graphBoxDrag (posBox,posBoxDrag) ; return ; } if (box > look->enzymeBox ) /* a textEntry */ { i = (box - look->enzymeBox - 1)/ 2 ; if (i < arrayMax(look->enzymes)) { look->activeBox = box ; look->currentEntryBox = graphTextEntry ( array(look->enzymes, i,ENZ).text, 0,(float) x,0,0) ; } return ; } if (box == look->activeBox) /* a second hit - follow it */ gelFollow (look,x,y) ; else gelSelect (look,box) ; } /********* use middle button for cursor **********/ static double oldy , oldDy , oldx; static BOOL dragFast ; #define DRAGFASTLIMIT 6 static void gelMiddleDrag (double x, double y) { if(dragFast) { graphXorLine (0, oldy - oldDy, DRAGFASTLIMIT, oldy - oldDy) ; graphXorLine (0, oldy + oldDy, DRAGFASTLIMIT, oldy + oldDy) ; } else graphXorLine (DRAGFASTLIMIT, oldy, nx, oldy) ; oldy = y ; if(dragFast) { oldDy *= exp ((x - oldx) / 25.) ; oldx = x ; graphXorLine (0, y - oldDy, DRAGFASTLIMIT, y - oldDy) ; graphXorLine (0, y + oldDy, DRAGFASTLIMIT, y + oldDy) ; } else graphXorLine (DRAGFASTLIMIT, y, nx, y) ; } static void gelMiddleUp (double x, double y) { float x1,x2,y1,y2 ; LOOKGET("gelMiddleUp") ; if(dragFast) { graphBoxDim (scaleBox, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; look->mag *= (y2 - y1) / (2. * oldDy) ; look->centre = look->cursor.offset + (y - (y2 - y1) * .5 - 3.05 - topMargin_G ) / look->cursor.fac ; } else look->centre = look->centre + (y - .5 - ny2 - topMargin_G ) / look->mag ; gelDraw (look, 0) ; } static void gelMiddleDown (double x, double y) { float x1,x2,y1,y2 ; LOOKGET("gelMiddleDown") ; if (!scaleBox) return ; graphBoxDim (scaleBox, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; oldDy = (y2 - y1) / 2. ; lookDrag = look ; dragFast = x < DRAGFASTLIMIT ? TRUE : FALSE ; if(dragFast) { graphXorLine (0, y - oldDy, DRAGFASTLIMIT, y - oldDy) ; graphXorLine (0, y + oldDy, DRAGFASTLIMIT, y + oldDy) ; } else graphXorLine (DRAGFASTLIMIT, y, nx, y) ; oldx = x ; oldy = y ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DRAG, gelMiddleDrag) ; /* must redo */ graphRegister (MIDDLE_UP, gelMiddleUp) ; } /*****************/ static void gelKbd (int k) { int box ; LOOKGET("gelKbd") ; if (!look->activeBox) return ; box = look->activeBox ; switch (k) { case UP_KEY : if (box > minLiveBox) --box ; break ; case DOWN_KEY : if (box < maxLiveBox - 1) ++box ; break ; } if (look->activeBox != box) { gelSelect (look,box) ; gelFollow (look,0.,0.) ; } else gelSelect (look,box) ; } /**********************************/ static void gelResize (void) { LOOKGET("gelResize") ; gelDraw (look, 0) ; } /**********************************/ static void gelToggleCoordinates (void) { LOOKGET("gelResize") ; look->coor = ~look->coor ; gelDraw (look, 0) ; } /*****************************************************************/ /****************** Drawing routines *****************************/ static void drawScale (LOOKGEL look) { float cutoff = 5 / look->mag ; float unit = 0.01 ; float subunit = 0.001 ; while (unit < cutoff) { unit *= 2 ; subunit *= 5 ; if (unit >= cutoff) break ; unit *= 2.5 ; if (unit >= cutoff) break ; unit *= 2 ; subunit *= 2 ; } graphBoxStart() ; /* pas utile en log x = look->centre - (ny2-2)/look->mag ; if(x<0) x = 0 ; x = unit * (((x>=0)?1:0) + (int)(x/unit)) ; while ((y = GEL2GRAPH(look, x)) < ny - 