/* File: mapcontrol.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1992 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: package for generic map drawing containing: * columns control * zoom, middle button scroll, locator * findScaleUnits * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Jul 22 16:22 2002 (edgrif) * * Apr 20 12:07 2000 (edgrif): Add column configuration pulldown menus. * * Mar 30 15:45 2000 (edgrif): Added code for "no redraw" option for * column toggling. * * Jun 25 10:03 1999 (edgrif): mapColCopySettings - copies col settings * cumulatively from one map to another. * * Apr 27 13:05 1999 (fw): mapColGetList to get at valid column names * * Apr 27 13:05 1999 (fw): mapColSetByName now case-insensitive * * (mieg) zoom_set_g at least should be part of the map structure * anyway i disable * * Jul 23 14:51 1998 (edgrif): Add fmap.h public header for function defs * removed from map.h * * Dec 24 1997 (rd): made MapColRec local. Must use mapInsertCol(). * * Mar 12 18:29 1995 (rd): added MapColRec2 for dymanic specs * based on priorities, and changed to copy cols, not use * colSwitch. * Created: Wed Nov 18 00:40:35 1992 (rd) * CVS info: $Id: mapcontrol.c,v 1.69 2002/07/23 14:59:34 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "acedb.h" #include "aceio.h" #include "map.h" /* declare opaque LookStruct */ /* to be completed by users of the mapPackage */ #include "fmap.h" /* public fmap function headers */ /* Use this prefix in all mapcontrol error messages. */ #define MAP_PREFIX "MapControl - " #define MAP_NAME_BUFLEN 40 /* buffer size for column title */ /* Main structure for holding state about each column. */ /* N.B. by having an array for the name we can use straight forward array */ /* copies and avoid a lot of string pointer messing about. */ typedef struct _MapColRec { BOOL isOn ; /* Is the column displayed ? */ char name[MAP_NAME_BUFLEN] ; /* String title of column */ MapColDrawFunc func; /* Function for drawing column */ float priority ; /* Position of column on screen */ int box ; /* box number of button for this column. */ } MapColRec ; /************************************************************/ /* public mapPackage globals LOOK OUT.... */ int mapGraphWidth, mapGraphHeight; /* globals, only valid while drawing */ float topMargin, halfGraphHeight ; magic_t MAP2LOOK_ASSOC = "MAP2LOOK" ; /* find LOOK pointer for the map */ /************************************************************/ static MENU mapCreateColumnDropdown(float top, float left_end_offset, float right_end_offset) ; static void mapThumbCalc (MAP map) ; /************************************************************/ static magic_t GRAPH2MAP_ASSOC = "GRAPH2MAP"; /* find the MAP on gActive */ static magic_t MAP_MAGIC = "MAP_MAGIC"; /* verify MAP-pointer */ static BOOL isMagPossible = TRUE ; static MAP selectedMap = 0 ; #define NAME_SPACE 20 static MENUOPT simpleMenu[] = { { graphDestroy, "Quit" }, { help, "Help" }, { 0, 0 } } ; /************************************************************/ MAP currentMap(char *caller) { MAP map; if (!(graphAssFind(&GRAPH2MAP_ASSOC, &map))) messcrash(MAP_PREFIX "%s() could not find MAP on graph.", caller); if (!map) messcrash(MAP_PREFIX "%s() received NULL MAP pointer.", caller); if (map->magic != &MAP_MAGIC) messcrash(MAP_PREFIX "%s() received non-magic MAP pointer.", caller); return map; } /* currentMap */ /******************************/ MAP mapCreate (VoidRoutine draw) { MAP map ; map = (MAP) messalloc (sizeof (struct MapStruct)) ; map->handle = handleCreate (); map->magic = &MAP_MAGIC ; map->draw = draw ; map->drag = NULL; map->cols = arrayHandleCreate(32, MapColRec, map->handle) ; map->preservedCols = NULL ; /* Important that this array is empty otherwise mapDrawColumns will fail. */ map->col_menus = arrayHandleCreate(32, MENU, map->handle) ; map->butPressCol = NULL ; selectedMap = map ; return map ; } /* mapCreate */ void mapAttachToGraph (MAP map) { graphAssociate (&GRAPH2MAP_ASSOC, map) ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DOWN, mapMiddleDown) ; return; } /* mapAttachToGraph */ void uMapDestroy (MAP map) { if (map->magic != &MAP_MAGIC) messcrash(MAP_PREFIX "uMapDestroy received mon-magic MAP pointer"); map->magic = 0 ; graphAssRemove (&GRAPH2MAP_ASSOC) ; handleDestroy (map->handle) ; if (map->preservedCols != NULL) arrayDestroy(map->preservedCols) ; messfree (map); return ; } /* uMapDestroy */ /**********************************************************/ /************* code to manipulate columns. *************/ static int mapColOrder (void *aa, void *bb) { MapColRec *a = (MapColRec*)aa, *b = (MapColRec*)bb ; if (a->priority > b->priority) return 1 ; else if (a->priority < b->priority) return -1 ; else return strcmp (a->name, b->name) ; } /* mapColOrder */ BOOL mapInsertCol (MAP map, float priority, BOOL isOn, char *name, MapColDrawFunc func) { int i ; MapColRec r ; if (!map) return FALSE ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(map->cols) ; ++i) if (strcmp (name, arrp(map->cols, i, MapColRec)->name) == 0) /* there already */ return FALSE ; r.priority = priority ; r.isOn = isOn ; r.name[0] = '\0' ; if (strlen(name) >= MAP_NAME_BUFLEN) messcrash(MAP_PREFIX "internal buffer is too small (%d) to hold the column name \"%s\".", MAP_NAME_BUFLEN, name) ; if (strcpy(r.name, name) == NULL) messcrash(MAP_PREFIX "simple copy of column name \"%s\" failed.", name) ; r.func = func ; arrayInsert (map->cols, &r, mapColOrder) ; return TRUE ; } /* mapInsertCol */ BOOL mapColSetByName (MAP map, char *text, int isOn) { int i ; MapColRec *col ; col = arrp(map->cols,0,MapColRec) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(map->cols) ; ++i, ++col) if (strcasecmp (col->name, text) == 0) { if (isOn == 2) /* toggle */ col->isOn ^= TRUE ; else if (isOn == -1) /* query */ return col->isOn ; else if (isOn) col->isOn = TRUE ; else col->isOn = FALSE ; return TRUE ; } return FALSE ; /* not found */ } /* mapColSetByName */ /* Called from column menu which is displayed when user right clicks over */ /* "Columns" button, toggles on/off the display of individual columns. */ /* */ void mapColToggle (KEY key, int box) { MAP map = currentMap("mapColToggle") ; arr(map->cols,key,MapColRec).isOn ^= TRUE ; /* Record which column was toggled, potentially needed by the draw routine */ /* called after this. */ map->butPressCol = &(arr(map->cols,key,MapColRec)) ; (map->draw)() ; map->butPressCol = NULL ; /* make sure we reset. */ return; } /* mapColToggle */ Array mapColGetList (MAP map, STORE_HANDLE handle) /* return an array of strings containing the names of * columns in the given map, the array and the strings in it * are allocated upon the given handle */ { int i ; MapColRec *col ; Array colList; if (!handle) /* warn so the array and the strings can be cleaned up * on the handle, if people just call arrayDestroy on the * array the strings are left behind, that's why we need the handle */ messcrash(MAP_PREFIX "mapColGetList() received NULL handle, this practise " "may leave memory leaks. Pass in a valid handle..."); colList = arrayHandleCreate(arrayMax(map->cols), char*, handle); col = arrp(map->cols,0,MapColRec) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(map->cols) ; ++i, ++col) { array(colList, arrayMax(colList), char*) = strnew(col->name, handle); } return colList; } /* mapColGetList */ /* Some displays (e.g. fmap) allow the user to keep their selected column */ /* settings while reusing the display, this function copies across the */ /* settings of one map to another. NOTE that this is done cumulatively, so */ /* we incorporate any columns that were recorded as 'preserved' in the map */ /* we are copying settings from. This is important because otherwise the */ /* settings are only as good as the last map displayed, which by chance may */ /* have had very few columns. */ void mapColCopySettings(MAP curr_map, MAP new_map) { int i ; /* Destroy existing settings so they will be completely replaced. */ /* (will only happen if this function is called multiple times for the */ /* same new_map) */ if (new_map->preservedCols != NULL) arrayDestroy(new_map->preservedCols) ; /* If columns have not yet been preserved, copy the current map cols, */ /* otherwise copy the current preserved columns and overlay them with the */ /* current map cols. */ if (curr_map->preservedCols == NULL) { new_map->preservedCols = arrayCopy(curr_map->cols) ; } else { new_map->preservedCols = arrayCopy(curr_map->preservedCols) ; for(i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(curr_map->cols) ; i++) { MapColRec *col = arrp(curr_map->cols, i, MapColRec) ; BOOL found = FALSE ; int j ; for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax(new_map->preservedCols) && found == FALSE ; ++j) { if (strcmp(col->name, arrp(new_map->preservedCols, j, MapColRec)->name) == 0) { found = TRUE ; arrp(new_map->preservedCols, j, MapColRec)->isOn = col->isOn ; } } } } /* Store the preserved settings in the new map columns. */ for(i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(new_map->preservedCols) ; i++) { MapColRec *col = arrp(new_map->preservedCols, i, MapColRec) ; mapColSetByName(new_map, col->name, col->isOn) ; } /* Now add any new columns from the new map to the new preserved settings. */ for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(new_map->cols) ; i++) { MapColRec *col = arrp(new_map->cols, i, MapColRec) ; BOOL found = FALSE ; int j ; for (j = 0 ; j < arrayMax(new_map->preservedCols) && found == FALSE ; ++j) { if (strcmp(col->name, arrp(new_map->preservedCols, j, MapColRec)->name) == 0) found = TRUE ; } if (found == FALSE) arrayInsert(new_map->preservedCols, col, mapColOrder) ; } return ; } /**************************************************************** * Function to build a menu of map-columns of the * map associated with the active graph. This menu * will be attached to the box with the given number * (Taken that we've just drawn a button with that box-number) ****************************************************************/ void mapColMenu (int box) { static Associator cols2options = 0 ; int n; FREEOPT *options ; MAP map = currentMap("mapColMenu") ; if (!cols2options) cols2options = assCreate () ; if (assFind (cols2options, map->cols, &options) && arrayMax(map->cols) == options->key) { graphBoxFreeMenu (box, mapColToggle, options) ; return ; } options = (FREEOPT*) messalloc ((arrayMax(map->cols)+1) * sizeof(FREEOPT)) ; options->key = arrayMax(map->cols) ; options->text = "Columns" ; for (n = 0 ; n < arrayMax(map->cols) ; ++n) { options[n+1].text = arrp(map->cols,n,MapColRec)->name ; options[n+1].key = n ; } graphBoxFreeMenu (box, mapColToggle, options) ; assInsert (cols2options, map->cols, options) ; return; } /* mapColMenu */ /************************************************************/ static void colPick (int i) { int old ; MAP map = currentMap("colPick") ; selectedMap = map ; if (i < 2) return ; old = arrp(map->cols,i-2,MapColRec)->isOn ; /* background and button */ if (old) graphBoxDraw (i, BLACK, WHITE) ; else graphBoxDraw (i, WHITE, BLACK) ; arrp(map->cols,i-2,MapColRec)->isOn = old ? FALSE : TRUE; return; } /* colPick */ /***********************************/ void mapColControl (void) /* menu function */ { int i, c, nx, ny, x, y, box ; MapColRec *col ; char *cp, *cq, old ; MAP map = currentMap("mapColControl") ; col = arrp(map->cols,0,MapColRec) ; graphClear () ; graphButton ("Return to display", map->draw, 5, 1) ; graphText ("Display options:", 1, 3) ; graphFitBounds (&nx, &ny) ; nx /= NAME_SPACE ; if (!nx) nx = 1 ; nx = 1 ; /* mieg hard coded, to get the form of the display fixed */ x = 2 ; y = 4 ; for (c = 0, i = 0 ; c < arrayMax(map->cols) ; ++c, ++col) { box = graphBoxStart() ; cp = cq = col->name ; while (*cq && *cq != ':') cq++ ; old = *cq ; if (old) *cq = 0 ;/* mieg, segmentation fault on solaris */ graphText (cp, x, y) ; graphBoxEnd() ; if (old) *cq = old ; /* mieg, segmentation fault on solaris */ if (old) graphText (cq, x+ strlen(cp) + .4 , y) ; if (col->isOn) graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE) ; else graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, WHITE) ; if ((++i) % nx) /* increment i here */ x += NAME_SPACE ; else { x = 2 ; ++y ; } } graphRegister (PICK, colPick) ; graphMenu (simpleMenu) ; graphRedraw () ; return; } /* mapColControl */ /************************************/ /* Is called by fmapDraw to arrange the drawing of the fmap columns. Also */ /* draws the pulldown column configuration menus for columns that can be */ /* configured. */ /* */ float mapDrawColumns (MAP map) /* topMargin must be set */ { float offset = 0 ; float oldOffset = 0 ; float maxOffset = 0 ; float oldPriority = -1000000 ; MapColRec *col; int i, frameCol, frame = 0 ; LOOK look ; BOOL dropdown_drawn ; /* Destroy the previous column configuration menu, user may have switched */ /* columns off, so we need to rebuild. Note, its only the top level menus */ /* that get destroyed, not the columns individual menus. */ for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(map->col_menus) ; i++) { menuDestroy((MENU)arrp(map->col_menus, i, MENU)) ; } arrayReCreate(map->col_menus, 32, MENU) ; /* Empty the array. */ /* What size is the fmap ? */ graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight) ; halfGraphHeight = 0.5 * (mapGraphHeight - topMargin) ; if (/*!