/* File: griddisp.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1991 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: to display clone grids, such as the Yac grid * Exported functions: gridDisplay(), gridCluster(), gridClusterKey() * HISTORY: * Last edited: Apr 12 14:48 2002 (edgrif) * * Jul 7 13:36 1999 (edgrif): Added code to support exclusive tag for * grid. Added code to make sure middle button updates * clone label. * * Apr 16 13:52 1999 (edgrif): Proper fix for SANgc03641 * * Mar 24 15:54 1999 (edgrif): Removed below fix...incorrect. * * Mar 16 13:06 1999 (edgrif): Fix grid box edit menus (SANgc03641) * * Jan 1 11:05 1995 (rd): change to use View to set colours * * Jan 1 11:05 1995 (rd): and to work tag2 on Positive, Negative * * Jun 23 23:20 1992 (rd): change GRIDMAP, gridCluster() etc to * work with intervals * * Mar 2 13:45 1992 (rd): Pool handling, surrounds for * comparison, getting probe and clone names by clicking * * Feb 21 20:02 1992 (rd): CloneDisp looks for matches in any * grid FLAG_CHANGED * * Jan 9 19:01 1992 (rd): gridKeyFind() * * Jan 9 15:06 1992 (rd): FLAG_BLANK * * Dec 31 13:22 1991 (rd): added support for _No_stagger * Created: Thu Nov 7 15:30:07 1991 (rd) * CVS info: $Id: griddisp.c,v 1.48 2002/04/16 13:07:00 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /************************************************************/ enum {GRID_REPORT_BOX_LEN = 1024} ; #define GRID_REPORT_BOX_OVERFLOW " *" /* Default grid sizes. */ #define GRID_NORMAL_SPACEWIDTH 2.0 #define GRID_NORMAL_SPACEHEIGHT GRID_NORMAL_SPACEWIDTH * 0.5 #define GRID_NORMAL_BOXWIDTH 0.9 #define GRID_NORMAL_BOXHEIGHT GRID_NORMAL_BOXWIDTH * 0.8 #define GRID_SMALL_WIDTH GRID_NORMAL_SPACEWIDTH * 0.66 #define GRID_SMALL_HEIGHT GRID_NORMAL_SPACEHEIGHT * 0.66 /* By default "small" grid is this much smaller than "normal" */ #define GRID_REDUCE 0.5 /* Grid display control block. */ /* */ typedef struct GridDispStruct { magic_t *magic ; /* == &GridState_MAGIC */ KEY key ; /* for the grid object */ Array segs ; /* array of SEG's indexed by box */ KEY editTag ; MENU editMenu ; /* popup edit mode menu over grids, can be NULL. */ MENU gridMenu ; /* Main grid menu. */ BOOL exclusiveTags ; /* Are tags mutually exclusive. */ MENUITEM exclusiveItem ; /* Menu item for toggling exclusive tag. */ Array tagValues ; /* All possible tag values for a grid. */ Associator tagMap ; /* Associates a tag value with its priority, colour & surround colour. */ KEY probe, probeStore ; Array tab, tabStore ; /* relational table of TAB */ int dxLine, dyLine, dxSpace, dySpace ; char genXLabel[32], genYLabel[32] ; /* Martin Ferguson, for generic grid labels */ char *title ; int flag ; char selectName[64] ; char probeName[64] ; char probeClassName[64] ; Array map ; int activeBox ; int crossBox ; /* Moved around over the grid boxes to show which box has been selected. */ char reportBuffer[GRID_REPORT_BOX_LEN] ; char *prefix; /* prefix for lazy grid */ KEY template; /* i think this will be a clone or a pac key */ /* Grid spacing/sizing for "normal" and "small" views. */ /* */ GridDimensionStruct small ; GridDimensionStruct normal ; } *GridDisp ; /************************************************************/ /* We use the address of the these strings as unique ids for the grid */ /* associator from which we retrieve the control block and the control block */ /* contains the magic tag which tries to show the control block is a) the */ /* right one and b) not corrupted. */ static magic_t GRAPH2GridState_ASSOC = "GRAPH2GridStateAssoc" ; static magic_t GridState_MAGIC = "GridState" ; /************************************************************/ typedef int GKEY; typedef struct { GKEY gkey ; int x, y ; char *name; unsigned short flag ; unsigned short flagStore ; int mapIndex ; } SEG ; typedef struct { KEY probe, tag; GKEY target ; int targetbox ; /* used for lazy grid, since it does not have a key yet */ unsigned int flag ; } TAB ; /************************************************************/ enum BoxNames { BACKGROUND=0, SELECT_BUTTON_BOX, SELECT_NAME_BOX, SELECT_NAME_BOX2, CLEAR_BOX, PROBE_BUTTON_BOX, PROBE_CLASS_NAME_BOX, PROBE_CLASS_NAME_BOX2, PROBE_NAME_BOX, PROBE_NAME_BOX2, EDIT_MODE_BOX, MAP_MODE_BOX, REPORT_BOX, GRID_BOX, MIN_LIVE_BOX } ; /* MIN_LIVE_BOX must be last */ /************************************************************/ /* per GridDisp flags */ #define FLAG_NAMES 0x0001 #define FLAG_EDIT_MODE 0x0002 #define FLAG_EDITED 0x0004 #define FLAG_STAGGER 0x0008 #define FLAG_A1 0x0010 #define FLAG_SMALL 0x0020 #define FLAG_EDIT_NEG 0x0040 #define FLAG_VIRTUAL 0x0080 #define FLAG_LABELS 0x0100 /* Martin Ferguson, for generic grid labels */ #define FLAG_XY 0x0200 /* Martin Ferguson, for generic grid labels */ #define FLAG_SQUASHED 0x0400 /* Simon Kelley, squashed grid display */ #define FLAG_EXCLUSIVETAGS 0x0800 /* For mutually exclusive flags. */ #define FLAG_LABEL_PER_BOX 0x1000 /* For showing a label per box, rather */ /* than default label per block. */ /* per SEG flags */ #define FLAG_POS 0x0001 #define FLAG_NEG 0x0002 #define FLAG_BLANK 0x0004 #define FLAG_SELECTED 0x0008 #define FLAG_PER_KEY 0x0004 /* info about clone, not hyb */ #define FLAG_TEMP 0x0010 /* used for default_negative */ /* per TAB flags */ /* #define FLAG_POS 0x0001 */ /* #define FLAG_NEG 0x0002 */ #define FLAG_DELETED 0x0004 #define FLAG_CHANGED 0x0008 #define MAX_NEDIT 20 /************************************************************/ static BOOL isInitialised = FALSE ; static int _VGrid ; static KEY _Positive, _Surround_colour, _Tag ; static KEY _Grid_exclusive_tags, _Grid_edit_default, _Grid_edit_menu ; static KEY _Negative, _Grid_map, _View, _Mixed ; static KEY _Grid_data, _Grid_data_item, _Conflict, _Default_negative ; static KEY _Export_order ; /************************************************************/ static GridDisp getGridState(char *caller) ; static void gridDestroy (void) ; static void gridConvert (GridDisp look) ; static void gridDraw (GridDisp look) ; static void gridPick (int box) ; static void gridKeyboard (int k) ; static void gridSelect (GridDisp look, int box) ; static void gridSelectEntry (char *string) ; static void gridToggleSymbolic (void) ; static void gridToggleSmall (void) ; static void gridToggleExclusive (void) ; static void gridProbeDisplay (GridDisp look, KEY probe) ; static void gridDump (void) ; static void gridTreeProbe (void) ; static void gridSave (void) ; static void gridSetRange (void) ; static BOOL gridgKeyFind (GridDisp look, GKEY clone, int *pbox) ; static void gridKeySetStats (void) ; static void gridKeySetApply (void) ; static void gridComparisonStore (void) ; static void gridSelectButton (void) ; static void gridProbeButton (void) ; static void gridChangeClone (void) ; static void gridMapMode (void) ; static void gridSpaceSet (void) ; static void gridSizeSet (void) ; static void gridHybBuild (GridDisp look, KEY probe) ; static int gridBoxColour (GridDisp look, int box, BOOL isStore) ; static void gridReport (GridDisp look, int box) ; static void gridKeySetExportData (void) ; static void printhyb(void); static void clampBoxSize(GridDimension grid_box) ; #define GRID_EXCLUSIVE_OFF "Set exclusive tags Off" #define GRID_EXCLUSIVE_ON "Set exclusive tags On" static MENUSPEC gridMenuSpec[] = { { (MENUFUNCTION)graphDestroy, "Quit"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)help, "Help"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)graphPrint, "Print"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)displayPreserve, "Preserve"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridComparisonStore, "Centre - Surround"}, /* mac can't handle <,> */ { (MENUFUNCTION)gridToggleExclusive, GRID_EXCLUSIVE_ON}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridToggleSymbolic, "Toggle name display"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridToggleSmall, "Toggle small display"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridSpaceSet, "Set grid box spacing"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridSizeSet, "Set grid box size"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridTreeProbe, "Display probe as tree"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridSave, "Save data with probe"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridSetRange, "Set cluster range"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridKeySetStats, "Stats on keyset"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridKeySetApply, "Apply keyset"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridKeySetExportData, "Export data on keyset"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)printhyb,"print hyb data"}, { 0, 0 }, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridChangeClone, "Change Gridded Clone"}, { (MENUFUNCTION)gridDump, "Dump"}, /*{ printhyb,"print hyb data"}, debug check */ { 0, 0 } } ; /************************************************************/ /* Retrieves pointer to our global grid state control block from the global */ /* graph associator. */ /* */ static GridDisp getGridState(char *caller) { GridDisp result = NULL ; if (!graphAssFind (&GRAPH2GridState_ASSOC, &result)) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "%() could not retrieve GridDisp pointer from graph.", caller) ; if (result == NULL) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "%s() retrieved the GridDisp pointer from graph but it was NULL.", caller) ; if (result->magic != &GridState_MAGIC) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "%s() retrieved the GridDisp pointer from graph but the GridDisp is corrupted", caller) ; return result ; } static void checkGridKeys() { KEY newKey; OBJ Temp, New; SEG *seg; TAB *tab; register int i; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("createGridKey"); tab = arrp(look->tab, 0, TAB) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->tab) ; ++i, ++tab) { if(tab->target == 0) { seg = arrp(look->segs, tab->targetbox , SEG); lexaddkey(seg->name, &newKey, class(look->template)); Temp = bsCreate(look->template); New = bsClone(newKey, Temp); bsDestroy(Temp); bsSave(New); tab->target = newKey; seg->gkey = newKey; } } return ; } static char* gName(SEG *gi) { if(gi->name) return gi->name; else return name(gi->gkey); } static void printhyb() { TAB *tab; register int i; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("printhyb"); tab = arrp(look->tab, 0, TAB) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->tab) ; ++i, ++tab) printf("%d, probe=%d, tag=%d,target=%d,targetbox=%d,flag=%d\n",i,tab->probe,tab->tag,tab->target,tab->targetbox,tab->flag); } /* static OBJ gUpdate(SEG *gi) { KEY key; OBJ obj; if(gi->name){ lexaddkey(gi->name,&key,class(gi->gkey)); obj = bsUpdate(key); COMMENT copy gi->key into obj COMMENT gi->gkey = key; messfree(gi->name); gi->name = 0; return obj; } else return bsUpdate(gi->gkey); } */ static void lazySegBuild (GridDisp look, int *n, char *prefix, BOOL blank) { static int xblock,yblock; register int k,i; char row[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; char temp[15],colchar[2],rowchar[2]; int classe,nn; BOOL XAlpha = FALSE, YAlpha = FALSE; int xstart,ystart,temp1,xend,yend; SEG *seg; KEY key; /* classe = pickWord2Class (name(look->key));*/ if(*n == MIN_LIVE_BOX){ xblock = 0; yblock = 0; } else{ xblock++; if(xblock >= look->dxLine){ xblock = 0; yblock++; } } if(blank) return; look->flag |= FLAG_LABELS ; look->flag |= FLAG_XY ; /* look->dxLine = look->dyLine = 1;*/ xstart = atoi(&look->genXLabel[0]) ; xend = atoi(&look->genXLabel[3]) ; ystart = atoi(&look->genYLabel[0]) ; yend = atoi(&look->genYLabel[3]) ; if (look->genXLabel[5] == 'A') XAlpha = TRUE ; if (look->genYLabel[5] == 'A') YAlpha = TRUE ; if (ystart > yend) { temp1 = ystart ; ystart = yend ; yend = temp1 ; } if (xstart > xend) { temp1 = xstart ; xstart = xend ; xend = temp1 ; } classe = class(look->template); /* n = MIN_LIVE_BOX;*/ nn = *n; for(k=ystart-1;k<=yend-1;k++){ /* for each row */ if(YAlpha) sprintf(colchar,"%c",row[k]); else sprintf(colchar,"%d",k+1); for(i=xstart-1;i<=xend-1;i++){ /* for each colomn */ if(XAlpha) sprintf(rowchar,"%c",row[i]); else sprintf(rowchar,"%d",i+1); seg = arrayp(look->segs, nn, SEG); seg->flag = seg->flagStore = 0; sprintf(temp,"%s%s%s",prefix,colchar,rowchar); if (lexword2key (temp, &key, classe)){ seg->gkey = key; seg->name = 0; } else{ seg->name = messalloc(strlen(temp) +1); strcpy(seg->name,temp); seg->gkey = 0; /* not possible, used as a check */ } seg->x = xblock + i*look->dxLine; seg->y = yblock + k*look->dyLine; ++nn; } } *n=nn; } void gridInitialise (void) { KEY key ; lexaddkey ("Grid", &key, _VMainClasses) ; _VGrid = KEYKEY(key) ; lexaddkey ("Positive", &_Positive, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Negative", &_Negative, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Surround_colour", &_Surround_colour, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Tag", &_Tag, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Grid_exclusive_tags", &_Grid_exclusive_tags, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Grid_edit_default", &_Grid_edit_default, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Grid_edit_menu", &_Grid_edit_menu, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Grid_map", &_Grid_map, 0) ; lexaddkey ("View", &_View, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Mixed", &_Mixed, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Grid_data", &_Grid_data, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Grid_data_item", &_Grid_data_item, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Conflict", &_Conflict, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Default_negative", &_Default_negative, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Export_order", &_Export_order, 0) ; isInitialised = TRUE ; } /*********************************/ /* this is a DisplayFunc for the GRID type */ BOOL gridDisplay (KEY key, KEY from, BOOL isOldGraph, void *unused) { int box ; GridDisp look = NULL ; if (!isInitialised) gridInitialise () ; if (key && class(key) != _VGrid) { from = key ; key = 0 ; } if (isOldGraph) { if ((look = getGridState("gridDisplay")) && (!key || look->key == key)) { if (gridgKeyFind (look, from, &box)) { gridSelect (look, box) ; return TRUE ; } else if (from) { gridProbeDisplay (look, from) ; return TRUE ; } } if (!key) goto abort ; gridDestroy () ; graphAssRemove (&GRAPH2GridState_ASSOC) ; } else if (!key) goto abort ; else { displayCreate ("GRID"); graphRegister (DESTROY, gridDestroy) ; graphRegister (KEYBOARD,(GraphFunc) gridKeyboard) ; graphRegister (PICK,(GraphFunc) gridPick) ; graphRegister (MESSAGE_DESTROY, displayUnBlock) ; } /* Set up/initialise our main control block. */ look = (GridDisp) messalloc (sizeof (struct GridDispStruct)) ; look->magic = &GridState_MAGIC ; look->key = key ; look->map = arrayCreate (16, GRIDMAP) ; look->tab = arrayCreate (16, TAB) ; look->tabStore = arrayCreate (16, TAB) ; look->tagMap = assCreate () ; look->gridMenu = menuInitialise("Grid Main Menu", gridMenuSpec) ; graphNewMenu(look->gridMenu); look->exclusiveItem = menuItem(look->gridMenu, GRID_EXCLUSIVE_ON) ; /* default sizings */ look->small.horiz_space = GRID_SMALL_WIDTH ; look->small.vert_space = GRID_SMALL_HEIGHT ; look->small.box_width = GRID_SMALL_WIDTH ; look->small.box_height = GRID_SMALL_HEIGHT ; look->normal.horiz_space = GRID_NORMAL_SPACEWIDTH ; look->normal.vert_space = GRID_NORMAL_SPACEHEIGHT ; look->normal.box_width = GRID_NORMAL_BOXWIDTH ; look->normal.box_height = GRID_NORMAL_BOXHEIGHT ; gridConvert (look) ; /* makes ->segs, dx values etc. */ graphAssociate (&GRAPH2GridState_ASSOC, look) ; if (from) gridProbeDisplay (look, from) ; else gridDraw (look) ; return TRUE ; abort: return FALSE ; } /************************************************************/ /***************** Registered routines *********************/ static void gridDestroy (void) { SEG *seg; register int i; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridDestroy") ; if (look->editMenu) menuDestroy(look->editMenu) ; menuDestroy(look->gridMenu) ; for(i = MIN_LIVE_BOX; i < arrayMax(look->segs); ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG); if(seg->name) messfree(seg->name); } arrayDestroy (look->segs) ; arrayDestroy (look->tab) ; arrayDestroy (look->tabStore) ; arrayDestroy (look->map) ; arrayDestroy (look->tagValues) ; assDestroy (look->tagMap) ; graphAssRemove (&GRAPH2GridState_ASSOC) ; look->magic = 0 ; messfree (look) ; } /***********************************/ static void gridEdit (GridDisp look, int box, int tag, int isPos) { SEG *seg = arrp(look->segs, box, SEG), *seg2 ; GKEY key = seg->gkey ; TAB *tab ; int i, newFlag, box2 ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_BLANK) return ; /* Loop through existing edits until we get to the end, only stopping if.. */ /* - for exclusiveTags we find the same clone has been editted already, */ /* - for non-exclusiveTags we find the same clone AND it has the same tag */ /* value (then we delete the existing tag). */ tab = arrp(look->tab, 0, TAB) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->tab) ; ++i, ++tab) { if (((tab->target == key && key !=0 ) || tab->targetbox == box) && (!tab->probe || tab->probe == look->probe)) { if (look->exclusiveTags) break ; else if (tab->tag == tag) break ; } } /* If we found an existing edit of the clone then change the edit, */ /* otherwise add a new one. */ if (i < arrayMax(look->tab)) { if (look->exclusiveTags && tag != tab->tag) /* Same clone, new tag, overwrite old one. */ tab->tag = tag ; else tab->flag ^= FLAG_DELETED ; /* Otherwise delete existing one. */ } else { tab = arrayp(look->tab,arrayMax(look->tab),TAB) ; tab->probe = 0 ; /* keep 0 until saved - look->probe may change */ tab->tag = tag ; if(key != 0) tab->target = key ; else { tab->target = 0; tab->targetbox = box; } tab->flag = isPos ? FLAG_POS : FLAG_NEG ; } tab->flag |= FLAG_CHANGED ; /* reset FLAG_POS/NEG */ newFlag = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->tab) ; ++i) { if ( (((tab = arrp(look->tab,i,TAB))->target == key) || arrp(look->tab,i,TAB)->targetbox == box) && !