/* File: method.c * Author: Richard Durbin (rd@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1994 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: generic methods for sequence displays * Exported functions: * HISTORY: * Last edited: Nov 12 10:21 2002 (edgrif) * * Jun 24 13:37 1998 (edgrif): Fixed initialisation bug in methodInitialise, * isDone was not being set. Made methodInitialise an internal routine. * Inserted missing call to methodInitialise in method routine. * Created: Wed Jun 1 15:05:00 1994 (rd) * CVS info: $Id: method.c,v 1.30 2002/11/12 10:36:29 edgrif Exp $ *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /****** global information array *******/ Array methodInfo = 0 ; /****** keys used here - do they need to be global? *****/ static KEY _CDS_colour ; static KEY _Width ; static KEY _Frame_sensitive ; static KEY _Strand_sensitive ; static KEY _Show_up_strand ; static KEY _Blastn ; static KEY _Blixem ; static KEY _Blixem_X ; static KEY _Blixem_N ; static KEY _Blixem_P ; static KEY _Belvu ; static KEY _Bumpable ; static KEY _Cluster ; static KEY _Score_bounds ; static KEY _Score_by_offset ; static KEY _Score_by_width ; static KEY _Score_by_histogram ; static KEY _Percent ; static KEY _Right_priority ; static KEY _EMBL_dump ; static KEY _Show_text; static KEY _No_display ; static KEY _Min_mag; static KEY _Max_mag; static KEY _Gapped; static KEY _Join_blocks ; /* Internal routines. */ static magic_t METHOD_MAGIC = "METHOD"; static void methodInitialise (void) ; static METHOD *methodCreate (KEY methodKey, char *methodName, STORE_HANDLE handle); static void methodFinalise (void *block); static void methodInitFromObj (METHOD *meth, OBJ obj); static int methodSaveToObj (METHOD *meth, OBJ obj); /****************************************************************** ************************* public functions *********************** ******************************************************************/ /* methodAdd () * General routine to handle cached information on methods in methodInfo * Will always ensure METHOD *method(method) exists * * Return values: * 0 if previously DONE * 1 if new and not in database (set to defaults) * 2 if new and read from database */ int methodAdd (KEY methodKey) /* old code to be removed soon */ { METHOD *meth; OBJ obj ; char *text; KEY k; methodInitialise() ; /* Make sure we are initialised. */ methodKey = lexAliasOf(methodKey); /* use canonical key */ if (class(methodKey) != _VMethod) messcrash ("methodAdd() - methodKey not in class 'Method'"); if (!methodInfo) /* create cache structure */ methodInfo = arrayCreate (lexMax(_VMethod), METHOD*) ; if (!(meth = array (methodInfo, KEYKEY(methodKey), METHOD*))) { meth = (METHOD*) messalloc (sizeof(METHOD)) ; array (methodInfo, KEYKEY(methodKey), METHOD*) = meth; } if (meth->flags & METHOD_DONE) return 0 ; if (!(obj = bsCreate (methodKey))) return 1 ; /* reset to defaults */ meth->flags &= ~METHOD_CALCULATED ;/* unset flag */ meth->flags |= METHOD_DONE ; /* set flag */ meth->no_display = FALSE ; meth->colour = 0 ; meth->CDS_colour = 0 ; meth->upStrandColour = 0 ; meth->width = 0.0 ; meth->symbol = '\0' ; meth->priority = 0.0 ; meth->minScore = meth->maxScore = 0.0 ; meth->key = methodKey; if (bsGetKeyTags (obj, _Colour, &k)) meth->colour = k - _WHITE ; /* colour-tag to colour-enum */ if (bsGetKeyTags(obj, _CDS_colour, &k)) meth->CDS_colour = k - _WHITE ; /* colour-tag to colour-enum */ bsGetData (obj, _Width, _Float, &meth->width) ; bsGetData (obj, _Right_priority, _Float, &meth->priority) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _Symbol, _Text, &text)) meth->symbol = *text; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Frame_sensitive)) meth->flags |= METHOD_FRAME_SENSITIVE ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Strand_sensitive)) meth->flags |= METHOD_STRAND_SENSITIVE ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Show_up_strand)) { meth->flags |= METHOD_SHOW_UP_STRAND ; if (bsGetKeyTags(obj, _Show_up_strand, &k)) meth->upStrandColour = k - _WHITE ; /* colour-tag to colour-enum */ } if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blastn)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BLASTN ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blixem_X)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BLIXEM_X ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blixem_N)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BLIXEM_N ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blixem_P)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BLIXEM_P ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Belvu)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BELVU ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Bumpable)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BUMPABLE ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Cluster)) meth->flags |= METHOD_CLUSTER ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _EMBL_dump)) meth->flags |= METHOD_EMBL_DUMP ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Percent)) { meth->flags |= METHOD_PERCENT ; meth->minScore = 25 ; /* so actual display is linear */ meth->maxScore = 100 ; /* can override explicitly */ } if (bsGetData (obj, _Score_bounds, _Float, &meth->minScore) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &meth->maxScore)) { if (bsFindTag (obj, _Score_by_offset)) meth->flags |= METHOD_SCORE_BY_OFFSET ; else if (bsFindTag (obj, _Score_by_width)) meth->flags |= METHOD_SCORE_BY_WIDTH ; else if (bsFindTag (obj, _Score_by_histogram)) { meth->flags |= METHOD_SCORE_BY_HIST ; meth->histBase = meth->minScore ; bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &meth->histBase) ; } } if (bsFindTag (obj, _Show_text)) meth->isShowText = TRUE; else meth->isShowText = FALSE; if (bsFindTag(obj, _No_display)) meth->no_display = TRUE; else meth->no_display = FALSE; meth->minMag = 0; bsGetData (obj, _Min_mag, _Float, &meth->minMag) ; meth->maxMag = 0; bsGetData (obj, _Max_mag, _Float, &meth->maxMag) ; bsDestroy (obj) ; return 2 ; } /* methodAdd */ METHOD *method (KEY methodKey) /* old code to be removed soon */ { METHOD *meth = 0; methodInitialise() ; /* Make sure we are initialised. */ methodKey = lexAliasOf(methodKey) ; if (methodKey && (!methodInfo || KEYKEY(methodKey) >= arrayMax(methodInfo) || !(meth = arr(methodInfo, KEYKEY(methodKey), METHOD *)))) { methodAdd (methodKey) ; meth = arr(methodInfo, KEYKEY(methodKey), METHOD *) ; } /* !! WARNING: Can be NULL !! */ return meth ; } /* method */ #ifdef ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE /* I CAN'T FIND ANYWHERE WHERE THIS IS CALLED, SO LETS EXCLUDE IT... ED_G */ void methodSet (char *name, int col, unsigned int flags, float priority, float width, char symbol, float min, float max) /* old code to be removed soon */ { KEY key ; METHOD *meth ; methodInitialise() ; /* Make sure we are initialised. */ lexaddkey (name, &key, _VMethod) ; if (methodAdd (key) == 1) /* only set here if not in database */ { /* made in methodAdd */ meth = arr (methodInfo, KEYKEY(key), METHOD*) ; meth->flags = flags; meth->colour = col ; meth->priority = priority ; meth->width = width ; meth->symbol = symbol ; meth->minScore = min ; meth->maxScore = max ; } return ; } /* methodSet */ #endif /* ED_G_NEVER_INCLUDE_THIS_CODE */ BOOL methodExists (METHOD *meth) /* Determine whether the METHOD* pointer is valid * NOTE: every method is somehow represented * by a database object and therefore * has a KEY in class Method * RETURNS * TRUE if a valid non-NULL pointer * otherwise FALSE * * public function - user-code wants to verify pointers too. */ { if (meth && meth->magic == &METHOD_MAGIC && meth->key != 0 && class(meth->key) == _VMethod && meth->name != NULL) /* we could also check that name(meth->key) .eq. meth->name */ return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* methodExists */ /************************************************************/ METHOD *methodCreateFromObj (KEY methodKey, STORE_HANDLE handle) /* Loads the method of a given KEY into the struct, * if the obj is in the database. * all the fields are set according to the tags/values * It is made sure that meth->key will be set. * RETURNS: * the new struct (alloc'd on handle) * OR * NULL if the object doesn't exist in the DB. */ { METHOD *meth = NULL; OBJ obj; methodKey = lexAliasOf(methodKey); /* use canonical key */ if ((obj = bsCreate (methodKey))) /* will fail if methodKey is an empty object */ { meth = methodCreate (methodKey, name(methodKey), handle); methodInitFromObj (meth, obj); bsDestroy (obj) ; } else if (iskey(methodKey) == 1) /* object with methodKey exists, but empty */ { /* all other code assumes that we can make a METHOD-struct * if the key is valid, so we have to return at least * an empty initialised struct */ meth = methodCreate (methodKey, name(methodKey), handle); } if (meth && !methodExists(meth)) messcrash("methodCreateFromObj() - created struct that is invalid, " "check methodCreate() and methodExists()"); return meth; } /* methodCreateFromObj */ /************************************************************/ METHOD *methodCreateFromDef (char *methodName, char *aceText, STORE_HANDLE handle) /* Tries to find the Method of the given name in * the database. If it doesn't exist, the piece of ace-file * is prepended with the method-name and parsed into the * database, which will create the object. * In either case we can then create the METHOD from the