(look = fMapGifLook) &&*/ !graphAssFind (&MAP2LOOK_ASSOC, &look)) messcrash(MAP_PREFIX "mapDrawColumns() - Can't find look for this map.\n" "The programmer may have forgotten to associate " "MAP2LOOK_ASSOC with the look on this graph.") ; selectedMap = map ; mapThumbCalc (map) ; map->cursor.box = 0 ; map->thumb.box = 0 ; map->thumb.x = 0 ; arraySort (map->cols, mapColOrder) ; col = arrp (map->cols, 0, MapColRec) ; frameCol = 0 ; map->isFrame = FALSE ; dropdown_drawn = FALSE ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(map->cols) ; ++i) { /* check start of frame-sensitive region */ if (col[i].isOn && map->fixFrame && !map->isFrame && fmapIsFrameFunc(col[i].func)) { frameCol = i ; map->isFrame = TRUE ; oldPriority = -1000000 ; /* so no overlap */ } /* check end of frame-sensitive region */ if (map->isFrame && fmapIsGeneTranslationFunc(col[i].func)) { if (frameCol && frame < 2) { ++(*map->fixFrame) ; ++frame ; i = frameCol ; /* loop */ } else { *map->fixFrame -= 2 ; /* restore original value */ map->isFrame = FALSE ; } oldPriority = -1000000 ; /* so no overlap */ } /* decide whether or not to overlap */ if (col[i].priority < oldPriority + 0.01001) { offset = oldOffset ; } else { oldOffset = offset ; dropdown_drawn = FALSE ; /* New column position. */ } /* draw the column if its currently turned on. */ if (col[i].isOn) { float drop_begin, drop_end ; MENU col_dropdown ; MENU col_menu ; MENUITEM menu_item; BOOL col_has_menu = FALSE ; map->activeColName = col[i].name ; /* Call the function to do the column drawing. */ /* Note that "offset" before the call is where the column starts, */ /* "offset" after the call has been set to where it ends. */ /* The function will also return a column configuration menu if */ /* it supports configuration. */ col_menu = NULL ; drop_begin = offset ; if (col[i].func) (*col[i].func)(look, &offset, &col_menu) ; drop_end = offset ; /* I think this function should go, or col_menu should be put in */ /* to the mapColRec, as it is we have two ways of checking for menu*/ /* either if col_menu != NULL or by the result of this call...not */ /* good... */ /* I guess we need to ask "fmap" if we are a column that can have */ /* a menu, this is partly because "methods" do not have some kind */ /* of flag to say what type they are. */ col_has_menu = fmapColHasMenu(col[i].func) ; /* We at a new column position, so if we haven't yet drawn a pull- */ /* down and this column has a menu, then create the pulldown. */ /* Note that we must do this AFTER the first column has been */ /* added at this position otherwise we don't know what width to */ /* make the pulldown. */ if (col_has_menu && dropdown_drawn == FALSE) { col_dropdown = array(map->col_menus, arrayMax(map->col_menus), MENU) = mapCreateColumnDropdown(topMargin, drop_begin, drop_end) ; dropdown_drawn = TRUE ; } /* Add the menu returned by the column drawing routine to the pull-*/ /* down menu. */ if (col_has_menu) { menu_item = menuCreateItem(col[i].name, NULL) ; if (!menuSetMenu(menu_item, col_menu) || !menuAddItem(col_dropdown, menu_item, NULL)) messcrash("could not create menu item for column pull down menu, " "column was: %s", col[i].name) ; } if (offset < maxOffset) offset = maxOffset ; else maxOffset = offset ; } oldPriority = col[i].priority ; } return maxOffset; } /* mapDrawColumns */ /********************/ /* Draw the drop down menu at the top of configurable columns. */ /* */ static MENU mapCreateColumnDropdown(float top, float left_end_offset, float right_end_offset) { int menu_box ; float x, y ; int old_colour ; MENU menu; MENUITEM menu_item ; /* Create the menu */ menu = menuCreate("Column configuration"); menu_item = menuCreateItem("", NULL) ; /* Add a spacer. */ menuSetFlags(menu_item, MENUFLAG_SPACER) ; menuAddItem(menu, menu_item, NULL) ; x = left_end_offset ; y = top + 0.2 ; /* draw a shaded area across the width of the column */ old_colour = graphColor(GRAY); graphFillRectangle(x + 0.05, y, right_end_offset - 0.05, y + 1); graphColor(old_colour); /* menu box */ menu_box = graphMenuTriangle (FALSE, x+0.5, y); graphNewBoxMenu (menu_box, menu); graphBoxSetPick (menu_box, FALSE); /* shouldn't be selectable by fMapPick */ return menu ; } /******************************************************/ /************ zoom and display stuff ******************/ void mapWhole (void) /* menu function */ { BOOL isNeg ; MAP map = currentMap("mapWhole") ; selectedMap = map ; graphFitBounds (&mapGraphWidth, &mapGraphHeight) ; halfGraphHeight = 0.5 * (mapGraphHeight - topMargin) ; map->centre = (map->max + map->min) / 2 ; isNeg = (map->mag < 0) ; /* Impenetrable fudge factors....