(tab->flag & FLAG_DELETED)) { if (tab->flag & FLAG_POS) newFlag |= FLAG_POS ; if (tab->flag & FLAG_NEG) newFlag |= FLAG_NEG ; } } /* set flags and colours on segs */ while (gridgKeyFind (look, seg->gkey, &box2)) { seg2 = arrp(look->segs, box2, SEG) ; seg2->flag &= ~(FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG) ; seg2->flag |= newFlag ; graphBoxDraw (box2, -1, gridBoxColour (look, box2, FALSE)) ; } if(seg->gkey==0) { seg->flag &= ~(FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG) ; seg->flag |= newFlag ; graphBoxDraw (box, -1, gridBoxColour (look, box, FALSE)) ; } look->flag |= FLAG_EDITED ; return ; } /* n.b. menuBox is an extern from graphcon.c */ static void editFromMenu (MENUITEM item) { #if !defined(MACINTOSH) int tag = menuGetValue (item) ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("editFromMenu") ; if (tag > 0) gridEdit (look, menuBox, tag, TRUE) ; else gridEdit (look, menuBox, -tag, FALSE) ; gridReport (look, menuBox) ; gridSelect (look, menuBox) ; /* Make sure title box updated */ #endif } /**********************************/ static void colourNeighbours (GridDisp look, int colour) { int i, index ; if (look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_MODE) return ; index = arrp(look->segs, look->activeBox, SEG)->mapIndex ; if (!index) return ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) if (arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->mapIndex == index) { if (colour) graphBoxDraw (i, -1, colour) ; else graphBoxDraw (i, -1, gridBoxColour (look, i, FALSE)) ; } } static void gridSelect (GridDisp look, int box) { float x1,x2,y1,y2 ; SEG *seg ; int box2; if (look->activeBox == box) return ; if (look->activeBox) { seg = arrp(look->segs, look->activeBox, SEG) ; while (gridgKeyFind (look, seg->gkey, &box2)) graphBoxDraw (box2, BLACK, -1) ; colourNeighbours (look, 0) ; } /* presume that if key not found then lazy But test for gkey = 0*/ /* also if lazy then only one key one box */ if(look->activeBox){ if(seg->gkey == 0){ graphBoxDraw (look->activeBox, BLACK, -1); colourNeighbours (look, 0); } } look->activeBox = box ; seg = arrp(look->segs, look->activeBox, SEG) ; while (gridgKeyFind (look, seg->gkey, &box2)) { graphBoxDraw (box2, RED, -1) ; } /* presume that if key not found then lazy */ /* also if lazy then only one key one box */ if(seg->gkey == 0) { graphBoxDraw (box, RED, -1); } colourNeighbours (look, LIGHTRED) ; graphBoxDim (box, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; graphBoxShift (look->crossBox, x1, y1) ; strncpy (look->selectName, gName(seg), 64) ; graphCompScrollEntry (0, look->selectName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; graphEntryDisable () ; } /***********************************/ static void gridFollow (GridDisp look) { int index = arrp(look->segs, look->activeBox, SEG)->mapIndex ; GRIDMAP *map ; static KEYSET kset = 0 ; int i, j ; int x ; if (index) { map = arrp(look->map, index-1, GRIDMAP) ; kset = keySetReCreate (kset) ; j = 0 ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) if (arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->mapIndex == index) keySet(kset, j++) = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->gkey ; keySetSort (kset) ; keySetCompress (kset) ; pMapSetHighlightKeySet (kset) ; x = 0.5 * (map->x1 + map->x2) ; display (map->ctg, KEYMAKE(_VCalcul, (0x800000 + x)), "PMAP") ; pMapSetHighlightKeySet (0) ; } else{ if(arrp(look->segs,look->activeBox,SEG)->gkey != 0) display (arrp(look->segs,look->activeBox,SEG)->gkey, look->key, 0) ; else messout("Object does not exist at present"); } } /***********************************/ static int entryCompletion (char *cp, int len) { static KEYSET ks = 0 ; int i, k, cplen ; SEG *seg ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("entryCompletion") ; ks = keySetReCreate (ks) ; k = 0 ; cplen = strlen (cp) ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (!strncmp (gName(seg), cp, cplen)) keySet(ks, k++) = seg->gkey ; } mainKeySetComplete (ks, cp, len) ; return keySetMax (ks) ; } extern int ksetClassComplete (char *text, int len, int classe) ; static int probeClassCompletion (char *cp, int len) { return ksetClassComplete (cp, len, _VClass) ; } static int probeCompletion (char *cp, int len) { int result = 0 ; int classe ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("probeCompletion") ; if ((classe = pickWord2Class (look->probeClassName))) result = ksetClassComplete (cp, len, classe) ; else messout(GRID_PREFIX "%s is not a valid class name", look->probeClassName) ; return result ; } /***********************************/ static void gridPick (int box) { GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridPick") ; switch (box) { case PROBE_CLASS_NAME_BOX: graphCompScrollEntry (0, look->probeClassName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; break ; case PROBE_NAME_BOX: graphCompScrollEntry (0, look->probeName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; break ; case SELECT_NAME_BOX: graphCompScrollEntry (0, look->selectName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; break ; default: if (box >= MIN_LIVE_BOX && box < arrayMax (look->segs)) /* a seg */ { if (look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_MODE) { gridEdit (look, box, look->editTag, (look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_NEG) ? FALSE : TRUE) ; gridReport (look, box) ; } else { if (box == look->activeBox) gridFollow (look) ; else gridReport (look, box) ; } gridSelect (look, box) ; /* What is this comment by Ian ??, is it a test or not ?? */ graphRegister (KEYBOARD,(GraphFunc) gridKeyboard) ; /* just a test il */ } } } /************************************/ static void gridToggleSymbolic (void) { GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridToggleSymbolic") ; look->flag ^= FLAG_NAMES ; gridDraw (look) ; return ; } /************************************/ /* User only allowed to toggle if they can get write access. */ /* */ static void gridToggleExclusive(void) { GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridToggleSymbolic") ; if (checkWriteAccess()) { OBJ gridObj, viewObj ; KEY viewKey ; if (!(gridObj = bsCreate (look->key))) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "Can't create Grid object from which to get the" "View object for setting \"exclusiveTags\"") ; if (!bsGetKey (gridObj, _View, &viewKey)) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "Can't find View key from Grid object for setting \"exclusiveTags\"") ; viewObj = bsUpdate(viewKey) ; if (viewObj == NULL) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "Can't create View object in which to set \"exclusiveTags\"") ; if (look->exclusiveTags) { bsGoto(viewObj, 0) ; if (bsFindTag (viewObj, _Grid_exclusive_tags)) { if (!bsRemove(viewObj)) messerror(GRID_PREFIX "Unable to remove \"exclusiveTags\" tag for this grid") ; else { look->exclusiveTags = FALSE ; menuSetLabel(look->exclusiveItem, GRID_EXCLUSIVE_ON) ; graphNewMenu(look->gridMenu) ; } } } else { if (!bsAddTag (viewObj, _Grid_exclusive_tags)) messerror(GRID_PREFIX "Unable to add \"exclusiveTags\" tag for this grid") ; else { look->exclusiveTags = TRUE ; menuSetLabel(look->exclusiveItem, GRID_EXCLUSIVE_OFF) ; graphNewMenu(look->gridMenu) ; } } bsSave(viewObj) ; bsDestroy(viewObj) ; bsDestroy(gridObj) ; } return ; } /***********************/ static void gridToggleSmall (void) { GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridToggleSmall") ; look->flag ^= FLAG_SMALL ; gridDraw (look) ; } /***********************/ static void gridEditMode (void) { int i ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridEditMode") ; if (look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_MODE) return ; graphBoxDraw (EDIT_MODE_BOX, WHITE, DARKRED) ; graphBoxDraw (MAP_MODE_BOX, BLACK, WHITE) ; if (!look->editTag) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "There is no tag type set for editing " "- set one in the view object and rebuild") ; return ; } colourNeighbours (look, 0) ; look->flag |= FLAG_EDIT_MODE ; /* Set edit menus for all grids including the selected box. */ if (look->editMenu) { for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { graphNewBoxMenu (i, look->editMenu) ; } } /* Once the user starts to edit they cannot flip the exclusive mode. */ /* I've done this because I think the user will get in a muddle if they */ /* keep toggling the flag between edits. */ menuSetFlags(look->exclusiveItem, MENUFLAG_DISABLED) ; graphNewMenu(look->gridMenu) ; } /*************************************************/ static int localRange = 200 ; static Array posStructArray = 0 ; static int mapOrder (void *a, void *b) { GRIDMAP *map1 = arrp(posStructArray, *(int*)a, GRIDMAP) ; GRIDMAP *map2 = arrp(posStructArray, *(int*)b, GRIDMAP) ; if (map1->ctg < map2->ctg) return -1 ; if (map1->ctg > map2->ctg) return 1 ; if (map1->x1 < map2->x1) return -1 ; if (map1->x1 > map2->x1) return 1 ; return 0 ; } void gridCluster (Array posArray, Array mapArray, float range) { /* also called from pmapdisp.c */ GRIDMAP *map, *pos ; int i, nmap = -1 ; float tmp ; static Array ptr ; if (!isInitialised) gridInitialise() ; if (!arrayExists (mapArray)) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "mapArray does not exist in gridCluster") ; arrayMax(mapArray) = 0 ; if (!arrayMax(posArray)) return ; posStructArray = posArray ; ptr = arrayReCreate (ptr, arrayMax(posArray), int) ; arrayMax(ptr) = arrayMax(posArray) ; for (i = arrayMax(posArray) ; i-- ;) { arr(ptr,i,int) = i ; if (arrp(posArray, i, GRIDMAP)->x1 > arrp(posArray, i, GRIDMAP)->x2) { tmp = arrp(posArray, i, GRIDMAP)->x1 ; arrp(posArray, i, GRIDMAP)->x1 = arrp(posArray, i, GRIDMAP)->x2 ; arrp(posArray, i, GRIDMAP)->x2 = tmp ; } } arraySort (ptr, mapOrder) ; /* preserve posArray order */ for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(posArray) ; i++) { pos = arrp(posArray, arr(ptr, i, int), GRIDMAP) ; if (nmap >= 0 && pos->ctg == map->ctg && pos->x1 < map->x2 + range) { map->x1 = pos->x1 ; /* must be >= after sort */ if (pos->x2 < map->x2) map->x2 = pos->x2 ; } else { map = arrayp(mapArray, ++nmap, GRIDMAP) ; *map = *pos ; } pos->clump = nmap ; } } static int nYacHits ; /* for gridKeySetStats */ BOOL gridClusterKey (KEY key, Array map, float range) { int j, x1, x2 ; static Array positives, units ; KEY ctg ; OBJ obj, Clone ; GRIDMAP *pos ; if (!isInitialised) gridInitialise() ; if (!arrayExists (map)) return FALSE ; arrayMax(map) = 0 ; if ((obj = bsCreate (key))) { units = arrayReCreate (units, 16, BSunit) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Positive) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, units)) { positives = arrayReCreate (positives, 16, GRIDMAP) ; for (j = 1 ; j < arrayMax(units) ; j += 2) if ((Clone = bsCreate(arr(units,j,BSunit).k))) { if (bsGetKey (Clone, _pMap, &ctg) && bsGetData (Clone, _bsRight, _Int, &x1) && bsGetData (Clone, _bsRight, _Int, &x2)) { pos = arrayp (positives, arrayMax(positives), GRIDMAP) ; pos->ctg = ctg ; pos->x1 = x1 ; pos->x2 = x2 ; ++nYacHits ; } bsDestroy (Clone) ; } gridCluster (positives, map, range) ; } bsDestroy (obj) ; } return (arrayMax (map) > 0) ; } static void gridSetRange (void) { GridDisp look ; ACEIN range_in; look = getGridState("gridSetRange") ; if ((range_in = messPrompt ("Give range in pmap bands for clustering into single loci", messprintf ("%d", localRange), "iz", 0))) { aceInInt (range_in, &localRange) ; aceInDestroy (range_in); if (!