1) { graphLine (xScale-1.5,y,xScale-0.5,y) ; x1 = pow(10.0, 4.0 - ((double) x)/3.5) ; graphText (messprintf ("%-5.0f",x1),xScale,y-.5) ; x += unit ; } x = look->centre - (ny2-2)/look->mag ; if(x<0) x = 0 ; x = subunit * (((x>=0)?1:0) + (int)(x/subunit)) ; while ((y = GEL2GRAPH(look, x)) < ny - 1) { graphLine (xScale-1.0,y,xScale-0.5,y) ; x += subunit ; } // graphLine (xScale-0.5,2 + topMargin_G ,xScale-0.5,ny - 0.5 ) ; graphBoxEnd() ; array(look->boxIndex,posBox=graphBoxStart(),SEG*) = (SEG*)5 ; graphFillRectangle (xScale-1,ny2 + topMargin_G ,xScale,ny2+1+topMargin_G) ; */ graphBoxEnd () ; if (posBox) graphBoxDraw (posBox,DARKGREEN,TRANSPARENT) ; } static void drawChromosome (LOOKGEL look) { float y,pageful ; int i , x0, x1 ; Array itvs ; x1 = 0 ; for (i=0; ienzymes); i++) { itvs = array(look->enzymes,i,ENZ).itvs ; x0 = arrayMax(itvs) ? arrp(itvs, arrayMax(itvs) - 1, INTERVAL)->len : 0 ; if(x0 > x1) x1 = x0 ; } x0 = 0 ; if(!x1) x1 = 1 ; look->cursor.fac = (ny - 6.0 -topMargin_G) / (x1 - x0) ; graphBoxStart() ; /* Draw complete black line */ graphFillRectangle (2.25,3+topMargin_G,2.75,ny-3) ; graphBoxEnd() ; /* Draw Green scaleBox */ pageful = (ny - topMargin_G - 3) / look->mag ; look->cursor.offset = x0 + 0.5*pageful ; y = 3 + topMargin_G + (look->centre - look->cursor.offset) * look->cursor.fac ; scaleBox=graphBoxStart() ; graphRectangle (2, y, 3, y + pageful*look->cursor.fac) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (scaleBox,DARKGREEN,GREEN) ; /* Draw oblique line outside of boxes */ graphColor (DARKGRAY) ; graphLine (2.5, y, xScale - 1, 2.5 + topMargin_G) ; graphLine (2.5, y + pageful*look->cursor.fac, xScale-1, ny-1) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; } /*************************************************************/ /****** magnification control ******/ /* JTM 18-6 Recenters the whole chromo correctly */ static void wholeChromosome (void) { float x, xmax = 1 ; int i, j ; ENZ *enzp ; LOOKGET("wholeChromosome") ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->enzymes) ; ++i) { enzp = arrayp(look->enzymes,i, ENZ) ; if ((j = arrayMax(enzp->itvs))) if (( x = arrp(enzp->itvs,j-1,INTERVAL)->log) > xmax) xmax = x ; } look->mag = (2*ny2-5)/xmax ; look->centre = xmax / 2 ; gelDraw (look, 0) ; } static void zoomIn (void) { LOOKGET("zoomIn") ; look->mag *= 2 ; gelDraw (look, 0) ;} static void zoomOut (void) { LOOKGET("zoomOut") ; look->mag /= 2 ; gelDraw (look, 0) ;} static MENUOPT buttonOpts[] = { {wholeChromosome, "Whole"}, {zoomIn, "Zoom In"}, {zoomOut, "Zoom Out"}, {gelToggleCoordinates, "Coordinates"}, {0, 0}} ; /**************************************/ static void gelDraw (LOOKGEL look, KEY dummy) { int i, icol, j, ibox ; float x, width, y ; ENZ *enzp ; SEG *seg ; INTERVAL *itvp ; if(graphActivate(look->graph)) graphPop() ; else messcrash("gelDraw lost its graph") ; graphClear () ; posBox = scaleBox = 0 ; graphFitBounds (&nx,&ny) ; topMargin_G = 5 + 1.4 * arrayMax(look->enzymes) ; if (ny < 10 || nx < xScale - 15) { messout ("Sorry, this window is too small for a gel") ; return ; } ny2 = 0.5 * (ny - topMargin_G) ; look->activeBox = 0 ; arrayMax (look->boxIndex) = 0 ; drawScale (look) ; drawChromosome (look) ; graphText("Position:", 4.0, 4.0) ; look->positionBox = graphBoxStart() ; graphTextPtr(look->positionBuffer,14, 4, 10) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphText("Resolution:", 4.0, 5.0) ; graphText("10 to 10000", 8.0, 6.0) ; graphText("base pairs", 8.0, 7.0) ; /* must come at end of preamble boxes*/ minLiveBox = graphBoxStart() + 1 ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphColor (DARKGRAY) ; graphFillRectangle (xScale-2.6,2,xScale-2.3,ny-0.5) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; width = (nx - xScale ) / (1 + arrayMax(look->enzymes)); if (width < 2 ) { messout ("Sorry, this window is too small for a so many lanes, make it bigger.") ; return ; } y = GEL2GRAPH(look, 0) ; graphLine(xScale, y, nx,y) ; for (i = 0, icol = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->enzymes) ; ++i) { enzp = arrp(look->enzymes,i,ENZ) ; if (enzp->observed && icol > 0) icol-- ; x = xScale + 5 + i*width ; for(j=0; j < arrayMax(enzp->itvs); j++) { y = arrp(enzp->itvs, j, INTERVAL)->log ; y = GEL2GRAPH(look,y) ; if (y >= topMargin_G && y < ny-1) { ibox = graphBoxStart() ; seg = arrayp(look->boxIndex,ibox,SEG) ; seg->enzp = enzp ; seg->color = icol % MAXGELCOLOR ; itvp = arrp(enzp->itvs,j,INTERVAL) ; (seg->itv).log = itvp->log ; (seg->itv).len = itvp->len ; (seg->itv).from = itvp->from ; graphRectangle(x, y, x + width, y + .2) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw(ibox, BLACK, GELCOLOR[seg->color]) ; if (look->coor) graphText(messprintf("%d", itvp->len), x , y - .8) ; } } if (!enzp->observed) icol++ ; } maxLiveBox = arrayMax(look->boxIndex) ; graphText ("Enzymes :", 16.0, 2.5) ; graphText ("Example : aatgc ; hindIII; ttkswatg ;", 26.0, 2.5) ; /* Draw buttons last to be on top of graph */ /*but before the textEntryBox since i may add one at the end */ graphButtons (buttonOpts, 5, 0.5, nx) ; look->enzymeBox = graphBoxStart() ; if(look->enzymes) { for(i=0; ienzymes); i++) look->currentEntryBox = graphTextEntry ( array(look->enzymes, i,ENZ).text, 36, 26, i*1.4 + 3.9, gelEdit) ; } graphBoxEnd() ; look->activeBox = 0 ; graphRedraw () ; } /*********************************************************/ static void gelSelect (LOOKGEL look, int box) { SEG *seg ; if (box >= maxLiveBox || box < minLiveBox) return ; if (look->activeBox) { seg = arrp(look->boxIndex,look->activeBox,SEG) ; if (seg) graphBoxDraw (look->activeBox, BLACK, GELCOLOR[seg->color]) ; } look->activeBox = box ; seg = arrp(look->boxIndex,look->activeBox,SEG) ; graphBoxDraw (look->activeBox, WHITE, RED) ; strncpy(look->positionBuffer, messprintf("%d", arrp( look->boxIndex, box, SEG)->itv.len), 9) ; graphBoxDraw(look->positionBox, BLACK, YELLOW) ; } /* color the corresponding bands in the other digestions and the corresponding piece of the dna */ static void gelCorrespondingBands(LOOKGEL look, Array boxIndex, ENZ *masterEnzp , KEY seq, int min, int max) { int i, activeBox = look->activeBox, e, f ; SEG *segp ; for (i = minLiveBox; i < maxLiveBox; i++) { if (i < arrayMax(boxIndex) ) segp = arrp(boxIndex, i, SEG) ; if (i != activeBox) graphBoxDraw(i, BLACK, GELCOLOR[segp->color]) ; if (!segp->enzp || segp->enzp == masterEnzp || segp->enzp->seqKey != seq ) continue ; f = segp->itv.from + segp->enzp->from ; e = segp->itv.from + segp->itv.len ; if (( f min) || ( f >=min && f < max) ) graphBoxDraw(i, BLACK, FRIEND_COLOR) ; } } static void gelFollow (LOOKGEL look, double x, double y) { SEG *seg = arrp(look->boxIndex,look->activeBox,SEG) ; KEY seq = seg->enzp->seqKey ; int origin = seg->enzp->from ; int from = origin + (seg->itv).from ; int len = (seg->itv).len ; char col = GELTINT[seg->color] ; char *ip ; KEY seqKey ; Array dna, colors ; FeatureMap fMapLook ; if (seg->enzp->observed) return ; gelCorrespondingBands(look, look->boxIndex, seg->enzp, seq, from, from + len) ; if(!fMapActive(&dna,&colors,&seqKey, &fMapLook) || seq != seqKey || !graphActivate(fMapActiveGraph ())) { messout ( messprintf ("Please select the dna window: %s, thank you.", name(seq)) ) ; return ; } if ( len < 0 || from < 0 || from+len > arrayMax(colors)) messerror( " Length confusion in gelFollow, sorry") ; else { ip = arrp(colors, from, char) ; while (len--) *ip++ |= col ; if (mapColSetByName (fMapGetMap(fMapLook), "Summary bar", -1)) fMapReDrawDNA(fMapLook) ; else /* need to open the summary bar */ { mapColSetByName (fMapGetMap(fMapLook), "Summary bar", TRUE) ; fMapDraw (fMapLook, 0) ; } } graphActivate(look->graph) ; } /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ void gelComparativeDisplay (KEY clone, KEY link) { int box , i, j, k; LOOKGEL look ; ENZ *enzp ; KEYSET ks = clone ? queryKey (clone," > Gel") : 0 ; OBJ obj ; KEY key ; float x, y ; Array itvs ; gelDisplay() ; if (!graphAssFind (&MAGIC, &look)) { messerror ("gelComparative display can't find look") ; return ; } if (!keySetMax (ks) && (obj = bsUpdate (clone))) { lexaddkey ("HindIII", &key, _VMotif) ; bsAddKey (obj, _Gel, key) ; lexaddkey ("EcoRV", &key, _VMotif) ; bsAddKey (obj, _Gel, key) ; lexaddkey ("BamHI", &key, _VMotif) ; bsAddKey (obj, _Gel, key) ; bsSave (obj) ; messout ("Observed restriction data are missing, please update Clone %s", name(clone)) ; keySetDestroy (ks) ; ks = queryKey (clone," > Gel") ; } obj = bsCreate (clone) ; for (i = 0 , j = 0 ; i < keySetMax (ks) ; i++) { /* compute from assembly */ enzp = arrayp(look->enzymes, j++ ,ENZ) ; enzp->text = messalloc(80) ; strncpy (enzp->text, name(keySet(ks, i)), 79) ; enzp->itvs = arrayCreate(80, INTERVAL) ; box = look->enzymeBox + 2 * (j - 1) + 1 ; gelPick(box, (float)(-1), 0) ; look->currentEntryBox = look->enzymeBox - 1 + 2 * j ; gelComputeGel(look) ; /* experimental values */ bsGoto (obj, 0) ; if (bsFindKey (obj, _Gel, keySet (ks, i)) && bsPushObj (obj) && bsGetData (obj, _Bands, _Float, &x)) { enzp = arrayp(look->enzymes, j++, ENZ) ; enzp->seqKey = 0 ; enzp->from = 0 ; enzp->length = (enzp - 1)->length ; enzp->observed = TRUE ; enzp->text = messalloc(80) ; strncpy (enzp->text, "observed", 79) ; itvs = enzp->itvs = arrayCreate(80, INTERVAL) ; k = 0 ; do { array(itvs, k, INTERVAL).from = 0 ; array(itvs, k, INTERVAL).len = x ; y = 3.5 * ( 4 - log10((double)(x)) ) ; array(itvs, k++,INTERVAL).log = (y > 0 ? y : 0 ) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &x)) ; arraySort(itvs,intervalOrder) ; } } bsDestroy (obj) ; /* one extra line */ enzp = arrayp(look->enzymes, j++, ENZ) ; enzp->text = messalloc(80) ; enzp->itvs = arrayCreate(80, INTERVAL) ; box = look->enzymeBox + 2 * (j - 1) + 1 ; gelPick(box, (float)(-1), 0) ; gelDraw (look, 0) ; } /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/