(EG), the "- 5" and the "1.05" just seem */ /* to be hacks to make things come out right.... */ map->mag = (mapGraphHeight - topMargin - 5) / (1.05 * (map->max - map->min)) ; if (isNeg) map->mag = -map->mag ; (map->draw) () ; return; } /* mapWhole */ void mapZoomIn (void) { MAP map = currentMap("mapZoomIn") ; selectedMap = map ; map->mag *= 2 ; (map->draw) () ; return; } /* mapZoomIn */ void mapZoomOut (void) { MAP map = currentMap("mapZoomOut") ; selectedMap = map ; map->mag /= 2 ; (map->draw)() ; return; } /* mapZoomOut */ /*************************************************/ /************* middle button for thumb **********/ static double oldx, oldy, oldDy ; static BOOL dragFast ; static void mapMiddleDrag (double x, double y) { MAP map = currentMap("mapMiddleDrag") ; if(dragFast) { graphXorLine (0, oldy - oldDy, map->thumb.x, oldy - oldDy) ; graphXorLine (0, oldy + oldDy, map->thumb.x, oldy + oldDy) ; } else graphXorLine (map->thumb.x, oldy, 1000, oldy) ; oldy = y ; if(dragFast) { oldDy *= exp ((x - oldx) / 25.) ; oldx = x ; graphXorLine (0, y - oldDy, map->thumb.x, y - oldDy) ; graphXorLine (0, y + oldDy, map->thumb.x, y + oldDy) ; } else { graphXorLine (map->thumb.x, y, 1000, y) ; if (map->drag) (*(map->drag))(y); } return; } /* mapMiddleDrag */ /**************/ void mapNoMag (void) { isMagPossible = FALSE ; } /**************/ static void mapMiddleUp (double x, double y) { float x1,x2,y1,y2 ; MAP map = currentMap("mapMiddleUp") ; if (dragFast) { graphBoxDim (map->thumb.box, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; if (isMagPossible) map->mag *= (y2 - y1) / (2. * oldDy) ; map->centre = WHOLE2MAP(map, y) ; } else map->centre = GRAPH2MAP(map,y) ; (map->draw)() ; return; } /* mapMiddleUp */ void mapMiddleDown (double x, double y) { float x1,x2,y1,y2 ; MAP map = currentMap("mapMiddleDown") ; selectedMap = map ; if (map->thumb.box) { graphBoxDim (map->thumb.box, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; oldDy = (y2 - y1) / 2. ; } else oldDy = 0; dragFast = (oldDy && x < map->thumb.x) ; /* thumb->box == 0 if locator not shown */ if (dragFast) { graphXorLine (0, y - oldDy, map->thumb.x, y - oldDy) ; graphXorLine (0, y + oldDy, map->thumb.x, y + oldDy) ; } else graphXorLine (map->thumb.x, y, 1000, y) ; oldx = x ; oldy = y ; graphRegister (MIDDLE_DRAG, mapMiddleDrag) ; /* must redo */ graphRegister (MIDDLE_UP, mapMiddleUp) ; return; } /* mapMiddleDown */ /****************************************************/ /********************** scale ***********************/ void mapFindScaleUnit (MAP map, float *u, float *sub) { float cutoff = 5 / map->mag ; float unit = *u ; float subunit = *u ; if (cutoff < 0) cutoff = -cutoff ; while (unit < cutoff) { unit *= 2 ; subunit *= 5 ; if (unit >= cutoff) break ; unit *= 2.5000001 ; /* safe rounding */ if (unit >= cutoff) break ; unit *= 2 ; subunit *= 2 ; } subunit /= 10 ; if (subunit > *sub) *sub = subunit ; *u = unit ; return; } /* mapFindScaleUnit */ /***********************************************/ /************** whole map locator **************/ static void mapThumbCalc (MAP map) /* sets up whole transformation */ { float y0, yn; float delta = map->max - map->min ; y0 = 3 + topMargin ; yn = mapGraphHeight - 3 ; if (delta == 0) delta = 1 ; if (map->mag < 0) { map->thumb.offset = map->max ; map->thumb.fac = (y0 - yn) / delta ; } else { map->thumb.offset = map->min ; map->thumb.fac = (yn - y0) / delta ; } #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE /* I've put this back....ugh... */ map->thumb.halfwidth = 0.5 * map->thumb.fac * (mapGraphHeight-topMargin) / map->mag ; #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ /* This is still not right, the half width ends up being too small by a */ /* fraction, I think