(look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_MODE)) gridMapMode () ; } } /*******************************************************************/ static void gridKeySetStats (void) { int i ; static Array map ; KEYSET kset = 0 ; int nClones = 0, nSingle = 0, nLoci = 0 ; map = arrayReCreate (map, 16, GRIDMAP) ; if (!keySetActive(&kset, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet window, thank you.") ; return ; } nYacHits = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(kset) ; ++i) if (gridClusterKey (keySet(kset,i), map, localRange)) { ++nClones ; nLoci += arrayMax(map) ; if (arrayMax(map) == 1) ++nSingle ; } messout(GRID_PREFIX "%d clones, %d Yac hits, %d loci, %d singles\n", nClones, nYacHits, nLoci, nSingle) ; } /**************************************************/ static void gridKeySetApply (void) { int i, j ; KEYSET kset = 0 ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridKeySetApply") ; if (!keySetActive(&kset, 0)) { messout("First select a keySet window, thank you.") ; return ; } for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(kset) ; ++i) { for (j = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; j < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++j) if (arrp(look->segs, j, SEG)->gkey == keySet(kset,i)) arrp(look->segs, j, SEG)->flag |= FLAG_SELECTED ; gridHybBuild (look, keySet(kset,i)) ; } gridDraw (look) ; } /*******************************/ static void gridMapMode (void) { int i, x1, x2, npositives = 0 ; static Array positives, reverse ; SEG *seg ; GRIDMAP *pos ; OBJ obj ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridMap") ; graphBoxDraw (MAP_MODE_BOX, WHITE, DARKRED) ; graphBoxDraw (EDIT_MODE_BOX, BLACK, WHITE) ; if (!(look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_MODE)) return ; look->flag &= ~FLAG_EDIT_MODE ; positives = arrayReCreate (positives, 16, GRIDMAP) ; reverse = arrayReCreate (reverse, 16, int*) ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; seg->mapIndex = 0 ; if ((seg->flag & FLAG_POS) && (obj = bsCreate(seg->gkey))) { pos = arrayp (positives, npositives, GRIDMAP) ; array (reverse, npositives, int*) = &(seg->mapIndex) ; if (bsGetKey (obj, _pMap, &pos->ctg) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x1) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &x2)) { pos->x1 = x1 ; pos->x2 = x2 ; ++npositives ; } else --arrayMax(positives) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } graphNewBoxMenu (i, 0) ; } gridCluster (positives, look->map, localRange) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(positives) ; ++i) *(arr(reverse, i, int*)) = arrp(positives, i, GRIDMAP)->clump + 1 ; } /*********************************/ static void gridHybBuild (GridDisp look, KEY probe) { int i, box ; TAB *tab ; OBJ obj ; BOOL isDefNeg = FALSE ; Array column = arrayCreate (24, BSunit) ; if ((obj = bsCreate (probe))) { if (bsFindTag (obj, _Contains) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, column)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(column) ; i += 2) gridHybBuild (look, arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Grid_data) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, column)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(column) ; i += 2) gridHybBuild (look, arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Default_negative)) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->flag &= ~FLAG_TEMP ; isDefNeg = TRUE ; } if (bsFindTag (obj, _Positive) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, column)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(column) ; i += 2) if (gridgKeyFind(look,arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k, &box)) { tab = arrayp(look->tab, arrayMax(look->tab), TAB) ; tab->probe = probe ; tab->tag = arr(column, i, BSunit).k ; tab->target = arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k ; tab->flag = FLAG_POS ; arrp(look->segs, box, SEG)->flag |= FLAG_POS | FLAG_TEMP ; while (gridgKeyFind(look,arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k, &box)) arrp(look->segs, box, SEG)->flag |= FLAG_POS | FLAG_TEMP ; } if (bsFindTag (obj, _Negative) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, column)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(column) ; i += 2) if (gridgKeyFind(look,arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k, &box)) { tab = arrayp(look->tab, arrayMax(look->tab), TAB) ; tab->probe = probe ; tab->tag = arr(column, i, BSunit).k ; tab->target = arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k ; tab->flag = FLAG_NEG ; arrp(look->segs, box, SEG)->flag |= FLAG_NEG | FLAG_TEMP ; while (gridgKeyFind(look, arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k, &box)) arrp(look->segs, box, SEG)->flag |= FLAG_NEG | FLAG_TEMP ; } if (bsFindTag (obj, _Conflict) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, column)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(column) ; i += 2) if (gridgKeyFind(look,arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k, &box)) { tab = arrayp(look->tab, arrayMax(look->tab), TAB) ; tab->probe = probe ; tab->tag = arr(column, i, BSunit).k ; tab->target = arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k ; tab->flag = FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG ; arrp(look->segs, box, SEG)->flag |= FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG | FLAG_TEMP ; while (gridgKeyFind(look, arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k, &box)) arrp(look->segs, box, SEG)->flag |= FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG | FLAG_TEMP ; } if (isDefNeg) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) if (!(arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->flag & FLAG_TEMP)) arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->flag |= FLAG_NEG ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } arrayDestroy (column) ; } static void gridProbeDisplay (GridDisp look, KEY probe) { int i ; BOOL empty = TRUE ; look->probe = probe ; strncpy (look->probeClassName, className(probe), 63) ; strncpy (look->probeName, name(probe), 63) ; /* clear hybridisation flags */ for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->flag &= ~(FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG) ; arrayMax(look->tab) = 0 ; /* clear hit table */ gridHybBuild (look, probe) ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { if (arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->flag & (FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG)) empty = FALSE ; /* if (empty) messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry - no positives or negatives of %s on this grid", name (probe)) ; */ } gridDraw (look) ; return ; } static void gridProbeEntry (char* string) { int classe ; KEY probe = 0 ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridProbeEntry") ; gridMapMode () ; if (!(classe = pickWord2Class (look->probeClassName))) messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, %s is not a valid class name", look->probeClassName) ; else if (!lexword2key (string, &probe, classe)) messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, %s is not in class %s", string, look->probeClassName) ; else gridProbeDisplay (look, probe) ; } static void probeClassEntry (char* string) { GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("probeClassEntry") ; if (!pickWord2Class (string)) messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, %s is not a valid class name", string) ; else graphCompScrollEntry (0, look->probeName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; } static void gridProbeAction (KEY key) { GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridProbeAction") ; gridMapMode () ; gridProbeDisplay (look, key) ; displayRepeatBlock () ; } static void gridProbeButton (void) { displayBlock (gridProbeAction, "The hybridisation pattern for that object will be shown.