object * on the given handle (see methodCreateFromObj) * RETURNS: * the METHOD struct as created from the object, whether * the object had to be created or was already in the database. * That struct pointer is NEVER NULL! * NOTE: * in the worst case where the object didn't exist and aceText * is an empty string, the struct will be totally uninitialised. */ { KEY methodKey; KEYSET parsedKeySet; METHOD *meth; /* no methodInitialise, couldn't get past the assertions without it */ if (!methodName || strlen(methodName) == 0) messcrash("methodCreateFromDef() - NULL or empty methodName"); if (!aceText) messcrash("methodCreateFromDef() - aceText == NULL"); /* try to get the KEY */ if (!lexword2key (methodName, &methodKey, _VMethod)) { char *parse_string ; parse_string = hprintf(0, "Method : %s\n%s", methodName, aceText) ; /* object doesn't exist yet - make the object * in the database and initialsie using the ace-file * snippet given as a string */ parsedKeySet = keySetCreate(); parseBufferInternal(parse_string, parsedKeySet, FALSE); if (keySetMax(parsedKeySet) != 1) messcrash("methodCreateFromDef() - parsed > 1 object"); keySetDestroy(parsedKeySet); /* now get the new KEY after we've parsed */ if (!lexword2key (methodName, &methodKey, _VMethod)) messcrash ("methodCreateFromDef() - parsing didn't make KEY"); messfree(parse_string) ; } /* at this point methodKey is guaranteed to be correct */ meth = methodCreateFromObj (methodKey, handle); if (!meth) messcrash("methodCreateFromDef() - couldn't create METHOD from obj"); /* we have guaranteed now that we never return NULL */ return meth; } /* methodCreateFromDef */ /************************************************************/ void methodDestroy (METHOD *meth) { /* just a stub to call messfree, to initiate the finalisation */ messfree (meth); } /* methodDestroy */ /************************************************************/ BOOL methodSave (METHOD *meth) /* Writes all the data contained in (meth) to an object * meth->key which is in class Method. * All data in an existing object will be overwritten. * RETURNS: * TRUE if we could save the data. * FALSE if we couldn't open the object for update. */ { OBJ obj; int num_errors; /* no methodInitialise, couldn't get past the assertions without it */ if (!methodExists(meth)) messcrash ("methodSave() - received bad meth pointer"); if (!(obj = bsUpdate (meth->key))) /* object may be blocked etc. */ /* I'm not sure whether we should insist on write access */ { messerror ("Failed to update object Method:%s", meth->name); return FALSE; } num_errors = methodSaveToObj (meth, obj); bsSave (obj); if (num_errors > 0) messerror ("%d errors occurred whilst updating object Method:%s", num_errors, name (meth->key)); return TRUE; } /* methodSave */ /**********************************************************/ char *methodGetDiff (METHOD *meth, STORE_HANDLE handle) /* When method structs have been changed in memory * we want to kep track of those changes without * changing their respective database objects. * That would create too many versions of similar Method objs. * instead we want to store a diff of the struct versus its * DB-object. * RETURNS: * A string (allocated upon handle) which describes an ace-diff * between the corresponding actual DB object and the struct, * in the way that if the string was parsed for that object, * it would create an object, which correspeonds exactly to the * given METHOD struct. */ { /* We'll need a new function for this (rd) * char *bsDiff (OBJ src, OBJ dest, STORE_HANDLE handle) * which will output an ace-diff that if applied to 'src' would * result in 'dest'. * Therefore methodGetDiff() would create a temporary object * from the given METHOD struct 'meth' which always has the same * name (probably using unprintable characters). That OBJ * would become 'dest' and we would bsCreate the original * object (from meth->key) to get the OBJ 'src'. * Then we can bsDestroy(src) and bsKill(dest) * and return the string we got from bsDiff(). * This string would be stored under a ?Text tag in the ?View * class together with the ?Method key of the method * so the fmap can re-load METHODs from those view's and recreate * the original METHOD struct at the ime of saving the View. */ /* XXXXXXXXX stub XXXXXXXXX */ return strnew("", handle); } /* methodGetDiff */ /************************************************************/ METHOD *methodCopy (METHOD *meth, char *aceDiff, STORE_HANDLE handle) /* makes a new METHDO struct from an old one, and applies * the diff in the process. if aceDiff is NULL, this * function just acts like a copy. * if aceDiff contains some ace-file directives they'll be * applied to the new struct before returning. * RETURNS: * the copied method