some of the above can be rationalised. */ map->thumb.halfwidth = 0.5 * map->thumb.fac * (yn - y0) / map->mag ; map->thumb.x = 0 ; /* ?????? */ return; } /* mapThumbCalc */ /*******************************/ void mapThumbDrag (float *x, float *y, BOOL isDone) { static float oldX, oldy ; static BOOL isDragging = FALSE ; static BOOL isDragged ; float top, bottom ; MAP map = currentMap("scaleBoxDrag") ; if (isDragging) { *x = oldX ; /* fix x */ if (oldy + 1 < *y || oldy - 1 > *y) /* dragging occured */ isDragged = TRUE ; } else { oldX = *x ; oldy = *y ; isDragging = TRUE ; isDragged = FALSE ; } /* stop the user pulling the thumb bar out of the extent */ top = MAP2WHOLE(map, map->min); bottom = MAP2WHOLE(map, map->max); if (map->thumb.fac < 0 ) { float tmp = bottom; bottom = top; top = tmp; } if (*y < top) *y = top; if ((*y + 2 * map->thumb.halfwidth) > bottom) *y = bottom - 2 * map->thumb.halfwidth; if (isDone) { isDragging = FALSE ; if (isDragged) map->centre = WHOLE2MAP(map, *y + map->thumb.halfwidth); /* else used centre reregistered in mapLocatorPick */ (*map->draw)() ; } return; } /* mapThumbDrag */ /* look not used but kept because this is a column display */ /* This is of type MapColDrawFunc */ /* */ void mapShowLocator(LOOK look_unused, float *offset, MENU *menu_unused) { MAP map = currentMap("mapShowLocator") ; float t, b, y, y1, y2 ; Array aa = 0 ; int box, i ; *offset += 1.5 ; y = MAP2WHOLE(map, map->centre) ; /* now the full black rectangle also in the background */ t = GRAPH2MAP(map, topMargin + 1) ; t = MAP2WHOLE (map, t) ; if (t < topMargin + .2) t = topMargin + .2 ; b = GRAPH2MAP(map, mapGraphHeight-1) ; b = MAP2WHOLE (map, b) ; if (b > mapGraphHeight) b = mapGraphHeight ; /* having a box around the fillrect is needed to see it on the web display, at least for a sequence display not sure why */ box = graphBoxStart() ; graphFillRectangle (*offset - 0.15, t, *offset + 0.15, b) ; /* graphFillRectangle (*offset - 0.25, MAP2WHOLE(map, map->min), *offset + 0.25, MAP2WHOLE(map, map->max)) ; */ graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxInfo(box, 0, "Scroll Bar") ; /* now a left mouse pickable box, for direct action, usable under netscape */ box = graphBoxStart () ; graphLine (*offset, t, *offset, b) ; /* insures correct size of pickable box */ aa = arrayCreate (8, float) ; i = 0 ; y1 = topMargin + 1. ; y2 = topMargin + 2. ; if (y1 < t ) { graphColor (GREEN) ; array (aa, i++, float) = *offset ; array (aa, i++, float) = y1 ; array (aa, i++, float) = *offset + .5 ; array (aa, i++, float) = y2 ; array (aa, i++, float) = *offset - .5 ; array (aa, i++, float) = y2 ; array (aa, i++, float) = *offset ; array (aa, i++, float) = y1 ; graphPolygon (aa) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphLine (*offset, t, *offset, y2) ; } arrayDestroy (aa) ; aa = arrayCreate (8, float) ; y1 = mapGraphHeight - 1. ; y2 = mapGraphHeight - 2. ; i = 0 ; if (y1 > b ) { graphColor (GREEN) ; array (aa, i++, float) = *offset ; array (aa, i++, float) = y1 ; array (aa, i++, float) = *offset + .5 ; array (aa, i++, float) = y2 ; array (aa, i++, float) = *offset - .5 ; array (aa, i++, float) = y2 ; array (aa, i++, float) = *offset ; array (aa, i++, float) = y1 ; graphPolygon (aa) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphLine (*offset, b, *offset, y2) ; } arrayDestroy (aa) ; graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw (box, BLACK, WHITE) ; graphBoxSetPick (box, FALSE); /* now the box-dragable thumb box */ map->thumb.x = *offset; map->thumb.box = graphBoxStart(); t = y - map->thumb.halfwidth; b = y + map->thumb.halfwidth; if (t < topMargin) t = topMargin; if (b > mapGraphHeight) b = mapGraphHeight; if (b > topMargin && t < mapGraphHeight) graphRectangle (*offset - 0.5, t, *offset + 0.5, b) ; graphBoxEnd(); graphBoxDraw (map->thumb.box, DARKGREEN, GREEN); *offset += 1 ; return; } /* mapShowLocator */ /*********************************************/ /***************** cursor ********************/ void mapCursorCreate (MAP map, float unit, float x0) { map->cursor.unit = unit ; map->cursor.val = x0 / unit ; return; } /* mapCursorCreate */ void mapCursorSet (MAP map, float x) { if (x > 0) map->cursor.val = 0.5 + x / map->cursor.unit ; else map->cursor.val = -0.5 + x / map->cursor.unit ; mapCursorShift (map) ; return; } /* mapCursorSet */ static float yCursor ; void mapCursorDraw (MAP map, float x) { float z = mapCursorPos(map) ; float y = MAP2GRAPH(map, z) ; /* Jean - your x here was a bug */ if (map->flip) z = - z ; if (map->cursor.unit < .011) strcpy (map->cursor.text, messprintf ("%.2f",z)) ; else strcpy (map->cursor.text, messprintf ("%.0f",z)) ; map->cursor.box = graphBoxStart() ; graphLine (map->thumb.x, y, 1000, y) ; map->cursor.pickBox = graphBoxStart() ; graphColor (LIGHTGREEN) ; graphFillRectangle (x+0.5, y-0.5, x+2.5+strlen(map->cursor.text), y+0.5) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; graphTextPtr (map->cursor.text, x+0.5, y-0.5, strlen(map->cursor.text)) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxSetPick (map->cursor.box, FALSE) ; /* only pick on .pickBox */ graphBoxDraw (map->cursor.box, BLACK, TRANSPARENT) ; yCursor = y ; return; } /* mapCursorDraw */ void mapCursorShift (MAP map) { float x1, x2, y1, y2, z = mapCursorPos(map) ; if (!map->cursor.box) return ; graphBoxDim (map->cursor.box, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) ; if (map->flip) z = - z ; if (map->cursor.unit < .011) strcpy (map->cursor.text, messprintf ("%.2f",z)) ; else strcpy (map->cursor.text, messprintf ("%.0f",z)) ; y1 = MAP2GRAPH(map, mapCursorPos(map)) ; graphBoxShift (map->cursor.box, x1, y1-0.5) ; yCursor = y1 ; return; } /* mapCursorShift */ void mapCursorDrag (float *x, float *y, BOOL isDone) { static float oldX ; static BOOL isDragging = FALSE ; if (isDragging) *x = oldX ; else { oldX = *x ; isDragging = TRUE ; } if (isDone) { float newpos ; MAP map = currentMap("mapCursorDrag") ; newpos = GRAPH2MAP(map, *y+0.5) ; mapCursorSet (map, newpos) ; isDragging = FALSE ; } return; } /* mapCursorDrag */ /***************************************************/ /* look not used but kept because this is a column display */ /* This is of type MapColDrawFunc */ /* */ void mapShowScale(LOOK generic_look, float *offset, MENU *menu_unused) { FeatureMap look = (FeatureMap)generic_look ; float unit = 0.01 ; float subunit = 0.001 ; float x, xx, y ; int resolution = 0, max = 0 ; char *cp = 0 ; MAP map = currentMap("mapShowScale") ; mapFindScaleUnit (map, &unit, &subunit) ; if (unit >= 1) resolution = 0 ; else if (unit >= .1) resolution = 1 ; else if (unit >= .01) resolution = 2 ; else if (unit >= .001) resolution = 3 ; x = GRAPH2MAP(map, topMargin+1) ; x = unit * (((x>=0)?1:0) + (int)(x/unit)) ; while ((y = MAP2GRAPH(map, x)) < mapGraphHeight - 1) { graphLine (*offset+0.5,y,*offset+1.5,y) ; xx = map->flip ? -x : x ; cp = messprintf ("%-4.*f", resolution, xx) ; graphText (cp, *offset+2, y-0.5) ; if (strlen(cp) > max) max = strlen(cp) ; x += unit ; } x = GRAPH2MAP(map, topMargin+1) ; x = subunit * (((x>=0)?1:0) + (int)(x/subunit)) ; while ((y = MAP2GRAPH(map, x)) < mapGraphHeight - 1) { graphLine(*offset+1.0, y, *offset+1.5, y) ; x += subunit ; } graphLine(*offset+1.5, topMargin+1, *offset+1.5, mapGraphHeight - 1.5 ) ; #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE /* I'd like to use look->max but its private to fmap, there would need to */ /* be some sort of interface to get top/bot information set....it's a */ /* bit of a mess. */ *offset+1.5, MAP2GRAPH(look->map, look->max)) ; #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ if (map->thumb.x) { graphLine (map->thumb.x, MAP2WHOLE(map, map->centre) - map->thumb.halfwidth, *offset+1.5, topMargin+1) ; graphLine (map->thumb.x, MAP2WHOLE(map, map->centre) + map->thumb.halfwidth, *offset+1.5, mapGraphHeight-0.5) ; } mapCursorDraw (map, *offset) ; *offset += 2 + max ; return; } /* mapShowScale */ /*************** mapPrint stuff back from the graphPackage **************/ /* Called as a menu function from at least fmap and probably other displays. */ void mapPrint (void) { float min, max, tmp, oldCentre, oldMag ; int origin = 0, nx = 1, ny, imin, imax ; void *fMapLook = 0 ; MAP map = currentMap("mapPrint") ; ACEIN zone_in; selectedMap = map ; graphFitBounds (&nx, &ny) ; oldCentre = map->centre ; oldMag = map->mag ; if (/*!(fMapLook = fMapGifLook) &&*/ !graphAssFind (&MAP2LOOK_ASSOC, &fMapLook) && fMapFindZone(fMapLook, &imin, &imax, &origin)) { min = imin ; max = imax ; } else { min = map->min ; max = map->max ; origin = 0 ; } /* convert to user visible coords */ if (map->mag < 0) { tmp = min ; min = map->max - max + 1 - origin ; max = map->max - min - origin ; } else { min -= origin - 1 ; max -= origin ; } /* ask for bounds */ #ifdef WORM if (!