\n" "Remove this message to cancel.") ; } /*************************************************/ static void gridClear (void) { int i ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridClear") ; if ((look->flag & FLAG_EDITED) && isWriteAccess() && look->probe && messQuery ("Do you want to save the current pattern?")) gridSave () ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->flag &= ~(FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG | FLAG_SELECTED) ; arrayMax(look->tab) = 0 ; look->probe = 0 ; *look->probeName = 0 ; look->flag &= ~FLAG_EDITED ; colourNeighbours (look, 0) ; gridDraw (look) ; } /************************************/ static void gridKeyboard (int k) { int i, ibest ; float x, y, best ; SEG *seg ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridKeyboard") ; if (!look->activeBox) return ; if (k == RETURN_KEY) { if (look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_MODE) gridEdit (look, look->activeBox, look->editTag, (look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_NEG) ? FALSE : TRUE) ; else gridFollow (look) ; return ; } seg = arrp(look->segs, look->activeBox, SEG) ; x = seg->x ; y = seg->y ; ibest = 0 ; if (k == LEFT_KEY || k == UP_KEY) best = -1000.0 ; else best = 1000.0 ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; switch (k) { case LEFT_KEY: if (seg->y < y+0.5 && seg->y > y-0.5 && seg->x < x && seg->x > best) { best = seg->x ; ibest = i ; } break ; case RIGHT_KEY: if (seg->y < y+0.5 && seg->y > y-0.5 && seg->x > x && seg->x < best) { best = seg->x ; ibest = i ; } break ; case UP_KEY: if (seg->x < x+1 && seg->x > x-1 && seg->y < y && seg->y > best) { best = seg->y ; ibest = i ; } break ; case DOWN_KEY: if (seg->x < x+1 && seg->x > x-1 && seg->y > y && seg->y < best) { best = seg->y ; ibest = i ; } break ; } } if (ibest) { gridReport (look, ibest) ; gridSelect (look, ibest) ; } graphRegister (KEYBOARD,(GraphFunc) gridKeyboard) ; /* just a test il */ return ; } static void gridTreeProbe (void) { GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridTreeProbe") ; if (look->probe) display (look->probe, look->key, "TREE") ; } /*************************************************/ /************* conversion and drawing ************/ static void setView (GridDisp look, KEY view) { OBJ View ; int priority ; unsigned int pack ; char *text ; KEY tag, col, scol ; MENUITEM item ; static BSMARK mark = 0 ; View = bsCreate(view) ; if (View) { look->tagValues = arrayCreate (16, KEY) ; /* If the model contains the exclusive tag then check to see if this */ /* particular grid has it. */ /* If the tag is not in the model then disable the toggle menu item. */ /* N.B. default is FALSE so old databases continue as before. */ if (bsIsTagInObj(0, view, _Grid_exclusive_tags)) { look->flag |= FLAG_EXCLUSIVETAGS ; if (bsFindTag (View, _Grid_exclusive_tags)) { look->exclusiveTags = TRUE ; menuSetLabel(look->exclusiveItem, GRID_EXCLUSIVE_OFF) ; } else look->exclusiveTags = FALSE ; } else { look->flag &= ~FLAG_EXCLUSIVETAGS ; menuSetFlags(look->exclusiveItem, MENUFLAG_DISABLED) ; graphNewMenu(look->gridMenu) ; look->exclusiveTags = FALSE ; } if (bsGetData (View, _Grid_edit_default, _Text, &text)) { if (lexaddkey (text, &look->editTag, 0)) messout(GRID_PREFIX "Warning: edit tag %s in View %s not known previously", text, name(view)) ; if (bsGetData (View, _bsRight, _Text, &text) && !lexstrcmp (text, "negative")) /* case insensitive */ look->flag |= FLAG_EDIT_NEG ; } if (bsGetData (View, _Grid_edit_menu, _Text, &text)) { MENUITEM tmp_item = NULL ; if (look->editMenu) menuDestroy (look->editMenu) ; look->editMenu = menuCreate ("Tags") ; do { mark = bsMark (View, mark) ; if (lexaddkey (text, &tag, 0)) messout(GRID_PREFIX "Warning: edit tag %s in View %s not known previously", text, name(view)) ; item = menuCreateItem (name(tag), editFromMenu) ; if (bsGetData (View, _bsRight, _Text, &text) && !lexstrcmp (text, "negative")) /* case insensitive */ tag = -tag ; menuSetValue (item, tag) ; if (look->exclusiveTags == TRUE) { if (tmp_item == NULL) menuSetFlags (item, MENUFLAG_START_RADIO) ; } else menuSetFlags (item, MENUFLAG_TOGGLE) ; tmp_item = item ; menuAddItem (look->editMenu, item, 0) ; bsGoto (View, mark) ; } while (bsGetData (View, _bsDown, _Text, &text)) ; if (look->exclusiveTags == TRUE) menuSetFlags(tmp_item, MENUFLAG_END_RADIO) ; } if (bsGetData (View, _Grid_map, _Int, &priority)) { int i = 0 ; do { mark = bsMark (View, mark) ; bsPushObj (View) ; if (priority > 127) { priority = 127 ; messout(GRID_PREFIX "Grid_map value must be < 128") ; } if (priority < -128) { priority = -128 ; messout(GRID_PREFIX "Grid_map value must be >= -128") ; } if (!bsGetKeyTags (View, _Colour, &col)) messout(GRID_PREFIX "Warning: view %s Grid_map %d should specify colour", name(view), priority) ; col -= _WHITE ; if (bsGetKeyTags (View, _Surround_colour, &scol)) scol -= _WHITE ; else scol = col ; pack = GRID_PACK(priority, col, scol) ; if (bsGetData (View, _Tag, _Text, &text)) do { if (lexaddkey (text, &tag, 0)) messout(GRID_PREFIX "Warning: tag %s in View %s not known previously", text, name(view)) ; if (!assInsert (look->tagMap, assVoid(tag), assVoid(pack))) messout(GRID_PREFIX "Warning: tag %s assigned twice in View %s", text, name(view)) ; array(look->tagValues, i, KEY) = tag ; i++ ; } while (bsGetData (View, _bsDown, _Text, &text)) ; bsGoto (View, mark) ; } while (bsGetData (View, _bsDown, _Int, &priority)) ; } else messout(GRID_PREFIX "Warning: no tag colour/priority information in View %s", name(view)) ; bsDestroy (View) ; } return ; } static void gridConvert (GridDisp look) { int i, row, n ; OBJ obj, subgrid ; KEY key ; SEG *seg ; BOOL isMixed ; char *text,*prefix ; /* Martin Ferguson - for generic axis labelling */ static BSMARK mark = 0, submark = 0 ; KEY _XY_labelling, _Label_per_box, _Squashed, _Square_size, _Box_size ; char *textptr; if (!(obj = bsCreate (look->key))) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "Can't make object in gridConvert") ; if (bsGetKey (obj, _Title, &key)) look->title = name (key) ; else look->title = name (look->key) ; look->flag = 0 ; if (!bsFindTag (obj, _No_stagger)) look->flag |= FLAG_STAGGER ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _A1_labelling)) { look->flag |= FLAG_LABELS ; look->flag |= FLAG_A1 ; } lexaddkey ("high_density", &_Squashed, 0) ; if (bsFindTag(obj, _Squashed)) look->flag |= FLAG_SQUASHED; /* Check for setting of grid square/box sizes. Size applies to both small */ /* and normal views of grid, small is just 0.5 times normal size. */ /* Dimensions must be positive, no checking otherwise. */ /* If height is omitted it defaults to width. */ lexaddkey ("Square_size", &_Square_size, 0) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Square_size)) { float dimension = 0 ; if (bsGetData(obj, _bsRight, _Float, &dimension) && dimension > 0) { look->normal.horiz_space = dimension ; look->normal.vert_space = look->normal.horiz_space ; dimension = 0 ; if (bsGetData(obj, _bsRight, _Float, &dimension)&& dimension > 0) look->normal.vert_space = dimension ; look->small.horiz_space = (look->normal.horiz_space * GRID_REDUCE) ; look->small.vert_space = (look->normal.horiz_space * GRID_REDUCE) ; } } lexaddkey ("Box_size", &_Box_size, 0) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Box_size)) { float dimension = 0 ; if (bsGetData(obj, _bsRight, _Float, &dimension) && dimension > 0) { look->normal.box_width = dimension ; look->normal.box_height = look->normal.box_width ; dimension = 0 ; if (bsGetData(obj, _bsRight, _Float, &dimension)&& dimension > 0) look->normal.box_height = dimension ; look->small.box_width = (look->normal.box_width * GRID_REDUCE) ; look->small.box_height = (look->normal.box_height * GRID_REDUCE) ; } } clampBoxSize(&(look->small)) ; clampBoxSize(&(look->normal)) ; lexaddkey ("Label_per_box", &_Label_per_box, 0) ; if (bsFindTag(obj, _Label_per_box)) look->flag |= FLAG_LABEL_PER_BOX ; lexaddkey ("XY_labelling", &_XY_labelling, 0) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _XY_labelling)) /* Martin Ferguson - labelling */ { BOOL isGood = TRUE ; if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Text, &text) && /* X axis */ text[0] >= '0' && text[0] <= '9' && text[1] >= '0' && text[1] <= '9' && text[2] == '-' && text[3] >= '0' && text[3] <= '9' && text[4] >= '0' && text[4] <= '9') strcpy(look->genXLabel, text) ; else { messout(GRID_PREFIX "The XY_labelling format must be nn-nn (numeric) or " "nn-nnA (alphabetic), e.g. for A1_labelling use " "XY_labelling 01-12 01-08A") ; isGood = FALSE ; } if (bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Text, &text) && /* X axis */ text[0] >= '0' && text[0] <= '9' && text[1] >= '0' && text[1] <= '9' && text[2] == '-' && text[3] >= '0' && text[3] <= '9' && text[4] >= '0' && text[4] <= '9') strcpy(look->genYLabel, text) ; else { messout(GRID_PREFIX "The XY_labelling format must be nn-nn (numeric) or " "nn-nnA (alphabetic), e.g. for A1_labelling use " "XY_labelling 01-12 01-08A") ; isGood = FALSE ; } if (isGood) { look->flag |= FLAG_LABELS ; look->flag |= FLAG_XY ; } } look->dxLine = look->dyLine = look->dxSpace = look->dySpace = 0 ; bsGetData (obj, _Lines_at, _Int, &look->dxLine) ; bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &look->dyLine) ; bsGetData (obj, _Space_at, _Int, &look->dxSpace) ; bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Int, &look->dySpace) ; if (look->dxLine == 1 && look->dyLine == 1) look->flag |= FLAG_NAMES ; look->segs = arrayReCreate (look->segs, 512, SEG) ; n = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; if (bsGetData (obj, _Row, _Int, &row)) { do { mark = bsMark (obj, mark) ; row-- ; i = 0 ; if (!bsGetKeyTags (obj, _bsRight, &key)) /* class or Mixed */ continue ; isMixed = (key == _Mixed) ; while (bsGetKeyTags (obj, _bsRight, &key)) /* class if Mixed */ { if (isMixed && !bsGetKey (obj, _bsRight, &key)) /* key itself */ break ; seg = arrayp (look->segs, n, SEG) ; seg->flag = seg->flagStore = 0 ; if (!strcmp (name(key),"-")) seg->flag |= FLAG_BLANK ; seg->gkey = key ; seg->x = i ; seg->y = row ; seg->name =0; ++n ; ++i ; } bsGoto (obj, mark) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Int, &row)) ; } else if (bsGetData (obj, _Virtual_row, _Int, &row)) { do { int xblock = 0, yblock = row-1 ; mark = bsMark (obj, mark) ; while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsRight, &key)) /* key is a clone_grid */ { if ((subgrid = bsCreate (key))) { if(!strcmp(name(key),"-")) lazySegBuild(look,&n,prefix,TRUE); if(bsFindTag(subgrid,str2tag("Lazy_grid"))) { if (bsFindTag(subgrid, str2tag("Lazy_template"))) { KEY template; if (bsGetKeyTags(subgrid, _bsRight, &template) && bsGetKeyTags(subgrid, _bsRight, &template)) look->template = template; } if(bsGetData(subgrid,str2tag("Prefix"),_Text, &textptr)) { prefix = strnew(textptr,0); } else { prefix = NULL; } lazySegBuild(look,&n,prefix,FALSE); } else if (bsGetData (subgrid, _Row, _Int, &row)) do { submark = bsMark (subgrid, submark) ; row-- ; i = 0 ; if (!bsGetKeyTags (subgrid, _bsRight, &key)) continue ; isMixed = (key == _Mixed) ; while (bsGetKeyTags (subgrid, _bsRight, &key)) { if (isMixed && !bsGetKey (subgrid, _bsRight, &key)) break ; seg = arrayp (look->segs, n, SEG) ; seg->flag = seg->flagStore = 0 ; if (!strcmp (name(key),"-")) seg->flag |= FLAG_BLANK ; seg->gkey = key ; seg->x = xblock + i*look->dxLine ; seg->y = yblock + row*look->dyLine ; seg->name =0; ++n ; ++i ; } bsGoto (subgrid, submark) ; } while (bsGetData (subgrid, _bsDown, _Int, &row)) ; bsDestroy (subgrid) ; look->flag |= FLAG_VIRTUAL ; } else messout(GRID_PREFIX "Can't open subgrid %s of Grid %s", name(key), name(look->key)) ; ++xblock ; } bsGoto (obj, mark) ; } while (bsGetData (obj, _bsDown, _Int, &row)) ; } else if(bsFindTag(obj,str2tag("Lazy_grid"))) { if(bsGetData(obj,str2tag("Prefix"),_Text, &textptr)) { look->prefix = strnew(textptr,0); } else { look->prefix = NULL; } if (bsFindTag(obj, str2tag("Lazy_template"))) { KEY template; if (bsGetKeyTags(obj, _bsRight, &template) && bsGetKeyTags(obj, _bsRight, &template)) look->template = template; } look->segs = arrayReCreate (look->segs, 512, SEG) ; look->dxLine = look->dyLine = 1; lazySegBuild(look,&n,look->prefix,FALSE); } else { messout(GRID_PREFIX "No clones in Grid %s", name(look->key)) ; } if (bsGetKey (obj, _View, &key)) setView (look, key) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; return ; } /***************************************/ static void gridSpaceSet(void) { GridDisp look ; ACEIN size_in; char *size_str = NULL ; char *dialog_title = NULL ; float *width = NULL, *height = NULL ; look = getGridState("gridSpaceSet") ; if (look->flag & FLAG_SMALL) { width = &(look->small.horiz_space) ; height = &(look->small.vert_space) ; size_str = "Small" ; } else { width = &(look->normal.horiz_space) ; height = &(look->normal.vert_space) ; size_str = "Normal" ; } dialog_title = hprintf(0, "%s box spacing - width, height:", size_str) ; if ((size_in = messPrompt(dialog_title, messprintf("%.3f %.3f", *width, *height), "ffz", 0))) { aceInFloat (size_in, width) ; aceInFloat (size_in, height) ; gridDraw(look) ; } messfree(dialog_title) ; return ; } /***************************************/ static void gridSizeSet(void) { GridDisp look ; ACEIN size_in; char *size_str = NULL ; char *dialog_title = NULL ; float *width = NULL, *height = NULL ; look = getGridState("gridSizeSet") ; if (look->flag & FLAG_SMALL) { width = &(look->small.box_width) ; height = &(look->small.box_height) ; size_str = "Small" ; } else { width = &(look->normal.box_width) ; height = &(look->normal.box_height) ; size_str = "Normal" ; } dialog_title = hprintf(0, "%s box size - width, height:", size_str) ; if ((size_in = messPrompt(dialog_title, messprintf("%.3f %.3f", *width, *height), "ffz", 0))) { aceInFloat (size_in, width) ; aceInFloat (size_in, height) ; gridDraw(look) ; } messfree(dialog_title) ; return ; } /***************************************/ /* Ensures that box size is consistent with square size. */ static void clampBoxSize(GridDimension grid_box) { if (grid_box->box_width > grid_box->horiz_space) grid_box->box_width = grid_box->horiz_space ; if (grid_box->box_height > grid_box->vert_space) grid_box->box_height = grid_box->vert_space ; return ; } /***************************************/ static void gridDraw (GridDisp look) { float xmax = 0, ymax = 0 ; int i ; float x, y ; SEG *seg ; float yOff = 0.5 ; float xOff = 2 ; BOOL isSymbolic = !(look->flag & FLAG_NAMES) ; BOOL isSquashed = look->flag & FLAG_SQUASHED; float itemWidth, itemHeight ; float box_width, box_height ; float dxL = 0.5 ; float dyL = 0.5 ; /* NOTICE that (int) castings are vital because these macros may be used */ /* with a float. */ #define i2x(z) ((z)*itemWidth + \ (look->dxLine ? dxL*(int)((z)/look->dxLine) : 0) + \ (look->dxSpace ? 2*(int)((z)/look->dxSpace) : 0)) #define j2y(z) ((z)*itemHeight + \ (look->dyLine ? dyL*(int)((z)/look->dyLine) : 0) + \ (look->dySpace ? (int)((z)/look->dySpace) : 0)) if (look->flag & FLAG_NAMES) { itemWidth = 1; for ( i = MIN_LIVE_BOX; i < arrayMax(look->segs); i++) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG); if (!(seg->flag & FLAG_BLANK)) { int n = strlen(gName(seg)); if (n > itemWidth) itemWidth = n; if (seg->x > xmax) xmax = seg->x; if (seg->y > ymax) ymax = seg->y; } } if (itemWidth > 25) itemWidth = 25; /* sanity check */ itemWidth++; /* gap */ itemHeight = 1 ; box_width = box_height = 0.0 ; } else if (look->flag & FLAG_SMALL) { itemWidth = look->small.horiz_space ; itemHeight = look->small.vert_space ; box_width = box_height = 0.0 ; dxL = dyL = 0.0 ; } else if (isSquashed) { itemWidth = 1.2 ; itemHeight = 1.0 ; box_width = itemWidth * 0.9 ; box_height = itemHeight * 0.9 ; } else { clampBoxSize(&(look->normal)) ; itemWidth = look->normal.horiz_space ; itemHeight = look->normal.vert_space ; box_width = look->normal.box_width ; box_height = look->normal.box_height ; } graphClear () ; graphRetitle (messprintf ("%s:%s", className(look->key), name (look->key))) ; graphText (look->title, 1, yOff) ; /* title */ x = 3 + strlen(look->title) ; if (graphButton ("Gridded item:", gridSelectButton, x, yOff) != SELECT_BUTTON_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", SELECT_BUTTON_BOX) ; *look->selectName = 0 ; if (graphCompScrollEntry (entryCompletion, look->selectName, 64, 10, x+15, yOff+0.2, gridSelectEntry) != SELECT_NAME_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", SELECT_NAME_BOX) ; if (graphButton ("Clear", gridClear, x+27, yOff) != CLEAR_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", CLEAR_BOX) ; yOff += 1.6 ; x = 1 ; if (graphButton ("Probe:", gridProbeButton, x, yOff) != PROBE_BUTTON_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", PROBE_BUTTON_BOX) ; if (graphCompScrollEntry (probeClassCompletion, look->probeClassName, 64, 10, x+8, yOff+0.2, probeClassEntry) != PROBE_CLASS_NAME_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", PROBE_BUTTON_BOX) ; graphText (":", x+19, yOff+0.2) ; if (graphCompScrollEntry(probeCompletion, look->probeName, 64, 18, x+20, yOff+0.2, gridProbeEntry) != PROBE_NAME_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", PROBE_NAME_BOX) ; x += 34 ; if (graphButton ("Edit Mode", gridEditMode, x+6, yOff) != EDIT_MODE_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", EDIT_MODE_BOX) ; if (graphButton ("Map Mode", gridMapMode, x+17, yOff) != MAP_MODE_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", MAP_MODE_BOX) ; if (look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_MODE) gridEditMode () ; else gridMapMode () ; yOff += 1.6 ; if (graphBoxStart() != REPORT_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", REPORT_BOX) ; graphTextPtr (look->reportBuffer, 0, yOff, 1000) ; graphBoxEnd() ; graphBoxDraw (REPORT_BOX, BLACK, PALECYAN) ; yOff += 1.4 ; /* Finish off grid header area. */ graphLine (0, yOff, 300, yOff) ; /* Draw the actual grid (maybe with labels). */ yOff += 0.5 ; /* This section of code now handles both the A1_labelling and XY_labelling. I've written it to label in any arbitrary fashion. A1_labelling is just a specific case. */ if (look->flag & FLAG_LABELS) /* Yes, there are grid axis labels. */ { int xstart, xend, ystart, yend, temp ; /* Start and end values for x-axis and y-axis labels. */ BOOL XAlpha = FALSE, YAlpha = FALSE ; /* Whether axis labels are alphabetic or numeric. */ int xincr = 0, yincr = 0 ; /* Subtraction value if labeling is descending. */ static char la[] = "*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; /* for labels */ if (look->flag & FLAG_A1) { /* A1_labelling - as for Bentley/Dunham grids */ xstart = 1 ; xend = 12; ystart = 1 ; yend = 8; YAlpha = TRUE ; } else if (look->flag & FLAG_XY) { /* For XY_labelling, values specified in data. */ xstart = atoi(&look->genXLabel[0]) ; xend = atoi(&look->genXLabel[3]) ; ystart = atoi(&look->genYLabel[0]) ; yend = atoi(&look->genYLabel[3]) ; if (look->genXLabel[5] == 'A') XAlpha = TRUE ; if (look->genYLabel[5] == 'A') YAlpha = TRUE ; } if (ystart > yend) { yincr = ystart + 1 ; temp = ystart ; ystart = yend ; yend = temp ; } if (xstart > xend) { xincr = xstart + 1 ; temp = xstart ; xstart = xend ; xend = temp ; } /* Move all drawing over by a fudge factor which should be linked to */ /* the label character size but isn't. */ xOff += 3 ; yOff += 2 ; graphTextFormat(BOLD); /* top labels */ for (i = xstart; i <= xend; i++) { float x_offset, position ; /* Either we are drawing a label for every box or a label per */ /* group of boxes. */ if (look->flag & FLAG_LABEL_PER_BOX) position = i - 1 ; else position = ((i - 1) * look->dxLine) + ((look->dxLine - 1) * 0.5) ; x_offset = xOff + i2x(position) ; if (XAlpha) graphText (messprintf ("%c", la[abs(xincr-i)]), x_offset, yOff - 1.5) ; else graphText (messprintf ("%d", abs(xincr-i)), x_offset, yOff - 1.5) ; } /* LH side labels */ for (i = ystart ; i <= yend ; i++) { float y_offset, position ; /* Either we are drawing a label for every box or a label per */ /* group of boxes. */ if (look->flag & FLAG_LABEL_PER_BOX) position = i - 1 ; else position = ((i - 1) * look->dyLine) + ((look->dyLine - 1) * 0.5) ; y_offset = yOff + j2y(position) ; if (YAlpha) { graphText(messprintf ("%c", la[abs(yincr-i)]), 2, y_offset) ; if (look->flag & FLAG_A1) graphText (messprintf ("%c",la[abs(yincr-i)]), 9 + ((xend+1)*itemWidth), y_offset) ; } else { char *format_str ; /* I can't see how to get printf to pad with blanks, seems a */ /* shame as this is the obvious thing to do with ints. */ if (i > 9) format_str = "%d" ; else format_str = " %d" ; graphText (messprintf (format_str, abs(yincr-i)), 1, y_offset) ; if (look->flag & FLAG_A1) graphText (messprintf ("%d",abs(yincr-i)), 9 + ((xend+1)*itemWidth), y_offset) ; } } graphTextFormat(PLAIN); } else { /* default Cambridge labeling */ xOff += 4 ; graphRectangle (1, 4+yOff, 4, 20+yOff) ; graphText ("L", 2, 8+yOff) ; graphText ("A", 2, 10+yOff) ; graphText ("B", 2, 12+yOff) ; graphText ("E", 2, 14+yOff) ; graphText ("L", 2, 16+yOff) ; } if (graphBoxStart() != GRID_BOX) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box screwup at %d in gridDraw", GRID_BOX) ; /* draw comparison boxes */ if (isSymbolic && !