struct (alloc'd on the handle) */ { METHOD *new_meth; OBJ obj; if (!methodExists(meth)) messcrash("methodCopy - received in valid meth struct"); new_meth = methodCreate (meth->key, meth->name, handle); new_meth->remark = strnew(meth->remark, 0); new_meth->flags = meth->flags; new_meth->colour = meth->colour; new_meth->CDS_colour = meth->CDS_colour; new_meth->upStrandColour = meth->upStrandColour; new_meth->minScore = meth->minScore; new_meth->maxScore = meth->maxScore; new_meth->minMag = meth->minMag; new_meth->maxMag = meth->maxMag; new_meth->width = meth->width; new_meth->symbol = meth->symbol; new_meth->priority = meth->priority; new_meth->histBase = meth->histBase; new_meth->isShowText = meth->isShowText ; new_meth->no_display = meth->no_display ; if (aceDiff && strlen(aceDiff) > 0 && (obj = bsCreateCopy (new_meth->key))) { methodSaveToObj (new_meth, obj); /* bsApplyDiff (obj, aceDiff); */ methodInitFromObj (new_meth, obj); bsDestroy(obj); } return new_meth; } /* methodCopy */ /****************************************************************** ************************ private functions *********************** ******************************************************************/ static void methodInitialise (void) /* This is an internal routine, code using the method package does * not need to worry about initialisation, all interface routines * call this routine to make sure the package is initialised. * However, some routine don't need to call this because * the entry conditions (messcrash assertions) couldn't * be TRUE without having called a function that calls * the initialisation anyway. */ { static int isDone = FALSE ; if (isDone == FALSE) { lexaddkey ("CDS_colour", &_CDS_colour, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Width", &_Width, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Frame_sensitive", &_Frame_sensitive, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Strand_sensitive", &_Strand_sensitive, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Show_up_strand", &_Show_up_strand, 0) ; /* mieg */ lexaddkey ("Blastn", &_Blastn, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Blixem", &_Blixem, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Blixem_X", &_Blixem_X, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Blixem_N", &_Blixem_N, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Blixem_P", &_Blixem_P, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Belvu", &_Belvu, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Bumpable", &_Bumpable, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Cluster", &_Cluster, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Score_bounds", &_Score_bounds, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Score_by_offset", &_Score_by_offset, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Score_by_width", &_Score_by_width, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Score_by_histogram", &_Score_by_histogram, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Percent", &_Percent, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Right_priority", &_Right_priority, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Show_text", &_Show_text, 0) ; lexaddkey ("No_display", &_No_display, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Min_mag", &_Min_mag, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Max_mag", &_Max_mag, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Gapped", &_Gapped, 0) ; lexaddkey ("Join_blocks", &_Join_blocks, 0) ; isDone = TRUE ; } return ; } /* methodInitialise */ /************************************************************/ static METHOD *methodCreate (KEY methodKey, char *methodName, STORE_HANDLE handle) /* creates new METHOD struct on the given handle * in a consistent way so the returned struct will pass the * test of methodExists(). * * This function is private as it shouldn't be called by * user-code - Method's used by user-code should always * be initialised somehow - either from an existing object * or from a new object created by a piece of aceText. */ { METHOD *meth; methodInitialise() ; /* Make sure we are initialised. */ if (class(methodKey) != _VMethod) messcrash("methodCreate() - methodKey not in class Method"); if (!methodName || strlen(methodName) == 0) messcrash("methodCreate() - NULL or empty methodName"); meth = (METHOD*)halloc (sizeof(METHOD), handle); blockSetFinalise (meth, methodFinalise); meth->magic = &METHOD_MAGIC; meth->key = lexAliasOf(methodKey); meth->name = strnew(name(meth->key), 0); /* free'd in methodFinalise */ /* set some default values for the new method */ meth->flags &= METHOD_CALCULATED; /* unset flag */ meth->colour = 0 ; meth->CDS_colour = 0 ; meth->upStrandColour = 0 ; meth->width = 0.0 ; meth->symbol = '\0' ; meth->priority = 0.0 ; meth->minScore = meth->maxScore = 0.0 ; meth->no_display = FALSE ; meth->isCached = FALSE; /* the meth-struct is now guaranteed to be valid */ return meth; } /* methodCreate */ /************************************************************/ static void methodInitFromObj (METHOD *meth, OBJ obj) { char *text; KEY k; /* no methodInitialise, couldn't get here without it */ /* The following code was mostly copied from methodAdd, * which may become obsolete at some point. */ messfree (meth->remark); if (bsGetData (obj, _Remark, _Text, &text)) meth->remark = strnew(text, 0); /* free'd in methodFinalise */ if (bsGetKeyTags (obj, _Colour, &k)) meth->colour = k - _WHITE ; /* colour-tag to colour-enum */ if (bsGetKeyTags (obj, _CDS_colour, &k)) meth->CDS_colour = k - _WHITE ; /* colour-tag to colour-enum */ bsGetData (obj, _Width, _Float, &meth->width) ; bsGetData (obj, _Right_priority, _Float, &meth->priority) ; if (bsGetData (obj, _Symbol, _Text, &text)) meth->symbol = *text; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Frame_sensitive)) meth->flags |= METHOD_FRAME_SENSITIVE ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Strand_sensitive)) meth->flags |= METHOD_STRAND_SENSITIVE ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Show_up_strand)) { meth->flags |= METHOD_SHOW_UP_STRAND ; if (bsGetKeyTags(obj, _Show_up_strand, &k)) meth->upStrandColour = k - _WHITE ; /* colour-tag to colour-enum */ } if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blastn)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BLASTN ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blixem_X)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BLIXEM_X ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blixem_N)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BLIXEM_N ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blixem_P)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BLIXEM_P ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Belvu)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BELVU ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Bumpable)) meth->flags |= METHOD_BUMPABLE ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Cluster)) meth->flags |= METHOD_CLUSTER ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _EMBL_dump)) meth->flags |= METHOD_EMBL_DUMP ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Gapped)) meth->flags |= METHOD_GAPS ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Join_blocks)) meth->flags |= METHOD_JOIN_BLOCKS ; if (bsFindTag (obj, _Percent)) { meth->flags |= METHOD_PERCENT ; meth->minScore = 25 ; /* so actual display is linear */ meth->maxScore = 100 ; /* can override explicitly */ } if (bsGetData (obj, _Score_bounds, _Float, &meth->minScore) && bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &meth->maxScore)) { if (bsFindTag (obj, _Score_by_offset)) meth->flags |= METHOD_SCORE_BY_OFFSET ; else if (bsFindTag (obj, _Score_by_width)) meth->flags |= METHOD_SCORE_BY_WIDTH ; else if (bsFindTag (obj, _Score_by_histogram)) { meth->flags |= METHOD_SCORE_BY_HIST ; meth->histBase = meth->minScore ; bsGetData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &meth->histBase) ; } } if (bsFindTag (obj, _Show_text)) meth->isShowText = TRUE; else meth->isShowText = FALSE; if (bsFindTag (obj, _No_display)) meth->no_display = TRUE; else meth->no_display = FALSE; meth->minMag = 0; bsGetData (obj, _Min_mag, _Float, &meth->minMag) ; meth->maxMag = 0; bsGetData (obj, _Max_mag, _Float, &meth->maxMag) ; meth->flags |= METHOD_DONE; /* set flag (finished setting data) */ return; } /* methodInitFromObj */ /************************************************************/ static int methodSaveToObj (METHOD *meth, OBJ obj) /* Write all fields of METHOD struct into * OBJ. The obj has to have been opened for update * and the caller needs to save/destroy it afterwards. * errors will not terminate the updating, merely increase a counter * RETURNS: * the number of errors that occured. */ { int num_errors = 0; if (!methodExists(meth)) messcrash ("methodSaveToObj() - received bad meth pointer"); if (!obj) messcrash ("methodSaveToObj() - received NULL obj"); /****************************************************** * replace all data within the object with the values * * of the METHOD structure * ******************************************************/ if (bsFindTag (obj, _Remark)) bsRemove (obj); if (meth->remark) { if (!bsAddData (obj, _Remark, _Text, meth->remark)) ++num_errors; } if (bsFindTag(obj, _Display)) /* kill all information about how to display the Method, * This saves us from removing every tag individually */ bsRemove (obj); /*if (meth->colour) colour in enum may be 0==WHITE */ { if (bsAddTag (obj, _Colour) && bsPushObj (obj)) bsAddTag (obj, (meth->colour + _WHITE)); else ++num_errors; } /*if (meth->CDS_colour) colour in enum may be 0==WHITE */ { if (bsAddTag (obj, _CDS_colour) && bsPushObj (obj)) bsAddTag (obj, (meth->CDS_colour + _WHITE)); else ++num_errors; } if (meth->flags & METHOD_FRAME_SENSITIVE) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Frame_sensitive)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->flags & METHOD_STRAND_SENSITIVE) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Strand_sensitive)) ++num_errors; else { if (meth->flags & METHOD_SHOW_UP_STRAND) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Show_up_strand)) ++num_errors; else { if (meth->upStrandColour && bsPushObj(obj)) bsAddTag(obj, meth->upStrandColour); } } } } if (meth->minScore != 0 || meth->maxScore != 0) /* the logic in methodCreateFromObj seems to suggest that * scoreXxxx-fields are only needed, if score_bounds are used */ { /* set score_bounds */ if (bsAddData (obj, _Score_bounds, _Float, &meth->minScore) && bsAddData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &meth->maxScore)) { /* add tags for score mode */ if (meth->flags & METHOD_SCORE_BY_OFFSET) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Score_by_offset)) ++num_errors; } else if (meth->flags & METHOD_SCORE_BY_WIDTH) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Score_by_width)) ++num_errors; } else if (meth->flags & METHOD_SCORE_BY_HIST) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Score_by_histogram)) ++num_errors; else { if (meth->histBase != 0.0 && !bsAddData (obj, _bsRight, _Float, &meth->histBase)) ++num_errors; } } } else ++num_errors; } if (meth->flags & METHOD_PERCENT) /* Percent tag may be set without use of score_bounds * I guess this may be useful so score_bounds will * be initialised when the object is read in next time */ { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Percent)) ++num_errors; } /* overlap mode */ if (meth->flags & METHOD_CLUSTER) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Cluster)) ++num_errors; } else if (meth->flags & METHOD_BUMPABLE) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Bumpable)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->width != 0.0) { if (!bsAddData(obj, _Width, _Float, &meth->width)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->symbol) /* Note, only one character */ { char buf[2]; buf[0] = meth->symbol; buf[1] = '\0'; if (!bsAddData (obj, _Symbol, _Text, buf)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->priority != 0) { if (!bsAddData (obj, _Right_priority, _Float, &meth->priority)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->minMag != 0) { if (!bsAddData (obj, _Min_mag, _Float, &meth->minMag)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->maxMag != 0) { if (!bsAddData (obj, _Max_mag, _Float, &meth->maxMag)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->isShowText) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Show_text)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->no_display) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _No_display)) ++num_errors; } if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blastn)) bsRemove (obj); if (meth->flags & METHOD_BLASTN) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Blastn)) ++num_errors; } /* Blixem */ if (bsFindTag (obj, _Blixem)) bsRemove(obj); if (meth->flags & METHOD_BLIXEM_X) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Blixem_X)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->flags & METHOD_BLIXEM_N) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Blixem_N)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->flags & METHOD_BLIXEM_P) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Blixem_P)) ++num_errors; } if (meth->flags & METHOD_BELVU) { if (!bsAddTag (obj, _Belvu)) ++num_errors; } else /* flag unset - remove tag */ if (bsFindTag (obj, _Belvu)) bsRemove(obj); return num_errors; } /* methodSaveToObj */ /************************************************************/ static void methodFinalise (void *block) /* clear up memory allocated for fields inside the method-struct */ { METHOD *meth = (METHOD*)block; if (!methodExists(meth)) messcrash("methodFinalise() - received invalid METHOD block"); /* make the fields in this struct invalid, before the struct * itself is free'd - so another attempt to call this function * on the same pointer will cause the above assertion to fail */ meth->key = 0; messfree (meth->name); meth->magic = 0; meth->flags = 0; /* do not leave any flags set */ return; } /* methodFinalise */ /*************************** end of file *******************************/