(zone_in = messPrompt("Give nx, mag, min, max", messprintf("%d %.2f %.2f %.2f", nx, mag, min, max), "ifffz", 0))) return ; aceInInt (zone_in, &nx) ; aceInFloat (zone_in, &map->mag) ; #else if (!(zone_in = messPrompt("Please state the zone you wish to print", messprintf("%g %g", min, max), "ffz", 0))) return ; #endif aceInFloat (zone_in, &min) ; aceInFloat (zone_in, &max) ; aceInDestroy (zone_in); if (min >= max) { map->mag = oldMag ; return ; } /* convert back */ if (map->mag < 0) { tmp = min ; min = map->max - origin - max ; max = map->max - origin - tmp + 1 ; } else { min += origin - 1 ; max += origin ; } if (min < map->min) min = map->min ; if (max > map->max) max = map->max ; map->centre = (max + min) / 2 ; graphBoundsPrint (nx + 0.2, 1.05 * (max - min) * (map->mag > 0 ? map->mag : - map->mag) + topMargin + 5, map->draw) ; map->centre = oldCentre ; map->mag = oldMag ; (map->draw)() ; return; } /* mapPrint */ /***************************************************************/ /************ code to draw buttons at bottom of page ***********/ /* Called when a column button is clicked at the bottom of the map to turn */ /* on/off a column. */ /* */ static void mapFlipButton (void *arg) { MapColRec *col = (MapColRec*)arg ; MAP map = currentMap("mapFlipButton") ; col->isOn = !col->isOn ; /* Record which column was toggled, potentially needed by the draw routine */ /* called after this. */ map->butPressCol = col ; (map->draw)() ; map->butPressCol = NULL ; /* make sure we reset. */ return; } /* mapFlipButton */ /* Return whether last user action was toggling a column on/off, whether */ /* from the columns menu, or from the columns buttons at the bottom of the */ /* fmap. */ /* Should only be called from fmaps redraw function, not a great interface, */ /* but this function does not justify a more generalised interface. */ /* */ /* mapFlipButton() & mapColToggle() set map->butPressCol then call fmap draw,*/ /* then reset map->butPressCol */ BOOL mapColButPressed(MAP map) { BOOL result ; if (map->butPressCol == NULL) result = FALSE ; else result = TRUE ; return(result) ; } /* Can be called by fmap to get the column button that was last clicked to */ /* be redrawn. This is done when we don't want to redraw the whole of fmap */ /* for each button click to turn a column on/off. */ void mapRedrawColBut(MAP map) { int bg ; if (map->butPressCol != NULL) { bg = map->butPressCol->isOn ? LIGHTGRAY : WHITE ; graphBoxDraw(map->butPressCol->box, BLACK, bg) ; } return ; } int mapDrawColumnButtons (MAP map) { int i ; int box ; float h ; MapColRec *col ; COLOUROPT *buttons ; int first_box_num; /* use ColouredButtons to get background and to pass arg = MapColRec pointer */ buttons = (COLOUROPT*) messalloc (sizeof(COLOUROPT)*(arrayMax(map->cols)+1)) ; for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(map->cols) ; ++i) { col = arrp(map->cols, i, MapColRec) ; buttons[i].text = col->name ; buttons[i].arg = col ; buttons[i].f = mapFlipButton ; buttons[i].fg = BLACK ; buttons[i].bg = col->isOn ? LIGHTGRAY : WHITE ; } /* draw dummy version off screen to find height */ box = graphBoxStart () ; graphColouredButtons (buttons, -1000, 0, -1000 + mapGraphWidth) ; graphBoxEnd () ; graphBoxDim (box,0,0,0,&h) ; if (h >= mapGraphHeight) { messout ("Sorry, window not tall enough to show column buttons") ; return 0; /* box 0 is impossible BoxNo for button */ } /* white out background */ graphColor (WHITE) ; graphFillRectangle (0, mapGraphHeight-h, mapGraphWidth+1, mapGraphHeight+1) ; graphColor (BLACK) ; first_box_num = graphColouredButtons (buttons, 0, mapGraphHeight-h, mapGraphWidth) ; /* Record the box number of each column button. */ for (i = 0 ; i < arrayMax(map->cols) ; i++) { arrp(map->cols, i, MapColRec)->box = i + first_box_num ; } return first_box_num; } /* mapDrawColumnButtons */ /************** end of file ***********/ #ifdef CODE_NEVER_USED BOOL mapActive(KEYSET *setp, void** mapp) { if (selectedMap && selectedMap->magic == &MAP_MAGIC && selectedMap->activeSet) { if (setp) *setp = selectedMap->activeSet (selectedMap->look) ; if (mapp) *mapp = selectedMap ; return TRUE ; } selectedMap = 0 ; if (setp) *setp = 0 ; if (mapp) *mapp = 0 ; return FALSE ; } #endif /* CODE_NEVER_USED */ /***************************************/