(look->flag & FLAG_SMALL)) { for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_BLANK || !(seg->flagStore & (FLAG_SELECTED | FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG))) continue ; x = i2x(seg->x) ; if ((look->flag & FLAG_STAGGER) && isSymbolic && (seg->y%2)) x += 0.5 ; y = j2y(seg->y) ; if (!isSymbolic) x += strlen(gName(seg)) ; graphColor (gridBoxColour (look, i, TRUE)) ; graphFillRectangle (xOff+x-0.3, yOff+y-0.1, xOff+x+1.3, yOff+y+1.0) ; graphColor (DARKGREEN) ; graphRectangle (xOff+x-0.3, yOff+y-0.1, xOff+x+1.3, yOff+y+1.0) ; } } /* draw main hybridisation boxes */ graphColor (BLACK) ; xmax = 0; ymax = 0; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; x = i2x(seg->x) ; if ((look->flag & FLAG_STAGGER) && isSymbolic && (seg->y%2)) x += 0.5 ; y = j2y(seg->y) ; if (i != graphBoxStart()) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "minLiveBox wrong in gridDraw()") ; if (seg->flag & FLAG_BLANK) { graphText ("-", xOff+x, yOff+y) ; } else if (!isSymbolic) { graphText (gName(seg), xOff+x, yOff + y) ; } else if (look->flag & FLAG_SMALL) { graphLine (xOff+x, yOff+y, xOff+x, yOff+y) ; graphLine (xOff+x+itemWidth, yOff+y+itemHeight, xOff+x+itemWidth, yOff+y+itemHeight) ; } else { if (isSquashed) graphRectangle (xOff+x, yOff+y+0.15, xOff+x+0.8, yOff+y+0.75) ; else graphRectangle (xOff+x, yOff+y, xOff+x+box_width, yOff+y+box_height) ; } graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, gridBoxColour (look, i, FALSE)) ; if (look->editMenu && (look->flag & FLAG_EDIT_MODE)) graphNewBoxMenu (i, look->editMenu) ; if (x > xmax) xmax = x ; if (y > ymax) ymax = y ; } if (look->flag & FLAG_SMALL) { graphRectangle (xOff, yOff, xOff+xmax+itemWidth, yOff+ymax+itemWidth) ; } else if (!isSymbolic) /* draw grids */ { /* the grid of lines */ if (look->dxLine) for (i = look->dxLine ; ; i += look->dxLine) { x = i2x(i) - 1 ; if (x > xmax) break ; graphLine (xOff+x, yOff, xOff+x, yOff+ymax+itemHeight) ; } if (look->dyLine) for (i = look->dyLine ; ; i += look->dyLine) { y = j2y(i) - 0.25 ; if (y > ymax) break ; graphLine (xOff, y+yOff, xOff+xmax+itemWidth, y+yOff) ; } graphColor (WHITE) ; /* the grid of spaces */ if (look->dxSpace) for (i = look->dxSpace ; i < xmax ; i += look->dxSpace) { x = i2x(i) - 2.5 ; graphFillRectangle (xOff+x, yOff, xOff+x+2, ymax+yOff+1) ; } if (look->dySpace) for (i = look->dySpace ; i < ymax ; i += look->dySpace) { y = j2y(i) - 1.5 ; graphFillRectangle (xOff, y+yOff, xOff+xmax+itemWidth, y+yOff+1.5) ; } } graphBoxEnd() ; /* GRID_BOX */ graphBoxDraw (GRID_BOX, -1, TRANSPARENT) ; look->crossBox = graphBoxStart() ; if (isSymbolic) { if (isSquashed) { graphLine (-0.9, -0.85, -0.2, -0.25) ; graphLine (-0.9, -0.25, -0.2, -0.85) ; } else { graphLine (-1.0, -0.9, -0.1, -0.2) ; graphLine (-1.0, -0.2, -0.1, -0.9) ; } } graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDraw (look->crossBox, BLACK, TRANSPARENT) ; /* Disable all mouse clicks on the crossbox, we want these clicks to go to */ /* the box below. */ graphBoxSetPick (look->crossBox, FALSE) ; graphBoxSetMenu (look->crossBox, FALSE) ; look->activeBox = 0 ; graphTextBounds((int)xOff + (int)xmax + (int)itemWidth + 4, (int)yOff + (int)ymax + (int)itemHeight + 4) ; graphRedraw() ; return ; } /**********************************/ static void gridDump (void) /* for debugging */ { int i ; SEG *seg ; GRIDMAP *map ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridDump") ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; if (seg->flag) printf (" %8s %3d %3d %4x %2d\n", gName(seg), seg->x, seg->y, seg->flag, seg->mapIndex) ; } for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->map) ; ++i) { map = arrp(look->map, i, GRIDMAP) ; printf (" %6s %f %f\n", name(map->ctg), map->x1, map->x2) ; } } /**********************************/ static void gridSave (void) { OBJ obj ; int i, classe ; KEY key ; TAB *tab ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridSave") ; if (!checkWriteAccess()) return ; if (!*look->probeName || !*look->probeClassName) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "Please type a valid class name and object name into " "the probe boxes and reselect this option." "Do NOT hit 'Return' in the probe name box if you want " "to save the current pattern.") ; return ; } if (!(classe = pickWord2Class (look->probeClassName))) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, %s is not a valid class name - edit it then retry", look->probeClassName) ; return ; } if (!lexword2key (look->probeName, &key, classe)) { if (!messQuery (messprintf (GRID_PREFIX "%s is a new object in class %s - " "should I create it?", look->probeName, pickClass2Word (classe)))) return ; lexaddkey (look->probeName, &key, classe) ; } else if (look->probe && key != look->probe && !messQuery (messprintf (GRID_PREFIX "Probe name or class has been edited - " "save changes in %s:%s?", className(key), name(key)))) return ; look->probe = key ; if (!(obj = bsUpdate (key))) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, object %s is locked", name(key)) ; return ; } /* Create the keys NOW if they do not exist */ checkGridKeys(); /* If the grid has the exclusive tags attribute then we must check to see */ /* if this database has clones that have multiple tags through a previous */ /* edit before the exclusive tag was added. If so we give the user the */ /* option to clean up the tags. */ if (look->exclusiveTags) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->tab) ; ++i) { int j, count ; Array tagsFound ; tab = arrp(look->tab, i, TAB) ; tagsFound = arrayCreate (16, KEY) ; for (j = 0, count = 0 ; j < arrayMax(look->tagValues) ; j++) { STORE_HANDLE scope_handle = handleCreate(); TABLE *result; char *query ; KEY tag ; tag = array(look->tagValues, j, KEY) ; /* Check to see if the clone already has a tag entry for this */ /* probe object. */ query = strnew(messprintf("select c " "from c in object(\"Clone\", \"%s\"), " "to in c->%s " "where to.name = \"%s\" ", look->probeName, name(tag), name(tab->target)), scope_handle); result = aqlTable(query, (ACEOUT)NULL, scope_handle); if (result == NULL) /* this crash may be too harsh, aqlExecute may return NULL * for all sorts of reasons */ messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "embedded AQL query %s failed", query); if (tableMax(result) > 0) { array(tagsFound, count, KEY) = tag ; count++ ; } /* else we may want to report the error in stackText (s, 0) */ handleDestroy(scope_handle); } /* If we found more than one tag for a clone, give the user the */ /* chance to clean it up. (if they say "no" then the tag just gets */ /* added to the existing tags, i.e. non-exclusive) */ if (arrayMax(tagsFound) > 1) { if (messQuery (messprintf (GRID_PREFIX "The probe object \"%s\" has multiple tags " "for the clone \"%s\", " "including \"%s, %s\".... " "Do you want to replace these existing tags with the " "single new \"%s\" tag ? " "(If you say no then this tag will be added to the " "existing tags.)", look->probeName, name(tab->target), name(array(tagsFound, 0, KEY)), name(array(tagsFound, 1, KEY)), name(tab->tag)))) { int k ; for (k = 0 ; k < arrayMax(tagsFound) ; k++) { bsGoto(obj,0) ; if (bsFindKey(obj, array(tagsFound, k, KEY), tab->target)) bsRemove (obj) ; } } } arrayDestroy(tagsFound) ; } } /* OK, add the tags and save the object. */ for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->tab) ; ++i) { tab = arrp(look->tab, i, TAB) ; if (!(tab->flag & FLAG_CHANGED)) continue ; if (!tab->probe) tab->probe = look->probe ; if (tab->probe != look->probe && !messQuery (messprintf (GRID_PREFIX "%s %s comes from probe %s -- " "should it also apply " "to this probe, %s?", name(tab->tag), name(tab->target), name(tab->probe), name(look->probe)))) continue ; if (tab->flag & FLAG_DELETED) { if (bsFindKey (obj, tab->tag, tab->target)) bsRemove (obj) ; } else { if(!bsAddKey(obj, tab->tag, tab->target)) { messerror(GRID_PREFIX "attempt to save tag \"%s\" for clone \"%s\" in probe object \"%s\" failed " "probably because that tag for that clone is already saved " "in the probe.", name(tab->tag), name(tab->target), look->probeName); } else if (strcmp(name(bsType(obj, _bsRight)), "?Grid") == 0) { /* SRK - support for probes on multiple grids for glm */ if(!bsAddKey (obj, _bsRight, look->key)) messerror(GRID_PREFIX "attempt to save tag \"%s\" for clone \"%s\" in probe object \"%s\" " "on an associated grid failed " "probably because that tag for that clone is already saved " "in the probe for that grid.", name(tab->tag), name(tab->target), look->probeName); } } tab->flag &= ~FLAG_CHANGED ; } bsSave(obj) ; look->flag &= ~FLAG_EDITED ; return ; } /**************************/ static BOOL gridgKeyFind (GridDisp look, GKEY gkey, int *pbox) { static GKEY oldKey ; static int ibase, oldBox ; int i ; if (gkey != oldKey || *pbox != oldBox) ibase = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; for (i = ibase ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) if(arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->gkey != 0){ if (arrp(look->segs, i, SEG)->gkey == gkey) { oldKey = gkey ; oldBox = *pbox = i ; ibase = i+1 ; return TRUE ; } } ibase = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; return FALSE ; } /************************/ static void gridComparisonStore (void) { int i ; unsigned short tmp ; KEY keyTmp ; Array aTmp ; SEG *seg ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridComparisonStore") ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) { seg = arrp(look->segs, i, SEG) ; tmp = seg->flagStore ; seg->flagStore = seg->flag ; seg->flag = tmp ; seg->flag |= seg->flagStore & FLAG_PER_KEY ; /* clone info */ } keyTmp = look->probeStore ; look->probeStore = look->probe ; look->probe = keyTmp ; if (keyTmp) strncpy (look->probeName, name(keyTmp), 63) ; else *look->probeName = 0 ; aTmp = look->tabStore ; look->tabStore = look->tab ; look->tab = aTmp ; graphCompScrollEntry (0, look->probeName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; graphEntryDisable () ; gridDraw (look) ; } /***********************************/ static void gridSelectEntry (char* string) { int i ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridSelectEntry") ; for (i = MIN_LIVE_BOX ; i < arrayMax(look->segs) ; ++i) if (!lexstrcmp (string, gName(arrp(look->segs,i,SEG)))) break ; if (i < arrayMax(look->segs)) gridSelect (look, i) ; else messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, I can not find %s on this grid", string) ; } static void gridSelectAction (KEY key) { int box ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridSelectAction") ; if (gridgKeyFind(look, key, &box)) gridSelect (look, box) ; else messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, %s is not on this grid", name(key)) ; displayRepeatBlock () ; } static void gridSelectButton (void) { displayBlock (gridSelectAction, "When you pick an object that exists on this grid\n" "its location will be indicated by a cross.\n" "Remove this message to cancel.") ; } /************************************/ static void gridChangeAction (KEY key) { GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridChangeAction") ; if (!isWriteAccess()) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, you lost write access. Regain it and try again.") ; return ; } if (!look->activeBox) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, there is no current gridded clone (indicated by " "name on the top line and a cross on the diagram) to be " "replaced.") ; return ; } if (class (key) != _VClone) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "Sorry, only clones can be placed on a Grid, and " "%s is not a clone.", name (key)) ; return ; } gridClear () ; /* clear everything */ gridComparisonStore () ; gridClear () ; messout(GRID_PREFIX "This doesn't do anything yet. It is more complicated than " "I thought. Can I have a special kernel function to help?") ; } static void gridChangeClone (void) { GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridChangeClone") ; if (!isWriteAccess()) messout(GRID_PREFIX "You must have write access to change a clone in the grid") ; else if (look->flag & FLAG_VIRTUAL) messout(GRID_PREFIX "You can not edit a virtual grid directly - " "edit the real subgrid") ; else displayBlock (gridChangeAction, "The clone that you pick will replace the current active\n" "clone (indicated by name and a cross on the diagram).\n" "Before doing this the current hybridisation pattern(s) will\n" "be cleared.\n\n" "Remove this message to cancel.") ; } static int gridBoxColour (GridDisp look, int box, BOOL isStore) { int i, bestPrior = -129, col, segFlag ; void *pack; BOOL isPos, okay ; SEG *seg ; Array tabArray ; if (box < MIN_LIVE_BOX || box >= arrayMax(look->segs)) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box out of bounds in grid:gridBoxColour()") ; seg = arrp(look->segs, box, SEG) ; segFlag = isStore ? seg->flagStore : seg->flag ; if (segFlag & FLAG_SELECTED) return MAGENTA ; if ((segFlag & FLAG_POS) && (segFlag & FLAG_NEG)) return RED ; if (!(segFlag & (FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG))) return WHITE ; okay = FALSE ; col = WHITE ; tabArray = isStore ? look->tabStore : look->tab ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(tabArray) ; ++i) { if(seg->gkey != 0) { if (arrp(tabArray,i,TAB)->target == seg->gkey && !(arrp(tabArray,i,TAB)->flag & FLAG_DELETED)) okay = TRUE; } else { if (arrp(tabArray,i,TAB)->targetbox == box && !(arrp(tabArray,i,TAB)->flag & FLAG_DELETED)) okay = TRUE; } if(okay) { okay = FALSE; /* il presumably only go through this if above test is true */ isPos = arrp(tabArray,i,TAB)->flag & FLAG_POS ; if ((assFind (look->tagMap, assVoid(arrp(tabArray,i,TAB)->tag), &pack) || assFind (look->tagMap, assVoid(isPos ? _Positive : _Negative), &pack)) && (GRID_PRIORITY(assInt(pack)) > bestPrior)) { bestPrior = GRID_PRIORITY(assInt(pack)) ; col = isStore ? GRID_SCOLOUR(assInt(pack)) : GRID_COLOUR(assInt(pack)) ; } else if (bestPrior < -128) { col = isPos ? GREEN : LIGHTBLUE ; } } } return col ; } /********************************************/ static void gridReport (GridDisp look, int box) { int i ; SEG *seg ; TAB *tab ; BOOL okay ; if (box < MIN_LIVE_BOX || box >= arrayMax(look->segs)) messcrash(GRID_PREFIX "box out of bounds in gridReport()") ; seg = arrp(look->segs, box, SEG) ; *look->reportBuffer = 0 ; okay = FALSE; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(look->tab) ; ++i) { tab = arrp(look->tab,i,TAB); okay = FALSE; if(seg->gkey != 0) { if(tab->target == seg->gkey) okay = TRUE; } else { if(tab->targetbox == box) okay = TRUE; } if (okay && !(tab->flag & FLAG_DELETED)) { if ((strlen(look->reportBuffer) + strlen(name(tab->tag)) + 4) >= GRID_REPORT_BOX_LEN) { /* this code is bugged...doesn't check that overflow chars are */ /* too long... */ strcat (look->reportBuffer, GRID_REPORT_BOX_OVERFLOW) ; break ; } if (*look->reportBuffer) strcat (look->reportBuffer, " ") ; strcat (look->reportBuffer, name(tab->tag)) ; } } graphBoxDraw (REPORT_BOX, -1, -1) ; return ; } /********************************************/ static void gridExportAdd (OBJ obj, KEY tag, int flag, KEYSET export, KEYSET result) { static Array column = 0 ; register int i, j ; flag |= FLAG_TEMP ; column = arrayReCreate (column, 24, BSunit) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, tag) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, column)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(column) ; i += 2) for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax(export) ; ++j) if (arr(export, j, KEY) == arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k) { arr(result, j, int) |= flag ; break ; } } static void gridExportBuild (KEY key, KEYSET export, Array result) { int i ; OBJ obj ; BOOL isDefNeg = FALSE ; Array column = arrayCreate (24, BSunit) ; if ((obj = bsCreate (key))) { if (bsFindTag (obj, _Contains) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, column)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(column) ; i += 2) gridExportBuild (arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k, export, result) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Grid_data) && bsFlatten (obj, 2, column)) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(column) ; i += 2) gridExportBuild (arr(column, i+1, BSunit).k, export, result) ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Default_negative)) { for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(result) ; ++i) arr(result, i, int) &= ~FLAG_TEMP ; isDefNeg = TRUE ; } gridExportAdd (obj, _Positive, FLAG_POS, export, result) ; gridExportAdd (obj, _Negative, FLAG_NEG, export, result) ; gridExportAdd (obj, _Conflict, FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG, export, result) ; if (isDefNeg) for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(result) ; ++i) if (!(arr(result, i, int) & FLAG_TEMP)) arr(result, i, int) |= FLAG_NEG ; bsDestroy (obj) ; } arrayDestroy (column) ; } static void gridKeySetExportData (void) { static char directory[DIR_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; static char filename[FIL_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; int i, j, n ; KEY key ; OBJ obj ; ACEOUT data_out = NULL ; KEYSET kSet = NULL, exportSet = NULL ; Array result = NULL ; GridDisp look ; look = getGridState("gridExportKeyset") ; if (!keySetActive (&kSet, 0)) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "To export data you must make an active keyset of " "items to export") ; goto end ; } if (!(obj = bsCreate (look->key))) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "Can't find object for grid!") ; goto end ; } if (!bsGetKeyTags (obj, _Export_order, 0)) { messout(GRID_PREFIX "No export order specified in Grid object %s", name(look->key)) ; goto end ; } data_out = aceOutCreateToChooser ("File to write data into", directory, filename, "dat", "w", 0); if (!data_out) goto end ; exportSet = keySetCreate() ; while (bsGetKey (obj, _bsRight, &key)) keySet (exportSet, keySetMax(exportSet)) = key ; n = keySetMax (exportSet) ; result = arrayCreate (n, int) ; array (result, n-1, int) = 0 ; /* set arrayMax() */ for (i = 0 ; i < keySetMax(kSet) ; ++i) { for (j = 0 ; j < n ; ++j) arr(result, j, int) = 0 ; key = keySet(kSet, i) ; gridExportBuild (key, exportSet, result) ; aceOutPrint (data_out, "%-16s ", name(key)) ; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; ++j) arr(result, j, int) &= FLAG_POS | FLAG_NEG ; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; ++j) switch (arr(result, j, int)) { case 0: aceOutPrint (data_out, ".") ; break ; case FLAG_POS: aceOutPrint (data_out, "1") ; break ; case FLAG_NEG: aceOutPrint (data_out, "0") ; break ; case (FLAG_POS|FLAG_NEG): aceOutPrint (data_out, "R") ; break ; } aceOutPrint (data_out, "\n") ; } end: if (exportSet) keySetDestroy (exportSet) ; if (obj) bsDestroy (obj) ; if (data_out) aceOutDestroy (data_out) ; return ; } /************** end of file ****************/